Download - Job Applications Prepared by: Jelena Rimovica Maria Draganova Mariya Popova Natalia Cucu Tamar Rurua.


Job Applications

Prepared by: Jelena Rimovica Maria Draganova

Mariya Popova Natalia Cucu Tamar Rurua


• Information included in the application form

• Flaws of online job application systems

• Unusual job applications

HP Taleo

HP Taleo

• Standardized online application form

• Educational and employment background, personal and contact


Cirque du Soleil

• Job related questions

• Determinants of performance of the job

• Photos and video upload

New York Police Department• Long process with a lot of personal questions• Paper based format because of security reasons

• Sensitive questions but most are job related as security is a priority

• Some of the questions are intrusive and could be seen as discriminatory


Kumba Iron OreRequired Vs. Optional Questions

Kumba Iron OreFocus on detail

Kumba Iron OreSection for current employers

Emirates Group Careers

Chevron• Produces integrated energy – crude oil, natural gas;• 3rd among Fortune 500;• Ask inappropriate questions in their application form;

Flaws of online job applications• 75 % of CVs sent online are skipped or misread;• Formatting is crucial;• Bersin & Associates’s test conclude that many CVs may be

omitted due to formatting;

Flaws of online job application systems• Taleo – widely used and yet not perfect;• Even perfect resumes do not apply sometimes;• Applicants tracking systems still save up a lot of time;

How do these systems really work?• Jon Ciampi – Preptel’s CEO advises:

- Keywords are relevant only to the current job offer; - Recruiters see only parts of the resumes and not the whole information;

Creative job applications:

1. Video Resume:

2. Implement the product or service of the company in your CV:

3. Create a game:

4. Reverse job application:

5. Use a billboard:

6. Google it:

7. Use infographics:

8. Pin It:

Conclusion• Companies in Fortune 500:

- standard application process; - differences occur from the industry;• In general application process becomes more standardized;

Thank you for the attention!