Download - Jessica Juvinall New Zealand - Crater High · Jessica Juvinall New Zealand 5 “Adopt a Child” is a way to


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Issue .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Non-Profit Organization ................................................................................................................................ 4

Geographical Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 5

Economic Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Political System ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Trade Laws .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Population ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Diet and Nutrition ....................................................................................................................................... 16

Housing ....................................................................................................................................................... 17

Transportation ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Labor ........................................................................................................................................................... 20

Education .................................................................................................................................................... 21

Clothing ....................................................................................................................................................... 23

Recreation and Leisure ............................................................................................................................... 24

Language ..................................................................................................................................................... 25

Religion ....................................................................................................................................................... 27

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 28


Profit Print Ad ................................................................................................................................ 32

Issue Brochure ............................................................................................................................... 33

Recipes ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Images ............................................................................................................................................ 36

Etiquette ........................................................................................................................................ 36

Country Selection Letter ................................................................................................................ 37

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Introduction New Zealand lies south of Australia and is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea.

Children in New Zealand have an unacceptable chance of being abused. Many children are

affected by child abuse and have no way to escape the abuse. Voice of Children Foundation is a

non-profit organization developed to reduce and eventually eliminate child abuse as well as

support people affected by child abuse. Voice of Children reaches out to help those affected by

any kind of child abuse. Providing safe home environments and counseling for the victims is a

key part in the healing process for the people whose lives are changed by child abuse.

In New Zealand there are sunny beaches, geysers, hot springs, and large glaciers which makes it

one of the most diverse countries in geographic terms. The business options in New Zealand are

endless; the variety of climates and type of land attract different people to this unique country.

New Zealand is a developed and stable country that exports goods to China, US, Australia and

Japan. New Zealand imports goods from Germany, Singapore, Japan, US, China and Australia.

The country is run by a constitutional monarchy. The country’s economy is boosted by the

technique of taxing goods. By limiting and eliminating specific taxes and tariffs the economy is

able to rise.

There are currently 4,401,916 people living in New Zealand. Within the population the ratio of

male to female is almost equal. The city with the highest population is Auckland. New Zealand

location allows there to be easy access to seafood and fruits. Housing in New Zealand is most

commonly homes that are larger than 3 rooms. In big cities homes are townhomes, urbanized

houses, and fancy mansions, whereas homes in rural areas are large farmhouses. In New Zealand

there are many means of transportation such as, cars, trains, buses, planes, rail systems, and by

foot in big cities. The typical workday for a New Zealand citizen is from 8 am to 5 pm.

Businesses primarily conduct business only on weekdays, and not during dinner time. Employees

are given specific paid days off depending on the holidays.

All children are required to attend school from the age 6 to 16. New Zealand takes pride in their

children’s education. The school day for most schools begins at 9am and ends around 3 pm. In

New Zealand there are a lot of sports and activities to get involved with. With the range in

terrain and climates there are activities for everybody to be a part of. Along with sports there are

many attractions to see in one of the most unique countries. With a country like New Zealand

being so diverse there are a variety of cultures. A range in cultures and types of people result in

numerous languages being spoken. New Zealand is primarily an English speaking country;

however native and immigrant people choose to speak Maori, Samoan, French, and New Zealand

sign language. Along with a number of languages there are a number of religions that are

practiced. Christian easily dominates the country, but there are minor religions practiced as well.

New Zealand is a stable country that has a lot to offer to people, but the children who are born in

New Zealand are at risk for being abused. This tragedy affects more than just the child abused.

Voice of Children is available for those children and people affected by abuse. By supporting

and providing for people who are affected the child abuse statistics and the number of children

being abused with begin to decrease.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Police Familyviolencereferrals

Cases requiringextra action

SubstantiatedChild abuse


One child every five weeks is buried due to child abuse in New Zealand. Having the fifth highest

child abuse rate, children born in New Zealand are at a large risk. The rising number of child

abuse cases cannot go unnoticed. Child abuse is one of, if not the largest issues in New Zealand

currently and the issue is growing. Not only are children at risk, but the surviving cases can lead

to issues later on in the survivors lives.

Child abuse in New Zealand consists of physical, sexual, and mental abuse. Targeted towards

children less than five years old and most cases are kids under one year of age. Last year in New

Zealand, there was 148 659 reports of concern to Child, Youth and Family abuse cases. By

definition child abuse is any mistreatment of a child by parent or guardian, including neglect,

beating, and sexual molestation. In New Zealand each component of that definition is met. Most

commonly the child is familiar and knows the person who is abusing them.

One of every 30 children is born at risk of being abused. Not only are there a large number of

children at risk, but there is a large number of

those children who are abused. The lucky children

who survive abuse cases often times face issues

later in their lives. Issues in their later lives that are

commonly caused by abuse are teen pregnancy,

delinquency, low academic achievement, and drug

and mental health issues. Knowing how child

abuse affects people in their later life crime rates

and other issues will begin to rise. Child abuse can

and does affect everyone in New Zealand.

A child being abused in any way is enough to get

people’s attention. A life being taken away from an innocent child and lifelong scars that the

survivors will live with for the rest of their lives impacts everybody’s lives. From a friend to a

family member to class mate at school being abused can change your look at life. If child abuse

can be reduced or even better eliminated completely imagine the change that could occur in New

Zealand. Crime rates, teen pregnancy, and drug use would be reduced. Changing the number of

children being abused in New Zealand can create a better image for the country as well as create

safer homes for children.

With 1 in every 30 children being abused in New Zealand this is not a small issue. Child abuse

affects children at the time of the abuse, but also later on their lives. Child abuse is not something

that leaves someone’s past, child abuse stays with that person for their entire life. This issue is

and will continue to grow and more children will be affected if something is not done to stop this

from occurring. Creating an organization to support children who have been affected as well as

create safe homes for children in child abuse cases to be placed in will help the survivors move

forward with their lives.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Non-Profit Organization

Non-Profit Name:

Voice of Children Foundation

Mission Statement :

Our mission is to prevent child abuse is all forms and support those affected by child abuse.

What We Do

Children in New Zealand are abused daily and it is our job to protect those children. Whether we

are preventing child abuse or supporting those who are affected by child abuse we will work

towards eliminating all child abuse in New Zealand. Raising awareness and creating non

tolerance communities will begin to lower the number of child abuse cases. Providing safe

homes for children is one of our priorities. Removing children from abusive homes and placing

them with qualified guardians as well as providing counseling and support to those children.

Carnivals and gatherings are organized for children who have suffered similar things can meet

and talk to each other about recovering and moving forward. Bringing positivity into these

children’s lives can make a huge difference.

Additionally, our organization continues reaching out to people who have been affected by child

abuse. People who have been abused as a child commonly have mental instability later in life. By

having counselors available for these people to speak with they can learn how to begin

recovering from child abuse. A large focus of our organization is to help survivors move forward

in their lives.

We sell child abuse awareness gear as well as the “adopt a child” program to support New

Zealand child abuse survivors. T-shirts, hats and buttons with our logo placed on them brings

awareness of child abuse issues. By purchasing and wearing the gear the word of child abuse

issues are being spread across nations. The “adopt a child” program allows people across the

world to support children. The “adopt a child” program allows people to learn about specific

cases and support specific children by funding their needs and writing letters of encouragement.

People affected need the support and we are here to provide that support.

Ways You Can Help

1. Donating funds

All donations go directly towards helping children who are affected by child

abuse. Funding is used for foster families, housing, counseling etc.

2. Buy Child abuse awareness gear

You can buy t-shirts, hats, or buttons to support children affected by abuse and

raise awareness against child abuse. All proceeds go towards the funds to pay for

children’s recovery.

3. “Adopt a Child”

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


“Adopt a Child” is a way to directly support one child. Funding there needs such

as clothing, housing and other necessities. When you “adopt” you will receive a t-

shirt and packet about the “adopting program”. “Adopting a Child” can be done

from any country at any time that you want to support abused children.

4. Volunteer in New Zealand

Volunteer in New Zealand with our organization building homes, counseling

children, and getting involved in positive activities to support survivors. By

volunteering you are directly impacting the lives of these children affected by

child abuse.


Habitat for Humanity- We are in partners with habitat for humanity because they focus on

helping others who cannot help themselves. They build homes and support people in need and

we are pairing with them to help children in New Zealand. By pairing up with habitat for

humanity we will be able to provide and help families willing to adopt children whom have been


SWAZI Clothing: We are pairing with Swazi clothing in New Zealand to provide clothing for

children who are being placed in new homes. By pairing with this company we can provide

clothing at little to no cost for the new families.

Auckland food sectors: Pairing with this food company will allow us to provide low income

families that chance to help children and place them into their homes. Auckland food sectors

partnership will give us the chance to give food at a discounted price.

Geographical Analysis

From the sunny beaches, the hot springs in Rotorua, to the

dramatic rivers in Fiordland, New Zealand is one of the

most diverse countries. The business options in New

Zealand are endless; with the variety of climates and

locations any business would be successful. The wide

range of areas in New Zealand attracts many different

people. With a variety of places and people the

opportunities in New Zealand are endless.

New Zealand is located about 1,250 mi southeast of

Australia. Divided between two tectonic plate New Zealand

lies on the Pacific and the Australian plates. The country is

surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea. New

Zealand is separated into two islands the North and South

Island, and the two islands are divided by the Cook Strait.

Most of New Zealand’s major cities are in the North Island.

These cities are Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Tauranga. Since New Zealand is a fairly

small country, fully surrounded by water most means of product distribution come from shipping

via water. With most means of product distribution coming from shipping by water challenges

arise when products are transported to smaller cities located in the rugged terrain of the

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


mountains. Shipping from coastline cities to the inner island cities would primarily be done by

ground shipping, but can be done by air to reduce time.

From warm subtropical weather in the north to -10°C in the south New Zealand has a wide range

of climates. While the far most parts of the North Island are subtropical and the further you travel

into the South Island the colder the temperatures can be still the majority of the country is

coastline which means a mild climate. The average annual temperatures range from 10°C in the

south to 16°C in the north of New Zealand. The coldest month in New Zealand is July and the

warmest month is usually January or February. In New Zealand the variations between summer

and winter temperatures generally are small, although inland and to the east the variation is

greater. With mainly mild temperature and little changes between seasons the shipping

conditions are very similar year around. Most of New Zealand receives between 600 and 1600

mm of rainfall, annually with a dry season in the summer. (NIWA, 2000) In the northern and

central locations of New Zealand more rainfalls in the winter, whereas the southern parts of New

Zealand receive more rain in the summer. Mild climate year around show allow for business

transportations in a variety of forms.

Economic Analysis

Classification: Capitalism-with some social programs.

Description: New Zealand is classified as capitalism however is somewhat socialistic. A

majority of productions are privately owned, but they work with the government to work within

governments requirements. In New Zealand nearly all productions are privately owned but the

government does own the bank systems, mailing systems, and some of the natural gas fields.

Economic Statistics and Activity: The following information is the statistics about the economy

in New Zealand.

Natural gas-nonrenewable- Natural gas is used a source of fuel. Natural gas in New

Zealand is used as a primary source of fuel. 90% of the natural gas in New Zealand

comes from two fields, Maui and Kapuni. (

Iron ore-nonrenewable- Iron ore is used to make steel. New Zealand has a unique source

of black, iron-rich sands on the North Island’s west coast used to smelt down to steel.

New Zealand uses iron sands to make steel for products such as roofing, shelving,

machines and tools. New Zealand has the only mill that makes steel from iron sands.(

Coal- nonrenewable- Coal is used as the main source of fuel and is a combustible

substance. In New Zealand coal is used to power Huntly power station and for export

uses. (

Timber-renewable- Timber is woods in the forms it is needed in for building purposes. In

New Zealand the timber is a contributor to Timspec, a large company that sells timber for

furniture, manufacturers and builders. ( Timber in New Zealand is held in

New Zealand for building purposes and exporting purposes.

Gold-nonrenewable- Gold is an expensive rock used for jewelry around the world. In

New Zealand many miners are small placer mines. The gold extracted is crafted into

jewelry and sold whole for exporting and New Zealand’s purposes. (

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand




GDP Real Growth

GDP Real Growth



Purchasing Power Parity in billions

PurchasingPower Parityin billions

Limestone-nonrenewable-Limestone is hard sedimentary rock that primarily is used for

building and cement. In New Zealand limestone is often crushed into small fine pieces

and used as fertilizer. Most of New Zealand’s limestone is hard to extract and often times

too fractured to be used as building materials.



Food Processing: In New Zealand the food processing industry performs a variety of

tasks. Major companies in the food processing industry are Wellington Food and

Beverage Database, NZJBA - The New Zealand Juice & Beverage Association (Inc.),

NZIFST (NZ Institute of Food Science & Technology) FIT - NZIFST Food Industry

Training and Hawkins Watts New Zealand. The food processing industry made $40.2

billion in the past year. (CIA.Factbook)

Tourism- one of New Zealand's biggest industries, earning $9.8 billion of New Zealand's

foreign exchange earnings (year ended March 2013)Tourism directly and indirectly

employs nearly 9% of total employment in New Zealand - 172,100 full-time equivalent

jobs. Major companies in this industry are Alpine Pacific Tourism, South Canterbury

Tourism, Tourism West Coast, Northland Inc, and Wellington Tourism. (

Textiles industry- Major companies are Autex, ITL, Frost Textiles, TCF, and Levana

Textiles. The textile industry makes $326 million per year and is steadily increasing.

GNP and/or GDP Official Exchange Rate (labeled statistic)

$181.1 billion (2013 est.)(CIA.Factbook)

Total GDP


Ireland has the highest purchasing power parity

and New Zealand is the next highest much

greater than Costa Rica and Liberia

GDP Real Growth


New Zealand is relatively low in GDP real

growth in comparison to the other


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand




Income per year in millions

Income per year inmillions








Liberia Ireland NewZealand

Gross National Income Per Capita in hundreds

Gross NationalIncome Per Capitain hundreds

GNI- Gross National Income per capita


Ireland has a much great national income per

capita but New Zealand is not far behind.

International Trade Statistics The following Trade Statistics pertain to New Zealand’s economics.

Major Exports

dairy products


wood and wood products




Description of Exports


This graph shows the dollar figure of

exports per year in New Zealand.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand






Percentage of exports









Amount of imports in millions

Amount of importsin millions

Dollar Value of Exports

$37.84 billion


Export Partners


This graph shows the percentage that

New Zealand sends goods to.

Australia and China are New Zealand

primary exporting partners.

Major Imports

machinery and equipment







Description of Imports


This graph shows the dollar amount

of imported goods in New Zealand.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand



Australia US




Percentage of imported goods

Dollar Value of Imports

37.35 Billion


Import Partners


This graph shows which

countries New Zealand

receives imports from.

Problems of Scarcity

New Zealand has the necessities to live. New Zealand has access to water, food and supplies to

build homes etc. The ability to import goods as well makes New Zealand’s living even better. If

there is a shortage of a necessity in a particular year they can import that good if need be because

they have established partnerships with other countries.

Balance of Payments

$37.84 billion exports and $37.35 billion imports in the year of 2013.

New Zealand has a trade surplus of $.49 billion. (CIA.Factbook)

Trade Balance

New Zealand is situation of a trade surplus which means that New Zealand exports more than

they import leaving them in good standings from trade balance perspective. New Zealand has

debt but it does not come directly from the act of importing and exporting. In comparison to the

United States, New Zealand has a much less amount of total debt. In comparison to similar

countries such as Liberia and Costa Rica New Zealand has more debt which could be because

New Zealand is further advanced in a variety of industries.

Exchange Rates

An exchange rate is the current market price for which one currency can be exchanged for

another. ( This can be a benefit if the US dollar is worth more than the other country

however, it can also make US products look like they are overpriced in a sense to other

countries. The exchange rate becomes a detriment when the US dollar is worth less than the

other countries currency.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Name of Currency

The New Zealand Dollar


Current Rate of Exchange

1.25 NZD per US dollar


Political System

Political System: Constitutional Monarchy

Introduction: New Zealand’s political system is run very similar to the United States democracy

however; New Zealand is a monarchy. The monarchy is chosen by heredity, the governor is

chosen by the monarch and the following legislative positions are chosen through elections. With

common ideas in the government doing business with New Zealand would be relatively easy.

Government type: Parliamentary Democracy

New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy which has drastic difference from a normal monarchy.

The government type is Parliamentary Democracy which is similar to the United States

democracy however there are substantial differences.

Government Branches

In New Zealand there are three branches of the government, Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

The Executive branch is ran by the Chief of state which is Queen Elizabeth. The head of the

government is Prime Minister John Key, assisted by Deputy Prime Minister Simon William.

(CIA.Factbook) The cabinet is run by the Executive Council which is determined by the

governor on the recommendation of the prime minister. The monarchy is hereditary; the

governor general picked out by the monarch, the leader of the majority party most often appoint

the prime minister by the governor general and the deputy prime minister appointed by the

governor general. The Legislative Branch is made up of the Parliament which usually consists of

120 members; members elected by popular vote in single-member constituencies including

Maori constituencies, proportional seats chosen from party lists. Members of the Parliament

serve three year terms. The Judicial Branch holds a number of courts but the highest is the

Supreme Court. Judges are chosen by the governor and once they are approved as a justice they

serve for life. The government branches have similarities to the United States government


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Political Parties

National Party: The National Party ideally work towards achieving a safe, prosperous and

successful New Zealand that creates opportunities for all New Zealanders to reach their personal

goals and dreams.

Green Party: The Green Party puts a primary focus on ecological wisdom, social responsibility,

appropriate decision making, and non-violence.

Maori Party: The Maori Party visions is of a nation of cultural diversity and richness where its

unity is underpinned by the expression of tangata whenua-tanga by Māori, Te kākano i ruia mai i

Rangiātea and [the party’s] commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of this

nation and to its whakapapa is steadfast.

Mana Party: Mana lives by the principle of independence recognized and embodies the

principle of authority.

Labour Party: The Labour Party has made commitment to strengthening the economy,

supporting our families, funding the very best education and health systems possible.

ACT New Zealand Party: ACT New Zealand Party promotes an open, progressive and

benevolent society in which individual New Zealanders are free to achieve their full potential.

United Future Party: United Future Party promotes a fair, democratic and open society,

founded on the rule of law, integrity and justice.


Queen Elizabeth


Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

Government Stability

New Zealand is quite stable; the monarchy is by heredity so Queen Elizabeth will serve until

unable to. It has been generations since New Zealand has been in war. There government system

works very well for them. The economy is doing well and the country is civil.

Legal System

common law system, based on English model, with special legislation and land courts for the



18 years of age, universal. (CIA.Factbook)


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Trade Laws


New Zealand has an open economy meaning they are involved with many trades and have a

number of trade agreements with other countries. New Zealand mainly has free trade agreements

to allow people more access to goods. New Zealand does have labeling requirements on their

food to protect their people and to allow people the choice of what they are eating. In New

Zealand there are many prohibited and restricted imports to protect the country.

Tariffs or Taxes

New Zealand is working towards reducing all tariffs. Many tariffs have been eliminated to give

easier access to imported goods. Primary products that have a tariff are red meats. New Zealand

is striving to reduce the cost of tariffs to make trade easier and to boost the economy.

Trade Agreements New Zealand has an open economy only placing a few barriers on products.

Most of New Zealand’s trade agreements are free trade agreements to allow easy access to goods

and better the economy. New Zealand importers and consumers enjoy wider and cheaper access

to many countries’ goods and services because of free trade agreements. To negotiate trade

agreements New Zealand believes in high quality and comprehensive agreements covering a

range of trade-related issues to better each party involved. (mfat.govt)

Labeling and Marketing Requirements: Primarily the only labeling and marketing

requirements in New Zealand are put on food to protect ad educate people. By labeling the food

in New Zealand people can choose what they are eating and how it got to the stores.

Prohibited and Restricted Imports New Zealand has strict laws on certain imports into the

country. There are a number of restricted and prohibited imports in New Zealand, simply to

protect the countries ecosystem, land and the people of New Zealand.

Prohibited and restricted imports

Antarctic toothfish and Patagonian toothfish


Chemical weapons and chemicals that may be used in the manufacture of

chemical weapons

Chewing Tobacco

Cloned or hybrid human embryos

Dog tracking devices

Dogs-restrictions on certain breeds, the following are prohibited in New

Zealand: American Pit Bull Terrier, Brazilian Fila, Dogo Argentino,

Japanese Tosa, and Perro de Presa Canario

Explosives, including fireworks

False or misleading goods

Hazardous substances

Hazardous wastes

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand






Ireland Costa Rica NewZealand

Growth rate

Growth rate

Laser pointers (high power)

Marine mammals such as seals, whales, dolphins, porpoises

Motor vehicles with inaccurate odometers

Objectionable material

Ozone depleting substances and goods containing these substances

Persistent organic pollutants

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), children's crayons, finger paints, and

watercolor paints

Prescription medicines

Radio jamming equipment

Radioactive materials

Southern bluefin tuna

Trout and trout products




Population: 4,401,916(CIA.Factbook)

Introduction: A country with a very close male to female ratio allows for this business to reach

out to both sexes equally. Additionally, the growth rate may be lower than some countries;

however the growth rate is increasing meaning that the population is continuing to increase

which can and usually leads to more social issues as well as open up new needs for new

businesses. Lastly, a country with issues that need resolved that has a number of highly

populated cities allows a business to set up central locations so that the major cities can be

affected the product or service the business has to offer. As the business is established and is

growing it would be logical to expand further to the smaller cities, but starting out in the major

cities would give a business solid starting points.

Total Population


Growth Rates


Ireland and Costa Rica have much higher

growth rates.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


















Population ofmales in hundreds

Population offemales inhundreds




Ireland Costa Rica NewZealand

Birth Rate per 1,000 population

Birth Rate per1,000 population







Ireland Costa Rica NewZealand

Life expectance rate in years

Life expectance ratein years

Birth Rates


Costa Rica has the highest birth rate

which is increasing the overall

population. The birth rate may be

low due to the male to female ratio.

Life Expectancy Rates


Life expectancy is higher in

New Zealand because resources

are more easily accessible and

Ireland and New Zealand are

further developed. Major factors

that play a role in determining

life expectancy are living

conditions and available


Distribution of Population


With about even statistics of male to

female ratios a business that reaches

out to either sex or a business that

reaches out to both will be able to

succeed in New Zealand. A business

that would thrive the best is a business

that reaches out to and affects people

in the 25-54 age group.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand




Population in thousands

Population in thousands







Liberia Ireland

Meat consumption Per capita in kg

Meat consumptionPer capita in kg

Most Populated Cities


In the center of North

Island rest Auckland.

The most populated city,

urbanized city with

gorgeous beaches to

offer. Auckland is one of

the most advanced and

modernized cities in

New Zealand. At the

bottom of the North

Island is where

Wellington is.

Wellington, very similar

to Auckland is on the

coast and very modernized. Wellington has a little more of the historic buildings still located in

the center of town. The third most populated city in New Zealand ChristChurch is located on the

coast of the South Island. ChristChurch is a much more “way back when”, the buildings are

made of stone and look historic. ChristChurch suffered a major earthquake damaging many


Diet and Nutrition

Typical meals

Being a country surrounded by the sea and tropical climate seafood and produce are key in the

everyday meals in New Zealand. Kiwi is a primary fruit used a variety of ways. Lamb, beef, and

dairy products are also very popular food choices. New Zealand is known for Hangi which

means earth oven, and is a traditional Maori method of cooking food using heated rocks buried

in a pit oven. Common additions to meals are fine cheeses and wines.

Meat Consumption Per Capita


New Zealand has the highest

meat consumption. New

Zealand and Ireland are more

developed countries and have a

higher meat consumption rate

per capita.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand












Costa Rica Liberia Ireland

Daily Calorie Intake per capita in calories

Daily Calorie Intake percapita in calories










Liberia Ireland

Obesity Rate in %

Obesity Rate in %

Obesity Rate


New Zealand, Ireland and Costa

Rica have similar obesity rates

however Liberia has a much

lower rate most likely caused by

the diet that is available.

Daily Calorie Intake per Capita


Ireland has the

highest daily calorie

intake per day per

person. The calorie

intake can be related

to the obesity rate to

a point. Countries

with a higher daily

calorie intake are

more likely to have

more obese people

in that particular

country. Comparing

these three countries

to the United States they are all lower in calorie intake. In comparison to the recommended daily

calorie intake Liberia is the closest to the recommendations.


Introduction: New Zealand is very urbanized and has fairly large homes similar to the United

States. Seeing that New Zealand has larger homes with fewer people living in each room more

furniture and appliances are needed in each home. Children watch TV often and often times have

their own rooms therefore commonly will have their own TV. Companies and stores selling

products for home use that are successful in the US would be successful in New Zealand as well.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand








US NewZealand

Peru CostaRica

Persons per room

Persons per room


US NewZealand

Japan Sweden

Proportion of houses with more 5 or more rooms

Proportion of houseswith more 5 or morerooms

Types of housing: In New Zealand the structure of houses varies depending on the location. In

the cities there are apartments, town homes and urbanized homes whereas, homes in the country

are the typical farmhouses.

Number of Persons per Room


In Peru and Costa Rica more

people are placed into one room

whereas, the US and New

Zealand have less people in one


House Size


New Zealand has the highest

percentage of houses being five

rooms or bigger. The US is very

similar in the amount of house

five rooms or bigger. Japan and

Sweden have smaller homes.


1. Telephone Systems: In New Zealand the telephone system is high quality domestic lines

and high quality international systems. There are 1.88 million land lines in use in New

Zealand and 4.9 million cellular devices in use. The Southern Cross submarine cable

provides links to Australia, Fiji, and the US.

2. Internet: There are currently 3.4 million internet users and 3.02 million internet hosts in

New Zealand. The amount of internet usage in New Zealand is increasing and is

predicted to continue increasing.

3. Television and Radio: New Zealand operates multiple TV networks and New Zealand

operates 3 radio networks. Only a few national commercial TV and radio stations are

available; cable and satellite TV systems are available in New Zealand.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand









Ireland New Zealand

Merchant Marine Rank

Merchant MarineRank





Ports andTerminals


Airports Vs Ports and Terminals

Airports Vs Portsand Terminals



New Zealand has many kinds of transportation such as cars, more

than a dozen airports, a variety of ferry’s to choose from, buses,

and train rail systems. With 2.4 million cars in New Zealand there

is a large amount of paved roads. The primary type of

transportation is determined by the location in the country.

Road Types (CIA.Factbook)

By studying this graph, we can see that New Zealand

has more paved than unpaved roads. This allows for

easier distribution of goods across the country. There

is still a substansial amount of unpaved roads in New

Zealand. The unpaved roads in New Zealand are

primarily in the mountain range area and the rural

areas of the country.

Ranking of Merchant Marine


This graph compares the merchant

marine ranking between New Zealand

and Ireland which are both countries fully

surrounded by waters. Ireland is ranked

higher than New Zealand meaning that

there is more marine based business that

occurs in Ireland however they are both

in ideal locations for marine based


Number of Airports VS Ports and Terminals


Studying this graph shows us that there are

many more airports in New Zealand than ports

and terminals. With 123 airports paved and

unpaved combined and 24 primary ports and

terminals there is more opportunity for goods

and services to be provided by using the

airports for transportation. 24 ports and

terminals is solid number of ports and

terminals to have in a country still proving

more than adequate access by water.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand





Male Female

Percentage of people employed

Percentage ofpeopleemployed


Job Market and Availability

There is no minimum age to work in New

Zealand however; there are rules for children

under the age 16. Children are required to

attend school from the age 6 to 16 so children

under the age 16 are not allowed to work

during school hours or perform work that may

interfere with their schooling. Children under

16 are limited in the types of machinery that

they can operate.

New Zealand benefits provided by employers most commonly is just health care. The

benefits provided are based upon the job and ranking within in the company. Higher

ranked individuals are provided with discounted stocks, relocation support, and the

provided health care at a better rate.

The work force does not base employment on race. The human rights in New Zealand

protect people from being discriminated on their race. The number of women compared

to men who are employed are lower. More men are employed than women in New



In New Zealand all common everyday jobs are available. Jobs from legal services,

doctors, children services, teachers, store employees, etc are jobs that people can choose

from. Jobs that may differ from jobs in the US are tour guides and other New Zealand

specific locations that require employees.

Major industries that provide jobs in New Zealand are the touring industry, technology,

the food services, and the marine industries.


Most business hours are Monday through Friday 8am -5pm. Businesses that require

different hours to fit the needs of their company and the customers will adjust their

hours accordingly.

Business is usually conducted during a schedule meeting that has been set up at least

one week in advance. Business can be much more challenging to arrange during

December and January due to summer vacations.

People usually will wear conservative business attire. For formal business men wear

suits and women wear dresses or skirts and dressy tops. The most common colors to

wear for business are navy blue, grey, and black. Different attire may be worn for

different types of jobs.

Primarily the only breaks provided are lunch breaks for a typical business.

Employees are given Christmas, the day after and New Years and the day after off

from work with pay. Other holidays: Waitangi Day (6 February), Good Friday and

Easter Monday (dates variable), ANZAC Day (25 April), Queen's Birthday (first

Monday in June), Labour Day (fourth Monday in October) employees are given the

day off paid and if the holiday falls on the weekend then the employee is given off

one paid day from work.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand






New Zealand United States

Enrollment Ratio Secondary school

Enrollment RatioSecondary school








New Zealand United States

Enrollment Ratio Tertiary

Enrollment RatioTertiary


In New Zealand education is a huge focus. Rated as one of the top countries in education New

Zealand is very successful in the means of their education system. There are three types of

schools in New Zealand, state funded schools, ‘state integrated’ schools based on religion

(particularly Catholic) and private schools and the students and their parents select which school.

Children are required by law to attend school from ages 6 to 16. Children attend primary school

from 5-12 years old and then secondary school. Schools usually start at 9am and run to 3pm or

3:30pm. New Zealand’s schools run on a four term year that goes from January to mid-

December with two week breaks between each term and six week break at the end of the year.

Enrollment Levels


New Zealand has a higher

enrollment ratio than the US at a

secondary school level.


At a tertiary level the United States

has a higher enrollment ratio than

New Zealand.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand










China Germany UnitedStates


Literacy Rate

Literacy Rate









China Germany UnitedStates


Average Years of Schooling

Average Years ofSchooling


Germany, New Zealand and the

United States have a high

literacy rate of 99% and China

has a rate of 95.1%.


Germany, United States and

New Zealand are similar in the

years of schooling however

China is substantially lower.

New Zealand compares to the United States very well in education terms. New Zealand is ranked

in the top few countries of quality of the education system. Many of the education statistics are

close or the exact same except the enrollment ratio of secondary and tertiary schooling. In New

Zealand the ratio of secondary enrollment is much higher than the United States, whereas, the

enrollment ratio of tertiary schooling in the United States is higher than in New Zealand. The

total hours of children in school and the time they are in school differs from the United States. In

New Zealand all schools have four terms with two breaks between each and a six week break at

the end of the school year. Schools in the United States have a variety of schedules for the

students based on location and type of schooling. New Zealand being one of the highest ranked

countries in education has a system that works well for their needs.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand



Business Attire

Typical business attire for people in New Zealand is

appropriate suits for men and skirts, dresses or

slacks for women. In New Zealand people dress in

neutral colors such as dark blues, gray and black. In

New Zealand it is common to see patterns on the


Native or Ceremonial Attire Maori is the most common native culture in New Zealand.

The Maori women dress in dresses and the men in grass

skirts. They paint their bodies and faces and commonly

have tattoos. The women’s attire is sometimes made of

feathers and grass. The attire for male and females is

similar to some Polynesia cultures attire.

Casual Attire

In New Zealand people tend to dress nicely all the time. Women

often times wear a blazer or cardigan of some sort. Often time’s

women will wear skirts, dresses and nice pants on an everyday

basis. Black and white is very common colors to see as well as

bright accent colors such as yellow, pinks, and bright blues. Men

usually wear a collared shirt of some kind. Slacks are common to

see. Men tend to wear colored slacks such as creams, greys and


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Recreation and Leisure

There is a variety of sports played in

New Zealand such as, golf, rugby,

cricket, and football, Along with sports

New Zealand has many other activities

to do such as, fishing, cycling, snow

sports, and hiking. New Zealand has

many types of land that is fitting for a wide range of activities and sports. New Zealand co-hosts

the Cricket World Cup and is very competitive in cricket. From extreme mountain cycling to a

leisurely bike ride with the family there are many types of cycling available. There are hundreds

of rivers and lakes and the entire county is surrounded by water, this makes New Zealand a

prime fishing area. “Football” in

New Zealand football is soccer.

New Zealand is one of the top

countries and is hosting matches of

the world cup. Many people

participate in soccer in some

form whether it is just for fun

with the family, attending matches, or playing it is a huge thing to be a part of football. Nearly

400 gold courses and facilities New Zealand is a golfer’s paradise. The Rugby World Cup 2011

tournament was held in New Zealand and was the third largest sporting

event. This tournament brought nearly 133,000 international fans to

New Zealand for the biggest rugby festival

ever seen. New Zealand is extremely

involved in their winter sports. With ideal

conditions New Zealand is successful when

competing in winter sports. New Zealand also offers the prime touring

and recreational winter sporting facilities and conditions. The

terrain and variety of land in New Zealand makes for great hikes.

There are so many options of sports and activities to be a part of

in New Zealand that there is never

a dull moment.

Performing arts in New Zealand is very popular. New Zealand

holds conferences like the Drama NZ Conference. This year the

conference will be held at Rangi Ruru High School, Christchurch.

The conference is targeted for teachers and youth involved and

interested in performing arts. The conference brings in keynote speakers and instructors for the

event. There are schools designated to performing arts. One of the top performing arts schools in

New Zealand is the East Auckland Preforming Arts institution. EAPA is limited to the number of

students it accepts to ensure each student gets direct learning.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


New Zealand is a beautiful place with many exotic and unique attractions

to see. There are more than enough attractions to see. The Sky Tower is an

observation and telecommunications tower located in

New Zealand’s largest city. The Sky Tower is 328

meters tall and one of the tallest structures in the

Southern hemisphere. Franz Josef Glacier is located

in the Westland National Park. You can walk up to the glacier or take a

helicopter ride over the entire glacier. Rotorua is known as the thermal wonderland of New

Zealand. There are many geysers and hot springs

around the city. These hot springs and geysers

tend to erupt with steam, water and mud. The

first national park of New Zealand, Tongariro is

known for its surprises and extremes. Tongario

has diverse ecosystems such as, tranquil lakes, volcanoes, herb fields

and untamed forests. The Bay of Islands is one of the most commonly visited destinations in

New Zealand. The picturesque area contains 144 islands, many secluded bays and some great

sandy beaches. This bay is known for the marine life including whales, penguins, dolphins and

the big marlin.


Introduction: New Zealand is primarily an English speaking country; however there are other

languages spoken in New Zealand. With a wide range of cultures in New Zealand it is to be

expected that many languages will be spoken in the country. Nearly everyone in New Zealand

speaks English, but some choose to speak their cultures language.

Major Language: The major language in New Zealand is English. (CIA)

Minor Languages: Minor languages in New Zealand are Maori, Samoan, French, and New

Zealand sign language. (CIA) Maori is spoken by the native people of New Zealand. Samoan

and French are spoken by immigrants and sign language is used by the deaf.

Entry and Exit Requirement: To enter or leave New Zealand you must have a valid passport. A visa is not

needed for a US citizen if staying for three months or less. Currently there are not any vaccinations needed.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand





influential Languages:

English: Although not the most spoken language English is the most influential language

spoken in the world. Over two billion people speak English on a regular basis for business

or for every day communication.

French: Falling short to English French is still one of the most influential languages

because of the amount of countries French is spoken in.

Spanish: Spanish has many native speakers and is gaining the influence in the world.

Arabic: Location is what makes Arabic so influential because Arabic is one of the most

international languages. Many people may not speak Arabic as a first language but, many

people worldwide speak Arabic as second language.

Mandarin: Mandarin has many native speakers in the South East Asia area and Mandarin

is one of the most influential languages in that area of countries. The future will tell if

Mandarin becomes more influential.

Russian: Understood in nearly all of Europe and Central Asia Russian plays a huge role in

business aspects as well as the influence it plays on how it can be conducted from country

to country.

Portuguese: The global reach that Portuguese has is what makes it have an influence in

the world.

German: Being the traditional language of science it clearly is influencing for the world,

though science is changing and German is used less the traditional science in based around


Japanese: The location of Japanese is the reason it is influential, being based in one of the

worlds reigning economic powers makes this language a huge influence.

Hindu: Hindu is spoke in most of India where English is also common, seeing the two

mix in business is where Hindu becomes a role in the world.







World Language in millions

World Language in millions

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Percentage of people practicing




Maori Christian




General Description

New Zealand has a variety of religions. Christian easily dominates the country however, natives

and immigrants can practice whatever religion they choose to. New Zealand’s government does

not require and withhold their people up to certain standards.

Types of Religions


Christian is the most common

religion currently practiced and

is the most modern choice of

religion in New Zealand. Hindu

is the second most common

religion practiced because of the

native people in New Zealand.

Effects of Religion

In New Zealand people primarily practice their religion in their own ways. Most commonly each

person will follow the standards of their religions however there are not laws and rules set by the

country of how the people must practice their religion. People in New Zealand do practice

religion and attend church however it is up to them and their family about how diligent they are

with attending church and follow rules at home.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand



"10 Top Tourist Attractions in New Zealand." Touropia. Wordpress, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"The 25 Most Influential Languages in the World." List25. Wordpress, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Activity Levels in New Zealand." Ministry of Health NZ. New, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.



"AgBioForum 6(1&2): Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods: Does It Really Provide

Consumer Choice?" AgBioForum 6(1&2): Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods:

Does It Really Provide Consumer Choice? N.p., 2003. Web. 12 May 2014.


"All Countries Compared for Education Tertiary Enrollment." NationMaster, n.d.

Web. 12 May 2014. <


"Apparel & Textiles." Competenz. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Autex." Welcome to. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Child Abuse.", n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Coal." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <


"Current Worldwide Annual Meat Consumption per Capita." ChartsBin. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


"Department of Economics | New York University." Department of Economics | New York University.

N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Destinations in New Zealand." Destinations in New Zealand. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Education ." Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Every Child Counts." Every Child Counts. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Facts about Child Abuse." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Housing WellingtonNZ." Housing » WellingtonNZ. Wellington Trust, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Key Tourism Statistics." Tourism Industry Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Leader in Education." New Zealand Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Login to Drama NZ." Conference. Newzealanddrama, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"New Zealand | LinkedIn." New Zealand | LinkedIn. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


"New Zealand." Data. Worldbankgroup, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"New Zealand." Ethnologue. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"New Zealand Gas Industry." -Contact Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"New Zealand in Profile: 2011." Statistics. New, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.



"New Zealand Main Cities." New Zealand Main Cities. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"New Zealand." New Zealand. Us Department of State, 10 Apr. 2014. Web. 12 May 2014.


"New Zealand Weather." New Zealand Weather. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"NZ Tourism Organisations." Tourism Industry Association, New Zealand. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May

2014. <>.

"Our Favourite New Zealand Food." Our Favourite New Zealand Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2014.


"Overview of New Zealand Climate." Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Prohibited Imports." New Zealand Customs Service :. New, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


"South Canterbury." South Canterbury. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Statistics." NZTE. New, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


Taylor, Stephen. "New Zealand Business Etiquette & Culture." New Zealand Business Etiquette, Vital

Manners, Cross Cultural Communication, and Geert Hofstede Analysis for New Zealanders.

N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand." Economy –. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"" N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Timspec : New Zealand Timber Merchants Supplying Timber for Weatherboards, Decking, Flooring

& Cladding." Timspec : New Zealand Timber Merchants Supplying Timber for Weatherboards,

Decking, Flooring & Cladding. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. <>.

"Topic: Gold and Silver Production in New Zealand." Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Trade Policy." - Beef and Lamb New Zealand. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.


"Trade Relationships and Agreements." Trade and Economic Relations., n.d. Web. 12

May 2014. <


"Walking / Hiking." New Zealand., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.



Jessica Juvinall New Zealand



Non-Profit Print Ad:

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Issue Brochure:

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand



No bake strawberry cheesecake


1 (250 g) packet plain sweet biscuits

125 g butter (melted)


250 g cream cheese

4 tablespoons icing sugar

300 ml cream (whipping cream)


1 3/4 cups water

2 tablespoons cornflour

1 cup sugar

1 (85 g) packet strawberry jelly crystals

1 (400 g) punnet strawberries


For the base, crumb the biscuits using a food processor and add the melted butter.

Reserving 1/3 cup press remaining mix into a 9x13 dish. I like to use a glass dish to show

off the layers.

For the filling, beat cream cheese and sugar together.

Whip the cream until soft peak stage and then fold into cream cheese mixture.

Spread over the base and place in fridge to chill.

For the topping, put the cornflour, water and sugar in a saucepan and boil until thickened.

Stir in the jelly crystals until all are dissolved.

Chill until cold and starting to set.

Slice strawberries and add to chilled jelly.

Spoon over the filling as evenly as possible.

Sprinkle the reserved 1/3 cup crumb mix over the top.

Refrigerate until jelly has set and you are ready to serve

Cut into squares and remove carefully. I use a fish slice to do this.

Serve with some whipped cream on the side or on top of each square if desired.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


New Zealand Pavlova


6 egg whites

1 pinch salt

3 tablespoons water

12 ounces caster sugar

1 teaspoon vinegar

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

3 tablespoons corn flour


Prepare a baking sheet by greasing lightly with butter and placing on it a sheet of tinfoil

or baking paper. Grease the tinfoil and then shake on a few drops of cold water and smear

around leaving a thin film of water.

Beat egg whites, salt and cold water until stiff with an electric mixer in large bowl.

While still beating add the castor sugar very slowly a tablespoonful at a time and keep

beating between additions. This takes time so don't hurry this step.

When all sugar has been added beat in the vinegar and the vanilla.

Remove beaters and with a metal tablespoon fold in with cutting movements the


With a spatula scoop mix onto baking sheet and form into a circle about 8" in diameter

but keeping the mix fairly high. Form a slight dent in the top if liked or keep flat.

Place tray in the center of a 350'F oven and bake for 10mins.

After 10mins lower heat to 300'F and then after another 10mins lower heat to 250'F and

continue baking for 1hr.

Do not open oven door while cooking.

When time is up turn oven off and open door slightly and leave Pavlova to cool in oven.

When completely cold top with freshly whipped cream and decorate with fruit of choice

or grated chocolate.

Another idea is to fill center with either lemon curd (made from the yolks) or chocolate

mousse. Then pipe rosettes of cream around the edge of filling. I have also used instant

puddings for the filling made with half milk & half cream to give a thicker mix and then

decorated with fruit to match flavor.

Note: If it looks like rain don't make! It has something to do with the atmosphere!

Pavlova can be made 1-2 days before or the morning of the day required. Then topped on

the day 4-6 hours before required.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand




Proper attire for business is a formal and conservative outfit. Primarily neutral colors such as

navy and gray.

Business is never conducted at dinner. Business is to be conducted over a lunch.

Tipping is almost always refused because tipping is rare in New Zealand.

Show up on time or early to all types of events. Considered to be rude if late because events

start on time.

Do not chew gum or use toothpicks in public.

Must always ask for permission before photographing someone.

Jessica Juvinall New Zealand


Country Selection Letter

Dr. Johnny Allen Hendrix

Human Resources Director

BIS Inc.

845 United Nations Plaza

New York , NY 10017

February 13, 2014

Jessica Juvinall

BIS Inc.

655 N. Third

Central Point, OR 97502

Phone (541) 494-6300

International Market Research Specialist

My intention of writing this letter is to be able to create a non-profit organization to decrease the

current amount of child abuse in New Zealand.

The main purpose of this organization is to support children who have been abused. It will focus

on the prevention, intervention and treatment for those affected. The child abuse rate in New

Zealand is unacceptably high and this organization is a solution to the current problem. This

organization will have counselors available for children and available homes for children to be

removed from the situation. This would be the chance for children to escape the abuse.

Understanding that there is a possibility that a non-profit organization in New Zealand is

unavailable I am also interested in improving the child poverty rate in the United Kingdom as

well as help the Women’s Rights in Peru. Either of these countries would be rewarding avenues,

the United Kingdom is a popular tourist vacation and many do not realize the child poverty that

is currently affecting millions of children. Whereas, Peru is not as modernized there are still

many issues that affect millions of people such as the rights that women currently have in Peru.

Both are in need of organizations to improve the current issues and either organization will be


Creating a nonprofit organization that will help children being abused will give them an

opportunity to move forward and live in a safe environment. This organization is their chance.

Please contact me as soon as possible with a response and any feedback; I can be contacted by

email which is [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.


Jessica Juvinall