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Name: Jéssica Buenaño

Semester: 8th “A”

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Bring in

Definition:Phrasal verb.1. Law To give or submit (a verdict) to a court.2. To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income).

Sentence:The cat is trying to bring the mouse in the trap.

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Definition:n.A large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in the soil.

Sentence:The jet ski crashed into some boulders and because of that there were a large number of wounded people.

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Definition:tr.v.To confuse or befuddle, especially with numerous conflicting situations, objects, or statements.

Sentence:There was too much noise and the people were bewildered, nobody knew what to do.

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Definition:v.intr.To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way.

Sentence:The administrators boasted about a new doctoral program they were planning.

Call up

Page 6: Jessyadvancedefinitions final doc say in a loud voice; announce:

Sentence:Yesterday my mom called me up angrily because I broke her favorite bowl.


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Definition:adv.1. Above all; especially.2. Almost entirely; mainly.


Sentence:That house is a very solid structure, is chiefly built of wood of pretty good quality.


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Definition:n.A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water.

Sentence:Agoyan´s dam produces a large amount of electricity for the country.


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Definition:adj.Showing indifference or disregard.

Sentence:Nowadays many indigenous people are very dismissive with their culture and they are losing many of their traditions.


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Definition:n.1. One that contributes something, such as money, to a cause or fund.

Sentence:Nowadays many indigenous people are very dismissive with their culture and they are losing many of their traditions.


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Definition:n.1. A disadvantage or inconvenience.

Sentence:I am very angry because my enterprise has had some drawbacks.


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Definition:n.1. A person appointed or empowered to act for another.

Sentence:A deputy should be an honest person seeking the common good for everybody.


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Definition:n. pl. dutiesAn act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social custom, law, or religion

Sentence:All the students are on full-time duty to improve the education of the UTA.

End up

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Definition:v.Finally be or do something.

Sentence:He ended up marrying his life sweetheart.


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Definition:n.1. A meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected, or brief.

Sentence:There were the best friend ever their encounter was very dramatic and excitement.


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Definition:v.intr.1. To run away, as from trouble or danger.

Sentence:She was fleeing from an aggressive dog.


Page 17: Jessyadvancedefinitions final doc Nautical. To transport (people, vehicles, or goods) by boat across a body of water.

Sentence:The ferry arrived and it is bringing several cars in it.


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Definition:n.A domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with nonrelatives such as servants.

Sentence:Once a month she cleans up the garage in order to sort things out for recycling and help the environment.


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Definition:adj.Having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something.

Sentence:My brother loves to collect cars scale, in his bedroom there is about 500 little cars, he is really haunted with that.

Hung from

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Definition:Phrasal Verbs:To cling tightly to something.

Sentence:The suicide victim remained hung from the ceiling for two hours until he was found by police.


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Definition:n.A tough and aggressive or violent youth.

Sentence:The hooligans destroy the school, is for this reason that children are afraid to go to study there.


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Definition:adj.Located inside; inner.

Sentence:The orchestra director ordered to clean the inward of all the instruments in order to improve the harmony of them.


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Definition:n.1. One who attends to the maintenance or cleaning of a building.

Sentence:The UTA´s janitor cleans the classrooms very well.


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Definition:n.An input device, sometimes part of a standard computer keyboard, consisting of a separate grid of numerical and function keys arranged for efficient data entry.

Sentence:My cellphone´s key pad is not working very well, so I think that I have to change it.


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Definition:intr.v.1. To come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image.

Sentence:My family and I went to Baños and the scenery was loomed.

Miss out on

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Definition:Idioms:To lose a chance for.

Sentence:I missed out on having a scholarship to finish my studies.


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Definition:n.1. A bird too young to leave its nest.

Sentence:There are a small number of nestlings of condor in Ecuador.

On foot

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Definition:Standing up

Sentence:All the children that live near the school go on foot to it, it is good for them because they arrive full of energy.

On fire

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Definition:Filled with enthusiasm or excitement.

Sentence:Since people are doing exercise and rumbaterapia they are on fire in order to do all the activities during the whole day.

On purpose

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Definition:Intentionally; deliberately.

Sentence:The planet is being destroyed on purpose of the global warming, and all the humans should be aware of that.


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Definition:adv.Completely and entirely; wholly.

Sentence:Daddy Yankee is the outright big boss of the reguetoon music he has won many awards during his career.


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Definition:n.Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.

Sentence:Plastic is one of the most dangerous pollutants of water, a bottle of water left under the sun can cause cancer to the person that ingests it.


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Definition:adj.Giving or affording pleasure or enjoyment; agreeable

Sentence:Going to de beach with the love of your life is by far the most pleasanter thing that you could have.

Put off

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Definition:Phrasal verb.To delay; postpone.

Sentence:I used to put off my homework for the weekend so then I did not have time to go out with my friends.


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Definition:n.1.a. An apartment or dwelling situated on the roof of a building.

Sentence:I would like to live in a penthouse, so could see the whole city from there.


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Definition:n.A freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.

Sentence:Some people said that the princess Diana was caused because of some paparazzi.


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Definition:n.A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water.

Sentence:All over the world there are several natural water reservoirs like the Quilotoa in Ecuador which is located inside of a volcano.


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Definition:v.intr.To make a strenuous effort; strive.

Sentence:The struggle to be accepted in a society that doesn´t like black people.


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Definition:adj. 1. Shabby; untidy.

Sentence:My dog Nico has a scruffy fur.


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Definition:adj.1. Abbr. Sr. Of or being the older of two, especially the older of two persons having the same name, as father and son.

Sentence:There are two people with the same name on the list; the first one is the senior.


Page 41: Jessyadvancedefinitions final doc To put into order; arrange or fix definitely as desired.2. To put firmly into a desired position or place; establish.

Sentence:The bodies were placed one above the other to save space.

Swept into

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Definition:To move or extend in a wide curve or circuit.

Sentence:That man swept into the view to change the laws for protecting animals.


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Definition:adj.Suggesting or threatening evil.

Sentence:Yesterday I saw a sinister move and I become a nervous wreck.


Page 44: Jessyadvancedefinitions final doc To throw lightly or casually or with a sudden slight jerk.

Sentence:The baby was tossed in a hardly way so nowadays he has some brain problems.

Take aback

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Definition:vbTo astonish or disconcert.

Sentence:Messi take Christiano Ronaldo aback during the soccer time.

Take on

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Definition:Phrasal verb.To undertake or begin to handle.

Sentence:I take on extra responsibilities at home, so now I have to work and study at the same time.


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Definition:n.A hard, chewy candy made of brown sugar or molasses and butter.

Sentence:That toffee is as sweet as the honey that makes me remember my grandmother she used to give me one of them when I was a child.


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Definition:n.Any of various heavy motor vehicles designed for carrying or pulling loads.

Sentence:The rescued animals were brought to the zoo in an enormous truck.


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Definition:adj.In good physical condition; fit; slim.

Sentence:Some artists are in a trimmed way because they have to have a good physical condition.


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Definition:adj.Eccentric or irrational.

Sentence:Those three wacky men in the movie gave a strong message across their performance.

Work out

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Definition:n.Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something.

Sentence:My father is working out a little house for my dog Nico.


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First Cerificate Objective Book: Second Edition—Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp