Download - James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    ,401o FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e p o r t R e q u i r e d b y lhe E t h i c sin Government Act of 1978R e v . 1 1 2 0 1 0 FINAL FILING ts u.s.c, app, lot-tin1. Person Repo rting (las! na.,ne, first, middle initial) 2. Court or Organ iza t ion 3. Date of ReportRobertson, James District of Columbia 07/12120 ! 0

    4. Title fArticle II1 judges indi~tc active or senior stares; ~;a. Reper t Type (check appropr iate type) 6. Repert ing Periodmagistrate judg~ indi~ full- or part-time)[] Nomination, Date 1/I/2009

    U.S. District Judge (retired) [] Initial [] Annual [] Final6/1/2010

    Sb. ~~ A,~t~dud Report7. Chambers or Office Addce~ $. On the b~is of the informat ion conta ined in ~his Rt , l~r t and anymodificatio~ts portaining tbecein, it is, in my opinion, in eomplisnce3318 N Street NW with applicable laws and rrgulafions.Washington DC 20007

    Reviewing Office~ .... Date

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The instruction, accompanying this form mu*t be followed. Complete alt part,,checldng the NONE box for each pa~ where you have no r~portable information. Sign on last page.

    ~] N O N E (No reportable positions.)tOSr!lON I~AME OF_ORGA N I ZAT[O N/ENrITIN

    I. Board member Council for Cour~ Excellence

    :-~- :. r " .~:-..I I . A G R E E M E N T S . t n ~ r ~ individual only; ~ee pp. 14-16 of fdiag instructions.) 1 - ~ ; : .".,~ N O N E (No reportable agreements.)


    I . 1994 W ilmer. Cutler & Picketing Retiremeat Plan (see part V III)


  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPOR T N .... t P e , ~ . a e p o , , i. ~ o , , , o t a e ~ , ~Page 2 of 7 ~ o b ~ r ~ o n . J a ~ , ~ i f H I 2 / 2 0 1 0

    1 1 1 . N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . CRepo~ ~,~,~,~,,d~po~: =e w . ~ . ~ 4 o ~ i ~ o . ~ .~A. Fliers Non-Investment Income

    N O N E (No reportable non-investment income.)D A T E SO URCE AND TY~P E INCOME(yours, not spouses)

    1. 2009 W ilmerHale (retirement income) $117A92.002.2010 W il merHale (retrirement income) ~,955.003.4.

    B. Spou ses Non-Investment Income - tf you ~,~ ~m~a a.,~g ~,y to.on of t~ ,.ro,a~g,~ota~ tnu secaon .( D o l l a r a m o u n t t u ~ t r e q u i r e d e x c e p t f i ~ r h o n o r a r i a . )

    ~ N O N E ( N o reportable non-investment income.)~ SOURCE AND TYPE

    1 .2.


    IV. REIMB URSEM ENTS -,,~, ,~o,, .~o. ,~,yoo~,o. ,e,~.~. ,.( h t c lu d e ~ t h o s e t o s p o t ~ s e a n d d e p e n d ~ n 2 c h i l d r e n ; ~ e e p p . 2 ~ ~ - 2 7 o ] f i li n g i n .s t r u c t i o r t s . )[~ NONE (No reportable reimbursements.)

    SOURCE ~ I,OCATION PURPOSE ITEMS PAID OR pROVIDEDI. J AM S 11/6/2009 New York, NY arbitrartion seminar h o t e l

  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    IName of Person Reporting DateageFINANCIAL3 of 7 DISCLOSURE REPORT I Robert,son, James07/12/20100f Report

    ~-] N O N E (No reportable gifts.)SOURCE DESCRIPIIO~

    I.2.3.J ,.5.

    V I . L I A B I L I T I E S . o ~ ~ , ,~ o ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ , ~ . , ~ a r ~ : ~ ~ , r . ~ - ~ oy~-.,,,g/,~,~o,~.~--] N O N E (No reportable liabilities.)

    CREDITOR DF~SCRIPTIO~[ ~ALUE CODEI. vi~ crcdit card K2.3.4.5.

  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FllqANCIAL D ISCLOSURE REPOR T r~ ....f P e ~ . a e p o , t i. ~ I D , t ~ o f a e p o ~ tPage 4 of 7 Ro~n.Jam~]


    VII. IN~STMENTS ~d TRUSTS - ~ .... ~,~ ~t~ ~ oy,~ ~ ~~;~, ee.NONE (No reportable it~o~, assets, or transactions.)

    ~fi~ion ~ As~ts I~ dufng ] G~ v~t~ a l end T~i~ during ~aing(inclu~ng t~ ~ts) ~ning ~fi~ of ~aing

    exemgf~om~i~l~ure C~ I / div.,~nt, C~e2 Meth~ buy.~tl, m~yy C~e2 ~ C~ I / buverl~ller(A-H)} ~int.) O - P / C~e3 ~e~on~ ] ( J -P) [{A-H I ( i ~ p f i v m eL................................. , ~

    ~ 1 . BANK ACCOUNFS2. Chevy Chic Ba~, Beth~da. MD A Inte~st K T3. SunTrust Bank, Washington, IX~ A Interest J " 14. IRA5. srOCKS6. Proctrer & Gamble PG B Dividend K T7. Cisco Sys Inc CSCO None K T Sold I/I 1/I0 J D(part)!8 . General FJcc~ic Co GI.:, A Dividend Sold 6 4 1 6 1 0 9 J9. Microsoft Corp MSFI" A Dividend K T

    I 0 . Express Scripts lnc ESRX None Sold 6/16t09 K D1 1 . Network Appliance NTAP None Sold 9/I 1/09 J A(part)1 2 . Sold I/I Ill0 J B(paa)1 3 . Sold 4 1 1 2 1 1 0 J C1 4 . Arch Capital Group ACGL None K T1 5 . Saul Centers IIFS B Dividend Sold 9/11/09 J B(part)1 6 . Sold 4f12/10 K D1 7 . srOC.K FIJNDS, MONEY FUNDS

  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT n .... f Per,finn Reporting I)ate of ReportPage 5 of 7 Rubertson, James 0 7 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 0

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS .-/~ . . . . ,~+,,~,~ a--~-,~+ ~o~ o.~,~,~ ,~a,~,~,~,hi~,; ,ee pp. ~ 4 - ~ o o S ~ ~ .~N O N E (No reportable i~ot~. ~sets, or transaction.)

    ~fi~i~m of As~ts f 1~1~ dofi.g G~ v~lle at e~ ]~aions during reining ~fi~

    [ /~l " ~f (i7+ ~ z ) m

  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPO RT n .. . .r P ~ r ~ , ~ r e p o s i n g ~ o r a e p o ~ tPage 6 of 7 R o b e r t s o n , J a m e s f f T / 1 2 t 2 0 1 0VIII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR EXPLANATIONS.

    Part II WILME R, CUTLER & PICKERING RFffIREM ENT PlANThe plan provides essentially for a retiring parmer to receive monthly payments for the rest of the partners life. provided only that the partner does n ot directlycompe te with Wilme r, Cutler & Picketing in the practice of law. Paymen ts are calculated at the time of a partners retireent and are fix ed at an amount which(annually) equals 25 lX:rcent of the partners average annual income for the partners last three years. There is no occasion for upward adjustment of retirementpayments, except that adjustments will be made to reflect increases in the cost of living if and to the extent cumulative inflation exceeds 4 tmrcent in a year. Thereis no occasion for downward adjustment, except that the firms annual obligation to all retired partners together is capped at 5 percent o[ firm incom e. TheRetirement Plan has no provision for payment of a lump sum in lieu of perioic payments.

  • 8/3/2019 James Robertson Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FEqANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT r ~ m e o r r e r ~ a e p o a i .~ D ~ t ~ o ~ a e ~ , ~Page 7 of 7 R o b e r t s o n , J a m e s 07/12/2010IX. CERTIFICATION.

    1 cert i~ that al l information given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent chiklren, if any) isaccurate, true, and comp le~ to the best of m y knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutory.provisions perm itting no n-disclosure.

    I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of g ifts which have been reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U .S.C. app. 501 et . seq. , 5 U ~.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.


    FII.1NG INSTRIJCIiONSM ail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Comm ittee on Financial DisclosureAdm inistrative Office of lhc United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Colum bus Circ le, N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544