
JOHN P. McKAY I University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BENNETT D. HILL I Late of Georgetown University

JOHN BUCKLER I Late of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

PATRICIA BUCKLEY EB REY I University of Washington

ROGER B. BECK I Easternillinois University

CLARE HARU CROWSTON I University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

MERRY E. WIESNER-HANKS I UniversityofWisconsin-Milwaukee

BEDFORD/ST. MARTI N'S Boston • New York


1 The Earliest Human Societies to 2500 e.c.e. 2

2 The Rise of the State in Southwest Asia and the Nile Valley 3200-500 e.c.e. 32

3 The Foundation of Indian Society to 300 c.e. 64

4 China's Classical Age to 221 e.c.e. 90

5 The Greek Experience 3500-100 e.c.E. 114

6 The World of Rome 750 e.c.e.-400 C.E. 142

7 East Asia and the Spread of Buddhism 221 e.c.e.-aoo c.e. 174

8 Continuity and Change in Europe and Western Asia 200-850 204

9 The Islamic World 600-1400 232

10 African Societies and Kingdoms 1000 e.c.e.-1500 C.E. 266

1 1 The Americas 2500 e.c.e.-1500 C.E. 298

12 Cultural Exchange in Central and Southern Asia to 1400 330

13 States and Cultures in East Asia 800-1400 364

14 Europe in the Middle Ages 900-1450 392

15 Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation 1350-1600 424

16 The Acceleration of Global Contact 1450-1600 458

17 European Power and Expansion 1500-1150 490

18 New World views and Ways of Life 1540-1190 524

• ix



1 9 Africa and the World 1400-1800 556

20 The Islamic World Powers 1300-1800 586

21 Continuity and Change in East Asia 1400-1800 616

22 Revolutions in the Atlantic World 1775-1815 650

23 The Revolution in Energy and Industry 1160-1050 684

24 Ideologies of Change in Europe 1915-1914 714

25 Africa, Southwest Asia, and the New Imperialism 1800-1914 750

26 Asia in the Era of Imperialism 1800-1914 782

27 Nation Building in the Americas and Australia 1110-1914 810

28 World War and Revolution 1914-1929 842

29 Nationalism in Asia 1914-1939 876

30 The Great Depression and World War II 1929-1945 906

31 Global Recovery and Division Between Superpowers 1945 to the Present 940

32 Independence, Progress, and Conflict in Asia and the Middle East 1945 to the Present 976

33 The Global South: Latin America and Africa 1945 to the Present 1006

34 A New Era in World History 1036

Index 1.1

Timeline A History of World Societies: An Overview 1-70 .


Maps, Figures, and Tables xxviii

Special Features xxxi

Preface xxxiii

Versions and Supplements xxxviii

II The Earliest Human Societies to 2500 B.C.E. 2

Evolution and Migration 4 Understanding the Early Human Past 4 Hominid Evolution 6 Homo Sapiens, "Thinking Humans" 7 Migration and Differentiation 9

Paleol ithic Society, 250,000-9000 e.c.e. 11 Foraging for Food 11 Family and Kinsh ip Relationships 14 Cultural Creations and Spirituality 14

The Development of Agriculture in the Neolithic Era, ca. 9000 B.C.E. 17

The Development of Horticulture 18 An imal Domestication and the Rise of Pastoralism 21 Plow Agriculture 23

Neolithic Society 24 Social H ierarchies and Slavery 24 Gender Hierarch ies and Inheritance 24 Trade and Cross-Cultural Connections 28

Connections 29

Chapter Review 30

Viewpoints Stone Age Houses in Chile and China 12

Listening to the Past Paleolithic Venus Figures 16

Individuals in Society The Iceman 25

II The Rise of the State in Southwest Asia and the Nile Valley 3200-500 B.C.E. 32

Writing, Cities, and States 34 Written Sources and the Human Past 34 Cities and the Idea of Civilization 36 The Rise of States, Laws, and Social Hierarch ies 36

Mesopotamia from Sumeria to Babylon 37 Environmental Challenges, Irrigation, and Religion 37 Sumerian Politics and Society 38 The Invention of Writing and Other Intellectual Advances 39 The Triumph of Babylon and the Spread of Mesopotamian

Civil ization 42 Hammurabi's Code and Its Social Consequences 43

The Egyptians and Their Pharaohs 44 The Nile and the God-King 44 Social Divisions and Work in Ancient Egypt 46 Migrations and Political Revivals 47 New Political and Economic Powers 51

The Hebrews 53 The Hebrew State 53 The Jewish Religion 56 The Family and Jewish Life 56

The Assyrians and Persians 57 Assyria, the Military Monarchy 57 The Rise and Expansion of the Persian Empire 58 The Religion of Zoroaster 61

Connections 61

Chapter Review 62

Listening to the Past Gilgamesh's Quest for Immortality 40

Individuals in Society Hatshepsut and Nefertiti SO

Global Trade Iron 54

Viewpoints Rulers and Divine Favor: Cyrus the Great in the Cyrus Cylinder and Hebrew Scripture 60

• xi



II The Foundation of Indian Society to 300 C.E. 64

The Land and Its First Settlers, ca. 3000-1500 B.C.E. 66

The Aryans During the Vedic Age, ca. 1500-500 B.C.E. 69

Aryan Dominance in North India 70 Life in Early India 71 Brahmanism 73

India's Great Religions 74 Jainism 75 Siddhartha Gautama and Buddhism 77 Hinduism 79

Western Contact and the Mauryan Unification of North India, ca. 513-185 e.c.e. 81

Encounters with the West 81 Chandragupta and the Founding of the

Mauryan Empire 82 The Reign of Ashoka, ca. 269-232 e.c.E. 84

Small States and Trading Networks, 185 B.c.e.-300 C.E. 86

Connections 88

Chapter Review 88

Listening to the Past Conversations Between Rama and Sita from the Ramayana 72

Individuals in Society Gosala 76

Viewpoints On Enemies from The Laws ofManu and The Arthashastra 83

II China's Classical Age to 221 B.C.E. 90

The Emergence of Civilization in China 92 The Impact of Geography 92 Early Agricultural Societies of the Neolithic Age 92

The Shang Dynasty, ca. 1500-1050 e.c.E. 94 Shang Society 94 Bronze Metalworking 96 The Development of Writing 97

The Early Zhou Dynasty, ca. 1050-400 e.c.e. 98 Zhou Polit ics 98 Life During the Zhou Dynasty 99

The Warring States Period, 403-221 e.c.e. 102 New Technologies for War 102 The Victorious States 103

Confucius and His Followers 103 Confucius 103 The Spread of Confucian Ideas 106

Daoism, Legalism, and Other Schools of Thought 107

Daoism 107 Legalism 110 Yin and Yang 111

Connections 111

Chapter Review 112

Individuals in Society Lord Mengchang 101

Listening to the Past The Book of Mencius 104

Viewpoints Mozi and Xunzi on Divine Response 108


II The Greek Experience 3500-100 B.C.E. 114

Hellas: The Land and the Polis, ca. 3500-800 B.C.E. 116

The Minoans and Mycenaeans 117 The Development of the Polis 118

Population and Politics in the Archaic Age, ca. 800-500 B.C.E. 120

Greece's Overseas Expansion 120 The Growth of Sparta 120 The Evolution of Athens 122

Thought and Culture in the Classical Period, 500-338 B.C.E. 122

The Deadly Conflicts, 499- 404 e.c.E. 122 Athenian Arts in the Age of Pericles 124 Daily Life and Social Conditions in Athens 126 Greek Religion in the Classical Period 127 The Flowering of Philosophy 128

Hellenistic Society, 336-100 e.c.e. l3l From Polis to Monarchy, 404-200 e.c.E. 131 Building a Shared Society 133 The Growth of Trade and Commerce 134

Hellenistic Religion, Philosophy, and Science 135 Religion in the Hellenistic World 136 Phi losophy and Its Guidance for Life 137 Hellenistic Science and Medicine 137

Connections 139

Chapter Review 140

Viewpoints Two Opinions About Athenian Democracy 124

Listening to the Past Aristotle, On the Family and On Slavery, from The Politics 128

Ind ividuals in Society Archimedes, Scientist and Inventor 138

Iii The World of Rome 750 B.C.E.-400 C.E. 142

The Romans in Italy 144 The Etruscans and Rome 144 The Roman Conquest of Italy 145


The Distribution of Power in the Roman Republic 147 Social Conflict in Rome 149

Roman Expansion and Its Repercussions 149 Overseas Conquests and the Punic Wars,

264-133 B.C.E. 149 New Influences and Old Values in Roman Culture 151 The Late Republic and the Rise of Augustus,

133-27 B. C. E. 153 The Successes of Augustus 154

The Pax Romana 160 Political and Military Changes in the Empire 160 Life in Rome 161 Prosperity in the Roman Provinces 161 Eastward Expansion and Contacts Between Rome and

China 163

The Coming of Christianity 166 Factors Behind the Rise of Christianity 166 The Life ~nd Teachings of Jesus 166 The Spread of Christianity 167 The Growing Acceptance and Evolution of Christianity 168

Turmoil and Reform 169 Diocletian's Reforms 169 Economic Hardship and Its Consequences 169 Constantine, Christianity, and the Rise

of Constantinople 170

Connections 171

Chapter Review 172

Viewpoints On Roman Wives from a Tombstone Inscription and Juvenal's Sixth Satire 152

Individuals in Society Queen Cleopatra 155

Listening to the Past Cicero and the Plot to Kill Caesar 156

Global Trade Pottery 164



II East Asia and the Spread of Buddhism 221 B.C.E.-800 C.E. 174

The Age of Empire in China: The Qin and Han Dynasties 176

The Qin Unification, 221-206 B.C. E. 176 The Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 c.E. 178 Han Intellectual and Cultural Life 178 Inner Asia and the Silk Road 180 Life in Han China 182 China and Rome 183 The Fall of the Han and the Age of Division 187

The Spread of Buddhism Out of India 188 Buddhism's Path Through Central Asia 188 The Appeal and Impact ofBuddhism in China 189

The Chinese Empire Re-created: Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) 192

The Sui Dynasty, 581-618 192 The Tang Dynasty, 618-907 193 Tang Culture 195

The East Asian Cultural Sphere 196 Vietnam 196 Korea 197 Japan 198

Connections 201

Chapter Review 202

Global Trade Silk 184

Individuals in Society The Ban Family 186

Listening to the Past Sixth-Century Biographies of Buddhist Nuns 190

Viewpoints Chinese and Japanese Principles of Good Government, ca. 650 200

II Continuity and Change in Europe and Western Asia 200-850 204

The Byzantine Empire 206 Sources of Byzantine Strength 206 The Sassanid Empire and Conflicts with Byzantium 208 The Law Code of Justinian 208 Byzantine Intellectual Life 208 Life in Constantinople 209

The Growth of the Christian Church 211 The Evolution of Church Leadership and Orthodoxy 211 The Western Church and the Eastern Church 213 The Iconoclastic Controversy 213 Christian Monasticism 214

Christian Ideas and Practices 215 Christian Beliefs and the Greco-Roman Tradition 215 Saint Augustine 217 Missionary Activity 217 Conversion and Assimilation 218

Migrating Peoples 220 Social and Economic Structures 220 Chiefs, Warriors, and Laws 221 Migrations and Political Change 224 The Frankish Kingdom 225 Charlemagne 226

Connections 229

Chapter Review 230

Individuals in Society Theodora of Constantinople 210

Viewpoints Roman and Byzantine Views of Barbarians 222

Listening to the Past Gregory ofTours, The Conversion ofClovis 226


II The Islamic World 600-1400 232

The Origins of Islam 234 Arabian Social and Economic Structure 234 Muhammad's Rise as a Religious Leader 235 The Tenets of Islam 236

Islamic States and Their Expansion 237 Islam's Spread Beyond Arabia 237 Reasons for the Spread of Islam 238 The Caliphate and the Split Between Shi ' a and Sunni

Alliances 239 The Abbasid Caliphate 240 Administration of the Islamic Territories 242

Fragmentation and Military Challenges, 900-1400 243

Breakaway Territories and Shi' a Gains 243 The Ascendancy of the Turks 244 The Mongol Invasions 244

Muslim Society: The Life of the People 245 The Social Hierarchy 246 Slavery 246 Women in Classical Islamic Society 248

Trade and Commerce 252

Cultural Developments 255 The Cultural Centers of Baghdad and C6rdoba 255 Education and Intellectual Life 256 The Mystical Tradition of Sufism 259

Muslim-Christian Encounters 261

Connections 263

Chapter Review 264

Viewpoints Jews in Muslim Lands 247

Listening to the Past Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, The Etiquette ofMarriage 250

Individuals in Society lbn Battuta 254


II African Societies and Kingdoms 1000 e.c.e.-1500 c.e. 266

The Land and Peoples of Africa 268 Africa's Geographical and Human Diversity 268 Egypt, Race, and Being African 269

Early African Societies 271 Settled Agriculture and Its Impact 271 Bantu Migrations 272 Life in the Kingdoms of the Western Sudan,

ca . 1000 B.C.E.-800 C.E. 273

The Trans-Saharan Trade 274 The Berbers of North Africa 274 Effects of Trade on West African Society 275 The Spread of Islam in Africa 276

African Kingdoms and Empires, ca. 800-1500 277 The Kingdom of Ghana, ca. 900-1100 277 The Kingdom of Mali, ca . 1200-1450 280 Ethiopia: The Christian Kingdom of Aksum 282 The East African City-States 286 Southern Africa and Great Zimbabwe 291

Connections 293

Chapter Review ·294

Individuals in Society Amda Siyon 285

Viewpoints Early Descriptions of Africa 287

Listening to the Past A Tenth-Century Muslim Traveler Describes Parts of the East African Coast 288



II The Americas 2500 B.C.E.-1500 C.E. 298

The First Peoples of the Americas 300 Describing the Americas and Their Peoples 300 Settling the Americas 301 The Development of Agriculture 302

Early Societies 304 Mounds, Towns, and Trade in North and

South America 304 Olmec Agriculture, Technology, and Religion 304

Classical Era Mesoamerica and North America, 300-900 C.E. 306

Maya Agriculture and Trade 306 Maya Science and Religion 307 Growth and Assimilation of the Teotihuacan and

Toltec Cultures 309 Hohokam, Hopewell, and Mississippian Societies 311

The Aztecs 313 Religion and War in Aztec Society 314 Social Distinctions Among Aztecs 315 The City ofTenochtitlan 319

The Incas 320 Earlier Peruvian Cultures 321 Inca Imperialism and Its Religious Basis 321 The Clan-Based Structure of Inca Society 323

Connections 327

Chapter Review 328

Viewpoints Creation in the Popul Vuh and in Okanogan Tradition 308

Individuals in Society Tlacaelel 316

Listening to the Past Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, The First New Chronicle and Good Government 324

11!1 Cultural Exchange in Central Ill and Southern Asia

to 1400 330

Central Asian Nomads 332 Nomad ic Society 332 The Turks 333 The Mongols 334 Mongol Daily Life 335

Chinggis Khan and the Mongol Empire 336 Chinggis Khan 337 Chinggis 's Successors 340 The Mongols as Rulers 344

East-West Communication During the Mongol Era 345

The Movement of Peoples 345 The Spread of Disease, Goods, and Ideas 346

India, Islam, and the Development of Regional Cultures, 300-1400 347

The Gupta Empire, ca . 320- 480 348 India 's Medieval Age and the First Encounter

with Islam 348 The Delhi Sultanate 352 Life in Medieval India 353

Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the Growth of Maritime Trade 355

State Formation and Indian Influences 355 The Srivijaya Maritime Trade Empire 359 The Spread of Indian Culture in Comparative

Perspective 360 The Settlement of the Pacific Islands 360

Connections 361

Chapter Review 362

Listening to the Past The Abduction of Women in The Secret History of the Mongols 338 ·

Viewpoints Chinese and European Accounts About the Mongol Army 342

Individuals in Society Bhaskara the Teacher 351

Global Trade Spices 356


II States and Cultures in East Asia 800-1400 364

The Medieval Chinese Economic Revolution, 800-1100 366

China During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, 960-1368 371

The Song Dynasty 372 The Scholar-Officials and Neo-Confucianism 373 Women 's Lives in Song Times 376 China Under Mongol Rule 378

Korea Under the Koryo Dynasty, 935-1392 380

Japan's Heian Period, 794-1185 382 Fujiwara Rule 382 Aristocratic Culture 382

The Samurai and the Kamakura Shogunate, 1185-1333 386

Military Rule 386 Cultural Trends 387

Connections 389

Chapter Review 390

Global Trade Tea 368

Individuals in Society Shen Gua 375

Viewpoints Zhu Xi and Yuan Cai on Family Management 377

Listening to the Past The Pillow Book ofSei Shonagon 384


II Europe in the Middle Ages 800-1450 392

Political Developments 394 Invasions and Migrations 394 Feudalism and Manorialism 395 The Restoration of Order 397 Law and justice 398

The Christian Church 399 Papal Reforms 400 Monastic Life 400 Popular Religion 402 The Expansion of Christianity 403

The Crusades 404 Background and Motives 404 The Course of the Crusades 405 Consequences of the Crusades 408

The Life of the People 408 The Life and Work of Peasants 409 The Life and Work of Nobles 409 Towns, Cities, and the Growth of

Commercial Interests 410 The Expansion of Trade and the

Comr,nercial Revolution 411

Learning and Culture 412 Universities and Scholasticism 412 Cathedrals and a New Architectural Style 413 Troubadour Poetry 414

Crises of the Later Middle Ages 415 The Great Famine and the Black Death 415 The Hundred Years ' War 418 Challenges to the Church 420 Peasant and Urban Revolts 420

Connections 421

Chapter Review 422

Individuals in Society Hildegard of Bingen 401

Listening to the Past An Arab View of the Crusades 406

Viewpoints Italian and English Views of the Plague 417



II Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation 1350-1600 424

Renaissance Culture 426 Wealth and Power in Renaissance Italy 426 The Rise of Humanism 427 Christian Humanism 429 Printing and Its Social Impact 430 Art and the Artist 431

Social Hierarchies 433 Race and Slavery 433 Wealth and the Nobility 435 Gender Roles 436

Politics and the State in the Renaissance, ca. 1450-1S21 438

France 438 England 438 Spain 438 The Habsburgs 440

The Protestant Reformation 441 Criticism of the Church 441 Martin Luther 441 Protestant Thought and Its Appeal 443 The Radical Reformation and the German

Peasants ' War 443 Marriage and Women's Roles 446 The Reformation and German Politics 446 England 's Shift Toward Protestantism 448 Calvinism and Its Moral Standards 448

The Catholic Reformation 450 Papal Reforms and the Council of Trent 450 New Religious Orders 450

Religious Violence 452 French Religious Wars 452 Civil Wars in the Netherlands 453 The Great European Witch-Hunt 454

Connections 454

Chapter Review 455

Viewpoints Lauro Quirini and Cassandra Fedele: Women and Humanist Learning 428

Individuals in Society Leonardo da Vinci 434

Listening to the Past Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty 444

II The Acceleration of Global Contact 1450-1600 458

The Afroeurasian Trade World Before Columbus 460 The Trade World of the Indian Ocean 460 Peoples and Cultures of the Indian Ocean 461 Trade with Africa and the Middle East 464 Genoese and Venetian Middlemen 464

The European Voyages of Discovery 465 Causes of European Expansion 465 Technology and the Rise of Exploration 466 The Expanding Portuguese Empire 467 Christopher Columbus's Voyages to the Americas 469 Later Explorers 471 Spanish Conquest in the New World 474

The Impact of Conquest 476 Colonial Administration 476 The Impact of European Settlement on the Lives of

Indigenous Peoples 476 The Columbian Exchange 478 Sugar and Early Transatlantic Slavery 479 The Birth of the Global Economy 480

Changing Values and Beliefs 481 New Ideas About Race 484 Michel de Montaigne and Cultural Curiosity 484 William Shakespeare and His Influence 485 Religious Conversion in the New World 487

Connections 487

Chapter Review 488

Individuals in Society Zheng He 463

Listening to the Past Columbus Describes His First Voyage 472

Global Trade Silver 482

Viewpoints Christian Conversion in New Spain 486


II European Power and Expansion 1500-1750 490

Seventeenth-Century Crisis and Rebuilding 492 Crises Among Peasants and the Urban Poor 492 The Return of Serfdom in Eastern Europe 493 The Th irty Years' War 494 Achievements in State Building 494

Absolutism in France and Spain 496 The Foundations of Absolutism 496 Lou is XIV and Absolutism 497 Life at Versailles 498 French Finances 498 Lou is XIV's Wars 499 The Decline of Absolutist Spain 501

Absolutism in Austria, Prussia, and Russia 501 The Austrian Habsburgs 502 Prussia in the Seventeenth Century 503 The Consol idation of Prussian Absolutism 504 Mongol Rule in Russia and the Rise of Moscow 504 The Tsar and His People 505 The Reforms of Peter the Great 509

Alternatives to Absolutism in England and the Dutch Republic 509

Absolutist Claims in England 510 Religious Divides and Civil War 510 The Puritan Protectorate 512 Restoration of the English Monarchy 512 Constitutional Monarchy 513 The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century 515

Colonialism in the Americas 516 Colonial Expansion of Northern European Powers 516 Mercantilism and Colonial Wars 519 Life in the Colonies 519

Connections 521

Chapter Review 522

Listening to the Past A German Account of Russian Life 506

Viewpoints The Debate over the Extent of Royal Power in England 514

Individuals in Society Gliickel ofHameln 517


Ill New Worldviews and Ways of Life 1540-1790 524

The Scientific Revolution 526 Scientific Thought Through the Early 1500s 526 Origins of the Scientific Revolution 527 Copernican Hypothesis 528 Proving Copernicus Right 528 Newton's Synthesis 530 Bacon, Descartes, and the Scientific Method 530 Medicine, the Body, and Chemistry 532 Science and Society 532

The Enlightenment 533 The Emergence of the Enlightenment 534 The Influence of the Philosophes 535 Enlightenment Across Europe 537 Urban Culture and Life in the Public Sphere 538 Late Enlightenment 540

Enlightened Absolutism 540 Reforms in Prussia, Russia, and Austria 541 Jewish Life and the Limits of Enlightened Absolutism 542

The Growth of Consumerism and the Atlantic World 545

A Revolution in Consumption and Daily Life 545 The Atlantic Economy 547 Identities and Communities of the Atlantic World 549 Race and the Enlightenment 551

Connections 553

Chapter Review 554

Individuals in Society Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment 543

Viewpoints Malachy Postlethwayt and Olaudah Equiano on the Abolition of Slavery 550

Listening to the Past Denis Diderot's "Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage" 552



II Africa and the World 1400-1800 556

West Africa in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries 558

The West Coast: Senegambia and Benin 558 The Sudan: Songhai, Kanem-Bornu, and Hausaland 560 The Lives of the People of West Africa 563 Trade and Industry 564

Cross-Cultural Encounters Along the East African Coast 566

Muslim and European Incursions in Ethiopia, ca. 1500-1630 566

The Swahili City-States and the Arrival of the Portuguese, ca. 1500-1600 568

The African Slave Trade 568 The Institution of Slavery in Africa 569 The Transatlantic Slave Trade 572 Impact on African Societies 580

Connections 583

Chapter Review 583

Viewpoints European Descriptions of Timbuktu and)enne 562

Listening to the Past Duarte Barbosa on the Swahili City-States 570

Global Trade Slaves 574

Individuals in Society Olaudah Equiano 578

m The Islamic World Powers 1300-1800 586

The Turkish Ruling Houses: The Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals 588

The Ottoman Turkish Empire's Expansion 588 The Ottoman Empire's Use of Slaves 592 The Safavid Empire in Persia 593 The Mughal Empire in India 596

Cultural Flowering 597 The Arts 597 City and Palace Building 599 Gardens 601 Intellectual Advances and Religious Trends 602 Coffeehouses and Their Social Impact 603

Non-Muslims Under Muslim Rule 606

Shifting Trade Routes and European Penetration 607 European Rivalry for Trade in the Indian Ocean 607 Merchant Networks in the Islamic Empires 608 From the British East India Company to the British Empire

in India 611

Political Decline 611

Connections 613

Chapter Review 614

Individuals in Society Hurrem 594

Viewpoints Ottoman Travelers in Mughal and Safavid Lands 598

Listening to the Past Katib Chelebi on Tobacco 604


1!11 Continuity and Change Ill in East Asia

1400-1800 616

Ming China, 1368-1644 618 The Rise of Zhu Yuanzhang and the Founding of the Ming

Dynasty 618 Problems with the Imperial Institution 619 The Mongols and the Great Wall 621 The Exam ination Life 621 Everyday Life in Ming China 623 Ming Decline 625

The Manchus and Qing China, to 1800 626 The Rise of the Manchus 626 Competent and Long-Lived Emperors 627 Imperial Expansion 628

Japan's Middle Ages, ca. 1400 -1600 629 Muromach i Culture 629 Civil War 629 The Victors: Nobunaga and Hideyoshi 630

The Tokugawa Shogunate, to 1800 631 Tokugawa Government 631 Commercialization and the Growth ofTowns 632 The Life of the People in the Edo Period 635

Maritime Trade, Piracy, and the Entry of Europe into the Asian Maritime Sphere 639

Zheng He's Voyages 639 Piracy and Japan's Overseas Adventures 642 Europeans Enter the Scene 643 Christian Missionaries 644 Learning from the West 645 The Shifting International Environment in the

Eighteenth Century 646

Connections 646

Chapter Review 647

Individuals in Society Tan Yunxian, Woman Doctor 622

V iewpoints Chinese and Japanese Financial Advice 634

List ening to the Past Keinen's Poetic Diary of the Korea Campaign 640

1!11 Revolutions in the 1111 Atlantic World

1775-1815 650

Background to Revolution 652 Social Change 652


Growing Demands for Liberty and Equality 653 The Seven Years ' War 654

The American Revolutionary Era, 1775-1789 656 The Origins of the Revolution 656 Independence from Britain 657 Framing the Constitution 658

Revolution in France, 1789-1791 659 Breakdown of the Old Order 659 The Formation of the National Assembly 660 Popular Uprising and the Rights of Man 661 A Constitutional Monarchy and Its Challenges 663

World War and Republican France, 1791-1799 667 The International Response 667 The Second Revolution and the New Republic 668 Total War and the Terror 670 The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory 671

Napoleon's Europe, 1799-1815 672 Napoleon's Rule of France 672 Napoleon's Expansion in Europe 673 The Grand Empire and Its End 674

The Haitian Revolution, 1791-1804 676 Revolutionary Aspirations in Saint-Domingue 677 The Outbreak of Revolt 679 The War of Haitian Independence 679

Connections 681

Chapter Review 682

Listening to the Past Abbe de Sieyes, "What Is the Third Estate?" 664

Viewpoints The Question of Jewish Citizenship in France 666

Individuals in Societ y Toussaint L'Ouverture 680



II The Revolution in Energy and Industry 1760-1850 684

The Industrial Revolution in Britain 686 Origins of the British Industrial Revolution 686 The First Factories 687 The Steam Engine Breakthrough 690 The Coming of the Ra ilroads 693 Industry and Population 693

Industrialization Beyond Britain 695 National and International Variations 696 The Challenge of Industrialization in

Continental Europe 697 Agents of Industrialization 697 Government Support and Corporate Banking 699 The Situation Outside of Europe 700

Relations Between Capital and Labor 701 The New Class of Factory Owners 701 The New Factory Workers 702 Work in Early Factories 703 Working Families and Children 704 The Sexual Division of Labor 705 The Early Labor Movement in Britai n 708 The Impact of Slavery 711

Connections 711

Chapter Review 712

Individuals in Society Josiah Wedgwood 692

Viewpoints Women's Role in Industrialized Europe 706

Listening to the Past The Testimony ofYoung Mine Workers 708

II Ideologies of Change in Europe 1815-1914 714

A Conservative Peace Gives Way to Radical Ideas 716

The European Balance of Power 717 Coerced Conservatism After 1815 717 Liberalism and the Middle Class 719 The Growing Appeal of Nationalism 719 The Birth of Socialism 721

Reforms and Revolutions, 1815-1850 722 Liberal Reform in Great Britain 722 Revolutions in France 722 The Revolutions of 1848 in Central Europe 724

Nation Building in Italy, Germany, and Russia 725 Cavour, Garibald i, and the Unification of Italy 726 Bismarck and German Unification 727 The Modernization of Russia 730

Life in the Emerging Urban Society 731 Taming the City 731 New Social Hierarchies and the Middle Classes 733 The People and Occupations of the Working-Classes 733 The Changing Family 735 Science for the Masses 738 Cultural Shifts 739

Nationalism and Socialism, 1871-1914 741 Trends in Suffrage 741 The German Empire 742 Republican France 742 Great Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire 742 Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism 744 The Social ist Movement 744

Connections 747

Chapter Review 748

Individuals in Society Giuseppe Garibaldi 728

Listening to the Past Mrs. Beeton's Guide for Running a Victorian Household 736

Viewpoints Socialist and Anti-Socialist Perspectives 745


Fl Africa, Southwest Asia, and the New Imperialism 1800-1914 750

Africa: From the Slave Trade to European Colonial Rule 752

Trade and Social Change 752 Islamic Revival and Expansion in Africa 755 The Scramble for Africa, 1880-1914 755 Southern Africa in the Nineteenth Century 758 Colon ial ism's Impact After 1900 761

The New Imperialism, 1880-1914 763 Causes of the New Imperialism 763 A "Civilizing Mission" 766 Critics of Imperialism 767 African and Asian Resistance 767

The Islamic Heartland Under Pressure 768 Decline and Reform in the Ottoman Empire 768 Egypt: From Reform to British Occupation 770

The Expanding World Economy 773 The Rise of Global Inequality 773 The World Market 774

The Great Global Migration 775

Connections 779

Chapter Review 780

Viewpoints The Congo Free State 759

Listening to the Past A French Leader Defends Imperialism 764

Ind ividuals in Society Muhammad Ali 771

Global Trade Indigo 776


Ill Asia in the Era of Imperialism 180 0-1914 782

India and the British Empire in Asia 784 The Evolution of British Rule 785 The Socioeconomic Effects of British Rule 786 The British and the Indian Educated Elite 787

Competition for Southeast Asia 790 The Dutch East Indies 790 Mainland Southeast Asia 790 The Philippines 791

China Under Pressure 791 The Opium War 793 Internal Problems 794 The Self-Strengthening Movement 795 Republican Revolution 795

Japan's Rapid Transformation 797 The "Opening" of Japan 797 The Meiji Restoration 797 Industrialization 799 Japan as an Imperial Power 801

The Movement of Peoples 802 Westerners to Asia 802 Asian Emigration 804

The Countries of Asia in Comparative Perspective 806

Connections 807

Chapter Review 808

Viewpoints Rammohun Roy and Thomas Babington Macauley on Education for Indians 788

Individuals in Society Jose Rizal 792

Listening to the Past Fukuzawa Yukichi, Escape from Asia 800



IJll Nation Building in the Ill Americas and Australia

1770-1914 810

Latin America, 1800-1914 812 The Origins of the Revolutions Against

Colonial Powers 813 Resistance, Rebellion, and Independence 816 The Aftermath of Independence 817 Neocolonialism and Its Socioeconomic Effects 819 The Impact of Immigrants from Europe, Asia, and the

Middle East 821

The United States, 1789-1914 824 Manifest Destiny and Its Consequences for

Native Americans 825 Women's Roles in White Settlements 827 Black Slavery in the South 827 The Civil War and Its Impact 829 Industrialization and the Formation of

Large Corporations 830 Immigrants and Their Reception 831

Canada, from French Colony to Nation 833

Australia, from Penal Colony to Nation 834 A Distant Land Turned Penal Colony 835 An Economy Built on Wool, Gold, and

Immigrant Labor 836 The Shaping of a Government and a

National Identity 838

The New Countries from a Comparative Perspective 839

Connections 840

Chapter Review 840

Viewpoints Mexican and American Perspectives on the U.S.-Mexican War 818

Listening to the Past Mary Seacole on Her Early Life 822

Individuals in Society Henry Meiggs, Promoter and Speculator 820

Ill World War and Revolution 1914-1929 842

The First World War, 1914-1918 844 The Bismarckian System of Alliances 845 The Outbreak of War 846 Stalemate and Slaughter 849 The War Becomes Global 849

The Home Front 853 Mobilizing for Total War 853 The Social Impact 855 Growing Political Tensions 856

The Russian Revolution 858 The Fall of Imperial Russia 858 The Provisional Government 859 Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution 860 Dictatorship and Civil War 861

The War's Consequences 862 The End of the War 862 The Treaty of Versailles 863 American Rejection of the Versailles Treaty 865

The Search for Peace and Political Stability, 1919-1929 865

Germany and the Western Powers 865 Hope in Foreign Affairs 866 Hope in Democratic Government 867

The Age of Anxiety 867 Uncertainty in Philosophy and Religion 868 The New Physics 868 Freudian Psychology 869 Twentieth-Century Literature 870 Modern Architecture, Art, and Music 870 Movies and Radio 872

Connections 873

Chapter Review 874

Viewpoints Poetry of the Great War 850

Listening to the Past The Experience ofWar 854

Individuals in Society Vera Brittain 857


II Nationalism in Asia 1914-1939 876

The First World War's Impact on Nationalist Trends 878

Asian Reaction to the War in Europe 878 The Mandates System 879 Nationalism's Appeal 881

Nationalist Movements in the Middle East 881 The Arab Revolt 882 The Turkish Revolution 883 Modernization Efforts in Persia and Afghanistan 886 Gradual Independence in the Arab States 888 Arab-Jewish Tens ions in Palestine 888

Toward Self-Rule in India 889 British Promises and Repression 889 The Roots of Militant Nonviolence 890 Gandhi 's Resistance Campaign in India 891

Nationalist Struggles in East and Southeast Asia 894 The Rise of Nationalist China 894 Ch ina 's Intellectual Revolution 895 From Liberalism to Ultranationalism in Japan 898 Japan Against China 900 Striving for Independence in Southeast Asia 902

Connections 903

Chapter Review 904

Listening to the Past Resolution of the General Syrian Congress at Damascus 884

V iewpoints Gandhi and Mao on Revolutionary Means 893

Individuals in Society Ning Lao, a Chinese Working Woman 899


IJJI The Great Depression lilill and World War 11

1929-1945 906

The Great Depression, 1929-1939 908 The Economic Crisis 909 Mass Unemployment 910 The New Deal in the United States 910 The European Response to the Depression 911 Worldwide Effects 912

Authoritarian States 913 Conservative Authoritarianism 913 Radical Totalitarian Dictatorships 914

Stalin's Soviet Union 915 From Lenin to Stalin 91 S The Five-Year Plans 916 Life and Culture in Soviet Society 916 Stalinist Terror and the Great Purges 917

Mussolini and Fascism in Italy 918 The Seizure of Power 918 The Regime in Action 918

Hitler and Nazism in Germany 919 The Ropts of Nazism 920 Hitler's Road to Power 920 The Nazi State and Society 922 Hitler's Popularity 923 Aggression and Appeasement, 1933-1939 923

The Second World War, 1939-1945 926 Hitler's Empire in Europe, 1939-1942 926 The Holocaust 927 Japan's Asian Empire 929 The Grand Alliance 934 The War in Europe, 1942-1945 934 The War in the Pacific, 1942-1945 936

Connections 937

Chapter Review 937

Viewpoints Hitler, Mussolini, and the Great War 921

Individuals in Society Primo Levi 928

Listening to the Past Ultranationalist Pamphlet for Japanese Students 930



II Global Recovery and Division Between Superpowers 1945 to the Present 940

The Division of Europe 942 The Origins of the Cold War 942 West Versus East 944

Renaissance and Crisis in Western Europe 946 The Postwar Challenge 946 Building Europe and Decolonization 947 The Changing Class Structure and Social Reform 948 Economic and Social Dislocation , 1970-1990 949

Recovery and Reform in Soviet Eastern Europe, 1945-1991 952

Stalin's Last Years 952 Limited De-Stalinization and Stagnation 952 The Impact of Reform on Everyday Life 953 The Gorbachev Era 954 The Revolutions ofl989 955 The End of the Cold War and Soviet Disintegration 959

The United States: Confrontation and Transformation 961

America's Economic Boom and Civil Rights Revolution 961

Youth and the Counterculture 962 The Vietnam War 962 Detente and a Return to Cold War Tensions 963

Japan's Resurgence as a World Power 964 Japan's American Revolution 964 "Japan, Inc." 966 Japan in the Post-Cold War World 967

The Post-Cold War Era in Europe 967 Common Patterns and Problems 967 Recasting Russia Without Communism 968 Postcommunist Reconstruction in Eastern Europe 969 Unity and Identity in Western Europe 971

Connections 973

Chapter Review 973

Viewpoints The Cold War Begins 945

Global Trade Oil 950

Listening to the Past A Solidarity Leader Speaks from Prison 956

Individuals in Society Vaclav Havel 958

·s \N"e{e \


IJ!l Independence, Progress, li1il and Conflict in Asia and

the Middle East 1945 to the Present 976

The Resurgence of East Asia 978 The Communist Victory in China 978 Mao's China 979 The Limits of Reform 981 The As ian " Economic Tigers" 983 Political and Economic Progress in Southeast Asia 985 The Reunification of Vietnam 988

New Nations and Old Rivalries in South Asia 990 The End of British India 990 Pakistan and the Creation of Bangladesh 991 India Since Independence 993

Secularism and Religion at War in the Middle East 994

The Arab-Israeli Conflict 994 The Palestinian Quest for Independence 996 Egypt: Arab World Leader 998 A Fractured Lebanon 999 Chal lenges to Turkey's Secularism 1000 Revolut ion and War in Iran and Iraq 1001

Connections 1004

Chapter Review 1004

Individuals in Society Liu Xiaobo 984

Listening to the Past: Aung San Suu Kyi, "Freedom from Fear" 986

Viewpoints Ho Chi Minh, Lyndon Johnson, and the Vietnam War 989


Ill The Global South: Latin lilil America and Africa

1945 to the Present 1006

Latin America: Moving Toward Democracy 1008 Economic Nationalism in Mexico and Brazil 1008 Communist Revolution in Cuba 1011 From Authoritarianism to Democracy in

Latin America 1013 Pan-Latin American Unity 1017

Nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa 1018 The Growth of African Nationalism 1018 Achieving Independence with New Leaders 1019 Ghana Shows the Way 1021 French-Speaking Regions 1021

Sub-Saharan Africa Since 1960 1023 Striving for National Unity 1023 Nigeria, Africa's Giant 1024 The Struggle in Southern Africa 1025 Political Reform in Africa Since 1990 1029

Interpreting the Experiences of the Emerging World 1032

Connections 1033

Chapter Review 1034

Individuals in Society Eva Per6n 1015

Viewpoints Ghanaian and South African Leaders on Black Nationalism 1020

Listening to the Past Nelson Mandela, The Struggle for Freedom in South Africa 1028


II A New Era in World History 1036

Global Unity or Continued Division? 1038 The United Nations 1038 Preemptive War in Iraq 1041 Complexity and Violence in a Multi polar World 1043 The Terrorist Threat 1044 Weapons of Mass Destruction 1045

Global Interdependence 1051 Multinational Corporations 1051 Industrialization and Modernization 1051 Agriculture and the Green Revolution 1053 The Economics and Politics of Globalization 1054

The Growth of Cities 1057 Rapid Urbanization 1057 Overcrowding and Shantytowns 1058 Rich and Poor 1059 Urban Migration and the Family 1059 Urbanization and Agriculture 1060

Science and Technology: Changes and Challenges 1061

The Medical Revolution 1062 Population Change: Balancing the Numbers 1062 Global 'Epidemics 1063 Environmentalism 1065 Mass Communication 1065

Social Reform and Progress 1067 Women: The Right to Equality 1067 Children: The Right to Childhood 1068

Connections 1069

Chapter Review 1070

Listening to the Past The United Nations Millennium Project Report 1042

Viewpoints George W. Bush, Osama bin Laden, and the 9/11 Attacks 1046

Global Trade Arms 1048

Individuals in Society The Dalai Lama 1040

Index 1-1

Timeline A History of World Societies: An Overview 1-70



CHAPTER 1 Map 1.1 Human Migration in the Paleolithic and

Neolithic Eras 8 Map 1.2 The Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism 20

Spot Map The Great Rift Valley 6 Spot Map Land Bridge Across the Bering Strait,

ca. 15,000 B.c. E. 10 Spot Map The Fertile Crescent 19

CHAPTER 2 Map 2.1 Spread of Cultures in the Ancient Near East,

ca. 3000-1640 s.c.E. 43 Map 2.2 Empires and Migrations in the Eastern

Mediterranean 48 Map 2.3 Trade in Iron and Iron Technology,

to 500 B.C.E. 54 Map 2.4 The Assyrian and Persian Empires,

ca. 1000-500 s.c. E. 58 Spot Map Phoenician Settlements in the

Mediterranean 52 Spot Map The Hebrew Exodus and State,

ca. 1250-800 B.C.E. 53

CHAPTER 3 Map 3.1 Harappan Civilization, ca. 2500 B.C.E. 68 Map 3.2 The Mauryan Empire, ca. 250 B.C.E. 82 Spot Map lndo-European Migrations and the

VedicAge 70 Spot Map The Kushan Empire, ca. 200 B.C.E. 86

CHAPTER 4 Map 4.1 The Geography of Historical China 94 Map 4.2 The Shang and Early Zhou Dynasties,

ca. 1500-400 B.C.E. 95 Spot Map The Warring States, 403-221 B.C.E. 102

CHAPTER 5 Map 5.1 Classical Greece, ca. 450 B.C. E. 116 Map 5.2 Greek Colonization, ca. 750-550 B.C.E. 121 Map 5.3 Alexander's Conquests, 336-324 B.C.E. 132 Spot Map The Persian Wars, 499-479 B.C.E. 122 Spot Map The Delian League, ca. 478-431 B.C.E. 123

CHAPTER 6 Map 6.1 Roman Italy, ca. 265 B.C.E. 146 Map 6.2 Roman Expansion, 282 B.C.E.-138 B.C.E. 159 Map 6.3 The Roman Pottery Trade, ca. 200 c. E. 164 Spot Map The Etruscans, ca. 500 B.C.E . 144

xxviii •

Spot Map The Carthaginian Empire and Roman Republic,

264 B.C. E. 150 Spot Map The Division of the Roman World, 293 169

CHAPTER 7 Map 7.1 The Han Empire, 206 B.C.E.-270 c.E. 179 Map 7.2 The Silk Trade in the Seventh Century c.E. 184 Map 7.3 The Spread of Buddhism,

ca. 500 B.C.E.-800 C.E . 189 Map 7.4 Korea and Japan, ca. 600 198 Spot Map Tang China, ca. 750 c .E. 193 Spot Map The Kingdom of Nam Viet, ca. 200 B.c.E . 197

CHAPTER 8 Map 8.1 The Byzantine and Sassanid Empires, ca . 600 206 Map 8.2 The Spread of Christian ity, ca. 300-800 218 Map 8.3 The Barbarian Migrations , ca . 340-500 221 Spot Map Charlemagne's Conquests , ca. 768- 814 229 Spot Map The Treaty of Verdun, 483 229

CHAPTER 9 Map 9.1 The Expansion of Islam, 622- 900 238 Map 9.2 The Expansion of Islam and Its Trad ing Networks

in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries 253 Spot Map The Fatimid Cal iphate, 909-1171 244 Spot Map The Seljuk Empire in 1000 244

CHAPTER10 Map 10.1 The Geography of Africa 270 Map 10.2 African Kingdoms and Trade, ca. 800-1500 278 Spot Map Bantu Migrations , ca. 1000 B.C. E.-1500 c. E. 273 Spot Map The Spread of Islam in Africa 276 Spot Map The Expansion of Mali , ca. 1200-1450 280 Spot Map The Kingdom of Aksum, ca. 600 282

CHAPTER 11 Map 11.1 The Settling of the Americas Before

10,000 B.C.E. 300 Map 11.2 The Maya World , 300-900 C.E. 307 Map 11.3 Major North American Agricultural Societies ,

ca. 600-1500 c.E. 312 Map 11.4 The Aztec (Mexica) Empire in 1519 314 Spot Map The Olmecs, ca. 1500-300 B.C.E. 305 Spot Map The Toltecs, ca. 900-1200 c .E. 310 Spot Map The Inca Empire, 1532 321

CHAPTER 12 Map 12.1 The Mongol Empire 341 Map 12.2 South and Southeast As ia in the

Thirteenth Century 350


Map 12.3 The Spice Trade, ca . 100 s.c.E.-1500 c.E. 356 Spot Map The Gupta Empire, ca. 320-480 348 Spot Map Settlement of the Pacific Islands 361

CHAPTER 13 Map 13.1 The Tea Trade 368 Map 13.2 East Asia in 1000 and 1200 372 Spot Map The Kory<S Dynasty, 935-1392 380 Spot Map Kamakura Shogunate, 1185-1333 387

CHAPTER14 Map 14.1 Invasions and Migrations of the

Ninth Century 396 Map 14.2 The Crusades, 1096-1270 405 Map 14.3 The Course of the Black Death in Fourteenth-

Century Europe 416 Spot Map The Norman Conquest, 1066 398 Spot Map The Reconquista, 722- 1492 404 Spot Map The Hanseatic League, ca. 1300- 1400 412 Spot Map The Great Schism, 1378-1417 420

CHAPTER 15 Map 15.1 The Global Empire of Charles V, ca. 1556 440 Map 15.2 Religious Divisions in Europe, ca . 1555 451 Spot Map Italian States , 1494 426

CHAPTER 16 Map 16.1 The Fifteenth-Century Afroeurasian

Trading World 462 Map 16.2 Overseas Exploration and Conquest in the

Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries 469 Map 16.3 Seaborne Trading Empires in the Sixteenth and

Seventeenth Centuries 481 Map 16.4 The Global Silver Trade 482 Spot Map Portuguese Expansion into Africa 468 Spot Map Columbus's First Voyage to the New World,

1492-1493 470 Spot Map Invasion ofTenochtitlan, 1519-1521 474 Spot Map The Transatlantic Slave Trade 479

CHAPTER 17 Map 17.1 Europe After the Thirty Years' War 495 Map 17.2 Europe After the Peace of Utrecht, 1715 500 Map 17.3 The Growth of Austria and Brandenburg-Prussia

to 1748 502 Map 17.4 Seventeenth-Century Dutch Commerce 515 Spot Map The Expansion of Russia, to 1725 504 Spot Map The English Civil Wa r, 1642-1649 511 Spot Map European Claims in North America, 1714 519

CHAPTER 18 Map 18.1 The Partition of Poland, 1772- 1795 544 Map 18.2 The Atlantic Economy in 1701 548 Spot Map The War of Austrian Succession,

1740-1748 542


Spot Map The Pale of Settlement, 1791 544 Spot Map Plantation Zones, ca . 1700 549

CHAPTER 19 Map 19.1 West African Societies, ca. 1500-1800 560 Map 19.2 East Africa in the Sixteenth Century 566 Map 19.3 The International Slave Trade 574 Spot Map West African Trade Routes 565 Spot Map Cape Colony, ca . 1750 572 Spot Map The Slave Coast of West Africa 576

CHAPTER 20 Map 20.1 The Ottoman Empire at Its Height, 1566 590 Map 20.2 The Safavid Empire, 1587-1629 595 Map 20.3 India, 1707-1805 608 Map 20.4 The Muslim World, ca. 1700 612 Spot Map Empire ofTimur, ca . 1405 588 Spot Map The Mughal Empire, 1526-1857 596

CHAPTER 21 Map 21.1 The Qing Empire, ca. 1800 627 Map 21.2 Tokugawa Japan, 1603-1867 631 Map 21.3 East As ia, ca . 1600 642 Spot Map Ming China, ca . 1600 618 Spot Map Hideyoshi's Campaigns in Japan and Korea,

1537-1598 630

CHAPTER 22 Map 22.1 European Claims in North America and India

Before and After the Seven Years' War, 1755-1763 655 Map 22.2 Napoleonic Europe in 1812 675 Map 22.3 The War of Haitian Independence, 1791-1804 678 Spot Map Loyalist Strength in the Colonies ,

ca. 1774-1776 657 Spot Map Areas of French Insurrection, 1793 668 Spot Map German Confederation of the Rhine, 1806 673

CHAPTER 23 Map 23.1 The Industrial Revolution in England ,

ca. 1850 694 Map 23.2 Continental Industrialization, ca. 1850 698 Spot Map Cottage Industry and Transportation in

Eighteenth-Century England 686

CHAPTER 24 Map 24.1 Europe in 1815 718 Map 24.2 The Unification of Italy, 1859-1870 726 Map 24.3 The Unification of Germany, 1866-1871 729 Spot Map The Crimean War, 1853-1856 730 Spot Map The Russian Revolution ofl905 731

CHAPTER 25 Map 25.1 The Partition of Africa 756 Map 25.2 The Indigo Trade 776 Spot Map The Struggle for South Africa, 1878 761



Spot Map Ottoman Decline in the Balkans, 1818-1830 768

Spot Map The Suez Canal, 1869 772

CHAPTER 26 Map 26.1 Asia in 1914 789 Map 26.2 Emigration Out of Asia, 1820-1914 803 Spot Map The Great Revolt/Great Mutiny, 1857 785 Spot Map Chinese Rebellions, 1851-1911 794 Spot Map Japanese Expansion, 1875-1914 802

CHAPTER 27 Map 27.1 Latin America in ca . 1780 and 1830 814 Map 27.2 Indian Cession of Lands to the United States ,

1784-1890 826 Map 27.3 Slavery in the United States, 1861 829 Map 27.4 The Dominion of Canada, 1871 834 Map 27.S Australia 837

CHAPTER 28 Map 28.1 European Alliances at the Outbreak of World

War I, 1914 844 Map 28.2 The Balkans, 1878-1914 846 Map 28.3 The First World War in Europe 848 Map 28.4 Territorial Changes in Europe After

World War I 864 Spot Map The Schlieffen Plan 847 Spot Map The Russian Civil War, 1917-1922 861 Spot Map French Occupation of the Ruhr, 1923-1925 865

CHAPTER 29 Map 29.1 The Partition of the Ottoman Empire,

1914-1923 880 Map 29.2 The Chinese Communist Movement and the War

with Japan, 1927-1938 896 Spot Map Afghanistan Under Amanullah Khan 887 Spot Map India, ca . 1930 892 Spot Map The Spanish-American War in the

Philippines, 1898 903

CHAPTER 30 Map 30.1 The Growth of Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 925 Map 30.2 World War II in Europe and Africa,

1939-1945 932 Map 30.3 World War II in the Pacific 933 Spot Map Italy's Ethiopian Campaign, 1935-1936 924 Spot Map Vichy France, 1940 926 Spot Map The Holocaust, 1941- 1945 927

CHAPTER 31 Map 31.1 Cold War Europe in the 1950s 944 Map 31.2 The Oil Trade, ca. 1900-1975 950 Map 31.3 Russia and the Successor States 960 Map 31.4 The Breakup of Yugoslavia 970 Map 31.S The European Union , 2011 972

Spot Map Postwar Territorial Changes in

Eastern Europe 943 Spot Map The Korean War, 1950-1953 946 Spot Map The Vietnam War, 1964-1975 963

CHAPTER 32 Map 32.1 The New States in Asia 978 Map 32.2 The Partition of British India , 1947 990 Map 32.3 Modern Islam , ca. 2010 995 Map 32.4 Palestine, Israel, and the Middle East 996 Map 32.S Abraham ic Religions in the Middle East and

Surrounding Regions 1002 Spot Map As ian "Econom ic Tigers" 983 Spot Map The 2006 Israel-Lebanon War 999

CHAPTER 33 Map 33.1 Authoritarian Governments in

Latin America 1013 Map 33.2 Decolonization in Africa , 1947 to

the Present 1022 Spot Map Cuba 1011 Spot Map South African Native Land Act ofl913 1026 Spot Map Second Congo War, 1998 to the Present 1031

CHAPTER 34 Map 34.1 The Arms Trade 1048 Map 34.2 The Global Distribution of Wealth ,

ca. 2010 1056 Map 34.3 People Living with HIV/AIDS Worldwide,

ca. 2010 1064 Spot Map Iraq, ca. 2010 1041


Figure 2.1 Sumerian Writing 39 Thematic Chronology Periods of

Egyptian History 46 Figure 2.2 Origins of the Alphabet 52 Figure 4.1 The Origins of Chinese Writing 97 Table 4.1 Pronouncing Chinese Words 98 Table 10.1 Estimated Magn itude of Trans-Saharan Slave

Trade, 650-1500 275 Thematic Chronology Mongol Conquests 343 Thematic Chronology Major Contributors to the

Scientific Revolution 531 Thematic Chronology Major Figures of

the Enlightenment 537 Figure 18.1 Exports of Engl ish Manufactured Goods ,

1700-1774 547

Figure 19.1 Estimated Slave Imports by Destination, 1501- 1866 576 .

Figure 19.2 The Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1501-1866 582

Thematic Chronology Key Events of the American Revolution 657


Thematic Chronology Key Events of the

French Revolution 661 Thematic Chronology Key Events of the

Haitian Revolution 679 Figure 23.1 Railroad Track Mileage, 1890 693 Table 23.1 Per Capita Levels of Industrialization,

1750-1913 696 Figure 25.1 The Growth of Average Income per Person

Worldwide, 1750-1914 774


Viewpoints Stone Age Houses in Chile and China 12 Rulers and Divine Favor: Cyrus the Great in the Cyrus Cylinder

and Hebrew Scripture 60 On Enemies from The Laws of Ma nu and The Arthashastra 83 Mozi and Xunzi on Divine Response 108 Two Opin ions About Athenian Democracy 124 On Roman Wives from a Tombstone Inscription and Juvenal's

Sixth Satire 152 Chinese and Japanese Principles of Good Government,

ca. 650 200 Roman and Byzantine Views of Barbarians 222 Jews in Muslim Lands 247 Early Descriptions of Africa 287 Creation in the Popul Vuh and in Okanogan Tradition 308 Ch inese and European Accounts About the Mongol Army 342 Zhu Xi and Yuan Cai on Family Management 377 Italian and English Views of the Plague 417 Lauro Qu irin i and Cassandra Fedele: Women and Humanist

Learning 428 Christian Conversion in New Spain 486 The Debate over the Extent of Royal Power in England 514 Malachy Postlethwayt and Olaudah Equia no on the Abolition

of Slavery 550 European Descriptions ofTimbuktu and Jenne 562 Ottoman Travelers in Mughal and Safavid Lands 598 Chinese and Japanese Financial Advice 634 The Question of Jewish Citizenship in France 666 Women 's Role in Industrialized Europe 706 Socialist and Anti-Socialist Perspectives 745 The Congo Free State 759 Rammohu n Roy and Thomas Babington Macauley on

Education for Indians 788 Mexican and American Perspectives on the

U.S.-Mexican War 818 Poetry of the Great War 850 Gandh i and Mao on Revolutionary Means 893 Hitler, Mussol ini , and the Great War 921 The Cold War Begins 945


Thematic Chronology Latin America, ca. 1760-1900 817 Thematic Chronology Key Events of the

Russian Revolution 861 Thematic Chronology Events Leading to World

War II 929 Thematic Chronology Nationalism in Black Africa 1019 Table 34.1 Urban Population as a Percentage of Tot I

Population in the World and in Eight Major Are 1925-2025 1057

Ho Chi Minh, Lyndon Johnson, and the Vietn mW r 89 Ghanaian and South African Leaders on Bl ck

Nationalism 1020 George W. Bush, Osama bin Laden, and th 9/11

Attacks 1046

Listening to the Past Paleolithic Venus Figu res 16 Gilgamesh's Quest for Immortality 40 Conversations Between Rama and Sita from th

Ramayana 72 The Book of Mencius 104 Aristotle, On the Family and On Slavery, from

The Politics 128 Cicero and the Plot to Kill Caesar 156 Sixth-Century Biographies of Buddhist Nun 190 Gregory of Tours, The Conversion of Clovis 226 Abu Hamid Al-Ghazal i, The Etiquette of Marriage 250 A Tenth-Century Muslim Traveler Describes Part of th

African Coast 288 Felipe Poma de Ayala, The Fil'S't New Chroni,/ ond

Good Government 324 The Abduction of Women in The Secret Hist-Ory of Iha

Mongols 338 The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon 384 An Arab View of the Crusades 406 Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty 444 Columbus Describes His First Voyage 472 A German Account of Russian Life 506 Denis Diderot's "Supplement to Bougainville's Voyag w 552 Duarte Barbosa on the Swahili City-States 570

Katib Cheleb i on Tobacco 604 Keinen's Poetic Diary of the Korea Campaign 640 Abbe de Sieyes, "What Is the Third Estate?' 664 The Testimony of Young Mine Workers 708 Mrs. Beeton 's Guide for Running a Victorian House old 1 A French Leader Defends Imperialism 764

Fukuzawa Yukichi, Escape from Asia 800 Mary Seacole on Her Early Life 822



The Experience of War 854 Resolution of the General Syrian Congress at

Damascus 884

Ultranationalist Pamphlet for Japanese Students 930 A Solidarity Leader Speaks from Prison 956 Aung San Suu Kyi, "Freedom from Fear" 986 Nelson Mandela, The Struggle for Freedom in

South Africa 1028

The United Nations Millennium Project Report 1042

Individuals In Society The Iceman 25

Hatshepsut and Nefertiti 50 Gosala 76 Lord Mengchang 101 Archimedes, Scientist and Inventor 138 Queen Cleopatra 155 The Ban Family 186

Theodora of Constantinople 210 lbn Battuta 254 Amda Siyon 285 Tlacaelel 316 Bhaskara the Teacher 351 Shen Gua 375 Hildegard of Bingen 401 Leonardo da Vinci 434 Zheng He 463 Gluckel ofHameln 517

Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment 543

Olaudah Equiano 578 Hurrem 594 Tan Yunxian, Woman Doctor 622

Toussaint L'Ouverture 680

Josiah Wedgwood 692 Giuseppe Garibaldi 728 Muhammad Al i 771

Jose Rizal 792

Henry Meiggs, Promoter and Speculator 820 Vera Brittain 857 Ning Lao, a Ch inese Working Woman 899

Primo Levi 928 Vaclav Havel 958 Liu Xiaobo 984

Eva Per6n 1015 The Dalai Llama 1040

Global Trade Iron 54 Pottery 164 Silk 184 Spices 356 Tea 368 Silver 482 Slaves 574

Ind igo 776 Oil 950 Arms 1048