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Page 1: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else


Tr r : Pl i rr ,ER 0a -ER:

0FFrn;\ i i :

On 18 Nolcnrber 1955, i f thc main audtorum oi the TcchnlscheHochschule in t\4unich. Martnr Heidelrger gavc a lecruro concernnr(r lhequesllon oi technolog! O\€r his long careor Hei.leggor cafned quile n rep-Lrtaiion as a leciurer one thal Nas so f!mous, so!$, lhat he wou d. neflect, comc to h de thc silnalurcs ca^,ed )to his eclure nrach re. Gadanrer, $'ho studied with him n lhe 1920s, recalls the dramalicamval oJ the !,oung Heidcgger al thc Marburu Unile6itv: "One can hardlvportrnv Hcdegltefs arrival in M.rburg dr0nl€lic! v cnolclh-fot lhai hctred to make a sensatiof. Hls enlrdnce nio the lecturo hall di.l bolray aserse ol seLf assurrnce and a cofscousfess ol h is o\ ! r1 lmpa.t but whalwas Uuly characte stic oI his person and his teaching !r,as that he bccamecompletch' absorbod in his work. an.lthal his work shone lorth With him.le.lur fg be{rarnc someth frg altogethcf fe$r"' Over the fort decad.r, or soho$/e!er, his leciuros $ould shine fodh in the darkcsi ol pl.ces, lhe MIAconrdcx of ihe Gcrnmn Third Reich. We will loop back io ihis comple\ latc(and tor nos, read on lrom Heiclollgcas 1955lcclure.

Tho text Heidog(er de ivcrcd ir Munich th.t rear has s ncc been irans-lated and plblished ds Lhe end ossa! of tho book ft-. QLtastiotl CorcatningIed,tplagf aml Olher Essar,s. The qucsliols ra scd n and br lhis iexi whelp us articulate lurther the alfinitv beh{€on Derlormance nnd challcnoing.lor Hoidegger connects the question concernin!,1 tcchnology lo a parlicularrcvea ng of t ruth anorderngofknowedgethalcha engos lor lh lhe $ 'or ld.



Page 2: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else




Wo wllllirsl lry to rrack rhe ch. ong ng po$(xt by Heicleqger ancl cofnoci rlro our readrlr0s ot pcrtormancc, rhose otTechfo-pcrt*ln_"", pof"-.*,.Managcnrent, afd perftrmance Silrdios.M) w then p.l

"p,,.fl,"r."J-lngs, othor phik)sophicat rracks thal tako on lhe po,ver ot penonrrnce.

,,^^yjl:ll:11'1,y."." *[email protected] rechtuk)sy? ror Herrreqqer,,t is a e.rrccrninrl thc,\semc ot tccln.tosv, .r | .rsscr ts.c ttrit .ls hy no meJrF.n\,,rhi'q rcLhnotoqicnt. t sre_rd ot rnsscdno lhp q*",,o" rr, j.r,n.g ifr,.essonce ot technotogy as on n"r.r.uut n.,"i o uu'nan acrivily. Hcidegserfi\no'nls.lechrr oqy is a w.v otrevcih(r I w,.hor,ct to this. thcl nnnllowhula rr.,lm tur lh,. .sscnce ot technob; wil oD.D rrse r,t, r,, r,s. I is the'cr . 'T ut rF\r .dt in( i . , e n ' , ru,h." SIch rr , r lh T. j j r -n,rrp u c je,s, , ,nu . . r rccorrustorrden(j ofa representatiof ro rn objooijvo or slbiecrive rc.lity. no;fs the irdeqLraiion ol etenrenrs wirhin a lorfnnisysrerr such.s tosic or malh-errr nos. Heidc,gllcr inslead rpproachos trllh as r/crx_yr, as ponsr-s, as arcverling or brira nlj torth rhar als,r concoats. y(r h"

"r". ."f"," rf,," ."fi

1. , , "1; . ' . i l r . | | r , .a\1 . lu,r- o .ar , , r in,r ic J 'L, .n.r- , " , . . i . , . r i , . , , ,

' rJ lhr l l . i lL i r . . a,r t rn4 o, p, /u\ 'Lr t . .^ I :e is t ra. . .n. , t .4! , . t . , / . r . - r ,,.....:::_l,ll":i"l '"" i rris if.urhc,ric.a , lln.r nor onry or (;en primariryn..rJr.i it rFrr,m\ to tLrhnu-pFrlonn,ir.e., rJrifl,r,!c t e actrL!,nessrft rc rs a

'norc pruto,rd. rt trict,cr. ,:h,r Fn(rr thnt .triws 0s r,n white. sotuppl ln|( I (A wrth i ts c i : Hcdeuf l . r , , . ,n,n, rn" u, .u11r", ,1, . , .u, . | ,nu

Hcl.,uslun/p,,, { "ehaltcngnu to,[r.- Chilt,rxtrtut ,.als tor r the wrt,l In|ar r,!ay .Ihe re_veatin0 thal rutes in r xtefir technotoqy is a chalrehqi , r0 lH.. . rs/ , ' r lp, , | . str , :h p[r \ Lr n. , rure t r r , ,x, , rsu.nt iu Ce,1m(l," , , l l l : l , r , r ) . " . -o l rhpr. . . r r" . , . \ r r . r . r , . , l ; { \ r i r4r , \ r . .ss_,r . . . Insr_. ,d url ' r .nrer i r )g 'h, . . ,u lhdn'r h,rnqino.ror. . ,n ' j t r i rn, t , ra- . , . , , t . " r . l In. , ,rrocrofn. loohnotoqy nsierd chaflenles lorth n rtr(,,s enogies and ordorsincm ink) r€ir|lty a-s \landing res.rve,.,ns obleors on ca ro subjecrs who: l : , l l l : l ' l . i : : : luu. 'g, , , a. . , .1, , ,a- , r . r , rs. i ru.14,r , , , , . r . , , . rp, . ! , . . ,( n* or qunmur In r t io[ aLl , IJ, ,J, 'usJhc\,rop.nvu\p. , I ,onnn\,Jn' lhF rcrb / , /zrr{r I o Ll , n. , r .o to sr , ] lmnn, lo , r r i r "c,r lpr i j ro rh, T! ,1h.J,prelixes /,(r'- (rither) md ars (onr)., Allhough I ourr does nol draw alrcnliun lo,l his Irinstation ot H.rrm/o,r/,,J".n.t "chi ,nginqro'llr".rl,io lEJrs w h it thc scnse ut xrurh.rrh.rly, tor ",:tn cngc" conrc;r,om lhir tlrl,n ..,/d,r,,?c (ro iLcu:,e htset!). i,l(| F ntso ,ctdte,t to crlr (tooFcljNe) dn.t .r'/'rmF (tncterv).

a ChalhrNinO forrh rs for Heidoqlcr rhe ina|]thmrc revcoling cariod out. ) . l : l ' : i " ' "1"" i . ' r inLlu.rr \ . oorr , ^r uhrch

"h, t . " ! " r . , . , ; ' , ;:c . r i . ! . r l 'x ,n,r 'Tr

. . - r . .q, ,pu, . ' rar r r1.11", , , , . . , " rh F, .1q!r . . o;nrt- ," . 's (m c{F,,r . \ ' t n L nl . . , t ,naortF ,hrr i, l -11: ls

r . .d,^pus.,Fr rh. , r F.npo.r in0 is l l rsd!s i rs, L i , - , r i orn th lDF(Jrrrnlru 'or . r . l ( r th, I inJ . , { ! thtrr t , rsu, . ,F. , r , )srnt urh{, .J Ln o,hpnraxrlrum Vbtd rfthe minirnum crpense.,, In olher worc,s. chalcngin.r torlh

also enta s the call to mnx nrlzo oulprt .nd rninim zc nDLrt, tho very cha "Lenqc of organizalonnl etlcloncy ihat gu des Podonnandr N,4an3lerrcnl

Bul challencring lorth extends lor beyond thrs research paradigm lndeed,lor Heidcsqer cha cnging heLps 10 detinc Lhe modcm nge s nco Descarlcs,

an e.a he names in another es*ry in lrc OuL'sl,on ot LclrrD/ogv "The Agc

oi lhc Wodd Picturc" 'nre tundament: c\€nt ol thc modern asc is the (x)n_

quesl ot the wodd as piclure. I hc wod piclurc l8t/., no!! means lhc slru(}

tured image tGeb,k/l thal is lhe crcalure ot mans producino which

rcprcsents and sels iPlra. ln srnh a producinq, man conlcnds lor lho posi

lion in !!,hicb he can be lhal parlicri.r bcing who gives lhc measuft) and

draws Lrp the lor everYlhii0 lhat is. h the moder age, tllc world

is challefqed forth as a picl!ro, as.f oblccl of reprosontaiiona kno$rled!,tj,

.nd humnns bccome ihc subieoi ol this challcnsinq knowledse "ll is no

$,onder' wriles Heidcq0er 'lhfll humanis r lirst arisos $rherc the world

bccomes. piclure. 'Tho chnLlenllng lorth of lhe workl, thcn, is nol linnled

to scnrncc and industry tor Hoidcooer ddifes hum! s'n as .r "nroral_Aos_

lhotic anlhropoogy" an.l Inlhropok4lY as lhal philosophica nterprotation

oI min which erph ns ard evaluales whatcver is, in ls eniiretv, lrom lho

standpoint ot lnan a d in rolation to nrn. 'As a mode ot bringin! lorlh tll8l extends from tehno scn:ncc lo lndus-

kv to nnlhropology, ch.llcngin0 krrlh provides us a certain lranlework lorgalhering tollcther lhc pnradlgmalE ch.llengcs ol enectueness, cllicacy, as wcll as lho nFny othcr challenqcs orderins our g,enoral

lhcory Challcnging lorlh is Drecisrty . lriminq. ar ordern(: 'We now namt)

lhal challenginlt caim whk)h g0thers lrrnn th ther to order thc sell-revoalinq

as slan.linq rcserve: G.)'src//' lEnk.mingl." Heldeggit delines Efkimlnll.s an "o(lain nq oldesi ninlt,' ir send nq lorth thai p!ts humans on lno wiry

to lruth. lt is a dangercus passnge Ior "lhe doslinin! ot rcvcaling is as suchi. everv one ol its modes, flnd therelore rccessarily, .irrt/ei: Yei wh(xr

dcsuf ng re qfs in lhe mode ol En lrariinq, t is the sLr prennc danger""r Why?

Beoauso in it, man slands so decisvoly n ahendlrce on tho cha engirro

iirth of Enlramng thal ho d(x)s not apprehend Effr.ming .s I cl. im ihdl he

tails b sce himsell !s lhe onc spoken to. and hence also taih io cverv waY

b hcar inrhal rcspect ho ok'sists.""'The supremc danger of this challcng_ing call is that humans risk nlssing thc aulhentic call, lhe tjall ol lrulh as

,xrcrs,s. "the ellof a moro Drimaltrulh ""Ai lhe cnd ol hrs quesllon ooncenring technologv Heide-ggor oalhss

togcther the ca olchallenltng forlh and lhecallof potesis into. stelhroon_slellaiion. In doinq so he draws !s sk!\!ard in our Challengor lectlfc'

mlohine, which thLrs lar conslsts ol a .lisaslrous spacc snlp famefl(;hal/-.nocy nnd a drnqerous rrode ol rivcr ifg c.llcd "challenging torth."

HoiLlcgger starll]z ng: 'Wror we kxrk inlo the anrbiguoLrs cssence ol tcch-

nology. we behold thc corrsielhton, the stcLar course ol the mvslery Thcquestion concernirlr lechrntogy is thc question comcenrinq lhe constolla_






Page 3: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else




lion rn whrh reve! tng and .oncoa n0 tr \rvhtch the comnrlj ro prcsence otrrrlln! comes lo i' 1 The mysiery reters k) a nc c ted hom Hdtderlh:'BuJ whoi{: the d!nger s, grows/The snving pollor atso ,, For Herdegger rhesavinq po$icr conrcs in ihc nrning ot rnod(rn lechnotogy towarJa moroproto(nd sensc ot recrrc_ ,.Once thero was a rrme whcn rhe brinqingJorrhor tho trLrc nrb rhe beaulifut was called ,cLlrrc. Anct lhe po,c,sls oI rhe flnoarts .lso was called rc,ctr@-- ,.In the dar|{]er ol cha enging torlh grows thesavrE Dowcr ot /iorcsr-e How to nuke rhc turn, holv lo pass hom one lo lhc

Be.ruse ihe es'cn.e oft..hn6tocy 6 nothing re.hnolog,.al, e$entiat,.n...non uponre.hi . toerand A..5vcc.ntonuroi wth rmusrhappen n rrermrhar \ .onrheonchand,! inrorf o.ssenc.oire.hnoogyand onrheorrrer lL,nnanrent3 t d ffc,.nl torn r

5r.hrrca/n srr t

The rlislir)olions hcre betw.xrf lochrcand t(ronroblly, belileen lhc.. si)t po,bsrs and cha le|ginq torlh, betwoof the danser of reveatrr! and rheslpftxne drnser of Entrarnns. belw{}en sokjnce and art. n rhese disrinc,t|(nls rft) part ol. bipotar conste ation $fiosc qnr(tinares erlcnd beyondlhe bxts ot Heideggcr From atar, rhcse coordinales lruide rhc dilac: chat,bnoes rcgLrlarly taL,nchod by rhose i,r the arls .no numanrrDs againstscdnce and technotogy. The_y ntso guklo the chatbnges Frsecl bv ihoscwilhin lhe scicnces lrho seek to recnst thet r'|vn .cUurres in lcrms ot intrilbn nDd crpnlivilv as wcl .s e,torts ot oq, rhc{rists and n}atr-trgcrs to challcnge rho rariora|ry of Scofi fic M.nlrgctrrcnr.

Around ihe opposilions of this chatk)rro ng drnste ation g(Ns thom! tv.lenl power of perfornj.nce. Tho specla(xrtar dcvetopmcniot pcrtor,r r : rncoLi i r pnt n.r ' l r t , , r I l r r t , le, l lur \ t l r . r . , ra. I n,

I l0 ' lsuLl i l ip,r 'n Jr , | , rs rul , -ntour, - t , r ) iq,ndrt , r id . , t r t r^, .hcpi l r ternr

' ,1 n r-1lotr , . 1 . . , t r r F.0cs _r r l l ,hu*,rr . l ! , t tht t , t / j .1t lts t)':tno clttlh!1.JeJ lt,r1h tD pptlnntr_t)r ?tsr

rrow{Fn Iniake such a cnlt? How can ol]e trainertto srudy F}rtorman.,eas a rrnnsqressivcr. resistant torco ol s.cial elticacy come Io corrnod it tochnllongln0 lorlh as$cttas lo rhechatk)noes ot techm,toqicat ctfecrivcnessar oro.nizational ctliciency? | stross thnt lam not lryng to reducc cuttur,al perlormancc and rlrc chattcnge ot liniot oflimcy ro rhese orher chat,longcs. Nor anl I denying rhe mutaliomt potentiat ol cLrtlurat performance. Ianr irBlead suqgesrnu |har culuat portormance nn(t ils eflicncv canDol bet ' r .nr0hl uUlsiJe thF q-n, r i t i latr /

^1, : ( - ta-r)( . r ,u, , i , t rn.L,n1.^r . t , in.rrcnumanrties ard sociat|cos nnd, furthcr, thit lhis conccptuatizalbfur Inhr. t , ' r . . ,1 dl i -4nsl t i t ) r1 l r 'L. oa. ,ar , , [ . . to , , t o[1r

Dc1on.,rn, , , i , , ao , ,n. ' u 'hF , .sr n, f lor i r l iza. 4r I ut nt , a. p. . . , . . ! r . . o lporlornrance roscarch. tl roday we can readily krcare pcflonnan(je in rhe

producuon ot cullufe word$,de, thls has not awavs been the case; for nos

it always bccn possiblo lo m(Hsure lhe pcr'onnancc ol publio nfraslruc'

lures or to reenoifeer enlirc oroanzaLions td peak pfflonnsnm sixty

vears ago, thcse perlornra rces worc largelv unthinkabe; lodav not only is

each lhnrkable, !!c crn also i.:ile riluals of socotcrhnical salistlclng tlrot

incorporaic clemenls ol cultuft . oroanizstiorral. and lcchnological pertor

nrane. What makcs such mullipaft ismatic perfomranccs possibb, and

what challenscs nre to spoculale on lhe link bclween perfornranco and ch:rl_

lenging lorlh, is a nlore powcrlul movqnenl ot gcneralizalior lhan lhosc

undcrtaken by PerlormaDoc Siudics, Pertonnance Manaoemsrl. andTechno-Perlomanco r mov nenl thol al once incoQoralcs and passcs

bcvo d al l thcsc par.dignrs.I .all this more qcncrll movcmeni lhc powcr o/ pertonnatrcc la lhno'

rze ths per lormrl ive powor wi thLn our rehearsaLpnrcess, l ! ! i l l fLrst prosenl

sonre .lramaturgical rosc.rntr lof I anr nol thc first person to lheorire po\!€rr

.s pcrlonnancc. h olher woftls we'll ptrl in a ca for con(icpLlral backup' as

Lhis powd has been andlyred by scvera i portant and well-known cut!rdltheorisls. Lndee.l wh.t ls porhdt)s mosl str kinq !boui the power ol l)orlormance is thatitwas tirsl theonzod I hall centunr ago. aod nroreslri*ino silll,

rhis powcrlul call lr€s lelt on lukllo. so lonllIn 1955, the saml) ycar ns Hctlegger's challensins leclurc i|' t!'lun|ch,

anolhcr Gemran philosophff publishcd a lerl acirss tho Allnnllc an tl|eLJnitcd Siares. The lerl \!os enlillc{ fros aD.l cttizatbn: A Philttsrytical

hrqriry into tuewl. lls aulhor, Horberl M cuse, had been . sl(dcnl ol

Hei.lcUger belon ioiring lho Frankhrl Inslilt e ol Social Rcseanh (Dcller

known as the Franklurt School). In 1934 hc lett Ccrmanv 1or oxile to lho

LlS, where he woukl como lo ve. icrch. an.l wr tc ln Etus and Civiliztlion'

N4arcrse .rques that a rad orlly sociologv lor s a hiddcn trend

in Fftilllian psy(jhoannlysis, rnd artk)ulaling it hc sels olt lo nfrilvzo lhe

rcalily pr nclplc thai dorr n.tes nxxlern .ivilizntion Uh tirrg ln thc Uniled

St.n)s n Enq sh | 1955, Mflrcrrse cnlled lhis fepressivc prlncil)lo Lhe

'pcdormancc PrinciPl0i'

. . . ,n oL' rtenPt to duLidrtc thc \.ope ind ti'e lLnits or trre

rcpGjveness ,n conlehp.rart (vilizalion se rhall hJve ro d€scrbe il in

lems of$e spe(iric (llity prin.'Plc that h3s soverned thc ong'ns rnd rhe

grottl' ofthis civ'l'z.rion. w. designat it rs Perfdman.e principl€,n older

to emphis'zc rhal undc' rlt ,ul. ro.'cry it stratified a.tording ro th€ com-

pel i t ivceLono'nr pc ' tornrnc. \of ' l tmemb6

l t n. lcrnvnor iheonlvhis

to,i.a realiiy pnn.rpl.: other modcs ol so.letai organization nol merclt

pr . ! : e. l . pr m t ve.u lur .s but n so s,r ved nto th. nrodern

Thc performance pnnoiplo is ihe rcnlity principle ouid ng !\rhat l!'lflrcuse

w l.ter call "one-dmorsono societies." ldvnn.ed nxluslri!] soclelk)s

whose dominani social slraUlicirtion consisls ol hbor' h concso and




t5a t59

Page 4: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else




cxplicll ierms, he dclincs pedormance as a// /.rbor. ,,Men do not lvethe I owf lives blt periorm pre-estabtishe.t tunciions. wh e they work, thoydo not tulfiff their own nceds and taculies but wc,rk in !tknAtkm.,,,. rhe pe.lomance principle enlaib rhc rcprcssive subtimarion of human dcsne,lor inconiemporary soo oty i bido is dtverred for $ooialy usctut pcriorm.nces n$,hich tho ind vid un works for hill$ctf on y in so Jar as he $rorks tor theapparalLrs. engagcd in a{ltviiies that mosily d0 nol .otncide wth his owflacullios snd deslres. '' Marcuso argues rhar the perfonnnncc princtdeexlends lar bclond rhe sphere ot Hc spcaks (it the pteasLrrabtc ycrrepresslve des!trlimntkD cnco!r4lcd by mnss cutlufe in thc sphcrcs ofersLrre and privalo l0

ln s(nieties stratilied by rho Blrkrmance priircipie ir)dividrrats wort andlive oDly lo cnact porlorm.nces dicraleil bV othqs, Frlonnances noflrrrlzed aocording to thc dicralos ot exDediency afd cfficicnov For [4.rcLlsesr.rr trcriorm!ncos rc ctosetv tifit to modom icchnooqv n cofned on hccxpoftxi years endier i'r his cssay. Some Soctnt mpticaliofs ot ModffnIechnolo{,y. ln this 1941 rext, Marcuse anatyz()s rhe pervasiveness ot pcr,romance in society whilc crpticitty connectiDU il ro rochDokrry, which he.lerinos not only as the totatitV oi insrrurnofts ohnr.creiT ng ,,rhe njaohift),qc ' bul more i,nportr nr y, .s a nrorle of so.idt rch rronships ,,an inshrnle r Iror coolrol and domlnation ,', pcrtor,nancc is the mme tor that rnodo otsocial domination whioh drresB)n.ts to the appararus ot modern technoto,gV.Thc mmh.nisnrs of this pertonrraniD are nofthe ra\! exercsc of physical power but tho Inore subtte i in l rot o i psychic. tesre rhe ral io| l i r iltunstonnation ot Indvi.l,F desiro inro rhc socta y defined desre to tii in, toget alono, lo confonn b rhe patcnr ot the appararus. Marcrse oultines lhelechruk4ldal odgirrs ol lhis powor ol pertormance as we as rls cxbns!)ninlo all ol sooicly. 'Thc mechanics of cor fornr ty, sprea.t ironr the rechnolosi{iailothe social oftlcri lhcv ltovern rhe pertormn |ces ,ro t on! n the tac-ro.,* d.d shops, llul also in rhe olices, schools. assemttics and, Iir([y, rlthc rcr m ol relaxalion and cnlortainment. -

WllrI our s.inffal theory, lhis lasr ciiation. wririen more tha| half accnrury agoj provdes.n cxtr.ord n.rity presc cnL rciidnrg ot lho power tor-maton undcr lv inq the t ietds of lootnrooi l ioal , organiT. f loni , and cul lurapcrtormance. At lhe samc timc. "Sonre So(;ilt trnpticrtions ot ModemTechnology" bc€6lhe trails ot its ir)scriplion, thr) signs ot ils rinle, and lhoschop us rfderstand Marclse,s iheoriTalion.rt thc powor or pe ormafce.Early in lhe essay. he c les Natonat Sociatisrn as lr strik n0 cxa,npo ot ahighly rntionnlized. incchnized, and efticiont clonomv In rhe serlice ollolalil.raan oppressto.l. Hor{€vel I|(} (locs on to predicl that,,il wi Inltbobrcthat power which provcs lo be more etticient than fascism.,,. Though hedoes ot cxplkjiiy sltr bute rh s [r!,rc ct{bient power to the L]nircd StahsMa..!se does critoizo {rcrtain experimenls tf organizaional managemenlthal lvcrc erplored In thiscounlrv inrjtuding those found ifi Tavtor,s Scientiltc

[4anagcment and n J. Burlram's ]941 fhe Managanal BavolLtian ^


Tryloristic teri, Along sinrilaf lines, N,larcuse dismiss.)s vocauonaL traillinqprograms thal Iocus on ihc psvchological and persoral aspccls ol workcrs

"Tho 'human sldd ol thc employee and thc concenr br his personal .pli-

ldes snd hab ts Dlav an imporl3ntrote in the l{nrl mobiliTation ol thc privote

sphcre tor mnss produciion and mass (jtl Uro 'rl t\,4flfcuse thus ciraws !

{jlcar connection behleen the doomed "technocrn.v" olthcThird ReLch and

two forms of o(Fnialional pertonnanco lound in lhe US, Scicntitic

tvlanagement and whal lsuld beconre Pcrlormance Manaqc'menl. Wilhin a

Inryor hskrrical pcrspective, hc also arouos that the critical, indivd(alist

ralionalily which aiose in lhe sixteenth 6nd scvenliienih centurics ls no\!

suocumbing to ihc eit$ls ol trcdeer lechnologv 'Undor the impact ol th s

apparatus, indiviclualistic ralionalilY has boen lransforrned inlo technologicnl

rathnal\4 lt is by no me.rms conline.l to obiects ot largo scale enlerprises

but characlerizos lhe perva$ive mode ol thouqhl and even lhe nr(lniioLd

forms of prolesl arrd rerbclllon ''' He call$ ihis modc ol ihought ' lechnolog_

n,al ralionality." ond it will lornr lhc delining characbrislic oI whal he later

calbd lhe one-.limensional man _

Marcuse's afalysls ot pcriormanco s lo us tor several

rcnsons Firsl, lhe Ilct that h 1941, scven yoars allar nffiv ng h Llrc lls, he

rccoonized iho role oI pertormancc rllthin a "mechanics ol contornritv and

lhen in 1955 dcvcloped a tullbknm thel)rv of lhc Derlormance Drnciplesuggesls thal iho S-.conrl World War nr3|ks a sorl ol iniliation rile ol Derlormailvltv wilhin lhe United Stntcs. Tho rile was reitornt€rd at lnfum€rable

sllos. As we hlrvc secn, lt w.s shoriv llter lhe $rar lhat Perfofman(jc

Sl .lics. rbr{orm:rnce Mdnagdnent, ,nd Tcchno_Perl)nnnncc begm to

crystallizc as D.radigms ol rosearch in lho US. lhough at .lillcrenl rates ol

lornlallzauon arld d flereni siies ol pragrn.iki depbvr ent Se.ond' reading

N4nrouse's cnrly iheorizaliof ol pertorlnanoo as thc.Jroundwork lor his later

thcory ol lhe pcrlon rncc principlq wr) can bellin lo tlndcrsi.n.l lhe lvavs

in which pcrlonnn[ce luncli(,$ as a lonnalion of tx)$()r: as a n)o'l') ol dom'

ifation. the porlormnnce lri')ciptc exldrds. cenain lechnologkj.l ralktlali

ry nd ecofonrlo alienaliof into alL soclal orlanizali.)ns ancl.lhrough mass(xrllure, inlo bi$ure activitk)$ rn.l privrt.r lile lhird ihourJh wc havo noted ils

ainersen@ rn the wake of the Sctond Wodd War, M!rcusc also sihr?ncs thepower ol perlormance !{iltrin a wider histoncal p$sDe.tive For him ils

lechnoloqical ration. tv is nn olitgrowth trnd displacollrcnt of the critical,

indivdu.listic ralionahtv ihfl1 blossonred iflo thc Europe.n Ef ghlenm€ L

The pcrformance prlnciplo lhus strkes al rhc core olnYxlcrn indrvlduolsub

lcoltilvwhile nlso extcnding ilselt throughoLrt $cietv. For Marclrsc. pertd

mative po&tr ls bolh psvchokx,ical and social ll domlnltes evcvv aspect ol

indvi.luaL and social liler work, cduciitiorl, .rnted,rinnrenl, sexualrtvi dlen

indNnhral prolest a'rd rcbellon become standardrred pertotrnan*)s that

conform to highly nornEtlve social .lenrands-





,60 16,

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. - Given rho.r.rdh.t potir(rs ot Marcusc,s perlornranrje theory, rhere ts tirttcwon.]of thal ir has never Dtaycd nruch ot | rcte wtthin ,h,,

,i".;,t,;;,; ;;Perfonnance Manaoc,nent and Techno pertormance. r does come as a|se, nowevcr! rhai the perfornrance prrrciple has beon largey, it nol kralyrbseot,from the rcadins mnchnrcs ot performan@ srrdic,s. Marcusc was..r ' r , , , r t t sor Lrt 1.1 d, . , , , . . drnLr r io. .F u, tgh(rs rJdru.r ,sa _4n, , . . , D., \ i , ,

1..:-: : : .1.::". , ""u.t, .rnrpr Aruna{.r7 s,,! . , rnn sruLr( 'r | . . hr rrc usnc.wis nlonirbtv thc n 'ost wdctv.e.d t l r rn: | .sso,rrk"tRrh l t r t r inhtL, lS' l ,uul l1 ' n, o t l r r r . r , t . , t iLr , . pJt .h, . ur , . r , t . ra. .sc , . . .hng ot \ \ , - rBpninmnis l.'\ts. tiFrh,,ps Mare <c,s omrssio kom rhe eano,, ot cuttrn.rlpeflon m.e tilerur!rc cn be u|dHstood try rurning to another DrornirDftth@rjsr.\lho h6 atso anatyzed tho powe. or p".r"..*"" s,""ri *.ii"lhouqh his n. rc is $,e[ known r\,irhin porfdmnnce litudies, h s thoory olrn n r ' \ i lF4orr r r ( . . , . . i iso i r r (1, i as. . ip, d, , . . c l l i , . . s , , , r rnFrs

), I rFrc' h,.( ru Jein I r:invois t\otj,nt rnd. \Fc,truiJlv r4 Li: Ir)/, rerlrp 1 ' l tv \ . tdn t r t t t i t i . \ , . t B, j r ( { r ,n A,,o.r / , ( / , r . th i , , p i { t

" .< t - , . , . -sctrrql ro thc Conse ctes Universiles ol the Ouebcc AovernDcnl ar rhel::que,sl,

or ils presido,rr. Trnns la lod into Encltish in 1 e84 il has $ir](je beconnofc or rrre nrosl influentinl loxls oD Dostrnodernilv. Lyola(loDens rhc bxtbysriring his,worktu hypothrsis:.,"lhe stnlus ol kDowlcdgc is ajrered assoo.lkis entcf wh.t h krowr as lhe poslindusrn !!rc an.l cutluros enter

:ll.:':,uT:i l,': ,":1.i"',nlodc'', i'sc rhis r,:,n!r|on r,Js b,1xr un,r,, wj,v

l ' - " i " , ' " ' ] ' . -n.u r ! - I , r r ros. . L\nJr, . .s r- .esr , rs nd r lr<,rNr^r|qe ti,Jjltnal!s n-,,11, Jn.t ir\o tbw lhrs rao,ru,,ur,nn ."t"r." r,, it.s ' i i . r l l t rn l \n ql ' { t ,1. . rnc, nas.r r r ( : ,n r , } rh .sidcs-ol,the sinmr qLresro : who decdos;!har kn.u,b.jqe is_ nnd whollnows wl'al needs ro bc ctecicted?,, .My irrlercsr |n)s i. tyrar,j," _".o" u,urcse qrFslions, td they imvotve pertomance.

Whilo Marclsc thg)rizes pertormancc in renns or Frerd,s rcatirvprrc ip l€ lyotarct detnos r rh(nrsh Wrtge.rstcrns t .nguLr0c qnnres.La|gurllo games aro cate0or]cs ot Lrtrerancos .jefin€d lry speciric ruteslhal gLdd€ rhcir u-sa0e md tyotard s.reks lo prac{r srmh gnllrcs rvilhin a0cxrcra lield of soctn alonisri.s. ,Thorc ar-. nra y tangLrage llanres:].1.1:li,:1",,y "tt

)!,uase parrdes. rhev onty sive,i"i r, r""iir,ri_,"

lh! de.B,on nake' a enpr ro nrJnage lhe\,,ds orsociatiry.( . rng ro ipur/ourput rr t r i . .s ro owrE r log. wjct mprics t raL

tr teandthi t theet,o,c,sd. icr f l ,nabk they, l . . r te our lv- for ihe C,oMh orpower fhdtcr jorso(r i r r reandof*.11, . ' , t ' , , ke,de cnr imstof or ih i t poy. ,e l s brs. . l on i r , opr imrztr,g rhc sylen r pcrorman(e efic,.n.y .

, Lyoiard Mmes fic trnguale oame th.t has ome lo domrnaie borhknolrlqrf,e and sd:iat bon.ts since the tgbos !\4th a singre rvsrd; "peaor

nrativilv" Pcrlormatvlly s logitimaiion cleli ed is the m.xn|traiion of asystem s outpul and iho minhzalion ol rLs lnpLl. lt formallzes flolrvilies byoplimizing . syslem's pertomraDce. Under lhis mo.le ol pertorntali\€ kj(,ilinHton, other hn!l!a0e !:mes arc allowod-narftrlion, spcculoton, jokes,elc.-bul they rust bo calculable in lcrms ot system optimizalion. evon ilofly to bc evaluated as nefflclenl or dyslunctonal. For Lyotar.l, pcrfornr.-livlty rcphces lhe tradilion.l gonls ot know/edsc. troth ardor /ibcrntion, andonc coukl cnll perlormah,ilv n melalanlruago gamo. cicept that a part ol rheposnnodern dnrdi ton, one |$,r l cal l thc Dertonnal i l i tv condi t ion. enta slhal perlorn.livllv operatcs lhrouqh a pluftrlity ol localized and temporarysiiu.tons. Coftifuinlr the text cited rbove Lvotad \drltos: Tho applir)oticJiol this .:ritcrion lo all ol our language gamcs ne$ssarily nnplles a cerlaincve ot lorror, wlrether s.'ft or h.ftl: he operniknral (that is, comnlcnsLrrablc)nrLlhJp,rer, . i , , JrLr u,{( ls:" . IL/ .n, t r , l ,F

The h|!|hly conlexlual aspecl ol rhe pcrlonnalvity condilion r)an best boLrndcrslood h relaton lo thc r]lod$n nrode ollegI rutiorl t displa{xrs, whatLyotardoalls "qr.nd rrrrratives.' These graod naraliles irrlude 'lhe diabc,lhs o Spirit, the hennoneutcs of moirfiflt thc enrincip.tion ol lhe ralionalor wo.kirN sr'blect, or thc creatio. ol $ealth, ' in short. Ihc modqnrst pftrjecls ol fl-aqel, Hei.lelJU(:r Mflrt, and Sdrirh. Lyolard,lika Mi(juse Doints tollro closo relatkn ol pertormnfco .lfd techfologyi yet wrili'rg somc tlventv-live yc'ars lakjr, he ft)clises (nr digilnl computers. machines wlrcse bir)arycodcs alkN the rapid and wklesprcad oaloul.tbn of nputs an.l ouqnns.The h€\p ony ol compulers arxl thc diversilv of hngoage !F es sc'nlth. lale oi sran.l natrauves irn.J thus oi modefir iy. Lyotad, sinrpllvinol'r lhe crireme,' deiinos the !dsl?rod.r7) rs incrcdllltv toward rfetanafial ives. . . . lhcInrrnl iv i i luncl i$ is l )s i rJoi lstunctors. i tsgreathero, i ls( , realdafgers ts gr ' ( : r l vovrgos, i ts qroal0o.. ' rThe rosul l is dcleol i rnatonrthcdcclinc of Dhilosophy irnd re-volulionnry politics, the crisis oi roffesenhtionamlof lhc univcrsr lv af . l thc repa )nreni of univorsnlmelalanf l laqcs bVaDkralily ot.lis0reie sysienrs.

Wilh rcspecl to the declinc ol epistcmohgical m(innarr.lives, thoporlorftrrlivty ()()rdiliori is postmoderni bul in rclalion lo socalbonds il d sDlays its mo.lcrrrily arrd ils cynicis'it, whi($ comists in .di g as lhoughsuch a mcl.discoufse clocs cx st afd plavinU the girme olLrlfi.ienc! urllho!tchallcnolng lhe rulos or rrelaprcscr4rli(,ns rhal deflnc rrot onlv thenroves. but I so who a.n plav Hdc lyolar(l nd.lrcsses Whnt $re have secnRoberl cnll thc protluclion ot laboralory expirirnents. For Lyotard,rxrlormalivc rcsearch emcroes .s o resull ol lho reciprocilv ot science',le.:hnobgv and capik I scionoc requircs proof, proot rc(tuires lechnologyand leohnolosry rcquires capital-lhus the "crilcrion of perlormnnce isexplni iLy invokod by the.r thorth$ lo lustr fy their rcfusal lo subsdize.nrtain rescarch @nlers."' Likewisq D{i.lo.nralive education .rnergeswhen thc unlvrxsily studerrl's qoal ol 'leaming a philosophy of lild is




Page 6: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else



rcplaced by earn ng a job ski .'The universitv ecrlrc machjno thuscontribulcs to nnprovn|g thc pcrkrmanrc ot sniat systems by troininommpelent, noncriticat workers: pertor|ltativiry,s ,gcnofat ctlcct is t{)slbodnalo tho tnstftuihns o1 hjgher tenrning lo rhe extsUng poL!ers_,,,.l|] shorl, Lrnder the social bonds ol a trrtormativity condirion lhal cynicattysccks lo rcsulatc divor$o and incomrnensurnore an0rage Oames,knowledge to be eilhef rruc or fdse a d b!.comcs insrca.t oprima/

n dilferent wnys, Marcusc and Lyolard oach thutrzij porformance noras a radioal_ rransformaiive torce in coniemporary societv, botas a rnode ofp.)\4er Slgnilicantly. each ollhese two thconsb blt thcirmark on a rxrricu,ar !,oncrolion ol cutturr)l schotnrs Marclse I rhe r960s, Lyotard iIthe 19a0s- Thoogh he doos not cila E 6 and Civilizar:or, Lyotard d(Es arono poinl use the term "Dertonnalivily principle. t|e also sujlpofts rnyconlcnliof lhat M!fcusds afayses inctkrare rhAt pertormarve po\lerorncrses around ihe Second Wort.t wa. Thoogh lyotard,s text docs nolrocale thc c erqoncc ol porlorrnativily in th{j Unilfil Stales, he ciles manyArnerc.n re*.roheB, tncuding t)afe Bel , th.rb Hrss0n, nncl t rvnl lGolfmao, aswcllt$ US trbor srariltlbs showing rhe inse.sed imponanceotnktrmalion in the workptace. In addiriof, Marcasc dnd Lvotarct borlr clcfinolhe power of pcrformnfco wilh rctcrofoo lo oflptat, kjctnrooQy, andorgani4lions. while Lyotar.t srresses djgiint decision nraking r.thcr thanifdustrial hc lory work, hc and Mar()Llse both rheonze penorm.nce n termsor lechno-elf ciency, which we ca| char:rclorizc rs rc.r iancc of lochno-logical rnd orsani2.rionflt pertormance, Jusl as rmponanr. Dorh arsolheorize perionnatve power as a threar lo the modcrn subjcct oi knowt-cdgc, though horo th. malor diflerences beh(een theories en]erge.Lyolard explicitly critacizes th_c Frankfurl Soh@t hr retying on lhc noibnol aulonomols, hee subiects who have become alenaled by socat torcesdn( trus musL bc cmalciparcd.,, In shi)d Lyorard reads the FmnklurrSlr|ool's (;ritnial l|l(x)rv as a moderntsl, represenrationat projecr. Conversety,his own lheorv of DosrnrodcrnisrJr and h s or for p.|ratollioat cxpuimenlshflve been cririctzed by Jitroen H.bennns, Frederic Jameson, David Harvcvan(l olhcrs as loroclosnlg lhc possibitily ot mnsonsuat potirics. for us,however wh.t is nrosi mporrift is lhe In(:l lh.l Mrr.xrsc,and tyotar.leoch conlrlbllc to our !,oncrdt thcory by Ljetining F/k)rmance as ak)rmation ol pou/er arising in the wake of rhe Second Wortd War Ench char_actcfizcs porlormativc powor pr mflr y in terms of econonr c and technologlcal eJflciency, thorgh neither re$tricrs its cttccrs to thc appticd scionccsor co4ioralc organizalions, Inslead. pedormance operates lh.orrghoul( socteties as a d st Dct mode of poNer .nd knowledgc.

There is onc othcr srrikins cusisten{jy treh@en the pertorman.,e theories ot Marcuse and Lyolard, one lhat revoals lhc worknrqs ol pcrtonnarivcDowcr wiihin the Pedormflnce Snjdies paradigmr lke Mnrcuse,s pertor

mance principle, Lyotard's concept ot pertormative LcgllLmalon has been

largely missed by cullural porformancc thc'orists Not that Lvotard s

Pasn]ad.rn Con(lition has bcen overlooked. fl1r lrom il. In lact lheorists

analyzlng poslmodern pertofmance a4 hdve oJtcn ciled ihis tcxt' but thcv

lcnd to do so wilhoul acldressing lhc normativitv ol pertormance much less

ts terrot lll cite two cxampes ln thc aptly iitlcd tex\ Poslnoderntsn zttt(t

Fbrl.nnirrce (1994), Nbk r€ve citcs IAe Postm(r/etD Oon.illion to distln"

guish moden and poslDodenr knowledgc, bul he doc-s so wilhout mcn-

tionlng lho concept ol pcdor otivlty, \rhich is, as wove lusl seen, Ine

delining characteristic of @stmoctern knotlledge lnste.lld' KoYe quicklv

shifls lo Lyolard's .listlnotion belwe\}n discourse aod lilNre in oder to con'

cenlrakj on desthcuc oonccrns. More recenllv, N,'larvln C.rlson also dis-

cusscs poslmodero pcrlormancc art usino Lvoiard's Pz)sttDdern(hn.lltknl Unlike Kayo Ca son docs cile perlonnative lcollimatim

Howevor hc defines pertofmauvity as trotivtv Lhat allo$rs thc oporatknr oi

improvasrlorv expcrimcntation based on the perccived neecls and lclt

desircs ol lhe uniqLD silualion "i'a readin0 thnl grcallv underslalos its nor_

m.rtive vaLences and, in elfecl conllates peflonnalivltv with paralogv

anothor mode ol legitn ation which Lvohrd sllrgesls can contesl it.' I mlrst

siress ihat Kaye and Carlson arc porlormanco scholars \those work I

adnrirc. Indcerl, what I lind Inosl ntrillulnll is thaL sLrch ins ghliul au lhors cnn

bring blrerh(x Dostmodcrn perlormance and The tustmotlern G,tditknt

wrLhoul discussjrrg thc normntivity ol perlonnalivilv lor i'r manv wivs, per-

formalivl\r ,.s ihc posLmodern condrL on. My poini s not Lo crilicizo Kave and

Cnrlson. bd rnlhcr lo sugqcst lhat thok rcadirlgs of Lvolnrd are produced

by our parad4trnatic lecture mnchnre,lhat is, bv interpfctoiivc andevaluallvc

mechanisms lhal have nlso progrannned the decadeslong ncinroadjng ot

Marcuse s perlormame principlell Lyotard s lheorv of pcrlorrnativrty has bcon missed not onlv bv lwo

scholars bul by nn cnllre llenoration ot cullural porlofmancc rescardrers

.nd il Marcuse s perionnance principle has becn otl our scanners lor mirre

than lwo senefations, thcse onlisslons are less a questlon ot hislY readln{l

hv individual scholars aDd more a lnattcr oi our instilutiotral reaclirr'J

Inachines being otn ol rune aftl lehnicallY bhrd b the lc€dback of |ErloFma live power circuils, Pcrhaps t lakes a cerla n nose to sense the po\^/er orpertormance. Thal Ma.cuse and Lyol.rcl's poriorhAnc.) lheories have been

circcloddly or not al flll resulls, l lhink, lrom lhe lactlhal each snalvzes por

{ormflnce as a normfllive pro rss, while Pertofmnnce Sludbs reseadrcrs

mosl intereslc{l in coltur.l polllics have. untll rccentlY theorized perlor

manco almosl exclusively as mulatidnl, rcsistanl, transgressive Sonrewhat

kc the Chal/engcr SBB workgrouD, we havo unw(tlnglv and perhaps

unavoklablv normalizcd dcviation, and ihroush .epeljildr ouf verv compe-

lencies haw $eneraled a ccrtaln structural inco rPelenry with respecl lo

other disco!rses ard pr.cuces ol perlormnnce The paradignls liminal

* l l




164 16.5

Page 7: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else




:::nl)hlre enab ns

lheoriTe rra nss ressrve ano rcasrar)r perrormamoar|o our own contcslcd sluation as a paradignt, has simultaneously pre_t?-nl^ I Lr tuor

i F-sing e fo{ur, , na jurrrrr , . . - | |ur t^ r rer. t r . the o. , rlcrrnlnr. .F, h,r tLnqa_ ut pFrtor lndn.c MJLrg4m.,rr and Tk.hno.

T,11":T:li:. o, lo rn,r lhinss yer Jnorhe, w rv: ,p htutltt.nfun js ttsF,tt x,l' t r . - r or p ) t t , . t n ' i . . p t er u,r . r -nt r , f t re\a1r{r r , t rorr . rd, t r6ss. , , t i .aonlo historical forces rhdt connccl pertornunce Studies ro oLt,. peit.,

mflnces. PflradoriL'a y, our alkrnriver)css ro tinrinat pertorrnance has kepl usoLrl ot the loop w th respect to rho perfor ativity ot p"** ar,,t, ,;;;,; ;nas timilcci our lnninatilvThis liminat-oonn is slarting lo brenk down. The ctisciptinarv sents scpa_rar fll tho paradiqms are cftxling unds rhe prcssure ot (nrtain citrtionalrorocs, thou{,h rhese sc.ts hale Dcver rer y been tarrsare Thc crosion enperhaps besl be tol in lhc whk)h ihe works orJriLliih B! ef have ha.]L,pon

_Perroanm.e Sludios Even he,e. ho$,over, tho feart fg paflern ju.slote.l inilially guidcd rhe recoption of her !!ork amono mrny firlh.rat pertor,nr.rnce scrrotars. We have seen lhnt Tufiror rnd Sotrochner ltxrfiz;d pink/matwc genresns ltminal, thil is, as ,,in bctwe-... lrmcs/spnces jD whichso'_ul Iofils de lrolen it)n,t. turnd upsictp.uolln. ind t,tiryid r{ith. Whal

-bl tx: l : l l , r*s t r , 'h. . a, . i r . r .o.rc.r . . , . .1 ' ,u\ . r r . , . . . , ^4 . i . , . r L,r Iuo<. q J I v { \ t l .at p \Fs | | Jt , rmit , , r l \ not onl ! rn rn,r , r i ru l , t r rosqr.ssle or"cstitc|rt, lrrt itso as i dorrrnalt ,rrl flnirDu tr{nl ot tx,wcr orr.

! , r r t r ,hs I . n i r ,u l , t . . . r \ h s- , . t , r t t r -or - (s b_, lh IhL rds0rp$tr1r" . ,nLl th, j nor| l . r t i l i t ! ot Ur tor mitN,. qcnrcs. t l.runrer-s

corrkality tios in his lhLary ot pcrtomr.rivo timinatitv Brdter,s subversrvcness tics in her lhoorv of podornralivo normil vrtV.

-- llnlikc,Itarcuso and I yot:rd whose rcrfor,,,rnce concepb crjlica yenr jJ l rp

i l l 'os, . o j . Prtrn1i , r . . MiF.n,an:nt i , .d t"-n o-n, l r r r r . , . - ,

r . rdmaneu StulFs, .xr t shpt locs sot ,ycr l ,nq both turne,. t r t r t Si :hectnu.fn lh: 1'l.

r :p,

ro" ,,r hFl rqon .r,, I. a:,.i ,."n,. qlr( .,n c.ncreluursr u 'o \ a i r i t , . - , t l , t l r , . . ts t { sht .h,r ,nOcr rc i .u. .s.r . ted U-! .1simrlirfltxs,to pdtilrmatN'. ncts wrlhrn the,(fiFt conlc\ts.,,, Mr u trmlcl

l : . l ' : . : l . l . .c rh. , . r , iLrr . r in. . . r ro"r s, . . y17. 1". . , . . ,1,no u, ,"1

"il:;;'.ifiili".fi ;X'J;Jl"_.,lffi _ rl";t;lH, J,lJitili;tcomDLrlsory systcms oen.ter is a p{yfonnarj ) lvilh dcarly punilive consc-qlemes. Dis(Yere q(n.lers are prrl of wh.r humaniTes. Indivrrtuals trithinconlLnpomry cutrure: indeed, lvc rogutarty punisn ltu)sc lrto tait ro do lhcirT]]Ti l'!,,i,

rhis punilivo perfonn:ince rs not expressrvo; t docs nor:]l:1..,;.

., inlerror subsiancq identitv or e_ssonce: insrcad. sendcrc,D+nrir \ is i l

- l ' lo . t r t I tF(t t l r r ,gh,u,nt) . ._or\ r ) t j . t rmn|u, , ,sul , lnorms. "Fro[r a lemlnist poht ol vkrv, onc might try to reconccive the

scnderen body as ihe leqacy of sedimcnted acts .ather than a pre{lerermined or toreclosed struclure, esscnce or lact llhelher nalural, culural. orin!Lr stic. ''' Thfough repeatod perfonnarces, lh--se noflrs Deconre seolmenten as (and not in) gcndered bodic's.

hr or.ler lo ilesh oul hcr perlormatlvc rerding ot gonder, Eurlcrturns toanlhr()pologicaldis()urce and, of parlicLrlar niorcsr here, ioTurnefs thoo4/ol riluol RLrt shc does so with a h{ist. Rcitcraling tho importand} Ior feminisnr ol a thoatrically bascd theory of socialaction, sne asKs:

ld whrt s(nres. thcn, ir gender an acrl As ahthropotogisr Vrctoi turnersuggesls in hi! sludie5 of ual !o(lal dama social rdron

'equrcs J

porformance!vh ch s fepeated rh ! rcpel r on s r ionce a reen,. in ienrandrexpen€d<'ng ol a ser of m.,r,ngs air€dy $c'atit ettrbtished: [

's thc

frundsn.addr i tualzcd{ornof thet cgi t inaton whcnlh6conccpr ionofsd.: pe,ronn:n. . s appl ied to sefder t 5 . lcar Lhat r t rouch rhere : rcindividu.l b.dies thrt cnact these s'gn'n.ario.r by he.oming sty|z€d inrogcn.rered fr..J.s th s a.ton s nrned atcly publi. a5 w.ll'

Why do I say thai Autbr t(trns io Tunrer lvith a lwisi? Bccalse herreadino cyplores gendor issues rccollniTed as irnportant bur notsysremalically Dursu(xl by hlm lhc lwist, how.ver conres noi only in Buleasappli*'tion ol scial drama h gcnder, but .iso in her rerdrng ot Turncasritual. Rilualfu)r hirn is $cre.J, not mundancor Dfotane. Furthet Bullcrwrileslhat lurnd's rcsearch "suggests [ . . . ] that sooalacl ion requircs a pertor-m.ncc which ls rcyrirle.l H(x cmphasis on rcpetition is most sugllrjstivqtor whikr rcpelilion is ccrtainly al work in ary firlal, theory docsnot cxplicillv locus 0n it. ndced, t3uilcr rolrds ritLrrl perJormanca jn a

arner tror q,hich hc might nrn away: as (xrnpulsory ()utinel Let usnote lhalTunrer.lso opposes rilual to iechnological rol]rino. t te minimiresthc repetitivo !'nences ol rl!al. and this cltationality is p()oisely $,harint€)rosls Euller mosl. Rathrx than simply rq)ear iho I tlar rea.tirE ofhnn. rltu.l as transllrcssivr), howovor, she a{rivcly reads (rcnscnbes)Turnffs theory ot socjal drama |s a theory of normalivnv. By pushtnglhc Dedal on pcrlormitivc cilationality, Butler alkrws us ro scc how histheory ol rilud can bc lle|ernlizc.l to underst.nd boih trans(jfessive andnonnative |arr{orm.rnc)e.

Shorllv aller her discusslon ot furnei Buller cites Schcchner $/hiledistillfg the (lilforcfces .n thcatric.l and social a.ts. She cartiolsly s!]gqests that "gcfider pcrlonnances in non thett.(rl conte_xts arc govenrcdby more crenrly purilive and regulatorv sociol eonvurlioDs' lhan thoseif iheair cal conlexts ' Her clintbn ol Schechncr rherl .omcs n a passrgclhat could itsdf bc rco.l as a scripll

ndedd, the 5 ght oi a rr .nsvert te oin:gc crn conpc pldasurc 3ndapp/alsc wh'i€ thr nghi olthe sanc ftlnsvenit. on rhe seat nert to !r or




Page 8: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else



the bus ca j cohpc feaf, rage, cven v o enc. on rhe lircot o. n th. bus,rhe ad bc.omes danscrous, | 1 rlocs, prec set/ bc.alse lhc6 3re no rtc.atrical .onvcntions to d€timir the purety iaaSinary .haracrer oa thc .(,indeed, on the stEd or in th. bus, there is ao presunpr,on rh.t rhe a.r rsd n n.r to ' r I rea i t i i rhc d squ er is. f ic( t o i rhe r . t s thar th.rc:re no.onvenlons that ta. t3tena( is ih isseparal .n cesry rh. . s the:rrcwhi.h atterrpts ro .onte,l ori ,ndeed. brcrk down .o.venlions thatd€nr.rrc the imaginrry lon thc rcat {R,clErd Sche.hner brihgs lhis outql're deartt in Berwn The.t,e and Anrtrbpotog/,

In cilfg Schechhcr, Butior Lheorizes the lransgressivc aspe,rts ot pern)rnlarcc, wrtirlg lhar rhe tfa sveslte olr the shulltc bls "chalonges, mplicitly, rl|c .tNtinctron beh,ecn aDrF.rrine an.t re:rhrv,,. In irJtrr ,,1ln')sc I itrtiuns ot Turr!1 in.t Sctt,.chner.lct nx.rerr)sF lhr: timinrl rorm th,sway: lirnin. iiy can be rheoriz(Xt not onty if ienns of n flnle/spa(je ot anli-s l ruclrr o i , r \ bul . , t r , t , - r1< nr | ' i r .F.s, , . r , . |

, r . r . ) . . . r l lorn,r . , / r . i r lFLr l l rpr . lhe rubl . 'n!r . !u m,r d ot t tc . rs I t , Jy.o h\ , S, . t | (v ln,er . r lJ , rn4,5ro theorize linrirl:||ity, must bo un.terstodl not in optlrsrllon lo an in.ticolivcmood ot "il is," bul as j.nnnfllety retarcd lo an ,rA'rrve mood which ' t musf be. pijrJonn-or dse: rho timha rcnt $ A connDand pcl

- Bul,a' eV'bnr the Fjrnr:rt \tjlk,.s ot Durlurmat&e crtrtnn in cir,(tpr

'trnte t cmin6nl ,ttt! the Subt,x\iol ot hftrtttt ( | yJo). Wc sec hirc thc

ways in R.hich porlormarivc power opcrares throuqh rhe proccss oI s(nificat(ni- Thc sublect is not ./do,?r/r/rd by lhc rules rhrouSth wh ch rr s ilenerareo r)oc€use silJnrtic.ion s nat a taundlna jd. but fttther a nc,utAt-.tlpracass ot repalitton thar bolh conccats ite€ and {)ntorces its rutes prc,casoly throullh sr,bshnliatizing cfic\rrs. trr a sense- a sillnilicalion hkesn' i .e $r lh h4 or l j t c t I e L! . . iFUt. ro, Lr .Fpp.. t . , t , . - , ) . . , r r n i , ro o, .| ,u i r l ' l { l l lh i |M,1l ' rh\ ,1. , r r . . t in.

^- l l r r . . -n- , i . r . ,n A. cronr-"soo menlcd precisey throuoh thc orbil ol thcr hislorical reDetiliof an.J

-desednncnted throuoh. shal w() $y. exorbitant variarions on such ret)cli

llons. variations which, howjvcr, atso nonethetess involve ropclition, cilaik)n.rcheirsn, and parodtr Th!s, tho ,,rask ts not whethef lo rcpear but how to'ap*rL | , laed, I r r6na | ; ry l . f l o. . , t l r I r rd i . . t t " . , tF.n-,ol I ta, .dcr r , ,. / 'sD/ j e ! r . . , r r ! acd,1 no.r ,s,art

^ , r . ,Dte rhc,et ,er i , ,un i , .e . ,Burtc lusrs.rh.t punormilr|ce In rheon/r.hdv t,nrudv enn oUr,rtp to relurl rr)dor<pr.'c,. gcnder norms Strrc,: h tr noln,,live spJ,mmlit,or, J,RJ trar,< clesedirncniarion nNoNe rcpctirive perlormances, Bu er llarns thntnar^dr i . . l -hcr! t [s l l \ r -s\ , . .nr . i t nd\ . . . . .a , , l t ime.t , r ,nJertdenrr4s lrv reDe.rlng in.l r,mtr,r.r,! lhe orbrt ot ln(|4moni., s,Onrh,.,r,uns.$ othd trme< desldbitiT,nu thGse lerv sunilicitrorN throrOh c\,lrhi.rj'nr_ hvtrrb'r/ refct,t'n,

'h1t g,vp rise ru p(,lit,.J' re\ryninc,rtio;s.Aiter rhc publlcatiof af.i efrhulsiasilc rcceplian al G-bnder TrcLtj)tc,

Buller otlered some correctknrs to hcr ren.lers, cotrecflons that eflail a

certa n fowrtlno ot thc relatlon betwccn performanco an(l pedormativty.Thc pertonnanoo lheory ot Gondcr lroublc is rtse f reread and resignlted nher 1993 arlicle "C.iticallv Ouc€r. Here Buller returns to Lhe queslaon otgcndcr perlormalivily 6nd drao, now slresslog the d,scursiy y ot pcdormativcs. Perlormaivc acts are lorms of ruthorliltive speech mosi perfornrr-llves tof inslance, aro stalements whch, n the uttorin0, also pcr[onn ncortain nctior and cxercise a blnding power."t Sisnificnnilv, shc turns lo theellects ol hcr own discoursq namely lho lheory ol srbversi@ gondcrparodv posed li G.xtdcr frohle. Buller asks: "ll gender is a mimeiiccflect, is il th{irofc're a cho (x) of a dispens0 blc artifice? 1 not. horv dld th steallins al Gender lrcubb emerge?"" She otlers two r(}.rsons ld lhis rnisapprehension, while also suggcstin.J there may be others. Frst, she sayslhat she hcrscll ciled 'dr.g as an eramplo of pertormalavily (taken th(,r, bysonrc! lo lre pxc,nplarr, thal ls, thc cxample ol pcflormalivity). " Second,with the qr(\rv ng queer nrovomonl.. ihe publicization ol lhcatrical a0enovhos bcconre qulle c$tral ll I mrv oller s llrird lfd closelv rcaledrot'son for iho nisreading ol gutleis th$ry of pertormativity: llaven thcnumerous crilicol theorics lhol articulalo Derlormanco ns transqrossivennd/or resistnnl clltufal prnci€s, nrnny rerdcrs mry have passed looquick[ over B!tlofs shess orr pcrformativiiy rs both nonnr]tve and puniiivcand mstead Instnllc{ her work wnhln nrore {ronlcnlional, i.e., 'radical,"rcadings ol porlornrance- In sl||'l. their readings nray havc b€en govemcd

Thc essny Crlticallv Qleea .lso conlains s certrin brenkup of lhe closealliar.e belw(xxr thealrcal po'rfonnlrnce ard perfonnntiv ty lhat Builcrkrga.l in Gekda lrouble. lt lherc shc soqht to lheo.iTe performatiM\,via perlomranoo. irr this essay shc also emphasizes perlomntivily conlr.,periormanca rlaboratinq her .otrcotivc ren.linq, she now oloarlydlslifiruishes porlornratLViLy kom pcrform.nce.nd doOs so in a

tn no se t .aa ir be an tttt .l rhot rhe pa o[eeddd .hat 'r

pe4bmed f

th{thd th.luth o[edtd.t: p.{omund ds bound.l o.t" a drli"eunhe.)

lnn p.famutpitt isalat ^

tlt h d kn$dtaf af hun \ '|hth

pftLtdL bhtkain, n\rl lLcad the prf.t,u attl h ttnt aie rdnnal b.lak

os the fohriLuLih oJ the F*,neis witt .t .ho'ce : Jtnh.r whot it pcr

hmed wotks to .oncul, I rot to dkonv whot anoin: .wtt!., u,@neiout,

rn p.4atnahh Ih. Eahhr .J pe4a,hatttnt h pr4ohrdre tuutd b.

This p.ssago cllls for comftlcnl Bouer is olrviously rtd referrlng k, thcrilu:rlized Frtormance she rords in Torner whcrein perftrmance alwa\, cfitails a cilaiional process. Instaad, she clelincs Derlomancc as nnact if the hero- nd now, thflt is, as a presonce, one boundcd in ihe \\,ill oftho pcrlormer. lh s rcsignillcatk)n ol 'pedonnancc, ' ln lurn, nvovcslr resiq-




t6a 169

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nilication ol perlonnalvei openn\l her essay bV dring Evc Se.dgwick sreading ot.l.L- Austnr, Brdler mrkes it clear rhat she now wishes to distin-guish embodicrl pertonnarces tronr discursive perlormatives ro rransterDertormafce lrom lhorlroal lo discursve contoxts.

Blt/er s theory ol purl l vo pcrlonnatn/ ly is ! cru.ri0 conirtbutknr lo ouroencraltheory. lrr r(kltlorl Lo thdtrtzing portjtrmance d$ boih normalive andlransgressivc, her work also .listi|guishes the discurstve {rfd lho embod edd mensions ol perlonn.tiv ty. As we h.vel!sr smn, she evc{r \larnsthnr pc.ronnative nl'st nol bc reduccd to perfo.m.nce. llowov(x, in the vcrsbn ol"Critically Oueer' tllbfishod i tso.1iLs lhal On the Discursive Lniilso, Sex'(l99il). tfullor r so points to their possiblc oonvcrqcnce_ "[ mayseem t. . .l rhat thcrc is ll (lillcrcn{je t}etlvccn lhe emlDdving or performingol scnder nonns and lhc tnrrtormativc us ot discourso. Are lhcsc hlo scnses ol porloflnallvlly, or do they converge is modcs oi cilaron-alilv in whch thc com|)lrsory ch.ractcr ol c.rniril soct.l nnpcmtivesbccomes subjccl to n nr pf t )mising dcrcqulat ior?" H(rreulrcfs lseoIthe lenn 'pfflonnoncr)," while ninlt the scfso ol omboLliment n sorestorcs the repeL tof she arrlicr rcad n Turn(x's rhoory of so.ial dramaWo can link this lnsisloiico on reperilion to ljchodjlx)r's reslorution olbeh.vio., llrc lheory lh llll perioiinances are rchcarsedi nrrrcd, reacluat-ized.Thus scnder. a d more oencrallv all srbiccl k'lrnation, cnraita norma-rive cnyrmble ol rcsklred l)elhvio6 and discoures. i n|txrlane yet puniliverolrnne ol l4rl.rnanc(:n- ind tFr'lornralt€-s. a scdim(jnted stratum ot acts.nd wods .lwnls akoady reDcrlcd tor the i

'th time tty sugsosting lhar dis

claive perrornratves o1d ombo.lled psform.f.cs ro both rbdrs ot ciralionrlily, B! tlcr .lestLrres lowarrl lhe possibiliiy of a 9on(xn lheory lhar .o! dac.ounl lor thc r cofv(yltonce. Whrt I .nr cn mq the powor ot pdtonnanc.

Lel mc rcho.rse this lheory ol power ofce a(n n (nnd |or tor rhe Insltinre) by splicing togcth sornc filnr c Ds kom orr drnnulurqical reidirl!]s.Marcuse s Derl.,fir|anoe Drhcipb Drovidcs an est:1blishinq shor ot Dower ln rxrmprehonsive lenns, hedetines porlormanceas lhe sran.lardization ol sociclv {mordir)(, b nomrs ol krhno-ecorlomic etlicicncy.llis s@io Dsychcnalylic .cadinq tocuscs on the {llicrntkn of n ividualdcsire and Ma(xrses rrrcdcls ol rational suhje.livrty and reDrcssive poNerlr)ad h rn Lo cast perlo native powcr as rather nronolithto nfd homogeneousin its cltecls. Lyolr(1, howevor, dellers rn ! terriativc c$lablish ng shor otpcrronnalivc power wilh his iheory that modern 0fl| d nnrraltves hlve been(lisplaccd by input/oulpLrt m.triros. In .ddiliof. by driwino aitontion ro ttnplur: tV ol contcfrNrnry hnllaqe ganrcs. he provkios mid r.ngc shotslhal oapture lhcw.!s rl which pedornutivc legitimation dcpends upo. mulliplc and localized denu s to perlorHr elsc. Wo $hould norc here tharLyolard cxplicilly aligns perlormativily !+{h Auslin s concopt ol rhe perforrnalirc. arguing thal lhe lwo meanings are not lar apart. Ar|sttn s pcrloma

tive r@lizes rhe oplim.t perlormanlF-"'Wth a last bit ol disconlinuilv

cditing, r€ can re3d Butlcr's lexts as oflering close_up shols ol the po\ter

ot por{orrnancc, shols that cngage Marcuse s own olose uDs of alienated

ferro.."nce. Her rlota terl .*\';s t,"c."*s the mcro'operatons ol dis

courses and pra.:lices in lhe constilulion ot gendor, sexu'litv and s!bjoc

tivitv itsell Butof also lets us into thc archive ol pcrforrnaiivtv by argunrq

thal allpcrlonnnn(x)s, spoken orcnncte.l, !rc realonlv bccnuse lhov reeloii

and on from a genernl matrx ot cilanonalitvlhis thcory reh(xrsal, with its culting traok 8nd kxth belween drflerent

theorelic.l sel ups, sr0gesls that discursive perlorrnallves and embdlicd

pedormances are lho buildins blocks ol an nnnensc onto historical pro_

duction, one which we will soon explore as lhc pedormance stalurn'

Pcrformativcs and p() form the brsic tncllcal units' lhe BTUS ot

a powcr/knowletlgc {ormaii{nr that is a hali_cenlurY okl and srot ng morc

powerfulancl knowlecl(lcahle everv dav At lhc orack of m lcnnia, perlorm?

ilvity suides innurncrable l)rocesses, r!nllfg lrorr Llrc ftri(jlces ol class'

race, ethni(j scn(ler, flnd sexlal .lcntifcaiion 10 the Inrg{)_scale installations

of lechnologies, oril niT.tons,.rnd culturcs Perforrl-or elsc is a chal_

engc nra.le n lhe LISA and now rostorifg iisoll wordN'lo Lhrough infu_

e;abb crrcuils. rhal's one reason t Drelaccd oLrr currcDt iheorv rchearel

wilh Heideg$cr's cnll ol chnllenginll Ionh .nd his aoe ol lhe world picture

Ior pertomnnce is gotrrg global tast I havc rcrl.oed our lheory as a moMnq

picturc so as to c'voke thas sPecutativc possibilitY: lhe asc of the world

prcture is bcconrin0 ,n rge ot gktbal perkmnatttal

Cha engino ls lh( i lund.mcnt. toM r lv ol th is l r , fsformalon wthoul

loufdationi it is lhe aifcctve dimcnson of lho Derfonlince stratum' the

shitting clenrentof its 'lerktrtrr-or elsc 'Accodinglv, Lhe agc ol glob'lpcr-

tdman,re s noi orr y pol)ulrted bv h qh pertonnors, peak perrormers slar

pe ormers, pedorm$s $,ho .hallenge torlh lhems"Lves and olhers' but

also by lhe perlorrnntlvelv chnLenqed, those who cannol perlorm up lo

spec: lhc trrcnl:1lly ohallenqed lll(: phvsicallv chalbnqcd the economballv

cla cnqed, the dqilalv challcnged thc stvlisllcallv challengcd and evcn lhe

liminalt challcn0ed. Porform<r clse: lherc as no pcrlornrancc withoul

challenllc, withorl clainrs and contBlations, 'lemands

and iccusations

t cld lests and dcnl llv ohocks .s Ncll as the occasionai trrl imelv d:rre

And no pedorrr.rrrce unft)uched bv lhc caLnmliv ol ff/u")ta The call ol

thc perJormancc slratunr is not monolonal bui pnvtonal il is composed or

nrultilLr.les ol challengc$ ot contcsts and fofc(r rekrtions that produce '1il_

ter.arL performanccs .ltkrcnt machinatons ol porfinm'iivcs an'l pcrlo'

nE.ces, oI words and b.des th.t challenUc' mlrne, snd trick out one

anothe. Challcnger challongiio challcnqer lhc drallenges of eliicacv elti-

cien(ry. and elleclivenoss are am('lg the most insislent calls cast across thc

emcrging perlormance stratum Each is producod bv a re'dinq nrachine' a

sociotechnical arrangemcnt ot die$urses and pr.cllces that guidcs and is


t70 ,71

Page 10: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else





guicrad ba df fcr , . n \ emurrs or qenar, t?,r l iJ Hn,r rpprop.r r ,nn rr \ qpl jspL\rticjttbns unaLtnonrs, Jt|pltcalnns, b|enhd.|$ns, andrcboors. As pru.Ictbns ot D.rtormannj, rhe pd,idums ol pertormancc

SludEl. Pcrlo,,nJnec MrnnS.jmenr rn.t tcLhi;-p{,rorr,,nLe t,,r\e hctrFJl : .^ . ' - .1,1. : , l l : "" : or , u- . . rnr \ r r . , r nu, . , r ,u l rh,rd\ ,asrh, .na.: : : r_,Te., : l r1rL' lL

lA' 4e . , r . .s . , , .a ,o\ gnr. , rr . pr. r | i .1p1 | i . ,p: l ' - : : : - .1: "-1"1,. ' ""

str . l ru , . B I , . ,Fird rhis , . { ,1, la ^ ! , rc. ,r ; ,oepln and Ueli'l, tr' ler evF,r,nore cm.n_t,.,rrril rt rhe snr, rime,wenmore abstracl nbout the power ol performancc, we rnu allcnd yet anotlcrleclure Wo must jntroduce yot anoher cha engor. one lvhoso theory olslatiticatiorl ma\r at ftrsi boro us clceD/y, bur u,hich witi wilh tuck put the ;!lcor pe (rnratne in shaDcr lo..jus



On lhc lhird ot A tDusnD(/ P,alc'aus, the somc Protessor Challenger lhomade lh-A Earlh screanr wlth his pain maohinc, os .lesrxitxxJ bv ArlhurConan Doylc, llavo a boturc trixnrll sovor toxtbooks on oeologv andbiology ln a lash on beliiting hts s mian disposilbn. H.) .xpainod rhal rhcEarlh-tho Oclor torirlizod, thc clacal, lhc gianl N4otecute-is a bodywirhout organs- Howe.ver, for cilles Debuzo and F6tix Guatkri. thc pro-duccrs ollhissccne ol liclivc thclry, thc prnnaryqucsrion ar hnnctis nor, forlhe llnre being, anArtaudlan body withoU organs. bur mlher the slrara rharcrystallizo rncl form upon ii. cha lcnqer conli res:,strata are Layers Bers.Ihey consst n giving lornr io m.tters, ol mprsoning inrensilios or tockin!singularilics into svstems ot rosonancc:tnd rcdundancy,of producing on thebody o{ lhe earth inoleclrles large and smalland o.ganizing them Into motaraggregales.": The protessor lqJurins hoft) as a scicnliliclionat oharacrer,one l)elerte and Guallarihave cast lionr lhesci-fi stories ot a $/nier namedDoyb, who, aiter he h.d oroatcd, kilcd, and rcsurrccrcd I dotcctve nanredllonres, spefl his aler years chafneling n oay scientist in the name ot'Ch. enger. " Deleuze nnd Ouattar q).sl ihis piolcssor ro octlro w rhinthear own wrillng tnirchine, nnd theydoso lor n singular pueose: to conducia "slralo<nalysis," a rcading ol stratilicatio|l proccs$s i.r rocks and organsand subjecls. SinrLlllamously. lheir re.dino ls de a demonstrarion otdeslralitkntbn, the creativo bftrakdown and crosion ol sysrcrrs and torms.

I have signed on lo this ec ture mnch ne lo iniliate . stratoanatysts otpertonnance l]nd Prolessor Oha enger perkrrms nere as rln ontrnc




Page 11: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else
Page 12: Jon Mckenzie, Perform or Else


for i j , vw, & sloo

11 NrN l ( l l - - r L.rdo. EC4P lTlSmulrnn$l ! t )ubisEd I lh. LrSAir , l ( ; r rn l i

z lwosl : is lh Skeel , N.\L Yo'k NY l (xx) l

H.trtlxlo.) ts t nDlnt ol th. Ltrltr & t.n(r tnaup

i, 2(X)1 Jon M{iKeo/ e

lvrrs( i l i r i Brker s: ns b! M. l t BroL|1] l r ld,I t r l r r andb.! .d i .Grc. lFrr i l .Dl)v l , l r l r r r f l (nrr lL ld. Padsto\ ! , l lorr \ ' f I

A riqhls ftisd!--d. No p.rt ot this !nn( [ v lx] rct) fled or reprodu(rl.r rl isrrlin rnv f r r r r or l ry i .v.cdr. fn i . N{hir i icr or ! turre!ns. .owkfownorh(r( irlLH nlefled ncldinlr DhoJ({ltiv rllr r kird r!1. or if ary nldmr I on :Jltrrq-Aor reLr i -AV. l svstem.\ ! i lhoul t )drnssirnr rNr i l i rq l ronr lhe publshdslr L sh Librr fv Cal .o l run. l i r r l ' |1 l ) ( i i r l r ) r lhh

A ( i rn i r l )s!e re(rrd lor lh ls book $ i r r i r i i , l ) ! r fn l l r - -BnlshLbr.n,Ll t r r r ! o la;orsress Cnlao!t f . l i f r ) r r I l . i i r1) r l ) | l r

Per lorm or e sc: l rom d srrp i f , , l i , t t rJ ,nIr , rn - . / Jor McKcnT[

lrnludes bblioqraohic.l (lrf,.turs m{l rrl€r.L Perlonnan@ Pslrhokrtiirlist(\.ls I T le.

1102 dc2100 046014

SBN 0,115 24769- l (pbklsBN 0 415 24764 3 (hbk)
