Download - January 13, 2007. Migrant’s Foundation - Italian emigrants living overseas - Italians not…

Page 1: January 13, 2007. Migrant’s Foundation  - Italian emigrants living overseas  - Italians not…

January 13, 2007

Page 2: January 13, 2007. Migrant’s Foundation  - Italian emigrants living overseas  - Italians not…

Migrant’s Foundation

 - Italian emigrants living overseas

- Italians not living in their place of origin

- foreign immigrants and refugees

- Rom and Sinti nomads

- people living in circuses - people working in maritime and air travel.

The Migrant’s Foundation is a Catholic-inspired organism promoting welcoming attitudes towards immigrants and the valorisation of their identity in the community

The activity of the Foundation is directed towards :

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In the main hall for World Migrant Day 2007

Main theme : the family , parable of communion in diversity

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Sara Vatteroni introduces the theme of the meeting

Family home = place where different individuals live together , collaborating with mutual respect

Talking about the family helps understand the problems related to migration

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Group work :

what “family” means to us

how we relate to others in the family

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A speaker for each group illustrates the ideas written up on large sheets of card

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Positive aspects of the family Sexual relationship


Happiness → family unity , complicity

Mutual exchange of knowledge (parents-children , children-parents )

Negative aspects of the family Lack of freedom

Acceptance of responsibility

Lowering of lifestyle due to economic needs

Risk of divorce

Need to sacrifice your career (especially for women)

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Iman Koudsi explaines the family according to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed :

Fundamental pillar of society

It’s essential that children respect their parents , take care of them in their old age and speak to them with respect

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Clara Zanon, explaines the family according to Protestant thinking :

family and sexuality are part of God’s good creation

matrimony is not a sacrament , although two believers can ask to be blessed in church , and for this reason may divorce and remarry

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children are the nucleus of the family

besides economic sustenance , love and affection , rules and good manners are needed

parents must teach children to understand what is essential in life

Luca Bontempi tells us about the family according to Catholic faith and about his own experience :

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Ivonne Tonarelli tells us about the concept of the family in circensian people

( travelling with a circus ) :

It is indispensable as it is the only stable point of reference

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Our Impressions

Negative aspects :

not dealing with the difficulties immigrants meet

no focus on the problems immigrants bring

Positive aspects :

educational and interesting day

better understanding into what people from different cultures think

working in groups is enjoyable

everybody’s opinion about the family is expressed

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Brief “Glimpse at the Press”

Here are some declarations released on World Migrant Day by important people in Italian social life

Pope Benedict XVI

Massimo D’Alema, Foreign Minister

Rosy Bindi, Minister for the Family

“Migrants’ families are like the family of Nazareth, because of their fragility , hardship, and suffered humiliation “

“The reunification of families is right . It is indicative of a civilised state and enriches the society of a country”

“Reunification is important because the family is the place where identities are formed”