Download - January 2009 Board - Minnesota Waters · January 22, 2009 2:30 P.M. ... Jim Brandt indicated that Mark Liedl has recommended changes to ... Enga Wodziak, Denny Loechler, ...


WAPOA Board Meeting

January 22, 2009

2:30 P.M.

Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Jim Brandt, Sandy Melberg, Dave

Fischer, Dave Topinka, John Forney,

Directors Absent: Enga Wodziak, John Larsen, Dick Dietz, Denny Loechler,

Darlene Carlson, Ron Meyer, Jack Riordan, Pat Tweed

Others Present: Marv Erdman, Jack Wallschlaeger, Bob Uppgaard, Gary Olson,

Kathe Lemmerman

President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

Minutes: MSC: Jim Brandt/Dave Fischer to approve the minutes of the

November 20, 2008 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Sandra Melberg/Dave Topinka to approve the

report as presented and approves check payments 1739, 1741-1743,


MSC: Jim Brandt/John Forney to name Lakes States Bank as Corporate

Depository for checking account and savings account with the following signers:

Judy Wallschlaeger, Patricia Tweed, and Sandra Melberg.

Special Presentation: Tom Knauer, owner of Whitefish Gallery & Studio

presented the line of products he sells. The giftware is laser engraved with

specific lake contours. He carries a line of glassware, photo albums, lake map

panels, journals/photo albums and photo boxes. He provides lake association

members with discounts; and, in addition, a percentage of sales come back to

the lake association itself. The Board will explore possible opportunities to

work with Tom to sell these items to our membership.

Program Reviews:

Budget: MSC: Jim Brandt/Sandra Melberg to approve the trial budget

with a review scheduled in June, 2009.

Lake Management Plan: John Forney presented a draft plan which is

about 85% complete. Each director was given a plan CD with specific review

assignments. Certain sections also need to be completed along with action

plans unique to WAPOA’s plan. Those present at the meeting were asked to

indicate three priority projects that WAPOA should pursue as part of the

Comprehensive Plan. These “sub-projects” fell within the following four issues:

water quality, aquatic invasive species, lakeshore restoration and land use.

AIS: Marv Erdman indicated watercraft inspection training will probably

take place in May and June.

Membership: Dave Topinka reported we have 641 regular members paid

for 2009. Follow up projects will include recruiting business members and past

members who have not yet renewed.

Water Quality: Sandy Melberg reported for Darlene Carlson that the 2008

summary water quality report has been submitted to the PCA and the COE.

Darlene is working with Alan Sherburne to complete the TSI map update. The

COE conference room has been reserved for the 2009 testing kickoff.

Shoreline Restoration: Dave Fischer indicated of the two applications

submitted to Minnesota Waters for grant monies, the Big Island Project will

receive $5,000. The plans are to work on 150 ft on the north and east sides;

beginning as soon as possible in May after the fishing opener. The grant

monies for the Shoreline Restoration Contest will likely come from the Initiative


Grants: Grant monies to be requested as follows:

MSC: Dave Topinka/Dave Fischer:

To approve submittal of a grant application to the Initiative Foundation for

a $5,000 challenge grant for Curlyleaf Pondweed control on Little Pine/Daggett


To approve submittal of a grant application to the DNR for Curlyleaf

Pondweed control on Little Pine/Daggett lakes to be submitted no later than

January 30, 2009

To approve submittal of a grant application for AIS education and

inspection to the Initiative Foundation for a $5,000 challenge grant

To approve a grant application to the DNR for AIS education and

inspection on the Whitefish Chain to be submitted no later than January 30,


To approve a grant application to the Initiative Foundation for a

Shoreline Restoration “contest” to be held in the summer of 2009 on the

Whitefish Chain for a $5,000 challenge grant

MSC: Jim Brandt/Dave Topinka:

To authorize Dave Fischer as approved by President Wallschlaeger to

apply for funds raised through the recently approved Clean Water, Land and

Legacy amendment from the Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council to be used for

(but not limited to) restoration projects, water quality issues, AIS issues

Other Activities:

Kathe Lemmerman reported the meeting with Beacon Shores owners was

a positive one. They are not in a hurry to sell and they support lower density.

Jim Brandt reported there is no additional information concerning the

Anderson Islands project.

MSC: John Forney/Dave Topinka to approve non-renewal of membership

to the Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce

ROPE: John Forney reported he has spoken to Steve Clark. The USACE

is still working through the 600 responses received. They will then formulate

new proposals for review. Because of the strong response concerning the

Crosslake plan, changes will probably be made to the proposed operating plan.

Organizational changes have taken place in St. Paul and Steve Clark is no

longer assigned to this project. It could be late spring before we have any

additional information.

CWC: Jim Brandt indicated that Mark Liedl has recommended changes to

the CWC Zoning Ordinances. One change would combine the CWC Board of

Adjustment and Planning Commission into one five member board that would

meet only once per month. Ideal Township opposes this suggested change.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary

Next Meeting: April 23, 2009 at Ideal Town Hall, 2:30 p.m.

WAPOA Board Meeting

April 23, 2009

2:30 P.M.

Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Jim Brandt, Sandy Melberg, Dave Fischer, Dave Topinka,

John Forney, John Larsen, Dick Dietz, Ron Meyer, Jack Riordan, Pat Tweed.

Directors Absent: Enga Wodziak, Denny Loechler, Darlene Carlson,

Others Present: Marv Erdman, Jack Wallschlaeger, Bob Uppgaard, Gary Olson, Kathe

Lemmerman, Ken Niehart, Alan Sherburne, Ken Meyer, Ed Egan.

President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

Nominating: John Larsen presented the following candidates as board members: Marv Erdman,

AIS (replacing Denny Loechler); Tom Watson, Land Use; Ed Egan, Natural Resources; Ken Niehart,

Outreach; and Muffie Davidge, Publicity. John also noted that deputy directors will be appointed to

assist on some of the more active committees. These candidates will be introduced at the annual

meeting on June 6, 2009 and placed in nomination for election to the board.

Minutes: John Larsen/Jim Brandt to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2009 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Jim Brandt/Jack Riordan to approve the report as presented. MSC:

Dave Topinka/John Forney to approve check payments 1757 and 1758, and 1760 through 1769.

By-laws: Proposed changes to the current by-laws were presented by Sandra Melberg. The Board

recommends adoption. The changes will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting on

June 6, 2009.

ROPE: John Forney reported the Corps of Engineers is currently not focusing on this project. Tom

Crump, the officer in charge said there is no new timeline, but felt a revised plan reflecting the many

comments they received should be ready by fall, 2009. Until that time, there will be no changes in

the operating procedures for the Pine River/Whitefish Chain dam.

Dock Position Statement: John presented a draft position statement to be adopted by WAPOA

concerning the regulation of dock configurations. MSC: Sandra Melberg/John Larsen to approve

the position statement as written. The statement will be attached to these minutes as a permanent

record. In addition, it will be sent to the DNR and published on WAPOA’s website.

Shoreland Resolution: Jack Wallschlaeger reviewed the process of updating the statewide

shoreland rules. The review was completed in early April. Several possibilities exist as to the next

step – new rules could be in place by the end of the year, the updated rules could be discarded, or

they may not even be submitted. MSC: Jim Brandt/Ron Meyer to join Minnesota Waters and other

organizations to send a resolution and petition calling for our state’s leaders to implement the

updated rules by the end of 2009.

Program Reviews:

Lake Management: John Forney reported the Comprehensive Whitefish Chain Management

Plan is completed. The Plan will be presented in summary form at the annual meeting. MSC: Dave

Topinka/John Larsen to submit an electronic version to Don Hickman at the Initiative Foundation.

The Plan will also be submitted to Crow Wing County and the cities and townships fronting

Whitefish. We will seek approval from those entities so we have agreement on both the facts about

the Chain and the action steps WAPOA intends to pursue. Copies will also be placed in the area’s

local libraries. As a result of WAPOA’s Lake Management Planning initiative, there has already

been a significant amount of grant seeking activity totaling $35,000. Some of the grants have been


Publicity: The advertising schedule for the season is being prepared.

AIS: Marv Erdman reported that we have received a DNR grant in the amount of $5,800;

$3,600 for a mass mailing and advertising, $2,200 for DNR access monitoring. In addition we have

received matching hours for purchased hours to a total of 364 hours of DNR monitoring. The

mailing will be sent to 5,000 lakeshore owners and will include a cover letter, fact sheet, infested

waters list and DNR Hitchhiker brochure. The watercraft inspection program training will take place

on May 5 and June 9. We have received all but one permission slip (it was received after board

meeting date) to treat for Curlyleaf pondweed at our demonstration site in the Daggett channel.

Pine River Watershed: Ron Meyer reported that a follow-up from the legislative forum in

Walker was held in St. Paul in January. A draft template of the PRWA Management Plan is

complete. A 501c3 designation has been received. The Bungo Creek project has been restarted and

will continue through the summer. Current work is taking place with the MPCA to build a

partnership for water quality monitoring of the entire watershed.

Natural Resources: No walleye project is planned for this year. The Daggett Brook project

has not started but Tom Zeman has expressed an interest in doing something. There is a new contact

at Pequot High School for student volunteer projects. Ron Meyer will meet with the DNR to put

together a summary report of the fish population and progress over the last ten years, particularly

focused on walleyes.

Shoreline Restoration and Education: Dave Fischer reported the shoreland restoration

contest will award two property owners with financial assistance for a shoreland restoration project.

Five runners-up will each receive $100 in native plants. A kick-off meeting is scheduled for May 13

at Ideal Town Hall. We have received a $5,000 grant from Minnesota Waters and Budweiser for

restoration and erosion control on a section of bluff area on Big Island. Volunteers will be needed to

assist on this project. A kick-off meeting is scheduled for May 13 at Ideal Town Hall.

Membership: Dave Topinka indicated our membership count is 855 as of this date. A

follow-up recruitment letter was sent in April and an all-lake mailing will be sent in May.

Community Outreach: A gathering of lake associations and environmental groups will be

held on April 29 at Ideal Community Center. Jack Riordan indicated this is a get-acquainted meeting

to look at and explore the process of working together on common issues and problems and look for

ways to help each other.

Safety and Security: Nothing specific to report. In talking with the Sheriff’s department, Jim

Brandt was told there is no significant increase in crime statistics. Scott Goddard will be in

attendance at our annual meeting and will bring the water patrol boat to display. Water safety and

training classes for youth are scheduled for June 10 and June 22. C&C Boatworks will sponsor these

sessions. An adult class is planned for July 8 to be sponsored by Bertha Boatworks.

Water Quality: The kick-off/training meeting is scheduled for May 4 at the Corps of

Engineers conference room in Crosslake. The first sampling will be on Monday, May 18.

Other Activities: Our annual meeting is scheduled for June 6 at 8:00 a.m. Set-up on Friday, June 5

at 4:30.

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA): John Larsen presented information

concerning this organization’s purpose which is to work with the legislature to enact and strengthen

laws regarding environmental issues. MSC: Ron Meyer/Dave Fischer to contribute a donation from


The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary

Next Meeting: May 28, 2009 at Ideal Town Hall, 2:30 p.m.

WAPOA Board MeetingMay 28 2009

2:30 P.M.Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Jim Brandt, Sandy Melberg, Dave Fischer, Dave Topinka,John Forney, John Larsen, Dick Dietz, Ron Meyer, Jack Riordan, Pat Tweed, Enga Wodziak, DennyLoechler, Darlene Carlson.Directors Absent: None,Others Present: Marv Erdman, Jack Wallschlaeger, Kathe Lemmerman, Ken Niehart, AlanSherburne, Ed Egan, Muffie Davidge. President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. Minutes: MSC: Jim Brandt/Jack Riordan to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2009 meeting. Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Pat Tweed/Dave Fischer to approve the report as presented. MSC: PatTweed/John Forney to approve check payments 1770 through 1784. By-Laws: Additional proposed changes were presented by Sandra Melberg. The Board recommendsadoption. The changes will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting on June 6, 2009. Nominating: John Larsen reported the current committee is disbanding. In 2010 the committee willbe composed of the following members to be elected at the June 6, 2009 annual meeting: Jim Brandt,Chair; Dick Dietz, Ed Larsen, John Larsen, and Dave Topinka. Program Reviews: Lake Management: John Forney reported the Whitefish Chain Comprehensive ManagementPlan has been reviewed by Don Hickman of the Initiative Foundation. Don has indicated he is reallyimpressed with the plan. He has suggested some minor editing and format/style changes. He alsonoted we should work in the future setting metrics for our projects that provide a better measure ofsuccess. John believes the Plan as submitted will be accepted by the Initiative Foundation. TheWAPOA Board extended their thanks and appreciation to John Forney for his leadership on thisproject. Publicity: John Forney presented the advertising schedule for 2009 and noted that PresidentWallschlaeger will be interviewed on KLKS prior to the WAPOA Annual Meeting. AIS: Denny Loechler reported on the activities of the BLAISTF. Boat-check volunteers are atLittle Pelican, Kimble and Pig lakes. Some of the volunteers are working at a canoe access site. GullLake has installed a camera system at an access point. This system is expensive and requires muchmonitoring of the data collection.

WAPOA Board Meeting

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AIS: (Cont’d): Marv Erdman reported that the Curlyleaf pondweed demonstration site wastreated on May 12. The DNR completed a point intercept survey for Little Pine and Daggett.

A DNR grant has been received and will cover the cost of a mass mailing to over 5,000 lakearea residents to include handouts regarding aquatic invasive species, a list of invested lakes, and howto stop aquatic hitchhikers.

The first watercraft inspection training session was held on May 5. Ten people have signedup, including one new volunteer. Marv hopes to recruit additional help at the June 6 Annual Meeting.

Pine River Watershed: The PRWA held its planning meeting on May 19. The primary focus

was to evaluate performance to date and identify future steps to build a sustainable organization. PRWA has submitted a grant request to LCCMR for the completion of the Bungo Creek Project. TheClean Water Partnership funds have been approved and the Pine River Watershed is one of the threetargeted watersheds to receive funds for protection.

Natural Resources: A discussion was held with the DNR to address walleye spawning habitat

issues on Whitefish. The challenge is re-allocation of resources in the DNR to longer-term solutions,like habitat improvement, rather than the present workload. Ron Meyer encouraged everyone tosupport the Run for the Walleye event, because it will be the source of funds for the habitat projects.

Shoreline Restoration and Education: Ed Egan reported four contestants entered the

WAPOA/Initiative Foundation sponsored shoreline contest. Winners will be announced early inJune. There will be one top winner and three runners-up. Judges for the contest were Beth Hippert ofCrow Wing County Soil and Water Conservation District; Phil Hunsicker, Lake Region ProgramDirector for 1,000 Friends of Minnesota; Ashley VerBerg, an intern with 1,000 Friends of Minnesota;Heather Baird, DNR Shoreline Habitat Specialist; and Eleanor Burkett of the UofM ExtensionDepartment. $5,000 will be awarded to the first place winner.

Dave Fischer reported work has started on the Rollies Island project. WAPOA is providing

some materials and volunteer labor. Membership: Dave Topinka reported the following: 963 regular members, 23 business

friends and 5 business sponsors. We are contemplating a membership campaign to the WhitefishChain non-members and applying for a grant through the Crow Wing County Water Board. Dave willcontinue to solicit for business members.

Community Outreach: Ken Neihart reported on the meeting of 15 lake “oriented”

associations, each of whom gave a short presentation about their respective organization. All agreedon the importance of staying in contact. They expressed an interest in using the WAPOA website asan umbrella and use it to link to other postings.

Newsletter: Dick Dietz acknowledged the work of Alan Sherburne with regard to maintaining

the WAPOA website and noted how helpful he has been in the process of posting our newsletter to oursite. The summer newsletter will be sent on June 25.

WAPOA Board Meeting

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Safety and Security: Jim Brandt reminded everyone of the dates of the youth water safety

classes: June 10 and 22; and the adult class on July 8. Water Quality: Darlene Carlson said the first water testing was done on May 18, 2009.

One-half of the lakes look good and the other half are murkier. Ox Lake is looking the best. Nexttesting will be on June 22, 2009.

Events: Enga Wodziak indicated all preliminary to-do items have been completed and/or are

on target for the Run for the Walleye race. This race is scheduled for July 4 starting at theCommunity Center in Crosslake and we expect a very large crowd. The hand-out bags for theparticipants will need to be assembled by the WAPOA Board members on June 25 immediatelyfollowing the Board meeting. Other Activities: President Wallschlaeger reviewed the agenda for the up-coming annual meetingand reminded all in attendance to help with set-up on Friday, June 5 at 4:30 p.m. Judy and otherboard members shared brief comments concerning the Minnesota Waters Conference. Sandra Melberg reminded the board members of the up-coming Antique/Classic Boat ShowRendezvous to be held at Moonlite Bay on July 25, 2009. WAPOA will have a sponsorship displaytable. We will need volunteers to staff the display throughout the day. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary Next Meeting: July 23, 2009 at Ideal Town Hall, 2:30 p.m.

WAPOA Board Meeting

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WAPOA Board Meeting

June 25, 2009

2:30 P.M.

Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Jim Brandt, Sandy Melberg, Dave Fischer, Dave Topinka,

John Forney, John Larsen, Dick Dietz, Ron Meyer, Jack Riordan, Enga Wodziak, Denny Loechler,

Darlene Carlson.

Directors Absent: Pat Tweed

Others Present: Marv Erdman, Jack Wallschlaeger, Ken Niehart, Alan Sherburne, Ed Egan, Gary

Olson, Tom Watson.

President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

Minutes: MSC: Dave Fischer/Jim Brandt to approve the minutes of the May 28, 2009 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Jim Brandt/John Forney to approve the report as presented. MSC:

John Forney/Sandra Melberg to approve check payments 1785 through 1797.

North Central Lakes Cooperative: Marv Erdman reported on the discussions that took place at the

June 24 meeting – aerial photos were taken indicating good and bad dock layouts. The DNR is

looking at requirements for docks, platforms and lifts within a 50 ft wide space. The probability is

that permits will be required for layouts outside of a 170 sq ft. space. Implementation is scheduled

for 2010. Enforcement will be an issue. Public hearings will be scheduled.

Walker Summit: John Forney reported on the Minnesota Waters’ North Central Regional Summit.

Approximately 30 were in attendance from Coalition of Lake Associations, Lake and River

Associations, and Watershed groups. The Summit featured presentations on the statewide shoreland

rule update. Other presentations included Minnesota Waters’ AIS position paper and

recommendations, and a panel from former elected officials to discuss strategies for effectively

working with local and state decision makers.

Land Use: Tom Watson presented a proposal for land use activity involvement by WAPOA. His

proposal outlined priorities and organizing a committee. The proposal also referenced the Crow

Wing County Comprehensive Plan as well as the relationship of cities and townships to

comprehensive planning. MSC: Dave Fischer/Jim Brandt to approve adoption of the proposal as


Program Reviews:

Lake Management: Nothing specific to report. Going forward, applying for grant monies

will be the activity of various groups and committees.

Publicity: Advertising continues in the ECHO and NORTHLAND PRESS, most recently

with emphasis on Grandpa’s Run for the Walleye. John Forney has met with Muffie Davidge to start

the transition of responsibilities for this committee.

AIS: The mass mailing to over 5,000 property owners was sent on June 10. Publicity

regarding AIS has been included in the NORTHLAND PRESS AND LAKE COUNTRY ECHO.

A $20,000 grant request proposal is being presented to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

The proposal will include matches from WAPOA.

The first training for watercraft inspection was held on May 5 followed by a second training on June

9. We have 25 volunteers.

Pine River Watershed: The June meeting included a presentation regarding the Wetlands Bill

which was passed in 2002. Ron attended the MN Waters Summit and has identified three topics for

a Legislative Form II. He has not heard from Mary Olson whether the Ojibwa Tribe will again

sponsor the event. A nominating committee has been created. The PRWPF will begin its discussion

o fund raising at a meeting on June 30.

Natural Resources: A meeting will be held with the local DNR Fisheries office personnel to

introduce Ed Egan and talk about fish populations and DNR activities on Whitefish.

Shoreline Restoration and Education: Dave Fischer reported he has met with Dave O’Brien

(1st place winner in Shoreline Restoration Contest). He has his detailed plan and will start

purchasing supplies. Stick bundling is scheduled for July 20; work to begin on July 22.

The first project on Rollies Island has been completed. Have received additional funds to start a

second project. A grant request proposal is being submitted to the National Fish and Wildlife


Membership: Dave Topinka is building a mailing list to use for distribution of the

Landowners Guide to Lake Stewardship. WAPOA has received grant monies from the Crow Wing

County Water Board for this project.

Community Outreach: Ken Neihart/Jack Riordan: Surveys have been distributed to gather

information on lake issues. Listening sessions will be held in August and September. Ox Lake

residents are interested in forming an association. There continue to be requests for a common

website for lake associations and requests for information on the process of grant requests.

The shoreline restoration project at the Open Gate property looks very good.

Newsletter: The summer newsletter has been sent. Dick Dietz distributed the fall newsletter

schedule along with the proposed topics/page responsibilities.

Safety and Security: Jim Brandt reported the two youth safety training classes have been


Water Quality: Thirty-four lakes were tested. Upper Whitefish was showing very good

results. May testing indications were normal.

Events: Everything is on schedule for the July 4 Grandpa’s Run for the Walleye. Enga is

expecting a large turnout.

Other Activities: President Wallschlaeger reminded everyone about the events scheduled by local

farmers (owners who practice sustainable/organic farming methods which protect water quality) –

July 11 – tour of Mike Sams farm and August 22 – Cass County Farm Bureau Harvest Supper.

Sandra Melberg reminded the board members of the up-coming Antique/Classic Boat Show

Rendezvous to be held at Moonlite Bay on July 25, 2009. WAPOA will have a sponsorship display

table. Board members are requested to staff the site throughout the day. We will have the WAPOA

water quality map on display. In addition we will display various components which endanger the

quality of the water.

The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary

Next Meeting: July 23, 2009 at Ideal Town Hall, 2:30 p.m.

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WAPOA Board MeetingAugust 27, 2009

2:30 P.M.Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Sandy Melberg, Dave Fischer, Dave Topinka, John Larsen, Dick Dietz, Jack Riordan, Denny Loechler, Pat Tweed, Darlene Carlson, Ron Meyer, John ForneyDirectors Absent: Jim Brandt, Enga Wodziak Others Present: Jack Wallschlaeger, Alan Sherburne, Ed Egan, Tom Watson, Pat Hecker, Kathe Lemmerman, Marv Erdman, MJ Schneider, Gary Olson, Sandy Case, Jamie Case, Jerry Fox, Gary Swanson

President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

Minutes: MSC: John Forney/Ron Meyer to approve the minutes of the July 23, 2009 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Sandra Melberg/Darlene Carlson to approve the report as presented. MSC: Dave Fischer/Darlene Carlson to approve check payments 1817 through 1823 and 1826 through 1828... MSC: John Forney/Dave Topinka to adopt the revised budget.

Communications: Received thank you letter from Whitefish Chain Antique Classic Wood Boat show organizers for our participation and sponsorship.

Jim Brandt sent thank you message in response to all our well wishes, gifts, and help to him as he recovers from his recent accident/fall that occurred during maintenance on his house roof. He is currently receiving therapy and care at North Ridge Care Center in New Hope, MN. Program Reviews:

Planning and Zoning: Tom Watson reported on his meeting with Crow Wing County officials in an effort to pursue an effective working relationship with them. Discussion points included the County Comprehensive Plan, the proposed redevelopment of Piney Ridge, the Whitefish Lake Management Plan, and future land use transactions presented to CWC (Tom will be included in the distribution of materials in this regard).

Lake Management Plan: John Forney and Tom Watson and others will be working together to address implementation of the Plan. Tom Watson, Judy and Jack Wallschlaeger have met with the Lakeshore administrators to gather information from them on the implementation of the Lake Margaret Plan.

Dock Regulations: John Forney and Tom Hovey of the DNR continue to stay in touch regarding this issue. The DNR would like to determine the number of residents on the Whitefish Chain and how many are in excess of the regulations. They may consider doing aerial photography.

Publicity: Ad campaign will continue through September and we may print a thank you ad later.

AIS: Marv Erdman has received a couple calls regarding questionable vegetation on the chain. Follow up identification indicated it not to be an invasive species.

As of September 13, the DNR will have completed 600 hours of access monitoring and will continue through the season at no additional cost to WAPOA.

Our proposal to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for a $20,000 grant has been declined.

Dennis Loechler reported that BLAISTF hosted two additional seminars on August 18 and August 24.

Pine River Watershed: Ron Meyer reported the Bungo Creek grant request to LCCMR has been rejected. They will continue to try other avenues of funding.

The Harvest Dinner was held and the evening festivities and presentations were well received. This was a joint venture with the Cass County Farm Bureau and lake association coalitions, which included WAPOA

.Forum II is scheduled for October 2 at Northern Lights Casino in Walker. Topics for

discussion will be septic systems, AIS, and LIDs.

Natural Resources: Ed Egan and Ron Meyer have met with DNR staff to get acquainted and review up-coming projects. It may be that Ed will be working with new staff, based on the number of people who plan to retire soon.

Other items discussed were (1) a habitat project on Thompson Creek. The DNR will use their equipment to open up the area. Material costs will be provided by WAPOA. MSC: Ron Meyer/Dave Topinka to fund up to $3,000 toward this project; funds being released from the Run for the Walleye account; (2) a permit being applied for to dredge a channel into a small bay on Upper Whitefish. The DNR has said no previously, but more pressure is being applied. Ed will follow up on this issue.

Shoreline Restoration and Education: Dave O’Brien’s project (our first place winner in shoreland restoration contest) was completed on August 6. Sarah Dagg’s (second place winner) work was done on August 12. Work on Phase II of Big Island project will occur on Tuesday, September 8. Brush bundles will be built and placed into position. Volunteers are needed.

Grant applications to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the National Fish and

Wildlife Federation were unsuccessful. However, we have been advised the DNR plans to have funds available for restoration projects.

Membership: We have approximately 1,000 members including regular and business sponsors.

Community Outreach: Ken Neihart/Jack Riordan reported that approximately 50 people representing all six lakes were present for the listening session as a follow up to the survey regarding lake issues.

Newsletter: The Fall newsletter is to be sent mid-September.

Water Quality: Darlene Carlson reported the testing for August was completed.

Other Activities: John Forney presented some ideas to the Board regarding additional involvement from WAPOA concerning the Antique/Classic Wood Boat Show. Our displays have been relatively successful to our organization, but perhaps we could be more helpful to the managers of the Show. John will explore this possibility with Dennis Madigan.

A group of residents living near the Upper Hay Lake Creek presented their concerns about water quality and fish spawning issues relating to the creek. A beaver dam has blocked the flow of water. Silt deposits have built up. Many discussion points were presented by the residents and members of the Board. The residents would like the beaver dam destroyed, the creek to be dredged opening up water flow to Lower Hay. Upper Hay Lake has a high phosphorous level and opening up the creek could negatively affect Lower Hay. This creek along with others in our watershed is subject to natural impediments, including beaver dams. No immediate resolutions were presented, however WAPOA Board members will continue to stay in touch with the residents.

The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary

Next Meeting: September 24, 2009 at Ideal Town Hall, 1:00 p.m.

WAPOA Board MeetingSeptember 24, 2009

1:00 P.M.Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Sandy Melberg, Dick Dietz, Pat Tweed, John Forney,John Larsen, Marv Erdman, Martha Davidge, Ed Egan, Ken NiehartDirectors Absent: Jim Brandt, Enga Wodziak, Dave Fischer, Dave Topinka, Darlene Carlson,Tom WatsonOthers Present: Alan Sherburne, Kathe Lemmerman, Gary Olson, Vic Kreuziger, Steve Curry, Ron DeLaHunt, President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Minutes: MSC: John Larsen/Marv Erdman to approve the minutes of the August 27, 2009 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: John Forney/John Larsen to approve the report as presented. MSC: Sandra Melberg/John Forney to approve check payments 1824, 1825; and 1828 through 1838.

Communications: Received thank you letter from Senator Mary Olson for the Landowner’s Guide. Received thank you messages from Jean Erickson (Mrs. Dene Carney) and the Crosslake Parks and Library Foundation for our contribution in memory of Dene Carney. Program Reviews:

Nominating: John Larsen officially welcomed our newly elected directors - Ed Egan, Martha Davidge, Ken Niehart, Marv Erdman and Tom Watson as they begin their term of office.

As chair of the nominating committee, John Larsen placed in nomination the following: Judy Wallschlaeger, President; Dave Fischer, Vice President, Sandra Melberg, Secretary; and Patricia Tweed, Treasurer. This slate was elected unanimously.

Dock Regulations: John Forney spoke to Tom Hovey of the DNR on September 22. The new proposed rules are not moving through the governmental process as fast as anticipated.

Publicity: Ad campaign has been completed.

AIS: Marv Erdman has received the printed report from Professional Lake Management. No Eurasian Water Milfoil has been found, although Curlyleaf Pondweed has been identified in several of the chain lakes.

Natural Resources: Ed Egan will continue to be in touch with the homeowners along Hay Creek. Steve Curry, President of Lower Hay Lake has been in contact with Ed and has expressed his

concern in regards to opening up the creek for greater water flow. Ed and Steve also will remain in contact concerning this issue.

Other Activities: John Forney has met with Dennis Madigan to discuss additional involvement on the part of WAPOA for the Antique Classic Boat Show. For the time being Dennis would like to continue to spearhead this activity. For the time being, WAPOA will not become actively involved in the “management” of the Show.

John Forney reported there is interest building to dredge the Trout Lake/Lower Whitefish channel. There is a valid permit until November 2010 on file with the City of Crosslake. The issues are money and where to put removed material. It is predicted to be a major project. How to raise funding is a priority if this project is to go forward.The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary

Next Meeting: October 22, 2009 at Ideal Town Hall, 2:30 p.m.

WAPOA Board MeetingOctober 22 2009

1:00 P.M.Ideal Town Hall

Directors Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Jim Brandt, Enga Wodziak, Pat Tweed, Marv Erdman, Martha Davidge, Ed Egan, Ken Neihart, Tom Watson, Dave FischerDirectors Absent: Sandy Melberg, Dave Topinka, Darlene Carlson, Dick DietzOthers Present: Alan Sherburne, Jack Wallschlaeger, Gary Olson, Vic Kreuziger, Ron Meyer, Marian Bender, Doug Rhode President Judy Wallschlaeger called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Minutes: MSC: Dave Fischer/Jim Brandt to approve the minutes of the September 24, 2009 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Jim Brandt/Pat Tweed to approve the report as presented. MSC: Pat Tweed/Ed Egan to approve check payments 1839-1849.

Communications: Received thank you letter from Jim and Jackie Brandt. The board welcomed Jim Brandt back from his extended absence due to a fall. Program Reviews:

Natural Resources: Ed Egan met with residents of Upper Hay Lake to look at the congestion issues involving Hay Creek. He will do so again in the spring and update the WAPOA board on the creek conditions regarding walleye spawning. Ed reported on his experience electro-fishing with the DNR. WAPOA will be presented with the 1,000 Friends of Minnesota Award October 28 at the Brainerd Arboretum for our Whitefish lakeshore restoration projects.

AIS: Marv Erdman distributed a chart outlining the WAPOA-led inspections at the various public accesses during the summer of 2009. He indicated that Clamshell Lake had the most data and the need for more inspectors at other accesses.

Pine River Watershed Alliance: Ron Meyer reported on plans to take a new survey and the need to stimulate membership and contributions. Ron has resigned as chair from the PRWA to return to the work force.

Other Activities:Planning commission: Jim Brandt reported on the status of the application of Peaceful

Harbor Mobile Home Park for a change in zoning from Commercial to Residential. For the present it will remain commercial in order to allow the mobile home park to remain as it is. A change would require even more structures to be removed than is now required. There will be a follow-up Planning and Zoning meeting in the summer to finalize the zoning issues.

Crow Wing Power Manganese Mining: Jack Wallschlaeger reported on his site visit and committee meeting relative to the mining operation of Crow Wing Power. He said it appeared to be environmentally responsible and will be monitored as it progresses. They are required to submit an Environmental assessment worksheet in November.

The November meeting will be at Camp Knutson November 19th starting at 9 am. Program directors are reminded to have their 2010 budget plans and reports to Sandy if you need copies made.

The Budget Committee will meet in December to finalize the 2010 budget.

WAPOA is looking for a replacement for our Events Coordinator whose term is ending in 2010. Judy presented an idea to divide this position between WAPOA meetings and events such at the Annual Meeting and Board Dinner and a second position as Coordinator for the Race for the Walleye. We will discuss this further at the annual planning meeting.

Land Use: Tom Watson reported on some requests for variances involving Whitefish Chain properties.

Respectfully submitted: Pat Tweed, Acting Secretary

Next Meeting: November 19 at 9 a.m at Camp Knutson

WAPOA MeetingNovember 19, 2009

9:00 A.M.Camp Knutson

Present: Judy Wallschlaeger, Sandra Melberg, Patricia Tweed, Ed Egan, Dick Dietz, Marv Erdman, Tom Watson, Muffie Davidge, Ken Neihart, Jim Brandt, Dave Topinka, Dave Fischer, Darlene Carlson Absent: Enga WodziakOthers Present: John Forney, Jack Wallschlaeger, Kathe Lemmerman, Ron Meyer

Meeting was called to order by President Judy Wallschlaeger at 9:00 a.m. Immediately following the call to order, President Wallschlaeger received a gift presentation of a gavel from Jack Wallschlaeger.

The Board reviewed the Association issues and successes for the past year: Issues:Water quality apathyRun for the Walleye – need to improveDocksShoreland StandardsLobbying re environmental – local, state, county P&Z lack of consistencyIncreasing membership/fundingNeighborhood WatchAdult boater educationWater plan grant for brochureGet more people to use website

Successes:Lake Management PlanGrants receivedROPEAIS – none yetWatercraft InspectionBoating safety programBungo Creek/PRWAPublicity Shoreline contestWebsiteAdded more lakes to water qualityFish habitat project

2010 Expectations and General Objectives

Improve the political climateConsideration by county to issuesIncrease membership/$$Fund raising personLeader for – Run for the WalleyeContinue/expand water quality monitoring2nd annual shoreline restorationIncrease milfoil inspection and inspectorsThompson Creek projectIf CWP grant received, need volunteersImpact of salt on water qualityTargeting new lakes/joint memberships Training sessionsGrow positive imageOne on one for growing membershipIncrease influence with government entities …. more contact, make it publicIncrease funding- seek grants, fund raisingHow to communicate with area non-WAPOA members

The Board members broke into smaller groups to discuss the following two topics: land use and fundraising. A separate document which incorporates the comments presented will be attached to this file. However, it is important to note the following suggestions were made repeatedly by each separate group: Land Use – consistent enforcement and no exceptions to ordinances; Fund Raising – consider appointing a fund raiser to the association.

Following lunch, the Board convened the regular business meeting.

Minutes: MSC: Jim Brandt/Marv Erdman to approve the corrected minutes of the October 22, 2009 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: MSC: Ron Meyer/Tom Watson to approve the report as presented. MSC: Sandra Melberg/Darlene Carlson to approve check payment numbers 1850-1859.

Communications: Received a thank you from Minnesota Waters for participating in the Legislative Forum II.

Race Coordinator: A candidate has been suggested for the position of Run for the Walleye race coordinator. Judy Wallschlaeger and Jim Brandt will meet with the candidate to present an invitation to join our association.

Action Plans: Each director in attendance presented the following 2010 Action Plans: Water Quality, AIS, Safety and Security, Shoreline Restoration and Education, Natural Resources, Outreach, Lake Management, Membership, Newsletter, Publicity and Administration.

Motions: The following motions were submitted to request grant monies:

MSC: Darlene Carlson/Ron Meyer to submit a grant request to the DNR for AIS (Curlyleaf pondweed) treatment in Little Pine and Daggett lakes.

MSC: Darlene Carlson/Jim Brandt to submit a matching grant request to the Initiative Foundation to treat Curlyleaf pondweed in Little Pine and Daggett lakes.

MSC: Marv Erdman/Dave Topinka to submit an AIS prevention grant request to the DNR, a watercraft inspection grant request to the DNR, and a signage grant request to the DNR.

MSC: Dave Fischer/John Forney to submit a grant request to the DNR and Minnesota Waters for shoreline restoration work.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Sandra Melberg, Secretary

The next meeting will be at 2:30 p.m. on January 28, 2010