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Formatio is a line of spiritual formation books from

InterVarsity Press. Formatio books take readers on a

 journey of transformation rooted in a deep desire to

live in the presence of God.

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  James bryan smith is a theology professor at Friends Univer-

sity in Wichita, Kansas. He is a founding board member of RenovaRé.

Jim is also the author of a spl F Wkk, D-

l Clc (with Richard Foster) and rc mll: a aw

Pg h, which hit the nw yk t bestseller list.

 from  James Bryan Smith

Longing for God 

rcd F j Gl b

c dl f pl f

p d f C

d. i p f clcl

ppc g g d

pl l, F d b dc

p f C d. t

ll p g l

f g d w f C

d lp d ppl l

g d.

366 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3514-0, 


Lg P ed, 455 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3527 -0, $25.00

adgd ad bk, 2 75- CD,

d CD, 978-0-8308- 3526-3, $20.00

riCharD J. Foster (D.Th.P., Fuller Theological Seminary) is the

 founder of RenovaRé in Denver, Colorado. He is the author of many

books, including Cl f Dcpl: t P spl

Gw and Fd f splc.

 from Richard Fster and Gayle Beebe

The Good and Beautiful God 

t f k wll lp

dc J ld

d pcc pl xc wll

lp gw kwldg f

gd d fl Gd.

 J b s’ The Good and Beautiful

God k t appc

s, wc, lg w w f-

cg k, f ccl

f Clk.

232 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3531-7,


GayLe D. beebe (Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University) is

 president of Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is one

the general editors of t ré spl F bl.

“The Apprentice Series is the best practice I have seen

in Christian spiritual formation.” 

—Dallas Willard, author of t D Cpc

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ruth haLey barton is cofounder and president of The

Transforming Center, a ministry to pastors and Christian leaders.

She has served on the pastoral sta of several churches, including 

Willow Creek Community Church, and is a trained spiritual

director and retreat leader.

 from Ruth Haley Bartn

Sacred Rhythmsr hl b ld


ddg f

pl dcpl d

 w dl

f lf.

192 pg, dc,

 978-0-8308- 3333-7, $17.00

Invitation to Solitudeand Silenceug pp elj

gd, r hl b

dc d d f

l g Gd’ cll.

144 pg, dc,

 978-0-8308-2386-4, $17.00

“If you would like to know the

‘rest appropriate for the people of 

God’ (Heb 4:9), then . . . enter 

the practice of solitude and silence

with Ruth Barton as your guide.” 

—From the foreword by Dallas


Longing for Morer hl b xpl

f w’

lf d fg

c f C c

 c, d, xl,

gl, g d


251 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3506-5, $16.00

Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadershipm d’

g l

xp f w.

r hl b lp

l fl

d dl pcc

ll ld d

pll g.

231 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3513-3, $18.00

“This is a powerful resource

 for me and my own leadership


—Gary Haugen, president, Inter-

national Justice Mission

Spiritual Disciplines Companion

t d dc x c pcc f lc d -

cc wp d cl. J J cd q

x f dc bl d, gdd d d f-

l xc pg ll lg l.

315 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3523-2, $18.00

 Jan Johnson is a spiritual director and retreat leader living in

the Los Angeles area. She has written a number of books including 

i J Lf and ejg Pc f Gd 

(both NavPress). Many of her articles are posted on her website: .

 from  Jan Jhnsn

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook 

adl alg Cl g dc f j wd

c w C. s w w d d dcpl wk

g ld f w’ lgg f.

293 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3330-6, $18.00

aDeLe ahLberG CaLhoun (M.A. in theology, Gordon-

Conwell Theological Seminary) has worked in Christian ministry for 

over thirty years and is currently pastor of spiritual formation at Christ

Church in Oak Brook, Illinois. She has taught courses at Wheaton

College and Northern Seminary.

 from Adele Ahlberg Calhun

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Celtic Devotions

t Cl c d , dw ld f 

d . i Celtic Devotions, Cl mll

k p d. Cd Pl 119 d clc Clc

 wk, Cl mll’ -d gd f g d g

p lp l dl d.

131 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3505-8, $15.00

The Path of Celtic Prayer 

i d f c d dg, f g f-l ,

lp d plg, Cl pd. mll dc

p x d, c d dg “ pd flg

f p f Gd.”

170 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3504-1, $18.00

CaLvin miLLer (M.Div., D.Min., Midwestern Baptist Theological

Seminary) is a professor at Beeson Divinity School. He is the author of 

more than forty books, including the bestselling Singer Trilogy. Miller’s

latest works include Pcg, o spd W a t? and

C w J. 

 from Calvin Miller

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Coming Home to Your True Self 

al h p pl dcpl f p, l-gg,

dc d pl dc g d ck

Gd. “h,” w, “ c f p

. i l lg g w, g , w dc

l d wld w gc f Gd.”

180 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3517 -1, $15.00

Living the Lord’s Prayer 

t Ld’ P p cpl pc f lf w Gd,

kg dl gd f pl f. al h dw

wd f Fc f a, téè f Lx d

l w g p c c p l.

252 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3529-4, $18.00

aLbert haase, o.F.m. (Ph.D., Fordham University), is

adjunct professor of spirituality at Catholic Theological Union in

Chicago, Illinois. He is also a spiritual director, leading retreats and

 parish missions from the St. Gratian Friary in Countryside, IL.

Haase is author of i f C: rc Pc

P f s Fc f a.

 from Albert Haase

Deep-Rooted in Christ 

 J C Kg p wd dd c f lf

C. Ff-w gcfl dg k pfc dl c.

174 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3511-9, $15.00

“This is spiritual wisdom literature of the highest order.” 

—From the foreword by Richard Foster 

 from  Jshua Chnmin Kang

Sacramental Life

ug bk f C P, Dd dsl xpl w

 w pll fd cl f p,

ec, g d l.

288 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3518-8, $18.00

 from David A. deSilva

Journaling as a Spiritual Practice

W jl kp lg xpl f 

 jl , k dc w jlg c c

cl p f pl f. hl Cp cd

q f c dcp x, ll f

 jl d xpl f w jlg xpc.

161 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3519-5, $15.00

 from Helen Ceper

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Signature Sins

mcl mg cf g — pcc p f 

c g, c d lp. h w

w w p, cl, fl d gd c w

f lf l, pdg lp f fcg

d dg fd C.

244 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3515-7, $16.00

miChaeL manGis is a professor of psychology at Wheaton College

in Wheaton, Illinois. He is also a practicing psychologist and cofounder 

of the Center for Rural Psychology in Elburn, Illinois.

 from Michael Mangis

 A Community Called Taizé 

Wl fl w c f tzé, fw w f 

c’ g . J b s dc

f wld’ ccl c d, f -

g 1940 Fc gc pl c f g

ppl g wld. h ’ll f

d d cl l w k

f pcg ccl cc d wld.

204 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3525-6, $15.00

 Jason brian santos has traveled to Taizé multiple times

to interview the brothers, permanents and pilgrims who make up

the community. Santos is a Ph.D. candidate at Princeton Theological

Seminary in the eld of practical ministry, where he studies

intentional community.

 from Jasn Brian Sants

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Lynne m. baab (M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,

University of Washington) is currently a lecturer in pastoral theology

at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Her books include a

rwd spl, bg b Cggand 

s (LifeGuide® Bible Study).

 from Lynne M. Baab


bc w f cl c df,

d f fg d. b L b fd fd

c pcc—wc xd d gg p fd

gl c. m d pp c

 w Gd.

152 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3501-0, $13.00

Sabbath Keeping 

sx i d g tl a, il, w

wkl l cl, g L b’

w-f- c f f . W cllcd g

f kp f ll g d ckgd, Sabbath Keeping  

ff pccl gdk cg lw dw d

j lp w Gd f .

132 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3258-3, $13.00

Praying the Psalms of Jesus

 J s ld lf f J g

pl J lf fd ,

dd d fllld.

223 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3508-9, $16.00

Learning to Pray Through the Psalms

 J s k k ppc f lcl

f p p f. Cg pcc pl, s

ckgd f f c d l d, p--

p ppc g pl’ wd gd f w

pl c w Gd. a gp d l cldd

c cp.

229 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3332-0, $15.00

 James W. sire (Ph.D., University of Missouri), formerly a senior 

editor at InterVarsity Press, is an active speaker and writer. His books

include t u nx D, Dcplp f md,

ng elp, W Gd ag of Fl and

a Ll P hl aplgc.

 from James W. Sire

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DaviD G. benner is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Psychol-

ogy and Spirituality at Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta and

 Associate Fellow at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at Uni-

versity of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. He’s also the founding 

executive editor of C, a spiritual director, a retreat leader,

and the author or editor of many books, including the bk ecclp-

d f Pclg d Clg and C f sl.

 from David G. Benner

Sacred CompanionsDd G. b dc

  c f pl

fdp d dc.

240 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3270-5, $15.00

“For all who are serious about

seeking spiritual direction.” 

—James M. Houston

Spiritual Direction and the Care of Soulsed G W. m d

Dd G. b p-

l dc d

C f. t p

c d’

d f pl dc,

l f dc, dc-

f d .

254 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308-2777 -0, $20.00

Surrender to LoveDd G. b xpl

w f l d

d f 

C pl.112 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308-2302-4, $13.00

The Gift of Being Yourself i pfd xpl

f C d, pcl-

g d pl dc

Dd G. b ll

pl f lf-dc.

114 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3245-3, $13.00

Desiring God’s Will Dd G. b xpl w

d ddd d

w l c

g lg w Gd’ wll.

123 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3261-3, $13.00

“This is for people who want to

want God.” 

—John Ortberg 

 A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

“[Eugene Peterson’s] a Lg odc retains its prophetic edge. . . .

Rooted in the ancient psalmist’s Songs of Ascents it invites us to journey

with Jesus into the rich spiritual landscape of ‘righteousness and peace

and joy in the Holy Spirit.’” 

—Richard Foster, author of Cl f Dcpl

216 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308-2257 -7, $15.00

Run with the Horses

i f pfd c lf f J

pp, eg P xpl f w

fll d gl . h wg lld w d lf-

c, g d wd, lpg c f

q f lf .

213 pg, ppck, 978-0-87784-905-6, $15.00

euGene h. Peterson, now retired, was for many years

James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College

in Vancouver, British Columbia. He al so served as founding pastor of 

Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland. In ad-

dition to his widely acclaimed paraphrase of the Bible, t mg

(NavPress), he has written many other b ooks.

 from Eugene H. Petersn

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GorDon t. smith is president of reSource Leadership Interna-

tional, which works with other reSource aliates to support and enable

excellence in theological education in the developing world. He was

 formerly academic dean and associate professor of spiritual theology at

Regent College and was the senior pastor of two congregations. He is

also the author of bgg Wll.

 from Grdn T. Smith

Courage and Calling 

Gd’ cll dg pp lf f d

vocation, f L g “cllg.” ad wl

plc f wk ccp, l c wd. i

k, Gd s dc c

lg Gd d cg cwk w .

203 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308-2254-6, $15.00

The Voice of Jesus

bldg c pl d p d f 

d lg f ig f Ll J Wl

 J edwd, Gd s lp p d

dp f w f sp. b lg d

sp, s g, wll l d d c f 

 J d lf.

266 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308-2390-7, $17.00

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Joyful Exiles

 J h dcl dc C p. h

dp “ f dd lf”— k f fll

C d f .

204 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3324-5, $17.00

“Dr. Houston at his clearest, deepest, warmest, massively insightful best.” 

—Darrell Johnson, Regent College

 James m. houston (M.A., Edinburgh; D.Phil., Oxford) is

 founding principal, former chancellor and emeritus professor of spiri-

tual theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is

the author of some forty books, including i bl C,

i sc f hppand t md Lf.

 from  James M. Hustn

Hearing God 

i pdd clc, gll pld In Search of 

Guidance, Dll Wlld pd c pl g

w w c Gd’ c cll d dlp

pp w wk f kgd.

228 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308-2226-3, $16.00

DaLLas WiLLarD is professor of philosophy at the University of 

Southern California. He is the author of  t D Cpc, 

t sp f Dcpl and r f h.

 from Dallas Willard

Invitation to a Journey

i ldk pl f k, m. r mllld J.

d pl f pc f g cfd

g f C f k f .

173 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308-1386-5, $15.00

“A gem. . . . If you have time to read only one book on spiritual

 formation, this is a good candidate.” 

—C Clg td

The Deeper Journey

m. r mllld J. xp fl l

pd d d d lp d dc

lf c f g dd w C Gd.

168 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3277 -4, $15.00

“Totally compelling and a must read for disciples serious about

the ‘with-God’ life.” 

—Bruce Demarest, professor of Christian formation, Denver Seminary

m. robert muLhoLLanD Jr. (Th.D., Harvard) is professor 

of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore,

Kentucky. He is the author of several books, including spd

Wd and rl.

 from M. Rbert Mulhlland Jr.

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My Soul Waits

t dpl pl flc Pl k

pfd ll f m Dw’ p. b cf

cd k f d cl—Gd’

p f ll w w .

268 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3443-3, $16.00

marva J. DaWn (Ph.D., Notre Dame) is a theologian, author,

educator and teaching fellow in spiritual theology at Regent College,

Vancouver, British Columbia. Her books include J D

Wd, t s f Cll and Kpg s Wll.

 from Marva J. Dawn

The Way Is Made by Walking a Pl b dc -lg j

C d sg sp, clc plgg

f s. J. b dc pdgc ccp

cll “fcl lg,” w f lg p f ’ cl

d clgcl cx.

219 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3507 -2, $15.00

arthur PauL boers (D.Min., Northern Baptist Theologi-

cal Seminary) is associate professor of pastoral theology at Associated

Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. He is an ordained

Mennonite minister and a Benedictine oblate. His b ooks include t

r f Gd’ Gc and o e h.

 from Arthur Paul Bers

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Sacred Chaos

tc rd pd f w f g w Gd,

fc ql gd dl cdl. s

gg w w p d k gdc, pg f

pl , p f lf .

183 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3512-6, $15.00

triCia mcCary rhoDes is a writer and teacher whose works

include t sl r, Cplg C, i

ic, tkg up y C and a n f J.

Together she and her husband, Joe, founded New Hope Church in San

Diego, California.

 from Tricia McCary Rhdes

The Attentive Life

Cld p Clk pl lg

p ? Lg Fd c d d f 

pg — dcpl l c ld wkfl

f Gd.

229 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3516-4, $18.00

“An antidote to the primary spiritual p roblem of our day: distraction.” 

—Richard Foster, author of Cl f Dcpl 

LeiGhton ForD heads Leighton Ford Ministries, which seeks

to help young leaders worldwide to lead more like Jesus. He served

 for thirty years with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Ford

describes his current mission to be “an artist of the soul and a friend on

the journey.” He is also the author of tfg Ldp. 

 from Leightn Frd

GeraLD L. sittser (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is professor 

of theology at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He is

the author of t ad, a C P, a Gc D-

gd, t Wll f Gd W f Lf and W Gd D’

aw y P.

 from Gerald L. Sittser

Water from a Deep Well 

Gld s cq w p d

 w d f Gd. tg pcc d f 

lg f l w dc ld w c g w lf


364 pg, dc, 978-0-8308- 3493-8, $25.00

“In words spoken to St. Augustine, ‘tolle, lege’ (pick it up, read it).” 

—Mark A. Noll, University of Notre Dame

Seasons of the Soul 

bc D lp gp wl pc f j

 w’ w C w g l w d c -

f. ug scp, wg f c pl d-

d f p-d l, D ld g

g f j c lk C.

191 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3535-5, $16.00

bruCe Demarest is professor of Christian formation at Denver 

Seminary in Littleton, Colorado. His recent books include t h

P tlg & Pclg (with Jim Beck), sf y

sl, t C & sl and ig tlg (with

Gordon Lewis).

 from Bruce Demarest

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minDy CaLiGuire is founder and president of Soul Care®,

a spiritual formation ministry. She is a frequent speaker and retreat

leader, working with groups such as the Spiritual Formation Alliance.

Her books include F bk & spl Jlg (with

Sharon Sone) and W f y sl: t W d hw f 

 Jlg (with Je Caliguire).

 from Mindy Caliguire

Discovering Soul Caremd Clg dc

l c. tg f 

dg, d d pl

wll dc

p l f l

d p pl l-

g cc w

Gd F, s d sp.

95 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3509-6, $10.00

“Mindy Caliguire knows and

cares about the deep things of 

the soul.”  —John Ortberg 

Spiritual Friendshipmd Clg k

-dp lk ccp

f pl cpp,

 wc wlkg g

lf w dp


96 pg, ppck, 

 978-0-8308- 3510-2, $10.00

“Plan a retreat today, plan

on taking this book, and plan

on experiencing God’s gracious

care anew.” —Scot McKnight,

author of t J Cd

SimplicityL’ fc . o l

cld. s w:

ld k, d

pjc, c

 w g kg. Lgg

f pc, f plc?

s .

96 pg, ppck,

 978-0-8308- 3522-5, $10.00

Soul Searching if w’ , w c p

 w l f xc d

l cg. t ll

k lp d d—

gd d c—wk

f lf-x, kg

lk d, llwg

hl sp ld d

gd d wk.

110 pg, ppck, 

 978-0-8308- 3521-8, $10.00

Seeking God Together 

alc Flg w f w wld lk f, ld pc-

p gp pl dc. s qp gp l Gd

g, g pl dc, gp xpc

d k lf-gg q.

152 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3524-9, $15.00

aLiCe FryLinG is an active church member, a spiritual

director, and the author of nine books. She has given numerous

workshops and retreats seeking to help evangelicals know God and

themselves more deeply. Alice served on the campus sta of 

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

 from Alice Fryling

Spiritual Disciplines Bible Studies

 J J’ f g bl d gd xpl

w pl dcpl c cl cc Gd

d f l.

Individual titles: 6 d, ddlcd, $7.00

C & s, 978-0-8308-2092-4 

P & Lg, 978-0-8308-2095-5 rc & Cf, 978-0-8308-2093-1 

sc & scc, 978-0-8308-2096-2 

splc & Fg, 978-0-8308-2094-8 

sld & slc, 978-0-8308-2097 -9 

sd & md, 978-0-8308-2091-7

Wp & Cl, 978-0-8308-2098-6 

 from  Jan Jhnsn

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Spiritual Disciplines Devotional 

vl h pd f dg d dpg

dl l g “l .” ec fc f

wl c dcpl f C lf, llwg k

pcpl pl dl f.

301 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3503-4, $17.00 

vaLerie e. hess is a pastor’s wife, mother, teacher, retreat

speaker and musician. She is currently the coordinator of music minis-

tries for Trinity Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado. Valerie is part

of the Renovaré Partners in Renewal group.

 from Valerie E. Hess

 Ancient Christian Devotional,Lectionary Cycle A

edd Cd C d t C. od, gd

p d flc c xcp f cc

f fd ac C C

scp w pl c f dl dg d

p. t ff-w dg fllw lc ccl a.

294 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3431-0, $17.00  Ancient Christian Devotional,Lectionary Cycle C 

t fllw-p p Ancient Christian Devotional 

fllw lc ccl C d f dl dg f

ac C C scp.

304 pg, ppck, 978-0-8308- 3528-7, $18.00

 from Cindy Crsby

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order online at 

or call  1-800-843-9487 

   P   h     t    s  :   J    n  e   l   l  e   r  e     e   l

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   P  o  s   t  a  g  e


   P   A   I   D

   I  n   t  e  r   V  a  r  s   i   t  y

   C   h  r   i  s   t   i  a  n

   F  e   l   l  o  w  s   h   i  p

   O  r   d  e  r  o  n   l   i  n  e  a   t   f      m

     t      .       p    e  s  s .  c    m

  o  r  c  a   l   l  1  -   8  0  0  -   8  4  3  -  9  4   8  7 .