Download - January 6 - Theophany 75

Page 1: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bbAllegro Ú¡∞º

œ> œ# œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ> œD

Mag - ni - fy, O my soul, her that is more hon - 'ra -

& bb ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ> œ ˙ Œble and more glo - ri - ous than the hosts on high.

& bb œ œ œ#> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ,D

Eve - ry tongue is at a loss to praise thee as is due;

& bb œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ> œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œe - ven the world- tran- scend - ing in - tel - li - genc - es are

& bb ˙ , œ œ œ œ# œ> œ œ œ œ œ ˙dazed when they seek to praise thee, O The - o - to -

& bb ˙,œ œ œ œ# œ> œ œ œ ˙ , œ œ

kos. But since thou art good, ac - cept our faith, for thou

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Ninth Ode

Second Mode (hard chromatic)

First Canon

Verse #1

Troparion A

Megavlunon yuchv mouth;n timiwtevran

!Aporei' pa'sa glw'ssa

Intonation: #6

Typewritten text
(The Full Double Canon of the 9th Ode is sung January 1st, 6th, & 14th)
Typewritten text
(Byzantine notation begins after the 16th page.)
Page 2: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ> œ œ œ# œ> œ œ> œ œ œ ˙ , œknow - est well our love in - spired by God; for

& bb œ œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ ˙ , œ> œ# œ œthou art the pro - tec - tress of Chris - tians. Thee do we

& bb œ#> œ .˙ Œmag - ni - fy.

& bb œ> œ# œ œ œ œ ˙, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ


Mag - ni - fy, O my soul, Him that is come to be

& bb œ œ œ œ# ˙ ˙ Œbap - tized in the Jor - dan.

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Verse #3Megavlunon yuchv mou

to;n ejn !Iordavnh/

Page 3: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œn œ ˙, œ œ œ œ œ


D Un. D

O Da - vid, come in the Spir - it to them that are en -

& bbDiatonic

œ œn œ œb œ œYœ# ˙ , œ œ> œ œ œ œ œG D

light - ened, and do thou sing: Draw nigh now un - to God with

& bb œ> œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙,œ œ œ œ

faith, and be ye en - light - ened. For this poor man

& bb œ œ> œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ> œ

cried, e - ven Ad - am in his fall, and the Lord

& bb ˙ ˙,œ œ œ œ#

> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œnC D Un.

heard him; for He is come, and in the streams of the

& bb œ ˙,œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œD

Jor - dan, He hath made new him who was cor - rupt -

& bb .˙ Œed.

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Troparion BDaui?d pavreso

Page 4: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ> œ# œ œ œ œ ˙, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ


Mag - ni - fy, O my soul, Him that re - ceiv - eth bap -

& bb œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Œtis - m from the Fore - run - ner.

& bb œ œ œ#> œ œ œ œ œn œ ˙, œ œ œ œ

D Un. D

Wash you, make you clean, saith Es -I -

ai -sa -


Put a - way the

& bb œ œ œ œ# œ> œ œ œ œ> œ ˙, œ œ

e - 

vil of your do - ings from be - fore the Lord. Ye that

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Verse #4

Troparion C

Megavlunon yuchv mouto;n uJpo; Prodrovmou

@O !Hsai?a" louvsasqe

Page 5: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb ˙ œ> œ# œ œ œ> œ ˙ ˙

,œ œ œ


come to the liv - ing wa - ters, for Christ doth

& bb œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ , œ œ œ œsprin - 

kle with re - new - ing wa - ter them that have re -

& bb œ œ œ# œ ˙,œ œ œ œ

> œ œ œ> œ œ œcourse 

to Him with faith, and with the Spir - it He bap - tiz - eth

& bb ˙ , œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ .˙ Œthem 

un - to life that wax - eth not old.

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Typewritten text
(Continue on next page.)
Page 6: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ œ œ œ#> œ œ œ> œ œn œ ˙,œ œ œ

D Un. D

Let us pre - serve our - selves, O ye faith - ful, through grace

& bb œ œ# ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œand the seal; for as the He - brews of old es - caped de -

& bb œ# œ ˙ , œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ> œ ˙,œ

struc - tion when the door - posts were marked with blood, so

& bb œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ>

al - so this di - vine la - ver of re - gen - er - a -

& bb œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ ˙, œ œ œ œ œ œ

>tion shall be our ex - o - dus, whence we shall be - hold

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Troparion DSunthrwvmeqa cavriti

Page 7: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ .˙ Œthe un - wan - ing light of the Trin - i - ty.

January 6 - Theophany 81

Typewritten text
(Continue with the 9th Ode of the 2nd Canon on the next page.)
Page 8: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œD

To - day the Mas - ter bow - eth His neck be - neath the hand

& bb œ œ# œ œ> œ ˙ Œof the Fore - run - ner.

& œ> œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œUn.

Past un - der - stand - ing are the won - ders of thy child -

& ˙ , œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œG E

birth, O thou all - pure Bride, O tru - ly bless - ed Moth -

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œUn.

er! Through thee have we found full and per - fect sal - va -

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ,G E

tion, and fram - ing thee a fit - ting hymn of thanks - giv - ing,

January 6 - Theophany82

Verse #9

Second Canon*


* The verses of the second canon are chanted in the hard chromatic scale, even though each one is followed by a troparion in the soft chromatic scale.

Troparion E

Shvmeron oJ Despovth" klivnei

#W tw'n uJpe;r nou'n

Page 9: January 6 - Theophany 75

& œ œ œ œ ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ .˙ ŒG E D E

bring it as a gift as to a ben - e - fac - tor.

& bb œ œ œ# œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œD

To - day John bap - tiz - eth the Mas - ter in the streams

& bb œ# œ œ œ œ ˙ Œof the Jor - dan.

& œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ,Un.

That which to Mo - ses was in the bush pre - fig - ured,

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Verse #10Shvmeron !Iwavnnh"

#Idmen ta; Mwsei'

(Repeat Troparion E on previous page:"Past understanding . . . .)

Page 10: January 6 - Theophany 75

& œ œ œ œ> œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ,G E

we see ac - com-plished here in a won - drous man - ner:

& œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

> œ œ œ œUn.

for as the Fire - bear - ing Vir - gin was kept in safe -

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ ˙ ,G E

ty, when she brought forth the light - bring - ing Ben - e - fac - tor,

& œ œ œ> œ ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ .˙ ŒG E D E

so were Jor - dan's streams not hurt when they re - ceived Him.

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Page 11: January 6 - Theophany 75

& œ œ> œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œE Un.

O King com-mence - less, through the Spir - it's com - mun -

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œG E

ion, Thou dost a - noint our mor - tal es - sence and per - fect

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œUn.

it; Thou hast cleansed it in the un - sul - lied riv -

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Troparion G Crivei" teleiw'n

Page 12: January 6 - Theophany 75

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ> œ œG E

er, and tri - umph - ing o - ver the haugh - ty force of

& œ ˙ , œ œ œ œ ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œG E D

dark -ness, Thou dost make it pass now to life nev - er -

& œ .˙ ŒE

end - ing.

January 6 - Theophany 87

Typewritten text
(Conclude with the verses and Katavasia of the 9th Ode of the 1st Canon and the 2nd Canon on the next 4 pages.)
Page 13: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bbAllegro Ú¡∞º

œ> œ# œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ> œD

& bb ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ> œ ˙ Œble and more glo - ri - ous than the hosts on high.

& bb œ œ œ#> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ,D

Eve - ry tongue is at a loss to praise thee as is due;

& bb œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ> œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œe - ven the world- tran- scend - ing in - tel - li - genc - es are

& bb ˙ , œ œ œ œ# œ> œ œ œ œ œ ˙dazed when they seek to praise thee, O The - o - to -

& bb ˙,œ œ œ œ# œ> œ œ œ ˙ , œ œ

kos. But since thou art good, ac - cept our faith, for thou

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Ninth Ode

Second Mode (hard chromatic)

First Canon

Verse #1

Troparion A

Megavlunon yuchv mouth;n timiwtevran

!Aporei' pa'sa glw'ssa

Intonation: #6

Mag - ni - fy, O my soul, her that is more hon - 'ra -

Page 14: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ> œ œ œ# œ> œ œ> œ œ œ ˙ , œknow - est well our love in - spired by God; for

& bb œ œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ ˙ , œ> œ# œ œthou art the pro - tec - tress of Chris - tians. Thee do we

& bb œ#> œ .˙ Œmag - ni - fy.

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Typewritten text
(Continue on the next page.)
Page 15: January 6 - Theophany 75

& bb œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œD

To - day the Mas - ter bow - eth His neck be - neath the hand

& bb œ œ# œ œ> œ ˙ Œof the Fore - run - ner.

& œ> œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œUn.

Past un - der - stand - ing are the won - ders of thy child -

& ˙ , œ œ œ> œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œG E

birth, O thou all - pure Bride, O tru - ly bless - ed Moth -

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œUn.

er! Through thee have we found full and per - fect sal - va -

& ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ,G E

tion, and fram - ing thee a fit - ting hymn of thanks - giv - ing,

January 6 - Theophany82


* The verses of the second canon are chanted in the hard chromatic scale, even though each one is followed by a troparion in the soft chromatic scale.

#W tw'n uJpe;r nou'n

Second Canon

Ode 9*

Typewritten text
(Soft chromatic sung with A-flat)
Page 16: January 6 - Theophany 75

& œ œ œ œ ˙ , œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ .˙ ŒG E D E

bring it as a gift as to a ben - e - fac - tor.

January 6 - Theophany © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA


Page 17: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Ninth Ode

First Canon

Second Mode (hard chromatic)

Verse #1

Troparion A

ag - - ƒƒniƒ-ƒƒfy, O my ƒƒƒsoul, ƒƒher ƒƒƒƒthat ƒƒƒis ƒƒƒƒmore hon -ƒƒ’raƒƒ-ƒƒble and

more ƒƒƒglo -ƒƒƒƒ ri - ousƒƒƒthan_ÌÌÌ ƒƒƒthe ƒƒhostsƒƒƒonƒ high.

ƒve - ƒry tongue ƒis ƒƒƒƒat ƒƒƒƒa loss ƒto ƒƒƒpraise ƒthee ƒƒƒƒas is

due; ƒƒe - ƒƒƒven ƒthe ƒƒƒƒworld - tran - scend - ƒƒing ƒƒin - ƒƒtel - ƒli -ƒƒƒƒgenc - - ƒƒes ƒƒƒare

dazed ƒƒƒƒwhen ƒƒƒƒtheyƒƒƒƒseek ƒto ƒƒƒpraise___Ì ƒthee, ƒO ƒƒƒƒThe - o - ƒto - ƒkos. ƒBut

ƒƒsince ƒthou ƒƒart ƒgood, ac - cept ƒƒour ƒƒƒfaith, for thou know - est ƒwell our



Intonation: #6

!Aporei' pa'sa glw'ssa

Megavlunon yuchv mouth;n timiwtevran

Typewritten text
(Sung January 1st, 6th, & 14th)
Page 18: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Verse #3

Troparion B

Daui?d pavreso

Megavlunon yuchv mouto;n ejn !Iordavnh/

love ƒƒƒƒin - spired_______Ì ƒby ƒƒƒƒGod; ƒƒfor thou ƒƒart the ƒpro - ƒtecƒƒ-ƒƒtressƒƒƒof

ƒƒChrisƒ-ƒƒtians. Thee____ ƒdo we magƒƒ-ƒƒni - ƒƒfy.

ƒag - - ƒƒni - fy, ƒƒƒƒO ƒƒƒƒmy ƒƒsoul, Him ƒthat ƒƒƒis ƒƒƒcome ƒƒƒto___ be ƒbap -

ƒtized ƒƒin ƒƒƒthe ƒJorƒ-ƒƒdan.

ƒDa - vid,ƒƒƒƒcome in___ÌÌ ƒthe ƒSpir - ƒƒƒit to them ƒthat ƒare ƒƒen -

ƒƒlight - - ened,ƒƒƒand ƒdo ƒthou ƒƒƒsing: ƒƒƒƒDrawƒƒƒnigh ƒnow un - ƒƒto God ƒwith ƒƒƒfaith,

ƒƒƒƒand ƒƒbe___Ì ƒƒƒye ƒƒƒƒen - ƒƒƒƒlight - ened. ƒFor ƒthis ƒƒƒpoor ƒman cried, e - ven ƒƒAdƒƒ-

ƒƒƒam in ƒhis ƒƒfall, ƒand the ƒLord___Ì heard ƒhim; for ƒƒƒHe ƒƒƒƒis ƒƒƒcome,ƒƒƒand ƒƒin


Page 19: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Verse #4

Megavlunon yuchv mouto;n uJpo; Prodrovmou

ƒthe ƒƒstreams of___Ì̃ƒthe ƒƒJor -ƒƒƒdan, He ƒhath ƒƒmade new__Ì̃him who ƒƒwas

corƒƒ-ƒƒrupt - ed.

ƒag - - ƒƒƒƒniƒƒ- fy, O ƒmy ƒsoul, ƒƒHim ƒƒƒthat ƒre - ceiv - eth ƒƒƒbapƒƒ-ƒƒtis - - ƒm

ƒƒƒƒfrom the ƒForeƒ-ƒƒrun - ner.


Typewritten text
(Continue on the next page.)
Page 20: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Troparion C

@O !Hsai?a" louvsasqe

ash ƒƒƒyou, ƒƒƒƒmake ƒƒƒyou ƒƒclean,ƒƒƒsaith___Ì Es - ai - ƒƒas. ƒƒƒPut a -

ƒway ƒƒƒƒthē ƒe - ƒƒvil of your ƒƒdoƒƒ- ings ƒfrom ƒbe - ƒƒƒfore the ƒLord. ƒƒƒƒYe ƒƒƒthat

thirst, ƒƒcome___Ì ƒƒƒto ƒƒƒthe liv - ƒƒing wa - ƒters, ƒƒfor ƒƒƒƒChrist ƒƒdoth ƒsprin - kle

ƒƒƒwith ƒre - ƒnew - ƒƒƒing wa - ƒ- ter ƒthem that have re -ƒƒƒcourse ƒto Him with

faith, ƒƒand ƒƒƒwith the Spir - ƒƒit ƒƒƒƒHe bap - - tiz - eth them ƒƒƒƒun - to

ƒƒlife ƒƒthat ƒƒƒƒwaxƒƒ- eth not ƒƒƒold.

I - ƒƒƒƒƒsaƒƒ-ƒƒƒiah.

Page 21: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Verse #7 Profh'ta, deu'ro prov" me

Troparion D

Sunthrwvmeqa cavriti

O Prophƒ-ƒƒet,ƒƒƒƒcome ƒƒto ƒƒƒƒƒƒMe; ƒstretch_Ì̃out ƒƒthy hand and ƒƒbap - ƒ- ƒtize

ƒƒƒƒMe ƒquick -ƒƒƒly.

ƒet us ƒpre - ƒƒƒserve ourƒ-ƒselves, ƒƒƒO____ÌÌ ƒye ƒfaith - ful, ƒthrough

ƒgrace___ ƒand the ƒseal; ƒfor as ƒƒthe ƒƒHeƒ-ƒƒbrews of ƒƒƒold ƒƒƒes - caped ƒƒƒde -

ƒstruc - - ƒtion when ƒƒƒthe door - ƒƒ- ƒposts ƒƒwere marked with blood, ƒƒso ƒƒal -

ƒƒƒso ƒƒƒƒthis ƒƒdi - ƒƒƒvine la - ƒƒver ƒƒƒƒof re - - gen - ƒƒƒƒer - ƒƒa - ƒtion__̃shall ƒbe

our ƒƒƒƒex - ƒƒƒoƒ-ƒdus, ƒwhence ƒƒƒwe shall ƒƒƒbe - ƒhold ƒthē unƒƒ-ƒƒwanƒ-ƒing ƒƒƒlight__Ì ƒof____Ì

ƒthe Trin -ƒƒƒƒi - ty.

Page 22: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Second Canon

Plagal Second Mode (soft chromatic)*

Verse #9 Shvmeron oJ Despovth" klivnei

Troparion E

T o - ƒday ƒƒthe ƒƒƒMas - ter ƒƒbowƒ-ƒeth ƒƒHis ƒƒneck ƒbeƒ-ƒƒneathƒƒƒƒthe ƒƒƒhand__̃ƒƒof____Ì

ƒƒthe Foreƒ-ƒƒrun - ner.

ƒƒast ƒƒun - ƒderƒƒ-ƒƒstandƒƒ- ing ƒƒƒƒare ƒƒthe ƒƒƒƒwon - ders ƒƒof thy ƒchild - -

ƒbirth, ƒƒO thou allƒƒ- pure ƒBride, O tru - ƒƒƒly ƒblessƒƒ-ƒƒed ƒƒMoth - - -ƒ er!

ƒThrough thee have ƒƒwe ƒƒƒƒfound ƒƒfull and ƒƒƒƒperƒƒ- fect ƒƒƒƒsal - ƒva - ƒ- ƒ- tion, ƒƒand

ƒƒƒfram - ƒing ƒƒƒƒthee ƒa ƒƒƒƒfitƒƒ-ƒƒting ƒƒhymnƒƒƒƒƒƒof ƒthanksƒƒ-ƒƒgivƒ-ƒƒing, ƒbring it as ƒƒƒƒƒƒa


* The verses of the second canon are chanted in the hard chromatic scale, even though each one is followed by a troparion in the soft chromatic scale

Page 23: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Verse #10 Shvmeron !Iwavnnh"

Troparion F

ƒƒgift ƒas ƒto ƒa ƒƒben - - ƒe - ƒfac - ƒƒtor.

ƒo - day__Ì_ ƒƒƒJohn___Ì ƒƒbap - tizƒ-ƒƒeth the ƒƒƒMas - ƒƒter ƒin ƒƒƒƒtheƒƒƒƒstreams_Ì ƒof

ƒƒthe ƒƒƒƒJor - dan.

ƒƒhat which to ƒƒƒƒMo -ƒƒƒƒses was ƒƒƒƒin ƒƒthe bush ƒƒƒƒpre - ƒfig - - ƒƒured,

we see ƒƒac - com - plished ƒhere in ƒa wonƒ-ƒdrousƒƒƒman - ƒ- ƒ-ƒƒƒner: ƒƒƒƒfor

#Idmen ta; Mwsei'


(Repeat Troparion E on previous page:"Past understanding . . . .")

Page 24: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


ƒas the ƒƒFire -ƒƒƒbearƒ-ƒing ƒVir - - - ƒƒgin ƒƒƒƒwas ƒƒkept ƒƒƒƒin ƒƒƒƒsafe - - - ty,

ƒwhen ƒshe ƒbrought ƒforth ƒƒthe ƒƒlightƒƒ-ƒƒbringƒƒ- ing ƒBen - - ƒe - ƒƒfac - ƒƒƒtor, ƒso

were Jorƒƒ-ƒƒdan'sƒƒƒstreams ƒnot hurt ƒƒwhen ƒthey_ÌÌÌÌ ƒre - ƒceived ƒƒHim.

Page 25: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Troparion G

ƒKing__ÌÌÌ comƒƒ-ƒƒmenceƒ-ƒless, ƒƒthrough the ƒƒƒSpirƒ-ƒƒit’s comƒƒ-ƒƒmun - -

ion, ƒThou ƒdost a - noint our mor - ƒtal ƒes - sence ƒƒƒand per - ƒƒfect_______

ƒit; ƒƒThou ƒhast ƒcleansed___Ì it ƒin thē unƒƒ- sulƒƒ-ƒƒlied ƒƒƒriv - - - ƒƒer,

ƒƒand ƒƒƒƒtri - ƒƒƒumph - ƒing ƒƒƒo - ƒƒƒver ƒƒthe ƒƒhaughƒ-ƒƒty ƒƒƒƒforce__ÌÌÌ ƒƒof ƒƒƒdarkƒƒ-ƒƒness, Thou

ƒdost ƒmake it ƒƒƒƒpass ƒƒnow ƒƒƒƒto life ƒnev - - ƒƒer - end -ƒƒƒƒing.

Musthvrion xevnon

Typewritten text
(Conclude with the verses and Katavasia of the 9th Ode of the 1st Canon and the 2nd Canon on the next 4 pages.)
Page 26: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Ninth Ode

First Canon

Second Mode (hard chromatic)

Verse #1

Troparion A

ag - - ƒƒniƒ-ƒƒfy, O my ƒƒƒsoul, ƒƒher ƒƒƒƒthat ƒƒƒis ƒƒƒƒmore hon -ƒƒ’raƒƒ-ƒƒble and

more ƒƒƒglo -ƒƒƒƒ ri - ousƒƒƒthan_ÌÌÌ ƒƒƒthe ƒƒhostsƒƒƒonƒ high.

ƒve - ƒry tongue ƒis ƒƒƒƒat ƒƒƒƒa loss ƒto ƒƒƒpraise ƒthee ƒƒƒƒas is

due; ƒƒe - ƒƒƒven ƒthe ƒƒƒƒworld - tran - scend - ƒƒing ƒƒin - ƒƒtel - ƒli -ƒƒƒƒgenc - - ƒƒes ƒƒƒare

dazed ƒƒƒƒwhen ƒƒƒƒtheyƒƒƒƒseek ƒto ƒƒƒpraise___Ì ƒthee, ƒO ƒƒƒƒThe - o - ƒto - ƒkos. ƒBut

ƒƒsince ƒthou ƒƒart ƒgood, ac - cept ƒƒour ƒƒƒfaith, for thou know - est ƒwell our



Intonation: #6

!Aporei' pa'sa glw'ssa

Megavlunon yuchv mouth;n timiwtevran

Page 27: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


love ƒƒƒƒin - spired_______Ì ƒby ƒƒƒƒGod; ƒƒfor thou ƒƒart the ƒpro - ƒtecƒƒ-ƒƒtressƒƒƒof

ƒƒChrisƒ-ƒƒtians. Thee____ ƒdo we magƒƒ-ƒƒni - ƒƒfy.

Typewritten text
(Continue on the next page.)
Page 28: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


Second Canon

Plagal Second Mode (soft chromatic)*

Troparion E

ƒƒast ƒƒun - ƒderƒƒ-ƒƒstandƒƒ- ing ƒƒƒƒare ƒƒthe ƒƒƒƒwon - ders ƒƒof thy ƒchild - -

ƒbirth, ƒƒO thou allƒƒ- pure ƒBride, O tru - ƒƒƒly ƒblessƒƒ-ƒƒed ƒƒMoth - - -ƒ er!

ƒThrough thee have ƒƒwe ƒƒƒƒfound ƒƒfull and ƒƒƒƒperƒƒ- fect ƒƒƒƒsal - ƒva - ƒ- ƒ- tion, ƒƒand

ƒƒƒfram - ƒing ƒƒƒƒthee ƒa ƒƒƒƒfitƒƒ-ƒƒting ƒƒhymnƒƒƒƒƒƒof ƒthanksƒƒ-ƒƒgivƒ-ƒƒing, ƒbring it as ƒƒƒƒƒƒa


* The verses of the second canon are chanted in the hard chromatic scale, even though each one is followed by a troparion in the soft chromatic scale

Page 29: January 6 - Theophany 75

Theophany – January 6 Text © 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Used with permission.


ƒƒgift ƒas ƒto ƒa ƒƒben - - ƒe - ƒfac - ƒƒtor.