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Dr. John IzzoLeadershipEngagementSustainability

Improving the Quality of Work & Life

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About Dr. John IzzoDr. John Izzo is a leading business leadership expert, a bestselling author, and a community leader. He consults and advises some of the most admired companies in the world, teaches at major universities, conducts leading edge research on workplace values, and has spoken to more than one million people across the globe from Brazil to Russia, from New York to London. His client organizations range from high tech to high touch, hotels to hospitals, and government agencies to entrepreneurial start-ups.

John has devoted his life and career to showing leaders how to create workplaces that bring out the best in people and discover more purpose and fulfi llment in life and work. For over twenty years he has conducted pioneering work on employee engagement and helped leaders create exceptional corporate cultures.

He is the author of fi ve books. In his fi rst, Awakening Corporate Soul, John identifi es four paths to more engagement at work. In Values Shift: Recruiting, Retaining and Engaging the Multigenerational Workforce, he identifi es six major shifts in work values and creates a blueprint for the 21st century workforce and provides practical ideas on how to win over employees. His book, The Five Secrets You Must Discover before You Die, was the basis for a fi ve hour Biography and PBS Television series in which John interviewed 250 people from the age of 60 – 106 asking them to refl ect back on what they had learned about life. This bestseller was named the best self-help book of 2008 by the Independent Book Publishers Association.

Izzo’s latest book, Stepping Up: How Taking Responsibility Changes Everything offers inspiration and practical advice on how ordinary people can step up and make a difference in work, family, community or the world. Filled

with moving stories of how ordinary people accomplished extraordinary feats the book challenges each of us to step up and create change. He shows how leaders

can create a workplace where people will choose to step up.

Prior to establishing his own fi rm, Izzo was a senior organizational development consultant for Kaiser Permanente and Vice President of The Einstein Consulting

Group, an international customer service consultancy. He holds a Masters degree in psychology and a Ph.D. in organizational communication.

Leaders say that John Izzo brings the unique combination of practical ideas and high-level “big picture” thinking to their organizations. He inspires people to greater vision, challenges them with new insights, and leaves them with practical strategies to create the organization of the future. Above all, he ignites the spark in all of us to live a more authentic and purposeful life—an uncommon life where lasting legacy is balanced with every day fulfi llment.

Dr. John Izzo is one of

the most thought provok-

ing speakers in the world

and he works hard to

get to know the unique

needs of each and every


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Dr. John Izzo Speech TopicsStepping Up Changes EverythingBased on his new book, Stepping Up: How Taking Responsibility Changes Everything, Dr. Izzo explains how being accountable can radically transform any company, career or business. Being 100% responsible helps teams, leaders, and professionals act like owners and less like victims. This results in positive change and greater personal satisfaction in work and at life.

Whether it’s improving your company, enhancing customer engagement, managing your career, fostering relationships, or even changing the world—each one of us can become a powerful change agent.

Filled with inspiring stories of individuals who stepped up and made things better such as:

How a small group of employees got together and transformed service and • morale at a large hospitalHow a leader took a dying business unit within a large telecommunications • company and got employees to create a “cash cow” for her companyHow one front line manager pushed for a new product with her perseverance • producing one of the most profi table products of our generationHow a homeless alcoholic spurred a recycling revolution and created a business • that has employed hundreds of street peopleHow a small group of people stepped up and transformed one of the worst slums • in the world into a thriving community.

The overarching theme of this keynote is “change begins in this room, it begins with me, and it begins now.”

Be challenged to step up and take more initiative and responsibility• Get inspired about the power of individuals to create change inside organizations • and in communitiesDiscover how 100% responsibility can make your career and life more successful • and rewardingLearn how to create a culture where people will step up and take initiative•

Leading for Excellence & Engagement A culture of high engagement with a focus on excellence is a key driver of business success. Studies show that organizations with high levels of employee engagement are signifi cantly more profi table, have much higher customer loyalty, higher productivity, and better reputations with customers than those with moderate engagement.

Dr. John Izzo has spent a lifetime researching what separates truly passionate engaged teams and leaders from the rest of the pack. Based on his groundbreaking work in hisbestselling books Awakening Corporate Soul and Values Shift, Izzo reveals

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the secrets of how to win and engage the emerging workforce while leading your team to take their performance to the next level.

Learn the four keys to creating a high engagement team and see why some • leaders consistently get high levels of commitment from peopleDiscover why some companies and teams continue to achieve higher levels of • service, quality and innovationGain practical ideas on how leaders create engaged teams which can be • implemented immediatelyImprove your retention while gaining passionate commitment that will thrill your customers• Discover why the best leaders and workplaces are tough • and caringLearn how to consistently drive improvement and take your organization to the next level•

Branding from the Inside Out: Engaged Associates Drive Your BrandEngaged associates are your best brand strategy. A great logo, a savvy tagline and advertising campaigns are necessary, but none of it matters unless you deliver impeccable and memorable customer service. The intrinsic value that makes your company shine heads above your competition relies on one thing—relationships. Who you hire, how they are treated, whether they are engaged or not, and whether they believe in the services and products they sell, has everything to do with how the world sees your brand!

Dr. Izzo shares the secrets of getting your people highly engaged—how to get them aligned with your values, more focused on the customer, and how to create a climate where they act like owners.

Discover why brand power is more than a company logo or corporate colors• Learn the key values of the new workforce, the emerging values of consumers • and how leaders and companies must respondGain impactful ideas about how leaders can get their people to believe • passionately in their brand, live the values in daily interactions, while creating a brand that customers will connect to emotionally

Stepping Up Your Game in Work & Life Why do some people keep growing and going to the next level in terms of business success and personal fulfi llment? Stepping up means taking the personal initiative to set higher goals, seek feedback and to continually move to the next level. In this keynote, Dr. Izzo will inspire you to make a bigger difference for your clients, connect more deeply with those you serve, and reveal the secrets to life-long success. Based on twenty years of researching and coaching successful professionals, Izzo shows how to keep taking your “game” to a new level not only in work but in your personal life as well.

Discover the keys to ongoing personal growth and development • Know how to stoke the fi re of passion and enthusiasm in your work and life• Find out how to keep raising the bar on personal skill and infl uence• Learn how to seek and use feedback to supercharge your career and business• Discover the secrets of people who get better year after year•

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The Five Secrets You Must Discover before You DiePowerful keynote based on Dr. John Izzo’s Biography/PBS Channel TV Series and book, The Five Secrets You Must Discover before You Die. This international bestseller is published in sixteen languages and was named the best self-help book of 2008 by the Independent Publishers Association. Dr. Izzo interviewed over 200 people from the age of 60 – 106 and asked them to refl ect back on their lives and discovered fi ve main secrets to a purposeful, successful and fulfi lling life. With a combined 18,000 years of life, there was a common thread for everyone: “I am the wisest person I know.” From poets to truck drivers and CEOs to Holocaust survivors, you will hear the stories of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary happiness.

Be inspired by what really matters in your life• Be challenged to reach for your dreams• Learn the secret disciplines of happy people• Discover the keys to lasting happiness before it’s too late•

The Green Advantage: How to Build Sustainability into Your CultureGoing green is the emerging paradigm and many companies and organizations are implementing changes to become more sustainable. Doing so not only enhances brand image, but attracts more customers and quality employees whose values are increasingly “green.”

By rooting the idea into your company culture and empowering everyone to take initiative, sustainability becomes a practice and not merely a buzz word. Dr. Izzo shares examples of how other companies developed a “green advantage” and explains the how to avoid the pitfalls of being accused of “green washing.”

Understand why sustainability matters to society• Discover how consumers and employees are changing in terms of sustainability • expectationsGet the bottom line benefi ts of going green• Learn valuable lessons from what other companies have done• Discover the keys to driving sustainability throughout the culture• Find out how to keep from being accused of “green washing”• Inspire everyone to take your efforts seriously•

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TestimonialsAAOHN “You did an excellent job, Thank you for your inspiring and thought provoking program we are already planning next year and our attendees want you back!”

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES “John Izzo is one of our favorite thinkers”

CANADIAN HEALTH ASSOCIATION“…your expertise in healthcare management issues were valued and stimulating.”

CBBA“Dr. John Izzo’s message on stepping up resonates with every level in an organization. It inspires each of us to do more, be better and make a bigger difference. His session delivered motivation in real world terms that makes you want to go out and take 100% responsibility. Well done and well delivered!“

COCA COLA“Dr. Izzo was motivating, please have him back! “ He gave us things we can do to change our workplace immediately”

DOMINOS PIZZA“John Izzo’s program was both humorous and full of great ideas. A fi ne combination to open our annual manager’s conference”

DUKE ENERGY“Thank you for your insight and wisdom John, your program was so inspiring and motivating. Our work with you is far from over.”

DYNAMIC MUTUAL FUNDS “Our best speaker yet! Dr. Izzo delivered a compelling message that really resonated well with our audience. John has a way of connecting with people through real life stories and experiences; making them refl ect on their own life & work situations. After hearing his message, you want and believe you can make a difference, you want to push yourself to the next level. Tones of takeaways; I would highly recommend him!”

FAIRMONT HOTEL SOUTHHAMPTON“We went from 38th out of 40 hotels in service to number 3! John Izzo was a key part of this service excellence change effort and we highly recommend him!”

HP“Powerful and fun, thank you for showing us the power we have to shape change.”

IBM“For the second time you have commanded the attention of our managers. You know your stuff Dr. Izzo and it was a sincere pleasure to work with you again!”

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KAISER PERMANENTE“Workforce issues in healthcare are diverse, and hearing John Izzo’s today was THE most timely information I could have received. He is ahead of the curve and hopefully healthcare will strive to catch up!”

McDONALDS“We worked with John at our National Owner/Operator conference. Our Owners were inspired and left with the desire to put into action many of John’s ideas. John’s ability to share his knowledge through story telling left us all wanting more. Over the years, we have heard many speakers and John is by far one of the most impactful we have seen. His messages hit the mark perfectly. The session was described by all as an ‘out of the park homerun”.

REMAX“Real estate is a competitive and often soul-less business thank you for reminding me to live my values and honor my life’s purpose, I can’t tell you how timely your message was for me”


TD BANK“Motivating!” Real examples were appreciated.” “He is the best presenter.”

TELUS“John is a truly inspiring speaker, whose candid approach and story-telling capability reinforced key messages with the audience. He did a great job of challenging our current thinking, forcing us to look at our own culture and the role each of us plays in making the desired transformation. I have no doubt that John’s contribution to our leadership forums at TELUS has had a profound impact on evolving our culture.”

THE CENTER FOR ORGANIZATION EFFECTIVENESS“Your offi ce staff were so knowledgeable and helpful, it made my our conference planning that much easier!”

UMPQUA BANK“Izzo’s brand of optimism is energizing and sorely needed in these times!”

VERIZON“You inspired us to appreciate each other and you gave us so much food for thought!

WALMART “Dr John Izzo’s presentation was stimulating, thought provoking and entertaining all at the same time. We were truly amazed how Dr Izzo was able to incorporate our company’s values and core beliefs into his presentation. We felt like he had been a 20 year member of the team. Very well done, Sir!

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Partial Client ListAgrium•



American Association of Occupational Nurses•

American Express •

Association of Legal Administrators•


Astra Zeneca•

AT&T •

Bank of Montreal •

Bayer Healthcare •

BC Hydro•

Burger King•

Canadian Critical Care Nurses Association •

Centura Health•

Charles Schwab•


City of Calgary•

Coca Cola •

Conoco Phillips•

Devon Energy•

Dow Chemical •

Duke Energy •

Dynamic Mutual Funds•


Fairmont Hotels•

General Electric•

General Motors •

Georgia Power•

Great West Life•

Health Desk Institute•

Hewlett Packard •

Human Resources Association•



IMAX Corporation •

Imperial Oil•

INC 500 Leadership Conference •

Intercontinental Hotels•

Kaiser Permanente •

KB Homes•

Kimberly Clark•



Liquor Board of Ontario •

Mackenzie Financial•

Manulife Financial•

Marriott Hotels •

Mayo Clinic •



Motion Picture Association •

National Federation of Independent Businesses•

National Managed Healthcare Congress •

Northrop Grumman•

Ontario Police Services •

People Report•

Produce Marketing Association •

Providence Health•



Scotia Bank•

Shell Oil •


Stanford Medical Center•

Sun Microsystems•

Sun Life Financial•

TD Bank •

TD Industries•


Texas School Association •

The 13th Annual World Business Congress•

The Department of National Defence •

The US Navy•

The Vancouver Grizzlies National Basketball Team•

Tim Hortons•


Trillium Health Care •

Trinity Health System•



Xerox •


York Communications •


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Dr. John Izzo BooksStepping Up By Dr. John Izzo

Stepping Up offers inspiration and practical advice to anyone who wants to bring about positive change in any area —work, family, community, or the world. Filled with moving real-life stories of ordinary people who saw problems in the world and decided to step up and do something about them.

“Insightful and inspired! John Izzo’s Stepping Up reveals how all of us can create positive change in life and work.” — Marshall Goldsmith, world renowned executive coach and author of the New York Times best sellers, MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die By Dr. John Izzo

If you want to know the secret to a happy life, ask someone who has lived one. Based on 235 interviews with people between 60 – 160. From a town barber to to Holocaust survivors, from aboriginal chiefs to CEO’s, these people had over 18,000 years of life experience. This book will make you laugh, bring you to tears and inspire you to discover what matters long before you die.

“Like a profound conversation that lasts deep into the night, this book will captivate readers in search of purpose and a meaningful life.” — Richard Leider, author of The Power of Purpose and coauthor of Repacking Your Bags and Claiming Your Place at the Tribal Fire.

Values Shift: Recruiting, Retaining and Engaging the Inter-Generational Workforce By John Izzo and Pam Withers

Praise for this title is rampant, originally published in 2000 by Prentice-Hall, this book was ahead of its time! Values Shift is in its 10th printing and making serious statements about the status of our corporate culture. Post Enron, WorldCom and of course post the 2008 fi nancial collapse, North Americans are taking a good hard look at the reasons why they work for the companies they do!

Awakening Corporate Soul: Creating high Performance/High Fulfi llment at Work (the Companion Workbook) By John Izzo, Ph.D., Eric Klein and Marian Baker

“Awakening Corporate Soul” established John Izzo as a pioneer on the modern workplace. It is a groundbreaking book that identifi es four paths to creating a highly engaged workplace that could inspire passionate commitment. The book was fi rst published in 1995 and was based on 3,000 interviews asking people to identify their most engaged times at work. The book is an international bestseller and offers practical, hard hitting advice on how to create a workplace where people will give their very best. These four paths to engagement at work (Self, Craft, Community and Contribution) are as relevant today as when the book was fi rst published.

Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths To Unleash the Power of People at Work By John Izzo, Ph.D. & Eric Klein

Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths To Unleash the Power of People at Work is a 235 page book that makes the business case for “Corporate Soul” as a strategy that can re-inspire commitment in an uncertain workforce and create competitive advantage in a high pressure global economy.