Download - It’s… · improve students’ academic, social, and citizenship skills. The after-school programs will operate

Page 1: It’s… · improve students’ academic, social, and citizenship skills. The after-school programs will operate

commUNITY DIalogUe SerIeSJoin the center on April 8 for good food and great con-versation. Open to students, faculty, staff and community members, the commUNITY Dialogue Series features lunch, a presentation, and time for group dialogue

Students from underrepresented groups would bene-fit from having faculty with similar race, ethnicity, and gender preferences to serve as role models, mentors, and motivators. Unfortunately, faculty from underrepresented groups are noticeably absent in many disciplines. There are organizations and groups helping to increase the number of faculty from underrepresented groups, but the need far outstrips the current supply.Bruce T. Lamont, the Thomas L. Williams Eminent Scholar of Strategy and Entrepreneurship with the FSU College of Business, will speak on why it is important to have faculty from under-represented groups in front of the classroom on Tuesday, April 26. Dialogues run from noon to 1:30 p.m. For more information or to RSVP, visit

It’s About...LeadershipCommunityAdvocacyChangeCitizenshipActionAcceptanceParticipationVisionAwarenessJusticeCivility

April 13, 2016


regISTer For Fall 2016 INVolVeMeNT FaIrRegistration is now open for the Fall 2016 Involve-ment Fair which will be held on Tuesday, August 30 from 5 - 8 p.m. throughout various locations in and around the Oglesby Union! Due to space limitations, they will accept the first 175 student organizations and departments who register to participate in the Involvement Fair. Confirmation of registration and event details will begin to go out in early August. The last day to register will be Friday, August 19. Please complete the form at to reserve your spot today!

Page 2: It’s… · improve students’ academic, social, and citizenship skills. The after-school programs will operate


Please join us in making the 2016 JDRF One Walk a huge success by

volunteering just a few hours of your time. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is in need of volunteers to assist with various job duties on walk day including walk route, water stations, activities area, food tent, and


We hope you’ll consider joining JDRF as we raise funds to help cure, better treat, and prevent type 1 diabetes (an incurable autoimmune disorder.)

*JDRF will sign-off on all community service hours obtained by volunteers

pertaining to this event*

To sign-up to volunteer please contact Andrea Carlile at (850) 933-7670 or [email protected].

Event Details:

2016 JDRF One Walk, Tallahassee

Southwood Town Center Saturday, May 21,

2016 Registration/Check-In: 8:00 a.m.

Walk Starts: 9:00 a.m. (Volunteer start/end times will vary)

Page 3: It’s… · improve students’ academic, social, and citizenship skills. The after-school programs will operate

gUeST leCTUrer Dr. IBraHIM SaleHDr. Ibrahim Saleh, Senior Lecturer, Center for Film & Media Studies, University of Cape Town, South Af-rica will be giving two guest lectures this week. Dr. Ibrahim Saleh is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Town; Chair of Journalism Research & Edu-cation Section, International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR); Editor of the Journal of Transnational 'Worlds of Power’: Prolifera-tion of Journalism & Professional Standards, and Ed-itor of the Global Media Journal, African Edition. His visit is sponsored by the John H. Phipps Chair in the School of Communication, The Center for Global En-gagement, and the FSU Institute of Intercultural Com-munication and Research. He will speak on Wednes-day, April 13 from 5 – 6:30 p.m. in room 2600, FSU Center for Global and Multicultural Engagement, on “Jobs Stealers or Scapegoats? Dealing with the Xeno-phobic Attacks in Africa” He will also speak on Thursday, April 14, 3:30- 4:45 p.m. in the auditorium at the FSU Center for Global and Multicultural En-gagement (part of the Engage Your World Series) on “Journalism and Freedom in The Troubled Region of Middle East and North Africa (MENA)”

regISTer For rSo PalooZaRSO Palooza is one of the many events during Spring Fling, the Union's annual spring carnival. Spring Fling is an annual event put on by the Student Activities Center and will be held on Friday, April 15, 7 p.m.-12 a.m. throughout the Union. RSO Palooza is a unique opportunity for RSOs to sponsor their own event/game/activity in a carnival-like setting at Spring Fling. This year, RSO Palooza will be a part of the Kid's Zone as well. Your organization will set up a booth and activity around a theme of your choosing for students and children to participate in! RSO Palooza will take place from 7:00-10:00pm, with check-in for organi-zations at 6:30pm in the Oglesby Union Courtyard. This is an opportunity to show your FSU Spirit in a friendly competition, as prizes will be awarded to the top booths. You will be provided with a table and two chairs. Your RSO will decorate a table and host a carni-val-like game that any students, community mem-bers or children could play. We STRONGLY encour-age decorations and the use of a central theme that ties together the presentation and activity together. Remember: the more creative the better! Also, please ensure that your theme is family-friendly. To regis-ter your organization, simply fill out the form at the following link . Registration closes on Wednesday, April 13. If you have any further questions, please contact Lindsey Proulx via email at [email protected].

SUMMer CoUrSe: arT & THe eNVIroNMeNT Take IFS 3129 Art & the Environment (e-series on-line) this summer. In what ways can artists attempt to effect change through the use of environmental art & design? What are notable strategies used by artists/designers in this field? How can critical thinking be used to ex-pand on issues of sustainable art practices? Art that focuses on sustainability comes in many forms. It reflects a series of ideas about social and ecological issues facing the world today. These projects don't intend to solve environmental problems but point to potential solutions and raise awareness. By analyzing, discussing and writing about these artists and their work you can develop an enhanced awareness of the complexities we are faced with globally and gather perspectives on the ways artists attempt to effect change.


Amnesty International at FSU and Seminoles Against Torture's Human Rights Conference will bring together civil rights attorneys and human rights activists together for a day of education and activism. It is free for the public, and will include workshops, panels, and an activity fair. There is also lunch provided for all, and a ban-quet at the end for the first 50 people to register. Sponsored by Amnesty International USA, and the FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, it will be held at the FSU Law School on April 16 from 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Check them out on Facebook:, and on their web-site which has information on speakers, panelists, and registration for the event:

Page 4: It’s… · improve students’ academic, social, and citizenship skills. The after-school programs will operate

VolUNTeer WITH KNoTT HoUSe MUSeUM The Knott House Museum, a site of the Museum of Florida History, has special events monthly in need of passionate volunteers to assist with programs rang-ing from the annual Emancipation Day Celebration, to the 1930s Film Series, to Springtime Tallahassee’s Open House, Summer Poetry to Last a Lifetime Work-shop, and more. They also have special projects for volunteers interested in becoming docents, research-ing for cultural-historic interpretive periods, as well as volunteer-originated programming. If any of these events sound like they might be of interest to your organization’s members, or anyone else you know, please email Lydia Nabors at any time for further information, at [email protected]

Volunteers needed at after-school progamsLeon County Schools Title I is partnering with the Talla-hassee Housing Authority in offering high-quality after- school programs that ensure a safe, nurturing place of su-pervision for kindergarten through eighth grade students. They are opening new after-school centers at Oliver Hill Community Center, Terrance Fregly Community Center and the Springfield Community Center.The program will provide opportunities to reinforce and improve students’ academic, social, and citizenship skills.The after-school programs will operate from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday –Friday. Two certified teachers will su-pervise activities, including homework assistance, social skills, arts and crafts. Anyone interested in becoming a mentor or volunteer can contact the school district’s Title I office at 850-413-0441or email Brenetta Lawrence at [email protected].

eNglISH For SPeaKerS oF oTHer laNgUageS TUTor TraININg WorKSHoPHelp newcomers develop their English skills and learn new skills from an accredited non-profit educa-tional organization. No foreign language skills or prior teaching experi-ence is required fro this two-day workshop to be-come a volunteer tutor. It is eligible for Global Path-ways Certificate Sustained Experience.Participants must attend both sessions, to be held on April 7 and 14 from 6-8 p.m. in the Literacy Resource Lab on the third floor of the Collins Main Library at 200 W. Park Avenue. Registration is required for this workshop. Contact Literacy Volunteers of Leon County at 850-606-2644 or [email protected].


The Southern Shakespeare Company is a 501(c)3 non-profit, making Shakespeare accessible and fun, cultivates an appreciation of the arts through ed-ucational programs, training, and an annual free Shakespeare in the park Festival. The Southern Shakespeare Festival will produce The Comedy of Errors, and show times are 8 p.m. on Friday, April 15, 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 16 and 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 17 and is free to attend. The production is set in a 1950s Midway Carnival and is full of mistaken identities, two sets of twins, magicians, barkers, jesters, a sword-swallower, jugglers and a colorful bunch of sideshow characters. If you are interested in volunteering, please refer to to see which spots are still available. The festival needs volunteers for backstage crew, performers, ushers, children’s activities and more. If you have any ques-tions, please contact [email protected]

aPPlY For gIrlS oN THe rUN BIg BeNDGirls on the Run Big Bend has so many volunteer opportunities opened for those looking to make a difference in the lives of young girls within the community. The purpose of Girls on the Run is to teach empowering lessons to girls, grades 3 to 8, while also incorporating running to prepare them for the end of season 5Ks held by GOTR. The current volunteer opportunities we have are: SoleMates, Run-ning Buddies, Coaches, 5K Volunteers andInternships. More details on each can be found at our website: . You might find yourself interested in a local race and would like to raise funds to sup-port these girls, take a look at our link for the Sole-Mates charity: . We believe you can make a difference, so please con-tact us at [email protected] or call us at 850-509-7728.

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VolUNTeer aT THe KearNeY CeNTerThe Kearney Cen-ter is a 24-hour comprehensive emergency service center that serves as a point of entry into assistance by coordinating ser-vices and respond-ing to immediate needs of individu-

als and families until appropriate permanent housing can be arranged. The center’s mission is to reduce homelessness by providing a safe environment that promotes dignity and respect for individuals in our community who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless. They would like to offer the students of Florida State University the opportunity to join us as volunteers. Volunteers make a weekly commitment to providing service to the center. Volunteers are needed for weekday shifts between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mandatory volunteer orientation sessions are avail-able every Monday at 4 p.m. and every Friday at 1 p.m. and are offered at our facility, located at 2650 Municipal Way. Contact [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns.

VolUNTeer WITH CHeF’S SaMPler eVeNTCome out and vol-unteer for Children’s Home Society of Florida’s 31st annu-al Chefs’ Sampler! More than

40 restaurants will come together on April 24 at the newly revitalized Centre of Tallahassee in an effort to raise funds for our community’s most vulnerable children. All funds raised stay in the community to help thou-sands of children heal from abusive backgrounds and find forever, loving families. Please contact Shannon Clement at 850.219.4203 or [email protected] for more information.

VolUNTeer WITH MarCH For BaBIeSThe March of Dimes event, March for Babies, is in need of volunteers. The event is Saturday, April 23 at Tom Brown Park here in Tallahassee. They also need volunteers on Friday, April 22 to help with setting up the event. Anyone interested in volunteering can please contact Lanisha Wetherington at [email protected].

eMPloYee CoMMUNITY INVolVeMeNT FaIrGetting involved outside of campus can serve as a way to connect you to friends with common interests and to build your network. This fair style event on May 11 from 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. in the Union Ballroooms will feature tables from community organizations, non-profit groups, local civic clubs and much more! Come learn more about organizations that already have DSA employees as members, or new organiza-tions that may be a good fit for you!

VolUNTeer IN gHaNa Please find information about the Volunteer in Africa volunteer work programs in Ghana for this year on their web page as follows:

aPPlY To Be a Peer INVolVeMeNT MeNTorThe Peer Involvement Men-tors are dedicated to helping students find involvement opportunities around cam-pus with over 600 organiza-tions. After taking our online survey, which can be found at, a Mentor will contact you to schedule a

one-on-one meeting. During this meeting, you and your Mentor will discover 5-10 organizations that could be a perfect fit for you! We also provide follow-up meetings to check on your progress. PIM provides students with the tools and skills necessary to become involved and create their own unique FSU expe-rience. PIM has three committees: Marketing is in charge of publicizing PIM, Involvement is responsible for outreach to other student organizations on campus, and Programming plans and coordinated events. Additionally, every semester PIM hosts SAC Lunches—an event that provides about 200 students with free lunches.Peer Involvement Mentors applications can be found at under the “Forms” tab.

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aPPlY For greeN FUND MoNeYThe Green Fund provides an opportunity for students to realize their ideas for sustainability and environmental progress at FSU. It is intended to provide students hands-on experience with the development and management of projects in support of efficiency, conservation, and sus-tainability efforts. Get all the details:

SeTH roSSeTTI MeMorIal SCHolarSHIP Established in 2006, this memorial scholarship was created in memory of Seth Rossetti. The purpose of this scholarship is to support one undergraduate student who is presently or who was for a significant part of his/her life the child of a single parent. This scholarship is available to all current FSU undergraduate students with a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average and all incoming FSU freshmen with a minimum 3.0 high school cumulative grade point average. Scholarship Application:

BeN roSeNBlooM MeMorIal SerVICe SCHolarSHIP The Ben Rosenbloom Memorial Service Scholarship is designed to recognize a student with an outstanding re-cord of service and a commitment to a lifetime of service. Ben Rosenbloom gave countless hours of service to help students and their families feel at home at Florida State. His faithful dedication to the education and support of FSU students has become a model of joys and rewards of service. This scholarship was established by the FSU parents association in deep appreciation for his exempla-ry service to FSU. Scholarship Application:

SerVe WITH CITY Year City Year is still looking for more applicants of 18-25 year-olds willing to serve a full-time year of service as tutors and mentors in public schools. City Year’s final application deadline for the year is April 30.However, those who apply by April 1 are guaranteed an inter-

view for the position. Those who apply by April 1 will be notified about their application decisions by April 30. City Year accepts students in any major, and their alumni work in a variety of career fields. In a year of service, participants will build leadership skills, project management skills, goal setting and decision making skills, and much more. City Year is located in 27 cities nationally, and applicants may choose to apply to a speficis site or region or choose to serve where most needed. City Year is a fantastic gap year opportunity in which participants can earn money to support their educa-tions. All corps members receive a $5,775 education award after completing their service. Furthermore, over 90 universities nationally offer additional schol-arships to City Year alumni. Anyone interested in serving with City Year can learn more by filling out an interest form at or speak directly with a local recruiter, Alexis Carvajal, at [email protected] or 610-751-3192.


BeCoMe a CerTIFIeD oMBUDSMaNFlorida’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program has intern positions available statewide for students interested in becoming certified ombudsmen. Om-budsmen advocate for the rights and welfare of those living in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and adult family care homes. Comprehensive training sessions begin in summer and lead to state certifi-cation. Interns will perform administrative assess-ments and on-site complaint investigations. Interns will work at least 20 hours a week, with a one-year minimum commitment to the program. This is a great opportunity for health care, social work, and psychology majors, or for any student who wants to make a difference and advocate for those who may not be able to advocate for themselves.

DeParTMeNT oF eDUCaTIoN NoW HIrINg The Department of Education is looking for undergraduate students for employment at its offices near the Capitol beginning Summer & Fall 2016. Full-time employees are eligible for tuition exemp-tions for up to two classes per semester and hours are

flexible. Employees could be hired in various offices, ranging from educator recruitment to educator certi-fication, and will work on projects that impact stu-dents and educators throughout Florida. Applicants should be motivated and creative and would ideally have an interest in education, state government or policy. Internships are also available for those inter-ested. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, but the final deadline is May 1. Please send questions and resumes to Megan Mason at [email protected].

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CreW NeTWorK FoUNDaTIoN SCHolarSHIP 2016 CREW Network Foundation Scholarship Program is available for the female citizens of United States or Cana-da who are full-time junior, senior or graduate and have earned minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Apply by April 30.

U.S. DeParTMeNT oF STaTe INFo SeSSIoNSMichael Thurston, U.S. Department of State diplomat in residence for the Southeast region, will talk with students about opportunities offered by the Department of State and its Diplomat in Residence Program. The sessions will be of-fered from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following dates:•Thursday, April 21, Dunlap Suc-

cess Center, 3rd Floor

This listserv contains information that is intended expressly for the convenience of its members, to advertise the latest involvement op-portunities. Readers are encouraged to use their best judgment when selecting opportunities, as they are not screened prior to posting.

ParT TIMe VIDeograPHer NeeDeD The Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) at FSU is currently seeking a part-time videographer. If you have experience filming and editing videos, they want to hear from you. Please contact Nathan Archer at [email protected] for more information. FSU is an equal opportunity employer. OPS employees are cov-ered under the Affordable Care Act. OPS employees that meet certain criteria will be offered affordable health care coverage.

DUKe TIP NoW HIrINg The Duke Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) offers undergraduate level coursework to highly gifted middle and high school students at our various university sites across the Southeast and beyond. A wide variety of program models allow Duke TIP to serve students across grade levels and in varying time frames throughout the year. Duke TIP is cur-rently seeking junior and senior student leaders, as well as graduates to serve as Residence Hall Leaders (RHLs) and Residential Counselors (RCs) for our Summer Studies and CRISIS programs during June and July 2016. Interested candidates can learn more about the programming model and student experience by reviewing the following pdf link: Residence Life at CRISIS and Summer Studies. All residence life posi-tions include salary and room and board in the way of compensation, and are a wonderful opportunity to develop your leadership skills while working with dedicated students and talented professionals from across many disciplines. For details about each program and specific employ-ment dates, explore “About our Programs”. Learn more and apply at For questions, please contact Anna Martin at [email protected].

aPPlY For eMergINg CITY CHaMPIoNS FUNDINgThe Emerging City Champions program supports young people with bold ideas for inclusive, collabo-rative and creative community projects that promote civic engagement. The Emerging City Champions is a fellowship pro-gram for young civic innovators with transformative ideas. The program seeks for future city leaders with creative solutions that will enhance civic engagement, improve mobility, and activate public life in public spaces. If selected, The Emerging City Champions will receive ongoing professional support and $5,000 to make their idea a reality. For more information visit Deadline to apply is April 15.

SUSTaINaBle CaMPUS NoW HIrINg STUDeNTSThe Sustainable Campus program seeks to have our campus serve as a living model of sustainability, pro-viding learning experiences that students, faculty and staff may develop, apply and practice at FSU and in their extended communities. The program is rooted in the values of sustainability as a process, participa-tion & action by our campus community, education, and collaboration. The program has grown tremendously over the past five years, due largely in part to incredible students.. Student coordinators are the backbone of the pro-grams and they are looking for some new talent to join the effort to grow sustainability across campus. Check out the job descriptions for the following positions: Garden Manager, reCycle bike Coordinator, Garnet & Gold Goes Green Coordinator, Social Me-dia Coordinator, Graphic Designer, Writer, and Web Designer. Interested in applying? Email Kristen Lee ([email protected]) with the following information: contact info (FSU email and phone number), copy of your resume, specific program you’re applying for and a brief state-ment of interest.