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Silver Unit 4 - IT Security for Users

ICT DEPARTMENTSmith’s Wood Sports College

Name Ayesha begum


Page 2: ITQ Silver Unit 4 - IT Security for Users ICT DEPARTMENT Smith’s Wood Sports College NameAyesha begum Deadline.

Silver Unit 4 - IT Security for Users

(1 credit)

IntroductionThis unit aims to provide learners with the ability to protect hardware, software and the data within an IT system against theft, malfunction and unauthorised access.

This unit is about the skills and knowledge needed by the IT user to avoid common security risks and control access to software and data; and use a wider range of methods to protect software and data (e.g. from exchanging information by e-mail or when downloading software from the Internet).

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

• 1.1 I can identify security issues that might threaten system performance.

• 1.2 I can take appropriate security precautions to protect IT systems and data.

• 1.3 I can identify threats to information security associated with widespread use of technology.

• 1.4 I can take appropriate precautions to keep information secure.

• 1.5 I can follow relevant guidelines and procedures for the secure use of IT.

• 1.6 I can explain why it is important to backup data securely.

• 1.7 I can ensure that my personal data is backed up to appropriate media.

Students should complete tasks 1.1 to 1.7 within this document

Page 3: ITQ Silver Unit 4 - IT Security for Users ICT DEPARTMENT Smith’s Wood Sports College NameAyesha begum Deadline.

The Charlie Westwood Story Charlie Westwood is 16 years old; he lives in Solihull near Smith’s Wood. He has just completed his GCSE’s and is going to continue his studies at a local college. As a gift for doing well in his exams, his dad has bought him a PC. Charlie is very concerned about his new PC’s Security that he has asked you to help him avoid common security risks and to ensure his hardware, software and data are protected.


Page 4: ITQ Silver Unit 4 - IT Security for Users ICT DEPARTMENT Smith’s Wood Sports College NameAyesha begum Deadline.

1.1 Identify security issues that might threaten system performance.

Charlie is aware that having a slow computer can be incredibly irritating, especially when it takes a long time to complete even the simplest of tasks. Charlie will be using his computer a lot for his college work, so he is keen to ensure that its performance is not compromised. Identify common security issues that could affect the way Charlie’s computer performs. a) Explain to Charlie how the following risks may have an impact on a PCs

performance:Risk Explain what the risk is to the machine how it may slow Charlie’s PC.

Unsolicited Email (SPAM)

unsolicited email is emails that are advertising and you have not asked for them. And if you open them then it cause a virus.

if you open them or download anything from the spam emails then that could cause virus and harm you computer by slowing it down to the point where it just wont work.

Viruses having a virus on the PC will slow down the computer which is capable of copying itself and naturally has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.

having virus on your pc will slow it down to the point where it wont work.

Adware adware is a programme to advertise things and it might have a virus in it which can harm your computer.

it slows the computer by adding more programme to the computer so it is taking the memory space.

Trojan Horses Trojan horses is something that looks safe but is actually harmful so you need to get anti virus protection your on pc and updating it.

If you don’t update your computer regular then this will slow your computer and eventually it will shut down and not work.

Worms a worm is a virus that spreads and is often with emails.For example you will get and odd looking email and then that email will send to all your friends and spread.

worms is a virus that will spread and build in your pc and eventually it just wont work and not only will it be harming your pc but others too.

Rogue Diallers rouge diallers doesn’t work on Wi-Fi and only one rouge dialler connections.It uses you internet to make a phone call and you wont even know it but they might be charging you £1 per minute.

it slows down your computer because whatever you want to do with your computer it doesn't do that but downloads other things which is arming your computer.


A hacker is someone is who logins into your account, email or computer. Or someone guessing your password or even some uses internet to access your data.

If they hack the computer then they could delete or change all your work.If they hacked your emails then they could send inappropriate emails to your contacts.

Web browser advertising and Pop ups.

web browser advertising and pop ups are pop ups when your on the internet but some are virus and but some are not.

if there is a virus pop up then that could harm your computer and slow it down.And eventually the virus can just become bigger and bigger so that is why you need have anti virus protection so it cleans you pc.

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1.2 Taking appropriate security precautions to protect IT systems and data.

It is important that Charlie shows practical capability and a responsible attitude in relation to basic security in his everyday life at home and college.  a) Explain to Charlie the risks or dangers of the following:

Swapping passwords with others….

You shouldn’t swap your password because the other person still knows your password and could log on and change all your work. They could swap passwords with you but then change there password so that you don’t know it. they could delete the work/copy-and because Charlie is 16 the work could be GCSE.If they know your eBay password then they can order things on your name.If they know your email-they could see your emails and send thing from there that are inappropriate.PayPal-they can transfer money

Failing to keep his passwords secure….

if you fail to keep your password secure then someone will hack into your work and could changed it, delete it or print it off and claim that it is theirs. if your password isn’t secure someone could guess or could find it if you have written it down somewhere.And they could do the same things as swapping the password.

Using ineffective passwords (e.g. the word "password" or a single key stroke)….

these passwords are too easy to guess and people will easily get into your account which is no good because they would do what I have mention previous box.

Downloading or attempting to download information that is either against local policies or is not known to be secure….

The dangers are it might have viruses which can damaged your work and slow your computer.It can also be that your downloading something inappropriate .Also the school may not have licence for what your downloading which you can get a big fine for. We could have a network access blockedIt could be downloadable If you are trying to download something you don’t know about it is dangerous because there could be a virus in the download or it can be illegal

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b) It is essential that Charlie has a suitable password. Complete the 2nd column below say how strong (difficult to guess) you think each password is (very weak – weak – good – strong – very strong)

Password How strong do you think it is and why?

Actual strength using website

password Very weak Very weak

password1 Very weak Very weak

£pasSword1 strong weak

pa$word1 good weak

Pas$word1 good fair

Pa5$word1 Very strong good

 c) Now go on the website and find out if you were right – complete the 3rd column.  d) What things have been used to make the passwords stronger?e) The other things to make the password more stronger where adding more random


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e) Explain to Charlie why it is important to take the following precaution to protect data?

Precaution Why

Updating anti-virus software and make regular checks

it is vital to update anti virus software and regularly check whether it is still in date and hasn’t expired because if the software is out of date by literally. You have to keep it up to date so that new viruses do not can go on your computer. Viruses have changed all the time and you need to keep up to date and check constantly to stop them from getting on your computer.

Back up data and ensure backups are in a physically separate

If anything important gets deleted then you can back it up and get it all back.You have to keep your back up safe because if you lose it your computer due do the building burning down then you have a backup and at least with you but if you leave your back up and computer together then you have lost everything.

Install and Adjust firewall settings A firewall is protective barrier between you and the rest of the computers you are connected to. It is important to install a firewall because it stops anything from entering your computer like viruses .The firewall setting are important so that programs or sites you trust can have access to your machine but programs that you don’t want have to ask permission to get on your machine.So people can’t hack into your computer and steal your work.

Download security software patches and updates;

Downloading security software should always be updated because this will allow the data on your desktop/hard drive to be protected more secure. Downloaded software patches covers up cracks in your software. And stops hackers from accessing your machine. Its is important to update so you know your machine is secured no one can hack

Adjust internet security settings

The Internet Explorer Security tab is used to set and change options that can help protect your computer from potentially harmful or malicious online content. This is to stop websites and downloads that I do not want. You need to adjust your security settings so you can defend your computer systems against attacks.

Access levels

Network managers can set up groups of users with different levels of access to the network. Its important to have different access levels.Someone needs to be in charge of access that people can be monitored and restricted from going on sites that they shouldn’t.

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f) Explain to Charlie why it is essential to take the following precaution to protect IT systems?

Precaution Why

Locks on doors by locking the door it is stopping people having access to hack into the computer or if the computer is already in it is stopping people from going onto your personal account and allowing viruses. This will stop things from being deleted without permission and will stop people having access to personal things when you don't them to.

Physical controls

Making your passwords strong so that it wont be easy for people to guess, it is always useful to use symbols and numbers to put complexity into having a strong password

Report security threats or breaches Security threats is when someone is trying to access your computer either through the internet or physically. you need to report this so you can check nothing actually is missing also reporting it will make the security better and safer.

Fire safety equipment in IT Rooms

You would need this in the IT rooms because if your computer gets set a light could set all the computer as well, this means that you are losing all your work and the hard drive and if you don’t back up your work, you will lose all your work and you want be able to get it back.

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1.3 Identify threats to information security associated with widespread use of technology.

Help Charlie identify some specific key threats relevant to his circumstances.  Within college Charlie will use MS Outlook. Explain why Charlie should take care when using Email?In case of being sent an email link which is a virus and when you open it could damage your computer.You need to have a good password so that no one hacks into your email password.

 Explain to Charlie what SPAM is and what he should do about it?Spam is emails that are advertising, which you have not asked for. The best thing to do it ignore them and delete them or set up a filter where all the spam goes into another folder and you wont even have to bother with it.

Explain why Charlie should not leave his computer logged on in public places e.g. the open access areas in college? Because people will go on his account and delete all his work or change it, also sometimes student take all your work and claim that it is there's.Other things that could happen is they could start going on the internet and searching inappropriate things, and do the same for downloading.  Why is it important that Charlie has a strong password for all his IT accounts? It is important for him to have a strong password so that no one guesses his password and hacks into his account and deletes all his work. Also having a good password means that your account is more safe and secure. Why shouldn’t Charlie store his user name and passwords in public web browsers?He shouldn’t do this because then everyone has access to his log in because they all know what It is. When they log in the will delete all work or if they know your Facebook password then they have access to all your private information.

 Charlie needs to be aware that there are people who pretend to be trusted entities in order to get personal information from users. (Phishing).Explain how Charlie can spot Phishing scams and avoid them?

 phishing scams are when you get an email from a fake company that just wants to get some private information out of you. You can avoid these emails by ignoring them and deleting them also getting a filter for your email so when you get these they go straight into that folder and you wont have anything to worry about. You could also report it for example if you get an email by your bank saying they lost your pin number and they want you to send your pin number then, instead of just deleting it your should just give them a ring

Why shouldn’t Charlie provide personal information on a public network (e.g. the college network) that could enable criminals to access individuals' personal data?

You shouldn’t put your username and password on the shared are because you will get other students login into your account to mess about such as deleting or changing your work. You shouldn’t do this for your Facebook account because you have loads of personal information on your Facebook account like where you live and your number ect.-people will access this and its not safe.

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1.4 Taking appropriate precautions to keep information secure.

There are many threats to information security.   a) Explain these to Charlie:

Threat What can be done as a precaution to prevent the threat?

Theft locking the doors to where the computer is. make sure account and work is secured with a password.Never leave yourself logged on when leaving the machine.If your going t leave the machine for a little while then lock the computer.

Unauthorised access

make sure account and work is secured with a password.Never leave yourself logged on when leaving the machine.If your going t leave the machine for a little while then lock the computer.(same as precautions as theft)

Accidental File deletion make sure account and work is secured with a password.Never leave yourself logged on when leaving the machine.If your going t leave the machine for a little while then lock the computer.(same as precautions as theft)

Malicious Software

Malicious software could damage your computer the best way to deal with malware is to delete it.


Have a active firewall. Download and installSecure password.

Page 11: ITQ Silver Unit 4 - IT Security for Users ICT DEPARTMENT Smith’s Wood Sports College NameAyesha begum Deadline.

There are many threats to information security.   a) Explain these to Charlie:

Threat What can be done as a precaution to prevent the threat?


phishing is something is impersonating someone else.the important thing that you don’t open emails from someone your not certain about.

Unsecured and public networks

don’t go on your banking site or buying site/banking site

Wireless networks

Change the default password into a stronger password. Using numbers and capitals letters.


make sure its secured with a password and if your uncertain to give confidential information.


Always make sure it is on a secure site Do not give out confidential information such as banking details.

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b) When Charlie goes to college he is likely to carry sensitive information on discs, laptops and memory sticks. Such physical devices can be lost or misplaced.

What can he do to avoid losing the information on them if they lost/misplaced?

Back it up on memory stickEmail it yourself

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1.5 Following relevant guidelines and procedures for the secure use of IT

When in college Charlie must follow their security guidelines and procedures. These rules are made by the college and state how its IT systems should be used. The rules generally cover privacy, security and legal requirements. Each time Charlie logs on to the college network he is greeted by an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) screen.

a) Briefly explain to Charlie what the purpose of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is and why he should obey the policy? Obeying the AUP means he has agreed with the rules and knows that if he does anything wrong then they would be consequences for it.


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1.6 Explain why it is important to backup data securely

Charlie is aware that all his work and other data on his PC is important. However he is not convinced about the importance of backing up his data.   a) Explain to Charlie what is meant by the term “Backing Up” and why it is important?   b) List some ways in which Charlie could lose his data (e.g. fire, theft etc.)   c) The table below shows different ways Charlie could “Back up” his data. Explain

what each method is and list any advantages or disadvantages.

Method Explain what it is?How much data it can store?

Advantages Disadvantages

Memory Stick

its a little adapter/ucb that you insert into your pc and save all your work onto that little memory stick

all work is saved and will be there on the memory stick and not disappear.

Memory sticks are small and easy to lose.

External hard drive

it’s a like a memory stick and it is 320 GB

it has a lot of storage. its too big, you cant put it on a key ring if you wanted to.

Cloud Storage

It is an online storage. you can always go into it straight away

if you lose your computer then you don have access to your storage


All your data put into a DVD disc.

you can have access to a DVD player quickly because they are popular.

DVDs are easy to lose and break also the get damaged too quick


portable disc that can store an audio

you can carry it around with you.

you always have to have a cover on it because it gets scratched easily.

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1.7 Demonstrate how personal data is backed up to appropriate media

Show Charlie how to “back up “work effectively from your college computer onto a USB/Memory stick

 a) Show a printscreen of files on your college computer, paste the

printscreen below.            b) Show a printscreen of the files saved on your USB/Memory Stick, paste

the printscreen below.     




c) Charlie isn’t aware that the college backs up all school data (full back up) regularly. Find about what happens and write a short paragraph why it is done. Every night about 2am the computers are set up to automatically to back up every file on the network, that's every file in every students area and all the teachers files as well. Its starts at 2am because they wont be anybody working at that time.