Download - IVSA Stop TB Campaign_EVENTS GUIDE 2014


Events GuideIVSA Stop TB Campaign | 24th March 2014

IVSA Standing Committee on One Health_ Explore vets΄ actions against TB

May 2014



The World Tuberculosis day 2014 was organized by IVSA Bangladesh atthe Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine on 24th March. Our honorable Dean of the faculty Dr. M.A. Matin was the main guest of the event, Assistant Professor Dr. A.K.M Mostofa Anowe (Department of Microbiology) and Assistant professor Dr. Milton Talukdar were the special guests.

Several lectures were given by our honorable teachers about the Bovine Tuberculosis and its zoonotic importance few documentaries also displayed on the program. The Main topic of our local event was ‘’ Bovine Tuberculosis and its Zoonotic Importance’’.

A rally was held up by the students of the faculty which surrounds the local area and our main target was to make awareness to the local farmer and people about the harmful effect of Bovine Tuberculosis. Several posters were made on different topics of the Tuberculosis which was the most interesting part of the event.

The Veterinary Student Association of Bangladesh also collaborated with us to complete this event successfully. More than 50 students were present and the events lasted for three and half hours.

Sk Sayed

Exchange Officer

IVSA India_

IVSA India and WARD (Wildlife Conservation & Agro-Rural Development Foundation) co-organized a local event –at 24th

March 2014 concerning TB.

More specifically, they organized a local TB Campaign and Seminar. The event consisted of lectures, street actions, videos presentations, internet campaign, distribution of leaflets and a seminar held by Dr. Sandip Choudari

The target group of the event was veterinary students, as well as people.

These events had more than 500 attendants.

We got huge response from local media!

Mangesh Nakade


IVSA Kosovo_

We gave a lecture in one of the high schools of Prishtina about TB bovis and also Veterinarian’s role in public health .

It was the first time that someone organized something about TB , and professors welcomed our initiative. Students were impressed and very interested in Veterinary Medicine In general.

Our biggest impression was that they didn't have any idea that cattle can cause TB in human and it was our pleasure to explain them about M. Bovis.

Fatrim Azizi


IVSA Nepal_

On World Tuberculosis Day we organized the Awareness Program for the to final year Intern students, regarding Tuberculosis in Elephants. Currently elephants are suffering from Tuberculosis, so this was an important part of the TB Campaign the World TB Day.

The professor who gave the lecture is Dr. Suraj Subedi. Firstly, there was a lecture which lasted one hour and after that we got to see the calf elephant training program based on positive response.

Sudhir Yavad


IVSA Portugal_

IVSA Portugal organized an online Awareness Campaign.

Micael Costa




Discussion Meeting

Focused on :

“Re-emerging Tuberculosis in Greece; Animals & Human”

On Monday 7th April 2014, at 4.00 p.m., IVSA Thessaloniki in association with Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, organized a scientific discussion meeting focused on “Re-emerging tuberculosis in Greece; Animals & Human”. The meeting was placed in “Spais” hall of the Companion Animal Clinic, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Veterinarian doctors, doctors and students were invited, as well as farm-animal owners and food and beverage controllers.

Among the invited lecturers was academic staff of School of Veterinary Medicine, like Filiousis Georgios, lecturer on Veterinary bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, Vlemmas Ioannis, professor on Veterinary Pathology and last but not least, Oikonomou Evaggelos, lecturer on Animal Food Products Hygiene. Furthermore, two state veterinary officers were invited as lecturers, Aimilios Desiris, a veterinarian working on TB control program and Maria Kalaitzidou, a public health officer. In addition, a doctor pulmonologist, Maria Manika was invited as a lecturer.

The lectures were mostly focused on Bovine TB and Human TB history, causes, signs and symptoms, pathology, epidemiology, diagnosis and control programs. Moreover, information about Tuberculosis as a severe public health problem and antibiotic resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis types, was given. About 50 people attended the event, which lasts almost three and a half hours.

Eleni Moltsanidou

Local Veterinary Public Health Officer



The chapter is IVSA - SAVMA Grenada

Chapter. We are Saint George's

University a school here in the West

Indies of the Caribbean. As veterinary

students we have a unique experience

because we share our campus with

both a medical school and the school

of public health. We felt it would be

perfect for everyone to team up for this

event since this is a disease topic that

impacts all three schools. In conjunction

with IFMSA (International Federation of

Medical Students' Association) & PHSA

(Public Health Student's Association) we

will be wining & dining our students at a

gala dinner. We will be having a

veterinarian, a medical doctor and a

public health doctor speak on

Tuberculosis and how it impacts each

profession and links them together. This

should provide the students the

opportunity to learn more about this

important topic and for the opportunity

to collaborate amongst each other.

Jessica Urban

Local Veterinary Public Health Officer

IVSA Tunisia_

Event held: Internet campaign

Date/ Duration of the event: March, 18th 2014-

March, 24th 2014

Other organization Local medical organizations

(DGSV, DSSB..) s:

The video content was simplified in order to be

addressed to a large group of people and not only

medical students, it contains some simple, yet

important information about human, as well as,

bovine tuberculosis.

The video was largely shared on youtube, and on

social network (facebook) .

Many people do not consider the health risk of bTB,

nor the modes of transmission (raw milk and raw

dairy products especially)

While discussing with some medical organizations,

they provided us with some important statistics from

recent studies in Tunisia showing that : bTB is in

almost 50% of the cases of lymph node TB .

Major health problem especially for people living in

rural area, due to the direct contact with animals

(small farmers and children in particular)

Need for more outreach programs for these

specific groups of people in order to reach a higher

level of awareness

Other event: School visiting (in progress) Informative

leaflets, videos..

Sarah Mediouni

Local Veterinary Public Health Officer

And also some incompleted

projects yet….

IVSA Thessaly

IVSA Indonesia

IVSA Palestine