Download - Joseph Gulino, Ph. D Principal, Gulinogroup & Fearless ... · IV Maintain superior landing gear in case there is a need to ... Take info you choose - research, digest, and use as


Joseph Gulino, Ph. DPrincipal, Gulinogroup &

Fearless Leadership Consulting

[email protected]

Aim High

Maintain Solid Landing Gear

Basic Template For All Activities

I Look to reach to the sky for the greatest of successes for each mission

II Remain realistic and set reachable goals

III When goals are achieved - lead the celebrations, but then move quickly to the next objective

IV Maintain superior landing gear in case there is a need to return to earth and retool during a mission

Who is this guy?

Principal – Catholic elementary schools 28 Years, high school 2 years

Director of Graduate Studies and Undergraduate Clinical Experiences - Central Methodist University, Fayette, MO

Directed on-line leadership graduate education courses -University of Missouri, Columbia

Principal – The Gulinogroup and Fearless Leadership Consulting, Nathan Levy Associate

Who is he really…..?

We must……know each other to know each other

Get to know/understand internal mental workings of each other

Experience personality profile tests on a timely basis and share the results

Experience group adventures or events, to experience the ‘outside of work’ minds and attitudes

Most Importantly –Take others from where they are – then help move them forward to where they need to go (or are capable of going) for good of the task, the organization or just for their personal benefit


“Distinguished Educator Awards,” St. Peter Interparish school, faculty members Agnes Forck (2011) and Laura Dampf (2013), from the National Catholic Educators Association

“2013 Innovations in Catholic Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Technology Award” for St. Peter Interparish School by Today’s Catholic Teacher Magazine

“2013 Distinguished Home and School Award” for St. Peter Interparish School by the National Catholic Educators Association

Recipient, University of San Francisco Alumni Society Outstanding Educator in Administration Award

Recipient, National Association of Secondary School Principals Middle Level Dissertation Award

What has he accomplished?

“Principles of Fearless Leadership,” Nathan Levy Books, 2012

“Church and State: Partners for the Common Good,” Missouri Catholic Conference, MESSENGER, Jan. 2012

“Advisors to the Principal,” Today’s Catholic Teacher, August/September 2011

“How young is too young?”- Jefferson City Magazine, September/October 2008

“Kindergarten Readiness: A Challenge,” NAESP Magazine, May/June 2008

“Middle School Programmatic Practices and Student Satisfaction With School,” NASSP Bulletin, Sept. 1999

“To Brave Ulysses,” America at the Millennium a publication by The International Library of Poetry, 1999

“Teacher Supervision: Use the Laptop,” Missouri Educational Leadership, 1998

"My New Life," A Song for children with disabilities, Middle School Journal

What has he published?

In Depth Areas of Knowledge –My Passions

Principles of Leadership & Kindergarten Readiness

Excellence in Teaching & Empowering Others

Leading very successful schools

Proper education for each and every student (Needs)

* Share my experiences, areas we need to address, esp. Leadership, and share resources from authors in whom I believe

* Facilitate you sharing your experiences with each other, if you will

* We, Nathan Levy & Associates, provide resources (or someone must), so that educators and parents do not have to search too far or reinvent wheels , esp. CC resources

(People do not obtain resources and leaders do not work on mentorships…because of $$$)

The mistake of new leaders (people) who become in charge or change roles

You do not need to learn from your mistakes, of someone is able to advise you!

Will come to you for expenses and for the opportunity to share resources

My Goals


Are New bees & Old Pros

Desire New Information or Review Past Information

Desire Practical Tips

Desire Standby Resources or New Resources

From Me….

Not the ‘Expert,’ but very experienced

Not an intense learning workshop/class experience, but

My Research, Personal Experiences, Suggestions

To You…

Take info you choose - research, digest, and use as needed

Why this topic ?

#1 - Everyone is a leader at some time in his/her life or career

#2 – Again, there is NEVER a need to learn from your mistakes

Pearson Study

Who is a leader ?

When we go to work we want the security – not just of having a job – but in knowing what to expect from our boss and our colleagues, day in and day out

Therefore…a leader is anyone who has goals to accomplish, and works with others. A leader is NOT just a person with a title

Why You?

Understanding and internalizing principles of fearless leaders will reinforce you as, or help you develop into, an ‘Effective Fearless Leader’

In turn, you can educate your students re: the principles to help them be more effective, greater leaders in whatever endeavors they choose

Not a Teacher Be an Educator

Thought Food…

If everyone you work with or lead had the true option to work with you or choose

you as their leader….

What are the essential criteria or behaviors that

characterize effective fearless leaders?

Sailing the Seven Seas of Life




When Conversing with Someone

Do not be thinking of the response you will make as the words come out of the other person’s mouth

Slow down conversations constructively

Listen!! – Listen!! – Listen!!

Hear through the person’s thought process…

Then, only then, think…

Then, only then, respond…

Most important if a heated topic or point of contention

No one needs to walk alone

Help others to understand that it is important for all to know when to work alone and when to ask for help

Free others from being afraid to ask for help from experienced peers ‘to save face’

We do not want…

Comments to students… and maybe adults!

“What is the right thing to do?”

Then Never give up

“If not now, when? If not me/or you, then who?

“It is OK to be scared.

Do not let fear stop you from chasing your dreams and aspirations

“Treat ‘failures’ as challenges to find a new way.”

“You are the greatest, BUT…

Any comments that start out with praise and then includes the word but will never be taken as a form of positive reinforcement

It is not positive reinforcement


(I prefer critique) should be short, to the point, and clear regarding behaviors that should be improved or stopped

Positive comments to others should be saved until there is a valid reason to state them, and not used to ease the pain of poor performance

“Write people’s accomplishments in stone and their faults in sand.”

Great leaders – have great self-respect and inner strength

They respect others enough to forget the problems of the past and focus on the improvements occurring in the present

They know that MOST of the time this will lead to successes in the future

If problems persist, then it is time for other actions

Reprimand or personal confrontation are active consequences that follow continued unconstructive


When the sand begins to harden because of low tide and high maintenance issues…

“You MUST Change” directives, etc. – to decrease the frequency (or existence) of the unconstructive behaviors in the future

Negative behavior - cannot just be ignored in hopes that it will stop or go away

Not responding to repeated negative behaviors – comes across as a sign of weakness recognized by members of the organization,… and leads to failure anyway…So speak up and up be front

Blood is thicker than Policies

Avoid ridicule, in public or private

Help others save face at all times & in every situation

Be observant and look to the good that each person brings to the table every day

For admins. - Spend a great deal of time out and about in the organization (classroom), etc

Be a Realizor of Humanness

Everyone makes mistakes (even you)

Everyone should be expected to, and be taught how to, mend or repair them

Off days – acknowledge them – DO NOT cover up

Bottom Line…

Life’s continuum is really all about each person’s intentions

If you often fly by the seat of your pants…

Use action research before making decisions

Collect tangible, observable, & measurable data. Refrain from holding to the subjective

Subjective information - added into the decision-making process only after the hard data is collected and evaluated

… be prepared for rocky landings



Cannot be tolerated

Negative effects spread like a cancer throughout the group or organization

Worst of all…

People will know of the complainer and respect for her/him will be lost

“You cannot get unfamous.”(Dave Chappelle)

When an established person or leader, you are identified with the organization in the eyes of others

Unfortunately…You lose some freedom and must think in terms of

your role when in public, as others may only recognize your public image

Be responsible…

…to the persons to whom you answer

Address the needs of superiors quickly

Turn in assignments or requests in a timely manner & NEVER have to be reminded

Make the needs of superiors top priority

Bottom line…Make your superiors better

The Uns

When individuals do things that are Unhealthy, Unethical, Unsafe, or


Act to stop these actions immediately

Weigh the negative actions in relation to the effects on the group/organization

Act accordingly – remediation or removal

Remember -- the person is removing him/herself by his/her actions

“Because I said so!”

Does not guarantee or even purport to guarantee results

Only effective - In need for immediate action for valid reasons stated to those with whom you are respected

Therefore, work at gaining the respect of others rather than power over them

The unexpected… Surprises

Being well prepared helps you expect the unexpected

It also enables you to deal with situations as if they were planned

Be an


Enthusiasm has an effect that is infectious

Be excited about what you do

Encourage others to jump right in… and then enjoy the experiences with them


…the bulbs

Take great joy & pride in seeing the “light bulbs” go on when others grasp concepts they could not comprehend at an earlier time

Again , celebrate successes


The atmosphere of the workplace should be such that individuals feel


Take a close look at, and review, the arrangement of your workplace often (Laura)

Observe & reviewing all aspects/procedures on a timely basis, then assess

Be not afraid to use another person’s eyes or senses to help, nor fearful of the other person’s findings

No Bare Walls

“Expect Great Things”

“Let Your Faith (and in yourself)Be Greater Than Your Fear”


Genuine results come from respected design created systematically, not from merely intuition and savvy

Savvy can sometimes work to solve problems, but it does not lead to constant success over time


Facilitate - You do not have to direct everything as would a ‘sage’

Therefore,The more others know about, own, and are responsible for, the stronger the group or


Problems ???

Solve your problems step-by-step, inch-by-inch

Define desired results & identify behaviors that support them

Design and administer tools of measurement of those behaviors

Shape positive consequences of reinforcement (that are appreciated by others)

Provide feedback regarding the results to all

Reevaluate the entire progression

Time is important, so if you do not see improvement after a specific amount of time, re-examine the entire process

Peer reinforcement is important

Persons in your organization must learn to reinforce and praise others as a duty of their work environment

We all need to look to provide that appropriate positive reinforcement to each other

Because…When we do positively reinforce others, improvement occurs more frequently, much faster, and lasts longer

Promote freedom of expression

NEVER tolerate an environment that prevents the sprouting of a great idea

Admins. - Rarely quell freedom of expression…. But, at some time you must


...or be prepared to fall behind and fail

The world is ever changing, and will continue change at a rapid pace

Continually update yourself

Avoid stating negative comments in word or actions when called upon… to adapt

Roll with the punches…

Be flexible & keep yourself in steady state

Others are paying attention to how you react to situations

Do not sweat the small stuff

Handle the big stuff with calmness and grace

Principles of Fearless LeadershipJoseph Gulino, Ph. D

[email protected] $24.95

Principles for those who lead Larger Groups

Find the balance between introducing & reinforcing the information everyone needs to have to perform to their greatest potential.

Clearly spell out the behaviors expected from every member of the group.

Recognize the importance of ‘hooks’ or attention getters and learn to engage others with those ‘hooks’.

Discuss situations before they happen, not only after

Some of the best coaches are great teachers

Engage all individuals in reflective and responsive thinking

Groups must be ready or capable of working as teams before expected to do so...

Accept responsibility for performance outcomes of others in your charge

Use every day action research

Is it a motivation problem or a skill problem?

Social reinforcement is the most valuable form of reinforcement

Leaders are responsible for maintaining momentum via smooth transition of activities or group work

Every person, group, division, or echelon of individuals in the workplace must respect and appreciate the work of others

Preparation is the key

Know why things work, not just that they work

Dazzle them with your footwork

The leader is always in charge in the eyes of people outside the organization

Organize to the max. and plan ahead especially when addressing your group

And many more…..