Download - Jailbird

Page 1: Jailbird

Storyboard Scenes 1 - 6

Scene 1 Shot 1: Establishing, fade in, long shot of Rebekah and Tom setting up for their daughterʼs birthday party. Long shot lasts for a few seconds until conversation starts

Scene 1 Shot 2: CUT TO: Medium shot of Rebekah while she says her first line about the beautiful weather

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Scene 1 Shot 3: CUT TO: POV long shot of Rebekah looking out the window, establishing the scenery of the backyard. Off camera we hear Tomʼs voice mocking Rebekah.

Scene 1 Shot 4: CUT TO: Medium shot of Rebekah playfully hitting Tom. They continue to converse about Tomʼs mother.

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Scene 1 Shot 5: CUT TO: Long shot, tracking Maddie from the left as she runs in from outside. Maddie is excited because guests are beginning to arrive and Rebekah tells her to go get the door so her and Tom can finish their conversation.

Scene 1 Shot 6: CUT TO: Medium shot tracking Maddie to the right as she runs out of the kitchen

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Scene 1 Shot 7: CUT TO: Close up of Rebekah consoling Tom about his mother. Tom looks nervous

Scene 2 Shot 1: CUT TO: Long shot of kitchen with all the kids gathered around the table. Zoom to medium shot and dolly around the table while everyone finishes singing “Happy Birthday To You.”

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Scene 2 Shot 2: CUT TO: Close up of Maddie blowing out her candles. Zoom in to see the smoke coming off of the candles.

Scene 3 Shot 1: CUT TO: Long shot of Mildred sitting alone in a chair in the living room. This is the first time the audience is seeing the main character and we are to see her as helpless.

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Scene 3 Shot 2: CUT TO: Medium shot of the back of Mildredʼs head. We can tell that she is staring out the window but canʼt see what she is looking at

Scene 3 Shot 3: CUT TO: POV of Mildred. Long shot of all the kids outside playing tag

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Scene 3 Shot 4: FADE TO: Medium shot tracking one of Maddieʼs friends as she comes inside to use the restroom. We see Tom in the background nervously watching his mother through the sliding glass door

Scene 3 Shot 5: CUT TO: Long shot POV of Tom looking in from the outside at his mother Mildred. The girl comes on screen and is stopped by Mildred.

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Scene 3 Shot 6: CUT TO: Medium shot of Mildred as she confuses the girl with her own granddaughter and wishes her a happy birthday

Scene 3 Shot 7: CUT TO: Close up of girlʼs confused reaction. Mildred still doesnʼt understand.

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Scene 3 Shot 8: CUT TO: POV of Maddieʼs friend as she looks up at Mildred trying to give her a hug

Scene 3 Shot 9: CUT TO: Long shot of Maddieʼs friend running out of the living room back to outside. Once the girl is out of frame, the camera zooms in on Tomʼs face and we are made aware that he has just witnessed an episode of his motherʼs dementia.

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Scene 3 Shot 10: CUT TO: Close up of Mildredʼs confused reaction because her “granddaughter” didnʼt seem happy when she was wished a happy birthday

Scene 3 Shot 11: CUT TO: Close up of Tomʼs sad reaction because he realizes that his motherʼs condition is only getting worse.

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Scene 4 Shot 1: FADE TO: Long, establishing shot of Mildredʼs bedroom. Mildred is sleeping.

Scene 4 Shot 2: CUT TO: Close up of Mildred. Her eyes suddenly open as if she just remembered something.

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Scene 5 Shot 1: CUT TO: Long shot, establishing shot of the front of the house. All the sudden we see a light comes on in Mildredʼs bedroom and the light from inside is seen from the street.

Scene 6 Shot 1: CUT TO: Medium shot from the left of the garage door opening slowly. Still camera until garage gets about half way up

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Scene 6 Shot 2: CUT TO: Medium shot of a shadow walking a few steps into the garage. We see them coming towards the car as if looking for something, but cannot make out who it is.

Scene 6 Shot 3: CUT TO: Close up of car door opening and closing. We see the back of an old woman, but not the face.

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Scene 6 Shot 4: CUT TO: Close up of an old hand putting a key in the ignition. It turns and the car starts.

Scene 6 Shot 5: CUT TO: Close up of front of car. Lights turn on

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Scene 6 Shot 6: CUT TO: Medium Shot from hood of the car on Mildred. She shifts the gear and puts the car in drive.

Scene 6 Shot 7: CUT TO: Medium shot from inside the garage. The car is backing out as the garage door comes down and blacks out the frame.