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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan




    1.1 Background of study

    In the global era, communication between one and the other country is very

    important. To make it easy we should master the international language where most of

    people in this world use it to make communication.

    Sometimes, people get difficulty in speaking the foreign language. This makes

    them get difficulty to say their smart idea, opinion, agreement, disagreement or whatever

    they want.

    A lot people in Indonesia are not able to speak English fluently because commonly

    English is only taught in schools or courses and not in their daily activities. Furthermore,

    not all of people in Indonesia can study in schools or courses. Consequently, not all people

    are able to speak English well.

    People who can study in schools or courses sometimes also get difficulties in

    English speaking because of many factors. One of them is their Intelligence Quotient or IQ.

    Sometimes students with high IQ are able to speak English better than students with low

    IQ. According to Utami Munandar ( 1985 : 21 ) opinions, the way to speak, the way to ask

    questions, the ability to solve their problems and so on reflect their intelligence. Therefore,

    it is a very interesting phenomenon that the writer wants to prove this case in research.

    The writer wants to know whether the students IQ influence their speaking ability. Based

    on the above fact, the writer wants to do research about the students speaking ability

    based on the result of their IQ test in the second year and the result of their speaking test.

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    1.2 Problem of the study

    Based on the background of the study, to be more explicit, the writer formulates

    the statement of problem as follows:

    Is there any positive correlation between students IQ and their speaking ability in

    the third year of SMU Widya Dharma Turen Malang 2002 2003.

    1.3 Purpose of study

    According to the research problem stated above, the purpose of the study to see

    whether there is any positive correlation between students IQ and their speaking ability in

    the third year of SMU Widya Dharma Turen Malang 2002 2003 or not.

    1.4 Statement of hypothesis

    Based on the problem stated above, the hypothesis of the research can be

    formulated as follows:

    Ha : There is any positive correlation between students IQ and their speaking

    ability in the third year of SMU Widya Dharma Turen Malang 2002 2003.

    Ho : There is no positive correllation between students IQ and their speaking

    ability in the third year of SMU Widya Dharma Turen Malang 2002 2003.

    1.5 Significance of the study

    It is expected that the result of the study can be used to bridge the gap between

    the students IQ and their speaking ability. If there is any correlation between both of them,

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    the students with low IQ should get more special treatment from the teacher than those

    with high IQ.

    1.6 Scope and limitation of the study

    Due to the limited time, the writer only focuses the research on the students

    speaking result and their IQ score.

    The scope and limitation of the study are made as follows:

    1. The study is focused on the speaking ability and the students IQ in the third year at

    SMU Widya Dharma Turen Malang 2002 2003 is used for this research.

    2. There are 365 students studying at the third year of SMU Widya Dharma Turen

    Malang 2002 2003. These students will be used as the subjects of this research.

    1.7 Definition of key-terms

    1. Correlation is a statistical technique which is used to know to what extent variables or

    more are related to another (Suharsimi Arikuntoro, 1976: 2001).

    2. Intelligence Quotient ( IQ ) is a measure of relative brightness. It asserts that,

    compared with persons of his own age group, an individual has attained a certain rank

    on particular intelligence test (David Wechsler, 1966 : 151).

    3. Speaking ability is the skill or power to speak of a language.

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan




    In this chapter, the writer would like to give many attentions to some aspects in

    relation with students IQ.They should be presented and discussed in detail in order to

    comprehend all of the explanations in this study.

    The major purpose of reviewing the literature is to determine what has already

    been done that relates to our problem. In other words, the review tells the researcher what

    need to be done. Another important function of the literature review is to point out

    strategies and specific procedures and measuring instruments that have and have not

    been found to be productivity in investigating the problem (Gay, 1991:6).

    2.1 Intelligence

    2.1.1 Definition of intelligence

    Intelligence is a network of strongly related abilities concerning the retention,

    transformation, and utilization of verbal and numerical symbols (Wallach and Kogan,

    1967:140). It is as what Marstune says that Intelligence is the ability of the organism to

    adjust it self adequately to new situation (1931:291).

    While The American Heritage Dictionary states that intelligence is the power of

    perceiving, learning, understanding and knowing mental ability (1969:89).

    Binets original conception of Intelligence as a single process was later supported

    by Spearman (1927), who found an overlap between individual performances on a variety

    of intelligence sub tests. He concluded that this reflected a common or general factor of

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    intelligence that was a shared requirement of all the sub tests. Beyond the general factor,

    Spearman (1972) also posited the existence of specific factors, unique to each mental

    activities, that combined with the more important general factor to constitute intelligence.

    Intelligence, therefore, was largely viewed as a general ability to solve mental problems.

    Intelligence has also been viewed as a set of specific traits or factor. Thurstone

    (1938) identified the following as primary mental abilities:

    1. Number: doing arithmatic calculations.

    2. Verbal: showing understanding of word passages.

    3. Space: manipulating an object in two or three dimension.

    4. Word fluency: thinking of the meaning of isolated words.

    5. Reasoning: discovering a rule or principle.

    6. Rote memory: quick memorization.

    Many students are better at some of these tasks, but not at others. It indicates a

    difference in proficiency or ability from one to the others.

    2.1.2 Different kinds of intelligence

    Closely related to the conception of Intelligence as a group of traits is the idea of

    the different kind of intelligence. Jensen (1968) proposed two :

    v Associative intelligence, requiring memory and the ability to build simple

    associations or connections.

    v Abstract intelligence, requiring thinking and problem-solving.

    Moore Recently, Gardner (1983) proposed seven different types of intelligence:

    1. Linguistic intelligence or the ability to use words (as might a writer)

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    2. Musical intelligence or the ability to write music or play an instrument (as might

    a musician)

    3. Logical-mathematical intelligence or the ability to reason and use symbols (as

    might a scientist)

    4. Spatial intelligence or the ability to arrange and rearrange objects in space (as

    might an architect)

    5. Bodily kinesthetic intelligence or the ability to control ones body (as might a

    dancer or gymnast)

    6. Intrapersonal intelligence or the ability to control ones inner thoughts and

    feelings (as might a spiritual leader)

    7. Interpersonal intelligence or the ability to function well socially (as might a

    salesperson or politician)

    Students can have some of these intelligence but not others, and they can lose

    some and gain or retain others. Schools often ignore many of these types of intelligence

    while focusing primarily on linguistic and logical-mathematical types. Because of that,

    many students who gain good intelligence on linguistic and logical-mathematical types feel

    inferior to others. In this research, because the students IQ correlated with their speaking,

    the students who gain good intelligence on linguistic of course have good speaking too.

    2.2 Intelligence Quotient ( IQ )

    2.2.1 Definit ion o f IQ

    The expert made different intelligence test which possible to know the students

    intelligence in short time. It commonly explained into intelligence quotient or IQ. According

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    These classification are as follows:

    Table 2.1 Wechsler Intelligence categories


    Over 130 Very superior

    120 129 Superior

    110 119 Smart normal

    90 109 Average

    80 89 Unwieldy normal

    70 79 Border-dull

    70 and less Defect mentality

    In normal distribution of IQ, the average IQ is 100 with standard deviation 15

    according to wechsler. In intelligence norm according to Rudolf Amthauer these

    classification is as follows:

    Table: 2.2 Rudolf Amthauer intelligence norm


    1 Over 119 Very superior

    2 105 118 Superior

    3 100 104 Upper Average

    4 95 99 Average

    5 81 94 Lower Average

    6 80 and less Very lower

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    The other classification of IQs used are:

    Table 2.3 Terman Intelligence categories


    Above 140 Near genius or genius

    120 140 Very superior intelligence

    110 119 Superior intelligence

    90 109 Normal, or average intelligence

    80 89 Dullness

    70 79 Borderline deficiency

    Below 70 Definite feeblemindedness

    2.3 Speaking

    2.3.1 Definit ion of Speaking

    Speaking is the major means of human communication, Helmstetter (2000:2)

    states that speaking is motoric activity which mouth, tongue, larynx, and respiratory tract

    produce sound in form of words. It is probably the single most powerful and influential tool

    that human can use in their social interaction. It is also a complex skill requiring the

    simultaneous use of a number of different abilities that often develop at different rates.

    Wepman (1973) postulated two processes in the central nervous system dealing with

    spoken language:

    a. The transmission process is divided into receptive and expressive modes.

    b. The integration process provides for the decoding and encoding of previously

    patterns to give meaning to the stimulus.

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    2.3.2 Components of the speech process

    Five components are generally recognized in analysis of the speech process:

    1. Pronounciation (Including the segmental features vowels and consonants and the

    stress and intonation patterns).

    2. Grammar.

    3. Vocabulary.

    4. Fluency (The case and the speed and the flow of speech).

    5. Comprehension for oral communication certainly requires the subjects to respond

    to speech as well to initiate it (Harris, 1977:81-82).

    There are 3 functions to make human can speak normally:

    1. Breathing is energy in speaking process because voices formed when we eject


    2. Foundation is voice formation which is formed by vibration of vocal cords in the

    larynx, up respiration tract.

    3. Articulation is spelling which is formed because of change of roam and organs

    movement between sounds and lips, there are tongue movement, ceiling, larynx,

    jaw and lips.

    Learning to speak a foreign language requires more than knowing its grammatical

    and semantic rules. Students must also acquire the knowledge of how native speakers use

    the language in the context of structured interpersonal exchange, in which many factors

    interact. Therefore, it is difficult for English Foreign Language learners to speak the target

    language fluently and appropriately.

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    Speaking a language is especially difficult for foreign Language learners because

    effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social

    interactions. Diversity in interaction involves not only verbal communication but also

    paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation. In addition, non-

    linguistic elements such as gestures and body language/posture, facial expression, and so

    on may accompany speech or convey messages directly without any accompanying

    speech. In addition, There is a tremendous variation cross-culturally and cross-

    linguistically in the specific interpretations of gestures and body language(Brown


    2.3.3 Components underlying speaking effectiveness

    Hymes (1971) assumes that English Foreign language learners need to know not

    only the linguistic knowledge but also the culturally acceptable ways of interacting with

    others in different situations and relationships. His theory of communicative competence

    (1971) consist of the interaction of grammatical, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, and

    probabilistic language components.

    Built on Hymestheory, Canale and Swain (1980) propose that communicative

    competence included grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic

    competence, and strategic competence, which reflect the use of linguistic system and the

    functional aspects of communication respectively.

    a. Grammatical competence

    In order to convey meaning, English Foreign language learners must have the

    knowledge of words and sentences; that is they must understand how words are

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    segmented into various sounds, and how sentences are stressed in particular ways. Thus,

    grammatical competence enables speakers to use and understand English language

    structures accurately and unhesitatingly, which contributes to their fluency.

    b. Discourse competence

    Effective speakers should acquire a large repertoire of structures and discourse

    markers to express ideas, show relationships of time, and indicate cause, contrast, and

    emphasis (Scarcella and Oxford 1992) so learners can manage turn-taking in


    c. Sociolinguistic competence

    Learners must have competence which involves knowing what is expected socially

    and culturally by users of the target language; that is, learners must acquire the rules and

    norms governing the appropriate timing and realization of speech acts. It also helps

    learners know what comments are appropriate, know how to ask questions during

    interaction, and know how to responds nonverbal according to the purpose of the talk.

    d. Strategic competence

    It is the way learners manipulate language in order to meet communicative goals

    (Brown, 1994:228). It is also the ability to compensate for imperfect knowledge of linguistic,

    sociolinguistic and discourse rules (Berns 1990)

    2.4 Abil ity

    According to Barton (1952:98) ability is a generalized power to carry on an

    integrated complex of related activities, and lorter and Porter states, ability is an individual

    characteristic like intelligence, manual skill, trait belongs to someone that can be actualized

    through is behavior (1967:54).

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    Many researchers make a future of their thinking about the definition of the ability.

    To make clear understanding about the definition of the ability, the writer will describe

    about the ability that we find each of the individual competence.

    Lambert says:

    Ferguson views ability as relative invariant aspects of behavior that manifestthemselves in modes of responding to particular psychological test. Thus one

    Intelligence is his peculiar pattern of abilities that have become stabilized for himat his particular age level. Abilities are that characterizes ability reflects the fact

    that little change in behavior occurs as learning in continued. Basically, then

    individual vary in term speed with which they reach this point of behavioralstability, and also in term of the level of skill attained before stability manifest itself


    James (1983:1) states that ability means power to perform an act physical or

    mental either before or after training. From the statement above, it can be concluded that

    power consists of physical and mental ability.

    Morgan defines two kinds of abilities. The first, Intellectual ability is being achieved

    without learning or training, it is natural. The ability automatically appears which is called

    aptitude in the psychology. The second is special ability that usually requires specific

    activities or occupation.

    2.5 Speaking ability

    Speaking ability is one of the abilities that should be applied by the students in the

    form of saying word or sentences. They follow the teachers instruction or they repeat the

    sentences that the teacher has said. Local curriculum of 1994 states that the students

    should be able to imitate pronounciation of the words after the teacher and they are

    expected to do a short and simple conversation correctly.

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    Factors which may influence speaking is Intelligence. Crow & Crow, (in the

    Sugeng Paronto, 1984) states that Intelligence is the term applied to these activities that

    are associated with the higher mental process, among the various aspects, memory,

    imagination, reasoning and other forms of mental activity. So, Intelligence is the students

    ability to apply the activities with mental process. The students will face many difficulties on

    memory, imagination, and reasoning if they have low intelligence with intelligence test.

    Intelligence test must be done by psychologists.

    There is a list of good intelligence which is suitable with their education:


    80 90 Elementary school

    90 110 Junior and senior school

    110 The University

    Based on the table, the students must have good Intelligence if they want to

    succeed in the learning process including speaking. It is as Lessler and Bridges (1973)

    says that the correlation of intelligence quotient with learning ability ( speaking, reading,

    writing, and listening) is from .40 to .68.

    In 1962, Pimsleur, Mosberg, and Morrison published a literary review of studies

    concerning student factors in foreign language learning including speaking. They stated

    that there is a positive correlation between intelligence and foreign language achievement.

    Correlation between IQ and foreign language achievement in the studies they covered

    ranges from .21 to .65 with many around. 45. Intelligence, they said, is a significant factor.

    They also stated that the other factor in foreign language learning is bilingualism, it brings

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    the individual cognitive benefits; study habits, familiarizing oneself with the goals of a

    language course and nourishing good study habits leads to greater success.

    Motivation and attitudes towards second language learning; and personality

    factors, factors said to be positive were submissiveness, confidence, and personal

    aspirations, factors said to be negative were fear of failure or embarrassment, emotionally,

    anxiety, inner conflict and egocentricity.

    Edwards, Welld, and Wesche (1982) they also found a relationship between

    intelligence and foreign language aptitude. Carroll (1958) also mentioned that factors

    affecting success in foreign language study were associative memory, linguistic interest,

    inductive language learning, grammatical sensitivity, sound-symbol association, speed of

    association, and verbal knowledge; some have labeled this factor verbal ability based on

    Pimsleur, Mosberg, and Morrison, 1962 version, or verbal intelligence based on Pimsleur,

    Stockwell, and Comrey, 1962 version.

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan




    This chapter is devoted to describing methodology of the research. For this

    purpose, five points of discussion are presented: research design, population and sample,

    research instrument, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.

    3.1 Research design

    The research design of this study is correlational study because it correlates the

    difference between of two sets of data. There are two variables, namely Independent

    variable and dependent variable. The Independent variables is students IQ and the

    dependent variables is students speaking ability. Independent variables are the conditions

    or characteristics that the experimenter manipulates in his or her attempt to ascertain their

    relationship to observed phenomena (Best, 1981) while the dependent variables are the

    conditions or characteristics that appear, disappear, change or remove the independent

    variables (Butler, 1985:11). A variable is an attribute of a person or an object which varies

    from person to person or from object to object (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:12). Data are

    collecting from test of speaking and test of IQ. At the end of this, the result of tests in both

    variables will be compared to find the correlation between both of them.

    3.2 Population and sample

    Moore (1983:110) states that a population is a complete set of individuals or whole

    subjects of a research having some observable characteristics. The population of this

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    study is 365 students learning in the third year of SMU Widya Dharma Turen-Malang in

    academic year of 2002-2003.

    Not all population is taken as sample. As Ary, et al (1979) and Arikuntoro (1982)

    stated that if not the whole population is obtained as sample, sampling technique is

    required. 40 students are used as sample in this research, A sample is subject of a

    population. It is a small proportion of a population selected for observation and analysis

    (Moore, 1983; Best, 1981). In this research, the Independent variable which consists of 40

    students is given test in IQ; in this part the writer just receives these results without doing

    the IQ test by herself. This test is conducted by Citra Anda as human resources and

    psychological consultant who is required by school. As so the dependent variable

    consisted of 40 students is given speaking test about hobby, favorite persons and family in

    a limited time i.e 3 minutes.

    3.3 Research instrument

    Gay (1987:123) insists that whether you are seeking answers to questions, you

    must have a good instrument for collecting your valid and reliable data. It is a matter of

    selecting the best instrument for our purposes from those that are available. However,

    sometimes we may have to develop our instrument.

    This study uses two types of instrument, that are documentation of IQ and test of

    speaking. The IQ documentation is used to collect data on the IQ score or level of IQ while

    the speaking test is used to collect data on the speaking ability.

    The IQ test is given to the second year students by the Human Resources and

    Psychological Consultant collaborating with the school. The speaking test consists of

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan


    questions on the students ability on speaking. It consists of 5 questions. These questions

    are: (1). What is your hobby?, (2). Why do you like that?, (3). Who is your favorite person?,

    (4). Why do you like your favorite person?, (5). Tell about your family!.

    Focuses of scoring the speaking ability are pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary,

    fluency and comprehension for oral communication as recommended by Harris (1977).

    The scorers are the writer herself and English teacher at SMU Widya Dharma Turen.

    3.4 Data collection techniques

    Two kinds of data are used for this study: students IQ score and students

    speaking score. The data are collected by using two kinds of instrument; the IQ score

    obtained from IQ documentation and speaking score from speaking test. Data on IQ are

    collected from the consolor teacher where the school has done this test before and

    collaborated with Citra Anda as Human Resources and Psychological consultant. In this

    section, the writer only analyzes data which are got instantly. Therefore, the speaking test

    is given in English class after getting permission from the teacher. When scoring the oral

    data from speaking test, the writer collaborates with the English teacher at SMU Widya

    Dharma Turen. However, when giving the speaking test, the writer herself does the job.

    The whole time giving speaking test to 40 students took about 120 minutes. Each students

    requires around 3 minutes to answer the questions.

    The data on speaking test are examined to see their speech process which

    consists of pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. The scoring

    criteria used in this study is the criteria issued by the Department of National Education

    (Depdiknas). The criteria used level of ability, namely: Excellent (A), Good (B), Fair (C),

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    Poor (D), and Very poor (E). Every level had its criteria in two kinds of scaling, namely 0 to

    100 and A to E. The following table showed the criteria.

    Table 3.1 Scoring criteria

    No Degree Of Ability Qualification Letter Grade

    1 80 100 Excellent A

    2 70 79 Good B

    3 60 69 Fair C

    4 50 59 Poor D

    5 0 49 Very poor E

    3.5 Data analysis techniques

    After data are collected by using the research instrument, the next turn that should

    be done by the writer is analyzing the data. In analyzing the data, she must pay attention to

    the purpose of the study that is to know the positive correlation between the students IQ

    and their speaking ability in the third year student of SMU Widya Dharma Turen Malang


    The result of this study is presented in the table form, so that the writer able to

    present the students speaking ability and their IQ level. Meanwhile, the formula, which is

    used by the writer, is:

    ( )( )22 yxxy



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    Where, r = The correlation coefficient between X and Y, the correlated


    xy = The sum of x multiplied by y

    x2 = The square of x

    y2 = The square of y

    The coefficient correlation gained from the above formula Henceforth consulted to

    the next norms:

    0.00 0.20 There is no correlation (The test is not valid)

    0.20 0.40 Low correlation (Low validity)

    0.40 0.70 Moderate correlation (Moderate validity)

    0.70 0.90 High correlation (High validity)

    0.90 1.00 Perfect positive correlation (Perfect positive validity)


    Furthermore, to know the students level of speaking ability, the writer uses the

    criteria below, based on Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Universitas

    Muhammadiyah Malang Tahun Ajaran 1995/1996:

    Table 3.2 Level of ability

    Level of ability Predicate

    80 % - 100 % Very good

    65 % - 79 % Good

    55 % - 64 % Fair

    45 % - 54 % Poor

    0 % - 44 % Very poor

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    In this chapter, the researcher explains the results and discussions of the

    problems which have been stated in previous chapter.

    4.1 Results

    This section presents the results of the data analysis which cover two variables.

    The first variable was Intelligence Quotient and the second variable was speaking ability.

    The results of the study which are based on the tests of the two variables are

    described as follows:

    a. IQ tests

    From 40 students who were taken as the subjects of this research, 16 students

    (40%) were classified into below average group, 15 students (37,5%)were classified into

    average group, 7 students (17,5%) were classified into above average group and 2

    students (5%) were classified into superior group. (Appendix I)

    b. Speaking test

    From 40 students who were taken as the subjects of this research on September

    17th, 2002 at 08.00 10.00 am, 7 students (17,5%) were classified into fair, 20 students

    (50%) were classified into good and 13 students (32,5%) were classified into excellent.

    (Appendix II)

    Based on the two groups of scores; the writer sets up the table to know if there is

    any correlation between the students IQ and their speaking ability. (Appendix III)

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    Pimsleur, Mosberg, and Morisson (1962) stated that there is a positive correlation

    between intelligence and foreign language achievement. It is also true for students

    speaking ability. That is why students with high IQ achieve high score in their speaking and

    students with low IQ achieve low score in their speaking although it is not always. This is

    because there are still other influencing factors in foreign language achievement such as

    bilingualism, study habits, motivation, and also personality. Morisson (1964) also stated

    that the factor influencing second language development is the students attitude to the

    target language and culture; a student who is unhappy or uncomfortable in the academic

    and social environment will probably learn English more slowly than a student who is

    happy or does not face a problem. Another related factor is the attitude of the student to his

    or her new teachers and the classroom environment; learning will not take place very

    easily when the student does not feel that he or his own culture is accepted or valued by

    the teacher or by the other students in the class. A further influence on the speed at which

    a child learns a second language is related to personality. The students who are willing to

    take risks and who are not afraid of being wrong have a language learning advantage over

    the fearful and timid students. And finally, it is clear that a motivated, hard-working student

    with an interest in an aptitude for learning language will do better than someone with

    opposite characteristics.

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    This chapter presents some conclusions concerning the result of the study

    discussed in the previous chapter and provides suggestion concerning the students IQ

    and their speaking ability.

    5.1 Conclusion

    In the previous chapter, the writer has analyzed and interpreted the data. In this

    part, the writer presents the conclusions of the study concerning the correlation between

    the third year students IQ and their speaking ability at SMU Widya Dharma Turen


    Not all of the students with high IQ have high grade in their speaking and not all of

    students with low IQ have low grade in their speaking too. Based on the results above,

    there are some students with high IQ but have low grade in speaking and there are some

    students with low IQ but have high grade in speaking. It can be concluded that there is a

    moderate correlation between the students IQ and their speaking ability.

    5.2 Suggestion

    Based on the conclusions above, the writer gives some suggestion to the teacher,

    the conselor teacher and the students.

  • 7/27/2019 Jiptummpp Gdl s1 2005 Maulida983 1954 Contents


    Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangPublisher By : UPT. Perpustakaan

    5.2.1 Suggestion for the teacher

    The writer hopes that the result of this thesis gives benefit for the progress of

    teaching- learning process.

    Based on the speaking score made by the students, the English teacher should

    give more attention and treatment to the students with low IQ and the students with high IQ

    who have difficulties in speaking so they can increase their speaking ability. Besides, the

    English teacher should give more practice in speaking on her teaching learning process

    to develop the students speaking ability.

    5.2.2 Suggestion for the consolor teacher

    The conselor teacher should find the factors which may cause the students who

    have low grade in their study or have difficulties in their study and support them to reach

    their optimal grade.

    5.2.3 Suggestion for the students

    The students should know that studying English needs patience and confidence.

    The students must study hard and use the time effectively because English is very

    important to communicate with other persons, and English has a great role in the world

    because it is an international language.

    The students should be active in using English because it will help them develop

    their speaking.