Download - John Mancini AIIM Atlanta, GA St bSeptember 14 2010existing ECM/RM for archive 31% integrate, portal, use existing RM Implement a new ECM/RM suite to work with SharePoint Phase out

Page 1: John Mancini AIIM Atlanta, GA St bSeptember 14 2010existing ECM/RM for archive 31% integrate, portal, use existing RM Implement a new ECM/RM suite to work with SharePoint Phase out

John ManciniPresident AIIM 

Atlanta, GA S t b 14 2010September 14, 2010

Page 2: John Mancini AIIM Atlanta, GA St bSeptember 14 2010existing ECM/RM for archive 31% integrate, portal, use existing RM Implement a new ECM/RM suite to work with SharePoint Phase out

Who are we?

AIIM is the community focused on providing education, research, and best practices to help organizations find, p p g ,

control, and optimize their information for maximum valuefor maximum value.

Page 3: John Mancini AIIM Atlanta, GA St bSeptember 14 2010existing ECM/RM for archive 31% integrate, portal, use existing RM Implement a new ECM/RM suite to work with SharePoint Phase out

Why are you here?y y

• Improve Efficiency

• Increase Productivity

R d Ri k• Reduce Risks

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At the core, you are trying to help yourAt the core, you are trying to help your organization deal with an explosion of 

i f ti th t i l linformation that is largely unmanaged…g

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Part ICreating an InformationCreating an Information Management StrategyTrends in the Marketplace

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Content TypesContent TypesHow are the following content types managed and archived in your organization ‐% “Unmanaged”

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Twitter and blog posts  not 

archived in 80+% of 

Twitter posts

External blog posts

Instant messages

organizations using them 

– but neither are

Internal blog posts

Telephone recordings

Audio recordingsbut neither are 

instant messages!

‐ and emails 39% “ d”


Video/CCTV recordings

Archived web pages

Photo images “unmanaged” Photo images


Active web pages

Electronic documents

N=604 March 2010

Normalized for “Not Applicable”

Scanned documents

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…and that is likely to get worse as more and more information heads to 

portable devices…

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Email as the carrierDo you use a mobile device to access emails on the move?

Email as the carrier

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%


Yes, Laptop

Yes, Blackberry 68% mobile,

Yes, iPhone

Yes other PDA

48% on a PDA or phone

Yes, other PDA

Yes, mobile/cell phone

All respondents , multiple options

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Email on the looseDo you normally process work‐related emails outside of normal office hours?

Email on the loose 

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%


Weekdays only

Weekdays and weekends

W kd W k d d tiWeekdays, Weekends and vacations

All respondents (1020)

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…and as powerful collaborative tools like SharePoint continue to proliferate p

within organizations…

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SharePoint ‐ Plans

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

SharePoint  PlansWhich of the following best describes your strategy with regard to SharePoint and any existing ECM /DM/RM suite(s)? 

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

SharePoint is our first significant implementation of ECM

Use ECM for content management and SharePoint 

37% SP is first ECM

43% SP for gfor Collaboration

Use ECM for DM/RM and SharePoint for intranet & website management

I t t Sh P i t f t d t l t

collaboration and/or intranet 

onlyIntegrate SharePoint as a front‐end portal to our 

existing ECM suite(s)

Use SharePoint for DM and integrate to our existing ECM/RM for archive

31% integrate, portal, use existing 

RM Implement a new ECM/RM suite to work with 


Phase out our existing ECM suite(s) in favor of SharePoint

7% buy new,8% replace 

We have/will have SharePoint and an existing ECM suite, but do not yet have a strategy

N=440 SharePoint using or planning

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SharePoint ‐ GovernanceSharePoint  GovernanceWhich of the following would best describe who is driving and controlling SharePoint sites and applications in your organization?

22% “departmental 

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Records Management p“ and 30% no input 

from RM

5% no one and it’s

Records Management

IT with input from Records Management

5% no one and it’s completely out‐of‐


IT with no input from Records Management

Managed on a departmental level

No one, but we have set up rules and policies for site creation and structure

No one, and it's completely out‐of‐control

N=437 SharePoint users

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Twitter is an importantimportant rapid-feedback tool 17%31-45eedbac toofor business use, not a




N=573 “Agree” or “Strongly agree”

May 2009

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Twitter is an important 17%important rapid-feedback tool 17%31-45eedbac toofor business use, not a






15%15%N=568 “Agree” or “Strongly agree”

March 2010

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Increasing information managementIncreasing information management complexity poses challenges – and 

t iti i dd i h kopportunities ‐‐ in addressing such key organizational concerns as… g

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…process effectiveness…p ocess e ect e ess

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Strategy and DriversHow Important is BPM to your organization’s business goals and success?

Strategy and Drivers

63% consider BPM to be of 

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Imperativesignificant importance





10+ employees non‐Trade , 8% Don’t Know  not inc (425)

Not at all

not  inc. (425)

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DeploymentWhat percentage of the processes in your business that could usefully and profitably be improved by workflow/process management would you say have so far been addressed? 


Of those who are ti 62% h

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


active, 62% have only addressed one fifth of the 

potential projects


20% p p j



10+ employees non‐Trade , excl. 10% “None” (336)



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ROIHow would you rate the success (ROI, service improvement, etc) of the following processes/document types?


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%


Legal and contract

Application formsInvoices,  contracts,  

Correspondence and mail


Compliance/consent forms

Expense reports

Purchase/Sales Orders

,application forms and 

correspondence th tPurchase/Sales Orders

HR forms and resumes



Account opening forms

are the most popular

Order forms

Tax forms/returns

Medical forms and records

Delivery notes

S d lit d t

10+ employees,World (702)

Surveys and quality data

Citizen registers/census

Excellent Good Average Poor

Line length indicates “We do this”

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…knowledge worker productivity…o edge o e p oduct ty

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CollaborationWhich THREE of the following document collaboration tools would you say are the most used by your team or within your business unit?


40% still using marked up paper copies as “most 

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Marked up paper copies

Emailed suggestions and changesused” 

And most of us are still playing

Emailed suggestions and changes

Annotated PDF files

Review and track‐change functions in Wordare still playing email ping‐pong 

and struggling 

Specialist document‐sharing application

Ad hoc wiki sites

D t i kfl ithi DM ECM with Word!Document review workflows within DM or ECM system

Team sites within SharePoint

Team sites within other collaboration suitesTeam sites within other collaboration suites

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Email in the businessWhich THREE of the following would you say are the biggest problems generally with email as a business tool? 

Email in the business

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Sheer overload

Finding and recovering past emailsFinding emails is next biggest 

Keeping track of actions

FYI and Reply‐to‐All copies

Doesn't work for collaboration

problem after “Sheer 


Business spam

Staff time‐wasting on non‐business use

Poor decisions made in haste or on‐the‐move

S it I C fid l kSecurity or In‐Confidence leaks

Mistakes, embarassments and sent‐in‐error

Phishing attacks on business accounts

Unreliable delivery

All respondents , multiple options

Unreliable delivery

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…managing organizational risk…a ag g o ga at o a s

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Records Integrity?Records Integrity?If challenged, how confident would you be that your electronic records have not been modified, deleted, or inappropriately accessed?

37% not confident h h i l i

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Very confidentthat their electronic records are robust. 

‐ 56% for those with 


No System

no form of ERM, 28% for those with.

Fairly confident

Not very confident

With System

Not at all confident


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Legal DiscoveryHow long would it take to produce all of the organizational information related to 

a former customer or constituent? 

Legal Discovery

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%28% would take 

more than a month

less than 5 days

5‐14 days18% had been 

exposed to a legal challenge in the


challenge in the last 12 months and a further 15% in 

the last 3 years – a 1 in 3 chance

All respondents (468)

31‐60 days

more than 60 days

1 in 3 chance

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GovernanceDoes your organization have a specific policy or guidance on the USAGE and/or CONTENT of the following technologies?


70% have no 

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Slide presentationspolicies on Web 2.0 or Enterprise 



Social Networks – access during work time

Instant messaging


Whereas 88% have AUP for 



SNS/Text messaging


10+ employees (656)

Social Networks – personal

Discussion Forums


May 2009Social Networks – business‐oriented


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…and your ability to deliver “trusted” information to support and document pp

business decisions.

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ImplementationWhich 3 of these typical problems have affected your organization’s document or records management implementation? 


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Underestimated process and organizational issues

Uneven usage due to poor procedures and lack of enforcement

Lack of knowledge or training among our internal staff.

Project derailed by internal politics

Low user acceptance due to poor design or clumsy implementation

Excessive "scope creep"

Underestimated the effort to distill and migrate content

Poorly defined business case

Failed to secure agreement on fileplans taxonomy and metadata

All respondents (284)

Failed to secure agreement on fileplans, taxonomy and metadata

Failed to think of benefits/issues beyond our business unit.

Lack of knowledge or training among our external staff/suppliers.

Budget was overrung

Failed to prioritize "high‐value" content

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A good starting place for movingA good starting place for moving forward is thinking about the 

i li ti f b iimplication of paper on your business processes…p

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Strategy and DriversWhat are the strongest drivers for scanning and capture in your organization? Max. THREE.

Strategy and Drivers

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Improve searchability of business documents (knowledge management)

#1 Knowledge Management

#2 & #3Records security and accessibility (compliance)

Improve process throughput (productivity)

#2 & #3 Compliance &Productivity

Improve speed of access (customer service)

Reduce physical storage space (office costs)

R d f d i

…then customer service and storage cost 

savingReduce usage of paper and copying (environmental)

Improve resilience to incidents (business continuity)

M i f l i


10+ employees ,Non‐trade

(742)More options for re‐location, outsource, etc. (organizational flexibility)


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Scan, Capture, FormatScan, Capture, Format


What proportion of the documents that you scan would you say 

Over half of scanned 

d tare 100% “born digital” 51.9%

What proportion of the documents that you scan are “born digital” except for a signature 50.9%

documents are 100% born digital

25% are What proportion of the documents that you scan are photocopied before being sent for scanning? 25.1%

photocopied before scanning

10+ employees ,World (665)

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Scan, Capture, FormatScan, Capture, FormatWould you say that the consumption of paper and/or number of photocopies in your organisation is:

Increasing rapidly, 7%

Decreasing rapidly, 5%

Fairly balanced, but still increasing in 

32% f

Increasing somewhat, 25%

Decreasing somewhat, 27%

32% of organizations

10+ employees,World (665)

Stable, 30%

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Managing in this Environment

• This afternoon we will present 8 Factors to• This afternoon we will present 8 Factors to Consider in Creating an Information Management StrategyManagement Strategy

• But for now• But for now …..

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Take Advantage of AIIM Resources

A taste of our year‐round programming in:

• Market Education• Peer Networking• Industry Advocacy & ResearchIndustry Advocacy & Research  • Professional Development & Training

d li l h l f f i d• …and a little help from our friends

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Become our 13,001st Student

Courtesy ofCourtesy of


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Let’s Meet the Partners

Alfresco CanonEastman Kodak EMCFujitsu Hyland SoftwareIBM Imaging 411Iron Mountain KnowledgeLakeKofax Open TextOracle RDAS l i XSmartlogic Xenos

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Today's Schedule

• Product Demonstrations ‐ all day in this room; take 25 minutes now

• Breakout Sessions begin at 10:00• Networking Lunch• Final demonstrations and prize drawings• Afternoon General Session and AIIM prize

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Your action items…

• Have fun and ask questions 

k f d b• Make a new friend – a peer in your business

• Make sure to stay to the end!

–8 Factors to Consider


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Breakout Sessions

• Consult your agendasConsult your agendas

• Sessions take place in the X and X Rooms• Sessions take place in the X and X Rooms

C ff b k i b t i i d 3 & 4• Coffee break in between session periods 3 & 4 takes place here in this room

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Lunch time

Don’t forget to:

• Find out about regular events from our local chapter

• Get your training test‐drive vouchers

• Answer the Question of the Day

• Enter prize drawings (you must be present)Enter prize drawings (you must be present)

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Part IICreating an informationCreating an information management strategy

Factors to ConsiderFactors to Consider

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Is this what “ECM” feels like sometimes?

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ECM definedECM definedMANAGE




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ECM defined – as good as any…ECM defined  as good as any…

• Gartner has identified six core functionalities of Ga t e as de t ed s co e u ct o a t es oan ECM solution:

• document management;• document imaging;g g;• records management;• workflow;;• Web content management; and• document‐centric collaboration.document centric collaboration.

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ECM as we know it is changing…ECM as we know it is changing…

• moving from the era of document‐centricmoving from the era of document centric collaboration to the era of conversation‐centric collaboration – social technologiescentric collaboration  social technologies

• knowledge worker replaces document/records specialists as the folks who care aboutspecialists as the folks who care about managing content – there’s a lot more of them

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8 Factors to Consider in Creating an fInformation Management Strategy

1. Don't underestimate the importance of your platform choices: The choices you y p ymake have a long tail.

2. A good starting point: Focus on paper.2. A good starting point: Focus on paper. 

3. Collaboration without structure is a waste of timeof time. 

4. The need for control is not going away. 

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8 Factors to Consider in Creating an fInformation Management Strategy

5. In a tight economy, nothing flies unless it can deliver process efficiency and automation.

6. In making choices, think knowledge g , gworkers, not document specialists. 

7 You need a plan7. You need a plan. 

8. Failure to address change management can make everything else mootcan make everything else moot.

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8 Factors to Consider in Creating an fInformation Management Strategy

Most of the checklist items were submitted by AIIM community members via Digital 

Landfill blog

Survey says…

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Your Platform Selection Ch kliChecklist

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Your Platform Selection ChecklistYour Platform Selection Checklist

1 Business objectives1. Business objectives

2. Core functionality

3 OOTB vs Custom3. OOTB vs. Custom

4. Internal t icompetencies

5. Integration

6. Buy or rent?

7. Vendor comfort

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Your Scanning and Capture Checklist

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Your Scanning and Capture ChecklistYour Scanning and Capture Checklist

1. Document types

2. Volume

3 Format3. Format

4. How far back?

5. Paper

6. Outsource?

7. Archive or process?

8 Training8. Training

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Your Collaboration Ch kliChecklist

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Your Collaboration ChecklistYour Collaboration Checklist

1. Policyy2. Inside/outside 3. Business, not 

technology4. A Jesuit approach5 D fi t ti5. Define retention 

requirements6 Organic6. Organic7. Integrate8. Trainingg

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Your Risk Management Ch kliChecklist

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Your Risk Management ChecklistYour Risk Management Checklist

1 Comprehensiveness1. Comprehensiveness

2. Disaster recovery

3 Unaltered3. Unaltered

4. Metadata

5. Access

6. Redundancy

7. Findability

8. Preservation

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Your Process I Ch kliImprovement Checklist

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Your Process Improvement Ch kliChecklist

1. Pick a starting place.g p2. Identify the business 

problem.3. Engage stakeholders.4. Don’t pave the existing 

pathwayspathways.5. Document and verify.6 Revise and verify6. Revise and verify.7. Market success.8. Be iterative.

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Interviewing for Process Improvement: The Rule of Fives

1. Why do you file canceled checks?– To keep them on file.

2 Why do you need to keep them on file?2. Why do you need to keep them on file?– So that we can retrieve them.

3. Why do you need to retrieve them?– In case a supplier calls.

4. Why would a supplier call?Because we often don’t pay the right amount– Because we often don t pay the right amount.

5. Why don’t you pay the right amount?– Because receiving often does not know the exact order that was placed and the amount agreed upon. 

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Your Productivity yChecklist

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Your Productivity ChecklistYour Productivity Checklist

1. Curation

2. Findability

3 Ease of use3. Ease of use

4. Efficiency

5. Integration

Source items 1‐6: Bill Jensen, Work 2.0 Rewriting the Contract

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Your Planning Checklist

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Your Planning ChecklistYour Planning Checklist

1 Why are you doing1. Why are you doing this? 

2 Buy in ‐‐ strategy2. Buy in  strategy

3. Buy in ‐‐ blueprint

4 G l i4. Gap analysis

5. Governance

6. Communication

7. Change management

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Your ChangeYour Change Management Checklist

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Your Change M Ch kliManagement Checklist

1. Personas1. Personas2. Engagement3 Process focused3. Process focused4. Training5 C di5. Cascading success6. Communications7. Eating your own dog 


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How Organizations Use ECM 

Technologies to ffImprove Efficiency, 

Increase d dProductivity, and Reduce Risk 

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Get HelpGet HelpG t FREE St ffGet FREE Stuff

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Digital Landfill ‐‐ Landfill

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