Download - ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Page 1: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

ITKBasic Filters

Kitware Inc.

Page 2: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

ITK Basic Filters


Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction

Gaussian, Anisotropic diffusion Derivatives

Page 3: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Pixel-wiseIntensity Filters

Page 4: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.






Output Value

Input Value

Page 5: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Thresholdingtypedef itk::Image< unsigned char , 2 > ImageType;typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter< ImageType > FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

filter->SetLowerThreshold( 50 ); filter->SetUpperThreshold( 150 );

filter->SetOutsideValue( 0 ); filter->SetInsideValue( 255 );

filter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() ); writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput() ); writer->Update()

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Output Value

Input Value


Page 7: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Exercise 6

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Output Value

Input ValueBeta


Page 9: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Sigmoidtypedef itk::Image< unsigned char , 2 > ImageType;typedef itk::SigmoidImageFilter< ImageType, ImageType > FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

filter->SetOutputMinimum( 0 ); filter->SetOutputMaximum( 255 );

filter->SetAlpha( 40 ); // it could be negativefilter->SetBeta( 128 );

filter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() ); writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput() ); writer->Update()

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Exercise 7

Page 11: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Mathematical Morphology

typedef unsigned char PixelType;

typedef itk::Image< PixelType , 2 > ImageType;

typedef itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< PixelType , 2 > StructuringElementType;

typedef itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType,StructuringElementType > FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

Page 12: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Mathematical Morphology

StructuringElementType element;

element.SetRadius( 1 );element.CreateStructuringElement();

filter->SetKernel( element );filter->SetDilateValue( 255 );

thresholder->SetInput( reader ->GetOtput( ) );filter->SetInput( thresholder ->GetOtput( ) );writer->SetInput( filter ->GetOtput( ) );


Page 13: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Mathematical Morphology

File reader dilate writer File

File reader dilate writer Fileerode

Page 14: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Exercise 8

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Noise Reduction

Page 16: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Gaussian Smoothingtypedef unsigned char PixelType;

typedef itk::Image< PixelType , 2 > ImageType;

typedef itk::SmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType,

> FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

filter->SetSigma( 3.0 ); // sigma is given in millimeters

filter->SetNormalizeAcrossScale( true );

Page 17: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Gaussian Smoothing

smoother->SetInput( reader->GetOtput() );writer->SetInput( smoother->GetOtput() );


File reader smooth writer File

Page 18: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Exercise 9

Page 19: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Anisotropic Diffusiontypedef float PixelType;

typedef itk::Image< PixelType , 2 > ImageType;

typedef itk::GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType,

> FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

filter->SetTimeStep( 0.05 );filter->SetNumberOfIterations( 10 );filter->SetConductanceParameter( 3.0 );

Page 20: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Anisotropic Diffusion

• GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter

• CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter

• CurvatureFlowImageFilter

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Exercise 10

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Gradients / Derivatives

Page 23: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Gaussian Derivative

typedef unsigned char PixelType;

typedef itk::Image< PixelType , 2 > ImageType;

typedef itk::GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter< ImageType > FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

filter->SetSigma( 3.0 ); // sigma is given in millimeters

filter->SetNormalizeAcrossScale( true );

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Gaussian Gradient




Convolution with Gaussian derivatives

Page 25: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Gradient Magnitudetypedef unsigned char PixelType;

typedef itk::Image< PixelType , 2 > ImageType;

typedef itk::GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter< ImageType > FilterType;

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

filter->SetSigma( 3.0 ); // sigma is given in millimeters

filter->SetNormalizeAcrossScale( true );

Page 26: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Exercise 11

Page 27: ITK Basic Filters Kitware Inc.. ITK Basic Filters Pixel-wise Arithmetic, Casting, Thresholding Mathematical morphology Noise reduction Gaussian, Anisotropic.

Enjoy ITK !