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I, Lady Jade Canada, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of #1946 SDA Road, Zone 2, Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say:That I am the same and identical person who caused for the execution of this Judicial Affidavit under the supervision and at the law office of the undersigned counsel with the name and address stated below;That I am a witness in Criminal Case No. 101001-2015 for Kidnapping for Ransom with Murder filed at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 20 of Digos City, Davao del Sur;That I had given my answers on the questions below stated with full consciousness and I did so under oath, and that, I may face criminal liability for any false testimony or perjury;That the following are the questions asked by the undersigned counsel with the corresponding answers which I had given;1. Q: I will be conducting this examination in English. Can you understand and speak English Ms. Canada? A: Yes.2. Q: Where were you on January 5, 2015, at around 10:40 in the morning?A: I went to EMCOR Digos.3. Q: Why were you there, if any?A: To pay my instalment fees for the appliance I bought.4. Q: What happened, if any?A: After having paid to the cashier, I went out from the said establishment and look for a tricycle to ride on.5. Q: What happened next, if any?

Page 7 of 7 Judicial affidavitURIEL PIETER PABALANx-----------------------------------./

A: That while I was in the sidewalk, I saw Mr. Mikaelo Florentino flagged a certain taxi along the highway. 6. Q: You mentioned you saw Mr. Florentino flagged a taxi, how did you see it?A: The taxi stopped in the sidewalk in the distance of approximately 2 meters away from where I was standing.7. Q: What happened next, if any?A: When the taxi stopped, I saw and heard Mr. Florentino and Mr. Pabalan shouting at each other and seemingly arguing over something.8. Q: What else, if any?A: There was a heated argument going on between the two of them and I saw an old woman, whom I later learned as Ms. Abil, seated beside Mr. Pabalan.9. Q: What happened after?A: I did not flag a tricycle because I was curious of what was happening between the traffic enforcer and the passenger.10. Q: What happened next?A: After a series of arguments in which I did not exactly heard their conversation, I saw Mr. Florentino in great anger, pulled his gun.11. Q: You mentioned you saw Mr. Florentino pulled his gun, what happened after?A: He was about to fire his gun.12. Q: When he was about to fire the gun, what happened next, if any?A: I saw Mr. Pabalan opened the right side door of the car from where he was seating.13. Q: What happened next, if any?A: I heard a loud bang and I saw Ms. Abils head oozing with blood.14. Q: What happened after, if any?Page 7 of 7 Judicial affidavitURIEL PIETER PABALANx-----------------------------------./A: I saw Mr. Pabalan running.15. Q: What happened next, if any?A: I was in extreme shock of what I saw as the events seemed to happen so quickly.16: Q: What did you do after, if any?A: I decided to report it immediately to Digos Police Station.17. Q: Can you recall having executed an affidavit in relation to this case?A: Yes, I have.38. Q: I am showing to you an affidavit dated January 13, 2015. Is this the one youre referring to?A: Yes, this is the one I am referring to as my affidavit. 39. Q: I am marking this counter-affidavit as Exhibit 1 forming an integral part of this judicial affidavit, will you confirm to this?A: I will.40. Q: There is a signature above the word affiant, whose signature is this?A: That is my signature sir.

That I am executing this Judicial Affidavit in order to attest the truth of the foregoing facts and in lieu of my direct testimony in court.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this April 27, 2015 at Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines.

Lady Jade CanadaAffiant Drivers Lic. No. L15-30-334780

Page 7 of 7 Judicial affidavitURIEL PIETER PABALANx-----------------------------------./

Subscribed and sworn to before me this April 27, 2015 at Digos city, Davao del Sur, Philippines. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the herein affiant and that I am fully convinced and satisfied that he voluntarily executed and understood his statements.

Atty. Jay Albert UyNotary Public Province of Davao del SurNotarial Commission No. 11-2012Commission until December 31, 2015IBP Roll No. 1345 Tin No. 143-456-456PTR No. 56446/413/464/Digos CityDavao del SurIBP O.R. No. 5473/11-8-2015/Digos City



I, Jay Albert Uy, of legal age, Filipino, single and a resident of Acaciahan, Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say:1. That I am the counsel who conducted or supervised the above examination of the witness, Lady Jade Canada, on the above mentioned date and at my Law Office located at 123 Roxas Building, Digos City;

2. That I faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions I asked and the corresponding answers given by him thereto;

3. That I did not nor any other person then present or assisting the witness had coached him regarding his answers.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this April 27, 2015 at Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines.

Atty. Jay Albert Uy Affiant Tin No. 143-456-456

Subscribed and sworn to before me this April 27, 2015 at Digos city, Davao del Sur, Philippines. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the herein affiant and that I am fully convinced and satisfied that he voluntarily executed and understood his statements.