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  1. 1. A project for innovation IES Castell dEmpries Batxillerat English
  2. 2. English IES Castell dEmpries Batxillerat European level: B1 to B2 Real communication in English
  3. 3. IES Castell dEmpries Batxillerat English First and Second batxillerat 2007-2009 Portfolio : show your work Language Class : autonomous work Moodle class : 24h class Internet tools : blogs, podcasting... Web information : the best websites for practice Audiovisual material : films, youtube, powerpoints... Textbook : Steps to success & multi-rom Grammar book : a private teacher for you Readers
  4. 4. IES Castell dEmpries Batxillerat English ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION 45% Exams( Textbook, reader, oral) 45% Portfolio(Presentations, compositions, blog, projects) 10% Participation : class, homework, moodle Extra points for optional work : translations, extra posts on your blog, optional exercises...YOUR MARK DEPENDS ON YOUR WORK, NOT ONLY ON EXAMS!!!
  5. 5.
  6. 6. IES Castell dEmpries Batxillerat English Thanx 4 ur tym