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Joel Schlessinger, MD


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Page 2: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

Cellulite is the result of fat beneath the skin that pushes against connective tissue. It results in a bumpy, puckered or dimpled appearance.

What is cellulite?


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Page 3: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

Cellulite often runs in families and appears more often in women than men. Weight gain can make the condition more noticeable, though lean people may have cellulite as well. It may be the result of a poor diet, slow metabolism, lack of physical activity, hormonal changes, pregnancy or dehydration.

What causes cellulite?

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Page 4: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

Losing weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise can improve the appearance of dimpled skin. Though cellulite may be less noticeable after weight loss, it will not go away completely. There are also several products and treatments designed to minimize the appearance of cellulite.

How can I minimize my cellulite?

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Page 5: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

Velashape Cellulite Treatment is the only non-surgical, FDA-cleared procedure that results in measurable reduction of cellulite. It uses Infrared Light Energy and Bi-Polar Radiofrequency to heat dermal and hypodermal tissue within the treatment area. Vacuum and mechanical massage smooth the skin to ensure safe heat delivery. The treatment increases the metabolism of stored energy, improves lymphatic drainage and reduces the size of fat cells and fat chambers for noticeable cellulite reduction.

Is there a treatment to reduce cellulite?


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Page 6: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

SkinCeuticals Body Tightening Concentrate helps tighten and enhance skin that has become loose or uneven, minimizing the appearance of dimples and cellulite. This intensely moisturizing formula features peptides to help stimulate healthy collagen production and support the skin’s natural repair processes. It also soothes on contact to relieve irritation.

SkinCeuticals Body Tightening Concentrate

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Page 7: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

PHYTOMER Buttocks-Thighs Sculptor helps minimize fatty deposits under the skin for a smoother, slimmer body contour. Suaeda maritima breaks down fat by stimulating lipolysis. Marine Inhibitine prevents fat storage and reduces the production of fatty acids. This cream will help you achieve smoother, firmer skin.

PHYTOMER Buttocks-Thighs Sculptor

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Designed for post-pregnancy and post-weight loss concerns, Sothys Reshaping Cream is formulated to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This formula contains sacred lotus extract and soy extract to reinforce collagen and elastin while reducing and preventing fat storage.

Sothys Reshaping Cream

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Page 9: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

Murad Body Care Firm and Tone Serum enhances skin smoothness and improves the appearance of dimpled skin. This serum restores skin’s elasticity and boosts firmness. It contains encapsulated liposomes to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Murad Body Care Firm and Tone Serum

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Page 10: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ: Cellulite

bliss FatGirlSlim is a circulation-stimulating, anti-cellulite treatment designed to enhance the overall appearance of your figure. By improving circulation, this cream encourages the drainage of excess water retained in the skin, contouring your body for a slimmer shape. It helps visibly reduce dimples for a more toned figure.

bliss FatGirlSlim


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mybody FITTING ROOM Slimming Essentials Kit works to visibly firm, tone and tighten. mybody FITTING ROOM Skin Prep Body Polish stimulates circulation while cleansing. mybody FITTING ROOM Firm & Tone Body Serum strengthens skin and connective tissue while improving drainage for a firming effect. mybody FITTING ROOM Firm & Tone Body Lotion helps diminish the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles and uneven skin tone. The mybody Smooth It Out Massage Tool increases product penetration and circulation to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

mybody FITTING ROOM Slimming Essentials Kit


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