Download - iTaïï*'- a»-,' ->.vj?y. ÄiWÄ T^rra^.r^n. XT^VS> tÄ THE WAR FOR THE … · 2017-12-13 · number». They say that one of the w

Page 1: iTaïï*'- a»-,' ->.vj?y. ÄiWÄ T^rra^.r^n. XT^VS> tÄ THE WAR FOR THE … · 2017-12-13 · number». They say that one of the w

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. a_,-..Va there were put up.H*«"*T£L «5 *iTaïï"*'- «a-«** *"trgitem: a»-,'s->.vj?y.ÄiWÄ ".b'^nr.'iu *. ««**--

rfotwoftraeartillciytr-et^ tljrw. , beers

*Vw rJhe lu on three ft»r »crieitKuj '-»

^L/Tf XT^VS>tÄ rity, to goTl» Colonel T^rra^.r^n. have betfRed1^

fron» St Lioois^^^^,mmmmmm^mm.m






Caviller Treatment of Col, Taylor.

llBJaailnti to The N. Y. Tribuns-

Washington, Tuesday, July P. 1811.THF. FORWARD MOVKMF.NT.

The edit«>rial reference of The Tribfne te

our du patch of Sunday concerning the forward '

movement wa« founded upon a inieapprehetniun.Wo taid that Moodav wat the day fixed by ttve

PietJdeot and the Cabinet for the advati,suppoaug that it would take place at the prrc.setin.« agreed opon. Annie« are never nu»re

punctual than pro,es-iiHi«. Our other disparue»indicated that the army would not march to

avoon. Wheu we positively announce that thern ovenuelit will take place at tuck a time, theannouncement may be relied upon. Yesterdayend to-day have been fearfully hot. It it no

time for traveling.Tilt. REBEL DISPATCHES.

l'hôte wbo b«ve »veo Oat» Taylor» dispatchesfron, tue liebelt atlirm that they contain notiiingimportant.

Col. Taylor returned, after a »bort interviewtrith Oen. Scott, to Arlington House, not longafter midnight, and slept there. He w as to have |

been escorted beyond our line» this morning.Some believe that the flag was a ruse, similar to

that retorted to by Santa Ansa to hoodwink Gen.

Taylor on the eve of the battle of Buena Vista.Davis may Lave been informed that last nightwa« the time feed in Cabinet for the advance,and may hare resorted to this «tratagem for the

purpose of gaining time axd getting what infor¬mation he could about u». This agree»» with theattertifu of thoee who bave seen the «dispatchthat it related to nothing of importance, and is at

leatt as probable an explanation of the affair at jtaget Connecting it with the mission of HenryMfty. If thit bo ltt meaning, Jeff, overreachedkhntelf, gained no time and no inform «lion thatwill profit him.

It it tnid that oome kind friend furnished Col.Tayi>r with the New-iork paper» while he wat

at Arlington House, aud that he read tb-m with

great aridity. If he learnt anything about the

operations of the army, the blame Will doubtless«be laid on the newspapers.

ANOTHLK FLAC OÍ TRICK.A boy ;u»t from tie Navy-Yard reporta that a

Boat, with a white flag, landed two men at the

Ktvy-Vaid, between 1 and 2 o'clock, and that

they weit taken mio a house there. We do not

vouch for the story.Ttt'H'lU » IN T1IK GARIBAI l»I C.FARD AND COL.

ELKNKCIc'S RIM.JMKST.A company of the Garibaldi Guaría, 70 ttootrg,

¦Wttitiiad «a*t nigiit, on aocount of their diasatisÍBaTtáoL with the mubkets furnished ilem, anddeterted. How they managed to get across the

Long Bridge is a myttery, but tomehow theydid, and otMamped near the Smithsonian Insti¬tution, with a regular guard, at 10 or 11 o'clock.Capt. Cbamblata't company of cavalry wat tent

about midnight to arrest them. There had beenthreat», but the captain, a German, ordered thetsen to «tack their gun« and surrender. Theyare now in enttody of Capt. Chamblie» m theTreasury building», where hi» company are quar¬tered.

Severity-one of Col. Blenker's Regiment ere in

jail fv»r contumacy, in refusing the guns providedthem. Col. Blenker's Brigade will consist of hi»own Bad Col. Steinwehr't «cl'th Regiment.

MO REBELS AT CREAT FALL*.The cavalry teat to Great Fallt have returned.

They found do enemy there.THE TELEORAFH INDER SFRVFII l.ANCF..

The following order has been issued:(f>rvr< in.)

"Heixafo*a«rd the taiegr*| b »ni convey to di«pr»e,l*i oetv

c*euh.g the op» ration* of the army not ¡«.rnutted bt tie com-

aaSDOUig f.'«raera«. WlMlbLll tU'llLa» Ai.Taas-1 or \VAa. Jal» 8, 1801.

" The »here order la cwifuaied. SIMON CAM 1 Ê« >N.'.Secretary of War."

SERIOlo ACCIDENT.Thit morning at 6 o clock, a* the I» bode Island

battery was drilling, two blank ctrtridgea ex¬

ploded and drove out of the box tome loose can-

nister shot, killing two men, a bombardier andpnvate, and wounding three other».


The following it Secretary Cameron's reply totito Army Committee of the Young Meat Cbrit*tiaa Association:

Wa« Dbpabtwsst. Jory t. 1*41.X»«riiaas: T*ar latter «ftae 1*1 initart, requntiog that"^*. cu*Dai*».i>»x. he laaaed for ant aas a» chaplain unie«» h» ran

g"*** *****.^'',î tTeáauti*.'. oí tua wStial rhaiacrr and »taod-»a»a* a Brt**avlar of th» Ootyi," aud a.iing that-mproper par-!!SLa>tT!t?a.e>T*T",»»»"''' u»*7 be dwaiaaaaL» be» heei ra-

jTfgjjJ^* *"* .^ÜBM*«« »íuca» y«»u t-xpiea«, meet my cordleT

.»-LAÎÎ0*.t*,0*D*'»10,aVr No .» )'.>» »HI pawoelve that«a! ZHEZZJ cnapialo. in ta« tolas«*« regiii enu I. ma*- byaad «m^nJ^L'**?"1 "B"" th v»^ .. E-»'.»* otBcer.

«.itn the re/urie..», ». chaplaincy cours;îa£ ra^Pr''..^"'.'.cUag on duiv w,t. tlthi* Daaa.U« «at ha* a* aju.orf y to ¿.ueaujSlast^aor to reto», ., ., » J

Wb« .asa^dot^rr«. *» ia*i«»ah!e»that m whicd^^^T **J^r***-»« body «f ciiiseo. u

tram «active* of sato. áo*mt*o the aaer.d e»»«i*el,r ¿f U-y»aauuae Faoh a»rxABU-»iiUaiatalT»^1oa^^»lItieoaf tie ripr^« i«x».ita»a «dati-vu u( th- «>¡..^7.r..

«TtXt * *Uhker,a" <"**** nP~^re»g1*u*Brïî.aent ofl"*}$T***i?i]' .*»>.¦»*««... t* *"Vr t-ataae* wh.r* t*ait*po««!l»» uToUa»! aav pereoa havitaa tar.» ..¿3

.» «yuw*»a»ag «tBcer would heeitat« to toJk% Aaly l.v .reaairt.y retakia. tl»a raw t*d*»aa»lI am, aaatlea»,,., , in, bjjo. ..»««t, your obedient .». Vant.tfa~r. rill^J» a» a « .

BikiON CA.VEKON.»wTl^r JÍfeí BJiT"' 8,.»,'.¦ ". 1JB«'Jr-a.*""* W Bal**»**, aad P. Hartwaed >araea, arasy teosa., T. M. tl. A.

t»a*ltencBs>»lg>r»*s. ..

_._. WatHmsvroB, Taetiday, July 8, 1861.Within the lest UI ,ourt the 4th and 5t,b Maine Jteg-

iraarrt» aBd the tcVth New-York Be^mcart have pateadlatto Virgiuia.The stc»ns»r PocahoBiat baa Wen tvotively eruitrug

Jar the pe* we«* i,, &, a^ggA^orjK^ of Aoqiu|lCreek and llatliat I'oinU At the turner place, oaLíatiirday »he appnahad Ig», within about 1,000 yards«th» Seussit* ste*uiM,r Georjie Pnge, wbkh lav far

»tht week, tmd fired It shells into her, taking herJ**«-«tt.k at the target. Those on board wore ko

B^^Bt«vKot,,JUi »»Lowing that the stiot from »I* i»o^wn*« ?»«.! not, iDeflvKtual. While ei«agvd la Ibis

duty the PocaiV»«tA» wa* fired at from the mper (se. 4

»ion battery, but »niataited no damage.The 33d New-Vork Rttgimont. irotiiOataiio Cm at

arrived this evening.The disappointed soldier» of the let fie ¦men Ne

York llegimeiit, wlio yesterday were puled for reft

ing the aruw allotted them by the Crovemroent. ha

repent«*! of their folly, and are now willing to reurlobedience.Tne revolting Oaribaldiaiii are »till under arrtMThe bill iut.roduo»id by Mr. Stevens, from the Co

m.ue. of Wave and Mentis, to-day, ptxipose. a loan

f«'s1,(K)0 0(»0.'Wm. It. Itocbeattr of Auburn, and ílciay Pon

Andrews of New-York, Lave been appointed 1

diii.mal Paymaster» in tbe army.The Star ha» an extra, aaying:" Col. lay loi wbo came tiiher with the flaut of Im

yt-8'erdiiv say s thai bis baaiuess w as «lisp-isec of at tWhit« House in a very few moinem», f"t in that liihe wa» scut bar k to Gen. Soeti with one letter I.than be bore on bis person on entérina* the I'nitSia«Or lines, the I'rcrident not deeming the comma,union he bt ought such a» to re 1nire btm to «.nur irany comrnu« b ation wnh I>a\l». Col. Taylor w

n> xt i:nn ediately faced in the direction irom wi ichcame, and maivhcri ha» k to tien. MeDowall a teaquariers where, through courtesy, he wa» kindlie,..eil. 11» was, however, kopt under » at riet guauntil an eaily lnui lite morning, when tie wa» eacortiback to the C «nfed rat<' Hues s'ajd turned loose to fiihis way back .0 l>ea«iregatd. without having arroi

¡ lirhc Í what wua evidently amain point to be intend'by bid Uii.s ion, namely, to couiuiiiuiiate with t'trsbors in our 1 dd.-t who hud doubt l«*s prepare«!sod l" lita h regard, through bun, imp<»'1ai't intortr.

tu. mi; the alh-gfruconteuipUterd movementDen. Mel low all'« aiaiy upon the Couiedeiute lines."

«r«aj tit r fuitber esyn" Altbortfrli the l'n'aident hua .,c*t««J, tbe «

an roi.enu of tb» letter from Davis, brought by C<lavi'ir. to no one tv-aMe hi«'the Pre-ideni si rcUis'ittin1 »1 ilxi-er» ai i »»..(«. Scott, yet from certain sinwe are able to oM-ur«. tbe public that it anmrtnted

of t*.« ÍRiptiriaRm to the present crisi».

FKOM OKN. MK'LlLI.AN S COLUMN.Bui KMASSON, Va., Tuesday, July I, 1^61.

A courier from Weaton report* that Col. Tyler of lb

7th Ohio succeeded in throwing on» company of hrcgiimnt into Glenvill« last bafht, with proviaioua fithe nine compAnie* of the 17th and 1*1 h Ohio Regmenta, and was only awaiting tbe arrival if the lot

Ohio to move an attack on Gov. W ate.

Gen. McClellan left Middle Fork Bridge, where hencam]4d his' night, early this looruing, with the ev

«lent dtsign of marching to a point ~0 miles east <

hire, where tbe rebel»ar» reported to be in lurge f(«rcand strongly in'rencLei.

Wiiiii.nifl.Vi., Tn«rritday, July 9, 1861.This aft«moon Jobn 8. Carlile of Harrison Count;

was unauimotialy ek»tted United Stales Senator for tblong term, in pl»ce of It. M. T. Hunter; and WaiimtuT. Willey of Mononpabela, in place <>f «!. M. Msaonfor the srort tcrai. In addition to this, al><ti»n» favarious State ofheers tvook place to lay. The ne?

Government i» now umier full headway, und it« 1 e. M

nitl« n is gradually eitending over all Western Virginia

FKOM GF.N. PATTEB-S0N8 CoLUM.VMakti>-si h«.. July î. WtL

Two detarrteT» from Gen. Johnseti'a camp catee it

yesterday, and tbey estimate tbe force of Gen. Join«*!Bt 15,1300, with at»! pieces of cannon. Trustworthy heformation has since been received that Gen. John»*«has been reenforied from Manasaai« Jonction with firs

regiment» and one piece of cannon.The 13th Pennsylvania pickets took five horses and

three Rebel troopers this afi«rno«-n. The farmers neat

llaioesvillf showed u» tb« graves of ten Bel «-I» killedat that tight, and found by them in the woods horriblymu'ilaled by the exploded «hells from Perkins . bowjt/era.

Trie Staf! eelraate tbe nnmlrer of tb» enemy killedand wounded ar sixty, bnt I do not make it so 1a*ge innumber». They say that one of the w<.und«-d at

Haùiesviile de< lared to bis ojhrera that be had not firedduring ths engagement, and »bowed tb« nippl« of hi»

gun closed up with lead.We bave a rumor here this evening, which is re¬

ceived with great enthusiasm, that (At«. McClt-llati ha»routed Gen. Wise at bnthanan and Laurel H>li.Kf^Dforcementa are now approaching us from W 1

lii.ra»p< ft, which si! g> ¦«¦ an »¦.ai'able fous of id»,WOfifthling men to move forward with, and we may ri¬

péela forward movement Is twenty-four hoars. <'ru¬

men are all grumbling with impatiente, and «sttg'rr to

move on, but it is believed Gen. «Tohnaon will fall buck

to Winchester, and there we will Lav« the first battle.- a»

gOUTUEltN 1TEM8 VIA LOUISVILLE.I>'ti«, Tnetatiav, Jnly !*, 1«V!.

A re«?ruitingomce for the Southern Confftdera-y it

ju»t opened here.A attlor in The Journal of tin» city, from Franklin,

say» eight box«» of merchandiee, one whereof -vas

marked "public arme," for Camp Trousdale, Term.,wer« put off here, and three boaea of musket» were on

tbe train irom Be wling Green to ClArkaville.It is reported that large qnanuiie» of good, are j«uae-

ing by the turnpike from Bardet'WD to Franklin on the

southern frontier of Kentucky. The Surveyor oí thisport is taking active measure» to intercept them.

The Courier publishes a letter from Ja». G nth rie,President of the Louisville and Nashville RailroadCompany, incorporating a letter from Gov. Harris cfTeua<3Sa«e, aayiiig that when tbe President of theroad placea («eroatueuily in I enueeate a fair proportionof the rolling stock of the road, the running of the»hall n«it be oliet-ncted. Mr. Githrie r< plie» that becannot c-m-ent to the seizure mid detention of trai

that the sjonj >uit opérai.« u of the road liy the I »¡rector»am! Temiesses author:ttea would result in itn-up. raMediiHeultiea.Gov. Hani» on the 6th issued s proclama'ion for

3,000 troopa fur the Confuderiue army.Th* Bombern paper» contain no further new».


EXCITEMENT AT LOriSVILLELotilviLLK, Monday, July 8, ltSol.

Co»»»"»tie)rable excitement wa» created this afternoon,from a report that tbe Home Guard and State (»«tard ofBardstown bad bad a rencounter. The »lory' was lliattbe Surveyor of Iaonisville bad directed ¡in »gent to»top, at Bardatown, certain wagon», with go->d», SRrott«*- foi tbe lat.ui»ville and jVaahville Kai^.ed, d«r-tined for Tennensee, aiid that tbe agent, being nnal.leto execute the order, called on the Home G unrd for8A»n»unce, und that the latter were attacked by theStatte Gnard, causing a loss «f several lives on eachside.A paaweriger wbo left Bardstown sernal hours Alter

tlie refiorted collision aays there wa» Ro «onfliet, aridtliat the wagoner», advised that there would be trouble,went around liardstown on their way to the railroad.


FKOM DENVEÄ CITT.yh»»l.yu:nts uf vas dorn.

I.tiJtra.vDi .nce, Mo., Moriday, July 8,18dl.Tl>» Santa F» Mail and Cannon City E*preea

reaiJied here yestorday Boon wiih dattes to the',*:>dfrom Sinta Fs, '/tilt from Cannon City, and lóth fromM« ailla. Tbe new» from Mesilla confirm« ths reportsof Indian troubles at Pino Alio, and a disposition on tbepart at the Meseoal«ro Indiitn» to remain «juiet.Owing to tne jiolit kaI .iiAcultic» in the State», order»

were aent iorwsrd to Mr. ( lak, onpeituu-ndent of tb«S^ieteiisoD Silver Miuaing Company, to stop all activeopei-aiijsja.The aarts tüosvg the Texas frontisr ar« to Is» garri¬

soned bytirder of Col. Van Dom. Two t^apaniesare to be gtauonajd at Fort Davie», one at Fort t¿«iii>maa, and fonr at Fort Blies.In Sonera qaits an «sntbraaiasm has »prang np ou th»

«ubj«»«* of Tiurviad«, The j»reyect is to «tOat«Mic*. theValley of the Rio OtaoJe with the Galf of Calilo -nia,tie teruiiiii to be at El Paso and Guay iua*.

Crov. CottoJly and 8ee. Out are at tb« ir pools. Can¬non City items show an encouraging (täte 0f sdair»throughout tb« whole mining region. The mailparty found »umbers of Indian» on ths tonte, all ofwhom were very ftiendly.



wutrolled by politice.1 ad«er«»nies. If in ti.u»i» du y «Inilgt Douglas nrataifee ed a dis¬

ci*««, m m.giiuniiüty und a patiiotietn wki hJischtrj-iiig Lis

amities hita io credit, it is but iutt to my tnat be »u

nei by hi* |ioülieal opponents in a similar spirit. Perhaps the hiebest (ompüiucrit ever paid him, and one

which few siute»iueii have ever received, wa> that ex¬tended to him by the ^*«4<Bihiture of Illinoi« altei hisreturn to the Htute after the i h e of the la*: session ofthe Bena'e. That body, controlled in both tons« byhis political adversxries, ananimoualy invited him toaddier'1 tbeiii on tie one! it ion of the country, and no¬

bly did b« r~ep> rid W) the inritauon. Ill» addiee» «ie>liveied on that «rcrarioa, which 1 y order of the l/»-gi*.l.-.ture vat t-iteiisively ci.Ttilated through tbe«,will ever rrmaiu an enduring monument to bis faaae,and an ei-mple, worthy of all imitation, of the aaeri-fl<* of pride to principle, of s- If to <-o »nlry.and of oartv to i»atri,>tism. la social lileJudge Dou^l s was genial and attractive.*m$l frank, and generoni almoet to a fan!», he never

1all«-d t* exert ise a large influence over all with whomhe cam« in eontav t, and few men have ever lad more inntiicrou» or more devo'td pefaotiil friends. Hue o

weresomeof thacbanictcri«tic«iji «ur departed hr-nher.Inheriting; neither wealth nor i-oatiioii frotiisn illus-trions BiHt-etry, he acquired bo!Ft by tie activa, ener-

$»tl rtl-^rio'i», aud n»ver-ce«»ring un c»f tho« »obit ¡

j NATI.WasNlMOTtaa.Jtkly*, lM.Mr. TUN I Yi'K ,.t*p N. J », pnaented t |«

from i il tens of Netv-.'ertey, iu case of the «fatalA ad« toy l-titii IB maii'-i-tl» removed frota Ant-ue-li«to erca.e tin? tan a» at feith Am' o>. Mr. Teal in

a few brief remarks pre ..»1*1 'the advan»a»r andla< iliiie» l'erth An boy a fluriled fot a Naval S«-h«. I.

Mr. FK8SJ .NT»i.N [Off. Mo.), sugL'esteri tarai all

j*i iiion», n«.t n»^e»«»«arilv eouuec'ed with wa» m i«r«-

be laid ou the talle and made a motion to thatCarried.

Mr. KINO Rep. N.T. , presented a petition fro'nthe Military Board of lata -lork to rennt dune* uponaim».Mr. PE88EKDEN itporte«! back from tho Coniiiiii-

t.» «n Fiiiiuii -, the hill to ri'iti-l ..-ni it lotst*, on

arms for tbe use of abtäte. Bill puoed.Mr. IlAl.K'Hep., M» H ot.-'l a ntt hi'.ion that

Lie *A itt (.'. Claike < appoibted Clerk of tbe Senate,in place of Mr. Niefaolaob reeigiied. Passed.Mr. WILSON (Rep.. Mast.» re>-orted back tie hi'l

to incrt-ate the «.ruiy, with an ainendmotit to increaseii,e old lek-iineiiM lo the same nambei us the new.

Mr. TRl'MBI'l.LiKep., of lll.tai uounoedtb. deathof the Il-n. Stephen A. nought«, Sein tor from Tl'inoi»,and said:Mu. VnvtvTvr: At tbe dose of the last »'ay in the

month of May, 1X61, on entering tbe City of t't i--a*.oafter a brief to tliier place, I was informed by a

friend, who met me at tbe depot, that my colleriK1 »"

thi» body, lb» Hon. Stepben A. 1»ou*bm, waa dying,ana wotud nol prv»bal-ly turvlve an h'iur. A» I ap-prof. hed ihr Iioiiio- t i'lo' se. in whit he lay, 1 "lidthe sidewalk* and (be v> « i'uilc of the hotel throngedwith («e-ople. tuunoisly in<|uiiaiig alter tie cou<lition >l'the dying man. The next in ruing it was aotne i- liefto know that be was still alive, though it wa»

with lull« hope of a recovfft. He r< -uiuoed ii: thiscondition the whole of ibat day aid tbe neat, w h« u tbepuhli« beiran to emertain «-xpeetaiiott« of hi» i»

lion to health. 1 a fear* and tope* of abe linti-

»uteijdaule, and nlaiive* who waUT.ed cur

I.on during those aw lui toar» of rusp-iise tu-l0 «lock ou lie roornLui- of the «Id day f June, wi.a-uae

exi-'red, 1 have no disi-oaitioe, had I the pewportray. ii»e solemn duty oi au:ioui«ciug my 'îlelolleegue's de« f-aee irup «ses u|m>u me no MtBobligation», aud God graut that tha woum.»

then intii'ted muy not be opene-1 a:

Mr. I»oiigIa» was born in Brandon, Vermont, Atnil CJ,IM.t, being but «IS year* of aate at tbe time ol hi» de-cea*e. lie was deecen led in«a i'uritaxi ancestor» byboth patents. Of one, bis father, he was l*»ell it, infamvi bis mot her still survives. Alter acquiring ec han education as could be ooiuued at lire cou idol » hi« 1and lit« academy, not having ibe mean« to prrfe«; it

by a « ollet in te eourte, at the early »ige of '-Í0 he »ci

grated to tbe Stat« of Illinois, whereT.e taught s h oílor a short lime, and in waa admitted to ties i-arlo pra,lie* law. In> he wa* mat!- State Attorney,ana from that day to lb« day of his death w »s almoetconstantly engagée Lu lbs puhlic service of either theMate or the nation, lie held tbe oltice» of rotate At¬torney, Hepreeeuta'ive in the l«eab.lnture, 8ec;»rteryof htatr, aud Juaihe of the Supreme Court in thoStale of llluiois, and also iii.i of it« *i*t«r of tb» Lat.dI »trice at bpriogtield, in thai tState, f.v a| j« in

from Mr. Van Binen, betöre be entere«! tbe conn« il» >fthe nati'-a a* a lie) leeettaiivc m the other »>rat * ofC oi »its* in IMJ. ile Was ihree time» eletied I > hep>eo',,le to the House ot I.'--i-re*»-iiiaii ea. at,d tbri-e bytl ._. I.eiii-lat ire of hi» htate t« a seal in hi. body, andwaa coi.tinuourly a member of one H ou«« or lie ,,i i

fioiu his tirst . iilry iu ir-l.i i.niil hi* death, four ". a*tof hi» ltms'ill reniai, n g uuesri.t ».I- rom thi» hri« I hietorv, it aptataiB that -luilire l»«> '. hi*«It-voted more thun hal his hie, aud all tbe yvtvmol bis uanl.ot-d, to the pul,lie «s-rvic*. and so prt-tu»-nent wa» ihe part lie loot in ¡nl-iir aJfaiis. av

luiintat* lite «ouue« u.m between hi* own ¦ La*and lame, and the ,,r««jn«-»»» and renown of hisMate and the iis/i'«. that tb* bist'-y of ihe ttatwould l-a IbbbbbbT) It I witnoul tliat of the other.No great i ubl»c n.ovt-men'. ¿«aa l «k« u place »nue he en¬

tered puhli« hi*, wtúfch ha* not felt the inflm-iice <-f 1 iswill and bis intelle«i. I'erha|t no one atan aac** tbel »overnmeiit begao ever exeniaed a greater influenceover the mitaae* of ibe p»«.«i I« iban he. No one ever

i»-aibered an" mi I i; Li"iv ile i-ted lollowervor more

cothuaiaaii« almireo, who were wil iug io do aid daremote fot ano her Cían wei* his fiiends lor i iin. Whatti i» chart* waa »vhic'i so linked the r«»tmiar l»ehrt to

him, that ii never ialtered even iiuder circumai »nee*

ai ; uicnily tl»« moat due >-ur.-gii g, seems almoet By*tt>not*. TbkfsBBBBBg of allactifjueul followed him «vea

io U.e ivrave, und was n«'V»-r rnore manifest than a: 1erhi» dec*a*e, when be ti..<t ¡«,ciwi alik» indiflerru! t"

the adulation < f friand* oi the cciasure of en» mica, andwhen ils ptiwer had Í-re vet deiatrtcd. etihar to n wurdthe r.t.e -r ¡iiiiieh the other. It sm then, if ever at

bi> t-ody lay liiviea*, t» the city of i hi-atro,liial the ¿rue Bteliag of a Btjetjll would mai. leal Usa If,and it -Hd rt.ow iiaelf not oily thrn-, l-ui iiuougrhoutthe i,at km), to an eitent *<arr*|y if ever auiit-edtttaaa the death of the V -.f hi» C'-nntry. Tl»«»badfsa of ananaSBg «era se»n ditflayad not .grabDie public atH.ihi.-iKB abd ihe u.aueiotis ol IO* riel Ithe cottages ot Ota poor, the rail*of the workuirt. WBÉthe iroplrineijUof the laborer were everywhei« '<. besean dia|sr«l with the ha' ilimeuts of woe, ail the more

io.iri.iru/ at they were »tu pie aud plain. 1 fie |«e<favorite in 1 fe.'lve wa» t'-llowel oy tiiei- lam« iit-i'loti»iu death. 1) it .1 uH.-n I »o-i^U* i«o*»«-»*«m! r ««t oui; thepower of fuaciualiog the B»a»ae* he was a m»rktdman wherever he vrant and with whomsoever he fsasx»-

citted. Nouihit«! whetbar a« a lawyers« th. bai, a« a

Judaeon the etaD' an agrrv-'itiiiraieot-ict) wlieiu theBkiileo in mecharii« and iiHÍia-t nal j-ursiiit« an-re ne*, ru¬

bied, at »oroAvC ullage «oiamaiier>ii.etil where the tear 'I

were conven« d, in tbe other Houae of t'engr«-».n.idet of the tumuli and roHin.oiioi! of :'» ¦ .>' extit.-«!debutes, in thi» moi« d»l U-ralue Ix-dy, at btwatl

uhtr aesemhly ot the people, where v«r tie Ml»e alway» shoot twsfpitt» or. He waa oi e f lie :. ¦*

n«eu who have proved then.selve» leavorj etiei-

geucyiu which they h. re beeu cali»d ,i| on to"act. Iraaisiber wall when b* we* trar.rderred fron. I heIloore of Repreae.iVativc* to the Senate, bi*«

predulcd, and hit lueiiJ* ft-a e«', thai bit UluBlswtrtnot hi" 1 l"i tl i» '«(sly, kiel loal he ,«ould l»e nua' I- t

»uaiain »he reputatbti he hnd ». uMi-ed in ihe iu«ire pop»i btr bmr.rh. He entered bet* when the great ne-n,who»* tal»i.U, and latuniig ami elo iei t* have »' eda.i ii dyiua limier on thi Auk man t>-uate, w i.c n < |\\ hut« I. Krlito-i lllili < IlltiOtlli. in the vigibryvd. lull of t»;r«d--fii ad erperience, were »till acto,aud proved himself no un an compeer of ether.His speech oí I've', when iu he m« t and rtrfreJthe poafti at ot the great C'Arolinian U|Oti tie v.-i.

point« w»**!» bave beta»i x's"f the Soutl .

era rebella», v.a» put haps the greaUal etlort of hislile. The ili»tii,afiiieuuiK characteiistir* of .liulgel»ou|¡Uae wi i-h e.. .»'leu mm lo ««-pe »in« esefollv v«,

the greatest intellects of t!.t ago, were fehi l.-rquhknaa* of tpweBtni ion, a »mug «ill and iodi.u-li.thle eiit-raft. He ki,«w t,o eu«-h word a* fail. Hehad lull confidence in himself and of his at, lity to ac-

,i«b whaitver hs uinleitix.k. In roairover-y hewa* 'inMirpaeeatyl, and w rh- nl j im-u»i"n either rr> ac-

c«»m].li»»T*»f aetoatiebip oreloqnenc*. 'here was a Mi¬ners in h,| voi.e, aii earnretos-eshi li« uiHnrjtr, it Oi-reitiiea» iu hi» ari/ument. aud a determinatioi, in i is

every look and »< »iou, whit,h never i»«i»*d to tV»mmmi<iatt»i ti'.e kii«i often, el-ctrif-.iug the multitude, v.o' !df licit uiiU-nndcJ appLiuse. Fhi» crow'. «1 r{kava>ber i-v «vft-n be»n witnes» of tlie debifht wiihwhich t»e multiiu'e hung upon 111» word».Of tbe poli.iial «.our»* of Jud.ce Itoti la.and il» eftet t on the country, il u .es not becoTne ata to

«peak, b-tt 1 may l«e j«er:i.if':rrd to «ay thai when a | «"

tionofthe opp<mition t the Administrât! »u a/sameilthe BtlaTeiioa til arnted resistance lo its authority, »milniiainpted by force to disr..ember the Repudi-, a* w

Once took »id« . «tilt hn tvrtiiitry. His co; rse hadn.u« h to do la proti lung tha' uimniiuity iu »upport ofthe («overiiment tvhi.-h is now seen throngtio'it theloyal Mat« s. Tbe suhlime sp»-, lacle of twenty mil-lions of peo'-l* rising iu one nan in «.indication of con-

stirtitiotia! lioertv »t d free rovamnifiat when laMviih-dby miaf/uhled rebel» and plotting traitor», is to a con¬

sider -ile exunt due to bin etlort». His tiagiiaiiim -is

and patrio'.ic course in t' ¡a try iug hour «»1 his count i y .

deetiuy wa» the crowubut *v:l oi ni» lile. All hi» fifelong a ilevi tsv' partiaati of the Democratic faith, bed:d not b'-eiti..e when hit country was in peril, chieflyfrom those who bad formerly toen nit poliiica'liitao«i.itse, to give bis powerful »upport aud tbeaid of his great lnfluerK* to tbe Qoveruinei.t, though

fa« 'il íes with which be wa» eudowed by the GreatAuthor of all; and if the weal h he at '»ne time eoa-

aer.Ai-d does not remain to tho»'- who were dependenton i iin. it i« beeaiiae tlie «nergtra of bia great mindweie liVoted rather to the country and to the wideataoj le tliM'i t.. i :ot».W for his own. Labering underihedef«.-t8 of an imierfect education in early life, hi»indt,«trv aart his e»ergv anpph«-d the want. Hews»'HI vi all» h r-el* m**«* n««r,, and the hUtory ¦ hisLie .Horde a striking illnatra.ion of what in.duatry and energy, united with a strong will,en accomplith. But thai iron will whiihbad so ofea mat and ivart»n»e obstfulo». wa» cmii-

I ell. d at last to yield to the king of terror», Jor it isappointe 1 nulo men «Mi« e to die Only h few moutha. »<> Judge.- I);.inlar, in vigorous health, w-ni forth fromtbis chamber to mlly bis conntrymen to the su I port oftb« Con»'«tut mo and the laws, and then to die. Todiestths very icniihof his fatuo, wbeu a whole loyal ptr-rle,forge:ting past politic«*»! tie», «totsi ready to oo Himhotior. Ilis death iu the full vigor of manhood sh'-ultladmonish to» who a e left, th»t here we 'ave no abiT-i u putee it ms\ be not even for the brief jveri««!« forwi.uh we are «hoaeu rnembersot Üiiebotiy. Mr. Ilm«-l«s a a« not a proloaVAjr of religion iu the sena« oí beingattached to any parti, t,lar chareb, but iu his will,_«¦.«>.enfed several year» tiefere his deeease, after providingfor his worbllv atlaiis, he says, "1 commit iuy soul o

t.'»d and a»k trie prayer» of the good for his divinebleañng.'t' os le.ftviri'gin record the evidence ofllistrustin the Supreme Holer of the world. Heleav» »survivinghim a widow, and two children by a former man «g« ti c- dou.estic «ir« l« broken by hi« departure 1 «lonot propoi-e to enter, uor to attt mpl by any pc-ar wordsof mine t« admlnirter «¦oiirolatiou lo tb«»se who were

bo-ind to Lim by the closest of tir«. How unutterablemust le the anguish of the aged mother, the .¡»ter. thecLodii n, and the bos«.m com«, an ion of him who e de-1 iu o has ilotLel a whole uaiioii iiiU.ou'uing. I «an

.»ill point them to Him who baa D«*onilasaTte be a

Father to tie fatheile«s and the wmows G«»d. Onlie 1th d:.y of .lu'ie lust Jl lïial rasa».tats» of oui d« -

pi.rted b. other w:i» in.oriol near the city f Ci.icaAjO,on «herbere of Ivate Michigan, wttOae pure wai era,'f'-'i but ed iitio fury I y contending ebineiitt, «ye a

.'tting RM mentó of the atormy and hoi»teiou« jailiiealtun tilts through whicli tl>« great ¡«opnLr oiator so

o'ten passt-d. Tierj the pople, whore idol he w.i» williraeut to I d then in tii" Kail

of the S'ate which so long wi'hool int.rrr iption, andnever to a greater extest than at .be moment of his

gave hin her coufiil« me, let hi« r, mala« re|<*ehi ! ¡p i» fres g"ve -ntnetitt «l.all lust, the Conati'utionhe loved ahiftil endure. I ol'er the following resolu¬tion:

'x'i. Tbvt tb« mauber» of tbe fe- »te. frasa « «¡leere de¬lire o' »ht'WlDg ever» u tk o' re»», t i te lo the metnorj ni tb«iloo HrarHX.A A líorur.««, «leoeaaed, lata a ftei .«..« fr-ii. 'be.-al- »i liiia.i» wiifíiuto uiíjrtiug r>» »eailug ciap« .l ta«lell a:..-, for >liiitj «1«) ».

ñniitei aitarminrcl». Th»! »I en a<idlrt..Dal ren.aik ef i«-

tyvcx tmlia» tuari.e.'j oí lue iiuii. l«;araxs«k., tía»r«, «.» d ecw «dieum.Mr. M OOIOAL-Mr. Pnr-iDlM: I receive! the

tirai iniaUiaeno« of the deceavse of the laie Senator fromIllinois aa tbe pilot carne on board our »hip on bai qb.cent arrival oft the harbor of New-York. Tbe uníver-aal and solemn exhibition of tbe profoiiudeal sorrow onthe part of sil th« rompanionaof in« voyage, embracingmen of ..II clase«., all opiuioL», and a'l aection», filly.lowed thai tbe de «d sen .lor had tilled a large place iutbe heart» of lbs Americas people All seenieu deeplyto îtnû that another of our great men.on« of thoee wbo!...«! taoct i.r.d beul ilbialrated our republican institn-lion«.had loft us forever for the eouiiftuiioimhip of hi»father». <>o»e, Ism at a time when hi» great fiti: litiosfor cxiiineelatt« «stroll lit were mo-t i.eed-<i by bis country.But, a» powerte»» fur lb« tiiotneiit to reeiet tb« ti ie ofertflion«, 1 bowed my head in »ilent grief» it came totae that th« Senator had lived to wituewa the or>«i i got lit« prstsnt un bol v war upo» our .«overutneat. Tnatwin.e.-ii g ii from the Capitol of bis Mat«as bis high-r-i nii'l kvtji jOHiiob, he had »sut to th s wer erv wor¬in, si thai Itan-ilas wbo, as ancien; l«*g»nd» teÛ, withlbs wslotMRS oí tbe kutgiailf ALdAJuaiHU king wa«lord:

'. Tak'tkT. the leading of trie T«a.And charge tbe S4«*.r. at..»In

Tbei» i« no« SB. ti a Lea. e aa thin«la all tb« he«taof eJpai'j.'

Those trumpet notes, with a roiitinuons swell, are

sounding «till throughout all ti>e border» of our

land. I le.vrd them upon the mont tab « and n. the«alloy, of th« far Stale frota which I came, flu yhave iMumnnicated faith and strength t« million«. Ilelived to wime«» bis great appeal to a natiai of free-rxMMi answered by unnumbered Ugions of patioiicmen, to ftel ai.d underetmi.t with a coi fident aaaur-

»t «h« t.i»d aaaault mitde by mitagnided meu

uooo tit« isHSgriiy of «ar Ltnon, iri»iea»l of res»i!« ngiu disunion and anarchy, wonio e-labluh our lustiru-liotit u,-i. d«-. j«tt and nr/urer I .iindalioii», aid l.-HVe a

c*r«a'n guaranty of pettce, liheitv, arid un'tftoour< bildren to r«oió»e garaewition«. ft» liv*»t lo have byfie nxaiMty ami r»>w»r of his last greta effort risensbovs the re«« h of mall.e er dt tract ion, and to ha v«ar» ured for bis taerocry .be ¡ve s:.«l ad m.ii'.it of alla. «i who loti freedoiij"be-«, evervwbere, and forever.1 <»a»s«AÍ to k rirve fo 1» .i k/l.». Tie last voice of thecVttti l'-'oab'S I l«-lt lo le sitnger than m« voue« <.f

ii!r. it ii'. Jig men. Wtitit pat« 11 g .be iiibute ofti.y i. .(.-.'. u. l!.e ii.eiooiy ol M 1 .»»11»» I reefer»jeAkin»' »irnplv of tbe rrinñ a.« ïkt.ewlttn. The re-

«x>««i ot hi« pnbiic lita la s i'Srt of ttv wmten motet)lyoa ... i.'.iy It k. now -, I taie stu.«- 1 lirai met

Mr. I»«.'igl»s. be i',«u :i young lawierofei ahliaiWa.n-( vtati n for a''li.y, I iboiit .. lueeeas Inttss aa.rx>« prefetwftivn. Of tbe «am» politnul opiii on«,, t .'«a«sd iu the «aim pnrauiis irim the tiat, w- be-. ¡me f. en le. It is to nie u mittler of »in. .«. enlistarti .ri i erteti ibat that fri« nd»'ip « «.!.i ¡unid without a

.».- m for nearly a 'jua-ierof » m :'I the i ¡real Kul.r .intinued it to be. to be re¬

nt-we«! 1 trust in th- land ol »\ int«.

Mi. M l'ouga! ihun!« retarrtd to Mr. Doug.ii life*]

Hi. ei emie» lave « h rped hit-, with ambition» of ambitiiaR. He was si I I¦¦.: it was a

feat and a just amhiiion. He was ambi;wi« ih^t heiv«d ..i m re » ItwpiiasA» If

b«-a- »«-f power, lb« ittion ol powerwaa «lever the imml with him. He «'»tifhi power that

»-m nc i.'i, ¡i.lisrreai«.'» for is intintry andbia ..+.»¦ 1 he hi Iule, of I. » own ft«, ttiuae. aa well aa

the a i lü'erl of his own opinions, lbs mmnwtamaui-rri[ lineof !i-eatl» lit», t./et!;« with bia naiur-Id and ee|f.ielÍKIit che:»., ter giive lo him pro-

grt-asiva iiiari c«>iie«'rrat ve | ro- livitiea. ami ledlim ftotn the 'r.ltttall OÍ lili to .'el'ouae the opiliiousand I'l'ti.« f :hat great [Hruocratic ja'tyin t1 e .oiinrila und n -ve »rts of which heever afterward sctsd »o lartre s psrt. His}>ronipiii«ss in in<:gm. n* «u d b« Idcea» snd energyin or dnet, would nav» ¡mide him a .euder <»f m« n ii-any age o« nstiou, and wl il.- he t«.«w.»*ed tbe coiimgeand protni'tittide ef a great leader- he utii!<«d with it art« pa> il y for ro.i:ie«l e»«i cl lo hueapmfy f ra.iion.

1er»! oj ilion will kbave n«. .b.itbf yield t<> bima pi». . .ad u ol no .an ol bis Imnvetdtte time.'! be next feature «>f the public i»*)l .!«»¦ («f Mr. I»i-' *e found in lair «lev ..»'on to the orirauivation anddevel ¡ment of tbe ^late? »nd I>rii«'rie« of the West.thai cr»»t country who h oy it« mi:ivcllo«is progresshi» given the be«*, «sttimtice r»f tbe vi'al power of our

Ke; lil.-. Indeed, from the ne.iod w nn, ft« a y«»tith.né »to"d on Ibft^ «yrt-en hüls of die na ive Y'< ri.iOut. itv. ¡t» «A-.I». as irihclcn' to e-.i-io rtistiawsiital law, alavted to tispMjii'.u of the tun in the h'*:«.'.«««. in the «

eaith ut'on ils »ils bi«l"ok \fj, We«twaid, audii-thottf,'hne knew m1hln¿ of tie fir»bl-d i«!«nd« ,( th,.

I Went, whichaniieni aon«(«roblen»uns»-.«liî'îed be«aw in the new land yet unciin-iMi-ex! from the wilder-pet*, ths thtittej in wjiich (o reali-ra. hi« young bo-iea,and 0 i'niulge tic a»'.¡rations of hi« voung auibiiion.J»"'ing nil Ils lif« hi» carn»»t ey t w.ta on tie grea*Wat» while other» of her »tiiteauien knew more <T theintrigue» of the t oiirt« of Kurope I han of tbe importantii.ifier.t-«|.ni«giiig up beyvnidii.e Allei/haiiie«, tothnaeínteres.»ho deidtif iinnsell with nnaavenug «teal.Nor w»re I is labor»- ami ini.-isrie ««trasload In ibe vai-lev of the llliuoja.or tbe great baaiu of the Miaaist.ip'<i.I Drive known ho man in ¡ ni Re or iii»ste lif« wr.owaa n<> thoroughly conversant w ¡th, or who in le reeledhimaeli so much, in our |»j»»eMÍous on tbe Faei.te.He was «abe fir«t i»«r«oii, within ttij kn-wledge, to ear¬nestly H'l>. i»r it* the construí tion of a railway from tbeMiMiaeippi ti the bay of San Francia, o. '1 lus wa» afavorii« enterprise with him years Indure wc hada.- |..¡it«1 Calitorriis. But tbe relations of kl r. Donglasto tbe Stst«-« and Territairie« ol the Weal his labors tortheir material and political mteieate, are part of" thebialoiy of the couutry. Un lbs eh. re« ol tb« 1'av ili«.,the intelligence of hie dec«ass will j-ut a whole peoplet'u mourning. Mr. Douglas wa» in («ingress a mag-niaiiiiaor.s, «vni«, and great man. 1 lovetl uud honoredhim while living. I love to honor his rnernttry.dead.Mr. ml l.MI'li (fop., Vi. «.id Mr. notifias was

h nuii ' -of Vermont, axii «he -iaiiucd to niter a fewwoids at this tin.o. Mr. OoiiglsA'» career wa» a liraieviiVn«* of the effl'ieniy .f ou, innilutii.n»; his whole«aueer, i»j«npr»»j»l in nearly -1) year», yet secured ibeaffection» ot tbe great muas of the Demo raiic partv,and he held their heart» in hi» hand».Mr. Ponglns sumorud the Démocratie party as a

national (»arty, and was defeated, not by the body ofthe party, but by a consiiiacy of tbe lea 1«:» in theparty, who were enemies of the country.

Yteeer». NF.8MIIH, BROWNING, and AN¬THONY nsxt spoke in eulogy of Mr. Douglas.Adjourn«d.

HOrSE OF HEl'BEliENTATIVES.Mr. 8TEVEN8 'Ktp., Pa. from the Committee oo

Way s and Means, reponed a bill for a National Loansu«!-o'her j urji-sfts.

1 ht Comttiitiee of the Whole on the Sute of ttv»Union also i-ported a bill to pr, vid« for th« paymentof tbe Militia ami Voluuteers called into the servie« ofth'i I'ni'i»! State», by the prt-cUmaiion of the I'mi-d«:it, on Apiil l^tli, lHtjl, Iroiu the time they wererailed into service till th« 30th of Jon«.Mr STEVENS »nit, (bore i. uiu> ti «j«iT»ii:ij¡ Ainoug

tbe soldiers, and tirere wa* no means to pay them ex¬

cept by F»ae. ig this tillMr. \ AlaLANDIGHAM l-e n., 0.) trusted that

then- would be no objection to it.M l.ll.'iNMl' ¡Dee»., Ky ;, being fntlr aatfefied

that the HosirAe would past the bill, «Mired to biter-poae no objection, lie would content bi-i-aeli withtayftig that Le was o[-(«o«ed to tbe wh.¦* »tsteuiof warmeasurer.

1 he hill was passed. It apnrv>»jria»'e» $?> 0*i,<»00.Mr. STEVEN» gave notice that to will call up the

lyoan hill to-morrow.On motion of Mr. SHEFFIELD (Dom., R L), Ce

Committee on Commerce wa» iu»trncted to inouirewhether any and what farther legislation isneeearsatyto secute the forfeiture and eotTdcm>'*»ic»n of pira .tailvesael» rtisedout of the authority of the Uuited ¡Statee,with leave to rerx-rt by tiin crrdher'AiHc

i>n motion of Mr. C< »X (Dem.. O ) it wat resolvedthat tho President of the United S'a'es, if compatiblewith the public service, communicate to this House nnv

c< r e»-«ondcnce which our Government has had withthe I -overnrnent of Spain, wih reference to the innor-rxirmion of the I»omTntcan Territory \» it r the Spanishu ouart-hy, and what proteat, if any, our Governmentbias made against the i.'iaoltnt and ag^reasive nmdortof the [Spanish Government.Mr. ELIOT (Rep., Mass,;, from tbe Committee on

CotTiHsetco, reported a bill providing for acode ofmarine signal» adapttd to secret service, to set dis¬patch veeeels. etc.

Mr. W AMIBI RNE Rep., HI., from the Committeeon Commerce, leported a b.ll further to provide loritocollection of duties on imposts and for other purjioss**.It is derigred to close the port« .- f entry in the «reededStatee, to make ports of delivery p»'rte of en'rv iocet tain cases to collect duties oil eliipuoard, and toseize aid confiscate all veeeels belonging to the rebels,el«.The hill was ordered to be printed and recommitted

to the Committee on Commerce.Also a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Tres»nry

to remit I'.nts Hn<]pci.*l(i<s incertain caá* ruudi'-oiihitethe compensation. Off itirveyo.-s of custom» iu t«-rtiduStaate».Mr. IAJVEJOY (Rep.. Mil.» introduced a reaoltnion

that in the u.dgiiniit ot 11,- House ii i* no part of the

duty of rol-lier* t-f the I'nlU-d Statee to capture or re-

tlii-l fugitive sbtve*.Mr. MALLOKT (8. Am , Ky.* moved to hy tieret-

ol .non on ib« tvhle.Mr. STRAIT» »N (Rep .V.J.) rai «ed tbe point that

the reaolu ion is n<«t adtm-i«ai>le under tb» ordciad-pted yesterday preacrihiug tue baaineta for theSABBBBtB.TheSl'EAKER, for letrarons given, overrule«i the

point.Mr. CARLlLIf, of Virginia, unsricc-esadully sought

to n.hiiii an auicndui« at to Mr Lrvejoy * reaolu'i u

Mr. Si RAT TON, without meaning dierespect io tbeSpeakei, at peale-1 from lu» deciaion.Mr. HLTCHI.N8 raoveu to lay the appeJ on the

table, which wa» agreed to.1 ue lS|"*aker, therefore, waa sustained.Mr. I ARL11.K, of Vu'iriuie. again îueftectually ap¬

pealed to Mr. laovejov to witdraw bis demand torito

previous (pirstion ou the puatage of hi» 'Lovei'-v ejreaolui ion, to i,( arlile, deainug to offer an amendmenttu the same.The main qoeation aotton onleredand Mr. laovejoy'e

reaolutioo wa» ptwsed by a vole ol '*i againat 6mA n,»rasage wa» received from lb« Oeiiax* ann«>un> ¡nir

the death of Senator 1 »out-la», when M« sei». lai<'h«<r»i-sor., MtClernaud, Critt« ndeu, C'»x, Diven, Arnold,Walton |V<aV) Law, V.hkJiile, Foiik* addxeaeed tin»House on tbe subject.A{'propriété rrwolutions were pa-tod at a further

mark of reaped.Adjourned.


8AD ACCIDENT.W A4HifroTofj, Tuesday, July 9. 1861.

A* the right section of the 2d Rhode Island LightBatn-ry was drilling on the grounds near the encamp¬ment oP ihe Mozart Regiment of New-York, early tuia

morning, the cartridge» in the timber chest ut the sec¬

ond piece exploded, hilling Corj»orul IS". T. Morae, jr.,and i'rivate Wm. E. Bourn; seriously wounding E.R. Fre.-man, and »lii/htly wounding Richard Ttoreleyan 1 Edwin E. Weeks. The remains of the dead willto neut to Providence this afternoon.The cause of the uuitu-u of the powder it unknown.

A report prevails that it wat in conseqnence of ihe ex¬

plosion of a »bell, hut ttiis it disproved by the examiua-t >-i fscvt-raà meu a»^ua'.bted py lulec bbv, tati frag¬ment« í ind. Their theory ia that the explosionwas by tbs agency at friction matches either thrownit»o the hiroher chest by some enemy or dropped intoor near il bj 1*1 \sei-er».

MOVEMENT OF TBl'Ol'S AT ALEXANDRIA.AttxAM'Ria.Tueailay, July ft- I "»il.

Tbt first TWintwyer train BB tie Orttnire and Alex-andriii Railroad atrip to Cameron * Run thismorr.iiig withCt mpany Aof the Zouave« mid Company1 >f the Miiiigitn 1st. Cameron t Run ia about fourmiles out. an t the furthest point on the road to whichour picket! extend.

FROM KANSAS.L»*vr>«A*oBi u. BabBB», Monday July ft/IBM.

Captain Rtcwitr» Van Vliet, for four year« t^uarter-ma»ter at Fort Leavenwoitb, has totu ordered Eart1 -r sot vice iu tha held.Tbe -id Regitneut of Kaota» Volunteert is being

formed it Mo-ind City.0. W. Coffin, Sii|e:iiiUndect of Indian AfTaii* for

the Indian Territory. ha* arrived here from that »ec-

tion. He wa« not emit led t<> penetrate tbe Territoryover 115 ml«-«, being tlreutened wi;h capture by Se¬cession ists. Hi«« »sor, Mr. Rector, tobold the otti.e by virtue atf a corumieaiou ft-, m tlie

Cot/ed» rate State». 8ince the evacuation of the f rt»

by th" Federal troopt, tbe 8ecr»ri<,|ii«-t» have grandata col of the afla.1* in the Territory, and have confis¬cated mon' y and provision» intended for the indiens.The ( ouvention of Indian«, called by C»ov. Harris of

the Chickataws, was hold on the 24tb of June, butbroke ap in a tow.

The htteat aaToouut fr- m Maj. Shuyl's command are to

July 4, when they were at Clinton, Henry County,Missouri. The command had beeu much delayed byhiajh wat».. and mad* lut alow progrès*.A regiment of tederal »/oops arrived at Lexington

thi» nK»rning. T1i> M«xka»ie of the river below thiaiiv. by o-d« of Q«a» Lyon, wa» abandoned this even-


FROM FORTRErifi MONROE.Q »t'antij.» Tuesdtiy, July 9,1«61.

Çteamei s-art an.' Strij»et, from Fortress Monroe, it

laXsp.IT11I l( MEKTtM.. T'VESTY-11RST w'A*^;

The uuderhigued leapet (fully invite their fn,Cw'ciiuei.« i> na et at No. 43.. Fourth avenue, tsa Thtirt-dity ev.-ning July 11, at S o'clock, to ttioaider whataction m».v M nacasasai-y t<» protect from starvation thefamilies of our pan iota volunteer» luMdent in theTwenty-first Wurd.

(»ardl ,er >*r1' g I» D »aitor Brlok C) ureh.J F TltoBi|.*on f> f» punter Mrr>»d«v»y Tah*fn*cle.John Reliy, Sherlf City of New*hen F. Bto.ell. Fal lie Attntaittralor.A. v »tout, t'r*»iaeal Sho* aad Laalbw Baavk. »

Jnhn II Sherwcoil.Un j.tiin B Atterb'iry.IV H, IItightAtidi» Froment Alderman Twenty» -t Wert.Alex»uilel Biai.d, ri, r<,imolln,aa Save: th Utsirlct.

. »('. PlBikiey CocbcrraaaarAetaath Di.trlct.


A detachment of 1»'5 men, for the .Second RFire Zouaves, Col. Fairman, proceeded to camp onStatin I-land yesterday. This regiment is filling uprapidly, and in nil « -haoiliiy will piocoed to the sealof war in two weeks. The uniform of this regimentwill be of the same ktyle a» the Freu-h Ctosscar dtViiufiiHf*. und, for comfort and durability, will excelall tlh« r rcj/imeutal tuiitonas that have left thi« State.He,.d«iua.i--rt of Co. 0, No. lOj Mott street (house ofHose Co. No. 5"), wbc-e u few more recruits »ill betaken. Alio at hou«ee ol Uont ("0. No. 5fi, Park, andEnaiue Co. No. 16, .vl-e-e the lieudqiiartert of Co. Bare located. Head «..tarter* of Co. I Chief Engineer s

office, Bixoklyn. ED.

Ihe 4'aatttla «»H'Capc Hare.8t. John « N. F., Tuetday, July », M61.

11>t R. M sten.'iisliip Canada, iVom Liver« «-ol ontto?Hb, via. Qaeenetown ou the 30th, psrsaed CapeRace at 4 p. m. of Monday, 8th inst. Her matte werel'u «t seen toor mils* eset over tee fog. Tbe new* toatoffne Aaeociated Pre*» wa» pulled alongside, tot themen could not rmkt themelve» beard. Tho »teaiuer waablow ii.y tor whiatle at the time, which, no doubt,drowned the sound of her guns. The tont wa» a)mo«tunder the puddle». Tbe Canada will to dut al Halifaxon Wednesday.The Ship i.m.lyy laraum A*j*atoi*e.

Bo*i o», Tuesday, July ü, ItKLTb« ship Emily Famam, of l'oriaiaouth, N. H-,

from Loiuloa tur Calmita with railroad «run, was

atuvft 30 uiile» Borth ot PttTtuibiitiO ou Ute <Sh ot June.


Feos» rial í Aarfetivn Cemrwr, MU «ti.t«trae» from . privat» latter «f «o mlsfflsatal g. nt.ei..».

Masissas JiNirri»», JuiteíC), 1>*S!.I think the military question is, Which * ill f.srri tba

oti^to-tus«*» Tú etteuiy i« tu Fais Church, be-tweon Fairfax Conrt-Houae and Wa»biog'Ot,, wit»»shout 5,000 men. Oregg and Kerebsw are at l^irfaaa.I be enemy m»y make a duah tu Fairfax, «ST Fairfaa.may make a dash at Fall a Chorea. But I tliiak nei.ther U yet ready. 8<ott has the nember» and the mo»ni.ions, but w»r»» also the advantagv of poel'ion if la»can ge* it. He >¦. » iuiliiiyitaajd to risk 1,1a tro »p«»gainai ours in «..- ..log Lke <r»i«a»»ii'y in any te-]»- t.He wants odds «v. y way ana in every p#*rvi<ul»i.The only forcea to be apnrebend« d On fair terms arethose of the regular ! 'ni'«»«. St.'.te» Arrrv, with theirdrill, ttprtt tin etrrp», ¡mi We«t Point oíd «es. Theseare nrotbably ihe tcoopa Meal will b-a pat forward at thebead of a column of 4.">,<>Ki to operate against u» here.If that le doLe, the fightin/ wfl] be of a «Vetar-ralecharacter. The South« « troop« btare will assuredly all»Und up to the reck.Our t.>rce is lesa than la» been supposas». Twodsya

ago it consisti-d of only al-ont r,UX», and so ala« are allour force» si other jointe emulier than is uupp- -« d.John-»on, \vh« n be evacuated Harper1« Ferry, t¡,*d notmore than T.tYOt) etfecti»e men. Two tkwtisMud y in<-4him ubont that time, and, in oae wsvy and antsthe bohua now a luroe of about 1.1,000 «non. H was» mitt*tary nrcesti'y, and be is tin man to m&k« the u, ifit. The e f.. ts account for all the ret rea ing and a p-parent mdisporition to meet tra fo.». Their llvaeionof Vir.inia, and our iiiabJrt» to repel tlsato, ha» beenlb« result of the strange notion Lhat we are eiagagexl laa five years' war, and of the < onae'iueiii'policy «»f re-

le.ting, f\x weeks ago ht Montgomery, more thanI'sTY,ir>i troop», of»red tor twelve uionths. The schemeof reqiiiring them for tlwea year«, or the War, bus pro¬duced great delay in the Oiganizalioa of the Southernarmy, and we are »till very delicien', although n"Wther»- Is a willingviee« to accept on terra* previooaly re-

i«»cted. Our relf-tiic»?, ut present, i» solely in the »upe-nor morale ana de* ¡su tat« valoi of our »oidier«, an'l in

the ability and judgmeu' of our Get er»l». Out c»<usSha« leen grei.tly imp« d»d and inipeiiled hy Itiis i lea ofa five year»' war. which nothing but the effect of thisbackwardness ran pn-dure/

FROM kICUMOKD.CorressArBsletitne o' Tba Charle»««-» «4«rtary.

Kito Rot. i>. J uns 34,18CI.There in, at the present wiiti ^, a temporär; <a«'m

iti liu- murky eky.a feverish quiet, poru-iidim? tls»coming of a atorro' The Sunttay wbirjh «vas in« * «-t

was more like a holy day than any I bave witm- »»««jSiuoe tue (Liysot t ,e «bohr.i; but few people wer«

abroad.plaruy of re'Miee, and niHuiug to arouse thenatnr.- from it'«- li tle»eneeg. .Some prisoner» w<»re «xr.tup from . orktown.tbrve deserter» from IJticoln'a««imp, sit« four tw»sr>wt**i .¦ im, A large to»»ad o 'tu ¦

tory I- bui.g i .led Up hi (ioveru.'DArli. í. >i the n.ett-

tionof pri«o.eraof war, sa our jail i» not otvai'i« .elfit for miliiuiy pur|«oaes.

I iim sorry to say «hat there are plenty of 8hy lockstu who are ».> aoroid mat ihey'sll >wno ojjjsTiiii.ity lo paae by which uey cm make capi¬tal oil of ih »'baid tifien, aid e.i.-ri from the lowpnrae of the brave fellow» who forego the petieaud.iiiiet of their hornea to pitR«** ice aoil «it Virginia.The system ol bUxal-ieUiug ia very justly Ueuo m< edby ibe ¡onrnal», a rv-p«-ct*dle tradeeuaui will t

be extortionate, or twke H'l vantage of lime» of «carcity.A lei.oinv etutiotier in (hi.-, city baa foreetslletl tb< um-

ket. a- it is caviled, in tit« «iugl.- article of envt.oj« ».which are at prweut very sesrve. TLo «Governmentw .i.ttdi'tiiie euveloj»«;*, the jni.e of which is urn illy$.' 5 a thoiiaand. .i !n'.,«e lu the stariouery hn.-ine.»tore»aw that tbo art! le would be asaree and b-joghi»up all i hat «jottld lie obtaiuc-d. 1 he dep triment w i»i.edto pun has«, and were « »large J «s jc jer ihw-oiiud.Sottast i ing ovei l'Opcrc. i.t ou the pit««-. Isthi- a pro««)» retrtrn for in..king tlis city the cup Ha' ofthe Conn-derate Oovernment f I think tot.

I learn thronth an officer iusl from Yorktown that Rpi*»r*hesi baiile i» ut looaoi for ai preaent in tbai quar¬ter, tnou*i»t eu.ali skiimiahes are aniKipatcd. B. r.

(Bo.itbaeies Fini *oi Butler hs« Lad a foreU-a* of thepluck of the "rebels,' and hang» tire, cal'ing on thepower» ut YVaebiigtoii tor I5,*aai ireeh trottpa. It is»aid luat ijy the Uun VV.-dn«»»iav j th» oiitaututnd atlorire«--. «Yl'jiiii* will be àil.'sjO.TL« t.ret and re. nd « cf the New-Orlean.

Waehitmtoti Artillery, the tinest buttery that has yetvie.ted kii binond. left for Ma a-sa» Juisrtira thisu.onung by tlte Central «¿»uirijaV». tul. Vi »Pon .

(xjuimaud embrace» ahoui 30'J men, 1»! iMimou.«j leu-dii dog» of war.and ISO foe horses« 'f:«-y tu» ;vr-

feet iu the hght artillery diill. and will give a go«>laciounl of ti..m«el ««.

\\ sre looking snaioiisly for the news from theNorth and West. '¡Ley ate making extenrive pra;>a*rsiJoea a' WMblhgton for ie-ittu..e su at.itcl».Tro«|i» are co«i««tan!ly arriving and «iepartitig fer the.eta «a war.

II is «ug6ested that all SoutLern country moer *

al.ould aetid in th« ir oider» at once to Ue city whole-aale merrhar ts South. Ia»t the win I «ale men bant»,then, hold a meeting, and carry iu their order» a» a

a« |>otAtAihle to l.ugiaaiad and France. Thus we shall en*

able these nation» to know aoiuethiug like (Us tu: ouutof g «»is we shall n«rsl "f them. 1 give (he auftgoauoulor what it is wertli; ir n.av do gi.«»I.

Y\'e are «1 « cadfully snort of ice aere If yon w. ill bekind «uough to «Atud ua a few car l«j«vis w« will n liuait uext JauuA y.

./¦'roe. The CtuirlftU h Court».Rtci'"' i V .June «M Y i re few f<Mnt« of*»

war character which, inai at this «ime, ran apsropii-aiely torm the aubieci ol a letter. All «yea, however,arc directed toward .uaraaaetti-, ami u is u««i improba' lethai t y the liun- these linee rtrftv h your reader« (he i, 1»graph will bree pre« ede.1 me witii tbe details of a^reattnuile. Ttu \oriliein di«par< he» . 11 indt. are ti«s g* id-iu.1 upproacb ol thetw<> armi«*, tbe atreu^iheaftiig ofouipoets, and varióos oUisr uiovemtuiU wui.h loierunÍ.. -tiliii. e. 'I"h< S-.itiierii«A» on the «outraiy, are«lt-«-r*<.'l.v »il^o«, urni nil wre know te what we »¿V ,.ui-

aaivea, or hear from rrta*»» w bo bave ««jan for «a» i»u«in. wo aoureea ol ml. lio»ein.e ooncur iu the tool thatuiile-s the go -I 1, *rd « lerne» a iikmI« rn Bob-1 at Man*K-«.,e and a1.-\h41'I'i i. or dn>ps down betw-rn theurnries a vail of Cimeriun «laiknes», natire, pera,»:,*!gravitation and aniiiial rititgiiaiiiMu will ss certain I>ooaspirii m produce a <olliaioii as the mulupücaiiontable teilt the truth.There are wait yet, however, who affect to believe we «ball have a peace botere we have a tight.Tos leaciion «o I »t «r pr»-li«ted at the North ha«ingbegun, the ciituhttui»,' peüiiossol maiTjhanis, bsn.k.-r««ritsrgyuieii, and other liiizeo* of Ntw-Yurk, wntcbare pieaaitg their jc-k-c-:ul ii.lluenceu upon AbrabaTiLiu'-oln, are also operatlrii'here. The ç ;e*ti m i« nl-readv being ditrin-eed in m various r>oarings. «and th»

sua/icmo» ei out h»«M been «v»-agi»od a place titis tide ofChrioiina».We have no i«le*i, however, oi giving up th» con¬

test without, at i.fu-t. one grand exilbition of thepower, lb» prowes», and the resour.-e» of the «>eopiswiiobave b«*n*tigi»»aiii*d as tüe ruinan resvl« oftheNuitii. \Ve went iuW the war ou pnuUplv. I .

tie come out on principle, but not until w» have le." amar if uj»u our enemies that will »«cure for ua lor all

| time to come »he re».«>«-ct oi the w jrM.The hiiiidrvjTtbvâjwiiIa insñ we ha'ie In lb« ielr» will

not be «xmient lela} «Vtwd their anas in p.e» untiltuey bave srnick a "blow whi« h rh.»ll <¦ uiver throughtbe North, and uuloee this be «¡rou«>, the million» tbeyhave loft beb'nd titem will have tmir "welcomehome " alloy e»l by the tbougkt that u.eir hitshaoda,sous, and broiners have returned wubout tvetuhittg tbatl*r»»ftc.n of humiliation lo an in»..lent fr«>, whieb, oeitto the Iaord's 1'rttyer, hu- been the «ppumoet desire iaevei v Southern sYcar..

In a civil point of view, as rapidly as circiaBsstan. eswill permii, tbe wla-ele of t4ov.mment are l»einijgfjared, and the mtu'hinery «el in muAion» The viaadaare that "large b«3dies move slowly," meets itsfalaitica'ioii every hour. Tbe operations vi t!ie fariouadei^ktftuieuts are in tuli bis«H, and from the Freaideotdown to i he erraud-boy. overv man move« a» if b« wasR conftrderaiion of M4R-1 » Nor i» i«uaaoti«i'ycol;.:.o.l «.lone to the liovtrnsaent. Artiaau» and n; r-

cbaiiia have all the work they c*n do in »upptlyiug thedemand» upon tleir several*vooatioos, iucideni to tbepresei ee ol an army of tteawjful sokiiers.

bttuksinilhs are labricttiiug bowie kuivas, ans» hin»Uta «re makiug arma and aliering Hint tu psreasaioRlocks, millers arc turning «-t;i flour, bakers arc knesd-irtg bread bv tbe tun while hatchers, grocer», tudcauners genentlly «re h«ls»^satred day And nigh! to

supply th«wantaitf lueaugiueatiod ajwaaJjaSSaw« c.oh-ing, .«hi«», a«'oo '«rrmcrtt», and cartui .xiiaiptAjw«, ail Andrearry »ale. Tb« fre«iiieot arrivait« here of yty^h'uruiormed i»otr.i»»ni.'» ktatp the ladias like ft is« uft totaeir elbow« in b^stuea».

The Ate^emt Tmrmmém Im IlilJjaolRChic too, Tuesday, Jsly ». 1*H.

lYiaivauhe«from Freeport add noihing iu relaten t.»

the uatwAvre« àooo by tit« wrijasio to taet ttivasp^tphe-tlaaft ntTuw Its» loss at stAJtmiard i» «fiamvitd »t

«,->o.i«h Conaidcrable .Ini-iage w«s «i»o d«*e is he

¿rowing ero»»» In the vicinity, grain of all kind, e-

C leveled to the stirtb. w e bave h«ard of no »>«.

beiua» lost-

aw«*1««O»«« iw, Tuet«iAy,«lsly 9;¿7l-at

A fire ihm aftsrnoou harited^^'^?l-rea.mall dwe&.|ij&jto» M^^ Äbeus.and oui Skiing oi v\ . «.*"'". «jfj»^^UiougiugJto tu« city. «Us.^,W .«¦ fJ«,v'-