Download - Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes

  • 7/30/2019 Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes





    JS 1(BASIC 7)



    Week 1 Reputation

    2 Quietness

    3 Flattery

    4 Covetousness

    5 Doubts

    6 Habits, Overcoming Bad Habits

    7 Prayer

    8 Saintly Walk in a Corrupt World

    9 Maintaining Your Integrity

    10 Wisdom

    11 Revision

    12 Examination

    WEEK 1

    Topic: Reputation

    Reputation is what is generally said, believed or judged about the character of a person or thing, noticedby other people of some quality or ability. Many people have thrown away their reputation because of

    money, position or even marriage. But a good name is better than riches (Proverbs 22:1; Ecclesiastes

    7:1a). One of the best ways to build a good reputation is to seek the Lord. People are chosen for good

    position in this life based on their reputations (Acts 6:3; Romans1:8). This is because God directs Hisfavour to those that have good reputation.


    What was Jesus concern about His reputation from the following passages:

    (a) Isaiah 53:3

    (b) Mark 9:12

    (c) John 5:21

    (d) Philippians 2:5-8

    (e) Hebrews 13:12


  • 7/30/2019 Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes


    Weekend Assignment

    (i) What reputation did Daniel build in Babylon?

    (ii) Freely comment on the reputation of Joseph.

    (iii) What reputation do you want to build for yourself?

    WEEK 2

    Topic: Quietness

    Quietness of spirit results from having faith and trust in God, which engenders serenity, calmness and

    tranquillity. It is the opposite of loudness, rashness, nervous talk or activity. It is important to point out

    that quietness of spirit is the strength of the spirit. A quiet fool is considered to be wise until he speaks.

    The patient in spirit exhibits a lot of strength in dignity (Ecclesiastes 7:8; Isaiah 30:15a, 1Peter 3:4)

    The Lord blesses an atmosphere of quiet calmness and encourages His followers to learn

    quietness, meekness of spirit and manner (Isaiah 7:4a; 1Thessalonians 4:11a; James 1:19a). Quieting our

    spirits before the Lord shows that we expect him to work in our behalf; its faith and trust (Exodus 14:13a;

    Job 22:21; Psalm 42:5; Philippians 4:6,7)


    There are great lessons to be learnt from the following passages. Point them out;(a) Psalm 37:7-9 ..

    (b) Psalm 39: 6a ...

    (c) Luke 10: 38-42

    (d) Luke 12:25,26 .

    Weekend Assignment

    Who is your role model?What are those qualities that attracts you to him or her?

    WEEK 3

    Topic: Flattery

    Flattery is excessive or insincere praise, praising another to promote ones own interests. It is meant to

    boost ones ego, and instil pride into someone. It leads to self exaltation and arrogance. Jesus gave noplace to those who tempted Him with flattery (Luke 20:20-23; Mark 7:6; John 5:41,42,44). Flattery is

    insincerity (Psalm 12:2; 5:9; 62:4; 78:36-37). The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips (Psalm

    12:3).Although flattery gives the impression of building up the other person it actually works against

    them (Proverbs 29:5)


    Point out dangers of flattery from the following passages:

    (a) Job 32:21,22

    (b) Proverbs 24:24 ..

    (c) Psalm 12:3

    (d) When someone starts to flatter you, what do you do?


  • 7/30/2019 Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes


    Weekend Assignment

    Explain what you understand in Matthew 7:21-23?

    WEEK 4

    Topic: Covetousness

    Covetousness is being excessively desirous of the possessions of another; an extreme desire to acquire or

    possess. Passiveness is an attitude towards ownership or possession which is overprotective, selfish and

    hoarding. Covetousness is a manifestation of the unregenerate. It is the love of the world. Jesus Christ,

    though he was rich, yet for our sakes became poor (2Corinthians 8:9; 1Corinthians 10:24,33).

    Covetousness leads to debt and hypertension. It hinders our relationship with the Lord and our Spiritual

    growth (Matthew 13: 22; Mark 8:36,37; Luke 12:15)


    What is the outcome of covetousness from the following passages?(i) Psalm 10:3 .

    (ii) Isaiah 56:11b .

    (iii) Ezekiel 33:31 .

    (iv) Micah 2:2 .(v) Micah 3:11

    Weekend Assignment

    Clearly explain the destructive role of covetousness in the lives of the followings:

    (a) Achan

    (b) Judas Iscariot(c) Nebuchadnezzar

    WEEK 5

    Topic: Doubts

    Doubt is to call to question or to mistrust; the inclination to disbelieve; to be in state of uncertainty or

    indecision in regards to truth; to waver in opinion. It is the Devils business to tempt us to doubt Gods

    Word and to try to get us to believe his word (Genesis 3:1-6). Temptation to doubt the Word of God

    become sin only when we entertain them because no whatever, is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23b).Despite Devil lies, or others doubts, Gods truth stands unchanged (Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 55:11;

    Malachi 3:6a). Doubt is voiced in murmuring. TThose who voice doubt are spreading Satans propaganda (Numbers 13:31-33; 14: 1,2).


    Quickly mention the causes of doubts and doubting from the passages listed below:

    (i) Proverbs 29:18 .

    (ii) Malachi 3:14a ..

    (iii) Matthew 13:30, 31

    (iv) Luke 12:29, 30


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    (v) John 5:44 ..

    (vi) Hebrews 10:35, 36

    (vii) Psalm 78: 11, 19, 20 ..

    Weekend Assignment

    What are the consequences of doubts in the following passages?

    (a) Hebrews 11:14

    (b) Isaiah 7:9b ..

    (c) Matthew 13:58

    (d) Mark 4:40

    (e) Mark 11:22, 23 .

    (f) Romans 14:22b

    (g) Hebrews 3:18, 19 ..

    (h) Hebrews 4:2 .

    (i) James 1:6,7

    Week 6

    Topic: Habits, Overcoming Bad Habit

    A habit is a recurrent, often unconscious pattern that is required through frequent repetition; an

    established state of mind or character; customary manner or practice. Habits can be good or bad; help or

    harmful. In order to continue to grow spiritually, we need to strive to replace old habits with positive new

    ones. No parent will teach the child to act wrongly. Keeping on with the good acts leads to good habits

    (2Timothy 2:21). The Lord can help us change and overcome anything; all He needs is our yieldedness

    and cooperation (Jeremiah 32:27). One therefore has to make a deliberate decision to shun bad habits not

    only for our own sake, but also for the sake of others, it is part of love (Galatians 5:13,14). Some of themore serious bad habits may have evil spirits at the root (2Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 6: 10-12)


    (j) Mention some bad habits people display frequently that you know.

    (k) What should be our attitude towards such people?(l) If your friend is known for a bad habit, how do you plan do handle him as a Christian?

    Weekend Assignment

    (a) Briefly explain the causes of some bad habits. (Psalm 55:19b; James 1:14,15;

    Ecclesiastes 8:11; Jeremiah 22:21b; Luke 5:39)

    WEEK 7

    Topic: Prayer

    Life is full of problems and difficulties. Each day we face challenges of life man that is born of a woman

    is of a few days, and full of trouble. But we should be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer


  • 7/30/2019 Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes


    and supplication with thanksgiving let our request be made known unto God (Philippians 4:6). Our

    attitude towards negative events around us show our spiritual state.To a sinning youth, unpleasant

    situations in his life will create confusion, heartache, and terrible anxiety. He does not have the courage to

    pray, and even if he does, his prayer (except that of repentance)are abominations before the Lord.

    However, for a Christian youth, prayer is the key. You can pray kneeling down (to show humility), sittingdown etc.


    Mention specifically what happened when the following prayed;

    (a) Jacob (Genesis 32:23-24)

    (b) Solomon (1Kings 3:9-12)

    (c) Hezekiah (2Kings 20:1-6)

    (d) Hanna (1Samuel 1:9-11,19)

    (e) Elijah (1Kings 18:36)

    Weekend Assignment

    What do you understand by the following terms?

    (i) Intercessory prayer (ii) Corporate prayer

    (iii) Importunate prayer

    (iv) Private prayer

    (v) Night vigil

    WEEK 8

    Topic: Saintly Walk in a Corrupt World

    The Bible describes the world as perverse, crooked and corrupt while it aptly describes those who are

    born again as saints. God wants all Christian youths to know that they are saints and must maintain a holywalk in the midst of a crooked, corrupt and perverse world. No other life pleases and glorifies the Lord

    more than a saint shining as light in the world. For the saint, every situation and circumstance of life

    presents an opportunity to shine for the Lord in the school, in the neighbourhood and the in the church.

    We must maintain a saintly walk and let our light so shine that everyone may see our good works and

    glorify our Father, which is in heaven. Like the wick depends on the oil supplied from the lamp for its

    brightening, the grace of God will only be kept and maintained through a consistent prayer life and dailyself- examination.


    What would you do as a saint if some other person

    (a) Insults you?(b) Slaps you?

    (c) Steals your writing materials?

    (d) Invites you into examination malpractice?

    (e) To avoid going for fellowship?

    Weekend Assignment

    ReadPilgrim Progress by John Bunyan


  • 7/30/2019 Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes


    WEEK 9

    Topic: Maintaining Your Integrity

    Integrity is the quality of being honest, being trust-worthy and having high moral principles that yourefuse to change. Job said till I die I will not remove my integrity from me. My righteousness I hold fast,

    and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live (Job 27:5,6). He was prepared to dieand he was convinced that the best preparation for death was perseverance in integrity. Samuel

    challenged Israel whose ox have I taken? Whose ass have I taken? Whom have I defrauded? Whom have

    I oppressed? Of whose had I received any bribe to blind my eyes therewithand they said, thou

    has not defrauded us..(1Samuel 12:3-5).

    Job and Samuel were honest men who valued integrity as a mark of true religion. They are

    challenges to us today as Christian youths, teaching us that despite our situations, we should maintain

    honesty, good conscience and uprightness before God and men. Those who value integrity and high moral

    standards, show it by their lives. Such Christian youths do not get involved in examination malpractice,

    and will by no means cooperate with sinners and hypocrites to buy examination questions from corrupt

    examination officials or their agents. They also keep themselves from every form of sexual immorality,

    occultism, false worship, idol worship, violence and destruction of lives and property.


    Name five activities that can damage ones integrity. How can you keep away from each?

    Weekend Assignment

    What do the following passages teach on integrity?

    (a) John 1:12

    (b) John15:14

    (c) 1Thessalonians 5:17

    (d) James 4:7 .

    WEEK 10

    Topic: Wisdom

    Wisdom is the God given ability to judge or discern correctly and to follow the best course of action,

    based on knowledge and understanding; learning and experience acquired over a period of time; ability tosee beneath the surface of things. Wisdom is invaluable gift of God (Proverbs 16:16),it is much better

    than gold. It cannot be purchased. Wisdom is one of the most important virtues in life (Isaiah 33:6;

    Proverbs 4:7; Ecclesiastes 7:19). A wise person is sometimes silent, never hasty, always prayerful seeking

    Gods guidance and very watchful and careful.


    What do you learn about wisdom from the following passages?

    (i) 1Corinthians 12:7, 8 ..

    (ii) James 1:5 .

    (iii) Ephesians 1:17 .

    (iv) 1John 2:20 ,..

    Weekend Assignment


  • 7/30/2019 Js 1 3rd Term Ldrship Std E-notes


    (a) Give five reasons why man needs wisdom.(b) How can one get true wisdom?


