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Bakersfield College - MUSIC B23 - Appreciation of Jazz Kris Tiner - [email protected] -


From the Course Syllabus:

Live Concert Reviews – 20% of Final Grade (2 x 100 pts. each) Students are required to attend two live jazz concerts during the semester. I will provide information on approved local events. Check with me for approval on other events you may find; it must be a legitimate college or professional level jazz concert to qualify. Each concert review will consist of two full pages (typed, 12-point, double-spaced) critically analyzing the performance and how it relates to the subject matter presented in the class. Further guidelines are provided in a handout posted on the class website. Each Concert Review is due by the second class meeting after the concert. If personal circumstances prevent your ability to attend a concert this semester, speak with the instructor ASAP about the possibility of completing an alternate assignment.

Concert reviews will be graded on three things:

1. The quality, uniqueness, and depth of your written insights and observations about the music and the performance.

2. How well you incorporate the terms and stylistic concepts that have been discussed in this class.

3. How well the appropriate information is organized and presented as a complete, two-page essay with proper and correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

IMPORTANT: The Concert Review should NOT be an historical report on either the composers or the works performed. Nor should it be a theoretical analysis or a rehash of the program notes. Also, this is NOT a group project. You may choose to attend a concert with a fellow student, but do not turn in identical reports. This will be treated as plagiarism and result in a zero grade for the assignment.

How to write a Concert Review

There are several venues in Bakersfield that regularly host concerts by well known touring jazz groups, and there is also an excellent, accessible scene of local jazz musicians who perform regularly. Or, if you like to get out of town, a short drive to Los Angeles and you’ll find a thriving jazz scene - you may even get the opportunity to hear someone you’ve read about in your textbook. Jazz is by no means popular music, but there is plenty happening if you take the time to look.

Many students feel intimidated about being asked to describe a live musical performance. This is perfectly normal. In class we will look at several different strategies for writing about music, and your experience with these things will increase as we move through the semester. If you feel you need additional help, schedule an office appointment with me or give me a rough draft to look at. I will be happy to help guide you through it.

Page 2: Jazz Concert Review

It is expected that you will show up to the concert on time and remain for the entire duration, which in most cases will be about two hours including an intermission. Expect a low grade on your review if it appears from your writing that you left the concert early or arrived late.

When you go to a concert, be sure to take extensive notes during the performance, and give yourself time to draft and refine those notes into a thorough, thoughtful review, in a clear essay format with a proper intro, body paragraphs, and conclusion, covering the following points:

‣ Introduction: what was the name of the event, what style of jazz was performed, what was the name of the group and/or solo performers, and when and where did the concert take place?

‣ Give an objective description of several compositions that were performed (mention composers and titles if possible). Do your best to connect the musical terms and concepts you have learned so far in this course with the performance you observed, and use specific examples wherever possible. Did the group perform original music, free improvisations, covers of standard jazz songs, or a combination of these? Did they play a mix of different styles? Did they incorporate any influences outside of jazz (ex, rock beats, classical-sounding sections, world rhythms, etc.)?

‣ Describe the performers. Were there any soloists who really stood out? Did the musicians appear to have a good chemistry and interplay with each other, or were they mostly just getting the job done? Did it seem like a successful performance? If possible, make the effort to talk with the musicians after the event; the perspective you will gain from this will be invaluable.

‣ Describe the audience. What kind of appreciation did the performance receive? Any extended applause or standing ovations? Was there dancing and audience participation, or did people sit and listen respectfully to the music? Did anyone show disrespect or walk out? Was this a good venue and atmosphere for live music?

‣ Describe your personal feelings. Did you enjoy the performance? Why? If not, why? How was the quality of this performance compared to other live concerts you’ve attended? I want to know what your deepest impressions were – be thoughtful, creative, and thorough in your interpretation and assessment of the music and the performance.

* If possible, attach a ticket stub, concert program, or some other verification of attendance to your completed review.