Download - Job Description: BOARD MEMBERv2)/Board_of_Trustees_job... · 2012-04-05 · Job Description: BOARD MEMBER Introduction: ... , wisdom and wealth to the School • have an expertise

Page 1: Job Description: BOARD MEMBERv2)/Board_of_Trustees_job... · 2012-04-05 · Job Description: BOARD MEMBER Introduction: ... , wisdom and wealth to the School • have an expertise

Job Description: BOARD MEMBER


The International School of Brussels is a dynamic learning organization committed to our mission state-ment of developing independent learners and international citizens. The School is a vibrant community in which students, teachers, staff, parents, leadership and Board work together towards the achievement of our mission and goals.

The School is driven by a commitment not only to learning, but also to the continuous improvement of learning, for students, faculty and other stakeholders, including Board members.

As stewards of the School’s long-term future, The Board of Trustees holds the primary responsibility for the development of the School’s mission, and for the strategic planning that will ensure the achievement of that mission in close collaboration with the School’s leadership.

General Responsibilities:

The Board member or Trustee is part of the whole Board and reports to the Chair of the Board of Trust-ees.

The Board as a whole has responsibility for making plans, setting policies and making decisions that will best ensure the viability of the school mission now and for the future.

Page 2: Job Description: BOARD MEMBERv2)/Board_of_Trustees_job... · 2012-04-05 · Job Description: BOARD MEMBER Introduction: ... , wisdom and wealth to the School • have an expertise

Specific Responsibilities of the Board as a whole:

The Board is responsible for:

1) Hiring and working cooperatively with the Director a) supporting the Director’s leadership and authority b) keeping the School’s constituencies informed and being an advocate for the School

2) Planning strategically for the future and assessing the performance of the School a) establishing the mission and formulating a long-range strategic plan b) monitoring the progress and evaluating the administration in implementing the plan

3) Developing and establishing policy a) developing and reviewing the School’s major policy statements

4) TheSchool’sfinancialcondition a) approving the annual operating budget b)monitoringthefinancialmanagementoftheSchool c)ensuringtheSchoolhastheresourcesitneedsthroughprudentfinancialmanagementand fundraising

5) The School’s physical plant a) ensuring the physical plant is adequate for the School’s programes b) approving capital expenditure

6) Organizing and managing itself a) setting annual goals b) giving direction to the School in close collaboration with the School’s leadership c) working in committees to focus on individual issues or projects

Page 3: Job Description: BOARD MEMBERv2)/Board_of_Trustees_job... · 2012-04-05 · Job Description: BOARD MEMBER Introduction: ... , wisdom and wealth to the School • have an expertise

Specific Responsibilities of the Individual Trustee:

The Individual Board Member or Trustee is responsible for:

1) Being informed about the School’s history, goals, current operations and concerns

2) Coming to meetings well-prepared and staying for all of each meeting

3) Respectingconfidentiality

4) Asking questions, be fully informed and have full understanding

5) Visiting the School frequently (programs, plays, concerts, sports events, classes, social events, etc.)

6) Understanding that the Board acts as a whole – no personal agendas or involvement in management or curricular issues

7) Seeking out voluntary assignments

8) Guardingagainstconflictofinterests

9) Supporting the Director actively and demonstrating support within the School community

10) Bringing problems to the attention of the Director or the Board Chair

11) Contributing to the advancement of the School program through a)financialsupport - contributingfinanciallytoeachcampaign - promoting the campaign in the community - attending special events - helping contact prospective donors (individual/corporate)

b)facilitatingoptimumenrolmentthroughinfluenceinthewidercommunity c) attending functions d) providing feedback

12) HavingfiduciaryresponsibilityforfundsentrustedtotheSchool

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Board Members or Trustees who:

• havedemonstratedacommitmenttotheSchoolasawholeandtoitsmission• haveafamilythatiscommittedtotheSchoolandtoitsmission• arewillingtogivework,wisdomandwealthtotheSchool• haveanexpertisethatwillbenefittheworkoftheBoard• embodytheSchool’scoredispositionsofrespect,responsibilityandreflection• areteam-players• arediscreetandabletorespectconfidentiality

Time Commitment:

Each Board Member or Trustee is expected to attend every meeting and to stay for the full meeting, to the extent that this is possible, with the understanding that there will be professional obligations that some-times prevent this.

Orientation: New members of the Board attend an orientation meeting, which lasts around two hours, depending on numbers. This usually occurs at the beginning of the year on a Monday evening.

Full Board Meetings: There are usually six or seven full Board meetings, of which two are extended Re-treats which usually take place on a Saturday in September and January and are dedicated to cross-commit-tee work and major themes and projects. The remaining meetings are approximately one and a half hour meetings, on Mondays from 6 – 7.30pm.

Committee Meetings: The number of committee meetings varies according to the needs of the committee atanytime.Thesecouldvaryfromfivetotwelvemeetingsthroughoutaschoolyear.Thetimingofthesemeetings is agreed amongst committee members.

Personal Time: A Board Member will need time to read materials prior to meetings and follow up on any issues discussed. He/She will promote ISB in the wider community. There is also an expectation that the

individual will attend School events.

Board requirements:


• abalanceofgender• aspreadofnationalitiestorepresenttheinternationalcultureoftheSchool• abalanceoflong-termandshort-termmembers• trusteeswithachild/childreninoneormoreofthedivisionstoensurethateachof

the four divisions is represented• expertiseinthedifferentareasofBoardwork

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We offer:

• Theopportunitytoworkinadynamic,challenging,motivatingandmulticultural learning environment

• Theopportunitytoaddvaluetoasuccessful,innovativeorganization.

Recruitment Policy:

The International School of Brussels is an equal opportunities employer and does not dis-criminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion or marital status.