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Official Newsletter for the Indiana District January 2015

GovernOrr’s Gazette

In this Issue!

GovernOrr’s Address….….1


DCON Awards…………….3

Show your Love, Save a


Eliminate Buttons…………5

Service Hours……………..6

Clubs in Action……………7

Members of the Month….8

Above: Indiana Kiwanis Family members at I-I District Holiday Embrace Event.

Happy February Indiana!

February is known as the "love" month for many reasons. I'm sure you are familiar

with the ever popular Valentine's Day (also known as single's awareness day for

some of us). However, did you know that February is also when a

Circle K International Campaign for Eliminate takes place? Show your Love, Save

A Life is a month-long event to encourage clubs to raise money for eliminate

This month while you're buying cute gifts for the ones you love, remember to

donate to a great cause: Eliminate.

In other news, District Convention is coming up at the end of this month! Get

excited, and I'll see you there!!CKI Love! ♥

Kathryn OrrKathryn OrrIndiana District Circle K Governor 2014-2015

Right: Morgan Stahl and

District Convention

Are you going to District Convention?! If you are change your Facebook cover photo, and let everyone know! If not, get yourself registered by clicking here ASAP!? District Convention or DCON is our end of the year celebration, and where we elect our new District Leadership. This event is meant to be more of a business atmosphere than MDEC. Here is what you should expect---

Saturday morning and early afternoon activities will take place at Kiwanis International, we’ll have our opening ceremony, workshops, lunch, and the service fair. During this time attendees are encouraged to keep it casual and represent your home club if you have a club t-shirt! Opening Ceremony is the first chance that those wishing to run for a district board position can be nominated for their position. Workshops will include information that focus on the three tenants of Circle K.

At 4 pm we’ll shift over to Embassy suites, and at 6 pm we’ll start dinner. This is known as the President’s banquet. Formal dress is required for this event. This is where we celebrate the accomplishments of our clubs with District awards. If you haven’t applied for awards yet check them out by clicking here! This is also your last opportunity to be nominated for a district position before Caucusing. After dinner we’ll start caucusing. This is where those individuals nominated for a position give a speech as to why they should be voted for that position. Caucus rooms are divided by divisions—this year there will be 4 divisions! While each club in good standing gets two delegates at house of delegates it allows divisional members to discuss candidates as a whole and just as a club. At midnight, we’ll have the traditional steak and shake run!

Bright and early Sunday morning (7:30 am!) we’ll start House of Delegates (HOD). The dress is business professional. HOD is where we vote on proposed amendments to the District bylaws, international endorsements (those running for an elected international position), and election of district officers. Candidates are given one last time to address the district, and there is also a last chance for individuals to run for a position before voting. After HOD, will be the Farewell Kiwanis Family Brunch. We invite those from the Kiwanis family delegations to join us as we retire the immediate past board, and install the new board members. And that’s all folks! Now you’re ready to attend DCON!

District Convention Awards

Has your club done great work this year?! Do you want to recognize your individual club members? Or has a Kiwanis member made a real impact with you and or your club this year? Consider completing the awards application for them to be recognized at DCON! All awards are due by Feb. 15, and should be emailed to [email protected]! The awards committee wants this to be a difficult process for them, so apply early and often!

Here are the 2014-2015 District Awards. All awards are due on February 15, 2015 at 11:59 EST. Awards should be sent to [email protected]. If there are any issues or questions please either contact your LTG or the awards committee at [email protected]. Good Luck!Download the 2014 DCON awards here: NOTE all links are Google Docs. DO NOT open in Google Docs. Download the word document and edit from word.Awards Cover LetterDistinguished Club Award Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis clubDistinguished Club President Outstanding AdvisorDistinguished Club Vice-President Kiwanis Family RelationsDistinguished Club Secretary Marge Couch AwardDistinguished Club Treasurer Club NewsletterDistinguished Club Board Member Club ScrapbookDistinguished Club Member Club WebsiteDistinguished New Club Member Single Service

The following awards will be presented at District Convention, but do not have a formal application as previous club numbers and Monthly Report Forms will determine these:

Club Growth Super Early Bird DuesGovernor’s Project Early Bird Dues

Furthest Traveled to District Convention** this award is based on the number of miles each member of a club traveled to attend District Convention. It is calculated at the event.

Show your Love, Save a Life

How to plan a Eliminate/Show your Love, Save a Life awareness project!1. Look for inspiration for your great idea2. Some ideas that will help you start brainstorming:

A. Wear a sign/customized shirt for a day that has a leading question written on it.

B. Competition for which group/club can fundraise for Eliminate the most with a special performance by a popular local musician/band as a prize/finale.

C. Create a tabling event at your campus and have a jeopardy game with Eliminate trivia!

3. Once you have chosen an idea then you should consider starting a committee.----Entice people to come with food or a raffle. Set up regular meeting times with deadlines and rewards to encourage progress. Make sure you look into the cost of hosting the event, start fundraising if necessary

4. Get support from your club board and members, ask them to join your committee or even just for their input 5. Obtain permission to hold event from all parties involved (school, Event Request Form,organizations).6. Refine your idea with additional planning, for a new project it is always helpful to do a mini runthrough with what the event would be like, even if it is just seeing how long it takes to set up andtake down, and seeing if someone else can find your event location by following your directions.7. Obtain a head count, it is very important for planning events, it is necessary to finalize yourbudget8. Use your committee or fellow Circle k’ers to find donations for your project, especially food-it isof the utmost importance for an event to be successful, look at interesting options forentertainment during lunch9. Advertise to your wanted audience for your event with posters, announcements, flyering, wordof mouth, Facebook (do not rely on this for an accurate headcount), and maybe 1 email10. After you have received all your sponsorships and donations and have finalized your partnerships then buy the remainder of the needed supplies.11. Meet with your committee a last time to finalize your agenda/plan for the event and make all of the props, giveaways, and gifts. Your plan for the event should be so easy to comprehend thatanyone on your committee should be able to run the event in your place.12. Setup an hour or so in advance and make any last minute changes because of the weather or any unpredictable occurrences. Record how the event went and if it went well turn it into an annual one!

Eliminate Advocacy Buttons

Find one main contact for the club. • Most clubs will have one person designated

to working with the other branches.• Contact them on a weekly basis

Attend one another’s eventsNothing will build a better relationship than

doing service together.

Be sure to tell them well in advance of service projects.

Use People First language• A person with a disability, rather than “a

disabled person.”If you don’t understand what someone is saying, ask them to repeat themselves.Speak using a normal volume and pace.

• Don’t talk down to people • Speak up or slow down when asked.

Ask before touching a service animal.

Relax, mistakes are human just be willing to learn from them.

Find more Eliminate Resources by Clicking Here!

Service Hours

• Who reports these things anyways? Typically, the club secretary reports these

hours in their Monthly report form (MRF) but each club is different talk to your club President if you’re unsure.

• What is an Interclub? This is when at least 2 members of one CKI club do service

or have a CKI social together. There are also K-Family Interclubs that happen with 2 members of a CKI club and 2 members of a K-Family club. (Kiwanis, Aktion Club, Key Club, Builders Club, or K-Kids)

• I’m a service hour reporter for my club is there a place where I can keep track of all these hours instead of people just telling me or emailing? Yes! There is a service hour tracker (Click Here!) This form lists each club

and allows for you to track your clubs hours. You can share it with your members, open it for sign in at meetings, or use it however you feel necessary to track hours. THIS IS NOT SUBMITTING YOUR HOURS TO THE DISTRICT HOWEVER! Make sure to still complete your MRF. In the MRF you only have to include the total hours completed.

These are only a few questions members have about service hours. If you have any more questions be sure to contact District Secretary Jessica at

[email protected].

Circle K is an International Service Organization. So

how do we do service and how do we know how much service to do? 1 hour? 10 hours? 500 hours? Well that is a question that is up to you and your club to answer, but we do have some parameters just to make sure that we can track all the wonderful things you do! Be sure to get all service hours turned in before March 31st

to count for the 2014-2015 CKI year!

• What is a service hour? A service hour is 60 minutes of unpaid service enacted by one member of Circle K. This includes service project preparation time, travel time over 1 hour, and either planned by you or the partnering organization.

• So what doesn’t count as a service hour? Travel time to events where service isn’t the main purpose, any service project not approved by the club board, service projects that aren’t open to the entire membership, hours expended by non-CKI members, administrative hours (officer work, planning for non-service events)

• Why do we report service hours? To measure growth and progress of our club, district, and international organization. To motivate others to continue to do more.

Clubs in Action

January has been a month full of events from GovernOrr Visits, club socials, Kiwanis Birthday Celebration, Service Interclubs, and Sub-Region Events, January really had everything going on!

Congratulations on being elected Member of the Month for August 2014! On behalf of the Indiana District, We would like to thank you for

your dedication and service to Circle K.

You are Amazing!

Members of the Month

Maddie Elkins, Hanover College

Megan Battglia, Saint Mary’s College

Arielle Russell, Butler University

Karsen McCloud, Butler University

Riley Hawkins, Depauw University

Katherine Zhang, Purdue University

Alyssha Cloud, University of Indianapolis

Kathryn OrrIndiana District Circle K Governor

[email protected]

Jessica DavisIndiana District Circle K Secretary

[email protected]

Officer Updates from the District! Indiana has a notification system that will help you throughout the year via text messages. If you haven’t already, Please sign up!

Club President’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckipres

Club Secretary’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckisec

Club Treasurer’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckitreas