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Would you hit an animal or your spouse in front of your children?

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 1: Hook/attention grabber

• Would you hit an animal in front of your children? Would you hit your spouse in front of your children• resource - picture:

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KindnessGood Feelings









high spirits


Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 2: Hook/attention grabber

Kindness leads to all sorts of good feelings. Seeing one’s parents love and care for each other gives a child hope that one day they can have that, too.

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Monkey SeeMonkey Do

Parents follow through

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 3: The Big Idea (pages 78-79)

Parents should always do what they say they are going to do and follow through, so their children will do the same when they grow up.resource - picture:

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Children keep their dreams

Less Violence

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 4: What’s in it for your audience? Explain why your topic is important or worth discussing.

Less violent behavior from their children, less teenagers resorting to drugs and alcohol to drown their doubts, their dreams, and emotions.

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bullies both at home and at school makes one

feel unsafe

home feels safe because school is not

school feels safe because

home is notSunday, November 10, 13

• Slide 5: Why should your audience listen to you? Explain your ethos (personal experience, expertise, and credibility).

• it starts at home, being bullied at home and at school made me feel worthless. Having feelings of doubt because no one at school wanted to play with me or be my friend carried from home because I got teased by my brother and father. I understand that’s only one case but many start that way. If home doesn’t feel safe, school will. If school doesn’t feel safe, home will. If they both don’t feel safe then they

won’t be.

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Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 6: Call to Adventure (pages 38-39)

Imagine a world where every adult was gone, the small children under the age of 15 might just run around, eating all the candy, pizza, chips, and having some fun, while those over the age might convince those younger ones to try a drug or two. It’s a chain reaction. I can see this world being dark and filthy. Now imagine the adults back in the equation, you just might see a change and not so many children doing drugs and there’s light back in the world

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HAPPYSunday, November 10, 13

call to action: Now imagine the adults back in the equation, you just might see a change and not so many children doing drugs and there’s light back in the world

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Communication = confidence

Even tones when talking

Think before you speak

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 7: Preview the three main points that will support your big idea

Communication has become less and less with texting and Facebook. Even tones when speaking can lead to a more natural conversation. Thinking before speaking can have a different outcome than arguing.

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QUIETWhat do you hear? Nothing

Now say, “You’re awesome.”

Did anyone respond?How do you feel?

If no response, one feels lonely, sadIf they did, how did that make

you feel?

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 8: Introduce and set up Supporting Point One

communication, when it stops, its too quiet.

Page 10: Jessica justice2.4

Bottled emotions = explosive reaction

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 9: Factual or emotional evidence

Keeping quiet, keeping one’s feelings bottled up can have an explosive reaction when someone does something so small

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Dead Dreams

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 10: Factual or emotional evidence

Dreams don’t become a reality

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Shut Down


Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 11: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Two

Being loud can have one of two effects; it will either cause the other person to shut down or the other gets loud and aggressive back.

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Stress level spikes

Heart rate quickens

One stops Thinking

Start to Sweat

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 12: Factual or emotional evidence

My own stress level spikes when a person gets intense and loud with me. My heart rate speeds up, I begin to sweat and stop thinking.

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Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 13: Factual or emotional evidence

Being an encouraging voice to one could lift them up and make them feel lighter.

Page 15: Jessica justice2.4

Count BackwardsBreathe

Clear Mind

Positive Behavior

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 14: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Three

• Taking a deep breath, counting 1,2,3 or backwards from ten can eliminate harsh words and clear one’s mind to have a straightforward conversation.

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Rough and Tough Times

calls for serenitySunday, November 10, 13

• Slide 15: Factual or emotional evidence

• As a child seeing the adults calmly talk about any situation teaches them that one needs to have patience when times are rough.

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Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 16: Factual or emotional evidence

• Respecting the other person to listen to their side or their point of view of situations could bring out some great brainstorming ideas.

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Role Model

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 17: Call to Action (pages 42-43)

Be the example your kids will want to look up to. Be that person they can go to for advice when they need it.

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Self-Confidence Self Worth

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 18: Summarize the main points

Leading by example can contribute to a child’s self worth, self-confidence, and their self-image.

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Example = Responsibility

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 19: Restate big idea

Among all the technology, television shows, video games, adults are the responsible ones. We need to show our children that as adults we always take responsibility for our actions, our words, and our feelings.

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Good examples = Something to Live For

Sunday, November 10, 13• Slide 20: Clincher/new bliss (page 44)

Better choices in daily life makes for better adults. Better adults make for better children. Leaving good examples, good choices, and successful lives gives one something to live for.