Download - JANUARY 29, 2017 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY · Poor Box 24.02 Votive Candles 14.00 Total $606 ... The light that shines


Dear Parishioners,

Today opens the national observance of Catholic Schools Week (CSW), and it’s an opportunity

to reflect on and thank God for the great blessing that our school is to us as a parish and the

community as a whole.

We are blessed with a dedicated principal in Mrs. Patricia McDermott and an equally devoted

and loving faculty. Recently I happily overheard a number of our teachers talking about the no-

venas they are making – we are fortunate to have a faculty that not only teaches the Faith but

tries so hard to live it out and model it for our students. Our students, of course, are our greatest

blessing and the reason we work so hard at sharing not only academic knowledge but knowledge

and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

How many of you, our parishioners, claim status as alumni?! And not only one generation, but

several generations of alumni?! This is one of the things that make the deepest impression on

me: that so many of you were formed right here in our parish school and still have such fond

memories and commitment to your alma mater.

No doubt we can say that St. Mary’s Catholic School has played a vital role in contributing to

the good of society here in Hagerstown and beyond for 142 years and counting!

It’s a privilege for me to be able to serve a school with such great kids, faculty and alumni. I

look forward to seeing the students each day at Mass, in the halls and classrooms, and on the


Thank you to everyone who helps make our school the beautiful and holy place that it is!

We are proud to support St. Maria Goretti High School as well, where many of our St. Mary’s

graduates and parishioners in general go for a quality high school education, and where several

of our parishioners teach.

Please join me in praying for our students and faculty that they (and we) may grow each day to

be better disciples of our Lord.

Finally, if you did not hear my homily last week, I would like to ask you to consider giving it a

prayerful reading in the next few days. It’s printed here in the bulletin on account of this past

Friday’s 44th March for Life. Thank you for your consideration.

God bless you and keep you in His care,

Father Cibelli


St. Michael Stewardship Blessings

St. Mary Stewardship Blessings

1/22/2017 Attendance 826

Offertory $8886.81

Online Giving 2,421.70

School Support 1,785.00


Amount Needed** $15,239

**This is the amount of weekly collection that would allow St. Mary to

break even for fiscal year 2016

Poor Box $163.98

Other 247.00 *Not used for St. Mary operating expenses

1/22/2017 Attendance 47 Offertory $543.00 School Support 25.00 Poor Box 24.02 Votive Candles 14.00

Total $606.02

Amount Needed** $749 **This is the amount of weekly collection that would allow St. Michael to break even for fiscal year 2016

*Not used for St. Michael operating expenses

Contribution Statement: Contr ibution statements are available. If you would like a contr ibution

statement, please call Paula at 301-739-0390, ext. 110. You can then pick up your statement , emailed, or

have it mailed to you. If you made a contribution of $250 or more at any one time, you will automatically

receive a statement, in accordance with IRS requirements.

Prayer for our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.

Protect them as they protect us.

Bless them and their families for the selfless acts

they perform for us in our time of need.

And give us peace.

We ask this in the name of Jesus,

Our Lord and Savior.


ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Please send your availability for the months of

March, April, and May (INCLUDING Stations

of the Cross, Holy Week, and Easter

availability) to Trevor Rowland no later than

Tuesday, February 7th.

Contact [email protected] or

301-739-0390 x119

Please pray for James “Jim” Shives,

husband of Shirley.

May he rest in the Peace of Christ!

Next Sunday’s second collection is for

Embracing Our Mission.

Thank you!

The flowers on all the altars are in lov-

ing memory of Francis “Hazel” Bowers

from her daughter., Bonnie Bowers.

St. Michael Mass Intention St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s Parishioners

St. Mary Church Holy Mass Intentions January 23—29, 2017

Day Date Mass Mass Intention

Monday 1/30 6:30 Felicia Koval 8:30 Special Intentions of Amy Savary

Tuesday 1/31 6:30 Austin Michael Wigfield 8:30 For All Departed Souls

Wednesday 2/1 6:30 Special Intentions of the Rohr Family 8:30 Frieda Russman

Thursday 2/2 6:30 Special Intentions of Daniel Skinner 8:30 Helen Pauline McDermott

Friday 2/3 6:30 Roberta Kufera 8:30 Kevin Donoghue

Saturday 2/4 8:30 Char les E. Hurd 5:15 Bill Hudson

Sunday 2/5 8:00 James & Joan St. Ledger 9:30 In Honor of St. Joseph 11:00 Robert L. Grimsley 12:50 Frank Brown

Readings for January 22—29, 2017


Zephaniah 2:3, 3:12-13 / 1st Corinthians 1:26-31 / Matthew 5:1-12a

Monday 1/30 Hebrew 11:32-40/ Mark 5:1-20


Hebrew 12:1-4 / Mark 5:21-43

Wednesday 2/1 Hebrew 12:4-7, 11-15 / Mark 6:1-6


Malachi 3:1-4 /Hebrew 2:14-18/Luke 2:22-40

Friday 2/3 ST. BLAISE, BISHOP & MARTYR; ST. ANSGAR, BISHOP Hebrew 13:1-8 / Mark 6:14-29

Saturday 2/4 BVM Hebrew 13:15-17, 20-21 / Mark 6:30-34


Isaiah 58:7-10 / 1st Corinthians 2:1-5 / Matthew 5:13-16

The hosts being used for the month of January have been

donated by an anonymous donor.

The candles being used for the month of January have

been donated by an anonymous donor.

The wine being used for the

month of January has been

donated by an

anonymous donor.


January 23 8:30 Mass was for

Xavier Fernandes.

(We apologize for the misspelled

last name)

SUNG Candlemas

MASS in the

Extraordinary Form

(Missa cantata)


Come and experience this beautiful

Traditional Latin Mass, commemorating the

Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the

Presentation of Our Lord at the Temple.

-Featuring music by Carlo Rossini (1890-1975) and Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612)

Mass will be preceded by the Blessing of the Candles to

be used in the church throughout the year and a

candlelight Procession of the Faithful.


Third Sunday of Time Throughout the Year 22 January 2017

Is. 8:23-9:3; Psalm 27:1,4,13-14; 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17; Matt. 4:23; Matt. 4:12-23

Notice the personal touch. Notice the care with which the Lord acts.

The light that shines on Galilee, the region of Zebulun and Naphtali: it’s not just the sun.

In fact, there would be nothing remarkable about Isaiah’s prophecy if it only referred to the light of the sun,

rising each day.

The call to these fishermen: it’s not just an announcement being made by a hotdog vendor in the stadium, or the

ice cream man on the beach. Who would leave everything for a call like that?

No, the Lord’s call is personal, it is thoughtful; His presence is enlightening.

It is the Lord Himself who brings light, it is the Lord Himself who calls – not indiscriminately, but with

purpose. Nor is it some intellectual concept, some abstract idea. The Lord brings light to Galilee by His

presence. The Lord calls the Apostles in the flesh. The people bring to Him their sick and distressed – He heals

them with His touch.

Peter and Andrew, James and John, they hear the call of His strong yet gentle voice in person, not over a loud

speaker, and they follow.

And we might think, wasn’t that nice. How fortunate for those people to have that experience. Perhaps we

consider it lost to the past, consigned to history and the pages of the Bible. But the Lord thinks bigger than that.

Recall the candle you or your godparents received at your baptism – even if you don’t remember on your own.

Consider the Easter Candle, burning in the darkness on Holy Saturday Night. Look at the candles burning by the


The Lord continues to lighten the world by the Sacraments.

That baptismal candle reminds us that by the sacrament of Baptism we have become that very light to the world,

to those dwelling in darkness, because we share in Christ’s life now. Christ continues to enlighten the world

through you and me.

The candles burning on either side of the Altar – consider what, or who, they frame. The light of these candles

pales in comparison to the light that rises in between them, in the priest’s hands: the light of Christ’s Real

Presence in the world, His Body and Blood.

Think of the words with which we were baptized, think of the words by which our sins are forgiven. Think of

the words by which Christ becomes present in the Eucharist. “I baptize you,” “I absolve you,” “This is my

body… this is the chalice of my blood.” It is Christ who Baptizes, who forgives, who gives Himself to us in the


He calls to us in prayer, as well, in those quiet moments of conversation with Him.

Christ goes even a step further. He calls to us by the shining example of heroic Christian virtue – no matter how

simple or understated the act may be, whether a canonized saint or an ordinary Christian living out his or her

daily life.


The Lord won’t allow Himself to be confined to history, to the pages of books that collect dust on shelves.

Christ used His own body to enlighten the world and to call His disciples. He continues to enlighten the world

and call disciples today by means of real people: He wants to act through us.

In virtue of our Baptism and Confirmation, we are called to bear Christ into the world, to be His hands and feet,

even His voice. Have we considered how God is calling each of us to make Him known in the world? How He

wishes to speak to others through us?

Simple acts of kindness performed each day easily accomplish this purpose. There are also moments when we

are called to do more, to be courageous, even to take risks. The way we interact with those in need, the

vulnerable, the less fortunate are chief among these.

As we mark the 44th Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision with the 44th March for Life,

I’d like to ask you to consider one particular way that the Lord might be calling you to be His hands and feet,

even His voice here in our neck of the woods.

Just a few doors down from us is an abortion clinic. We have some very dedicated parishioners who keep a

prayerful and peaceful presence there each day it is open in hopes of helping even just one woman to reconsider

going inside.

Sometimes there’s a conversation, sometimes the woman simply sees the folks praying from her car and decides

to keep driving.

One volunteer reports, “We have had several men and women who have come to us with their new born

children, or pictures of their children, and happily show them off at the same time thanking us for being out

there to change their minds. They had changed their minds just by seeing people out in front of the clinic

praying and they kept on driving.”

It turns out that “abortion clinics indicate a huge drop in people showing up for appointments even if there are

only [a few] people praying out in front of the clinic.”

We’ve talked about the importance of the way we vote when it comes to this critical issue, but we have the

opportunity to make a difference for some real people right here in our neighborhood, to be Christ’s light, His

compassionate presence for them. Am I called to help in this way?

If God doesn’t seem to be calling me in this particular way, perhaps He’s calling me to help support women

who have made the choice to keep their child or even to offer healing and consolation to those who now regret

the choice of an abortion. For more information about how you can help, please call please call Janet at 240-

420-0440 or the parish office and we’ll put you in touch with the right person.

Whatever the Lord may be prompting you to do, He has a mission for each of us just like for the Apostles. He

has commissioned each of us in a unique way to help make His presence known in the world, to be His light,

the instrument of His call.

And with that mission will also come the grace to fulfill it – most especially through the sacraments of

Confession and Holy Communion.

Let us turn to the Lord now and ask Him, beg Him, that we, like the Apostles, will recognize His call and our

mission, leave our fears and attachments behind, and follow Him with all our hearts.

C. H. E. R. I. S. H.

Catholic Hearts Espoused Rejoice In Sacramental Hope

For Husbands & Wives


Living Your Marriage Abundantly

has been planned for the both of you!

Saturday, February 11 –1:00-9:00 PM

St. Mary Catholic Church

RSVP by February 7 at

Or by calling 301-797-6493

Presentation from Fr. Matt Buening

Marriage Couple’s Personal Reflection/Testimony

Saturday Evening Vigil Mass

Opportunities for Confession

Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration

Reception Dinner

And more…

Who needs the Super Bowl?? when you can earn $$$ at the

Knights of the

Holy Tabernacle

Sunday, 5 February A.D. 2017 6:30-8:30pm

Bosco Room 2nd floor, St Mary Parish


Young men 8th – 12th grade are invited to

play the


And earn money by knowing your


Feasting!, Fun!, & Faith!


Saturday, February 18, 6:30 — 10:00 PM

Columbus Hall

20340 Leitersburg Pike

Hagerstown, MD

Ticket Donation

Adults: $12.00

Children: $6.00 ages 6-12

Free for 5 and under For ticket information, please email

[email protected]


Spaghetti, Lasagne, Salas, Garlic Bread,

Dessert, Beer, Wine & Soft Drinks

DJ MUSIC by Barry Gipp

Hershey Park Get your tickets for our Annual Hershey

fundraiser! Please share with friends and family!

Regular Tickets: $43.00 (Ages 9-54)

Gate Price is $65 Junior/Senior tickets: $33.00

(Ages 3-8 & 55-69) Gate Price is $43

All Tickets Valid 4/29/17 through 9/25/17

(not open every day in May or September)

If you sell 20 or more tickets, your name will be

entered into a raffle to win 2 Regular Tickets!!

Orders Due: April 5th to School Office

A form will be in next week’s bulletin



What can I say to someone who was raised Catholic but left the Church?

Here are ten reasons to come back to the Catholic Church

10. Nearly two thousand years of history, art, and learning.

9. It is counter cultural; be a rebel

8. A family of over a billion brothers and sisters.

7. We miss you.

6. You may avoid going to hell.

5. The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ, Son God, in the year A.D. 33.

4. Our hearts are restless, O Lord, until they rest in YOU.

3. God loves you so much, He died on the cross for you.

2. You can receive The Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ

1. It will help you to spend ETERNITY in the Divine Life of the Trinity.

“Ask The Priest” is a continuing feature of the Bulletin. If you have a question regarding the Catholic

faith, please place your question in the box on the back table.

Announcement of Easter and the Moveable Feasts (for the year 2017)

After the Gospel on the Feast of the Epiphany is sung the following:

Know, dear brothers and sisters,

that, as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ,

so by leave of God's mercy

we announce to you also the joy of his Resurrection,

who is our Savior.

On the first day of March will fall Ash Wednesday,

and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season.

On the sixteenth day of April you will celebrate with joy Easter Day,

the Paschal feast of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On the twenty-eighth day of May will be the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On the forth day of June, the feast of Pentecost.

On the eighteenth day of June the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

On the third day of December , the First Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Chr ist,

to whom is honor and glory for ever and ever.


Husbands and Wives! The CHERISH Retreat on Saturday, February 11 at St.

Mary Catholic Church in Hagerstown MD from 1:00 — 9:00pm, has been planned

just for the both of you! CHERISH stands for Catholic Hearts Espoused Rejoice in

Sacramental Hope. The retreat includes a reflection for marr ied couples from

Fr. Matt Buening: "Living Your Marriage Abundantly." Additionally, there will be

Saturday Evening Vigil Mass, opportunities for confession, dinner and more. Free

will donations accepted. RSVP by Feb 7 at the website or by

calling 301-797-6493.

Help Promote Vocations! The Archdiocesan Office of Vocations would like your help to connect with young dis-

cerners. If you know a young Catholic man who is discerning or open to discerning his

vocation, whatever it may be, please submit his name in our Called by Name campaign

by January 31. We will be sending these men invitations to discernment events.

Your submission could help a man find his true vocation!

Submit names at

The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Serving Christ in the Person of the Poor since 1633

The Daughters of Charity are offering a “Come and See” vocation retreat weekend March 3-5,

2017. Single Catholic women ages 18-40 interested in a vocation as a Sister are invited to attend.

The retreat will be held at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, MD.

If interested please contact: Sr. Mary Frances Barnes, D.C. at 410-646-2074 or [email protected].

The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is God's most beautiful and magnificent gift….

We call it gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, garment of immortality, bath of rebirth, seal, and most pre-

cious gift. It is called gift because it is conferred on those who bring nothing of their own; grace since it is

given even to the guilty; Baptism because sin is buried in the water; anointing for it is priestly and royal as

are those who are anointed; enlightenment because it radiates light; clothing since it veils our shame; bath

because it washes; and seal as it is our guard and the sign of God's Lordship.

St. Mary’s offers the gift of baptism on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 12:30pm. Baptism

Class is scheduled the first Sunday of each month in the Conference Room of the Parish Center from

12:30 to 1:30pm.

It is very important that babies be baptized as soon as possible and preferably within six weeks of birth.

Therefore, Fr. Cibelli is offering this sacrament more often. A good precedence would be, as soon as parents

begin to announce their pregnancy, to call and schedule their baptism agenda shortly after.

Call the Parish Office 301-739-0390 ext. 110, Paula will assist you.

Introducing - Take A Look Tuesdays

Prospective parents and students are invited to visit Saint Mary Catholic School each

Tuesday from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Staff members will be available to give tours and to answer questions of prospective parents.

Witness student participation in the classroom, observe a typical day, feel the energy in our hallways, and watch the children socialize during break. What a great chance to see SMCS students in action!

Stop by and see for yourself why St. Mary Catholic School is the right place for your student.

Registration Now Open!

Registration for the 2017-2018 school year for Pre-K 4 through 7th Grade is now Open.

Call or email Rachel O’Connor at 301-733-1184 or [email protected] for an information

packet and/or a tour.

Starting New for 2017-2018:

St. Mary Catholic School is excited to announce a Full Day option (8:15 AM – 2:45 PM) will be

available for our Pre-K 4 program.

The Half Day option is from 8:15 AM – 11:30 AM. Space is limited so don’t delay. Call or email

Rachel O’Connor at 301-733-1184 or [email protected] for an information packet

and/or a tour.

Welcome Grants

Students who are currently enrolled in public school who wish to transfer to St. Mary Catholic School are

eligible to receive a tuition grant for $2,000 off the first year’s tuition and $1,000 off the second year’s tui-


A limited number of grants are available to students actively participating in a Catholic parish. Grants will

be available from January 20th until May 1st, 2017 for Grades 2nd through 5th


Catholic Schools Week Kick-Off

Our Scholastic Book Fair will be set-up in Fatima Hall. Come see the great selection.

An Open House and Tours for prospective new students and families will also be available from

9:00 AM to Noon.

Tickets for pancake and omelets will be available at the door.


Confirmation — Immediate Preparation Classes for Confirmation students will be held in Fatima Hall the parish Center every Wednesday until March 8, 2017. Sign in time is 6:15PM. All Confirmandi must attend these classes.


New council website for keeping informed of council news:

Brotherhood Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 8pm in the Council Hall. Our Trustee for 2016-2017 is Cel Shannon. For information, please contact Cel Shannon at [email protected].

Bingo Bingo Bingo. Every Tuesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall (20340 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21742) Star ting at 6:45 pm we conduct 34 bingo games for the public. Please join us and have fun.

Every practical Catholic man over the age of 18 should become a Knight. We need your help. Speak with a night about joining our order.

The Knights of Columbus has launched a FREE smartphone app on Android and Apple iOS platforms that show what the Order has to offer eligible Catholic men and their families! Featuring an overview of the Orders work in providing security to families, as well as its charitable and Church activities, The "Knights of Columbus: Join Us" app is a concise and engaging way to share with potential new members the good works and insurance protection made possible by K of C membership. Users can also access an online form which they can complete as a first step in becoming a Knight! The app is available for FREE down-load through iTunes or the Google Play store.

Pangborn Assembly of the Knights of Columbus will host Italian Night Dinner & Dancing Saturday, Feb-

ruary 18th opening at 6:30pm at the Columbus Hall on Leitersburg Pike. Donation $12.00 & children

under 12 $6. Contact Fred Nugent for advanced ticket sales at [email protected].

All Bingo Tuesdays will be HALF PRICE on regular games during the month of February!

Knights: Annual Dues Notices have been sent. Please remit timely.

SVDP— One way to approach the Beatitudes is in terms of their being descriptions of identity rather than moral

demands. The Beatitudes embody a radically alternative vision of our Society. This is how the kingdom of heaven is

at hand: that we appreciate that we are in ourselves are blessed. Blessed is who we are in Christ. God indeed calls us to

blessedness. (Living Liturgy, p.54)

The St. Mary Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was established in 1954. In 2016, the SVdPS

helped approximately 400 members of our community. Types of assistance included eviction prevention,

utility shut-off prevention and food vouchers. Anyone experiencing a hardship is encouraged to contact the

SVdPS (301-739-0390 ext. 124).

Assistance to the poor and suffering is provided through your donations to the Poor Box. Thank you!

Anyone suffering through a hardship is encouraged to contact the Saint Vincent de Paul Society

for assistance. Phone 301-739-0390 ext 124.

You are invited to attend an upcoming TransCanada Open House on February 9, 2017

from 6-8 PM at the Hancock Town Hall in Hancock, MD. TransCanada employees will

host a public discussion on their new natural gas transmission pipeline which will run from

Hancock, MD to Berkeley Springs, WV.