Download - Jan Feb Spectrum 2015 - 2015 Feb.pdf · updated to 07 Jan 2015 recently. It is a 9.1 MB spreadsheet with predicted dates by submitter. NZART is number 4498. The first “pre

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SPECTRUM February 2015 Vol. 51 No. 2

The Official Newsletter of the

Auckland VHF Group Inc.











Branch 66 Klondyke repeater tower

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SPECTRUM is the official journal of the Auckland VHF Group Inc. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect club points of view.

The closing date for SPECTRUM articles is by the 1st of each month. Articles to be submit-ted to the editor Steve ZL1TPH [email protected]

Office  Name   Call sign  Home  Work / Mobile  E‐mail 

President       Peter Loveridge         ZL1UKG    377 3398                            [email protected]  

Vice President                   Grant Taylor                       ZL1WTT    021 02 340 270                                    zl1w [email protected] 

Secretary                   Adam Cumberlege            ZL1CCA     410 8923                                        [email protected] 

Treasurer  Doug Cooke                        ZL1TTE          846 6075  0274 978 121          d‐[email protected]  

Commi ee       Vaughan Henderson         ZL1VH     418 1071     021 844 804         [email protected]  

         Merv Thomas                     ZL1SK     828‐7174      27‐499‐0262      [email protected]                                              John Dunn                           ZL1JD  473 9514  021 731 907  [email protected] 

                                             George Marr                       ZL1TUJ     524 6075                            [email protected]   Ross Hannah     ZL1UGZ   832 2655     [email protected]  AREC Sec on Leader   Laurie Mathews    ZL1ICU  634 5130  0274 817 463  [email protected]  Deputy Sec on    George Raffles    ZL1TUX  626 6944  021 735 361 [email protected] ZL1BQ Trustee   John Dunn    ZL1JD  473 9514  021 731 907  [email protected] Repeater Trustee   John Dunn    ZL1JD  473 9514  021 731 907  [email protected] Klondyke Managers   ZL1VH / ZL1BK         690 Manager   Dennis Seymour    ZL1UET  532 8666     

850/670 Manager      Vaughan Henderson         ZL1VH     418 1071     021 844 804          [email protected] 

ATV/Beacons                    Grant Taylor                       ZL1WTT                     021 234 0270          zl1w [email protected]  

Spectrum Editor    Stephen Hayman    ZL1TPH    0274 732663  [email protected]  

Trading Table         Vaughan Henderson       ZL1VH                                                 [email protected] Hon Auditor         Raequel Probine           630 8044  Webmaster         Vacancy                [email protected]  Club Web Page                                                                                       h p://   ATV Interest Group                                                 h p:// ZL1VHD Dstar gateway administrator; Laurie ZL1ICU 634 5130           0274 [email protected] Dstar gateway registra on URL:                                                                                                    h p://

SPECTRUM h p:// 2 Vol 52 February 2015

Auckland VHF Group Inc. Branch 66 NZART

PO Box 10138, Dominion Rd, Auckland 1446 Clubrooms: Hazel Ave, Mt Roskil

Club News and Net:

The combined Auckland VHF Group and Auckland Regional Branch News and Net are held on 146.625 MHz and 439.875 MHz at 8.15 pm each Sunday or after the ZL6A National Broadcast on the last Sunday of the month. Club meetings are held at the Clubrooms at Hazel Avenue, on the second Monday of each month at 7.30 pm. For other details, listen to the News and Net each Sunday evening.

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From the President

The Christmas Social drew a good turnout with plenty of contributions to refreshments availa-ble to members to choose from. The first two speakers for our General Meetings are already in place. Unfortunately Brian Clarke has had to cancel his travel plans to New Zealand at short notice. The February Meeting will now hear from some of the Australian amateurs visiting Auckland on a cruise ship telling us about the differences between the Australian and New Zea-land scene.

Please have a look at the web site. You will see that Terry Corin has updated many of the pages to give them a cleaner look.

Following the first visit to Klondyke to in-spect for maintenance required the first work-ing bee will take place around 28th February 2015. A new broadband HF antenna with new guy ropes will be fitted. The current rusting HF dipole was reinstated with a temporary guy rope until the new one can be fitted. A check will be made on the performance of the 6625 antennas following user feedback of lower signal levels from the South antenna. It is hoped to start testing a new controller for the linked repeaters at the site pending up-grade of the long serving design. Photographs were taken of the paint protection at various trouble spots on the tower to be used in a re-port of the state of the tower. This will help us determine when a repaint will be required to prolong the life of our major asset.

A new relatively close to Auckland site was found for the VHF Field Day with a 270° view of the horizon obstructed to the north by the Moirs Hill range. The weather was very kind with no more than light breeze and a shower of only a few minutes. Sunburn was a greater concern. A level drive on site, what luxury! Unfortunately someone will probably build a nice house on it ending our access. The bands were not that lively but ZL2AS was worked at 370 km on 6 m and 2 m and ZL2WA at 514 km on 2 m. Not a peep was heard from VK on 6 m. The usual team members had a pleasant day without the effort of a long drive and setting up camp at Maun-ganui Bluff. The scores were noticeably lower owing to the shorter distance to other stations.

The first Working Bee at the clubrooms for the summer will be 31 January. It will look at sepa-rating the junk from the gems of recent donations of surplus equipment. The decision will be to dump or recycle. We expect a larger than normal crowd for the visiting speaker Brian Clarke VK2GCE in February so recovering the space is important. If time allows the “4nec2” predic-

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tions for the HF 40/80 m dipole will be implemented so that at least one of the bands becomes operable.

The Committee discussed a number of projects that the Group might undertake over the coming year. One possibility is to initiate a North Fest to provide a Forum for our region and the activi-ties of local amateurs within a 2-3 hour driving radius. It must avoid clashing with dates of ex-isting activities and starting from now it might occur around mid-year.

The web site has a “Find my hearing tool” on its web site. It was updated to 07 Jan 2015 recently. It is a 9.1 MB spreadsheet with predicted dates by submitter. NZART is number 4498. The first “pre hearing” meetings will take place in March 2015. The Expert Conference on our topics will take place in April 2015. At these meetings expert wit-nesses try to resolve issues to circumvent the need for full hearings. The Hearings themselves will begin in June 2015. Once these meetings begin, professional advice will be taken to get the best outcome for NZART interests. It is at this point that the pledges of support made by the Auckland branches may be called on to obtain the advice needed in order to avoid mistakes that could weaken our case.

Peter Loveridge 30 January 2015


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Auckland VHF Group (Inc) Branch 66

Meeting notice

09th February 2015 7.30pm, Hazel Avenue Club Rooms

(Located on left at the end of Hazel Avenue)

The Evenings Subject:

“The Australian Amateur Scene”

Brian Clarke VK2GCE was to talk on his study of the history of Radar development spurred on by WWII. Brian has had to cancel his travel plans at short notice.

A group of Australian amateurs are visiting Auckland on holiday and will be able to speak to us about the Australian Scene and how it is different from the New Zealand Scene. At this point I dont have exact details of the presentation.

Members of other branches are welcome to visit us for this evening.

Another meeting not to be missed!


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NZART Jock White Memorial Field Day 2015

This year’s event will be held over the weekend of February 28/March 1.

Refer 2012/2013 NZART Callbook or NZART web pages for the full rules of this annual fun activity, where of course more operators and more active stations mean more fun for everyone. And please remember to send your log in, even if you are a Home Station!

Stuart ZL2TW Jock White Field Day Manager

February 28 1500 to 2400 and March 1 0600 to 1500 NZDT

If you are reading this and you have forgotten about field day it is not too late to get your team together. There are many sections to choose from: you should have no trouble finding one to enter that best suits your team.

If you do decide to participate as a branch please send me an entry after the event, it makes checking the validity of multipliers much easier.

Take note of the minimum numbers of contacts required per mode on each band: 50 on phone and/or 20 on CW. This does not apply to home stations but is encouraged.

I will be operating as a member of the Branch 22 team and look forward to working you.

For the rules see: <>

If you have any queries prior to field day please feel free to e-mail me at: <[email protected]> 73 Stuart ZL2TW


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From the NZART Website dated 30/01/2015

We have received a new styled dual branded cap.

The cap has been sponsored by Icom and includes the NZART logo. It is a very smart red and black style, and they are very affordable at $20.00 each including post and packaging. Be in quick as stock is limited.

Order from NZART HQ -


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Video 8 Tapes for Free

For the collector or anyone still possessing 8 mm Equipment

I have 36 Video 8 (used once, perhaps some twice)


For the collector or person who still analogue equipment.

Commercially Produced

The Charm of London

The Living Isles – history of Britain and Ireland

The Royal Wedding – Andrew and Sarah Fergusson

The Milford Track – World at your feet

Pavarotti – The Event

The Keyboard Teacher – (by Brendan Weir)

The British Motor Car History of yesterday

Reproduced from Commercial Tapes

When War came to Australia

Shooting through a Bondi Tram

USA Steam trains of yesterday

Contact Rod Bradnam ZL1CD; at Email <[email protected]> or Phone 09-521 5223.


Thelma Souper Memorial Contest

The Thelma Souper Memorial Contest will be run on Saturday night 11th and Sunday night 12th April 2015 starting 0800Z and finishing 1000Z. The contest is held on 80 meters only. This WARO sponsored contest is open to all licenced amateur radio operators using voice and/or CW modes. The contest rules and other details, along with templates, are available on the Thelma Souper info link to the right: Log sheet and summary sheet templates are available through the info link for download as ei-ther individual PDF files for printing, or as a single .XLS workbook file for completing by com-puter. All correspondence to the Contest Manager, Ruth Walden [email protected]

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Results of the 2014 VHF Field Day – 6/7 December

VHF-UHF-SHF-EHF Contests, as administered by the Auckland VHF Group Inc.

Overall Winner Station Points

ZL2AS 5307 *

ZL2WA 3291

ZL1SWW 3003

ZL4AA 2915

ZL3LF 2480

ZL4DC 2094

ZL1BQ 1002

ZL1RS 582

ZL2ACG 549

ZL2TAL 497

ZL2DX 454

ZL4OL 419

ZL3UYJ 362

ZL4AS 222

ZL1X 139

ZL2TW 116

Check Log ZL1TPH ZL2DW

Band winner Station Points

6 m (50 MHz) ZL2AS 1714 *

ZL1RS 582

ZL4DC 522

ZL4AA 517

ZL3LF 430

ZL2WA 325

ZL2DX 301

ZL1SWW 252

ZL1BQ 157

ZL4AS 80


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ZL1X 17

Band winner Station Points

2 m (144 MHz) ZL2AS 2327 *

ZL2WA 2113

ZL4AA 1592

ZL3LF 1103

ZL1SWW 887

ZL4DC 798

ZL1BQ 592

ZL4OL 380

ZL2ACG 364

ZL2TAL 357

ZL3UYJ 246

ZL1X 122

ZL2TW 110

ZL2DX 59

ZL4AS 51

Band winner Station Points

70 cm (432 MHz) ZL2AS 1266 *

ZL2WA 650

ZL4DC 584

ZL4AA 575

ZL3LF 534

ZL2ACG 185

ZL1SWW 157

ZL2TAL 140

ZL4AS 91

ZL1BQ 89


ZL2DX 50

ZL4OL 39


Band winner Station Points

23 cm (1296 MHz) ZL1SWW 901 *

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ZL2WA 203

ZL4AA 166

ZL1BQ 164

ZL4DC 125

ZL2DX 44

Band winner Station Points

6 cm (5760 MHz) ZL1SWW 806 *

ZL4AA 65

ZL4DC 65

Greatest DX Station Distance

6 m ZL1RS-ZL3RC 932 km

2 m ZL2AS-ZL3LF 676 km

70 cm ZL1IU- ZL2WA 660 km

23 cm ZL1SWW-ZL2WA 543 km

6 cm ZL1BK ZL1SWW 336 km

Certificate *

Active Stations (107 in total)





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Operator comments

My first VHF contest! There was a lot of fun to be had even with just a few Watts and a simple Yagi at home. I had not expected to hear anyone except the local field day sta-tions so was pleasantly surprised to easily work the Christchurch stations at 300 km and to hear ZL2WA at 600 km.

My only disappointment was the lack of CW stations.

Site is 919 metres ASL, and we could literally see from the north Island right down to Tim-aru on Saturday night.

Operators: Stewart ZL4DC, Adam ZL4ASC, Ken ZL4NR, Alan ZL4FM, Daniel ZL4DU, John ZL4TDB from Mount Cargill.

Thinking about it when I use to operate from North Egmont in contests in the early days I use to bounce off Mt. Ruapehu to get down South.

6 metre band contacts made on a 9.5 m tall non-resonant vertical over 8 radials using LDG tuners at the rig end of a 20 metre length of RG213 feed line.

One 432 contact to ZL2WA was also made on this setup without tuner in-line after a mix-up with cables and some contacts were made with it lying on the ground on Sunday morn-ing.

85% of 2 metre band contacts were made on a 10 el DK7ZB long Yagi beaming at the bot-tom of the North Island

All was fine till about 9:30 AM on Sunday when our dish was the first casualty of the ap-proaching southerly front, we packed up the whole station over the next 1 ½ hrs in the pouring rain and very strong south westerly winds. It was a fantastic experience, we were very happy with our first attempt and we look forward to doing it all over again next year.

Thanks to Kordia, for allowing access to the site.

This is my 10th year participating in VHF field day and I still enjoy competing.

FM 70 cm frequency 432.900 to comply with the 70 cm published bandplan. We had no reports of issues with using this frequency.

Location: In a public “lay-by” alongside SH29 Tauranga to Cambridge road close to sum-mit. WX: Gusty wind, sunshine then evening fog.

There was no sign of any signals from VK on 6 m.

Less activity from Wellington this year! I was at a different location this year (lower alti-tude) and unable to work ZL2AS on 70 cm.

Good VHF conditions on Saturday evening both north and south. Able to contact ZL1IU and ZL4DC on 70 cm

Operating procedure for the ZL4AA team was first class - even with weak signals they were very easy to comprehend.

The log shows that relatively close proximity to Auckland has reduced the scores compared with the long trek to Mauganui Bluff.

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Past VHF Field Day statistics

The rules for VHF-UHF-SHF-EHF Contests, as administered by the Auckland VHF Group; on behalf of all VHF groups are available on the NZART website:

All contest logs should be sent, to arrive within two weeks, to: [email protected]

Or by mail to: Contest Manager, PO Box 10138, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446.

Stephen Hayman - ZL1TPH

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Amateur Radio Emergency Communication. Volunteers in radio communications.

Using our resources to help the community.


The Auckland VHF Group has an active AREC section that works closely with Auckland City Civil Defence. They provide advice, resources and manpower to assist in times of need. The

Auckland VHF Group clubrooms provide a backup system to complement the existing systems maintained by Auckland City Council Civil Defence.

The AREC section is headed by Section Leader Laurie Mathews ZL1ICU.

From time to time the VHF Group has training sessions and exercises. Members also assist with

sports events, parades and Rally NZ.

For further information about AREC please see the NZART web site.


All members of the Auckland VHF Group are encouraged to join the AREC section. Your con-tribution, large or small is appreciated by all involved.

For further information about joining branch 66 AREC contact the Section Leader or his Deputy.

AREC: Section Leader; Laurie Mathews ZL1ICU 634 5130 0274 817 463 [email protected]

Deputy Section; George Raffles ZL1TUX 626 6944 021 735 361 [email protected]


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Maintenance and on-going improvements to beacons, repeaters and linking systems for the national system, including the Klondyke repeater site.

Provides on-time and free access to spectrum magazine as soon as it is available.

Provides facilities for good speakers and lecturers at our general meetings

Discounted access to our trading table goodies

Access to test equipment and technical help when needed






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NAME Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Christian or given Surname



Phone: (home)

Phone: (work)

Phone (Cell)


Occupation: Callsign

NZART Member Branch assigned

AREC Member Branch assigned

Category To pay

Membership Full $30.00 $

New/Renewal/Change Associate $26.00 $

Receipt # Family Add $4.00 $

Donations Auckland ATV $

Auckland/Klondyke $

Brynderwyn $

Data/D-Star $


Beacon/Repeater/Links/ATV Licences $

Other $

Total $


Circle one --> Cash Cheque Internet deposit

Invoice/Statement re-quired Please Advise Treasurer

Internet To account ASB 12-3020-0473626-00. Account name is: Auckland VHF Group Inc. Include your Name/Callsign for us to track. Note: this form needs to be returned to update records. FAX to 09 846 6075 or Email [email protected]

Post The Treasurer, Auckland VHF Group Inc., PO Box 10138, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446.

In Person Bring this form and payment to the next club meeting, 2nd Monday of the month or to the Committee meeting last Monday of the month.

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The Auckland VHF Group Inc Branch 66 NZART gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of Branch 66 Beacons, Repeaters and Fixed Links license fees and the Group’s repeater operations by the following

radio amateurs and NZART Branches for 2015:

Repeater frequency Repeater Sponsorship Amount

and name location advised for 2015 paid

53.725 Repeater Klondyke Road Gwynne Rowe ZL1AAR $50.00

144.253 Beacon Nihotupu Under repair

145.625 Data Rptr Klondyke Road NON-operational

145.650 Dstar repeater Klondyke Road Laurie Mathews ZL1ICU $50.00

146.625 Repeater Klondyke Road Laurie Mathews ZL1ICU $50.00

146.700 Repeater Ruaotuwhenua

146.900 Repeater Mt Puketutu Ra-

dio Franklin Branch ZL1SA $50.00

432.253 Beacon Nihotupu Under repair

438.175 Dstar repeater Klondyke Road Laurie Mathews ZL1ICU $50.00

438.500 Repeater North Head Franklin Branch ZL1SA $50.00

439.850 Link Tx to Kaimai Klondyke Road Franklin Branch ZL1SA $50.00

439.875 Ak Nat Sys Rptr Klondyke Road

439.900 Link Tx to Egmont Klondyke Road

439.950 Link Tx to Brynderwyn Klondyke Road

1291.9 Repeater 217 Glenfield Rd

Total Sponsorship $350.00

NZART Inc: Branch do-nations

Franklin Radio Club. Br: 10 $50.00

Papakura Radio Club. Br: 65 $300.00

Donations $350.00

Prepared by Merv Thomas ZL1SK and current as at 11/11/2014

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Currently our Trading Table is only open on meeting nights. Opening on Saturdays may re-sume later in the year so keep an eye out for announcements in Spectrum.


We have heaps of parts from dismantled commercial analog TV gear – transmitters, filters, cir-culators, patch panels, power supplies, cabinets. Too much to list individually, so come along to the clubrooms and have a look

And there’s


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SO239 UHF Adaptor : 

Just what you need to make up a mobile an-tenna. SO239 socket and mounting nut. The tube on the side is a screw-in fit for RG58 coax cable. Just strip the outer sheath off and allow about 6 to 7mm of centre conductor, screw the RG58 into the side of the adaptor and solder the center conductor to the centre pin of the fitting. A small plastic cap seals off the back of the adaptor (remove it to do the soldering).

Our price: $3.00 each

If you want genuine made in the USA PL259

Connectors, then we have them!

Genuine Amphenol 83-ISA brand.

Brown phenolic insulation.

Suit RG8/RG213 50 ohm coaxial cable.

$3.50 each.

Type N connectors for use with RG58 coaxial cable. These are sol-der clamp type, just the thing if you don’t the right crimp tool!

Only $3.00 each – be in quick, we only have limited stock.

N-Type connectors for LMR-400

Crimp-on only. $5.00 each

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Other coaxial connectors available from the Trading Table:

Please note we have sold out of TNC connectors – these are no longer available.

BNC plugs 50 ohm for RG58 coax (solder/clamp type) $2.50 each

BNC plugs 50 ohm for RG58 coax (crimp on type) $2.50 each

BNC sockets 75 ohm – single hole mounting $1.50 each

N Type male solder on suit RG213 coax $4.00 each

N Type male right angle, suit RG213 coax $4.00 each

N Type male crimp on suit RG213 coax ** $3.00 each

N Type socket crimp on suit RG213 coax ** $3.00 each

N Type male right angle, solder on suit RG213 coax $4.00 each

N Type male sliver plated solder/clamp on suit RG58 coax $3.00 each

N Type male crimp on suit RG58 coax ** $2.50 each

N-Type adaptor Male to Male $3.00 each Adaptor TNC Male to UHF Female $3.00 each

** Crimping service available for these at club meetings.

Heatsinks for TO-220 transistors: These are Thermalloy THM-6071 top hat type with cutout.

20c each


Version 12.09 has even more updates and new programmes on this latest release. This is an ex-cellent selection of software, notes, links to web sites compiled by the late Doug ZL1AVY and this latest edition has over 300 applications, refer-ences and notes. These cover all digital modes, useful software applications for your pc, contest logging and e-qso programmes, radio interfaces, software defined radio information, slow scan tv software, test equipment utilities, satellite track-ing software, and much, much more.

Still only $10.00

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Insulation tape Black 18mm wide, 20m roll $1.00 each

SMD Quartz Crystals: In addition to our selection of leaded holders, now have 6MHz and 20MHz crystals in SMD style housings:

6.0000 MHz HC49S SMD package 20pF load capacitance $1.00 each

20.0000 MHz HC49S SMD package P/No. 7D20000183BSAF25Q3 1.00 each

Capacitors, Surface Mount – most are 1206 size. Packed in bags of 10 for 50c

NPO 50V working: 0.68pF, 1.2pF, 1.8pF, 2.2pF, 5.6pF, 6.8pF, 8.2pF, 10pF, 15pF,

22pF, 33pF, 68pF, 82pF, 270pF, 470pF, 100nF.

63V working: 10pF, 47pF, 100pF, 270pF, 330pF, 470pF, 1nF, 1.2nF, 2.2nF, 4.7nF, 10nF 10uF 25V electrolytic

Capacitors, Metal Clad Mica (Unelco, Semco) $2.20 each

Values (in pF): Or 10 up for $2.00 each

3.9, 4.7, 6.8, 10, 12,15, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 34, 47, 51, 62, 82, 100, 120, 130, 150, 220, 240, 300, 360, 680pF Most are rated 350V working ±5% tolerance. Similar to illustration, tab does not have hole:


Mini-Circuits Model TFM-2-408-1: 5 – 1000MHz 6dB insertion loss, +17dBm LO drive, 40dB isolation $25.00 each

Note: some of these mixers are labeled TFM-2-408-2. They are identical to the TFM-2-408-1.