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  • 7/27/2019 Japanese media declare 'dark times' are on us _ The Japan Times.pdf


    10/25/13 Japanese media declare 'dark times' are on us | The Japan Times 1/4

    Japanese media declare dark times are on us

    Being good has never been easy. And its not getting easier unlike many things in this age

    of mass technological empowerment. If it were, presumably, there would be more good and

    less evil unless evil is more attractive?

    The monthly Sapio has dire fears on that score. Japan, it says, is being swallowed up by a

    black society black in the sense of good peoples worst nightmares come horrifyingly

    to life. You wonder as you read why civilization after thousands of years, or science after

    hundreds, or hyper-technology after tens, has failed to speed our evolution past this ugly and

    primeval stage.
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    Good and evil, of course, are elastic terms. One ages good can be anothers evil. An

    example fresh in the collective memory is this months Supreme Court ruling striking down a

    Civil Code provision denying full inheritance rights to heirs born out of wedlock. The rank

    injustice of discriminating against children born, quite unwittingly, to parents not legally

    married seems glaringly clear, and in fact the ruling was unanimous; yet in 1995, less than 20

    years ago, the same Supreme Court ruled the discrimination was right and just, a necessary

    protection of the institution of marriage, without which society might descend into a state offeral chaos.

    In cases of that sort, morality seems to change with time and place; in others violence

    against the unoffending and helpless, sexual exploitation, abuse of children and so on the

    standards are absolute, and even criminals, if they are sane and honest, will admit, or boast,

    that their acts are evil as society understands the word.

    Sapio makes its case at some length, and only a bare summary can be attempted here. It

    begins by noting that the arrest rate for criminal offenses has plunged to an abysmal 31.3percent so much for Japan being a safe and well-policed country. How did that happen?

    Not so much police incompetence as the changing nature of crime itself seems the key point.

    Once upon a time criminals were either professionals (yakuza) or, if not, at least they had a

    clear motive: debts, a grudge, something you could put your finger on. Police knew what and

    often who to look for. Now, the magazine says, were seeing a sinister society in which

    anyone can suddenly turn criminal.

    The rough draft of an explanation, which will do until the subtleties are worked out, is a crazy

    confluence of opposites. On the one hand, a decades-long economic downturn has shrunkconventional opportunities; on the other, the Internet has so vastly enlarged the realm of the

    possible that, quite literally, the impossible or unthinkable has vanished into the ether.

    Here, for example, is a business anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit can plunge into; no

    need of start-up capital or bank loans or anything like that. All you need is a cell phone and a

    few underage (better yet, underage-looking) girls. The name of the business is enderi a

    fusion ofenjo ksai(teen prostitution) and delivery health (order-in sex). Both

    components have been around for a while; its the fusion thats new. It started, writes

    freelance journalist Daisuke Suzuki in Sapio, around 2006, and is the most undergroundform of organized prostitution. The novelty lies in the level of organization and in the

    increasing cyberization, which makes street-walking, with all its perils and tedium,


    An entrepreneur runs the show behind the scenes, trolling Net encounter sites for clients.

    Next level down are a handful of young den mothers, so to speak (the one Suzuki speaks to is

    all of 17), each one handing out assignments to her own little cohort of sex providers, some

    younger than herself, some not. The ideal sex provider is legally of age but looks like a child.

    Theyre the ones who command the highest rates (50,000 plus room expenses if any). And

    their handlers dont risk jail time for forcing minors into prostitution.

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    With so much money to be made, moral values inevitably totter. The apparent murder last

    month in Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture, of a 16-year-old girl, with seven suspects now in

    custody, looks to police like an extreme instance of what this sort of thing can lead to. Some

    enderi prostitutes, Suzuki says, are being run by their own mothers.

    Murder is as old as resentment; surrogate homicide isnt new either; but Internet anonymity

    and black sites operated by people ready to do anything for a price make access to such

    services so easy that moral scruples scarcely have a chance sometimes against temptation.

    Journalist Tetsuya Shibui, exploring the black sites for Sapio, cites several apparent cases

    over the years of Net-contracted murders, then himself briefly turns client, applying to a

    site for a fixer to humiliate a (fictitious) woman he said had dumped him. No problem, came

    the prompt reply; just tell us where she works; well spread such noxious rumors about her

    that her life at the company will become impossible. The fee? Anywhere from 300,000 to

    700,000, depending on the degree of difficulty involved.

    Anyone can suddenly turn criminal, says Sapio without, however, mentioning the elderlyand a new social problem with few if any historical precedents. The womens weekly Shukan

    Josei finds that lately 1 in 4 shoplifters is 65 or over. Time was, shoplifting was a

    predominantly juvenile offense. No longer. Elderly offenders now outnumber youngsters.

    This is not evil, of course, in the feral sense of the word. It is merely very, very sad. One

    shoplifter, well-known in her rural Gumma Prefecture community, is 86 and living alone. She

    is perky and alert. Shoplifting she has apparently taken up as a hobby, or a challenge. She

    makes the rounds of the supermarkets and local kitchen gardens. When confronted, she

    pretends to be senile. No one knows what to do with her. No one knows what to do with a

    great many people as they slip through societys widening cracks.



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