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Page 2: JACQUI HEPBURN Director Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland.

JACQUI HEPBURNDirectorAlliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland

Page 3: JACQUI HEPBURN Director Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland.

• The collective voice of 23 Sector Skills Councils (SSCs)

• Employers representing 90% of the workforce across the UK

• Responsible for developing occupational standards and qualification frameworks

• Producing detailed Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) to inform the skills agenda

• Promoting a more demand-led skills system

Who are we?

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• Creative Industries

• Energy

• Financial and Business Services

• Food and Drink

• Life Sciences

• Tourism

• Universities

Scottish Government – key sectors

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• 18,000 new jobs by 2017

• Key growth area: ‘Associated professional and technical roles’

• Current skills shortages caused by: - Lack of experience (61%) - Lack of specialist skills (35%)

• Increasing concerns that graduates are not ‘job ready’

• FE and HE provision tends to be student not employer-led

• Limited time and budget for training

• Key future skills needs: - Leadership and Management skills - ICT skills - Business skills - Negotiation / selling skills

Creative Industries

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• Huge economic and employment opportunities in renewables

• 28,000 direct jobs + 20,000 indirect jobs in offshore wind

• Onshore wind industry already reporting skills shortages

• 55% of all vacancies are hard-to-fill

• Ongoing skills shortages due to shortage of STEM graduates

• Forecast skills needs for new technologies and develop NOS

• More emphasis on workforce planning to address work profiles issues


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• Modest job growth in financial services, IT and telecoms

• Growth sectors in financial services include: - Forensic accounting - Corporate recovery and insolvency - External (financial) insurance - Risk and compliance work - Business advisory / consultancy services

• Key skills requirements: - Technical skills - Communication skills - Professional judgement - Ethics - Risk management skills

• 30% employment growth in asset management – 27,000 new jobs

Financial and Business Services

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• Single largest manufacturing sector employing 49,000 people

• Total employment to contract, but slower than other sectors

• High replacement demand – 16,000 new workers by 2017

• Demand for high-skilled jobs will increase

• Shortage of professionals including: - Food scientists - Food technologists - Engineers

• Skills deficiencies amongst managers and supervisors

• Particular new / improved skills needs include: - Food safety and hygiene skills for compliance - Technical skills for production

Food and Drink

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• 31,500 jobs / GVA of £1.3 billion

• Highly skilled workforce

• Lack of data on skills requirements

• Main skills in pharmaceuticals: - Basic mathematical capability - Practical skills - Application of mathematical / scientific knowledge

• More general challenges: - Maintaining supply of qualified staff - Managers with international commercial experience - Keeping graduates in Scotland

Life Sciences

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• Total employment to grow by 14,800 jobs

• Replacement demand for 79,600 jobs

• Key skills weaknesses in customer handling, planning and organising, team working, problem solving and oral communication skills

• 15,200 managers not suitably qualified

• Key skills requirements for managers: - Setting strategic objectives - Developing product marketing strategies - Providing leadership - Being entrepreneurial - Motivational skills - Business acumen - Basic literacy, numeracy and IT skills


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UniversitiesKey future challenges for Scotland: - Increasing international competition on skills - Increasing international competition on innovation and technology - Changing demographics

Key future challenges for Scotland’s universities: - Optimised skills profile to be globally competitive - Fostering innovation and strengthening links with business - Adapting learning provision to changing demographics

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In summaryScotland’s graduates of the future need: - To be flexible / adaptable - To develop more generic work skills - To receive high quality careers IAG - To benefit from more work-based learning opportunities - To be encouraged to pursue STEM-based courses and careers

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Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland

28 Castle StreetEdinburghEH2 3HT

E-mail: [email protected]: 0131 226 7726Browse: