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Jesus, Defendant,Defender, AND JudgeJune 11, 2014Watchman Dean

Christianity teaches that Jesus is God. They never even CONSIDER what this means to the system of Divine Justice they themselves preach. Let's consider Jesus' role of "public defender."

1 John 2:

1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

The above scriptures establish that Christ is our "DEFENDER" if any man sin. Yet, verse two says something curious. It says he is the "propitiation" of our sins. This means "to appease." In other words, Christ has "appeased" God's wrath against us for our sins, but notice it says "for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD."

Christians love to completely ignore the last part of verse 2. I've NEVER heard a sermon on it that I can recall, other than to say that this "propitiation" is "offered" to the entire world (if they receive it by accepting Jesus). Yet, this is NOT what verse 2 says. It says he has "appeased" God's wrath (through atonement) for OUR sins, "but not just OURS only." Thus, Christ is not just the propitiation of sins for US (those who have received and accepted Christ). It clearly says "not just for ours only." That one statement contradicts the Christian take on it. They simply read it and move on, they never address the contradiction.

Paul told Titus as well that this Grace brought by Jesus has been given to ALL men:

Titus 2

11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

Christians simply cannot show ONE verse that says a man must "receive" and "accept" Jesus in order to benefit from the "propitiation" (atonement) and from Grace. They don't have ONE SINGLE scrpture! So when they start saying that GRACE ALONE saves you and Christ's work on the cross HIDES your sins from God, they are ACTUALLY saying (according to Scripture) that the WHOLE WORLD is now saved!

Yet, more important is how they never consider the implications of Christ being the "defender" of those who sin "with the Father." Christianity teaches that Christ brought us this "propitiation" by taking our place on the cross and suffering God's wrath FOR us. So, in point of fact, Christ becomes the DEFENDANT, standing before the Judge. So, Christ is both the Defendant, and the Defender.

It gets stranger still, for Christ is ALSO the Judge:

John 5:

21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.

22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

So, even though the father judges no man for sin, Christ is our advocate "with" the Father if we should sin? So, Jesus is the accused (defendant), he's also the defense attorney, and now he's the JUDGE. Yet, you have to ask yourself, how can he be the Judge? It says that his specific role is JUDGE! Yet, John states in his letter that the FATHER is the Judge and Jesus is the "advocate." If Jesus is both Judge and Advocate, to whom is he advocating our case? Himself, evidently.

Christianity tends to try and shield itself from this sort of dichotomy by saying things like "Jesus is God but the Son is not the Father." Thus they explain how Jesus could be the Advocate "with the Father" and sit 'at the right hand of the Father" and yet still be God. Yet, here, the Father has committed his role of "Judge" to his SON so that all men would "honor the Son." Thus, the Son is the Judge AND the Advocate.

Obviously, something is WRONG with how Christians are reading and interpreting these verses and what's more, it's obvious that they don't have a single CLUE how judgment works, nor how Salvation works.