Download - January 20 Bulletin


7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 1/15

Season of the Spirit The Second Sunday In Ordinal Time, January 20, 2013

 Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29

 ]É{Ç C A T H O L I C C H U R C H0S 233 Church Street. • Winfield, IL 60190Office 630-668-0918 Fax 630-668-1074



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~ Our Mission Statement ~“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us

to proclaim: ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ - Behold the Lamb of God;

Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Icon is a word which describes a religious picture, which is used to depict the image of God.Today, the word "ICON" is primarily associated with the paintings of Orthodox and Uniad CatholicChurches. Icons have a prominent place in the life and worship of the Church .

The Greek word eikon means "image", and therefore includes all images and representations,whether they be mosaics, frescoes, ivories, paintings on wood panels or illuminated manuscripts. The sig-nificance of the image for the Byzantines differed from the significance it bore in the church of the West.

An icon is meant to be venerated only in as far as it is the "image" or the spiritual counterpart of theprototype which existed in the ideological world. It is not the same in essence, but in meaning. No ven-eration or honor is to be given to the image (or a statue) as an object. As an object it issimply a piece of matter - the honor is paid to the prototype it represents. The honoris the same that is paid to relics, to consecrated things, and to men/women worthyof respect. An icon is a silent sermon, it is the book of the contemplation and itis the memorial of the mysteries of God. In the icon it is the idea that forms thebasis for material expression. It partakes in the sanctity of God, the saint or theholy event it represents who/which is, therefore, worthy of veneration.

The word "ICON" is derived from the Greek "eikon" or from the Copticword "eikonigow" both of which are similar in their pronunciation. The word

icon is used in the Bible in the Old Testament where it says, "Then God said,let us make man in our image..., so God created man in His own image, inthe image of God he created" (Genesis 1:26-27). This word is also used in theNew Testament in the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians, "He is the imageof the invisible God" (Col 1:15).

Historians date the appearance of the iconographic style to the first threecenturies of Christianity. Some archaeologists believe that icons were first popu-lar in people's houses and later began to appear in places of worship, probably atthe end of the 3rd century. By the 4th and 5th centuries A.D. their use was wide-spread. The idea behind the use of icons in the Early Church is due to

   C   H   R   I   S   T  ~   P    A   N   T   I   C   R    A   T

   O   R

   O   N   E   O   F

   T   H   E   O   L   D   E   S   T   R   E   P   R   E   S   E   N   T    A   T   I   O   N

   S   O   F   C   H   R   I   S   T


John the Baptist


7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 2/15



Icono es una palabra que describe un cuadro religioso, que se utiliza para representar la ima-gen de Dios. Hoy en día, la palabra "ICON" se asocia principalmente con las pinturas de las iglesiasortodoxa y católica oriental. Los iconos tienen lugar prominente en la vida y el culto de la Iglesia.

La palabra griega eikon significa "imagen", y por lo tanto incluye todaslas imágenes y representaciones, ya sean frescos, mosaicos, marfiles, pintu-ras sobre paneles de madera o manuscritos iluminados. La importancia de laimagen para los Bizantinos difieren de la importancia que tuvo en la Iglesiade Occidente.

Un icono que está destinado a ser venerada sólo en la medida en que esla "imagen" o la contraparte espiritual del prototipo que existía en el mundoideológico. No es la misma en esencia, pero en su significado. No venera-ción o el honor se debe dar a la imagen (o una estatua) como un objeto. Co-mo un objeto, éste no es más que un trozo de materia - el honor se paga alprototipo que representa. El honor es el mismo que se paga a las reli-

the unique experience the Church faced. Most Christian converts came from pagan cultures andmost of them were illiterate. Many of them had difficulty understanding Biblical teachings andtheir spiritual meanings, as well as the historical events that took place in the Bible and in the lifeof the Church. Therefore, the leaders of the Early Church permitted the use of religious pictures,icons, because the people were not able to assimilate Christianity and its doctrine unaided by vis-ual means. Therefore, these presentations aided the faithful in understanding the new religionand, at the same time, illustrated it. With the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine (307-

337 A.D.) to Christianity, the situation changed radically. The Emperor hastened the triumph of

Christianity over paganism by forbidding idolatry. The statues of the pagan gods were removedfrom the capital. Icons were used to decorate churches and state build-ings. One tradition is that the oldest icon painted was done by SaintLuke, of the Mother of God, on a table top that was made by Christ, ourLady of Czestochowa, sometimes affectionately called the “BlackMadonna”! (see picture) 

Icons were made as tools for prayer or Christian instruction. The rev-erence shown to an icon must be done with the understanding that it isnot the icon or artwork itself we are respecting, but rather the person orevent it portrays. An icon is meant to be a window into the spiritualworld, used to help us contemplate spiritual matters or to put us into a

prayerful frame of mind, as a reminder of events in the Bible, the life ofChrist and the Saints, but never as an object of worship.

Iconographers, before starting work on an icon, make the sign of theCross, pray in silence for the pardon of their own sins and pardon of theirenemies. Fasting and contemplation are part of the tools of the Iconogra-pher. The painting of the icon is to be a constant prayer as if you were working in front of the LordHimself, praying in order to strengthen oneself physically and spiritually, avoiding all useless wordsand praying as much as possible in silence. Pray in particular to the Lord, Mary or the Saint whoseface is being painted. For the Iconographer it is important to keep their mind from distractions andto invited the Lord, the Blessed Virgin, the saint who will be close to them praying interiorly to theLord and ask His Counsel. Striving not to be jealous of your neighbor’s work; his/her success is the

success of the Iconographer. When the icon is finished, thanking God that His Mercy was granted forthe grace to paint the Holy Images. Sometimes pieces of the relics of a saint are ground into thetempera paint that is applied to create the Prayer of the Icon. ….When we pray before “WesternReligious Art” we view the “saint…” as looking out upon us in love. When praying before Icons welook into the eyes of image to the interior of the “saint…” to the depth of God’s love there.

Our Lady of CzestochowaOur Lady of Czestochowa

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quias, a las cosas consagradas, ya de los hombres / las mujeres dignas de respeto. Un icono es unsermón silencioso, es el libro de la contemplación y es el memorial de los misterios de Dios. Enel icono es la idea que forma la base para la expresión material. Se participa en la santidad deDios, el santo o el evento sagrado que representa quien/que es, por lo tanto, digno de veneración.

La palabra "ICON" se deriva del griego "eikon" o de la palabra copto "eikonigow", ambos de loscuales son similares en su pronunciación. El icono de la palabra se usa en la Biblia en el AntiguoTestamento donde dice: "Entonces dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen ..., así queDios creó al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó"  (Génesis 1:26-27). Esta palabra tambiénse usa en el Nuevo Testamento en la Epístola de St. Paul a los Colosenses: "Él es la imagen del Diosinvisible" (Col 1:15).

Los historiadores estiman la aparición del estilo iconográfico de los tres primeros siglos del cristia-nismo. Algunos arqueólogos creen que fueron los primeros iconos populares en las casas de la gente ymás tarde comenzó a aparecer en los lugares de culto, probablemente a finales del siglo tercero. Porlos siglos 4 y 5 de su uso estaba muy extendido. La idea detrás del uso de iconos en la Iglesia Primiti-va se debe a las experiencias únicas que desafiaron a la Iglesia. La mayoría de los nuevos cristianosprocedían de culturas paganas y la mayoría de ellos eran analfabetos. Muchos de ellos tenían dificul-tades para entender las enseñanzas bíblicas y sus significados espirituales,así como los acontecimientos históricos que tuvieron lugar en la Biblia yen la vida de la Iglesia. Por lo tanto, los líderes de la iglesia primitivapermitieron el uso de imágenes religiosas, iconos, porque la gente noera capaz de asimilar el cristianismo y su doctrina sin la ayuda de me-dios visuales. Por lo tanto, estas presentaciones con la ayuda de los fie-les en la comprensión de la nueva religión y, al mismo tiempo, ilustra.Con la conversión del emperador romano Constantino (307-337 AD) al cris-tianismo, la situación cambió radicalmente. El emperador se apresuró eltriunfo del cristianismo sobre el paganismo, prohibiendo la idolatría. Lasestatuas de los dioses paganos fueron retirados de la capital. Los iconosse utilizan para decorar iglesias y edificios estatales. Una tradición esque el más antiguo Icono pintado hecho por San Lucas, de la Madre deDios, en una mesa que fue hecho por Cristo, ….Nuestra Señora de

Czestochowa, a veces cariñosamente llamada la "Madonna Negra"!Los iconos fueron hechos como herramientas para la oración o la instrucción cristiana. La reve-

rencia se muestra a un icono hay que hacerlo con el entendimiento de que no es el icono o gráfico ensí estamos respetando, sino más bien a la persona o evento que representa. Un icono que pretendeser una ventana hacia el mundo espiritual, que se utiliza para ayudarnos a contemplar los asuntosespirituales o para ponernos en un marco de oración de la mente, como un recordatorio de los acon-tecimientos en la Biblia, la vida de Cristo y de los santos, pero nunca como un objeto de culto.

Iconógrafos antes de empezar a trabajar en un icono, hacer la señal de la cruz, rezar en silenciopor el perdón de sus propios pecados y el perdón de sus enemigos. El ayuno y la contemplación sonparte de las herramientas del iconógrafo. La pintura del icono es ser una oración constante como siestuviera trabajando delante del Señor mismo, orando con el fin de fortalecer a sí mismo físicamente

como espiritualmente, evitando todas las palabras inútiles y orar tanto como sea posible en el silen-cio. Reza en particular al Señor, María o el Santo cuyo rostro está pintado. Para el iconógrafo es im-portante para mantener su mente de distracciones y de invitado el Señor, la Virgen, el santo que vaa estar cerca de ellos orando interiormente al Señor y pedir su consejo. Esforzarse por no tener ce-los de trabajo de tu prójimo, su éxito es el éxito del iconógrafo. Cuando el icono está terminado,dando gracias a Dios de que Su misericordia le concedió la gracia de pintar las Imágenes Sagradas.A veces las piezas de las reliquias de un santo se muelen en la pintura al temple que se aplicapara crear la Oración de los iconos. ....Cuando oramos antes de "arte religioso occidental" de verel "santo..." como mirando por sobre nosotros en el amor. Al orar antes de Iconos miramos a losojos de la imagen en el interior del "santo..." para la profundidad del amor de Dios allí.

Nuestra Señorade Czestochowa

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Please Pray For:The Sick; All Those in Nursing Homes, and:

Michael BearyHarold “Bingo” BeschJames Bestler Margaret BirtBrian BurkeJosephine Calalbrese

Goeffrey CallahanClifford ChaseLisa CiceroFr John Coleman, O. Carm.

Kathy Connor Jewel Ann CurtisCheryl CzepielPatricia DahleenMsgr. John DoltonJoann EggebrechtFr. Herb EssigMary Felder Patrocinia FernandezJohn Flanigan, Jr.Gary Gillmeister 

Dawn GrantDestin GreenLori GreggJennifer HammerschmidtRich HarwoodJohn Heitzler Joy HenczelMary KalitzkyCarter Kettner Bernie KlemendtFrank KrauseKorrin KuprisRose Marie LambertJohn LechowiczDeloris LewandowskiNancy LidenLaurie LinkeSandra LinkeBeth MajerczykUrsula Makowijczuk

John MalteseLinda MarczewskiTheresa MarklThomas MarzianiJan MastersMarcy Morken

Becky NealJohnny NealRosella NilandAlex NovakLesley (Tobin) NygaardJudy PakulaJosie PasciakBane PetrovCathy Enders PossElly RansumMary RauchAlicia RicciardiCooper RojasCharles Roloff Katherine Rose

Casmir RutaEdward SalekLillian SalekGeorge SarlittoSven SegerlundBea SerwachJohn ShannonCathy SlipkevychChuck SnailRosemary SumangRose SzczepaniakMary TarchalaVirg TobinPaul VasichWilliam WhiteFr. Henry WilkeningLexie YoungbergLarry Zengri

Please Pray for those who defend

our Nation,those who

serve inActive Duty

Pvt James Luigi Akin A1C Francis Beifuss

Lt John BergSgt Melissa Brooker 

Lt Deandra CarboneCMR Nicholas Carbone

Pvt Timothy ConleySgt Andrew Fairbairn

Pv2 Nicholas GormanSgt Pamela Gray A1C Seth Kelley

Senior Airman Felicia K.McDonald

GSMC (SW/SS) Timothy A.Newell

Maj Michael O’DonnellLt Col George Pohlmann

 A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez AN Michael SchieveCaptain Jim Smolucha

Captain Mike SmoluchaSPC Thomas Stanhope

SSgt Mark Trygar SrA Sarah Trygar 

 ABHAA Robert Twohill

Sacrificial GivingWe are ever grateful for your loving gener-osity and sharing in the Ministries of Servingthe Lord here at St. John the Baptist.

Parish Collections

Week of December 30, 2012:$26,991.48*

(*Total doesn’t include Christmas. That amountwill be available in a later bulletin.)

“The Lord Loves a Cheerful Giver! (2 Corinthians 7:9)

Christian Service


As a Parish Community we express ourdeepest gratitude for God’s Gift ofChristian Service

to us as we salute:

Carol Connors 

For her countless hours of dedication andgenerosity to Saint John the Baptist Church

and Community!

Confession Schedule

Horario de Confesiones

The schedule for the priestshearing Confessions is:

El horario para los Sacerdotespara los Confesiones:

Saturdays January 26, 20133:30 p.m.: Fr. Tom CargoFebruary 2, 20133:30 p.m.: Fr. Thomas Theneth, CMI

Please keep in your prayers the wonderful young men of our Parish who are studying for the Priesthood for the DioceseDiocese

of Jolietof Joliet: 

Shaun Cieslik 

University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary

James Malik 

St. Meinrad’s Seminary

and for the Diocese of Santa FeDiocese of Santa Fe

Bill Burke

Pontifical College Josephinum

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Scripture Readings  for this Week  

Monday Heb 5:1-10 Ps 110:1-4

Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday Heb 6:10-20 Ps 111:1-2,4-

5,9,10c Mk 2:23-28Wednesday 

Heb 7:1-3, 15-17 Ps 110:1-4Mk 3:1-6

Thursday Heb 7:25-8:6 Ps 40:7-10,17

Mk 3:7-12

Friday  Acts 22:3-16 Ps 117:1-2

Mk 16:15-18


2 Tm 1:1-8 Ps 96:1-3,7-8a, 10Mk 3:20-21

Sunday Neh 8:2-4a,5-6,8-10 Ps 19:8-

10,15 1 Cor 12:12-30Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Mass Schedule and Intentions for the Week  Requested By: 

 Saturday, January 19 , 20138:30 a.m. Mike McPheters Joan Lukasch

5:00 p.m. Annie Reilly Kevin & Margaret WalshHolly Nelson Rich & Mary Hendrian & FamilyFred Wilkinson Claire WilkinsonRichard P. Flynn The Altimari Family Alfrieda Szafraniec Donna & Lee BuchholtzMarie Jesukaitis Connie Jesukaitis & Family

 Sunday, January 20, 2013-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time7:30 a.m. Terry Rieck Knights of Columbus

9:30 a.m. Lillian & Stanley Koladycz Bill & Donna Gioia

11:30 a.m. Mass for the Parishioners

1:30 p.m. Maximo & Antonia Blanco 

 Monday, January 21, 2013-Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday7:30 a.m. Michael McPheters Charles & Jane Snail

Tuesday, January 22 , 20137:30 a.m. Edmund “Tony” DaRosa St. John the Baptist

1:40 p.m. (School Mass) - Daniel Richardson Laura Piekarski

Wednesday, January 23, 20137:30 a.m. Leon Gabriel The Gabriel Family

Thursday, January 24, 20137:30 a.m. Bernard Halling Charles & Jane Snail

Friday, January 25, 20137:30 a.m. Irene M. Delestowicz Dorothy Kraska

 Saturday, January 26, 20138:30 a.m. Mike McPheters Mary & Jim Rieck

5:00 p.m. Tom Stark Jim & Marianne RussellPatti Bentley Mike BentleyToni Lawrentz Claire WilkinsonRichard P. Flynn The Altimari FamilyJoAnn Bannister Jack Bannister Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Hidalgo (Living/40th Wedding Anniversary)

Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Hidalgo  

 Sunday, January 27, 2013-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time7:30 a.m. John J. & Kathleen Dooley Mary L’Hotta

9:30 a.m. Timothy Liv Virginia Taylor 11:30 a.m. Selene Miller Religious Education Catechists 

1:30 p.m. Mass for the Parishioners

UâÄÄxà|Ç U|àá In today’s second reading, St.Paul makes a list of gifts dis-

pensed to members of the Chris-tian community by the Holy Spirit.Each gift bestowed has a specificpurpose for the person for whomit is intended: wisdom, knowl-edge, faith, healing, mightydeeds, prophecy, discernment,tongues, and interpretation. Goodstewards know these gifts are notmeant to be kept hidden by therecipient but to be shared withthe community and beyond. As webegin a new year, let us reflect onthe gift the Holy Spirit has givento each of us. Do we recognizethis gift? How was it intended thatwe use this gift? Are we beinggood stewards of the gifts?

Mass Music Schedule/January 

Saturday, 5:00 p.m. - Contemporary Ensemble

Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - Classic Ensemble

Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - Adult Choir 

jÉÜÄwã|wx `tÜÜ|tzx XÇvÉâÇàxÜ  Jesus worked his first public miracle at the wedding

feast in Cana. Jesus produced an overabundance of wine which many believe symbolizesthe overabundance of grace Jesus gives to the couples in the sacrament of matrimony.We have more grace than we could ever need available to us, no matter what circum-stances we face and all we have to do is call out to our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ. Al-low God to strengthen, renew, rekindle and even transform your marriage sacrament.Attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on February 15-17, 2013. Con-tact Tim and Pat Doyle, 630-577-0778 or visit our website at: 

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8:30 a.m. Friday Morning 

Mass during Lent, 

In Addition to the Daily 

7:30 a.m. Mass 

In remembrance that our Lord died

on a Friday, during the Fridays ofLent we will be having a Mass onFridays at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel.The Friday dates are:

Friday, February 15, 2013 Friday, February 22, 2013 Friday, March 1, 2013 Friday, March 8, 2013 Friday, March 15, 2013 Friday, March 22, 2013

VOCATION PRAYER CALENDARPlease remember these men and women in your daily prayers –Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religiousin the Diocese of Joliet  

14 Srs. Arlene Ashack, Maria Bierer, Marietta Brummel,Marguerite Caulfield, Elizabeth Crotty, Mary AlfredGuillard, Lorna Hays, Irene Howell IBVM15 Dcns. Michael McGuire, David Meador, John Mele,Genero Mempin, Dale Metcalfe, Robert Miciunas, LarryMigliorata, Kenneth Miles16 Frs. Stanley Drewniak & Stephen Eickhoff 17 Shaun Cieslik (Seminarian)18 Frs. John Driscoll & John Ducaji19 Bishop Joseph L. Imesch20 Srs. Margaret Ivers, Rosemary Lynch, Mary Madigan,Barbara Nelson, Jean Okroi, Christa Parra IBVM21 Frs. Robert Duda & James Dvorscak22 Dcns. William Nijm, Thomas O’Connell, JosephO’Connor, Charles Pistorio, Edward Ptacek23 Srs. Theresa Fix IHM – Krystna Kosakowska, TeresaLawicka MSHF – Libby Dahlstrom, Mary Martin O.Carm24 James Connelly (Seminarian)25 Thomas Dunn (Seminarian)

26 Srs. Mary Vianney Dinh, Jeanne Francis Haley, AnnMcCartney, Theresa Marie Pfeffer O.Carm27 Srs. Raphael Schmitz O.Carm – Patricia Dolan, JoanFenton, Loretta Glanz, Grace Henneberry OP28 Srs. Mary D. O’Connor, M. Catherine Rice, Peter 

 Anthony Schulte OP29 Frs. Matthew Edassery & Herbert Essig30 Mark Armamentos (Deacon Candidate)31 Frs. Kevin Farrell & Thomas Fleming

Please pray for 

 Joyce Milder who passed away on

January 6, 2013.Our sympathies are extended to

her husband, Clem,to her son, Jim (Annie) Milder and to her daughter, Julie(Perry) Bump, and to the rest of her children and family

and friends.

Please pray for 

William F. SinonWho passed away on

January 5, 2013.Our sympathies are extended tohis daughter, Jeanne O’Connor,

and to his whole family.


Annual Spring Bazaar

February 23-24, 2013

Vendors from St. John’s parish - some

spaces are available!

The CCW from St. John’s in Winfield will sponsor

their Annual Spring Bazaar on Saturday, February

23rd from 10:00am – 6:30pm and Sunday February24th from 8:00am – 1:30pm. Featured items include

Home Baked Goods, Food and Kitchen products and

Hand Crafted Fashion and Home Accessories. Addi-

tionally, representatives will be selling products and

taking orders from home, kitchen, books, cosmetic

and jewelry companies. We expect to have over 30


Vendors -for information to rent a table call

Judy at 630-462-0844 or

Sheila at 630-668-2494. 

The Traveling Madonna of St. John’s

The Traveling Madonna is a ministrywhich seeks to promote the Holy Ro-sary. We are looking for families to ac-cept the Statue of the Blessed VirginMary into their home for one week. AKnight will bring the statue to your homeand if desired, pray the Rosary with

your family. A Knight will return the followingSaturday to pick up the statue. If you are inter-ested in becoming a host of the Traveling

Madonna please contact: Vince Kelley, 630-293-4541, Knights of Columbus

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The 2013 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal begins with a mailing that many of our parishioners have received or will soon receive. This is a mailing from Bishop Conlon asking for a pledge to the 2013 Catholic Ministries Annual  Appeal.

The Appeal not only funds many of the operations of the diocese, it funds services that are of great help to the minis-tries here in our parish. For example, funds support our three seminarians: Shaun Cieslik, James Malik and Bill

 Burke. They also support the Religious Education program, Ministers of Care, Grief Support, and Marriage Prepara-tion.

This year, the theme of the Appeal is “The Lord Sustains His People.” The Lord sustains each of us in many ways. His life, death and resurrection were all gifts to each of us. He gives us all that we have. He gave us our Church. That

Church, through our parish, our diocese, and throughout the world offers us not only spiritual but many other formsof sustenance.

God never forgets us. Even when we believe that our successes are self-made, it is His love that sustains each of us. He is always giving to us. His grace is always there for us. One way that we can show our gratitude is by offering our generous financial support to our parish and to our diocese and to the Church throughout the world. The gifts we

 give enable ministries, education, and services that touch thousands of lives.

Our parish goal is $93,147.00. With your support, we can reach and exceed this goal. Please answer Bishop Conlon’s

request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in 10 monthly installments. Thank you in advance for  your support.

ctÜ|á{ fàtyy  Rev. Tom Cargo, Pastor 

Rev. Thomas Theneth, CMI, Associate

 Aaron Simpson, Business Manager, ext. 603Maureen Brennan, Director Religious Education

Chris Strong, Adult Education Coordinator & Youth Minister 

 Adrienne Rose, Music Director 630-653-1489

Catherine Kos, Principal St. John the Baptist School0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190

Phone: 630-668-2625 Fax: 630-668-7176

Deacons Assisting Us from other ParishesDeacon William Nijm - from

Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard

Keep St. John the Baptist Parish in mindwhen doing your estate planning.

Position Open at St. John the Baptist Parish Office 

St. John the Baptist Church is seeking an accountant for their Finance Office. The accountant will be responsible formaintaining and managing the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll functions. A bache-lor’s degree with emphasis in accounting with several years accounting experience is required. Knowledge of ac-counting software (ParishSoft a plus) and MS Word, Excel and Publisher are essential tools of the position. Must havegood verbal and written communication skills and be a practicing Roman Catholic. This is a full time, benefitted posi-tion. An occasional evening meeting may be required. Qualified candidates should contact the parish office at 630-668-0918, x600 for more information.

Catholic Charities Benefits from “First Look for Charity”Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, along with17 other charities, will benefit from First Look for Char-ity, the official kick-off to the Chicago Auto Show. Theblack-tie event will be held on Friday, February 8th atMcCormick Place from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Guests whopurchase tickets through Catholic Charities will enjoyan incredible evening on the showroom floor, com-plete with champagne and hors d’oeuvres fromaround the world, and entertainment including Mil-

lion Dollar Quartet and American English. Guests willalso be treated to all the amenities of the Catholic

Charities Hospitality Suite including private coatcheck, open bar, incredible food, free portrait pho-tography, hot coffee and warm cookies as you de-part for the ride home. Plus, when you purchase tick-ets and attend the event, you are automatically en-tered to win a new car! Tickets are $250 each andare available at or by call-ing 815-724-1140.

 Next week we will take up the Collection  for the Church in

Central and Eastern Europe. This Collection supports Catho-lic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train semi-narians in a region still struggling in the aftermath of atheisticSoviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and aid,your donations help restore the strength of the Church in theregion. Please give generously to the Collection next week.Visit (search “Church in Central and EasternEurope”) to learn more.

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St. John’s University

Continuing education for people to discover more

about their Faith

 Everyone is welcome and encouraged to make any class that they can. Classes are in Sebahar Hall on designated Thursdays at 7 p.m unless noted.

Grace, Addiction and Mental Health Jan. 24

Let’s take a look at the importance of grace as people deal with mental health and/or addictions.Saints and Icons Jan. 31This class will combine stories of the saints with their Eastern Orthodox paintings.

Christianity and Hinduism Feb. 7The similarities of Hinduism and Christianity will be examined. There will be a special emphasis on the similar mystic traditionsin both faiths.

Christianity and Buddhism – Feb. 14Buddhism is a religion without a God, however, Christianity and Buddhism have many things in common. Come find out why so

many Christian theologians try to bridge the gap of these two ways of life

Great Christian Thinkers – Feb. 21 We’ll look at some of the most famous Catholic Theologians and examine why their great

thoughts can inspire a greater faith.

Retreat for Men- Feb. 22 This is a retreat by Chris Strong in union with Mayslake Ministries. It will be an overnight at the Dou- ble Tree Suites in Downers Grove.

Grief and Healing presented by Amy Florian – Feb. 26 Come listen to the world famous voice on grief. 

Do you have ques-

tions about your 



Do you want to tell

someone about

your faith?

Let’s get together andhave a talk and share

the faith ina comfortable environ-

ment.These are free ses-

sions, please e-mail toschedule.

Chris Strong –

[email protected]


WHAT IS GOD CALLING ME TO DO?As we begin a new year, it is a good time for us to consider our vocation in

life. Whether one is being called to the priesthood, religious life, marriage or

the single state; we need to ask God for His guidance and help to determinewhat He is calling us to do. While we often focus our efforts in discerning vo-

cations to the priesthood and religious life, every vocation is a gift from God

and part of His plan for His holy Church.

May God’s grace fill you and may we all prayerfully support one another in

our quest to discern or more deeply live our chosen vocation that we might

fulfill God’s plan for our lives and do His will.

Happy New Year as we grow in love of God and one another.

Thank you for your continued support of the Vocations Ministry.

Helping Those in Need During these tough economic times, St. VincentDePaul Society invites you again to remember theneedy persons and families in our parish and in thegreater Winfield community by using the monthly St.Vincent de Paul contribution envelope that appears inyour regular envelope packet...or by making a contri-

bution in the Poor Box in the narthex of the Church by the back win-dow. Remember, any contributions you make by check are tax de-ductible.

Sunday,January 20 Donuts after Mass andNew Parish-ioner SignUp in Sebahar Hall after 7:30and 9:30 a.m.

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CATHOLICS FOR LIFE   "... a great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the

world .. “ (Pope John Paul II) 

This week, most of us can't travel to Washington for the March for Life, but we do have a way to come together to praywith others to mark the tragic anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision forty years ago that legalizedabortion through all nine months of pregnancy in our country. Since then, our nation has endured the deaths of 55 millionunborn infants and innumerable parents have suffered deep regret for their often uninformed, irreversible decisions.Please pray for an end to the violence of abortion and the protection for all unborn human persons in the womb, for theparents who have aborted their children to know God's love and forgiveness, for conversion of the clinic staff who per-form abortions, and for our nation to be healed.

Attend Mass on Tuesday, January 22. The U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has named January 22 as "a day of  penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life."  

Join the "Respect Life Rosary" in St. John's parish Chapel this Tuesday, January 22, at 7:00 a.m., followed by Massat 7:30 a.m. (This Rosary for Life is prayed every Tuesday prior to the 7:30 a.m. daily Mass.)

Spend time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration in the parish Chapel on Tuesday anytime between 8 a.m. until 7:30a.m. Wednesday (and on the First Friday of each month from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.)

Participate in the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on Tuesday, January 22, at Christ theKing Parish, Lombard. 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.-- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary for Life; 6:00 to 6:50 p.m.--Sacrament of Penance; 7:00 p.m.--Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Attend the annual Interdenominational Prayer Service for Life on Tuesday, January 22, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth

Seton Church located at 2220 Lisson Road in Naperville, sponsored by Naperville Christians for Life. Representativesfrom many Naperville ChristianChurches will participate. You are in-vited to join in prayer and song as weremember the victims of abortion over the past 40 years and pray for an end tothis tragedy. " And whoever receives onechild such as this in my name receivesme." Matthew 18:5  

"Let us therefore discover anew the hu-mility and the courage to pray and fast so that power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit: the

walls which conceal from the sight of somany of our brothers and sisters the evil of practices and laws which are hostileto life." (The Gospel of Life, Pope JohnPaul II)

Bulletin Advertiser

of the Week

Winfield Family Dentistry- 

General Dentistry 

Please support those whohelp us

finance ourBulletin through their

weekly advertisements!

7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 10/15

On February 9, 2013, St. John the Baptist School will proudly host the St. Johnthe Baptist “Sweet Taste of Success” Gala. The SJB Gala is a great way tocelebrate Valentine’s Day. There is no need to hassle with finding the right res-taurant or fighting for a reservation. We’ve got the perfect venue for you.

Our theme of roses and chocolates will create the perfect setting for Valentinefun. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and plenty of sweet treats. Celebrate with live

music from the popular Vital Signs band. The evening events will also includelive and silent auctions with proceeds benefiting St. John the Baptist School.

Becoming a sponsor, donating an auction item and attending the event are a fewof the ways you can help this year. You can register by visiting our website at Donated items can be droppedoff at St. John the Baptist School. You can also contact Julie Cibulskis at630-363-7073 or [email protected] with any questions. 

Thank you in advance for your support!

 Youth Ministryat St. John’s

Come join us for faith, funand friends.

We meet every other weekin the church office building.

The next meetings areSundays, Jan. 20 and Feb. 3

From 6:30-8 p.m.(for High Schoolers)

Please come or contactChris Strong

at [email protected]

Attn: 5th Graders and Above

Altar Serving Training, 5 Consecutive Evenings

When: Monday through Friday, January 21, 2013– January 25, 2013

Time: 6:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m., each night

Where: Church

Question? Contact Tom Fallon, 630-533-0477


We shared wonderful moment of “JOY” on January 8th at the1:40 p.m. Children’s Mass.

We had the “Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Family” with ourThird Grade Teacher, Kristy White, as well as the Third Grade andKindergarten Children in the Sanctuary. We celebrated the Birth ofOur Lord. It was especially touching as our “New Baby Jesus” statuethat is found in the front of Church was passed around to the Chil-dren to see up close and to see the children hold our Lord and someof them kiss Him.

We invite all to join our children’s Masses that are held on mostTuesdays at 1:40 pm (check the bulletin to make sure we have it onthe week you wish to attend).

Sweet Sunday Weekend!Which parish has the best 7th graders in all of DuPage County? That would

be our 7th graders! Why you ask? They are the teens coordinating and

sponsoring and baking for Sweet Sunday Weekend!

The weekend, February 9/10, 2013 will be Sweet Sunday Weekend at St.

John the Baptist Parish! All proceeds from the Sweet Sunday Weekend bake sale will go di-

rectly into Catholic Charities’ MEND fund, “Meeting Emergency Needs with Dignity.” The

MEND fund helps families in our neighborhood and parish by providing basic needs like

food and rent assistance. Let’s show our support of our teens and Catholic Charities’ MEND

fund and make our bake sale the sweetest ever.

7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 11/15

Discover the difference a 

St. John the Baptist education makes


To arrange for a tour and for more

information, please contact:

Teri Hardesty

(630)668-2625, ext. 618

St. John the Baptist Catholic School

0S259 Church Street

Winfield, IL 60190


January 27, 2013

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


November 28, 2012

7:00 p.m.


Prospective Families

January 28, 2013

8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

  Preschool and KindergartenJanuary 27, 2013

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.*

(*Following our 9:30 a.m. Mass)

Catholic Education Foundation Scholarship Deadline Set for March 1Did you know that the Catholic Education Foundation(CEF) annual Scholarship Campaign helped provideover $1.6 million in scholarships this year for over 1500qualified grade school and high school students? Thisyear the CEF provided $10,500.00 in financial aid to

students at St. John the Baptist School and$106,000.00 to students at St. Francis High School. Fi-nancial aid applications are now being accepted for stu-dents in the Catholic grade schools and high schoolswithin our Diocese. Visit our website to complete anonline financial aid application or ask the school officefor information.

 [email protected]

Ultra Foods Ultra Foods is invitingour parish to take part in Ultra’s SmartShopper Program, an Educational Re-bate Program that generates cash backto our school for educational needs.It’s easy! Shop our local Ultra Food store from September 27,2012 through January 27, 2013. Save your register receipts anddrop them in the specially marked depository box located in thenarthex or the school office. At the end of the program, ourschool will receive a check for 5% of that total back to ourschool. Be an Ultra Smart Shopper. . . It’s a great way to savemoney and earn extra dollars towards education.

It’s Really “Wise”to Join Ultra FoodsSmart Shopper Program

7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 12/15

 fÅtÄÄ V{Ü|áà|tÇ VÉÅÅâÇ|à|xá  Anyone interested in joining a smallChristian community, please contactPat Schopp, 630-836-1283.

[tä|Çz fâÜzxÜçR Whether you will be hospitalized for afew days or whether your surgery issame-day surgery, give one of our priests a call PRIOR to your surgery,

so that anointing can be given at atime when you are less stressed. Askone of the priests following Mass, or call the parish office at 630-668-0918,ext. 600, and set a time to come inBEFORE your surgery for anointing.

VxÇàÜtÄ WâÑtzx [ÉáÑ|àtÄ  Our priests are always available tomake hospital visits. However, youor a family member must notify theSt. John’s parish office of theconfinement in the hospital. Also,remind the hospital that the name of the patient must be shown on thevisitation sheet which is given to thepriest when he makes his calls. Wewant to make sure our parishionersneeds and requests are met, soplease remember this when enteringthe hospital.

[ÉÅxuÉâÇw  If you, or a parishioner you know, ishomebound and wishes to receivecommunion, please call the parishoffice at 630-668-0918, Ext. 600, andwe will pass your name to thecoordinator for Homebound Ministry.

fàA ]ÉáxÑ{ à{x jÉÜ~xÜ Employment Ministry:Providing practical and spiritualguidance to men and women in jobtransition in this global marketPhone: (630) 858-5587Fax: (630) 344-0963Website:

fàA i|ÇvxÇà wx ctâÄ fÉv|xàç Want to find some great bargains?Then shop at the St. Vincent de PaulStores. The nearest one is in down-town West Chicago, at 213 Main Street.There you’ll find a broad selection of 

carefully selected quality clothing andmerchandise offered at unbeatableprices. Moreover, your support will helpthe St. Vincent de Paul Society minister to our brothers and sisters in need.

Thank you for helping us help others.

Vtà{ÉÄ|v \ÇÖâ|Üç XäxÇ|Çzá  Anyone interested in becomingCatholic, please call the parish officefor information, 630-668-0918, ext.600.

ctÜ|á{ exz|áàÜtà|ÉÇ New Parishioner Registrations are heldin Sebahar Hall (lower level of theChurch) generally following the 7:30 &9:30 a.m. Masses. Upcoming sched-uled dates are as follows:

† Sunday, January 20, 2013† Sunday, February 17, 2013We look forward to your attendanceand to officially welcome you into our 


UtÑà|áÅ cÜxÑtÜtà|ÉÇ \ÇáàÜâvà|ÉÇá Baptism Preparation Classes can bescheduled before your baby is born, butnewborns are welcome, too! It is sug-gested that parents and godparentsattend class several months in advance.

Godparents are to be practicing Catho-lics and are required to attend the Bap-tism preparation class. To make an ap-pointment for a monthly class, pleasecall the parish office:630-668-0918, Ext. 600. 

jxww|Çz \ÇyÉÜÅtà|ÉÇ Getting married? Give us a ring...pleasecontact one of the parish priests as soonas you become engaged and at least sixmonths before the wedding date.Catholics need to be attending churchevery Sunday.

Xtáç jtç gÉ [xÄÑ bâÜ fv{ÉÉÄ4 Order or renew magazine subscriptionsand St. John’s school receives 40%profit! Go to and enter St. John’s code: 425005654.

Order all your favorite magazines, mu-sic, and books on line—anytime! Ques-tions, call 1-800-678-2673.

TÇÉà{xÜ Xtáç jtç gÉ [xÄÑ bâÜ fv{ÉÉÄ„ VÄ|Ñ UÉå gÉÑá4 Please drop off your clipped Box Tops inthe entryway to the parish office. There isalways a collection box there. All profitsare benefitting programs for St. John the

Baptist school. Questions, call Robin Haf-ertepe @[email protected]

i|á|à bâÜ ctÜ|á{ jxuá|àx? for:

Copy of the bulletin

Ministries Schedule 

_Éáà tÇw YÉâÇw  If you lost an item in any of the parishbuildings, please check the Lost andFound basket in the entry way to the

parish office.

ctÜ|á{ VtÄxÇwtÜ For upcoming St. John the Baptist Parishevents and meeting dates please see theon line calendar at: www.stjohnwinfield.orgor the monthly calendar on the kiosk of thenarthex of the Church.

UâÄÄxà|Ç TÜà|vÄxá Submissions to the bulletin are due bynoon on Thursday, 10 days prior tothe Sunday on which you wish thearticle to appear. (Holidays may changedue dates for articles because of publish-ing demands). Articles are run no morethan twice (no exceptions) in the bulletin.Include the name and phone number of the person submitting the article. Pleaseemail as an attachment using MicrosoftWord or Publisher, please do not includearticle in the body of the email. Photo-graphs should be in black and white. Email to: [email protected] [email protected].

câÄÑ|à TÇÇÉâÇvxÅxÇàá Pulpit announcements are limited andmust be submitted with a contact nameand phone number, by 9 a.m. onTuesday prior to the Sunday you wish

the announcement made. No additions,deletions or changes without pastor’sacknowledgement.

The parish office has final approvalon all bulletin articles and pulpit an-nouncements.

Please do not place items on thekiosk or bulletin boards withoutprior approval of the parish office.

cÜtçxÜá Éy à{x Yt|à{yâÄ  If you or someone in your family is sickand would like to be mentioned in thePrayers of the Faithful, please call theparish secretary at 630-668-0918 ext.600, to add or delete names on the list.Names will automatically beremoved, after 1 month, unlessrenewed.

`táá \ÇàxÇà|ÉÇá The Mass Book for 2013 is open toreceive Mass intentions. Please stopby the Parish Office to schedule your intentions.

Youth Ministry 

For information, contact Chris Strong [email protected]

2013 Meeting Schedule. All meetingsare 6:30p-8p in the Youth Room abovethe garages at the parish offices.

1/20; 2/3; 2/17; 3/3;3/17; 3/24; 4/7; 4/21; 5/5;5/19; 6/2; 6/9; 6/23

Tutors Needed for 1st-8th GradeVolunteers are needed to help chil-dren in First Grade through EightGrade who are strugglingin school. Please call Tom Mastersonat 630-653-4818

7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 13/15

  fàA ]É{Ç à{x UtÑà|áà Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Phone: 630-668-0918 ~ Fax: 630-668-1074Email: [email protected]


Mass Schedule Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m.

Saturday: 8:30 a.m., 5 p.m. Vigil Mass for Sunday,Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. - Español

Holy Day of ObligationVigil 7 p.m., Holy Day 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 7 p.m.

When the Grade School is in Session, instead of the 8:30 a.m. Mass,Mass will be celebrated at 1:40 p.m. - all are invited

ReconciliationSaturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Eucharistic AdorationEvery Tuesday from 8 a.m. until

7:30 a.m. on Wednesday& First Friday of each month

from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Baptisms1st Sunday of the Month

First Baptism Rituals starting atthe 11:30 a.m. Masssee further information in Bulletin

(Up to Three Baptisms per Service)

Secretaria HispanaPara hablar con la secretaria hispana,

llame al Rosa Benavides, extensión 601Lunes, Martes, Jueves8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.

Visit our parish website, for:Copy of the bulletin & Ministries Schedule 

Going On Vacation?  To find a church and Mass times in the area where youwill be vacationing go to

7/29/2019 January 20 Bulletin 14/15

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