Download - James Hadley Chase Novels Tell It to Birds, Mission to Sienna&Whiff of Money

  • 8/13/2019 James Hadley Chase Novels Tell It to Birds, Mission to Sienna&Whiff of Money


    Tell It To The BirdsThe Whiff Of MoneyMission To Siena

    by James Hadley Chase

    Tell It To The BirdsPart One

    Chapter 1

    At the far end of the narrow road s!ar!ely wide eno"#h to ta$e two !ars and bordered by hi#h pri!$ly hed#es Ansonfinally fo"nd the ho"se he had been loo$in# for for the past ho"r% The ho"se hid behind a barrier of o&er#rown shr"bs

    that stood either side of shabby do"ble #ates% It wasn't "ntil Anson #ot o"t of his !ar and approa!hed the #ates that hehad his first #limpse of the ho"se% He didn't immediately loo$ at it be!a"se his attention be!ame ri&eted on the #arden%Altho"#h ("ite small with a twenty foot s("are lawn as imma!"late as the s"rfa!e of a billiard table the #arden

    presented a horti!"lt"ral pi!t"re seldom seen o"tside professional floral e)hibitions%*&erythin# in!l"din# a miniat"re fo"ntain a tiny waterfall massed beddin# plants bla+in# with !olo"r standard rosesin perfe!t bloom flowerin# shr"bs and e&en a do&e !ot was there%,or se&eral moments Anson stood at the #ate starin# at the #arden then he loo$ed beyond the #arden to the ho"se%By !omparison the ho"se was as s"rprisin# as the #arden% It was a two storey bri!$ and wooden str"!t"re with a redtiled roof% At one time the wooden fa!e of the ho"se had been painted a dar$ #reen b"t the rain the wind and the s"no&er the years had played ha&o! with the paint wor$ and the ho"se now presented a shabby ne#le!ted and "n!ared-forappearan!e% The windows were strea$ed with d"st and dirt% The brass door $no!$er was bla!$with #rime% To the left of the ho"se was a two !ar #ara#e with a bro$en window and many of its roof tiles missin#%Anson loo$ed at the #arden then at the ho"se then at the #arden a#ain% He stepped ba!$ and read the name painted in

    !r"de white letters on the #ate. /Mon 0epos/%He +ipped open the well worn leather do!"ment !ase he was !arryin# and too$ from it a letter he had re!ei&ed thatmornin#% He read it a#ain.

    Mon Repos.

    Nr. Pru Town National Fidelity Insurance Corporation Brent Dear Sir,

    I would be glad i your representati!e would call between two and our o"cloc# any

    aternoon t$is wee#.

    I $a!e a ew pieces o %ewellery wort$ about &',((( w$ic$ )y $usband t$in#s I

    s$ould insure against t$et or loss.

    *ours, etc.

    Meg Barlowe.

    Anson p"shed open the #ates dro&e the !ar onto the tarma! dri&e then wal$ed "p the dri&e to the ho"se%Hea&yrain !lo"ds ho&ered threatenin#ly o&erhead% The s"n obs!"red by the !lo"ds made a faint bra&e li#ht o&er thespe!ta!"lar #arden% In an ho"r or so Anson tho"#ht as he rea!hed for the dirt #rimed $no!$er it wo"ld be po"rin# withrain% He lifted the $no!$er and rapped twi!e%There was a pa"se then he heard ("i!$ footfalls the door opened%Anson remembered to the moment of his death his first meetin# with Me# Barlowe%At the a#e of fo"rteen Anson had his first se)"al e)perien!e% His parents had #one on a short trip lea&in# him in!har#e of the hired help. a woman some twenty years older than Anson.plain fat and a 2"a$er% His parents had been

    #one less than fo"r ho"rs when the woman had !ome into Anson's bedroom where he tad been lollin# on the bedreadin# a l"rid paperba!$% Half an ho"r later Anson had mo&ed from his yo"th to !orr"pt manhood and from then onthe se)"al h"nt was e&er present in his alert a!ti&e mind% This first e)perien!e left him with a !on&i!tion that didn't lastlon# that all women were easy% 3ater when he dis!o&ered his error he preferred to !onsort with prostit"tes rather than

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    be bothered to pers"ade and woo% He was fastidio"s in his !hoi!e and the women he went with !ost him a !onsiderableamo"nt of his wee$ly earnin#s%Beside this !onstant se)"al "r#e Anson had yet another wea$ness. a persistent and in!"rable "r#e to #amble% He hadlittle l"!$% The !ombination of payin# for his se)"al pleas"res and losin# to his boo$ma$er had him !ontin"allystr"##lin# to $eep sol&ent% His shrewdness personality and dri&e had #ained him a ,ield A#en!y of the 4ational,idelity Ins"ran!e Corporation that !o&ered three small prospero"s towns. Brent 3ambs&ille and Pr" Town% Thisdistri!t offered a ri!h field for an ener#eti! ins"ran!e salesman% It was a farmin# distri!t and most farmers owned two

    or three !ars were interested in life ins"ran!e and an)io"s to ins"re their !rops and property% B"t what Anson earnedhe threw away "ntil he was now fa!in# a finan!ial !risis that alarmed e&en his irresponsible !ons!ien!e%Before lea&in# Brent for his wee$ly &isit to Pr" Town and 3ambs&ille he had re!ei&ed a telephone !all from Joe5"n!an his boo$ma$er%In his whee+y asthmati! &oi!e 5"n!an had said /3isten Anson yo" $now what yo" owe me6/Anson had said /S"re Joe% 0ela)% 7o"'ll #et paid%/ /7o" owe me !lose on a tho"sand b"!$s/ 5"n!an said% /7o" settleon Sat"rday% If yo" don't Sailor will be aro"nd total$ to yo"%/Sailor Ho#an was Joe 5"n!an's debt !olle!tor% At one time he had been the li#ht hea&y wei#ht !hampion of California%His &i!io"sness was le#end% If he failed to !olle!t a debt he left a permanent mar$ on the welsher%B"t Anson wasn't worried abo"t a mere tho"sand dollars% If the worst !ame to the worst he !o"ld s!rape that amo"nt "p

    by borrowin# from his friends sellin# his T8% set and e&en ho!$in# his !ar b"t the press"re was now on and as heh"n# "p he remembered he owed Sam Bernstein the lo!al money lender ei#ht tho"sand dollars and he had to the end

    of the year to settle or else%%% When he had si#ned I%O%9% ba!$ in J"ne ne)t J"ne seemed a lon# way off% He had pl"n#edthe whole of the borrowed money on a ran$ o"tsider at 1:: to 1 from a tip strai#ht from the stable boy and the horsehad t"rned o"t to be e)a!tly what it was. a ran$ o"tsider%This day was T"esday% Anson had fi&e more days ahead of him in whi!h to find a tho"sand dollars to $eep 5"n!an("iet% This wasn't an impossible tas$ b"t he flin!hed from the tho"#ht of how to raise ei#ht tho"sand dollars forBernstein% B"t here at least he had time%Be!a"se he was now #ettin# an)io"s Anson was a little too persistent a little too pressin# and when a salesman #etsinto that state of mind he doesn't and ne&er will sell ins"ran!e%This wee$ had be#"n badly b"t he was a salesman eno"#h and optimisti! eno"#h to ass"re himself it sho"ld finishwell%As he lifted the $no!$er on the shabby paint peeled door of this shabby ho"se standin# in this e)traordinary #arden hehad a presentiment that his l"!$ was abo"t to !han#e%Anson loo$ed at Me# Barlowe as she stood in the doorway re#ardin# him with her lar#e sear!hin# !obalt bl"e eyes%

    At the si#ht of this woman whom he ;"d#ed to be a year or so yo"n#er than himself Anson e)perien!ed a r"sh of bloodthro"#h his body that ine&itably happened when he met any woman who awo$e his se)"al feelin#s%She was tall. an in!h or so taller than himself and b"ilt with the stren#th and d"rability of a wooden wed#e% She had

    broad sho"lders a pro&o!ati&e b"st a small waist neat hips and lon# le#s% She wore a !lose fittin# oran#e sweater andbla!$ ti#ht fittin# sla!$s% Her a"b"rn !olo"red hair was !a"#ht ba!$ with a strip of #reen ribbon% All this he too$ in at a#lan!e% She wasn't bea"tif"l% Her mo"th was a little too lar#e and her nosetoo solid for perfe!t bea"ty b"t she was the most sensational and sens"al loo$in# woman Anson had e&er seen%,or a lon# moment they stared at ea!h other then her red lips parted as she smiled showin# white e&en teeth%/

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    terminal the boy friend p"ts the woman's name on the passen#er list% He also ta$es !are of the ti!$et re!eipt and so on%The woman has mo&ed o"t of the distri!t where she "sed to li&e and is $eepin# o"t of si#ht% He telephones her warnin#her of the !rash% Then later her sister p"ts in a !laim for the money showin# proof s"pplied by the boy friend that thewoman her sister was on the plane%/ She pa"sed too$ a sip of her drin$ then loo$ed at him% /Of !o"rse the detailsha&e to be wor$ed o"t b"t that's the #eneral idea %%% do yo" thin$ she wo"ld #et away with it6/ 5"rin# the twel&e yearshe had been an ins"ran!e a#ent Anson had be!ome familiar with the tri!$s and dod#es dreamed "p by people ambitio"sto swindle ins"ran!e !ompanies% *&ery wee$ he re!ei&ed a printed b"lletin from Head Offi!e settin# o"t in detail the

    &ario"s swindles attempted% This b"lletin !ame from the Claims 5epartment r"n by Maddo) who was !onsidered to bethe best Claims man in the b"siness%,or the past three months when money had be!ome so desperately short Anson had tho"#ht of ways and means bywhi!h he himself mi#ht swindle his !ompany% B"t for all his shrewdness and e)perien!e he reali+ed he !o"ld ne&ers"!!eed "nless he had someone on whom he !o"ld rely to help him% *&en then there was always Maddo) who was saidto ha&e a s"pernat"ral instin!t that told him a !laim was a phoney the moment it was laid on his des$%/It's a ni!e idea/ Anson said% /It mi#ht e&en be belie&able as fi!tion b"t it wo"ld ne&er wor$ in real life%/ She loo$eden("irin#ly at him% /B"t why not6//The s"m in&ol&ed is too lar#e% Any !laim o&er fifteen tho"sand dollars is e)amined &ery !losely% S"ppose this womanins"red with my !ompany% The poli!y wo"ld #o immediately to the Claims department% The head of this department is aman who has been in the ra!$et for twenty years% 5"rin# this time he has had somethin# li$e fi&e to ei#ht tho"sand

    phoney !laims to deal with% He has so m"!h e)perien!e he !an smell a bad!laim the way yo" !an smell a dead rat% So what does he do when he #ets this poli!y6 He as$s himself why a woman

    sho"ld be ins"rin# her life for s"!h a bi# s"m% Who will benefit6 Her sister6 Why6 Is there a boy friend aro"nd6 He hastwenty e)perien!ed in&esti#ators who wor$ for him% He'll t"rn two of them onto this woman% In a few days he will$now as m"!h abo"t her as she $nows abo"t herself% His men will ha&e "nearthed the boy friend at the air terminal%On!e they ha&e d"# him "p then

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    There was a pa"se then the man said /Hoo$ him first before yo" !row/ and the !onne!tion was !"t%

    Chapter >

    Anson's wee$ly ro"tine in!l"ded two days in Pr" Town% He stayed the ni#ht in the Marlboro"#h hotel% At one time he

    had wasted m"!h time in !hasin# the lo!al prostit"tes b"t now from e)perien!e and impatien!e he had fi)ed a datewith ,ay 3awley an easy #oin# blonde who wor$ed at a !i#ar store on Main Street% ,or si)ty b"!$s and a dinner shewas willin# to #o with him to his hotel where the des$ !ler$ who $new Anson well loo$ed the other way as he loo$ her"p to his room%When Anson arri&ed at the hotel after his first meetin# with Me# Barlowe he had e&ery intention of followin# his "s"alro"tine b"t while he was sha&in# he be#an to !ompare ,ay with Me# and it o!!"rred to him with s"rprisin# for!e whata !heap h"stler ,ay was% 5is!onne!tin# the ra+or he sat on the ed#e of his% bed and lit a !i#arette% He told himself hehad ne&er met another woman to to"!h Me# and she had a!t"ally in&ited him to &isit her when her h"sband was awayfor the ni#ht= S"rely that !o"ld only mean one thin#=The tho"#ht of ha&in# an affair with her made him breathless% A#ain he !onsidered ,ay's flashy !heapness her hi#h

    pit!hed #i##les and her &"l#arity% A!tin# on the sp"r of the moment he rea!hed for the telephone b"t there was noanswer to ,ay's n"mber% Irritated he h"n# "p and went ba!$ into the bathroom to !omplete his sha&e%It was while he was slappin# after-sha&e lotion on his fa!e that he heard mo&ements in his bedroom% ,rownin# he went

    to the bathroom door and fo"nd ,ay loo$in# thro"#h his wallet%At the si#ht of him she dropped the wallet h"rriedly ba!$ on the !hest of drawers%/Hello sweetie/ she said% /I tho"#ht I'd s"rprise yo"%/Anson loo$ed her o&er his fa!e e)pressionless% A wee$ a#o he had tho"#ht ,ay 3awley an e)!itin# woman% 4ow!omparin# her with Me# he saw her short!omin#s% She was shabbyI o&erdressed dyed and sordid% /7o" did s"rprise me/ he said !omin# into the bedroom% /Or did I s"rprise yo"6/,ay #i##led and p"t her hand to her mo"th% It was this mo&ement that Anson was so "sed to that now drew his attentionto her toba!!o stained !hipped teeth%/John darlin#/ she said sin$in# down on the bed /I ha&e a fa&o"r to as$ yo"%/He remained motionless loo$in# at her%/I'm in tro"ble/ she went on after a lon# and aw$ward pa"se% /I'&e #ot to ha&e a h"ndred b"!$s by tomorrow or I'll losemy room% I'm behind in the rent%/A h"ndred b"!$s= Anson tho"#ht bitterly% She tho"#ht that was bein# in tro"ble= What wo"ld the silly mare do if she

    owed ei#ht tho"sand b"!$s=/What do yo" e)pe!t me to do abo"t it6/ he said starin# at her% /There's more than a h"ndred b"!$s wal$in# MainStreet%

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    to ma$e "p his mind what to do%I'd better not he tho"#ht to himself% It's too ris$y% I !o"ld spoil my !han!e% It sho"ldn't be too hard to thin$ "p a plot forher and I'll then ha&e a le#itimate e)!"se for !allin# on her% She'll be on her own a#ain ne)t Monday% Between now andMonday I sho"ld be able to dream "p somethin#. it doesn't matter how !orny it is b"t I !an't bar#e in there witho"tsomethin# to tell her% 0el"!tantly he started the !ar en#ine and dro&e on to Brent%/Ha&e yo" somethin# on yo"r mind Mr% Anson6/ Anna

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    away from me= 4o=/Sailor #rinned at him%/Palsy yo"'re in tro"ble% When I'm not wor$in# for Joe I wor$ for Sam Bernstein% 7o" owe him ei#ht #rand% Samdoesn't thin$ yo"'ll pay him% O$ay yo" ha&e time b"t Sam is worried abo"t yo"% Joe's worried abo"t yo" too% 7o"'d

    better pay Joe on Monday or I'll ha&e to wor$ yo" o&er%/ His small white teeth #leamed in the o&erhead li#ht as hesmiled &i!io"sly% /If yo" don't raise Sam's do"#h I'll fi) yo" till yo" wish yo" were dead% 9nderstand6//S"re/ Anson said feelin# !old sweat r"nnin# down his ribs%

    /O$ay% 7o" pay Joe on Monday %%% that's fi)ed h"h6/It's #oin# to be all ri#ht Anson tho"#ht wildly% I'&e #ained two days% Monday ni#ht I'll be with Me#%B"t it wasn't all ri#ht for Sailor mo&ed forward with a ("i!$ shiftin# mo&ement that left Anson helpless to defendhimself%Sailor's hammer-li$e fist san$ into Anson's stoma!h with paralysin# and awf"l &iolen!e and sent him forward in a ;a!$-$nife di&e%Anson sprawled fa!e down on the oily !on!rete floor% He heard Sailor say /Monday palsy% If yo" ha&en't the do"#hthen yo"'re in for a real beatin# and remember Sam %%% yo" don't pay him and yo"'re as #ood as dead%/Anson lay still his hands !l"t!hin# his stoma!h his breath moanin# thro"#h his !len!hed teeth% He was dimly aware ofthe !old #ro"nd that !hilled his pain wra!$ed body as he listened to the ("i!$ footfalls of the e)-li#ht hea&y wei#ht!hampion of California as he wal$ed bris$ly "p the dri&e-in and o"t into the dar$ness of the ni#ht%Anson lay in bed% The day was S"nday% The time was ele&en fifteen a%m% Aro"nd his na&el where Ho#an had s"n$ hisfist the flesh was yellow #reen and bla!$% Somehow he had mana#ed to dra# himself to the ele&ator and rea!h his

    apartment% He had ta$en three sleepin# tablets and had #ot into bed% When he wo$e the bri#ht mornin# s"nshine was!omin# aro"nd the ed#es of the blind% He had limped to the bathroom% His #"ts felt as if they were on fire% At least hetho"#ht I am not passin# blood b"t he was fri#htened% He tho"#ht with horror of the ne)t meetin# with Ho#an if hefailed to raise 5"n!an's money% His mind mo&ed ahead to ne)t J"ne% He% m"st ha&e been o"t of his mind to ha&e

    borrowed ei#ht tho"sand dollars from Bernstein% He m"st ha&e been !ra+y to ha&e p"t all that money on that #oddamnhorse= He felt a !old !hill as he tho"#ht of the re!$onin#% He was !ertain now that he wo"ld ne&er be able to raise thats"m% He p"t his hand to his tender a!hin# stoma!h and he !rin#ed% Ho#an wo"ld fi) him% He $new it% He too wo"ld be#oin# aro"nd loo$in# li$e an idiot after Ho#an had fi)ed him%He lay there in a mood of fri#htened bla!$ despair d"rin# the ne)t fo"r ho"rs% His mind darted li$e a trapped mo"sesear!hin# for a way of es!ape%There was one tho"#ht that $ept mo&in# into his mind and whi!h he immediately re;e!ted b"t as the ho"rs passed andno other sol"tion presented itself he finally be#an to !onsider the idea%9p to this moment he had shied away from any !riminal a!t to ma$e money b"t now he reali+ed there was nothin# left

    b"t to ma$e money dishonestly%He tho"#ht of Me# Barlowe%She has somethin# on her mind he told himself% That story abo"t an ins"ran!e swindle %%% she $new that ;"n$ she !alled

    ;ewellery was worthless% So why did she as$ me to !all6 Why did she tell me her h"sband wo"ld be away for the ni#hton Mondays and Th"rsdays6 This !o"ld be my way o"t %%% this !o"ld be the !han!e I'm loo$in# for%He was still thin$in# abo"t the idea when he drifted off into an e)ha"sted sleep that too$ him thro"#h the ni#ht toMonday mornin#%Anson wal$ed a!ross the &ast par$in# lot of ,ramley's store with a sli#ht dra##in# step% Mo&ement !a"sed him pain% Hehad to for!e himself to wal$ "pri#ht%He p"shed open the swin# doors into the b"stle of the store% He loo$ed aro"nd then as$ed one of the ele&ator attendantswhere he !o"ld find the horti!"lt"ral department%/Basement% Se!tion 5/ the #irl told him%There was a bi# !rowd aro"nd the horti!"lt"ral stand and Anson wasn't s"rprised% He re!o#ni+ed the same #eni"s that

    had !reated the #arden at the Barlowe ho"se% People mo&ed aro"nd #apin# and e)!laimin# at the blooms the perfe!tfloral arran#ements the little fo"ntains and the bea"tif"lly arran#ed ban$s of !"t flowers% There were fo"r #irls wearin##reen smo!$s b"sy with their order boo$s% Barlowe stood by a des$ a pen!il behind his ear while he wat!hed the #irls

    boo$ orders%Barlowe was so "nli$e the man Anson had ima#ined him to be that after starin# at him for se&eral se!onds he as$edone of the #irls if it was Mr% Barlowe% When the #irl said he was Anson mo&ed ba!$ to the ed#e of the !rowd% He a#ainst"died the man who was now sellin# a rose tree to an elderly !o"ple% How in the world !o"ld s"!h a sensationalloo$in# woman li$e Me# ha&e !ome to marry s"!h a man6 Anson as$ed himself% ,rom his &anta#e point behind the!rowd Anson st"died Barlowe with in!reasin# s"rprise%Barlowe was in his early forties% He had a sho!$ of thi!$ bla!$ hair% He was thin and "ndersi+ed% His eyes were deep setin hollows that were dar$ rin#ed% He had a thin ill-tempered mo"th and his nose was pointed and lon#% *)aminin# himAnson de!ided that this little shrimp of a man's only #ra!e lay in his lon# slender and artisti! hands. they were bea"tif"lhands b"t there was nothin# else abo"t him that !o"ld win anyone's fa&o"r%

    Anson mo&ed away from the s!ent of the flowers s"ddenly &ery !onfident that he had no serio"s !ompetition to fear%He e&en for#ot the na##in# soreness of his stoma!h as he passed the par$in# lot towards his !ar% He had three prospe!tsto !all on% The time was now twenty min"tes to fo"r% He sho"ld be free to% &isit Me# by se&en o'!lo!$%On his way to his !ar he pa"sed by a row of telephone booths% It too$ him only a few min"tes to find Barlowe's

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    telephone n"mber% He dialled the n"mber%Me# answered the !all% The so"nd of her &oi!e made him feel breathless%/

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    /I #"ess I #et interested in people's ba!$#ro"nds% I was in ,ramley's store this afternoon 7o"r h"sband seemed to be&ery b"sy%//He's always b"sy% He's the ori#inal b"sy bee%/Was there a note of !ontempt in her &oi!e6 Anson wondered s"ddenly alert%/Meetin# so many people as I do I'm often s"rprised at the odd "ne)pe!ted married !o"ples I r"n into% Seein# yo"rh"sband I sho"ld ne&er ha&e ima#ined yo" wo"ld ha&e marriedhim%/ He pa"sed and loo$ed at her wonderin# if he had #one too far% Her reply sent a hot r"sh of blood "p his spine%


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    She made two drin$s #a&e him a #lass and then sat on the floor a#ain before the fire% /Tell me %%%//I don't $now anythin# abo"t story tellin# b"t I thin$ this more or less is how it #oes/ Anson said starin# at the!eilin#% /An ins"ran!e salesman needs money badly% One day he !alls on a woman who has made an in("iry abo"t afire !o&era#e% He falls in lo&e with her and she with him% She is "nhappily married% He pers"ades the h"sband to ta$eo"t a life poli!y% Between the two - the salesman and the wife - they !on!o!t a plan to #et rid of the h"sband% Be!a"sethe salesman $nows how to handle the set-"p they #et away with it% It is in the wor$in# o"t of the details that the storyis interestin#/ He too$ a lon# drin$ and set down his #lass% /3i$e the idea6/

    She rea!hed for the po$er and a#ain stirred the fire into a bla+e%/It's not &ery ori#inal is it6/ she said do"btf"lly% /When we first met yo" said it was &ery diffi!"lt to swindle anins"ran!e !ompany and yet yo" say these two #et away with it%//It's not only diffi!"lt b"t dan#ero"s b"t the ins"ran!e salesman $nows how to handle it% If he wasn't in the ra!$ethimself it wo"ld be more than dan#ero"s%//And isn't it !ontri&ed6/ She p"t down the po$er and t"rned to loo$ at him% /I mean the reader wo"ld ha&e to a!!ept thefa!t that the h"sband wo"ld be willin# to ta$e o"t an ins"ran!e

    poli!y% B"t why sho"ld he6 What I mean is s"ppose it was Phil that was the h"sband% I $now for !ertain he wo"ldne&er ins"re his life% He is a#ainst ta$in# o"t an ins"ran!e poli!y%//That depends of !o"rse on how the story is set "p/ Anson said% /B"t o$ay ;"st for the sa$e of dis!"ssin# this s"pposethe man was yo"r h"sband yo" were the "nhappily married woman and I was the salesman%/There was a short silen!e then witho"t loo$in# at him Me# said /Well %%% all ri#ht %%% let's ;"st s"ppose %%%//I am !ertain that I !o"ld sell yo"r h"sband an ins"ran!e poli!y/ Anson said% /It's the way I'd approa!h him that wo"ld

    hoo$ him %%% I'm s"re I !o"ld do it%//How wo"ld yo" approa!h him6//?nowin# he needs !apital/ Anson said /I wo"ldn't try to sell him a poli!y as a life ins"ran!e% I'd sell him the poli!y asse!"rity to #et a loan from the ban$% Ban$s a!!ept life poli!ies as se!"rities for a loan and as he is so $een to set "p onhis own I wo"ld ha&e him half sold already%/ Me# shifted to a more !omfortable position% /7o"'re !le&er/ she said% /Ihadn't tho"#ht of that%/ /That's only the start of it/ Anson said% /I $now I wo"ldn't be able to sell him anythin# lar#erthan a fi&e tho"sand dollar !o&era#e% That's not m"!h #ood is it6 It's all ri#ht for him. he !o"ld raise a three tho"sanddollar loan on that !o&era#e b"t if he died s"ddenly it wo"ldn't be m"!h "se to yo" wo"ld it6/She shoo$ her head starin# into the fire%/It wo"ldn't be m"!h "se to me either b"t fifty tho"sand dollars wo"ld be %%% wo"ldn't it6/ She loo$ed at him% /7es

    b"t%%%//The tri!$ in this is I !o"ld ins"re him for fifty tho"sand and he wo"ld ima#ine he was ins"red only for fi&e tho"sand%/A#ain there was a lon# pa"se then Me# said /It's be#innin# to be interestin#% J"st s"ppose Phil did ta$e o"t an

    ins"ran!e !o&era#e for fifty tho"sand dollars %%% then what happens6/Here was the dan#er spot of the plan Anson tho"#ht% He wo"ld now ha&e to mo&e &ery !aref"lly% Maybe he wasr"shin# this too fast%/5on't let's $eep this story on s"!h a personal basis/ he said% /I was "sin# yo"r h"sband be!a"se it ma$es it more

    belie&able% 3et's now ima#ine shall we we ha&e a man - any man - ins"red for fifty tho"sand dollars altho"#h hedoesn't $now it%%% his wife and an ins"ran!e salesman who are in lo&e with ea!h other %%% o$ay6/ /7es %%% of !o"rse%//These two are in lo&e and they need money% If the h"sband dies the wife will #et fifty tho"sand dollars whi!h she willshare with her lo&er b"t it isn't #oin# to be that easy be!a"se the h"sband shows no si#ns of dyin#% So these two be#into thin$ abo"t how to #et rid of him% The wife m"stn't ha&e anythin# to do with the %%% the #ettin# rid of the h"sband%That wo"ld be !ompletely fatal% His death m"st appear to be an a!!ident witho"t the wife bein# in&ol&ed in any way%//7o"'&e really tho"#ht abo"t this ha&en't yo" John6/ she said loo$in# at him her !obalt eyes intent% /

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    /That's the way I see it/ Anson said% He finished the whis$y and sat "p% /5o yo" li$e the idea6/She t"rned slowly and stared at him%/Oh yes John I li$e it% If only yo" $new how this drab life with him is !r"shin# me= ,ifty tho"sand dollars= I !an't

    belie&e it %%% all that money and my freedom=/Anson felt a !hill of "neasiness r"n thro"#h him% This was too easy he tho"#ht% She has either been plannin# to m"rderBarlowe for months or she doesn't reali+e what she is #ettin# into% It's too easy%/The money wo"ld !ome to yo"/ he said loo$in# intently at her% /I wo"ld ha&e to tr"st yo" to share it with me% I need

    the money badly Me#%/She #ot to her feet%/3et's #o "pstairs%/The e)pression in her eyes wiped o"t his "neasiness%Somewhere downstairs a !lo!$ !himed fi&e% Thro"#h the open window the first #rey li#ht of the dawn made li#hteno"#h for Anson to loo$ aro"nd the shabby bedroom%He #rima!ed at its po&erty and then loo$ed at Me# lyin# by his side% The #rey li#ht softened her feat"res% She loo$edyo"n#er and e&en more bea"tif"l%/Me#%%%/She stirred m"rm"red somethin# and her hand to"!hed his na$ed !hest%/Asleep6/She opened her eyes and loo$ed blan$ly at him then she smiled/4ot really %%% do+in# %%%/

    /Me too%/ He slid his arm aro"nd her p"llin# her to him% /I'&e been thin$in# yo" really want to #o ahead with thisthin#6 It's not ;"st. somethin# yo"'re ima#inin# is #oin# to happen in one of yo"r stories6//I want to #o ahead with it% I !an't #o on li&in# this way% I m"st ha&e money %%%//That's the way I feel b"t it won't be easy% There is a lot to thin$ abo"t% We'&e only ;"st started we're only on the frin#eof this thin#%/She was now f"lly awa$e and she sat "p% /I'll #et some !offee% 3et's tal$% We may not #et the !han!e a#ain %%% not toha&e a real tal$%/She was ri#ht of !o"rse% After this he $new he wo"ld ha&e to be &ery !aref"l abo"t seein# her a#ain% If Maddo) e&erfo"nd o"t they were lo&ers the plan formin# in his mind wo"ld be !oo$ed%He waited for her listenin# to her mo&in# aro"nd downstairs% She !ame ba!$ e&ent"ally with !offee and set the tray ona table by the bed%She had on a pale #reen nylon ni#htdress that was !ompletely transparent b"t now Anson !o"ld loo$ at her witho"tfeelin# the desperate "r#e to possess her for their lo&e ma$in# had been lon# and satisfyin#%

    She po"red a !"p of !offee and #a&e it to him% /If we do it %%% yo"'re s"re it will wor$6/ she as$ed sittin# on the ed#e ofthe bed while she po"red herself a !"p%Her attit"de not only made him "neasy b"t it irritated him% She !o"ldn't be so "tterly !old-blooded as she so"nded hetho"#ht% She ;"st didn't reali+e what they were plannin#%/4o I'm not s"re/ he said determined to ma$e her reali+e the dan#er of this thin#% /It will ta$e time% I'll ha&e to plane&ery mo&e% B"t first I want to be absol"tely !ertain yo"'re really willin# %%% yo" really want to do this thin#%/ She madean impatient mo&ement% /Of !o"rse I do%//5o yo" reali+e what we are plannin# to do6/ Anson pa"sed then went on spea$in# slowly and deliberately /We are#oin# to !ommit a m"rder= 5o yo" reali+e that6/He was wat!hin# her% Her e)pression hardened b"t she didn't flin!h%'/7o" heard me Me#6 We are #oin# to !ommit m"rder=//I $now%/ She loo$ed at him her mo"th set in a determined line% /5oes it fri#hten yo"6/He drew in a deep breath%

    /7es %%% it fri#htens me% 5oesn't it fri#hten yo"6/A#ain she made an impatient mo&ement%/I !an't e&en feel sorry for him% I'&e had to li&e with him for nearly a year% I'&e tho"#ht for months now how happy I!o"ld be if he were dead %%%//7o" !o"ld ha&e di&or!ed him/ Anson said starin# at her%/Where wo"ld that #et me6 At least I ha&e a roof and food -no other woman b"t a m"# li$e me wo"ld loo$ at him %%%and now I won't ha&e him near me% 7o" don't ima#ine he sleeps in this bed do yo"6 I lo!$ him o"t% I'&e lo!$ed him o"te&er sin!e o"r first horrible ni#ht to#ether% 7o" don't $now %%% he's &ile %%% he's %%%/ She stopped #rima!ed% /I'm not tal$in#abo"t it% Some men ha&e these $in$s %%% he has %%% I'll be #lad when he's dead=/Anson rela)ed% 4ow he !o"ld "nderstand her indifferen!e% At last he had fo"nd someone he !o"ld wor$ with% Thiswoman wo"ldn't let him down%/I'm sorry/ he said% /I didn't $now it was as bad as that% Well all ri#ht %%% we'll "se him b"t yo" m"st thin$ abo"t it% If Ima$e a mista$e yo"'ll be in&ol&ed% 5on't $id yo"rself the ;"ry will be $ind to yo"% A woman who helps to m"rder her

    h"sband for #ain #ets a pretty r"##ed time%/ /Why sho"ld yo" ma$e a mista$e6/ Anson smiled mirthlessly%/M"rder is a f"nny thin#% 7o" !an plan !aref"lly and yo" !an be awf"lly smart b"t yo" !an still ma$e a mista$e andyo" ha&e only to ma$e one mista$e%//Is that what yo" are #oin# to do6/ She p"t down her !"p and lit a !i#arette% /I don't thin$ so John% I ha&e faith in yo"% I

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    She shr"##ed #ot to her feet and went to the sideboard% She p"lled open a drawer and too$ from it a wooden bo) whi!hshe p"t on the table%Anson opened the bo) to find it !ontained a %@D poli!e Spe!ial a spare !lip and a bo) of !artrid#es%He lifted the #"n from the bo) !he!$ed to see it was "nloaded then balan!ed it in his hand%/He doesn't "se it now6/ he as$ed%/He hasn't to"!hed it for months% Why the interest6//5o yo" thin$ it wo"ld be safe if I borrowed it for a ni#ht6/

    She stiffened%/B"t why6//Co"ld I borrow it6//7es %%% of !o"rse b"t yo" m"st tell me %%% why6//9se yo"r head/ Anson said impatiently% He p"t the #"n in his hip po!$et% /I ha&e to find three tho"sand dollars%/She sat motionless starin# at him%He too$ si) !artrid#es from the bo) and dropped them into his po!$et%There was a lon# pa"se then he rea!hed o"t and p"lled her to him% His hands mo&ed down her lon# ba!$ as he pressedhis lips to hers%

    Chapter E

    Sometime d"rin# the late afternoon Anson dro&e into the Calte) Ser&i!e Station on the Brent hi#hway% While theattendant was fillin# his tan$ and !leanin# his windshield Anson went into the offi!e and thro"#h to the toilet% He leftthe toilet door a;ar and standin# a#ainst the far wall he e)amined the offi!e% There was a des$ a filin# !abinet and a

    bi# old-fashioned safe% He noti!ed the two bi# windows that fa!ed the hi#hway%He mo&ed o"t of the toilet satisfied he now had the #eo#raphy of the offi!e set in his mind and he ret"rned to the !ar%As he paid the attendant he said !as"ally /7o" $eep open all ni#ht don't yo"6//That's a fa!t b"t I #o off in three ho"rs% My side$i!$ does the ni#ht shift%/A few months ba!$ Anson had tal$ed with the mana#er of the Ser&i!e station abo"t ins"rin# the ta$in#s% He $newthere was anythin# from three tho"sand to fo"r tho"sand dollars in the safe% While he had been e)aminin# Barlowe's#"n it had flashed thro"#h his mind that the Ser&i!e station !o"ld be a pretty easy hold-"p%He was s"rprised that he felt so !alm abo"t plannin# this robbery% The wei#ht of the #"n in his hip po!$et #a&e him alot of !onfiden!e% He de!ided aro"nd fo"r o'!lo!$ in the mornin# he wo"ld wal$ into the Ser&i!e station and for!e the

    attendant at #"n point to open the safe% With any l"!$ he wo"ld then ha&eeno"#h money to pay off Joe 5"n!an and to pay the first premi"m of Barlowe's fifty tho"sand dollar life poli!y%Ba!$ at the Marlboro"#h hotel Anson went "p to his room% Sittin# on his bed he e)amined Barlowe's #"n% He $newsomethin# abo"t #"ns as he had ser&ed his two years of military ser&i!e% He satisfied himself that the #"n was in #oodwor$in# order then he loaded it with the si) !artrid#es he had in his po!$et% He p"t the #"n in his s"it!ase%He then went down to the bar% After drin$in# two stiff whis$ies he went alon# to the resta"rant% He ordered dinner andas$ed for half a bottle of !laret% He seldom dran$ wine b"t he wanted the !or$ from the bottle. the !or$ was to play aminor part in his robbery plan% His stoma!h still felt sore and he had no appetite% He merely pi!$ed at his food% Aro"ndnine o'!lo!$ he si#ned the !he!$% He p"t the !or$ from the wine bottle into his po!$et and lea&in# the resta"rant hewal$ed to the men's toilet room% There was an old 4e#ro attendant do+in# in a !hair% He peered sleepily at Anson andseein# he needed no ser&i!e he !losed his eyes a#ain%Anson washed his hands and while he did so he loo$ed in the mirror at the rows of hats and !oats han#in# on the ra!$

    behind him% He pi!$ed on a well worn brown and #reen striped o&er!oat a shabby b"t distin!ti&e !oat and a Swiss hat

    with a #ay feather in it on the ne)t pe#%After dryin# his hands he loo$ed at the do+in# 4e#ro who had be#"n to snore #ently% Anson too$ the hat and !oat andleft the hotel by a side entran!e%Carryin# the hat and !oat he wal$ed the few yards down the street to where he had par$ed his !ar% He opened the tr"n$tossed in the hat and !oat !losed the tr"n$ and ret"rned to the hotel%Ba!$ in his room he stret!hed o"t on his bed lit a !i#arette and went o&er in his mind the plan to ma$e s"re he $newe)a!tly what he was #oin# to do%It seemed simple and strai#htforward so lon# as he didn't lose his ner&e% He wo"ld lea&e the hotel by the staff entran!earo"nd three o'!lo!$ a%m% At that time he wasn't li$ely to r"ninto anyone% There was a lay-by near the Ser&i!e station% He wo"ld lea&e his !ar there%He wo"ld then dar$en his blond eyebrows and the sides of his hair with b"rnt !or$ p"t on the Swiss hat and the

    borrowed top!oat tie a hand$er!hief o&er the lower part of his fa!e and wal$ to the Ser&i!e station% On!e he had themoney he wo"ld p"t the telephone o"t of a!tion and ret"rn to his !ar% If anyone tried to a!t li$e a hero %%% well he had

    the #"n%He #ot off the bed feelin# restless and e)!ited% It was only ten o'!lo!$% He wondered what Me# was doin#% She hadn't

    been far from his tho"#hts d"rin# the day% He went down to the bar and seein# two salesmen he $new he ;oined them%It was aro"nd one o'!lo!$ when he ret"rned to his room% He was a little dr"n$ and in a re!$less mood% He too$

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    Barlowe's #"n from the s"it!ase and sittin# on the bed he balan!ed the #"n in his hand%This is it he tho"#ht% There is a time when e&ery man worth a ni!$le m"st ma$e "p his mind what to do with his life%I'&e p"t off my de!ision lon# eno"#h% I'll ne&er #et anywhere witho"t money% With Me# to help me and with fiftytho"sand dollars to #et me started I'll rea!h "p and ta$e the s"n o"t of the s$y%B"t he $new he was $iddin# himself% He $new in a year probably less the fifty tho"sand dollars wo"ld be #one% Hehad ne&er been able to hold onto money% He $new Me# was an e)!itin# se)"al playthin# b"t nothin# more and shewo"ld ne&er help him% She was a sl"t. shiftless and worthless and li$e him money lo&in#%

    Well all ri#ht he said shr"##in# the money may not last lon# b"t well ha&e a fine time while it does last% He lay ba!$on the pillow n"rsin# the #"n and thin$in# a#ain of Me#%Harry Weber had been wor$in# the ni#ht shift at the Calte) Ser&i!e station for the past two years% It was a soft ;ob andHarry li$ed it% He was an a&id reader and the ;ob #a&e him the opport"nity to ind"l#e himself%After one o'!lo!$ a%m% he !onsidered himself b"sy if he had to ser&i!e more than three !ars "p to the time he !ame offd"tywhi!h was at se&en o'!lo!$ a%m% He sometimes wondered why the Ser&i!e station $ept open all ni#ht b"t as he !o"ldrela) and read it was no s$in off his nose if they were willin# to pay him #ood money ;"st to sit on his ba!$side andsoa$ himself in the paperba!$s on whi!h he spent most of his wa#es%A few min"tes to fo"r Harry made himself a ;"# of !offee% C"p in hand he settled ba!$ in his !hair to !ontin"e a JamesBond story when the #lass door to the offi!e sw"n# silently open%Harry loo$ed "p stiffened then &ery slowly set down his !"p of !offee on the des$% The paperba!$ slipped o"t of hishand and dropped to the floor%

    The man fa!in# him was wearin# an odd loo$in# top!oat and Swiss style hat% The lower part of his fa!e was hidden bya white hand$er!hief% In his ri#ht hand he held a &i!io"s loo$in# #"n that he pointed to Harry%,or a brief moment the two men stared at ea!h other then the #"nman said ("ietly /5on't a!t li$e a hero= I don't want to$ill yo" b"t I will if I ha&e to%

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    As he dro&e onto the tarma! dri&e of the Barlowe ho"ses Me# !ame to the door%He !ame towards her smilin#%/Hello/ he said% /Here I am a#ain%/ She #a&e #ro"nd standin# aside% Altho"#h she ret"rned his smile her smile didn'trea!h her eyes% She loo$ed pale and tense%As he too$ off his top!oat and as she sh"t the front door she said /It was on the radio ;"st now% The patrol offi!er %%% theone who was shot %%% he's - he's dead%/Anson wal$ed into the sittin#-room% He stood by the fire warmin# his !old hands% He wat!hed her as she stood in the

    doorway her !obalt bl"e eyes si!$ with fear%/5idn't yo" hear what I said6/ she demanded her &oi!e shrill% /He is dead%/Anson peered at her% A#ain he was s"rprised how !alm he felt% The fool had as$ed for it% He !o"ld ha&e li&ed b"t he hadas$ed for it% 4ow there was no reason to t"rn ba!$ %%% Barlowe wo"ld be ne)t% The !op's death sealed Barlowe's fate%/What's the matter6/ he as$ed%/7o" shot him didn't yo"6/He loo$ed aro"nd the room% She really was a sl"t he tho"#ht as he saw the "sed brea$fast thin#s on the table% One ofthem. Barlowe of !o"rse had had e##s and ba!on% The yo$e en!r"sted plate the smear of ;am on the table!loth the"sed !offee !"ps by her typewriter dis#"sted him%She stood wat!hin# him as he opened his brief!ase and too$ o"t the #"n% He wiped it !aref"lly with his hand$er!hiefand !arryin# it in his hand$er!hief he p"t it in the wooden bo) he too$ from the drawer in the sideboard% He too$ fi&e!artrid#es from his po!$et !aref"lly wiped ea!h one before p"ttin# them in the bo)%/7o"'&e !leaned the #"n6/ she as$ed in a ti#ht fri#htened &oi!e%

    /Of !o"rse%//B"t yo" too$ si) !artrid#es%//5o yo" thin$ he will miss one6/ Anson as$ed t"rnin# to oo$ at her%She sh"ddered%/So yo" did $ill that man %%%/He too$ hold of her wrist and ;er$ed her ro"#hly to him%/This is the be#innin#/ he said his hand slidin# down the en#th of her ba!$% She stiffened and tried to p"ll away from"rn b"t he held her% /7o" said we wo"ld #o ahead with this%/ lis #rip ti#htened% /?iss me/ he said "r#ently% /7o"'re inthis ness with me% 7o" !an't es!ape from it now% ?iss me%/She hesitated then !losin# her eyes she rela)ed a#ainst him% L%s his lips met hers he felt her sh"dder% 0o"#hly hemo&ed her ro"nd the settee p"shed her down so she lay on her ba!$ tarin# "p at him%She shoo$ her head wildly%/4o %%% not now%%% John= 4o=/

    Seein# his s"dden !han#e of e)pression an e)pression that ri#htened her she pressed the palms of her hands a#ainsther yes and sh"dderin#ly yielded to him%/Tell me abo"t yo"rself Me#/ Anson said some twenty lin"tes later% He was now sittin# before the fire in the bi#habby arm!hair while Me# still lay "pon the settee% /7o" l"stn't mind if I seem !"rio"s% I want yo" to be !aref"l how o"answer my ("estions% What I'm aimin# to do is to ma$e "re yo" don't land "p in the #as !hamber%/Me# mo&ed "neasily%/Why tal$ li$e that6 7o" fri#hten me%//It's better to be fri#htened by me than by Maddo)/ Anson lid% /When e&ent"ally yo" p"t in the !laim for the ins"ran!eloney Maddo) will t"rn a sear!hli#ht on yo"% *&en if yo" a&e a !ast iron alibi be'll still be s"spi!io"s of yo"% Is therenythin# in yo"r past he sho"ldn't $now abo"t6/She frowned not loo$in# at him%/4o %%% of !o"rse not=//7o" ha&e no !riminal re!ord6/

    She half sat "p her eyes an#ry%/4o=//7o" ha&e ne&er been in tro"ble with the poli!e6/She hesitated then shr"##in# she said /5ri&in# too fast%%% that's all%//What did yo" do before yo" were married6//I was a re!eptionist at an hotel%//What hotel6//The Conna"#ht Anns in 3os An#eles%//Was it a respe!table hotel6 It wasn't a room by the ho"r and no ("estions as$ed6//Of !o"rse not=//Before that6/A#ain she hesitated before sayin# /I was a ni#ht !l"b hostess%/Anson be!ame alert%

    /What did yo" do6//The "s"al thin# partnered men pers"aded them to b"y drin$s%//4ow wat!h this Me#% 5id yo" #o home with them6 7o" $now what I mean%//I didn't%/

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    He st"died her% Her eyes were now an#ry%/S"re6//I tell yo" I didn't=/ She was now sittin# bolt "pri#ht% /Is this man #oin# to as$ me these $ind of ("estions before he'll

    pay o"t6/Anson shoo$ his head%/Oh no% B"t if he doesn't li$e the loo$ of yo"r !laim he'll t"rn one of his smart in&esti#ators on to yo"% Witho"t yo"r$nowin# anythin# abo"t it he'll di# "p yo"r whole history% He'll then de!ide when he has yo"r dossier in front of him if

    he'll fi#ht yo"r !laim or not% If yo"r dossier is bad he'll fi#ht yo"%/She lay ba!$ her e)pression showin# how worried she was%/If I'd $nown it was #oin# to be li$e this I wo"ldn't ha&e a#reed to do it with yo"%//There's still time to ba!$ o"t/ Anson said% /7o" !an't e)pe!t to pi!$ "p fifty tho"sand dollars for nothin#% 7o" ha&enothin# to worry abo"t so lon# as yo" are tellin# the tr"th% What did yo" do before yo" be!ame a ni#ht !l"b hostess6//I li&ed with my mother/ she said not loo$in# at him%/7o" ha&e been married nearly a year% This is &itally important Me#% I m"st ha&e the tr"th% While yo" ha&e beenBarlowe's wife ha&e yo" had a lo&er6//I'&e had yo"/ Me# said and made a fa!e at him%/I don't mean me/ Anson said starin# at her% /We'&e been !aref"l and we're #oin# to remain !aref"l% I mean someoneelse %%% someone yo" ha&en't been so !aref"l abo"t%//4o %%% there's been no one%//S"re6 If Maddo) finds there has been someone he'll #o after him% There's nothin# he li$es better than to find o"t the

    wife of the ins"red h"sband who s"ddenly dies has a lo&er% He thri&es on a sit"ation li$e that%//There's been no one%//Wo"ld there be anyone who wo"ld $now hpw yo" really feel abo"t yo"r h"sband6 Anyone who mi#ht ha&e o&erheardyo" ("arrellin# if yo" do ("arrel6 Anyone who mi#ht say yo" weren't happily married6/She shoo$ her head%/4o one e&er !omes here%//Wo"ld yo"r h"sband dis!"ss yo" with anyone6/She shoo$ her head emphati!ally%/4o %%% I'm s"re of that%/Anson leaned ba!$ in the !hair and tho"#ht for a lon# moment while Me# wat!hed him%/O$ay/ he said finally% /I thin$ that !o&ers it% 7o"'re s"re yo"'&e told me the tr"th6 7o" may not thin$ so now b"t allthese ("estions are important% On!e Maddo) in&esti#ates yo" and yo" !an bet yo"r life that's what he will do yo" ha&eto be abo&e reproa!h% 7o" are s"re yo" ha&e told me the tr"th6/

    /7es %%% don't $eep on and on= I ha&e told yo" the tr"th=//O$ay%/ He rela)ed and too$ o"t a pa!$et of !i#arettes% He tossed her one and too$ one himself% As they lit "p he wenton /4ow for the ne)t step% Will yo"r h"sband be home tomorrow ni#ht6//He's always home e)!ept on Mondays and Th"rsdays%//I'll be here aro"nd ei#ht thirty% Ma$e s"re yo" answer the door% I'&e #ot to #et into this room if I'm to sell him% If he!omes to the door he may $eep me on the doorstep and yo" don't sell ins"ran!e on a doorstep%//5on't thin$ yo" are #oin# to ha&e an easy time with Phil%%% yo" won't%/Anson #ot to his feet%/7o"r ;ob is to open the front door and let me in% I'll do the rest% Tomorrow ni#ht then%/She stood "p%/John %%% I want to $now %%% did yo" shoot that poli!eman6/Anson pi!$ed "p his brief-!ase%/I told yo" not to as$ ("estions%/ He pa"sed and loo$ed dire!tly at her% /I ha&e the money to pay for the premi"m %%%

    that's all yo" need $now%/He made no attempt to $iss her b"t went o"t of the ho"se and down the dri&e to his !ar%As soon as the so"nd of his !ar en#ine had died away Me# ran to the telephone and h"rriedly dialled a n"mber% Shelistened to the rin#in# tone for a lon# time b"t there was no answer%The followin# ni#ht was warm and mild with a brilliant moon% As thin#s t"rned o"t this was l"!$y for Anson%Me# had warned him Barlowe wo"ld be diffi!"lt b"t he hadn't ima#ined he was #oin# to be as diffi!"lt as he was% 3i$emost wea$-willed people Barlowe was not only obstinate he was also r"de%Anson had no diffi!"lty in #ettin# in to the bi# sittin#-room be!a"se Me# let him in b"t when Barlowe ;"mped "p fromthe arm!hair before the fire an e&enin# newspaper in his hand Anson immediately felt the impa!t of hostility that !amefrom the small ill-tempered loo$in# man%In spite of the hostility Anson went smoothly into his "s"al sales tal$ b"t he had s!ar!ely be#"n before Barlowe !"rtly!"t him short%/I'm not interested in ins"ran!e% I ne&er ha&e been and I ne&er will be/ he said% /7o"'re wastin# yo"r time and mine% I'll

    be #lad if yo"'ll #o%/Anson had smiled his friendly professional smile%/I'&e !ome all the way from Brent Mr% Barlowe to see yo"% I wo"ld ta$e it as a fa&o"r if yo" wo"ld listen to what Iha&e to say% I%%%/

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    /I don't intend to listen=/ Barlowe t"rned an#rily to Me# who was standin# in the doorway% /Why did yo" let him in67o" $now I ne&er tal$ to salesmen=/He sat down and openin# his paper he hid himself behind it%Anson and Me# e)!han#ed #lan!es% She lifted her sho"lders as if to say /Well I told yo" didn't I6/To Anson this was a !hallen#e% He was one of the top salesmen of the 4ational ,idelity's #ro"p of salesmen% O&er theyears he had often met with the !omplete br"sh-off and had s"r&i&ed to ma$e a sale%He said to the newspaper hidin# Barlowe /Of !o"rse if I am annoyin# yo" I'll #o b"t I was "nder the impression yo"

    were interested in ta$in# o"t a life poli!y% In fa!t I was told to !all on yo"%/Barlowe lowered the newspaper and stared s"spi!io"sly at Anson%/Told6 What do yo" mean6 Who told yo"6/Anson made an apolo#eti! #est"re%/Mr% Hammerstein/ he said namin# the #eneral mana#er of ,ramley's store% He felt safe in "sin# Hammerstein's name%In his lowly position as salesman Barlowe wasn't li$ely to ha&e !onta!t with a man in Hammerstein's position% /I soldhim a life poli!y and he said it wo"ld be a #ood idea if I !alled on some members of his staff% He #a&e me yo"r name%/Barlowe fl"shed red%/Mr% Hammerstein #a&e yo" my name6//That's ri#ht/ Anson said and smiled% /He seems to thin$ a lot of yo"%/There was a pa"se then Barlowe said in a milder tone /I'm not interested% Anyway than$s for !allin#%//That's all ri#ht/ Anson said% /I'm #lad to ha&e met yo"% I won't dist"rb yo" any lon#er%/Barlowe #ot hastily to his feet% He was now loo$in# embarrassed%

    /I didn't mean to seem r"de/ he said% /I wo"ldn't li$e yo" to thin$ %%% I mean %%% well one does #et so pestered %%%/Anson's smile widened% This ill-tempered little man was now ob&io"sly s!ared word mi#ht #et ba!$ to his boss that hehad #i&en Anson the br"sh-off%/I $now %%% I $now/ he said% /Belie&e it or not some optimist the other day a!t"ally tried to sell me an ins"ran!e poli!y/and he la"#hed%Barlowe la"#hed too% He was now losin# his hostility and he mo&ed forward as if to show Anson to the front door%/I'll bet he didn't sell yo" anythin#/ he said%/And yo" wo"ldn't lose/ Anson ret"rned and la"#hed a#ain%Barlowe was now in the hall% With a ("i!$ win$ at Me# Anson ;oined him%/I was admirin# yo"r #arden/ he said% /I wo"ld &ery m"!h li$e to see it in dayli#ht% As I dro&e "p my headli#htsshowed me some of the finest roses I ha&e e&er seen%/Barlowe was abo"t to open the front door now he pa"sed%/Are yo" interested in #ardenin#6/

    /I'm !ra+y abo"t it b"t "nfort"nately I li&e in an apartment% My father had a !otta#e in Carmel% He #rew roses b"t theyweren't in the same !lass as yo"rs%//Is that a fa!t6/ Barlowe was now !ompletely rela)ed% /Wo"ld yo" li$e to see my #arden6/ His ill-tempered fa!esoftened% /I'll show it to yo"%/He opened a !"pboard by the front door and Anson saw the !"pboard !ontained a n"mber of ele!tri!al swit!hes%Barlowe fli!$ed them all down then he opened the front door%Anson mo&ed forward then pa"sed%The small #arden had been transformed into a fairyland% Altho"#h he !o"ld see no si#n of any lamps the #arden wasnow artisti!ally and bea"tif"lly floodlit% It was as if the flowers themsel&es were prod"!in# their own li#hts% *&enthe fo"ntain and the fish pond were bathed in bl"e and yellow li#hts%/Well for Pete's sa$e=/ Anson said !at!hin# his breath% He p"shed past Barlowe and stood on the dri&e starin#% Therewas no need for him to pretend% The si#ht of this bea"ty the #ay play of the fo"ntain the !olo"r and the flowers !a"#hthim by the throat%

    /I did it all/ Barlowe said standin# by his side% /*&erythin#%%% I #rew the flowers. li#hted them made the fo"ntain %%% Idid e&erythin#%//I wo"ld #i&e fi&e years of my life to be able to !reate a thin# li$e that/ Anson said and at that moment he meant it%/I'&e #i&en a lot of the years of my life learnin# how to do it/ Barlowe said and s"ddenly his fa!e be!ame pin!hed andill-tempered a#ain% /And where's it #ot me6 J"st a small time ;ob with ,ramley's%/Here it is Anson tho"#ht% Here's what I'&e been waitin# for= T"rnin# to Barlowe a loo$ of p"++led astonishment on hisfa!e he said /B"t why wor$ for anyone Mr% Barlowe when yo" ha&e s"!h a talent6 7o" !o"ld ma$e a whale of a lotof money as a lands!ape ar!hite!t%/Barlowe made an an#ry #est"re%/5o yo" thin$ I ha&en't tho"#ht of that6 How !an I witho"t !apital6 I !an't ta$e ris$s% I'm married and I ha&en'tanythin# behind me%//4othin# behind yo"6/ Anson said his &oi!e in!red"lo"s% /That's ridi!"lo"s= 7o" ha&e this=/ He wa&ed dramati!allytowards the #arden% /Any ban$ wo"ld ad&an!e yo" money if they saw this= Ha&en't yo" tal$ed to them6/

    /My ban$ won't ad&an!e me anythin#=/ Barlowe said bitterly% /I'&e no se!"rity to offer% I ha&e a min"s !redit ratin#% Mymother !ost me %%% well that's neither here nor there% I !an't raise a loan% *&en the ho"se is mort#a#ed to the hilt=/Anson wal$ed away from him% He stood o&er the floodlit fish pond wat!hin# the #oldfish as they mo&ed in the li#htedwater% He stood there for some moments before Barlowe ;oined him%

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    /This interests me/ Anson said% /When I see a #arden li$e this %%% well it e)!ites me%/ He loo$ed at Barlowe% /I seeendless possibilities% How m"!h !apital wo"ld yo" need to start "p on yo"r own6 I'm in to"!h with a lot of people inBrent 3ambs&ille and Pr" Town %%% wealthy people% They wo"ld be !ra+y to ha&e a #arden li$e this% I !o"ld #i&e yo" aflo!$ of introd"!tions% How m"!h !apital do yo" want6/Barlowe's fa!e was s"ddenly alert and hopef"l%/What are we standin# o"t here for6/ he said p"ttin# his hand on Alison's arm% /3et's #o inside and I'll tell yo" abo"tit%/

    As Anson re-entered the sittin#-room and sat down on the settee he #a&e Me# a ("i!$ f"rti&e win$ of tri"mph%/I'll be wor$in# late Anna/ Anson said% /I ha&e a poli!y to !ope with% 4o need for yo" to han# aro"nd%//I'll do it if yo" li$e Mr% Anson/ Anna said /I don't e)pe!t it will ta$e lon#%//It !o"ld do% Isn't this the ni#ht yo" ta$e yo"r boy friend to the mo&ies6/Anna #i##led%/He ta$es me yo" mean%//

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    petters. yo"n# people beha&in# dis#ra!ef"lly in their se!ondhand !ars% The tho"#ht of what he had heard and seen in thepast bro"#ht beads of sweat o"t on his hi#h forehead%One of these days he told himself his small well shaped hands t"rnin# in to fists he wo"ld tea!h these sl"ts a lesson%Their feeble immoral pettin# dis#"sted him% Sometime in the &ery near f"t"re some #irl wo"ld learn what it meant to#o beyond a #i##le a str"##le and &apid #asp of breath%Impatiently he tossed off the blan$et and sheet and #ot o"t of bed% He !rossed to the mirror abo&e the dressin#-tableand stared at himself% The sho!$ of bla!$ hair the white drawn ill-tempered

    fa!e made him #rima!e% He t"rned away and wal$ed o&er to a !"pboard on the wall% He hesitated listened then too$ a$ey from his py;ama po!$et% He "nlo!$ed the !"pboard and loo$ed at the %@D a"tomati! re&ol&er that lay on the shelf%By the #"n was a white bathin# !ap% He pi!$ed "p the !ap stret!hin# it he drew it down o&er his head% ,rom the shelfhe too$ two small r"bber pads% These he fitted between his #"ms and the inside of his !hee$s %%% they filled o"t his fa!ealterin# his appearan!e in a startlin# way% He mo&ed o&er to the mirror and stared a#ain at himself% The ill-temperedthin-fa!ed Barlowe had disappeared% Instead there was a fat-fa!ed ni#htmarish loo$in# !reat"re. the white bathin# !apma$in# him loo$ !ompletely bald% He pi!$ed "p the #"n% His fin#ers !"rled lo&in#ly aro"nd the tri##er and he smiled%

    4ot so far in the f"t"re he told himself this #"n wo"ld e)plode into so"nd% 4ot so far into the f"t"re %%% someone wo"lddie%He p"t the #"n ba!$ on to the shelf% He too$ off the bathin# !ap% He too$the r"bber pads from his mo"th and repla!edthem on the shelf% Then he !aref"lly lo!$ed the !"pboard door% He pa"sed for a lon# moment starin# into spa!e thenwhistlin# t"nelessly he went into the bathroom%Twenty min"tes later he ret"rned to his room% He dressed a#ain opened the !"pboard and p"t the bathin# !ap and the

    r"bber pads into his hip po!$et% ,or a lon# moment he stared at the #"n hesitated then de!ided to lea&e it where it was%He stepped into the !orridor% He pa"sed o"tside Me#'s bedroom door% He p"t his ear a#ainst the lo!$ed door panel andlistened% He !o"ld hear nothin#% He stood there for se&eral moments then with a fr"strated #rima!e he went down thestairs to prepare his ro"tine brea$fast of e##s and ba!on%9naware of what had been #oin# on Me# !ontin"ed to sleep restlessly%Jason's

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    /Well if yo"'re not worryin# why sho"ld I6/ Anson went on sortin# thro"#h the !o"pons% There was a !hill aro"nd hisheart% Maddo)= *&en before Barlowe was dead this ;in) of a man was s"spi!io"s%%% or was he6Anson lit a !i#arette% Better now than after Barlowe was dead% If it loo$ed too dan#ero"s he wo"ldn't #o ahead with his

    plan% It was better now to $now the worst before he was so far o"t on a limb he !o"ldn't s!ramble ba!$%Maddo)=

    Chapter F

    Patty Shaw Maddo)'s se!retary was typin# b"sily when Anson entered the small o"ter offi!e%She loo$ed "p too$ her hands off the $eys and smiled a wel!ome%/Hello John ni!e to see yo" a#ain% How's it o"t in the ba!$ of the beyond6/Anson ret"rned her smile% All the 4ational ,idelity salesmen were fond of Patty. apart from her blonde prettiness shewassmart and helpf"l% She "nderstood a salesman's diffi!"lties and she $new how dis!o"ra#in# Maddo) !o"ld be%/4ot so bad% What's he want6/ Anson ;er$ed his head to the door that led into Maddo)'s offi!e%/The 8ode) !ar smash/ Patty said rollin# her bl"e eyes% /He's tryin# to #et o"t of payin# the !laim% He wants yo"ran#le on it%/Anson drew in a lon# slow breath of relief% And he had been thin$in# it was the Barlowe poli!y Maddo) was #oin# to

    #ripe abo"t%/He !an't #et o"t of payin# it=/ he e)!laimed an#rily% /What's the matter with the man6 8ode) was dr"n$er than as$"n$= We'&e #ot to pay=//7o" $now how he is/ Patty said liftin# her sho"lders% /He'll try anythin# to #et o"t of payin# a !laim%/ She fli!$eddown a $ey on her inter!om% /Mr% Anson's here Mr% Maddo)%/A hard !"rt &oi!e bar$ed /Shoot him ri#ht in%//

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    /I'm not interested in anythin# e)!ept the wor$ that lies "nder my nose and the pen I hold in my hand/ Maddo)mis("oted so"rly% /So this #"y wor$s at ,ramley's stores does he6 How !ome he !an afford a poli!y this si+e6//He wants to "se it to raise !apital to b"y himself a b"siness/ Anson said% /After a !o"ple of years he'll as$ "s to paythe premi"ms o"t of the poli!y%//4i!e for him/ Maddo) said s!owlin#% /In the meantime if he happens to drop dead we're in the hole for fifty tho"sand

    b"!$s%//Ste&ens rates him as a first !lass life%/

    /That ("a!$= He !an't e&en re!o#ni+e a dr"n$ when he sees one=/Anson didn't say anythin#% He wat!hed Maddo) li#ht yet another !i#arette%/The benefi!iary is Mrs% Barlowe %%% that his wife6//7es%/ Anson felt his heart #i&e a little $i!$ a#ainst his side%/What's she li$e6/ Maddo) as$ed starin# at Anson%/7o" mean what does she loo$ li$e6/ Anson as$ed his &oi!e !as"al his e)pression in("irin#%/7eah %%% I li$e to ha&e a pi!t"re of people in my mind/ Maddo) said% /When I #et a poli!y for this amo"nt !ome o"t ofthe bl"e and I learn the ins"red is ;"st a !o"nter !ler$ I #et interested% What's she li$e6//Attra!ti&e aro"nd twenty-se&en% I didn't tal$ to her m"!h% I tal$ed to Barlowe% I #ot the impression they were happyto#ether/ Anson said !aref"lly%Maddo) pi!$ed "p the poli!y and stared at it%/How !ome this #"y pays the first premi"m in !ash6/ he as$ed%/He wanted it that way% He $eeps money in his ho"se% Anythin# wron# abo"t it6/

    Maddo) #rima!ed%/I don't $now% Twel&e h"ndred is a lot of do"#h to $eep in yo"r ho"se% Hasn't he a ban$in# a!!o"nt6//I #"ess so% I didn't as$ him%/Maddo) blew a stream of toba!!o smo$e down his thi!$ nostrils% His red r"bbery fa!e was s!rewed "p in an e)pressionof tho"#ht%/So he wants to "se this poli!y to raise !apital %%% that it6//That's what he told me%//To set "p as a #ardener6//Well more than that%%% to b"y land #reenho"ses ma!hines and so on%//How m"!h !apital does he want6/Anson shr"##ed%/I don't $now% I didn't as$ him% He said he wanted to ins"re his life and he told me why% I didn't ar#"e with him%//That's ri#ht/ Maddo) said and p"t the poli!y down on his des$ /So lon# as yo" ma$e a sale yo" don't ha&e to worry

    do yo"6//It's my ;ob to ma$e a sale/ Anson said ("ietly% /That's what #et paid for%/ He stood "p% /Is there anythin# else6//4o I #"ess that's abo"t it/ Maddo) said witho"t loo$in# at Anson%/Then I'll #et ba!$% Will see yo"%/Maddo) nodded absently% He still didn't loo$ at Anson% He was starin# at the Barlowe poli!y% He was still starin# at itlost in tho"#ht se&eral min"tes after Anson had #one% Then s"ddenly !omin# to life he fli!$ed down a $ey on theinter!om and said /Harmas aro"nd6//7es Mr% Maddo)/ Patty said% /I'll !all him%/Three min"tes later Ste&e Harmas Maddo)'s !hief in&esti#ator wandered in% He was a tall broad-sho"ldered man dar$aro"nd thirty-three with a deeply tanned "#ly b"t h"moro"s fa!e% He had married Maddo)'s fa&o"rite se!retarysomethin# that Maddo) had ne&er #ot o&er b"t as Harmas was by far his best in&esti#ator Maddo) had been for!ed toa!!ept the fa!t%/7o" wanted me6/ Harmas as$ed as he folded his lon# lean body into the !lient's !hair%

    Maddo) tossed him the Barlowe poli!y%/3oo$ at that/ he said then spillin# ash o&er his papers he sele!ted yet another poli!y and be#an to e)amine its"spi!io"sly%Harmas loo$ed thro"#h the poli!y handed to him then he p"t it on the des$%/4i!e wor$/ he said% /Anson is a smart !oo$ie%/Maddo) bent his !hair ba!$ "ntil it !rea$ed "nder the wei#ht of his massi&e sho"lders%/I'm not so s"re he is so smart/ he said% /Ta$e this poli!y% Barlowe is a ten-a-dime salesman at ,ramley's stores Pr"Town% What's he doin# ta$in# o"t a life poli!y for fifty tho"sand dollars6/Harmas shr"##ed%/I don't $now %%%% yo" tell me%//I'd li$e to/ Maddo) said% /If Barlowe s"ddenly drops dead we're in the hole for fifty tho"sand b"!$s% The story is hehas ta$en o"t this poli!y so he !an raise eno"#h !apital to set "p as a #ardener% What wo"ld he want fifty tho"sand forto set "p as a #ardener6/

    Harmas s!rat!hed the ba!$ of his ne!$% He $new Maddo)% He $new Maddo) wasn't as$in# for information% He wastal$in# to himself%/

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    It #i&es off a smell%/Harmas #rinned%/Is there any poli!y that !omes to yo" that doesn't #i&e off a smell6//A few do %%% b"t not many% Here's what yo" do% I want to $now e&erythin# there is to $now abo"t Barlowe and his wife.repeat his wife%

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    /4o= I ha&e to #o= I sho"ldn't ha&e !ome here% I ha&e to #o=/The s"dden hardness in her eyes warned him it wo"ld be "seless to attempt to pers"ade her to stay%/7o" !an $iss me !an't yo"6/ he said an#rily%She let him $iss her b"t when he be!ame ardent she p"shed him ro"#hly away%/I said no=/His fa!e !on#ested his eyes s"llen with fr"strated an#er Anson went to the front door opened it and loo$ed o"t on tothe deserted !orridor%

    /I'll !all yo"/ he said as she mo&ed past him%He listened to her heels !li!$ on the stairs as she went down the street%A d"sty 1NFD B"i!$ was par$ed at the end of the street in whi!h Anson's apartment blo!$ stood%Sailor Ho#an sat at the wheel a !i#arette dan#lin# from his lips his bi# hands restin# on his $nees% His hard eyesmo&ed !ontin"o"sly to his dri&in# mirror to !he!$ the street behind him and then thro"#h the windshield to !he!$ thestreet ahead of him%When he saw Me# !ome o"t of Anson's apartment blo!$ he started the !ar en#ine% As Me# rea!hed the !ar he leaneda!ross the ben!h seat and sw"n# open the door% Me# slid in slammed the door as Ho#an shot the !ar away from the$erb%/Well6 What did he say6/ Ho#an demanded%/At least fo"r or fi&e months/ Me# told him and flin!hed away from the e)plosion she $new wo"ld follow%/Months6/ Ho#an's &oi!e shot "p% /7o" !ra+y6 7o" mean wee$s don't yo"6//He said months% He says they'll be s"spi!io"s if he does it before%/

    /I don't #i&e a damn what he says=/ Ho#an snarled% /It's #ot to happen before then= I !an't wait that lon#= I m"st ha&ethe money by the end of the month=//If yo" thin$ yo" !an do better than me %%% then yo" tal$ to him/ said Me# s"llenly%Ho#an #a&e her a ("i!$ &i!io"s #lan!e%/O$ay baby/ he said% /We'll see abo"t this%/He sho&ed his foot down on the #as pedal and the !ar s"r#ed forward%

    4either of them spo$e "ntil they rea!hed the Barlowe ho"se% Me# #ot o"t of the !ar and opened the do"ble #ates%Ho#an dro&e the !ar into the #ara#e% He ;oined Me# as she "nlo!$ed the front door% They wal$ed side by side into thedar$ ho"se and into the sittin#-room%When Me# had lowered the blinds she t"rned on the li#hts%Ho#an stood o&er the fire his bi# hands thr"st into his po!$ets while he wat!hed Me# #et a bottle of whis$y and #lassesfrom the !"pboard%Ho#an was abo&e middle- hei#ht with the wide m"s!"lar sho"lders of a bo)er% He wore his wa&y dar$ hair !"t short%

    He was handsome in a br"tish way% 5"rin# his professional fi#htin# !areer his nose had been flattened% There were s!artiss"es alon# the rid#e of his eyebrows b"t this added to rather than detra!ted from his animal #lamo"r%/3isten doll/ he said /yo"'&e #ot to do better than this%/ He too$ the #lass half f"ll of whis$y Me# handed to him% /I'&e#ot to ha&e this money by the end of the month= 7o"'&e #ot to tal$ this #"y into doin# his st"ff by then or yo" and mewill fall o"t%/Me# sat on the settee% She was pale and her eyes were an)io"s%/It's no "se Jerry/ she said% /7o" don't $now him the way I do% He s!ares me%/ She shi&ered% /I !an't handle him% Iwish I hadn't listened to yo"= I wish%%%//Aw sh"t "p=/ Ho#an snarled% /7o" do what I tell yo" or I'll #i&e yo" somethin# to remember me by=/ Me# loo$ed athim%/That poli!eman who was shot at the Calte) hold-"p %%% Anson did it%/Ho#an stiffened%/Anson6 7o"'re lyin# yo" rotten little%%%/

    /He did it=/ Me# e)!laimed ;"mpin# to her feet and ba!$in# away as Ho#an his hands now o"t of hfs po!$ets be#an tomo&e threatenin#ly towards her% /He $illed him with Phil's #"n=/Ho#an pa"sed then he r"bbed his ;aw with a sweatin# hand%/So that's how he raised the money=/ he said startled% /Joe and me wondered how he had #ot it% Well= what do yo"$now %%% a !op $iller=//It didn't mean a thin# to him=/ Me# e)!laimed% /He's dan#ero"s Jerry% I'm warnin# yo"= Those eyes of his= He s!aresme% I wish yo" hadn't pi!$ed on him%//I pi!$ed on the ri#ht #"y/ Ho#an said% He finished the whis$y and set down the #lass% /It was yo"r idea to #et Barloweins"red wasn't it6 How else !o"ld we ha&e wor$ed it witho"t ha&in# some p"n$ in the ins"ran!e ra!$et to fi) it6 WellAnson's fi)ed it hasn't he% He had to. I saw to that% With the money owin# to Sam Bernstein and me to p"t press"re onhim he was a nat"ral%/ He sat down beside her% /

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    Joe wants me to be his partner% It's !heap at the pri!e %%% twenty-fi&e #rand and Joe won't as$ ("estions%//It's no #ood Jerry% 7o"'ll ha&e to wait%/Ho#an stared into the fire for a lon# moment while Me# wat!hed him an)io"sly%/What's wron# with me $no!$in# Phil off6/ he as$ed s"ddenly% /He's ins"red now %%% that was the tri!$y part% I !o"ld fi)him and then we'd ha&e the do"#h witho"t ha&in# to wait for this ;"n$ Anson to ma$e "p his mind%//4o=/ Me#s &oi!e went shrill% /I won't let yo"= 7o" m"st $eep !lear of this Jerry= 7o" m"st ha&e a !ast iron alibi sameas me= That's the whole tri!$ in my plan to $eep "s both in the !lear and let Anson ta$e the blame if anythin# #oes

    wron#% 7o" m"st $eep o"t of this=//Well we'&e #ot to do somethin#=/ Ho#an snarled s"ddenly an#ry a#ain% /Stir yo"rself% I !an't wait fi&e months=//I'll thin$ of somethin#/ Me# said desperately%Ho#an #ot to his feet%/7o"'d better or I'll loo$ elsewhere for the do"#h%/ He !a"#ht hold of her by the arms and shoo$ her% /3isten I'm#ettin# si!$ of this= This was yo"r #reat idea= O$ay= %%% ma$e it wor$ or yo" and me will part !ompany= We'&e parted!ompany before% 7o"'&e #ot nothin# another woman !an't #i&e me= Hear me= If we part this time %%% we part for #ood=//I'll fi) it=/ Me# said desperately% /Honestly Jerry %%% I'll fi) it=//7o"'d better=/ He started towards the door pa"sed and #lared at her% /And fi) it fast=//7o"'re not lea&in# Jerry6/ She loo$ed pleadin#ly at him% /I ha&en't seen yo" for so lon#% He won't be ba!$ toni#ht%%%/Ho#an's battered fa!e twisted into a !ontempt"o"s sneer%/7o" ima#ine yo"'&e #ot somethin# to $eep me here6/ he as$ed% /I'&e thin#s to do% 7o" fi) Anson=/She !ame to him b"t he sho&ed her ro"#hly away%

    /?eep yo"r paws off me= 7o" "se yo"r head instead of yo"r body for a !han#e= I want the do"#h by the end of themonth %%% or yo" and me are thro"#h for #ood=/He left the ho"se slammin# the front door%Me# stood motionless% It was not "ntil the so"nd of his !ar had died away that she mo&ed stiffly to the settee% She sat for #ood- @d%Q HaB!eraadown% A !on&"lsi&e sob shoo$ her b"t she ("i!$ly !ontrolled herself% She pi!$ed "p the bottle of whis$y and po"redherself a stiff shot% She had tho"#ht she had lost Ho#an before b"t he had !ome ba!$% This time she !o"ld lose him for#ood if she didn't do somethin#% The tho"#ht of losin# him made her feel si!$ and wea$% She dran$ the whis$y and witha s"dden desperate #est"re she threw the #lass into the fire%It was when the whis$y be#an to mo&e thro"#h her body rela)in# her that Me# tho"#ht ba!$ to the time when she hadfirst met Jerry Ho#an% It seemed a lon# time to her b"t it was only three years %%%% m"!h had happened to her d"rin#these three years%Then she had been a waitress in a small Hollywood resta"rant% Ho#an had !ome in with a short fat elderly man named

    Benny Hirs!h who she learned later was Ho#an's fi#ht mana#er%Ho#an had ;"st lost his Californian li#ht-hea&y wei#ht title% He had been $no!$ed o"t with a s"!$er p"n!h in the firsttwo min"tes of the first ro"nd% Apart from an a!hin# ;aw he was "ns!arred% Me# had no idea who he was% She had!ome to the table her order pad in her hand and had loo$ed indifferently at the two men%Ho#an had been in a &i!io"s fri#htened mood% His !areer lon# threatened by his se)"al e)!esses and his hea&ydrin$in# had now blown "p in his fa!e% He !o"ld see Hirs!h was no lon#er interested to him% There were plenty ofyo"n# $een fi#hters who !o"ld $eep Hirs!h in the money witho"t him ha&in# to bother with a beat-"p womani+er li$eHo#an and Ho#an $new it%/A !offee/ Hirs!h said witho"t loo$in# at Ho#an%Ho#an stared at him%/A !offee6 What the hell6 Aren't yo" h"n#ry6 I want a stea$%/Hirs!h shifted aro"nd and loo$ed him o&er disli$e and !ontempt on his fat fa!e%/7eah %%% yo" s"re need a stea$/ he said bitterly% /I don't e&en need a !offee% The si#ht of yo" ma$es me si!$ to my

    stoma!h% Stea$= Some fi#hter= 7o" do yo"r best fi#htin# inbed with a bottle%/ He #ot to his feet% /I don't $now why I e&en !ame here with yo"% 7o"'re thro"#h Ho#an% As far as Iam !on!erned yo"'re yesterday's smell of boiled !abba#e=/Startled and sho!$ed Me# wat!hed Hirs!h wal$ o"t of the resta"rant% She then loo$ed at Ho#an who sat limply in his!hair sweat beads on his fa!e and at that moment seein# him in defeat she was st"pid eno"#h to fall in lo&e with him%When the resta"rant !losed Ho#an went with her to her small bedroom abo&e an "ns"!!essf"l dry-!leanin#establishment% His fier!e br"tal selfish lo&e ma$in# was somethin# Me# had ne&er e)perien!ed% That first sordid a!t ofso-!alled lo&e !hained her to this man e)!"sin# his &i!io"sness his !owardi!e his !heatin# and his drin$in#%*arly the followin# mornin# Ho#an !ame awa$e and loo$ed at Me# sleepin# at his side% Here he told himself was ameal ti!$et% He $new he was thro"#h with fi#htin#% He had to li&e somehow and this dish with her loo$s !o"ld at least$eep him in food drin$ and !i#arettes%It too$ him a few days to !on&in!e Me# that if she really wanted to ha&e him as her lo&er she wo"ld ha&e to #i&e "pher ;ob as a waitress and start h"stlin#% Ho#an made it easy for her% He went ro"nd to a !o"ple of pimps who !ontrolled

    a !ertain profitable beat and told them his #irl was mo&in# in% They re#arded him tho"#htf"lly remembered that hewas an e)-li#ht-hea&y wei#ht and de!ided it wo"ld be wise to offer no opposition%,or the ne)t year Me# wor$ed the streets #i&in# her earmin#s willin#ly to Ho#an who "sed the money either for

    ba!$in# horses or to finan!e himself in all-ni#ht po$er #ames he and his fellow pimps arran#ed%

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    Then Me# be#an to reali+e the po$er #ame was a blind% While she was wor$in# Ho#an was !hasin# other #irls% Themoney she made he now was spendin# on any woman he happened to r"n into d"rin# the ni#ht ho"rs Me# tramped her

    beat%One ni#ht ret"rnin# dr"n$ with lipsti!$ on his shirt Ho#an told her that they were partin# !ompany% Me# listened tohis dr"n$en sl"rrin# !ontempt with fear !l"t!hin# at her heart%3ife witho"t Ho#an no matter how he beha&ed was "nthin$able to her%/7o"'re !hi!$-feed/ Ho#an had sneered% /I'm #oin# to loo$ for a #irl who !an earn bi# money %%% not a r"n-down street

    floosie li$e yo"% 7o" and me are thro"#h =/The followin# afternoon Me# was in the ladies' room of a smart hotel% She was abo"t to #o "p to the fo"rth floor wherea middle-a#ed b"siness man was impatiently waitin# for her% By one of the toilet basins she saw an e)pensi&e li+ard-s$in ba#% She stared at it hesitated then mo&in# ("i!$ly she opened it% The ba# was st"ffed with fifty-dollar bills% ,ora lon# moment she stared at the money then #rabbin# the bills she transferred them to her own handba#% Her onetho"#ht was that with this money Ho#an wo"ld remain with her%As she mo&ed to the door the door opened% A woman and the hotel dete!ti&e !ame in%Ho#an wasn't at the trial% Me# went away for three months and when she !ame o"t Ho#an had &anished% She had nomoney no prote!tion and the poli!e pestered her%,inally in desperation she left 3os An#eles and headed for San ,ran!is!o% Her money ran o"t when she #ot as far asPr" Town on a

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    didn't hesitate% She re#arded marria#e as a !on&enien!e% If it didn't wor$ o"t yo" !o"ld always #et a di&or!e so shea!!epted his offer%They were married by a spe!ial li!en!e a wee$ after Me# had left hospital% She had been at first intri#"ed and pleasedwith the isolated ho"se and the #arden% She belie&ed that she wo"ld be able to find some $ind of happiness here b"t shewas ("i!$ly disill"sioned%She now ne&er wanted to remember their first and only ni#ht to#ether% It ended by Me# lo!$in# herself in the spareroom while Barlowe s!rat!hed on the door as he $nelt o"tside in the

    passa#e% She reali+ed bitterly that she had married one of those si!$ minded men whom she had had to !ope with sooften d"rin# the time she had wal$ed her beat in Hollywood%B"t she $new herself to be hard and r"thless eno"#h to !ontrol this poor si!$ little man% They li&ed their indi&id"alli&es% Then some months later as she was shoppin# in Brent she !ame fa!e to fa!e with Sailor Ho#an%The si#ht of his re!$less handsome fa!e sent a $nife stab into her heart% 3ess than an ho"r later they were lyin# on his

    bed in his small two-room apartment and she was tellin# him abo"t Barlowe%They met fre("ently and d"rin# the wee$s while they tal$ed after Ho#an had made br"tal lo&e with her the idea thatBarlowe !o"ld brin# them the money they !ra&ed for be#an to e&ol&e%Ho#an $new an ins"ran!e a#ent% Me# tho"#ht of the idea of ins"rin# Barlowe's life% Between the two of them they!on!o!ted the m"rder plan%B"t now as Me# sli#htly dr"n$ sat on the settee starin# into the fire she reali+ed that "nless she !ame "p with some

    bri#ht idea she wo"ld a#ain lose Ho#an% She sat there her fists !len!hed between her $nees her mind a!ti&e her heartpo"ndin# with the si!$ tho"#ht of on!e a#ain fa!in# life witho"t her br"tal &i!io"s pimp%


    Barlowe stood by his bedroom door listenin#% The time was ;"st after nine thirty% It was S"nday ni#ht% 5ownstairsMe# was wat!hin# a tele&ision pro#ramme% He had told her he was tired and was #oin# to bed early% She had shr"##edindifferently%Satisfied she was o!!"pied with some pop-sin#er who so"nded to Barlowe li$e a banshee he "nlo!$ed the !"pboard onthe wall too$ from it the white bathin# !ap and the !hee$ pads and with a fi)ed #rin on his fa!e he pi!$ed "p the %@Da"tomati! !he!$ed to see it was loaded then dropped it into his o&er!oat po!$et%Mo&in# stealthily he left his bedroom lo!$in# the door% He !rept down the stairs pa"sed o"tside the sittin#-room doorto listen to the strident sin#in# of the pop sin#er then let himself o"t into the hot still ni#ht%

    He was afraid to "se his !ar for he $new Me# wo"ld hear him dri&e away so he set o"t for the lon# wal$ a!ross!o"ntry to

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    /Hello ,ay/ he said in a !old flat &oi!e% /*)!"se me %%% I'm pressed for time%//See yo" toni#ht Johnny6/ ,ay as$ed starin# at him her eyes hard and !hallen#in#%He for!ed a smile%/I'm afraid not%%% not toni#ht% I'll !all yo" the ne)t time in town%/Side steppin# her he made a mo&e to the door b"t she !a"#ht hold of his arm%/0emember me6/ Her eyes now #ranite hard s!ared him% /7o" and me met on!e a wee$%%% remember6/ He steeledhimself and shoo$ her off% /Ta$e it easy ,ay %%% I ;"st happen to be b"sy%/ He p"shed past her and wal$ed to his !ar% He

    was aware sweat was on his fa!e and there was a hollow feelin# of alarm aro"nd his heart%He dro&e to the Marlboro"#h and par$in# his !ar he entered the resta"rant where he was ;oined by Harry 5a&is an oiland #as salesman whom he often met on the road%5a&is was a fat middle-a#ed man who had the happy $na!$ of #ettin# alon# with anyone% B"t with this p"++le of whatMe# had said on his mind Anson wo"ld ha&e preferred to ha&e eaten alone%After they had ordered the l"n!h 5a&is as$ed Anson how b"siness was% The two men dis!"ssed b"siness !onditionswhile they ate the e)!ellent pea so"p then as the waiter bro"#ht them the fried !hi!$en 5a&is said /I don't $now whatthis town is !omin# to= Two shootin#s in ten days= We want a smarter

    poli!e !hief= We'&e #ot to stamp o"t this $ind of &iolen!e and at on!e=/ Anson loo$ed "p sharply% /Two shootin#s=What's this6/ /Ha&en't yo" seen this mornin#'s newspaper6/ /4o% What's all this6/ Happily 5a&is rela)ed ba!$ in his!hair% /A real ;"i!y m"rder-!"m-se) !rime= A yo"n# !o"ple were ne!$in# o"t at

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    thin$ to !he!$%Anson was now fa!in# her%/This is somethin# I m"st thin$ abo"t/ he said% /Me# may I stay the ni#ht6/With him on the hoo$ she !o"ld afford to be #enero"s% After all in the past she had slept with do+ens of less sa&o"rymen than Anson%/Of !o"rse %%%/She !ame to him and p"ttin# her arms aro"nd him she pressed herself a#ainst him tryin# to !ontrol the sh"dder of

    re&"lsion that went thro"#h her at the to"!h of his hands%,or the past ho"r Anson had been lyin# on the bed sleepless% The time was after three o'!lo!$ a%m% The white li#ht ofthe moon fell a!ross the bed li#htin# the hollows and the !"r&es of Me#'s na$ed body as she lay sleepin# by his side%S"ddenly Anson's mind be!ame alert% ,or no reason at all he tho"#ht of Harry 5a&is and the !on&ersation they had hadto#ether o&er l"n!h% He remembered what 5a&is had said. ha&e a teena#e da"#hter %%% yo" ne&er $now on!e a swineli$e that rapes a #irl he wants to rape another%He sat "p abr"ptly%/Me#=/Me#'s ("i!$ li#ht breathin# faltered% She stirred and be!ame awa$e%/Me#=/ Anson #ripped her arm /Wa$e "p= I want to tal$ to yo"=/She moaned then half sat "p%/What is it6//Ha&e yo" yesterday's newspaper6/

    She stared at him as if she tho"#ht he had #one !ra+y%/4ewspaper6 7es %%% it's downstairs%//

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    !lear%His meal finished Anson ret"rned to his offi!e%He $new Jones's ro"tine% At ten o'!lo!$ Jones be#an his patrol of the b"ildin#% He rode "p in the ele&ator to ea!h floormade his patrol alon# the !orridors and then ret"rned to his !"bby-hole of an offi!e at ele&en thirty% At one fifteen hemade a se!ond patrol%Anson sat at his des$% He swit!hed on his tape re!order p"t on a new reel of tape and pla!ed the mi!rophone !lose tohis typewriter% He fed paper into the typewriter then pressed down the start and re!ord b"ttons on the re!order% He

    be#an to type meanin#less words for the ne)t ho"r re!ordin# the b"sy !li!$in# so"nds of the typewriter $eys%A few min"tes past ten o'!lo!$ he heard the whine of the ele&ator and he listened to Jones' hea&y tread #oin# past hisoffi!edoor% Ansom $ept on typin#% When he heard the ele&ator whine a#ain ta$in# Jones to the ne)t floor he swit!hed off there!order p"t the reel of tape into one of his des$ drawers t"rned off the li#ht and after lo!$in# "p his offi!e he wentdown to the street%,ay 3awley sat alone in the bar of the Cha-Cha Cl"b n"rsin# a whis$y and soda% She was dis#r"ntled% She had beensittin# alone now for the past ho"r and no man had as yet approa!hed her% She wasn't pleased when she saw BerylHorsey wearin# a min$ stole and diamond ear-rin#s !ome in loo$ aro"nd spot her and with a wa&e of her hand !omeo&er%Beryl was Joe 5"n!an's #irl friend and she had $nown ,ay lon#er than ,ay !ared to remember%/Hello there %%% all alone6/ Beryl as$ed%/Waitin# for someone/ ,ay said shortly% /How's tri!$s6 Ha&e one with me6/

    /Can't stop% I'm e)pe!tin# Joe%/ Beryl loo$ed at ,ay s!rewin# "p her lar#e &iolet !olo"red eyes% /5on't see yo" aro"ndwith Johnny Anson any more% 7o" two fallen o"t or somethin#6/,ay #rima!ed% /Who wants to #o aro"nd with a !heap p"n$ li$e him6/ she said shr"##in#% /Can't e&en afford these daysto b"y a #irl a drin$%/Beryl lifted her painted eyebrows%/Hey= Hey= Who's been $iddin# yo"6 He's !ome into money darlin#% He paid Joe all his debts %%% a tho"sand andsomethin#% He's in the money%/ She smiled% /Maybe he's fo"nd someone else% I'&e #ot to fly%/She fli!$ed painted nails alon# her min$ stole smiled and was #one%,ay sat sippin# her drin$ a s"dden &i!io"s e)pression on her o&er-painted !oarse fa!e%A tho"sand dollars= Where !o"ld Anson ha&e raised that land of money6 He ne&er did ha&e any money=,ay finished her drin$ and stood "p%He'd had his f"n with her% 4ow if he had money she was s"ddenly determined to ha&e some of it% If he tho"#ht he!o"ld br"sh her off that easy he had another thin$ !omin#%

    She left the bar and started down the street towards the nearest ta)i ran$%A fat elderly man mo&ed into her path%/Hello baby/ he said and !losed one eyelid% /I'm loo$in# for a na"#hty #irl% Ha&e I fo"nd one6/,ay hesitated then she flashed on her hard brilliant smile% There was time to fi) that rat Anson. a bird in the hand shetho"#ht as she said /Hello sweetheart% 7o" and I m"st ha&e the same ideas%/Sailor Ho#an wo$e with a start% The telephone bell was rin#in#% C"rsin# he half sat "p on his bi# do"ble bed% By hisside was a redheaded o&er de&eloped teena#er whom Ho#an had pi!$ed "p at the afternoon dan!e at the Bl"e Slipper!l"b% She too had !ome awa$e and was starin# owlishly at Ho#an as he snat!hed "p the re!ei&er%/7eah6 Who is it6//Jerry %%% it's Me#%/His battle-s!arred fa!e showed an#ry impatien!e%/7o" wo$e me "p %%% what's the fire abo"t6/ he snarled%/He's #oin# to fi) it/ Me# said breathlessly% /I m"st see yo" Jerry%/

    Ho#an s"ddenly be!ame f"lly awa$e%/He's really #ot it fi)ed6/ he as$ed sittin# bolt "pri#ht% /,or when6//This is ,riday% He'll be here with the final plan on Th"rsday ni#ht% I m"st see yo" before then%//7o"'ll see me/ Ho#an said% /I'll be alon# tomorrow/ and he h"n# "p%The redhead said pee&ishly /Who's she6 Who are yo" seein#6/Ho#an flopped ba!$ on his pillow% Altho"#h he had plenty of stamina he was s"rprised to find that this teena#er hade)ha"sted him%/That was my mother/ he said% /What's eatin# yo"6 A #"y has to see his mother on!e in a while doesn't he6/ Herea!hed o"t and #rabbed her%/I didn't $now yo" had a mother/ she said her fin#ers di##in# into the thi!$ m"s!les of his ba!$%/That's a ni!e thin# to say/ Ho#an said #rinnin#% /How do yo" thin$ I #ot here witho"t a mother6/The #irl s"ddenly !ried o"t and her lon# nailed fin#ers be#an to s!ar Ho#an's ba!$%Patty Shaw !ame into Maddo)'s offi!e% She pa"sed in the doorway when she saw Maddo) was #larin# at a poli!y he

    was holdin# in his hands%/If yo"'re b"sy I'll !ome ba!$/ she said%Maddo) dropped the poli!y on his des$ made a #rima!e of dis#"st then rea!hed for a !i#arette%/What is it6/

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    /Here's the Barlowe report from the Tra!in# A#en!y/ Patty said% /5o yo" want to loo$ at it now6//Barlowe6/ Maddo) frowned then his fa!e !leared% /7eah %%% the #ardener% S"re I want to loo$ at it now% 7o" loo$ed atit6//It'll interest yo"/ Patty said and laid the file on his des$% /4ot the h"sband %%% he's ;"st the r"n of the mill b"t thewife %%% oh la= la=/Maddo) pi!$ed "p the file%/What does that mean %%% oh la= la= 6/

    /7o"'ll see/ Patty said and swished her way o"t of the room%Maddo) lit another !i#arette p"shed ba!$ his !hair and be#an to read the neatly typed dossier%

    Chapter K

    On Th"rsday mornin# Anson !alled in at an ele!tri!al store in 3ambs&ille and bo"#ht a time swit!h !lo!$% He as$ed thesalesman to show him how it wor$ed%/This is desi#ned/ the salesman e)plained /to t"rn on any pie!e of ele!tri!al e("ipment at any re("ired time% It alsot"rns the e("ipment off at any re("ired time% ,or e)ample if yo" want a radio pro#ramme that !omes on at ten o'!lo!$yo" set the hand of the !lo!$ to ten and the radio will a"tomati!ally !ome on at this time%/Anson said he wanted the !lo!$ to boil water for his mornin# !offee%

    /It's the perfe!t thin#/ the salesman said /I "se one myself%/At l"n!h time Anson went to the Marlboro"#h resta"rant% As he entered the bar he ran into Jeff ,risbee a reporter onthe Pr" Town

  • 8/13/2019 James Hadley Chase Novels Tell It to Birds, Mission to Sienna&Whiff of Money


    !ertain if yo" are !omin#% If somethin# #oes wron# and he insists on ret"rnin# home I m"st $now%/He too$ from his wallet a s!rap of paper whi!h he #a&e to her% /That's the n"mber of the !all bo)% I'll be waitin# fromten o'!lo!$ onwards%/She nodded p"ttin# the paper in her ba#%/When yo" #et to the #len/ Anson went on /stay in the !ar b"t $eep the windows down%/Me# sh"ddered%/I "nderstand%/

    /When I'&e #ot rid of him/ Anson said starin# into the fire /I'll ha&e to wor$ on yo"%/ He rea!hed o"t and p"t his hando&er hers% At his to"!h she !losed her eyes% /7o"'re #oin# to #et h"rt Me#% We daren't ta$e any !han!es% 7o"'ll ha&e tobe bra&e abo"t this %%% yo" "nderstand6 7o" m"stn't blame me% What I do to yo" will !on&in!e Maddo) and the poli!eyo" are in the !lear% The do!tor m"st be !on&in!ed that this isn't a fa$ed atta!$%/She felt a !hill !reep "p her spine b"t thin$in# of Sailor Ho#an she nodded%/It's all ri#ht%%% I "nderstand%//,rom the #len to the hi#hway is abo"t a ("arter of a mile/ Anson said% /7o"'ll ha&e to #et down to the hi#hway% He'll

    be in the dri&in# seat% 7o" won't be able to "se the !ar% It may ta$e some time before passin# motorists see yo"% 7o"m"st fa$e yo"'re "n!ons!io"s% 0emember yo" say nothin# "ntil yo" #et flowers from me% If yo" #et !arnations yo"'ll$now the mania! has been !a"#ht% If yo" #et roses yo"'ll $now he's still at lar#e%/ He too$ a folded paper from hiswallet% /Here is a des!ription of a man I ha&e made "p% 7o"'ll "se this if the mania! has been arrested% 7o" "