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Solving Problem


Place of Research

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This chapter presents about background of the study, statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, significance of study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of key terms.

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• Important of Reading (from holy Qur’an, In modern era)• According to researcher’s observation in

second grade students at MAN 2 Malang kota BATU had problem in language skills especially Reading skill. Score of Reading English’s students in second year is moderate mostly. Their mean score is 7.8; this is moderate of the minimal standard score which is could be enhance in order to get good score.

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“How can Jigsaw strategy improve the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at second year students of MAN 2 MALANG KOTA BATU?”

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This study aims to describe how Jigsaw strategy can improve the students’ Reading comprehension in narrative text at second year students of MAN 2 MALANG KOTA BATU.

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Significant of the study

The teacher can use jigsaw strategy as an alternative way to make funny and enjoying reading,

student will study seriously and easy to understand while they feel secure of bored as well, which will make the students easy to understand in reading narrative text in teaching learning English process.

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Scope and limitation

• The researcher applies jigsaw strategy in this study to the second grade student of MAN Malang 2 KOTA BATU to improve their reading comprehension skill. • The researcher just limits this study

especially using jigsaw strategy

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Definition of key terms• Improving, the term “improving” in this study is to enhance the

students’ score on one of four subject of English course that must be mastered is reading that to be focused skill being attention in this study.

• Reading Comprehension is the competency reading of standard understanding the text that they will reach the goal both the easy way to read a narrative text and understand what the message from writer of the text.

• Narrative text is the text that makes the reader entertain and fun while the reader is reading. It becomes one of the purposes of narrative text itself.

• Jigsaw strategy is a strategy in teaching learning English language to improve a skill of four skills that could be mastered is reading. Moreover, it is one of strategy in Cooperative learning approach.

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Chapter IIReview of Literature

This chapter will present some theories or literature related to the problem which is explained in this study. There are several topics are described in this study as follows: Definition of reading comprehension skill, narrative text and jigsaw strategy as a part of cooperative learning models.

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Previous Study

The research related to the applying peer conferencing was conducted by Fathurrahman (2008) Islamic University of Malang “Improving Speaking Skill of the Second Grade Students at SMA Islam Mojokerto using Jigsaw Technique”

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This chapter focuses on the research method developed in the recent study, this chapter discusses: research design, setting and subject of the study, and research procedure consists of the steps of the action of the study those are planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.

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In this study the researcher use Classroom action research design (CAR), This study aims to improve reading comprehension skills in Narrative text through Jigsaw strategy.

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Setting and Subject of the study

The research was conducted for one month trough the beginning of July up to the end of July 2015. It was conducted at MAN 2 MALANG KOTA BATU in academic year 2013/2014. The school was located on Jl. Patimura No 25 Kota Batu. The subjects of the study were second grade students. The research was focused on one single room, namely the first semester students of Bilingual XIE class. The class had 30 students, 10 male and 20 female students,

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Research procedure

In this section, the researcher explains the research procedures start from preliminary study and research implementation which including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.

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Preliminary study

This case was proven by some problems which were found by the researcher. They are: 1) the mean score of the reading comprehension in that class was 78.0 while the standard of that school was 78.0. 2) Most of the students in that class were less reading interest although they have had same score position as the standard score of the curriculum. 4) They were bored in reading class activity when their teacher asked them to read a text. In the class there were 30 students, the students that reached above SKBM in the class 20% it means that only 6 students who success reached score above 78.0, 20% in the class described students got under the standard of the score is 6 students, and the rest of students were got the same score with the standard that is 78.0.

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The researcher prepares for applying the action; (1) preparing lesson plan, (2) prepare the jigsaw strategy, (3) preparing instructional material, and also (4) criteria of success.

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Preparing Lesson plan• Based on the lesson plan designed, the researcher will

make three preparation of the action in one cycle in teaching learning process as follows:

• First meeting:• Firstly,the researcher will give a narrative text that will

be discussed at that meeting. After that students are asked to read it. Next they are asked to list the unknown vocabularies on the blackboard while giving their meaning together. Besides the teacher present what is Narrative text, its purpose, and language function as well. In this chance the researcher known the reading ability of the student based on the result of pre-test that will get from preliminary study. Then the teacher prepares to explain jigsaw strategy and how it will be implemented. Here means, students understanding what they will do and be ready for attending next meeting as the actor of jigsaw group members.

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• Second meeting:• At the second meeting, the researcher will implement

Jigsaw strategy in the teaching learning process. At first, the researcher explains once more about jigsaw strategy to make clear understanding about the strategy. After that, the steps of jigsaw strategies are implemented. Firstly, the researcher will divide students into 5-6 group namely jigsaw group. Next, they will be asked to arrange their class by putting 5-6 tables in circle position in the class as they will gather with their groups. However, distributing hand out of narrative text which has been divide into some topic as second step.

• While discussing the narrative text they would get time for chance to discuss 5 to 10 minutes. Thirdly they will asked to move on the other group that expert group and discussing with the expert group for preparing the presentation to home group or jigsaw group. Fourthly, the students come back to jigsaw group and present what they have discussed from expert group about the material. Finally, for evaluating and correcting the material, narrative text, that has been discussed, they will get the test for measuring their understanding about the text.

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Preparing instructional media

In this study, the researcher downloaded the Narrative text from English lesson book “Lembar kerja siswa XI MA/SMA”and downloaded from other sources. The researcher taught the student based on the materials designed on the syllabus.

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Criteria of success

Indicator of success here is a sign to determine that the use of jigsaw strategy already success in solving the problems of first grade students of MAN 2 MALANG KOTA BATU. The indicator of success in this strategy during the teaching and learning process is 70% of students’ score are increased from 78.0 to be above of score 78.0 on the school basis of the minimum mastery learning standard.

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Implementation • In this case, implementation is the action of planning,

(Latief, 2003:107). The goal of this action is to improve the students’ reading comprehension trough the use of Jigsaw Strategy. In this activity the researcher asks another researcher to help this process as a collaborator.

• Preparation of Teaching Practice1. Pre-reading activities:a. The teacher opened the lesson by greet the students and explained the objectives of the lesson.b. The teacher divided the students into six groups: each group consisted of five members. c. The group should be diverse in terms of ethnicity, gender, ability, and race.d. One student should be appointed as the group leader. This person should initially be the most mature student in the group.

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• II. Whilst-reading • a. The students were given a text of Narrative • b. Each student is assigned one title to learn. Each student should only

have direct access to their own title.c. Students should be given time to read over their title at least twice to become familiar with it. Students do not need to memorize it.d. Temporary experts groups should be formed in which one student from each jigsaw group joins other students assigned to the same title. Students in this expert group should be given time to discuss the main points of their material and rehearse the presentation they are going to make to their jigsaw group.e. Students come back to their jigsaw group.

• f. Students present their material to the group. Other members are encouraged to ask question for clarification.

• III. Post – readingThe teacher needs to float from group to group in order to observe

the process. Intervene if any group is having trouble such as a member being dominating or disruptive. There will come a point that the group leader should handle this task. Teachers can whisper to the group leader as to how to intervene until the group leader can effectively do it themselves. A quiz on the material should be given at the end so students realize that the sessions are not just for fun and games, but that they really count.

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This activity is done by the observer. The observation is conducted when the action is happening in the classroom. All the information is collected by using observation checklist, and test of reading comprehension.

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• In this part, the term reflection is related to evaluate whether the use of the technique in this research is successful or not based on the observation. If it is not, it will be continued to the next cycle. The result of the analysis is consult with the criteria of success; it is 70% average students’ score are increase from 78.0 to be ≥ 78.0. Meanwhile, the weakness in the first cycle will be improved to the next cycle. This cycle will be stopped when the criteria of success is reached.

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