Download - Italy (Edited version)


Based on Miss Casucci’s PowerPoint

Italy is in southern Europe. It sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea like a boot.

It takes about three hours to fly from Ireland to Italy.

Rome is the capital of Italy and its largest city. Today, about 2,656,000 people live in Rome.

That’s about half of Ireland’s population!

The Alps are in northern Italy.

The Alps

The Apennine mountains cut down the center of Italy, stretching from north to south, dividing the east and west coasts.

Apennine Mountains

Italy's climate changes depending on where you are. The northern areas are cold in the winter and hot in the summer.

Snow can begin in the Alps as early as the middle of September.

As you travel south, the temperature becomes more mild. In the summer, extremely hot temperatures can be found in the areas south of Rome.

Pasitano Beach

The Alps

Italy's largest cities are Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, and Palermo. Florence, Genoa, and Bologna are other important cities.

Rome, Italy

Venice, Italy


Famous buildings like the Colosseum and Trevi Fountain.

If you throw a coin over your left shoulder while you have your back to the fountain, it is supposed to bring you good luck and a quick return to Rome.

Trevi FountainColosseum

Milan is home to some of the world's most famous fashion designers.

The Last Supper painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.

You can also find Milan's Galleria. Which is a beautiful street of stores and restaurants covered by an amazing glass roof.


La Scala Opera House

The Last Supper

If you visit Naples you can see Mount Vesuvius (a volcano).

Naples, Italy

Mt. Vesuvius

Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. About 5 million people live on the island of Sicily. You can also find the volcano Mount Etna on Sicily. Farmers grow oranges and olives on some lower mountain slopes. Wheat is its most important crop.

Florence is known for its famous museums, architecture, and artwork.

Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci are two of the famous artists whose work you can see here.

Florence, Italy

David by Michelangelo

Mona Lisa by da Vinci

Venice is in northeastern Italy.

It is known as "the city of canals".

Visitors can still use a gondola to see the city.

Gondola Grand Canal, Venice Italy

The national sport of Italy is soccer.

Much of the land in Italy is used for farming.

Olives and olive oil is a very important ingredient in Italian cooking.

Figs, grapes and wine are grown there.

Parmesan and mozzarella cheese are also from Italy.

Italy is certainly one of the most beautiful places in the world. From the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the canals of Venice, Italy is

truly wonderful!!

Name the mountains!

1. What is the capital of Italy?2. What shape is Italy?3. Tell me something about Rome.4. Tell me something about Milan.5. Tell me something about Naples.6. Tell me something about Sicily.7. How do tourists get around in

Venice?8. Tell me something about

Florence.9. What food is grown/made in

Italy?10.What is their national sport?

Make a booklet to tell people about Italy! Draw a picture on each page and include some facts you have learned!

Page 1: CoverPage 2:The map of ItalyPage 3: Mountains of ItalyPage 4 and 5: Choose two cities in Italy to write about.Page 6: Food of Italy