Download - Joseph Beuys Robert Gober Aziz and Cucher Inez van ...Maurizio Cattelan Sam Durant William Kentridge !!!!! 6123748200 Enter!1020!for!Claes!Oldenburg,! Shoestring+Potatoes+Spilling+from+


Dada and Surrealism Today (and a little yesterday) Claes Oldenburg Fluxus George Maciunas Yoko Ono Joseph Beuys William Pope.L Robert Arneson Robert Gober Sherrie Levine Aziz and Cucher Lynn Hershman Leeson Inez van Lamsweerde Maurizio Cattelan Sam Durant William Kentridge

         612  374-­‐8200  Enter  1020  for  Claes  Oldenburg,  Shoestring  Potatoes  Spilling  from  a  Bag  (1966).  Press  1  to  hear  the  arBst.  

Performer sits on stage with pair of scissors placed in front of him. It is announced that members of the audience may come on stage—one at a time—to cut a small piece of the performer’s clothing to take with them. Performer remains motionless throughout the piece. Piece ends at the performer’s option. Yoko Ono, instructions for Cut Piece