Download - Joyfest 13

  • 1. We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give ~ Winston Churchill
  • 2. 88% of youth want to contribute to society and help the underprivileged. 96% say they do not know how. JOYFEST is a platform where the youth of India can come together and make a difference. It is part of a national movement called the Joy of Giving Week. JAM Magazine is helping to spread the awareness and motivating students to hold a 1 day Joyfest in their campus.
  • 3. THIS YEAR WE ARE CELEBRATING IT ON OCTOBER 6, 2013 SVNIT has been involved in celebrating JOYFEST under the nationwide JOY OF GIVING WEEK since last 4 years. During the event, we invite under privileged children, children from blind schools, elders from old age homes and orphans to the campus and spend a day full of fun filled activities and try to make it a memorable day for them
  • 4. Besides celebrating one single day with the children, this year onwards we aim to help the institutions supporting these children by fulfilling their needs monetarily and otherwise. In order to raise funds for the aforementioned activities, we carry out the following: Paper Drive inside and outside college T-shirt and Mugs Selling Donations
  • 6. This is what our parents taught us when we were kids. We were taught to share our lunch and stationery at school with friends, toys with friends in the colony and our belongings with siblings at home. This basic etiquette was inculcated in us by our elders because they realized the importance of giving in our life. As we grew up this feeling got buried with loads and loads of work. Its never too late to wake up and make the best use of this week to show how much you care for others. The greater is the response the bigger will be the event. Do not let off this opportunity.