Download - Jessica Cooper @ Convestival 2013

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London 2012Volunteer Management in the National Trust

Make every day a gold medal day

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Introduction & context

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“Volunteers make the difference between a good Games and a great Games” Seb Coe

Volunteering & the Olympic movement

– 1948 London Game saw the birth of the volunteering movement at the Olympic Games

– London 2012 volunteering programme launched in July 2010 with the goal to find 70,000 volunteers for the Olympic & Paralympic Games

– Received quarter of a million applications

– Volunteers, Paid Staff and Contractors made up the London 2012 workforce

– Workforce managed at Games time by Workforce Operations Managers based at venues

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Attract & select the right people with the right skills to deliver the best

games ever

Goal of the Volunteer Programme

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Outreach & Attraction

– How many volunteers do you need?

– Who do you want to attract?

– How can you reach out to them?

Making the difference

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Expectation Management

– Clear expectations before you recruit

– What role will they be doing?

– How long will they be required to volunteer?

Making the difference

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Rigorous Recruitment

– Professional – when, where, what the interview will consist of?

– What experience do you want to create for your volunteers?

– What are you looking for? How will you look for it?

– What information do you want to communicate?

– How can you build their excitement about becoming a volunteer?

– Don’t be afraid to say ‘thank you but no thank you’

Making the difference

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Training & Feedback

– Equip volunteers with the skills to do their roles

– Good induction

– Ongoing training

– Qualifications? Recognition?

Making the difference

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– Clear, regular, planned

– Appropriate delivery mechanisms for messages; posters, text messages, twitter, email

Making the difference

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Recognise skills & embrace individuality

– Variety & breadth of experience

– Code of Conduct

– Individuality

Making the difference

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Reward & Recognise

– A good job

– Commitment

– Thank you

Making the difference

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Volunteers – truly inspiring
