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By Shaharyar [email protected]

Page 2: J2ee

Before going to understand that what is J2EE, first We should look into that what is Enterprise level

We can say that

“When our application is composed of n-tier(mostly 3-tier) , this will be Enterprise




“Implementation Provided By JAVA for the handling enterprise level can be called J2EE”

[email protected]

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The J2EE platform provides an API and runtime environment for developing and running enterprise software, including

network Services web services other large-scale multi-tiered services &

network applications As well as scalable, reliable, and secure

network applications


Java EE extends the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), providing an API for object-relational mapping, distributed and multi-tier architectures, and web services

[email protected]

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Software for Java EE is primarily developed in the Java programming language and uses XML for configuration.

The platform was known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE until the name was changed to Java EE in version 5. The current version is called Java EE 6.

[email protected]

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The J2EE platform uses a multitier distributed application model. This means application logic is divided into components according to function, and the various application components that make up a J2EE application are installed on different machines depending on which tier in the multitier JEE environment the application component belongs.

[email protected]

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JEE applications are made up of components

Application clients and applets are client components.

Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology components are web components.

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components (enterprise beans) are business components.

[email protected]

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A J2EE application can be web-based or non-web-based. An application client executes on the client machine for a non-web-based J2EE application, and a web browser downloads web pages and applets to the client machine for a web-based J2EE application.

[email protected]

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J2EE web components can be either JSP pages or servlets

Servlets are Java programming language classes that dynamically process requests and construct responses

JSP pages are text-based documents that contain static content and snippets of Java programming language code to generate dynamic content

[email protected]

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Business code, which is logic that solves or meets the needs of a particular business domain such as banking, retail, or finance, is handled by enterprise beans running in the business tier

There are three kinds of enterprise beans: session beans entity beans message-driven beans

[email protected]

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Component are installed in their containers during deployment and are the interface between a component and the low-level platform-specific functionality that supports the component

Before a web, enterprise bean, or application client component can be executed, it must be assembled into a J2EE application and deployed into its container.

[email protected]

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An Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container manages the execution of all enterprise beans for one J2EE application. Enterprise beans and their container run on the J2EE server.

A web container manages the execution of all JSP page and servlet components for one J2EE application. Web components and their container run on the J2EE server.

An application client container manages the execution of all application client components for one J2EE application. Application clients and their container run on the client machine.

An applet container is the web browser and Java Plug-in combination running on the client machine.They are also part of client machine

[email protected]

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J2EE ( Java 2 -Enterprise Edition) is a basket of  12 inter-related technologies , which can be grouped as follows for convenience.:


Group-1  (Web-Server  &  support Technologies )=====================================  1) JDBC   (  Java Database Connectivity)  2) Servlets  3) JSP   (Java Server Pages)  4) Java Mail_____________________________________________Group-2   ( Distributed-Objects Technologies)=====================================  5) RMI  (Remote Method Invocation)  6) Corba-IDL   ( Corba-using Java  with OMG-IDL)  7) RMI-IIOP   (Corba in Java without OMG-IDL)  8) EJB   (Enterprise Java Beans)________________________________________________shaharyar.khan555@gmail


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Group-3  (  Supporting & Advanced Enterprise technologies)=============================================  9) JNDI   ( Java Naming & Directory Interfaces)   10) JMS   ( Java Messaging Service)   11) JAVA-XML  ( such as JAXP, JAXM, JAXR, JAX-RPC, JAXB, and XML-WEB SERVICE)   12) Connectors ( for ERP and Legacy systems).

Now we will cover some important technologies from these.

[email protected]

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We all know about network sockets very well , their purpose and usage

Let us see the difference in implementation of sockets among the c# and JAVA

Steps are same

Open a socket. Open an input stream and output stream to the socket. Read from and write to the stream according to the

server's protocol. Close the streams. Close the socket.

[email protected]

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In c# (client Socket)

System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient clientSocket = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();

And after then we will connect to specific server

clientSocket.Connect("", 8888);

In JAVA(client Socket)

Socket client = new Socket(("", 8888);

Only in this line we can create socket as well as connect to the server

[email protected]

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In c # (Server Socket)

TcpListener serverSocket = new TcpListener(8888);

And after then we will connect to specific server


In JAVA(Server Socket)

serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8888);

This will acccept the connection from the client

Socket server = serverSocket.accept();

[email protected]

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import*; import*; public class GreetingClient {

public static void main(String [] args) { String serverName = args[0]; int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); try {

System.out.println("Connecting to " + serverName + " on port " + port);

Socket client = new Socket(serverName, port); System.out.println("Just connected to "

+ client.getRemoteSocketAddress()); OutputStream outToServer = client.getOutputStream();

DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(outToServer); out.writeUTF("Hello from " + client.getLocalSocketAddress()); InputStream inFromServer = client.getInputStream();

DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(inFromServer); System.out.println("Server says " + in.readUTF());

client.close(); }catch(IOException e) {

e.printStackTrace(); }


[email protected]

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import*; import*; public class GreetingServer extends Thread {

private ServerSocket serverSocket; public GreetingServer(int port) throws IOException {

serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port); serverSocket.setSoTimeout(10000); } public void run() {

while(true) { try{

System.out.println("Waiting for client on port " + serverSocket.getLocalPort() +

"..."); Socket server = serverSocket.accept(); System.out.println("Just connected to “

+server.getRemoteSocketAddress()); DataInputStream in = new

DataInputStream(server.getInputStream()); System.out.println(in.readUTF()); DataOutputStream out = new

DataOutputStream(server.getOutputStream()); out.writeUTF("Thank you for connecting to " +

server.getLocalSocketAddress() + "\nGoodbye!");

server.close(); }catch(SocketTimeoutException s) {

System.out.println("Socket timed out!"); break;

}catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); break;

} } }

[email protected]

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public static void main(String [] args) {

int port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);try {

Thread t = new GreetingServer(port);

t.start(); }catch(IOException e) {

e.printStackTrace(); }

} }

[email protected]

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Java Database Connectivity or JDBC for short is set of Java API's that enables the developers to create platform and database independent applications in java.

Connect to any database through java is very simple and requires only few steps

Import the packages . Requires that you include the packages containing the JDBC classes needed for database programming. Most often, using import java.sql.* will suffice.

Register the JDBC driver . Requires that you initialize a driver so you can open a communications channel with the database.

Open a connection . Requires using the DriverManager.getConnection()

method to create a Connection object, which represents a physical connection with the database.

[email protected]

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Execute a query . Requires using an object of type Statement for building and submitting an SQL statement to the database.

Extract data from result set . Requires that you use the appropriate ResultSet.getAnyThing() method to retrieve the data from the result set.

Clean up the environment . Requires explicitly closing all database resources versus relying on the JVM's garbage collection.

[email protected]

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import java.sql.*;

public class InsertValues{ public static void main(String[] args) {

  System.out.println("Inserting values in Mysql database table!");  Connection con = null;  String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";  String db = “deltaDB";  String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";

  try{  Class.forName(driver);  con =

DriverManager.getConnection(url+db,"root","root");  try{

  Statement st = con.createStatement();  int val = st.executeUpdate("INSERT

employee VALUES("+13+","+"‘shaharyar'"+")");

  System.out.println("1 row affected");

  }catch (SQLException s){  System.out.println("SQL statement is

not executed!");

  }  }catch (Exception e){

  e.printStackTrace();  }


[email protected]

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Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver


Postgres org.postgresql.Driver

MS access sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver


[email protected]

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import; import; import java.util.Date; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse

res) throws IOException, ServletException {

res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); /* Display some

response to the user */ out.println("<html><head>");

out.println("<title>TestServlet</title>"); out.println("\t<style>body

{ font-family: 'Lucida Grande', " + "'Lucida Sans Unicode';font-size: 13px; }</style>");

out.println("</head>"); out.println("<body>"); out.println("<p>Current

Date/Time: " + new Date().toString() + "</p>"); out.println("</body></html>"); out.close();

} }

[email protected]

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Object Class

application javax.servlet.ServletContext

config javax.servlet.ServletConfig

exception java.lang.Throwable

out javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter

page java.lang.Object

PageContext javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext

request javax.servlet.ServletRequest

response javax.servlet.ServletResponse

session javax.servlet.http.HttpSession

[email protected]

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Sessions are very easy to build and track in java servlets.We can create a session like this

And easily we can get its value on anyother servlet

param = (Integer) session.getAttribute(“name");

[email protected]

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Cookies are also very simple to build and track in java servlets like sessions.We can create a cookies like this

And easily we can get its value on anyother servlet

String cookieName = "username";Cookie cookies [] = request.getCookies ();Cookie myCookie = null;if (cookies != null)

{ for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)  { if (cookies [i].getName().equals


myCookie = cookies[i];break;

} }

} [email protected]

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With servlets, it is easy toRead form dataRead HTTP request headersSet HTTP status codes and response headersUse cookies and session trackingShare data among servletsRemember data between requestsGet fun, high-paying jobs

But, it sure is a pain to

Use those println statements to generate HTML

Maintain that [email protected]

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Functionality and life cycle of JSP and servlet are exactly same.

A JSP page , after loading first convert into a servlet.

The only benefit ,which is surly very much effective is that a programmer can be get rid of hectic coding of servlets

A designer can eaisly design in JSP without knowledge of JAVA

[email protected]

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All code is in Tags as JSP is a scripting language. Tags of JSPs are given below

DirectivesIn the directives we can import packages, define error handling pages or the session information of the JSP page  

DeclarationsThis tag is used for defining the functions and variables to be used in the JSP 

ScripletsIn this tag we can insert any amount of valid java code and these codes are placed in _jspService method by the JSP engine

ExpressionsWe can use this tag to output any data on the generated page. These data are automatically converted to string and printed on the output stream.shaharyar.khan555@gmail


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Action Tag:Action tag is used to transfer the control between pages and is also used to enable the use of server side JavaBeans. Instead of using Java code, the programmer uses special JSP action tags to either link to a Java Bean set its properties, or get its properties.

[email protected]

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Syntax of JSP directives is:<%@directive attribute="value" %>

Where directive may be: page: page is used to provide the information about it.

Example: <%@page import="java.util.*, java.lang.*" %>  

include: include is used to include a file in the JSP page.Example: <%@ include file="/header.jsp" %>   

taglib: taglib is used to use the custom tags in the JSP pages (custom tags allows us to defined our own tags).Example: <%@ taglib uri="tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="mytag" %>  

[email protected]

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[email protected]

Shaharyar khan
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[email protected]

Shaharyar khan
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Syntax of JSP Declaratives are:  

<%!  //java codes   %>

JSP Declaratives begins with <%! and ends %> with .We can embed any amount of java code in the JSP Declaratives. Variables and functions defined in the declaratives are class level and can be used anywhere in the JSP page.  

[email protected]

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Syntax of JSP Expressions are:  

<%="Any thing"   %>

JSP Expressions start with Syntax of JSP Scriptles are with <%= and ends with 

%>. Between these this you can put anything and that will converted to the String and that will be displayed.

Example:  <%="Hello World!" %>Above code will display 'Hello World!'.

[email protected]

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These are the most commonly used action tags are :


Let discuss some tags among these ….

[email protected]

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Include directive:<%@ include file= "index.jsp" %>

Include Action<jsp: include page= "index.jsp

Forward Tag:<jsp:forward page= "Header.html"/>

Pram Tag:<jsp:param name="result" value="<%=result


[email protected]

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Everywhere, in any programming language , it is recommended that apply best programming practices.

In JAVA, a java programmer always prefer to apply design patterns while coding.

Design Patterns are specific type of coding styles that should use in specific scenarios.

Let Discuss some basic Design Patterns that we should use

[email protected]

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The Singleton design pattern ensures that only one instance of a class is created.

it provides a global point of access to the object and allow multiple instances in the future without affecting a singleton class's clients

To ensure that only one instance of a class is created we make SingletonPattern’s instance as static

Let Discuss some basic Design Patterns that we should use

[email protected]

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class SingletonClass{

private static SingletonClass instance;

private SingletonClass(){}

public static synchronized SingletonClass getInstance(){if(instance == null)instance = new SingletonClass();return instance;}


[email protected]

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class MyClass{public static void main(String[] args) {

SingletonClass sp = SingletonClass.getInstance();System.out.println("first Instance: "+sp.toString());

SingletonClass sp1 = SingletonClass.getInstance();System.out.println("2nd Instance: "+sp1.toString());


You will see in output that both references will be same

[email protected]

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Factory pattern comes into creational design pattern category

the main objective of the creational pattern is to instantiate an object and in Factory Pattern an interface is responsible for creating the object but the sub classes decides which class to instantiate

The Factory patterns can be used in following cases:1. When a class does not know which class of objects

it must create.2. A class specifies its sub-classes to specify which

objects to create.3. In programmer’s language (very raw form), you

can use factory pattern where you have to create an object of any one of sub-classes depending on the data provided. shaharyar.khan555@gmail


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public class Person {


// name stringpublic String name;// gender : M or Fprivate String gender;

public String getName() {return name;}

public String getGender() {return gender;}

}// End of class

[email protected]

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public class Male extends Person {


public Male(String fullName) {System.out.println("Hello Mr. "+fullName);}

}// End of class

public class Female extends Person {


public Female(String fullNname) {System.out.println("Hello Ms. "+fullNname);}

}// End of class

[email protected]

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public class SalutationFactory {


public static void main(String args[]) {SalutationFactory factory = new SalutationFactory();Person p = factory.getPerson(“Shaharyar”,”M”);}

public Person getPerson(String name, String gender) { if (gender.equals("M")) return new Male(name); else if(gender.equals("F")) return new Female(name); else return null;}

}// End of class

[email protected]

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To keep things simple you can understand it like, you have a set of ‘related’ factory method design pattern. Then you will put all those set of simple factories inside a factory pattern

In abstract factory , We create a interface instead of class and then use it for the creation of objects

Simply , When we have a lot of place to apply factory method then we combine all of them in a interface and use them according to our needs

[email protected]

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Facade as the name suggests means the face of the building. The people walking past the road can only see this glass face of the building. They do not know anything about it, the wiring, the pipes and other complexities. The face hides all the complexities of the building and displays a friendly face.

hides the complexities of the system and provides an interface to the client from where the client can access the system

In Java, the interface JDBC can be called a facade. We as users or clients create connection using the “java.sql.Connection” interface, the implementation of which we are not concerned about. The implementation is left to the vendor of driver.shaharyar.khan555@gmail


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