Download - ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Page 1: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.


Center of Excellence

Page 2: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.


ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs.

191 Member States, 700 Sector Members

Three sectors:





Page 3: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.


ITU’s Global Presence

5 regional offices, 8 area officesHQ in Geneva, Switzerland

Page 4: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Page 5: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

It is an ITU Development Sector initiative intended to assist developing countries by making available ICT education and training opportunities at the highest possible levels of quality.

In cooperation with numerous partners, ITU Academy today delivers education and training opportunities around the globe through face-to-face events and distance learning

Page 6: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Center of Excellence project

The ITU centers of excellence initiative strengthens institutional capacity to deliver know-how and expertise in specialized telecommunication and ICT training.

ITU goal is a global cooperative network of the institutions and partners sharing training experts and resources

Page 7: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

CoE Advisory Committee members in Arab States 4 Nodes Leaders Representatives: (Egypt-Syria-


4 Sub-regional Representatives (Saudi Arabia-Jordan-Tunisia-Sudan)

The coordinator of the Center of Excellence in the Arab Regional office and a representative from the Human Resources office in the International Telecommunication Union

Page 8: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Center of Excellence in Arab States


Coordinator/ ITU Arab Regional


NODE 1Telecom Policies and Regulation

NODE 2New Technologies

and Services

NODE 3Rural


NODE 4Business


Page 9: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Main and Supportive Nodes

Maim NodeSupportiveProgram





New Technologies and Services





Telecom Policies and Regulations





Rural Communications



-----Business Managements

Page 10: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.


2010 Center of Excellence

Action Plan

Page 11: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Activity VenueDate

4th Advisory Committee Meeting of the Center of Excellence (CoE-ARB)

Tunisia End of November

Telecom Policies and Regulatory Issues Program :

Interconnection Problems WorkshopMoroccoApril

Development of Competitiveness Policies Workshop Jordan June

Convergence and Unified Licensing WorkshopAlgeria

New Services and Technologies Program :

Broadband Network Workshop

Quality of Services for Wireless Communication Systems Workshop

TunisiaNov .

IPv6Egypt 4-6 July

Business Management Program :

Project Management for ICT Implementation WorkshopEgypt (TE) 4-6 May

New Trends in Telecom Marketing Workshop ----------October

Rural Connectivity and Universal Service Program:

Wireless Broadband Internet Access in Rural Areas WorkshopSyriaOctober

Connectivity in Rural services SudanMarch

E-readiness for Rural Areas WorkshopSyriaJuly

On-Line Courses:

VoIPWith NTI Egypt18 April to 18 May

Regulation Versus Governance Egypt Q4

Page 12: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

4G Wireless Systems workshop

27-29 January 2010

Hammamat/ Tunisia

With cooperation with CERT/Tunisia

In frame of New Technologies and Services Programme


Page 13: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

ITU experts for 4G workshop

Prof. Lazhar Belhouchet

Mr. Hakim Ebdelli

Page 14: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

Draft Agenda (1st Day)

Wednesday 27 Jan .TIMESUBJECT

Registration09:00 – 09:30Registration & Distribution of documents

Official Opening

09:30 – 09:45

Welcoming Speeches-ITU ARO Representative ( Mrs. Nefertiti Ali)-Host Representative ( Mr. -----------)

09:45 – 10:00CoE in Arab States ( Mrs. Nefertiti Ali )


10:00 – 11:00Session 1: Evolution path towards 4G

( Mr Hakim EBDELLI)

11:00 – 11:30Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:30

Session 2: Potential and application for broadband services(Mr Lazhar Belhouchet)(Mr Hakim EBDELLI)Panel Discussion

Lunch13:30 – 15:00

Afternoon Session

15:00 – 17:00

Session 3: LTE Overview – design targets and multiple access technologies(Mr Lazhar Belhouchet)

Page 15: ITU Center of Excellence. 2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 700 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication.

)2nd Day (

28 January

Thursday 28 Jan.TIMESUBJECT


09:00 – 10:00

Session 3 (cont.) : LTE Overview – design targets and multiple access technologies( Mr Hakim EBDELLI)Panel Discussion

10:00 – 11:00

Session 4: LTE Network Architecture(Mr Lazhar Belhouchet)Panel Discussion

11:00 – 11:30Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:30

Session 5: LTE technology Performance Evaluation( Mr Hakim EBDELLI)

Panel discussion

Lunch13:30 – 15:00

Afternoon Session

15:00 – 17:00

Session 6 (cont.): Mobility and Session management( Mr Lazhar Belhouchet)

Panel discussion

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(3rd Day)

29 January



09:00 – 11:00

Session 7: Air link setup in LTE system.( Mr Lazhar Belhouchet)

Panel Discussion

11:00 – 11:30Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:30Evaluation, Final Report and Certificates


Lunch13:30 – 15:00

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Thank you