Download - It is Really More Fun in the Philippines

Page 1: It is Really More Fun in the Philippines

It really is more fun in the


Page 2: It is Really More Fun in the Philippines

Source: World Economic Forum Facebook Page. 26 Jan. 2014. 27 Jan. 2014 <>.

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Source: Mayo, Virginia. Associated Press. 25 Jan. 2014. 27 Jan. 2014. <>.

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26M~ 4M~

Tourist arrivals in 2013

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26M~ 4M~ 6M~

Tourist arrivals in 2013

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Source: Storm Crypt via Compfight. Jan. 28, 2014. <>.




“Asia’s rising star”

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Source: Reto Fetz via Compfight. Jan. 28, 2014. <>.

Jumped 30 notches

from 2012

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Source: Gawad Kalinga Facebook Page. Jan. 28, 2014. <>.


% of population who


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Source: Stitch via Compfight. Jan. 28, 2014. <>.

No.2 Most improved

investment climate in Asia

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That being said…

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Tragedies struck in 2013

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Poverty numbers remain unchanged

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Youth unemployment rate is high

16% Source: Santos, Lean. “Number of unemployed youth drops in PH”. Rappler. 20 Sep. 2013. <>.

Page 15: It is Really More Fun in the Philippines

Source: Ulisse Albiati via Compfight. Jan. 28, 2014. <>.

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