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Reincarnation and Mormonism


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“Great God! Where is common sense and reason? Is there none on the earth?” exclaimed

a somewhat frustrated Joseph Smith as he was trying to drill the simplest logic into the minds of

the saints. (See Documentary History of the Church Vol 5:297)

He also said: “There has been great difficulty in getting anything into the heads of this

generation. It has been like splitting hemlock knots with a corn-dodger for a wedge, and a

pumpkin for a beetle. Even the saints are slow to understand. I have tried for a number of

years to get the minds of the saints prepared to receive the things of God; but we frequently

see some of them, after suffering all they have for the work of God, WILL FLY TO

PIECES LIKE GLASS as soon as anything comes that is CONTRARY TO THEIR

TRADITIONS: they cannot stand the fire at all. How many will be able to abide a celestial

law, and go through and receive their exaltation, I am unable to say, as many are called,

but few are chosen.” DHC 6:183-185

Here we see Joseph’s feelings after trying to teach the simplest truths. Imagine the difficulty he

would have had if he had taught about reincarnation. We will show that he believed in the

doctrine, but wisely kept it to himself for this was one of the hidden mysteries that he dared not


The teaching of reincarnation as presented here is truly a two edged sword. Members of the

Mormon Church cannot be lukewarm to this revealed concept. They will either delight in the

truth of this glorious revelation, or fight with all their strength to denounce it as a doctrine of the


This article will prove beyond refutation that the latter simply cannot be done! All truth is

logical and we will show without doubt from the scriptures and the words of the prophets that the

holy doctrine of reincarnation provides the only possible solution to the dilemma regarding the

injustices among men and the salvation of his eternal soul.

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Will good LDS members fly apart like glass as the true doctrine of eternal lives is now clearly

presented, or will they open their hearts and minds and let the Holy Spirit of God verify these

things to them as it has to us?

We’ll begin with two well-known statements made by Joseph Smith that strongly indicate that he

knew of the doctrine of multiple lives, but felt it would be disaster to express it publicly. To the

Twelve he said: “Would to God, brethren, I could tell you WHO I AM! Would to God I

could tell you what I know! But you would call it blasphemy and want to take my life.”

(Life of Heber C. Kimball; Page 333)

On Sunday, April 7, 1844, just two months before his martyrdom he gave one of his strongest

public hints to the fact that he had previous lives he could not reveal. This was his finest hour as

he addressed twenty thousand Saints on the character of God at the funeral of King Follett. At

the end of this, one of his last sermons on the earth, he said: “NO MAN KNOWS MY

HISTORY. I CANNOT TELL IT. I shall never undertake it. I don’t blame anyone for

not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would have not believed it

myself…When I am called by the trump of the archangel and weighed in the balance, YOU

WILL ALL KNOW ME THEN. I add no more. God bless you

all. Amen” [Documentary History of the Church; Vol 6: Page 317]

What was there in his history that “no man” knew and that he could not tell? Why would those

closest to him want to take his life if he revealed himself? These were indeed strange statements

from the Prophet for many were quite familiar with his history as Joseph Smith. In fact, he

insisted on having a scribe by his side at all times for the purpose of keeping an exact

historical record. Whatever it was in his history that he was holding back was never clearly

revealed to the church in his age or in the present age. One thing we do know for sure, however,

is that it would have been startling.

What would the saints have done if he had said something like this? “Brethren, I wish to reveal

myself unto you. Keeping this within myself has been a heavy burden and I wish to unload

it. Let me read you a verse from Daniel, chapter twelve, verses ten and thirteen concerning

a promise to this man: ‘Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked

shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall

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understand… But go thy way until the end be: for thou shalt rest, AND STAND IN THY


“Here we are told, brethren, that there are many things to transpire in the latter days that

only the wise will understand, so use wisdom, and know that the prophecy made to Daniel

is now fulfilled and will yet be fulfilled in a greater measure for Daniel is here standing

before you, only he is now known as Brother Joseph. Before my life as Daniel, I reigned as

King David, and before that I was Joseph who was sold into Egypt. In more recent history

I was Mormon, so you see that when Moroni appeared to me he was not working with any


“This is not all. I am a stranger and pilgrim to this planet and have lived in other star

systems in ages past where I learned the lessons necessary to fulfill my mission on the earth

which encompasses not only past lives, and the present, but future lives as well…”

We ask you. Would a revelation such as that have evoked a response or not? The reaction

would have been violent. The brethren would have been so shocked and angry that they would

have decided that Joseph would have to be silenced to save the honor of the church, and they

would have killed him in the name of the Kingdom of God

Unfortunately, the time was not ripe to reveal the doctrine of reincarnation, or “eternal lives” as

Joseph called it, for the people would have hardened their hearts to that truth and it would have

hindered the church of God. The Prophet realized this when he stated: “It is not always wise to

relate all truth.” DHC 6:608.

He also said: “The design of the great God in sending us into this world, and organizing us

to prepare us for the eternal worlds, I SHALL KEEP IN MY OWN BOSOM at

present.” DHC 5:403

In addition he said: “I have NEVER had the opportunity to give them (the saints) the plan

that God has revealed to me.” DHC 3:286

Now the average Mormon believes he has a pretty good grasp of the plan of salvation and the

reason for his mortal existence, but the founder, Joseph Smith, said he was not even able to

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reveal it. Therefore, none of the members of the church today are even aware of “the design of

the great God in sending us into this world” for that design includes a series of rebirths until each

of us eventually attains perfection.

Joseph also refused to elaborate on the conversation of Jesus and Nicodemus when he was asked

the meaning of “Except a man be born of water and the spirit....” (See DHC 5:325)

Are not we all aware that this merely refers to baptism and the receiving of the Holy Ghost?

Members in Joseph’s time were also aware of this. Therefore, what interpretation of this

scripture was Joseph keeping from us?

Let us review it and see: Jesus was talking with Nicodemus and said: “Except a man be BORN

AGAIN, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

“Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the

second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say

unto thee. Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the

kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh; and that which is born of Spirit is

spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it

listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and wither

it goeth: so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.

“Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master in Israel, and knowest not these

things?” John 3:3-10

Jesus began the conversation by making the point blank statement that a man must be born again

to see the kingdom and Nicodemus immediately assumed he was referring to some kind of

physical rebirth. Jesus did not deny this, but began to elaborate and tell Nicodemus that a person

must go through two rebirths to see the kingdom of God.

The first rebirth is of the flesh. A person born in the flesh is “born of water,” for before birth a

baby is completely submerged in water in the mother’s womb. Baptism is given as a symbol of

rebirth, or reincarnation, but the real meaning here that Joseph was hesitant to reveal is that the

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physical kingdom of God was not to manifest in the days of Jesus and one must be born again in

the flesh (reincarnated in a future age) to see it.

Jesus also said that the kingdom of God is within us. This is the Spiritual kingdom, and to see

this one must be born again of the Spirit and receive the Holy Ghost. Those who are born of the

Spirit are like the wind, said Jesus. You can’t tell where they come from or where they go.

What did he mean by this? It is quite simple. Those who are born of the Spirit as was Jesus and

the prophets show up among mankind unexpectedly and the people they confront are

confounded. They wonder who they are, where they came from, and where they got their great

knowledge. To ordinary people these avatars are like the wind. They hear them and marvel, but

don’t know where they came from or where they are going. People are not aware when they are

confronted by an advanced being that is born of the Spirit because their identities are hid as they

are born again in new bodies from life to life.

Those who are born again are free to come and go on the earth as they choose as Jesus hinted at:

“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, AND SHALL GO IN AND

OUT (of physical bodies like the wind) and find pasture.” John 10:9

Those who are not born again are dragged in and out of mortality with little choice as to where

and when they will be born. A true disciple of Jesus has a great advantage in being able to plan

his life and mission on the earth.

Nicodemus was astounded by this doctrine of Jesus. He knew he was talking about something

deeper than ordinances and exclaimed: “How can these things be? Jesus answered and said

unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?”

If Jesus appeared to the modern day authorities in the Mormon Church and taught reincarnation

would not they exclaim as Nicodemus: “How can these things be?”

His ancient answer would still be appropriate: “Art thou masters in Israel, and knowest not these


Fortunately we are approaching: “A time to come in the which NOTHING shall be withheld,

whether there be one God or many Gods, they shall be manifest. All thrones and

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dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have

endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.” D&C 121:28-29 “…All shall know me,

who remain, even from the least unto the greatest, and shall be filled with the knowledge of

the Lord.” D&C 84:98 “And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach

to heaven.” D&C 76:9 “For precept MUST be upon precept.” Isa 28:10

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The belief that reincarnation is the doctrine of the devil can be traced to a statement the Prophet

Joseph recorded in church history. In November 1835 a man who went by the name of Joshua

paid a visit to the Prophet. The man evidently had some truth for Joseph said he made some

“excellent remarks”. However, he was suspicious of him and discovered that he was Robert

Matthias of New York who had endured trials for “murder, manslaughter, contempt of court,

whipping his daughter, etc” Despite this, Joseph entertained him for a few days and finally

asked him to enlighten him “on his views respecting the resurrection.”

Matthias made four statements: (1) He was a literal descendant of Matthias, the apostle of

Jesus. (2) The spirit of Matthias was resurrected in him. (3) The scheme of eternal life was the

transmigration of the spirit from father to son. (4) He was the Spirit of Truth itself and

possessed the soul of Christ.

To this Joseph Smith said: “I told him that his doctrine was of the devil, that he was in

reality in possession of a wicked and depraved spirit.” Joseph pressed him to leave and

upon his departing he said: “And so I, for once, cast out the devil in bodily shape, and I

believe a murderer.” DHC 2:304-307

Let’s examine the four statements of Matthias and see if Joseph Smith was correct about

him. The first statement is the only one that may be true. It is remotely possible that he was a

descendant of the apostle. Presumably he merely assumed such because that was his last name.

On point two it’s very unlikely that he possessed the spirit of Matthias, or was Matthias

reincarnated because the apostle Matthias was a just and holy man; whereas Robert Matthias was

a suspected murderer and wife beater. People generally make progress from life to life, not go


Number three is also false doctrine since the scheme of things is not to have one’s spirit passed

down from father to son. One is often reincarnated in a body unrelated to a previous

life. Eventually we will incarnate on other worlds.

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Number four is also false; he certainly did not possess the soul of Christ.

Interestingly, we who believe the true doctrine of reincarnation can say along with the Prophet

Joseph that the teaching of Robert Matthias is the doctrine of the devil, or from a deceptive


A second major objection to reincarnation comes from a misunderstanding of the

doctrine. Many think that anyone who believes in the teaching fear they will come back as a

cow, a dog, or even a rock. This is simply not so. We use a series of embodiments to gain the

experience and knowledge necessary to take us from the man to the God kingdom. Thus we are

in a constant state of eternal progression.

An exception would be a wicked person who refuses learn from his mistakes. Concerning this

man Brigham Young said that “They will be THROWN BACK TO THEIR NATIVE

ELEMENT from which they originated, TO BE WORKED OVER AGAIN.” Journal of

Discourses 2:12

“When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, THEY ARE

THROWN BACK AGAIN, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, AND

MADE OVER AGAIN.” Journal of Discourses Vol 1; Page 275.

The sons of perdition, according to Brigham Young, will have to begin their progression all over

again and to get back to where we are now will take “Myriads of years.”

This conforms to the doctrine of reincarnation which is this: That we reincarnate again and again

on the earth until we manifest God. On the other hand, those who are very selfish and evil cut

themselves completely off from the Spirit of God and are broken down to their native element

and eventually begin their progression over again on another physical world ages and ages


The third major objection to multiple lives comes from the Bible. In Hebrews 9:27 we read:

“And as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgement.”

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The “once to die” sounds like an absolute statement not open to debate until we realize that it is

boldly contradicted by the scriptures themselves: “Broad is the gate, and wide the way that

leadeth to THE DEATHS…” D&C 132:25

“They (the dead) were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell

were cast into the lake of fire. THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH. And whosoever was not

found written in the book of life was cast (to suffer a second death) into the lake of

fire.” Rev 20:12-15

Modern day revelation sheds further light on exactly what the second death is: “Wherefore, I

the Lord God, caused that he should be cast out from the Garden of Eden, from my

presence, because of his transgression, wherein he became spiritually dead, which is the


spiritual, which shall be pronounced on the wicked when I shall say: Depart ye

cursed.” D&C 29:41

What was the first death??? It was being cut off from the presence of God and being placed in a

state of probation in a MORTAL STATE subject to death and disease. We are told here with

startling clarity that the last or second death is the same as the first. Therefore, those who suffer

the second death will be (1) Cut off from the presence of God and (2) Suffer disease and

PHYSICAL DEATH all over again. If that is not reincarnation we do not know what is.

After we are told that man only dies once the scripture says “BUT after this the judgement.” The

word “but” comes from the Greek ALLA which literally means contrariwise. In other words, it

indicates that the information that is forthcoming may contradict that which has just been said.

That would mean that “after this the judgement” may have an opposite meaning to “it is

appointed unto men once to die”. It would indicate an exception as in the sentence: “I rise every

morning at 8:00 A.M., except when the alarm does not go off.”

We shall see that when we examine the Greek word for “judgement” that the second half of the

sentence does indeed contradict the first.

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The word “judgement” here comes from the Greek word KRISIS. This is one of the most

misunderstood words in the entire Bible. Translators don’t quite seem to know how to handle it

and have rendered it according to their bias rather than the actual meaning. In the King James

Version it is translated as: accusation, condemnation, damnation, and judgement, but none of

these portrays the word accurately.

The modern English word “crisis” (which is derived from the Greek word KRISIS) is a more

accurate rendering than the Bible translations. The actual Greek word implies a decision that

brings correction. It is hard to give the meaning of this word with one English word, but the

word “correction” would probably be the closest.

The best scripture to help us understand the KRISIS is from John 5:28-29: “The hour is

coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth;

they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto

the resurrection of damnation (KRISIS).”

Here Jesus divides all resurrections into two categories. The first he calls the “resurrection of

life” and the second “the resurrection of damnation.” “Damnation” is a mistranslation. The

Greek KRISIS is more correctly rendered “correction” or “judgement that forces correction” and

generally refers to the second resurrection.

Taking this into consideration let us retranslate Hebrews 9:27: “And as it is appointed unto

mankind once to be dying, but on the other hand, after this comes (the resurrection of)


Paul also said that God “will have ALL MEN to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the

truth.” 1 Tim 2:4 Is God’s will not all powerful? Does he not have power to fulfill

it? Therefore, will not all men eventually be saved and return to his presence? If not then God is

powerless, which thing can never be.

The resurrection of life, or “endless lives” as Joseph called it, is not as easy to attain as people

think. We are told that in the days of Paul “only” Jesus had attained immortality. (See 1 Tim

6:15-16) Paul also tells us that he had not attained it because he was not yet perfect: “If by any

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means I might ATTAIN unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already

attained, either were already PERFECT: but I follow after.” Phil 3:11-128

The writings of Joseph Smith are in perfect harmony with Paul. In fact, he makes the

resurrection of life sound even more difficult to attain. Most Latter-Day Saints assume that when

they are exalted they will automatically receive the resurrection, but obviously they have not

read the teachings of their founder: “You have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to

be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, namely by going

from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one; from grace to



We not only have to be exalted once, but a number of times before we overcome death. After all

Paul said: “The LAST enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” 1 Cor 15: Concerning

those who receive an exaltation it is written “And they SHALL (not have) overcome all

things.” D&C 76:60 Thus even after one receives an exaltation he has to overcome many things,

and the LAST thing to overcome is death, and this only occurs after passing through numerous


All those who have not passed through numerous exaltations will therefore attain another type of

resurrection called the resurrection of KRISIS or correction. These are the inhabitants of the

telestial, terrestrial, and some of the celestial kingdom, but not the sons of perdition. These

sons of perdition will attain no resurrection in this sphere of activity, but will be sent back

to their native element to start all over again.

The scriptures tell us that the celestial inhabitants can choose whether or not to be subjected to

death or endless life: :”Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether LIFE OR DEATH, or

things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ is

God’s.” D&C 76:59

This is a very subtle scripture but there is no escaping the fact that the choice of either “life or

death” belongs to celestial inhabitants. After all, that is what it says in black and white.

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If a celestial inhabitant can choose death again then obviously he would have to be reincarnated

at some time or another.

Brigham Young clearly tells us that Adam was one of those members of the celestial kingdom

who chose death instead of life: “When Father Adam came into the Garden of Eden, he

came into it with a CELESTIAL BODY…He helped make and organize this world.” JD


He further quoted Adam as saying: “I once dwelt on an earth something like this IN A

MORTAL STATE, I was faithful, I received my crown and exaltation. I have the privilege

of extending my work, and to its increase there shall be no end.” Deseret News; June 18,

1873; Page 308.

We are clearly told that the celestial inhabitants are the only ones with any type of immortality:

“For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element INSEPARABLY

CONNECTED, receive a fulness of joy.” D&C 93:3

Who receives a fulness of joy? We know the son of perdition does not and of the telestial

inhabitants it is written: “These are they who are thrust down to hell. These are they who

receive NOT of his fulness…” D&C 76:84&86

The terrestrial inhabitants also miss this fulness: “These (those in the terrestrial world) are

they who receive of his glory, BUT NOT OF HIS FULNESS.”

Immortality in either of these two lower worlds is impossible according to D&C 93:33 because

they do not have fulness of joy; therefore, their spirits and bodies are NOT inseparably


Where does one receive a fulness of joy? “In thy presence is fulness of joy.” Psalms

16:11 “They shall inherit the kingdom of God…and their joy shall be full forever.” II

Nephi 9:18

These scriptures indicate that a fulness of joy only takes place in the presence of God or the

celestial kingdom. Therefore, the celestial is the only one of the three revealed kingdoms where

the spirit and body is “inseparably connected”. Thus, of the three kingdoms, only the celestial

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has any degree of immortality and even there immortality is by choice. They can choose “life or

death”. In other words, they can live in an immortal state until they feel they need some new

challenge. Then they choose mortality or “death” as did Adam.

The church has taught from the beginning that the earth is a part of the telestial kingdom. During

the temple ceremony in the telestial room the speaker reveals: “Brethren and sisters, this room

represents the telestial kingdom, OR THE WORLD IN WHICH WE NOW LIVE.”

The description of the telestial world given in the Doctrine and Covenants correlates with the

information given in the temple revealing that planet earth (and possibly other physical planets)

is the real telestial kingdom.

The highest inhabitants of the telestial world “shall be servants of the Most High” D&C

76:112 and the lowest “are they who suffer the wrath of God ON EARTH.” D&C 76:104

We are further told that the telestial inhabitants receives “the administering of angels (as did

Joseph Smith) who are appointed to minister for them, or who are to be ministering spirits

for them; for they (us here on the earth now, the telestial inhabitants) shall be heirs of

salvation.” D&C 76:88

The original temples were built with three rooms representing the three kingdoms. The saints

progressed from one room or kingdom to another thus demonstrating with profound clarity that

we pass from one life to another until we leave the telestial and go to a higher world, the

terrestrial, and finally, the celestial.

But that is not all. The celestial is NOT the highest. The scriptures tell us there are realms

higher than this: In the celestial kingdom “the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17 will

become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things

pertaining to A HIGHER ORDER OF KINGDOMS will be made known. D&C 130:10

Higher orders of kingdoms than the celestial??? That’s something we were not taught in Sunday

school, but there it is in the scriptures. No revelation has elaborated on these higher kingdoms,

and why should they? The telestial kingdom that we are presently in “surpasses all

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understanding”. A description of any kingdom above the celestial would have no meaning to us

in our present state of consciousness.

Those who fall short of the highest resurrection (the resurrection of life) and yet do not become

sons of perdition go to the resurrection of KRISIS or correction and generally come back in

another life to this telestial world. When we fall short of the perfection of Christ the scriptures

tell us that our defiled bodies will be destroyed and there will be a continuing separation of body

and spirit until we overcome all things. The word of God decrees: “And when separated

(spirit and body), man cannot receive a fulness of joy. The elements are the tabernacle of

God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; (referring to our bodies) and

whatsoever temple (body) is defiled, GOD SHALL DESTROY THAT TEMPLE.” D&C


Now we understand why it is written that “the wages of sin is death.” Rom 6:23 When we sin

and our bodies are defiled we are clearly told they will be destroyed. This is why we are told

that “the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” 1 Cor 15:26 We live life after life in the

telestial kingdom each time sinning and falling short of the glory of God, leaving our bodies

behind to be destroyed until we finally “come to the measure of the stature of the fulness of

Christ” (Eph 4:13) and manifest the glory of God through a life of sinlessness. At that time we

“put on immortality” as did Jesus.

The Bible agrees with modern day revelation on this subject: “Know ye not that ye are the

temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of

God (sin), HIM SHALL GOD DESTROY; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye

are.” 1 Cor 3:16-17

Paul talks about the two resurrections and informs us that one will bring “corruption” and the

other “life everlasting”: “For every man shall bear his own burden…Be not deceived; God is

not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to

his flesh shall OF THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION; (the resurrection of KRISIS or

rebirth in mortality) but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting

(or the resurrection of life).” Gal 6:5-8

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The word “corruption” here comes from the Greek PHTHORA which is derived from

PHTHEIRO the same word that is used when Paul said that God shall “destroy” the defiled

temples. PHTHORA indicates a state of “decay”.

Thus Paul is simply telling us over and over that if our mind is centered on carnal things we will

not put on immortality but reap corruption, decay, and eventually have our bodies

destroyed. How else can this scripture be fulfilled unless we are born again and put on mortality

instead of immortality? How can we “of the flesh reap corruption” in the telestial kingdom if the

inhabitants are all immortal and there is no corruption or decay?

How do we escape the resurrection of KRISIS? “He that heareth my word, and believeth on

him that sent me, hath everlasting life (the resurrection of life), AND SHALL NOT COME

INTO CONDEMNATION (“Condemnation” comes from KRISIS and means the

resurrection of correction): but is passed from death to life.” John 5:24

CONCLUSION: The scriptures plainly tell us that there are two resurrections. In the

resurrection of life we put on immortality, but still have the free will to choose death. In the

resurrection of KRISIS we will continue to live in a mortal state where our bodies are subjected

to decay and destruction.

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Many people are very confused about who Elias and Elijah are after reading Joseph’s discourse

on the subject. We need to clarify this before proceeding. He talks about three offices: that of

Elias, the forerunner, Elijah the builder, and Messiah the teacher. He compares the office of

Elias to that of Aaron, Elijah to the Melchizedek, and speaks of Messiah as even higher. Joseph

also writes of being visited by separate personages named Elias and Elijah.

These statements have received much ridicule from the anti-Mormons because the name “Elias”

is taken from the New Testament and is merely Greek for Elijah. In other words, as the New

Testament calls Isaiah “Isaias” and Messiah “Christ” so does it call Elijah “Elias” because it was

translated from the Greek and not the Hebrew as was the Old Testament.

Elias and Elijah refer to the same person in the Bible. For instance, Luke 4:25, James 5:17, and

Romans 11:2 definitely refer to the Old Testament Elijah but call him Elias.

We do not believe that Joseph was ignorant of this, but that he was describing three principles

and merely chose the names Elias, Elijah, and Messiah to describe them. He could have called

them A, B, and C. An angel that appeared to Joseph was also named Elias, but this was

undoubtedly merely the name that Joseph decided to apply to it.

We needed to clarify this to delve into one of the most powerful scriptural witnesses for

reincarnation which concern Elijah. Most LDS are familiar with the great prophecy of

Elijah: “Behold, I will send you ELIJAH THE PROPHET before the coming of the great

and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,

and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a

curse.” Malachi 4:5-6

Church authorities agree with us that this refers to Elijah’s appearance to Joseph Smith, but what

few understand is that the scripture had a dual fulfillment. Elijah was also expected before the

first coming of the Lord, and did appear in the guise of John the Baptist.

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Luke tells us that John fulfilled the prophecy of the first coming of Elijah: “And he (John) shall

go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE


Concerning John Jesus said: “For this is he of whom it is written, Behold, I will send my

messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. Verily I say unto you,

Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the

Baptist: notwithstanding, he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. And

from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and

the violent taketh it by force. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And

if ye will receive it, THIS IS ELIAS, which was to come.” Matt 11:10-14

This last line is a poor translation which is corrected in most modern editions such as the

Concordant: “And if you are willing to receive HIM, HE IS ELIJAH…”

These scriptures plainly tell us that John the Baptist fulfilled the prophecy of the coming of

Elijah the Prophet before the first coming of the Lord. Jesus even identified him as Elijah.

No wonder John was able to go forward in the spirit and power of Elijah. He was Elijah.

Those who do not believe that John was Elijah will quote the scripture where the priests and

Levites were sent to John: “And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith,

I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered. No.” John 1:21

Here we have an interesting contradiction. Jesus said definitely that John the Baptist was Elijah

and John says he is not. What is the explanation?

First, we must realize that the words of Jesus are reliable above all other men, so let us accept

them as true. Why did John contradict them?

The answer is quite simple. As John the Baptist he had lost all memory of his life as Elijah. Just

like most of us have no memory of our existence before we were born; neither did John.

On the other hand, even if John suspected his true identity the priests and Levites would be the

last ones he would want to tell who he was. The Jews kept pestering Jesus to identify himself as

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the Christ so they could kill him for blasphemy, but this he did not reveal to them till he was

ready to die. Obviously John would do likewise.

During the transfiguration we are told that both Moses and Elias (Elijah) appeared to

Jesus. After Peter, James, and John witnessed this event they became quite curious about Elijah

because the scribes had told them that Elijah had to appear on the earth before the

Messiah. The only thing they had seen of Elijah was the vision they had beheld with their Lord

so they asked: “Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? And Jesus answered and

said unto them, Elias truly shall first come (referring to the future), and restore all

things. But I say unto you, That Elias IS COME ALREADY, and they knew him not, but have

done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of


JOHN THE BAPTIST.” Matt 17:1-13

It’s amazing that everyone doesn’t believe in reincarnation after reading this scripture. Jesus

reveals as clear as the spoken or written word can be that John the Baptist was Elijah.

Those who argue that John was merely like Elijah in his mission have no case. For one thing

John’s mission was “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Luke 1:17), completely

different from anything Elijah did. Secondly, the prophecies tell us that “Elijah THE

PROPHET” would come, not Elijah the personality.

Modern day revelation puts a seal on the doctrine that John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet,

not Elijah in spirit only. In 1823 Moroni said: “Behold, I will reveal unto you the Priesthood,

BY THE HAND OF ELIJAH THE PROPHET, before the coming of the great and dreadful

day of the Lord. D&C 2:1

And who revealed the priesthood to Joseph? All church members commemorate that great date

when the priesthood was revealed: On May 15, 1829, as recorded in section thirteen, John the

Baptist stood before Joseph and Oliver and revealed the Priesthood. Then he ordained them

under his own hands.

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Even though John only ordained Joseph and Oliver to the Aaronic priesthood he was the one

that revealed both. At the time of his visitation he explained the function of not only the Aaronic

but the Melchizedek Priesthood (DHC 1:39); thus both priesthoods were revealed by John.

After the Priesthood was revealed by John it could not be revealed by anyone else because it was

already revealed.

Therefore, the only way the priesthood could have been revealed by “Elijah the prophet” was

if John the Baptist and Elijah were the same person.

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There are numerous other scriptures that are only explained with the principle of

reincarnation. For the sake of space we shall just highlight a few.

The Doctrine and Covenants quotes some of the words of Jesus while he was with his apostles in

the flesh wherein he told them: “For as ye have looked upon the long absence of your spirits

from your bodies to be a bondage…” D&C 45:17

The natural question here is when did the twelve apostles ever have their spirits separated from

their bodies if that was their first life on the earth? Jesus had to be referring to the space of time

between lifetimes in the past lives of the Twelve when their spirits were separated from their


It is clear that reincarnation was a common belief in the days of Jesus for at one time he asked:

“Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John

the Baptist: some Elias; and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets.” Matt 16:13-14

It is revealing that many of the people thought that Jesus may have been Isaiah, Jeremiah, or one

of the prophets born again. Jesus said nothing to indicate that anyone was wrong in considering


An interesting power was given to the first Elders of the church: “And verily I say unto you,

that they who go forth, bearing these tidings unto the inhabitants of the earth, to them is

given power to seal both on earth and in heaven, the unbelieving and rebellious; Yea, verily


POURED OUT UPON THE WICKED without measure.” D&C 1:8-9

This is interesting that the Elders had the power to seal the wicked of 1831 to the fate of

suffering the wrath of God on the earth, which wrath would be over 150 years in coming.

How could the wicked of 1831 suffer in the latter-day tribulations if they are not reborn here on

the earth to experience them?

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Now we understand why eternal life is spoken of as being plural: “This is ETERNAL LIVES –

to know the only wise and true God and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent. I am

he. Receive ye, therefore, my law. Broad is the gate, and wide is the way that leadeth to

the DEATHS: and many there are that go in thereat.” D&C 132:24-25

Later in this section Joseph receives an interesting promise: “And I command mine handmaid,

Emma Smith, to abide and cleave unto my servant Joseph, and to none else. But if she will

not abide this commandment she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord; for I am the Lord thy

God, and will destroy her if she abide not my law. But if she will not abide this

commandment, then shall my servant Joseph do all things for her, even as he hath said;

and I will bless him and multiply him and give unto him an HUNDREDFOLD IN THIS



ETERNAL WORLDS.” D&C 132:54-55

First we see that men will live eternal lives (plural) and others will suffer deaths (plural). Next

we are told of an amazing promise made to Joseph Smith that he will be blessed in “this world”,

meaning on this earth, with a hundred mothers, fathers, houses, wives, and that he will live in a

hundred different lands…How is this possible??? How could he have a hundred different fathers

and mothers unless he was born at least a hundred times?

Then after he leaves this world we are told he will have “eternal liveS in the eternal worldS”

In other words, when he has finished his missions in this world he will leave this planet and work

on even greater tasks on other worlds visible and invisible and attain many crowns.

This is why Jesus is spoken of as having “many crowns” (Rev 19:12). He has had many

victorious lifetimes.

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When one considers the doctrine of reincarnation his mind would naturally wonder what the

previous lifetimes were of some of the early brethren in the church.

It’s quite possible that their incarnations on the earth began even before the days of Adam for

Hyrum Smith said: “There were prophets BEFORE Adam, and Joseph has the spirit and

power of all the prophets.” Millennial Star Vol. 23, Pg 406.

Orson Hyde also said: “The world was peopled before the days of Adam as much as it was

before the days of Noah.” J.D. 2:79

It is true that the ancient continents of Atlantis and Lemuria did exist and some of the more

recent prophets also struggled as teachers of mankind back at that ancient time.

We see from the scriptures evidence of the past lives of some of the early brethren. For instance,

there is a strong indication that Oliver Cowdery was Aaron. Oliver was told: “You have

another gift, which is the gift of Aaron; behold it hath told you many things; Behold, there

is no other power, save the power of God, that can cause this gift of Aaron to be with

you. Therefore, doubt not, for it is the gift of God, and you shall hold it in your

hands.” D&C 8:6-8

This scripture is even more striking when one considers that a very important word here has been

changed. The first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants read “rod of Aaron” instead of “gift of

Aaron”. The word “gift” does not make sense because Oliver was told he would hold it in his

hands. It is not a coincidence, then, that Oliver was given a Rod just as Aaron was, and his Rod

generated power just as Aaron’s did.

It is also ironic that Oliver was the first with Joseph to receive the Aaronic Priesthood from John

the Baptist and he was the first one in this dispensation to be ordained in an earthly ordinance to

this priesthood by another mortal, namely Joseph Smith. Oliver was told that he was “called

and ordained even as Aaron.” D&C 27:8

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Edward Partrigde was told that “he is like unto Nathanael of old, in whom there is no

guile.” D&C 41:11 Could this be the Lord’s way of hinting at his identity in a previous


Many of the brethren were conspicuously called strange ancient names in various

revelations. No logical explanation of this has ever been given by the church. Again, was the

Lord hinting at past identities?

Hyrum was Hyrum, King of Tyre from the Old Testament. Brigham Young was King

Solomon. Just as King Solomon built the temple without the sound of a hammer (1 Kings 6:7)

so did Brigham construct the tabernacle in Salt Lake without hammer or nails. Furthermore,

Solomon has sculptured lions on both sides of his throne and ornamenting his house just as

Brigham had two of them guarding the entrance to his home he named “The

Lionhouse”. Brigham was often referred to as “the Lion of the Lord”. You will also notice that

many of Brigham’s sermons sound amazingly like the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

written by Solomon.

The Lord identified Joseph Smith in a dual manner. He said: “Thou art Joseph, and wast

chosen to do the work of the Lord.” D&C 3:9 Which Joseph was the Lord referring to? Was

this his method of telling him that he was Joseph who was sold into Egypt? Was this why

Joseph of old, when prophesying of the mission of Joseph Smith, wrote of him: “He shall be

like unto me.” II Nephi 3:15 Was he really writing of his own future mission?

Why did the Lord say that Joseph was “called and chosen to WRITE the Book of Mormon”?

D&C 24:1 We know that, as Joseph, he did not write the book, but translated it. If the word of

God is literally true then Joseph had to have been Mormon, for Mormon wrote the abridged

book. Was this why, when describing his unusual traits as a young boy, his mother said:

“During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us the most amusing

recitals that could be imagined. He could describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent,

their dress, mode of traveling, and animals upon which they rode; their cities; their

buildings with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious

worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, AS IF HE HAD SPENT HIS

WHOLE LIFE WITH THEM.” Lucy Smith Biographical Sketches, Pg 85.

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It is interesting that Mother Smith was speaking of Joseph as a young boy before he had any

revelations. It sounds as if he was merely recalling his past life experiences just as numerous

young people do today in increasing degrees.

Of course, Joseph and the other brethren had many other lives that are too numerous to mention

here, but more interesting than their past lives are their possible future ones.

Many of the brethren were quite surprised that Joseph and Hyrum were killed because of certain

things the Prophet told them. For instance, he said: “I prophesy and bear record this morning

that all the combined powers of earth and hell shall not and cannot overthrow or overcome


Because God had promised Joseph he would overcome all of his enemies he was very confident

in expressing it. A reference is found in the scriptures: “I feel like Paul, to glory in tribulation;

for to this day has the God of my fathers delivered me out of them all, AND WILL



Joseph indicated that this overcoming all of our enemies is essential to obtain

salvation: “Salvation is nothing more or less than to triumph over all our enemies and put

them under our feet IN THIS WORLD, and a knowledge to triumph over all evil spirits in

the world to come, THEN we are saved.” DHC 5:387

According to this then, Joseph was not saved for he did not triumph over his enemies “in this

world”, but they overcame him and took his life.

Brigham Young was one of those who expected greater things of Joseph: “Yet he (Joseph)

will lay a plan to speculate as large as ancient Joseph did; he will have power to buy up all

the rest of the world.” DHC 6:16

Also the Lord said: “But a small moment and thy voice shall be more terrible in the midst of

thine enemies than the fierce lion.” D&C 122:4

Joseph Smith was also promised that he would redeem Zion. (See D&C 105:26-27, 37) He said

he would be a witness to the whole world and then the end would come. DHC 6:363

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The Book of Mormon tells us that he is the one like Moses mentioned in D&C 103:15-16. (See II

Nephi 3:6-17) He said his father in a blessing “anointed my head, and sealed upon me the

blessings of Moses, to lead Israel in the latter days, even as Moses led them in the days of

old.” DHC 2:380

Joseph’s patriarchal blessing even makes this promise: “Thou shalt hold the keys of this

ministry, even the presidency of this church both in time and eternity…Thou shalt stand on

Mount Zion when the tribes of Jacob come shouting from the North, and with thy

brethren, the Sons of Ephraim, crown them in the name of Jesus Christ.” OUR LINEAGE

(Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1933)

We can clearly see then, without quoting further, why the brethren did not expect Joseph to be

overcome and killed by his enemies. It was even the Lord’s intention that Joseph and Hyrum

escape martyrdom for he said: “I…will be with thee even unto the end of the world, and

through eternity…Behold, I have seen all your sacrifices, and will forgive all your sins; I

have seen your sacrifices in obedience to that which I have told you. Go, therefore, and I

WILL MAKE A WAY FOR YOUR ESCAPE, as I accepted the offering of Abraham of his

son Isaac.” D&C 132:49-50

Just as the Lord prepared the way for the saving of the physical life of Isaac so would the Lord

have saved the life of Joseph, and, unknown to most, God fulfilled his part of this promise for the

Lord did reveal to him a way to escape.

When all the forces of evil came crushing down on Joseph and Hyrum and it seemed as if there

was no way to escape with their lives, the Lord did give Joseph a revelation and told him to cross

the Missouri and go west. However, his friends called him a coward for doing so and upon

hearing this from a letter sent by his wife he replied “If my life is worth nothing to my friends

it is worth nothing to me.”

This decision was his alone for neither God nor the heavens were allowed to interfere. They

could only look on realizing the unalterable fate of his perilous decision. Although either choice

required great courage, his love for the saints compelled him to return to face martyrdom. The

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setback of his premature death was anticipated, however, and all the promises concerning him

will yet be fulfilled.

Joseph was once asking the Lord concerning the time of the second coming of Christ and

received the answer: “Joseph, my son, IF THOU LIVEST UNTIL THOU ART EIGHTY-

FIVE YEARS OLD, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore, let this suffice,

and trouble me no more on this matter.” D&C 130:15

This revelation led Joseph to later say: “I prophesy in the name of the Lord God, and let it be

written, the Son of Man WILL NOT COME in the clouds of heaven TILL I AM EIGHTY-


If he would have lived to age eight-five as hoped he would have prepared the way so the Christ

could have reappeared and the promise concerning the building of the temple in Jackson County

in his generation (D&C 84:4) would have been fulfilled. As it is the promise has been delayed

because the saints wanted their prophet to prove he was a hero more than they wanted the words

of eternal life.

All the promises made to Joseph shall be fulfilled for he will overcome all his enemies and will

yet live in the flesh to the age of eighty-five and see the face of the Son of Man. He will not do it

in an immortal resurrected body, but as a mortal walking among us again. Eliza R. Snow, the

true author of PRAISE TO THE MAN knew what she was writing when she said: “Millions

shall know Brother Joseph again.”

Parley P. Pratt was out of state when he heard of the Prophet’s death. He couldn’t understand

why his life was taken before the Lord’s promises concerning Joseph were fulfilled. Wondering

how he was going to explain Joseph’s death to the people when he returned to Nauvoo, he

prayed: “O Lord! In the name of Jesus Christ I pray thee, show me what these things

mean, and what I shall say unto thy people? On a sudden the Spirit of God came upon me,

and filled my heart with joy and gladness indescribable; and which the spirit of revelation

glowed in my bosom with as visible a warmth and gladness as if it were a fire. The Spirit

said unto me: ‘Lift up your head and rejoice; for behold! It is well with my servants

Joseph and Hyrum. My servant Joseph still holds the keys of my kingdom in this

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Pratt, Page 333.

In answer to this revelation given to Elder Pratt the average Latter-Day Saint, without thinking

twice, would merely say it has reference to Joseph Smith coming again in an immortal

resurrected body, but an important point he forgets is that an immortal person never does the

work of a mortal. After all, why did not Moroni translate the plates? It would have been more

convincing perhaps, but it is the decree of God that man must work out his own salvation and

resurrected beings do not interfere with that.

The Lord promised Parley P. Pratt that Joseph would again would stand again on the earth and

fulfill that to which he was appointed. What was he appointed to do that he did not

accomplish? We shall name nine things and point out that they do not fit the works of a

resurrected being.

FIRST: He was to achieve salvation by overcoming all of his enemies ON THE EARTH. It

would be an unfair advantage with no victory, and contrary to the laws of heaven, for a

resurrected being of great power to fight against mere mortals. If he is to overcome his

enemies he must return as a mortal and face them on even ground.

SECOND: The Lord indicated that Joseph would live until he was eighty-five old. This he

could only do as a mortal.

THIRD: Brigham Young said Joseph Smith would be able to buy up the world as ancient

Joseph did. Can you imagine the Lord sending a resurrected being to do this?

FOURTH: Joseph was promised that he would lead his people as Moses. Moses was a mortal

so Joseph could not be like Moses if he was an immortal – he would be like Jehovah who was

guiding Moses.

FIFTH: Joseph was promised he would be the one to redeem Zion. (See D&C 105:26-27,

37) The one who will do this is referred to as the “marred” servant. (See Isa 52:24 and III Nephi

20:44) Does it make sense that Joseph Smith would appear to lead the Saints to Zion in a

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resurrected immortal body that is also marred? The prophecy of the marred servant would have

to concern a mortal man.

SIXTH: Joseph was also promised that he would restore all things. We know that all things

have not yet been restored. An example is the golden plates which were sealed. The Lord told

Joseph: “I am the Lord thy God, and gave unto thee, my servant Joseph, an appointment,

and RESTORE ALL THINGS. Ask what ye will and it shall be given you according to my

word…For I have conferred upon you the keys and power of the priesthood, wherein I

restore all things, and make KNOWN UNTO YOU ALL THINGS in due time.” D&C

132:40 & 45

SEVENTH: One of the things Joseph was to restore was the fulness of the record of John: “And

John saw and bore record of the fulness of my glory, and the fulness of John’s record is

hereafter to be revealed…And it shall come to pass, that if you are faithful YOU SHALL

RECEIVE the fulness of the record of John.” D&C 93:6&18

Joseph Smith was faithful wasn’t he? Then where is the fulness of the record of

John? Obviously this can only be fulfilled in a future life.

EIGHTH: Joseph is to reveal all mysteries “until” the Lord comes: “And I have given unto

him the keys of the mystery of those things which were from the foundation of the world,


MY COMING, if he abide in me.” D&C 35:18 Also see DHC 2:32

NINETH: Joseph Smith is to be the “One Mighty and Strong” and “Set in order the house of


Let us expand this final point and quote the reference concerning this Coming One, for it is the

most controversial writing in all the Standard Works, misunderstood by orthodox and

fundamentalist Mormon alike.

“And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding

the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter

words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth to SET IN ORDER THE

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HOUSE OF GOD, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are

found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law

of God; While that man who was called of God, and appointed, that putteth forth his hand

to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by a

vivid shaft of lightening…These things I say not of myself; THEREFORE, AS THE LORD


And how does the church explain this powerful scripture? They say that Edward Partridge, the

first bishop of the church, was bungling things up, and the Lord was thinking of sending One

Mighty and Strong to straighten him out, but Partridge repented and thus the prophesied person

did not need to come. Thus the authorities have tried to negate the word of God for this is one

prophesy with a promise of fulfillment. It is written: “He (God) will also fulfill…” D&C 85:10

The present day authorities like to think that this scripture cannot pertain to them. They do not

like the idea that the church may be out of order and will require a new Moses to be sent to

straighten things out.

As upsetting as it may be to the present day hierarchy we have definite proof that this warning

was not to Edward Partridge as is claimed. Oliver Cowdery stated: “Brother Joseph says that

the item in his letter (section 85) that says that the man that is called etc. and puts forth his

hand to steady the arc of God, DOES NOT MEAN THAT ANYONE HAD AT THE TIME,

but was given for a caution to those in HIGH STANDING TO BE WARE, lest they should

fall by the shaft of death.” THE REVELATIONS OF JOSEPH SMITH by Lyndon W.

Cook; Page 179; Published By Deseret Book

Furthermore, the prophecy pertains to the redemption of Zion which has not yet occurred and

could not have been fulfilled in Joseph’s day. In addition we have a second witness to the

Coming One in Isaiah: “Behold, the Lord hath a MIGHTY AND STRONG ONE, which as a

tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast

down to the earth with the hand. The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be

trodden under foot…The priest and the PROPHET HAVE ERRED through strong drink

(doctrine), they are swallowed up of wine, (knowledge); they are out of the way; they err in

vision, they stumble in judgement.” Isa 28:2-3, 7

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Thus the coming of the One Mighty and Strong is established by two scriptural witnesses, which

is discreetfully swept under the rug by those who do not want to be set in order.

Since the One Mighty and Strong will set the house of God in order, then that must mean that it

will be out of order. In fact the church was not in order even in the days of Joseph. The Prophet

said he planned “to organize the Church in its PROPER ORDER as soon as the

(Nauvoo) temple is completed.” DHC 4:604

Unfortunately, he was killed before the temple was completed so he never had a change to set the

church in order as he had hoped, and no one since that time has claimed to have had any

revelation concerning the setting in order.

Joseph explained that the setting in order would be after the similitude of the parable of the

wheat and the tares and that “the corruptions of the church are represented by the tares,

which are sown by the enemy.” He said that the tares will be removed when the wheat gets

sufficiently strong.

Who is this One Mighty and Strong? Some think it will be Joseph Smith because he said the

revelation ‘often times… maketh my bones to quake…” D&C 85:6. But a more conclusive

proof is found in another revelation which tells us he will spend numerous lifetimes setting the

church and kingdom in order. “and this shall be your business and mission ALL YOUR



Some believe that Joseph will come as a resurrected and glorified personage because we are told

the One Mighty and Strong will be “clothed with light for a covering”. D&C 85:7 But they do

not understand that all men have some sort of light for a covering for we are all surrounded with

a colorful aura which can be seen with sensitive eyes. Also, saints often noticed a light that

surrounded Joseph when he was speaking by inspiration. There were those who said his face

sometimes glowed as if there were a searchlight in his head. Thus Joseph could be a mortal with

light for a covering and will also have the “scepter of power” which will be a rod like unto that

of Moses.

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Joseph Smith was aware that this was not his last life on the earth for in speaking to the Nauvoo

Legion he said: “You have faithfully performed your duty, in preserving the lives of the

people as well as mine. You shall be called the first Elders of this church….And your

mission will be to the nations of the earth to preach the gospel, and you will gather many

people to the fastness of the Rocky Mountains, and many of those who will come in under

your ministry because of their learning will seek for position and they will gain eminence

over you, and you will walk in low places unnoticed. Yet you will know all that transpires

in your midst. Those who are your friends are my friends AND I PROMISE YOU WHEN

I COME AGAIN I WILL LEAD YOU FORTH, so that where I am you shall be with

me.” LIFE STORY OF WANDLES MACE, By Himself; Pages 131-132

Joseph will keep his promise and come again, for today there are many of the most enlightened

saints who are walking “in low places unnoticed” who will be raised up to a point where they can

be a light unto the world.

Also that “in life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated!” D&C 135:3

It is most probable they will be the two witnesses as prophesied by John in chapter 11 of

Revelations for Joseph said he would be a witness to the world and then the end would come. In

addition they will be the One like Moses and the Spokesman as prophesied in II Nephi chapter

three. Indeed, we have glorious events to look forward to in the near future!

There is not time in this short article for more elaboration. That will be given later. The most

important thing is to consider the words we have written. Remember that the Lord answers no

one who takes “no thought save it was to ask me.” D&C 9:7. So study this out first. Search

the scriptures and your heart and then ask God with a sincere heart about the truth of these things

and the Spirit will tell you that the principle of reincarnation is a true, holy, and just principle.

We bear witness to the principle of rebirth. We have tested the Spirit and know it is true and we

know that he will reveal this and other great mysteries to all true seekers of light.

Let us remember the words of Joseph: “We should gather all the good and true principles in

the world and treasure them up, or we shall not come out true Mormons.” DHC 5:517

Copyright by J J Dewey

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[Editor’s Note: These chapters, copied from pages on the author’s website, are here compiled in

one document with minimal editing. For a more in-depth treatment of the subject, see the

author’s book Eternal Lives, available on]