Download - Jammu -Wednesday, August 12, 2020 CITY 3 Lt Guv Mathur …… · Jammu -Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Lt Guv Mathur unveils

Page 1: Jammu -Wednesday, August 12, 2020 CITY 3 Lt Guv Mathur …… · Jammu -Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Lt Guv Mathur unveils

CITY 3Jammu -Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Lt Guv Mathur unveils flag, formation sign of Ladakh PoliceEARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Leh, Aug 11 : Lt Governor R K Mathur on Tuesday unveiled the flag, formation sign and epaulettes of Ladakh Police, an official said.The flag has a national em-blem, ‘Satyamev Jayate’, and a floral cover of Juniper leaves which are considered auspi-cious in both Leh and Kargil districts, a police spokesper-son said.Laden in a police colour of red and blue, the flag has been giv-en a traditional design on the corners to make it culturally distinct, he said.Ladakh was made a separate union territory after it was carved out from the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir following the abrogation of the

special status and its reorgani-sation in August last year.Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering

Namgyal, chairman-cum-chief executive officer of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Develop-

ment Council (Leh) Gyal P Wangyal and Ladakh Police chief Satish Khandare attend-ed the event here, the spokes-person said.He said the formation sign with a red background signi-fies sacrifice, while the snow leopard implies endurance and strength in spite of the hard terrain and harsh con-dition in consonance with the local ecosystem.With the slogan of “Service and Courage”, the epaulettes with the badge of Ladakh Police and other accessories were also unveiled by the Lt Governor on the occasion, the spokesperson said.Inspector-General of Police, Ladakh, Satish Khandare said after the creation of Ladakh Police, a full-fledged police

headquarters has started func-tioning and is striving hard to achieve many milestones.“Creation of new independent police wings, infrastructural development process in tan-dem with the local conditions, transfer of Ladakh domicile police personnel to Ladakh, and welfare and training ac-tivities have been some great achievements of the new-ly-formed Ladakh Police,” the IGP said.The Ladakh Police chief said the upcoming CCTV project would give a feeling of safety to the locals. The force will not leave any stone unturned to make it more friendly, techni-cally sound and professionally well equipped to serve the peo-ple in varied forms and situa-tions, he said.

EARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Jammu, Aug 11 : Shri Krishna Janmashtami will be cele-brated with religious fervor in Shri Raghunathji Temple in Jammu on Wednesday amid restrictions on the en-try of devotees into temples in view of the Coronavirus pandemic.In a statement issued here today, Mubarak Singh, Pres-ident of J&K Dharmarth Trust, said that in compli-ance to the guidelines issued by the government in view of the coronavirus pandem-ic, the entry of devotees shall remain restricted in the tem-ple premises on Shri Krishna Janmotsav this time. The Trust has made all necessary arrangements for the celebra-tions.

“The Trust has also cancelled the Shobha Yatra taken out every year on the eve of Shri Krishna Janmashtami. The regular prayers and rituals, however, shall be conducted as per traditions in all the temples falling under the realm of Dharmarth Trust by the in-house priests,” he add-ed.“Thousands of people every year throng Raghunath ji Temple to celebrate Janmot-sav and offer their prayers, but due to Covid-19 this year there has been restrictions on the entry of devotees in the temple. This will be the first Janmashtami in the his-tory of Jammu and Kashmir, when devotees will not be able to attend and offer their prayers at Shri Raghunath ji Temple,” he said.

No Shobha Yatra for Janmashtami this year: Dharmarth Trust

Chief Secy reviews Covid-19 SOPs; calls for ‘Red Zone Testing Strategy’EARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Srinagar, Aug 11 : The Chief Secretary, B V R Subrahman-yam today chaired a meeting to take stock of the efforts toward mitigating COVID-19 pandemic and review the related Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and poli-cies.Administrative Secretaries of departments of Health & Medical Education, Disaster Management, Relief, Reha-bilitation and Reconstruction and Mission Director, Nation-al Health Mission (NHM) par-ticipated in the meeting.Divisional Commissioners of Jammu, Kashmir and Di-rector, SKIMS, Directors of Health Services, Jammu/Kashmir, Principal, GMC,

Srinagar along with other HoDs attended the meeting through video conference.Chief Secretary compliment-ed the divisional adminis-tration of Jammu province for effectively implementing hospital referral policy to en-sure optimal utilization of re-sources, wherein the tertiary hospitals would only admit critical COVID patients being referred from district hospi-tals. Directions were issued for daily monitoring of COV-ID admissions, testing, dis-charges and bed occupancy across the COVID care insti-tutions. While reviewing the discharge policy, Chief Secre-tary informed that the policy has been successful in lessen-ing the burden on the tertiary health care system in Kash-

mir province- which has seen a recent surge in critically ill COVID patients. Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir was directed to strictly implement home quarantine guidelines for asymptomatic patients and ensure that they are free of co-morbidity and provided with Government sponsored oxymeters, before being sent to home quarantine, besides using Arogya Setu app to monitor their status.Observing that the patient load in Jammu province has remained stable and in view of the recent spike in cases as a result of contacts with COV-ID positive patients, Chief Secretary directed Health Department to modify the discharge policy and allow institutionalized quarantine

for asymptomatic patients in Jammu province. Chief Sec-retary underscored the im-portance of aggressive testing for early medical interven-tion and asked the concerned to work out a ‘Red Zone test-ing strategy’ focusing on vul-nerable patients including children, old aged, pregnant ladies, patients with Influen-za like Illness (ILI), Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI), co-morbid conditions, service providers, drivers and healthcare profession-als. “The Rapid Antigen Test in addition to RTPCR can be used for cleansing and secur-ing a red/containment zone by testing all probable con-tacts of patients and vulner-able population in the area”, he said.

EARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Leh, Aug 11 : In view of the various infrastructure devel-opments to be initiated in Un-ion Territory of Ladakh, the Honorable LG R.K Mathur was today called upon by a team of Central Public Works Department (Indo China Bor-der Road) who offered their services for widening and strengthening of the Leh-Kar-gil Highway and other pro-jects.LG Mathur put forth the chal-lenges of working in Ladakh during the winter months to which CPWD assured conti-nuity of work round the year with technological advances and a trained workforce. The CPWD team was headed by Pradeep Gupta, Chief Pro-ject Manager, Ratnakar Pan-dey, Assistant Project Man-

ager and Bhumika Mishra, Deputy Project Manager. Later, Prasant K, Regional Provident Fund Commis-sioner for J&K and Ladakh met the Honorable LG and apprised him of their office set up in Leh and their legal responsibility to cover all el-igible establishments with Employee Provident Fund (EPF) coverage in Ladakh. LG Mathur, discussing the

benefits of EPF, said that the scheme must be popularized on a large scale so that all el-igible employees can avail its valuable benefits. For this, he suggested mass publicity by means of All India Radio, Doordarshan, social media and workshops with the help of the local administration. LG Mathur also suggested publicity of the scheme in Kargil district.

CPWD & Regional Fund Commissioner J&K, Ladakh call on LG

EARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Srinagar, Aug 11 : In a signifi-cant development, Jammu and Kashmir police Tuesday said that police will carry out DNA sampling of slain militants of July 18 Ashmipora, Shopian encounter, for cross examina-tion and matching purpose be-sides all other aspects will be investigated as per law in due course of time.In a statement issued, a police spokesman said that taking cognisance of the claim by the families and media reports, Shopian Police will examine the claimants and carry out DNA sampling for matching purposes. “Besides identifi-

cation, Police will also inves-tigate all other aspects as per the law in due course of time,” the spokesman said. He said that the district Police Rajouri have been approached by some families yesterday claiming that their Kins had gone to Shopian for labour work and contacted on phone on 17th July. “As per families when they didn’t contact them after 17th July, they lodged a missing report at police post Peeru on August 10,” the spokesman said. Meanwhile, social media reported that the militants killed in an op-eration at Shopian on July 18 were the kin of three families from Rajouri. The police also

said that apropos to its ear-lier press note regarding the July 18 operation, Police had provided sufficient time for identification of bodies at PCR Kashmir Srinagar. “However, the bodies could not be iden-tified and they were buried in the presence of the Magistrate after conducting a post-mor-tem and lifting of DNA sam-ples,” the police spokesman said. Meanwhile, police said that the army has also taken notice of the family and social media claims regarding the said operation and initiated investigations. The families of three youth have already de-manded an independent probe to nail the truth.

DNA tests to identify trio killed in Shopian encounter: JK Police

Congress seeks probe into ‘encounter killing’ of three Rajouri youthsEARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Jammu, Aug 11 : The Jammu and Kashmir unit of Congress on Tuesday demanded an inde-pendent probe into the alleged encounter killing of three “ter-rorists” in Shopian district last month after some families lodged a written complaint say-ing as many of their members involved in labour work were missing from the same area.The army has already initiat-ed an inquiry into the alleged encounter carried out by its troops after the complaints were received from the fam-ilies residing in Jammu re-gion’s Rajouri. On July 18, the army had claimed three mili-tants were killed in the higher reaches of Shopian in South Kashmir. However, no further details were shared.“The circumstances demand immediate statement of facts by the authorities regarding the mystery of their death and an independent probe into the circumstances in view of the controversy so that rule of law prevails,” Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Chief Spokesperson Ravider Sharma said.He said the government must come out with a detailed state-ment about the death of three young boys, whose family members claim that they had no connection with any unlaw-ful activity and had gone for work to Shopian.The controversy started after the families filed a complaint with a police station in Rajouri stating that their three mem-bers were missing since July 17 from Ashimpora area of Shopi-an where they were working as labourers in apple and walnut orchards. The families, who

filed the police complaint joint-ly, gave pictures of their kin -- Mohammed Ibrar (21), Ibrar Ahmad (18) and Imtiaz Ahmad (26) -- which were subsequently shared with the Kashmir police for investigation.The relatives of the youths, be-longing to Dhar Sakri village in Kotranka of Rajouri area in Poonch, lodged the missing re-port with the local police after they failed to contact the trio and news of an encounter came on July 18 from Ashimpora in Shopian.

EARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Leh, Aug 11 : The Chairman/Chief Executive Councillors, LAHDC, Leh Gyal P Wang-yal along with Member Par-liament Ladakh Jamyang Tsering Namgyal today vis-ited the flash flood affected areas of Matho and Chushot villages to take stock of dam-ages made to Irrigation Head works, irrigation Khuls, roads and standing crops in-cluding trees. CEC and MP were accompanied by Dep-uty Commissioner Leh Sa-chin Kumar, Tehsilder Leh Gyurmet Namgyal, Councilor Martselang Stanzin Chospel, Xen. I & FC Tashi Tundup, BDO Chushot Padma Angmo, concerned engineers and offi-cials of revenue department.Councillor Martselang Stan-zin Chospel briefed visiting

team that sudden flood hit the Matho village on 10th August around at 3:00 PM and last night around 1:00 AM PM which damaged about 15 ma-jor head works and irrigation khuls of the village including standing crops and trees es-pecially in Thankob Mohalla. The flood also damaged roads and culverts severely.CEC Wangyal and MP JTN

directed DC Leh to ensure temporary restoration of all the head works and irrigation khuls at the earliest possible time so that farmers could harvest their crops timely without further loss. Xen. I&FC Tashi Tundup was di-rected to ensure timely res-toration of all the major head works and irrigation khuls by engaging required number of

JCBs and labour force while BDO Chushot Padma Angmo was directed to restore minor irrigation kluls of the village. CEC directed Xen. I&FC and BDO Chushot to execute res-toration works in close coor-dination with Councillor.Tehsilder Leh Gyurmet Namgyal was directed to as-sess the damages caused to the standing crops to claim relief.Regarding Channelization of Matho nallah, permanent restoration of head works, irrigation khuls, roads and removal of debris from fields, CEC and MP directed DC Leh and Xen. I&FC to come up with a concrete plan.CEC and MP while inspecting the flood affected areas as-sured for earliest restoration of irrigation khuls to save standing crops.

CEC Wangyal, MP JTN visit flood affected villages in Matho and Chushot


(E-mail Id: [email protected] Tele No: 01982-264334)


e-NIT No:25 of ED Leh of 2020-2 Dated:- 04-08-2020 Tender ID: 2020_PDNRE_354_1 Subject: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Distribution Transformers of various capacities alongwith laying of HT/LT lines in Khaltsi Section on full turnkey basis under SDP 2020-21 It is for the information to the bidders that “THE NIT MAY PLEASE BE READ AS FOLLOWS INSTEAD OF WRONGLY UPLOADED NIT

e-NIT No:25 of ED Leh of 2020-2 Dated:- 04-08-2020 For and on behalf of Lt. Governor of Ladakh, Executive Engineer Electric Distribution Division Leh invites online e-bids from Registered Class-A Electrical Contractors fulfilling the eligibility and qualification requirements specified in this bidding document for as per below mentioned details for the year 2020-21

S.No. Name of Work Earnest Money (In Rs.)

Cost of tender Document (in Rs)

1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Distribution Transformers of various capacities alongwith laying of HT/LT lines in Khaltsi Section on full turnkey basis under SDP 2020-21, (the details of individual works are given as Annexure to this NIT)

Rs. 70,000/-

Rs. 2500/-(in the shape of

bank draft)

Publish Date & Time 05/8/2020 ; 11:00 Hrs Start Date & time of downloading of bidding documents 06/8/2020 ; 18:00 Hrs Pre-Bid Meeting Date/Venue 07/8/2020 ; Office of the Superintending

Engineer, Electric Distribution Circle, Choglamsar Leh at 14 Hrs. to 16Hrs.

E-Bid Submission start date & time 08/08/2020 ; 10:00 Hrs E-Bid Submission end date & time 25/08/2020 ; 14:00 Hrs Technical Bid opening date & time. The bid will be opened in the office of the Superintending Engineer, Power Distribution Circle, Leh

27/8/2020 ; 14:00 Hrs

Financial bid Opening date & time Shall be communicated to the technically qualified bidders.

Submission of hard copy in the O/o SE, Power Distribution Circle, Ladakh

Shall be submitted by L1 before allotment of works.

The tenders will be opened in the office of the Superintending Engineer, Power Distribution Circle, Ladakh. The detailed tender document is available at website Interested bidders may view, download the e-bid document and submit their e-bid online as detailed in bid document.

No: -EDDL/T-24/Corrigendum-1 Dated: 10-08-2020

Sd/- Executive Engineer, Electric Distribution Division, Leh

The administration of the Union Territory of Ladakh OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PHE DIVISION LEH

Tel No:- 01982-252310 Email: [email protected]

E-SHORT TENDER NOTICE E-Tender- 24 of PHE Division Leh of 2020-21 Dated: 04.08.2020 Executive Engineer PHE Division Leh on behalf of the President of India/Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh Lt Governor invites e-tenders on item rate basis in two cover system from the registered drilling firms with the I&FC, PHE Department DSE Kargil/DSE Leh during the year 2020-21 and who have sufficient experience in the field of drilling and well equipped with drilling rigs for each of the following works:

S. No

Name of Work Est. Cost (Rs in Lacs)

C/o T/Doc (Rs in Lacs)

E/money/Bid Security

(Rs. In Lacs)

Time of Completion

1 Drilling of 5’’ dia 10 Bore well and installation of Hand pumps at Kharu, Sakti, Igoo Shara and Gya Meru

24.84 0.01 0.4968 30 days

2 Drilling of 5 inch dia 15 nos Bore well for installation of Handpump at block Thiksay Chuchot Stok to Martselang

4.34 0.01 0.738 30 days

3 Drilling of 5 inch dia Bore well and installation of handpumps at various locations of Ney to Leh

3.35 0.01 0.749 30 days

1 Date of Issue of Tender Notice 04.08.2020 2 Period of downloading of bidding documents From 05-08-2020, 10:00 A.M 3 Bid submission Start Date 05-08-2020, 10:00 A.M 4 Bid submission End Date 17-08-2020 upto 4:00 P.M 5 Date & time of opening of Technical Bids 18-08-2020 at 12:00 P.M in the office of the District

Superintending Engineer PWD Circle Leh 6 Date & Time of opening of Financial Bids To be notified after technical bid evaluation Position of AAA:- Accorded vide order no: CE/PHE,I&FC/UTL-01 of 2020 Dt: 21/03/2020 Position of Funds:- Available Sd/- No:- PHE/E-Tendering/2020-21/1775-93 Executive Engineer Dt: 04.08.2020 PHE Division, Leh

EARTH NEWS SERVICE--------------------------------------------------

Jammu, Aug 11 : Administra-tor, GMCH & Associated Hos-pitals Jammu Amit Sharma, today visited Government SMGS Hospital here and took a round of the Hospital Com-plex and checked the cleanli-ness in different wards, corri-dors and theatres alongwith strict adherence to prescribed protocols during these days, apart from sharing his vision towards improvement of infra-structure in this oldest herit-age Hospital Complex of Jam-mu division.

During the visit, Administra-tor Amit Sharma was accom-panied by Dr Rakesh Sharma, Deputy Medical Superinten-dent of the Hospital and other staff members.Apart from conducting routine inspection tour of the SMGS

Hospital Complex, Sharma issued in-structions regard-ing safeguarding the health and hy-giene alongwith provisioning of proper Multi-Level Parking Facility in-side this huge com-plex of the Hospital

which can cater to long-time looming crisis of Parking and Vehicle Management inside SMGS Complex. He directed the Hospital Administration to get a DPR made in this behalf and submit the same so that

proper multi-level parking facility on modern lines can come-up in SMGS Complex at the earliest on PPP Mode. While taking a round of exist-ing parking areas, Amit Shar-ma pointed out that it will not only help inside visitors but even the public in nearby areas who struggle to park their ve-hicles in the vicinity which is happening here in a haphazard manner as on date.During the visit to various wards, particularly Dr Parmod Kalsotra, Head of ENT De-partment alongwith his team apprised and requested Ad-

ministrator Amit Sharma that air-conditioning is required at the earliest inside ENT Theatre and OPD areas wherein public and even Doctors including Pa-ra-Medical Staff are suffering badly due to prevalent Humid conditions. Administrator di-rected Hospital Authorities to complete the repair works in-side ENT Wards at the earliest which are pending since long. He also directed for immediate removal of all dead stock item heaps outside ENT Wards on 1st Floor so that proper hygien-ic conditions prevail in the Hospital.

Amit Sharma for Multi-level Parking at SMGS Hospital