Download - Judaism

Page 1: Judaism

JudaismBy: Katie Benzan and Izzy Siedman

Page 2: Judaism

Holy Places & Places Of Worship Different Names: Temple, Synagogue, or Shul

Has: Flags, the Internal Light, the Torah, the Menorah, the Bimah, and the Arch

The head of a Synagogue is a rabii

Temple Mount

Western Wall in Jeruselum

Temple Mount temple Inside of temple

Page 3: Judaism

Symbols & Objects

Muzuzah: Inside is a prayer, Purpose is to remember god, It is a sign on a door

Shofar: Blown in temple to wake people up to remind them to live a better life

Tallit: Responsibility on shoulders, 613 commandments on shoulders


Tallit Shofar

Page 4: Judaism

Symbols & Objects

Tefillin: 7 times around arm, A prayer is in boxes, Purpose is to serve god with actions and thoughts

Star of David: Connecting god and earth

Kippah: Boys wear it, Sign of respect by creating a barrier separating god and you


Star of David Kippah

Page 5: Judaism

Stories of Origin & Important People

Sarah, Jesus, Moses, and Abraham

Story of Abraham in the Old Testament or Torah

Exodus- Crossing from Egypt to Israel

IsaacJews crossing The Red Sea


Page 6: Judaism

Holy Writings & Core Beliefs


Old Testament- Greek Testament

5 books of Moses

Exodus, Numbers, Genesis, ect.

613 Commandments


Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform

Following the commandments

Keep Kosher

Celebrate Jewish holidays

Western wall

Star of David


Page 7: Judaism

Rites of Passage & Rituals Steps or stages of life

Bar or Bat mitzvah: Becoming adult in Synagogue

Marriage: Get married to someone

Birth: Someone had a baby, Someone was born

Shabbat- Eat challah, sang blessings over candles and wine

Go to temple to pray Marriage Bar Mitzvah Birth

Page 8: Judaism

Celebrations & Holidays

Holiday & what each Celebrates

Yom Kippur- day of forgiveness

Sukkah- new life

Rosh Hashanah- new year, birth of world

Chanukah- festival of light

Objects Used at Holiday

Yom Kippur- shofar, tzedakah money

Sukkah- sukkot: shelter, 4 species: different plants

Rosh Hashanah- shofar, shanah tovahs: cards, machzor: prayer book, tashlich: toss away bad deeds

Chanukah- menorah, dreidal 4 species



Page 9: Judaism

Modern Day & History of Judaism

Modern Day Middle East Conflict Palastinians vs. Jews Plane landed for boy

with Tefillin on

History Christianity, Islam, and

Judaism First Monotheistic

religion Parting the Red Sea

mythMap of Middle East

Flag of Israel

Map of Israel


Page 10: Judaism

The End

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