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EDITORIALVol. LVIII No. 26 Friday, 21st Dec. 2012

Editor :Rtn. PP Ranjit PandaChaterjee lane, Near Old Bus Stand,Berhampur- 760001Cell : 9437011024

Co- Editor :Rtn. T. ParthasarathyS/o. T.V. RaoChurch Road, Berhampur- 760001Cell : 9583367444Email id : [email protected]

Rotary Club of Berhampur

Today’s Program Today’s Program Today’s Program Today’s Program Today’s Program : Closed door meeting for the conduct of elections for RY 13-14.

Next Week’s Program : (28th Dec ‘12) Next Week’s Program : (28th Dec ‘12) Next Week’s Program : (28th Dec ‘12) Next Week’s Program : (28th Dec ‘12) Next Week’s Program : (28th Dec ‘12) : Speaker Meeting.

" Just as justice has to be seen to be done, so must

elections be seen to be just.""Organising free and fair elections is more importantthan the result itself."

Fatos Nano

An Election is a formal decision-making process by which

a population chooses an individual to hold public office.

Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern

representative democracy has operated since the 17th

century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature,

sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional

and local government. This process is also used in many

other private and business organizations, from clubs to

voluntary associations and corporations.

To elect means "to choose or make a decision" and so

sometimes other forms of ballot such as referendums

are referred to as elections, especially in the United


Our Club is an epitome of organizing free and fair elections

for the office bearers of that Rotary Year since the

inceptions of its formation. A strong proponent of Rotary

By-laws it has been smoothly conducting the elections by

appointing an election Officer who is a past president.

Congratulations to Rtn. PP Dr. S Manmadha Rao for hiskind consent to be the election officer for this years club


What the MOP says for Rotary Club's election of officers

for a particular Rotary Year.

At a regular meeting one month prior to the meeting for

election of officers, the presiding officer shall ask for

nominations by members of the club for president, vice-

president, secretary, treasurer and directors. The

nominations may be presented by a nominating committee

or by members from the floor, by either or by both as a

club may determine.

If it is determined to use a nominating committee, such

committee shall be appointed as the club may determine.

The nominations duly made shall be placed on a ballot in

alphabetical order under each office and shall be voted

for at the annual meeting. The candidates for president,

vice-president, secretary, and treasurer receiving a

majority of the votes shall be declared elected to their

respective offices. The candidates for director receiving

a majority of the votes shall be declared elected as

directors. The candidate for president elected in such

balloting shall be the president-nominee. The president-

nominee shall take the title of president-elect on the firstday of July next following the election, and shall serve as

an officer during that year. On

1 July immediately following that year, the president-elect

shall assume office as president.

The officers and directors shall constitute the board.

Within one week after their election, the directors-elect

shall meet and elect some member of the club to act as

sergeant-at-arms. *NOTE: These bylaws are

recommended only and may be changed by any Rotary

club to meet its own conditions, provided such changes

are not out of harmony with the Standard Rotary Club

Constitution and with the RI Constitution, RI Bylaws, and

the Rotary Code of Policies. If any doubt exists, the

proposed changes should be submitted to the general

secretary for the consideration of the Board of Directors

of RI. Regular meetings of the board shall be held on of

each month. Special meetings of the board shall be called

by the president, whenever deemed necessary, or upon

the request of two (2) directors, due notice having beengiven.

A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum of

the board.


20 December

"This year's observance of International Human SolidarityDay comes during a period of dramatic transition. ... Soli-

darity is crucial to solving problems in our interconnected

world. ... We can reach our shared goals if people are able

to participate in the formulation and implementation of

plans, policies and programmes to shape our common fu-


Ban Ki-moon

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DG Dr.Ashok Singh's Official Club Visit program of 15th Dec'12Time Program Report9.00 to 9.30 am DG meeting with President, DG Dr.Ashok Singh verified all the documents of the club

Secretary,President-E as prescribed in OCV checklist .

9.31 to 10.00 am Breakfast at RCS Hall Rotarians enjoyed the fellowship of DG and first lady dur

ing breakfast at RCS hall.

10.01 to 11.00am Club Assembly at RCS Hall 32 rotarians including Standing committee chairmen-PP

Rtn.Dr.S.Manmadha Rao,PP Rtn.PSN Senapathi,PP Rtn.KK

Mishra,PP Rtn.Dr.J.Bharatudu,PP Rtn.Ranjit Panda and Rtn

Santosh Sahu read out and took opinion of DG about the

plans and objectives for the forth coming months.

11.30 to 12.30 Inauguration of Rotary Swargdham, DG Dr.Ashok Singh and Mayor of Berhampur Mr.Shiv

Phase - 1, by DG Dr. Ashok Singh & Shankar Dash inaugurated the Phase-1 of Rotary

Mayor Sri. Shiv Shankar Dash Swargdham in presence of donors,Rotarians and press,the

progress of the project was appreciated by one and all

Rotary Swargdham project chairman PP Rtn.KK Mishra and

Project Coordinator PP Rtn.Dr.J.Bharatudu apprised every

one about the plans for the forth coming months. Addressing

12.31 to 12.45pm Press meet media persons , DG said that Rotary Swargdham is one

of a kind project in the entire Rotary District and deserves

contributions from Rotarians and non Rotarians to com-

-plete on time. Rotary Swargdham project chairman

PP Rtn.KK Mishra answered questions from the press.

1.00 to 1.30pm Confering Life time Achievement DG,Presiden Rtn E Sivaprasad Rao,Hony Sec Rtn.R.Murali

award to PP Rtn.Chinari Janardhan Krishna accompanied by senior Rotarians visited the resi

Subudhi at his residence dence of PP Rtn.Chinari Janardhan Subudhi and conferred

him with the Life time Achievement award.

3.00 to 4.3 pm Inauguration of INTERACT Club DG Dr.Ashok Singh in presence of Roland Group Chairper

at Roland Junior College, Lanjipalli. son Rtn.J.Jayalakshmi and Chairman Rtn.J.Surya Rao,

President, Hony Secretary and Rotarians inaugurated

INTERACT CLUB of ROLAND, consisting of 40 members to

start with.

6.00 to 6.25pm Inauguration of Acupressure Camp DG inaugurated the 7 day Acupressure camp at RCS Hall,

experts from Rajasthan are under taking this project,

Rtn T.Anil Patro ,is Project chairman for this camp.

6.26 to 6.45pm Distribution of Tricycles Mr.E.Uttam Kumar and Mr.Hari Shankar Padhy,Two Physi

cally challenged youth were presented with tricycles by the

DG,these tricycles were donated by 12 rotarians,the project

coordinator was Rtn.Santosh Sahu.

7.00 to 9.00 pm Meeting- Official Visit of District 1)FREE Job oriented Computer courses to 5 students were

Governor,RCS Hall given;1)Y.Bharati,2)A.Nandini,3)T.Sravan Kumar,4)M.Gouri

Shankar,5)R.Kumadeep,DG Dr.Dr.Ashok Singh presented

them with Offer letters,the project was sponsored by

Rtn.Tapas Panigrahy and the project coordinator is

Rtn.Basant Sahu.

2)Swargdham Donations :DG Dr.Ashok Singh donated

Rs.25,000/-( Out of Rs.50,000/- he had committed ),AG

PP Rtn.Ranjit Padhy Donated Rs.5,000/-,Rtn.A.Ramlal-

Rs.5,000/-,Rtn.Pundarikaksha-Rs.5,000(out of Commit

ted Rs.11,000/-,Non Rotarian Mr.Narasingh Choudhury.

3)Assurance for donation to RF(Phf & MPhf) : Tapas Ku.

Panigrahy ,Choudhary Rajesh,Parathasarathy T.,Srinath

Sundar,P. Vani senapati,E. Manju ,R. Murali Krishna,

Ramesh Jammula,Swamy P. Kumar ,Naraasimham Endupuri

Prusty Srinivas ,K. Krishna Patro,P. Divya,P.K. Acharya

Benefactors:P.KRajeev & Epari Sivaprasad Rao.

9.15 onwards Fellowship dinner DG,First lady,Rotarians,their families,Guests,media per

sons relished a sumptuous dinner served to culminate the

OCV of DG Dr.Ashok Singh

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The President and members throughChilka present their warm wishes andwishes many more happy returns ofthe day to the Birthday Rotarian of

the last week :

Rtn. Krishna Murari Tripathy - 19th DecDate : 6th Jan'13 (Sunday)

Venue : Jhadeswara

55 Km From Berhampur,

Via Purusottampur

Bus Departure from RCS Hall

Sharply 7.30 am


Child below 5 yrs : Free

Child 6Yrs to 12 yrs: Rs.150/-

Above 13yrs & Adults :Rs.250/-

Personal Car Drivers: Rs.200/-

District Conference “ZENITH” 28th to 30th December’ 2012 - Special attractions

Rotary QuizName the Prime Minister of India, who took part in thefreedom struggle and also served as the President of Ro-tary Club in New Delhi?


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Published by Rtn. R. Murali krishna, Hony. Secy. Rotary Club of Berhampur, Edited by Rtn. PP Ranjit Panda Printed by Ravi Graphics.

Meets every Friday at 6.30 P.M

Rtn. E. Siva Prasad RaoPresident

Rtn. R.Murali Krishna Hony Secy (2012-13)

Minutes of the 24th meetingheld on 15th Dec'12Proceedings of the 24th regular meeting of Rotary Club of

Berhampur for the RY 2012-13 held on 15th Dec'12 at 7.00pm

at Rotary Centennial hall, Berhampur ,amidst chanting of

Vedas and a traditional welcome to the DG & First lady to

the Official Visit of DG :

1. President called the meeting to order.

2. President welcomed all present to 24th regular meeting

of RY 12-13,Official Club Visit of District Governor Dr.Ashok


3. President welcomed DG Dr.Ashok Singh,First lady Neelam

and AG Ranjit padhy on to the dais.

4. President appealed to all to invoke the national anthem

5. Minutes of the 23rd meeting held on 7th Dec'12 were


6. PP Rtn.KK Mishra delivered a warm welcome to one & all

to the official Visit of DG

7. President Rtn.E.Sivaprasad Rao announced in brief the

program of the DG since morning and extended a welcome

to all present for the meeting.

8. Rtn.Bijay Bagaria recognized the presence of guests.

9. Rtn Satyadev Khemani introduced AG Rtn.Ranjit Padhy to

the house.

10. PP Rtn.Ranjit Panda introduced District Governor Dr.Ashok

Singh to the meeting

11. General announcements

* President Rtn.BK Parida of RC Berhampur East thanked all

for attending their OCV on 14th Dec'12

12. Committee announcements :

* Rtn.Gopiram agrawal,Chairman Greetings committee

felicitated the birthday boys & members who celebrated

their wedding anniversaries during the week.

* Rtn.Mihir Panigrahy appealed to all Rotarians to participate

with families in the annual picnic to be held on 6th Jan'13

( Sunday )

* Rtn Srinivas Prusty once again reminded all to attend the

last conference of Unified RID 3260 at Sambalpur from 28th

to 30th Dec'12,requested to complete the registration and

reservations for rooms and travelling at the earliest to

avoid last minute rush.

* Rtn.Gopiram Agarwal announced the successful completion

of the GSE visit of team from Jamaica and their departure

from berhampur at about 10 am on 15th dec'12 to Cuttack.

*PP Rtn.Dr.S.Manmadha Rao,election officer for the Club

elections scheduled for 21st Dec'12 (Friday)announced

as a closed door meeting,Rotarians interested to seek

office bearers post for the RY-13-14 may submit filled

nomination forms on or before 20thDec'12.

13. Rtn Santosh Sahu-SCC Rotary Foundation announced the

names of prospective & assured 15 -PHF &MPHF's and 2


14. Rtn.Basant sahu,Chairman Vocational service announced

the names of 5 students who were selected to be offered

free job oriented computer courses each worth Rs.4000/

-, totaling to Rs.20,000,which is being sponsored by

Rtn.Tapas panigrahy. DG handed over the letters of award

to the selected students.

15. DG Dr.Ashok Singh handed over two numbers of tricycles

to Mr.E.Uttam Kumar who is 80% handicapped and mr.Hari

Shankar padhy ,12 generous Rotarians -KK Mishra,Rajesh

Choudhury,Santosh Sahu,PSN Senapthy,Ishaque shariff,Abdul

Sattar,Krishna Rao Patro,Kumar Swamy,Biswaranjan Patnaik,PK

Rajeev, Ramchandra Rao Subudhi,Sivaprasad Rao & R.Murali

Krishna contributed equally.

16. PP Rtn.KK Mishra-Project Chairman Rotary Swargdham

announced to a huge applause of the gathering about the

inauguration of 1st phase by DG Dr.Ashok Singh and Mayor

of Berhampur Mr.Shiv Shankar Das,he also read out the

contributions done on that day as: DG Dr.Ashok Singh

donated Rs.25,000/-( Out of Rs.50,000/- he had committed

),AG PP Rtn.Ranjit Padhy Donated Rs.5,000/-,Rtn.A.Ramlal-

Rs.5,000/-,Rtn.Pundarikaksha-Rs.5,000(out of Committed

Rs.11,000/-,Non Rotarian Mr.Narasingh Choudhury donated


17. DG Dr.Ashok Singh released weekly bulletin Chilka

18. DG Dr.Ashok Singh felicitated PP Rtn.Dr.J Bharatudu for

successfully conducting Diabetic camp & Sunday drawing

school teacher Mr.Bijay Kumar Mishra for his continued

service to new generations.

19. Rtn Bijay Bagaria introduced new Lady member

Mrs.Nibedita Padhy

20. Dg Dr.Ashok Singh inducted the new member & handed

over new member kit and welcomed her to Rotary family.

21. Rtn.R.Murali Krishna ,Hony Secretary read brief report

of the club activities till date in the RY 2012-13.

22. AG Rtn.Ranjit Padhy in his address spoke high about the

strong practices of RC Berhampur in club abministration

.also appreciated the Rotary Swargdham project and

donated Rs.5,000/-

23. DG Dr.Ashok Singh delivered a motivating speech about the

changing focus of RI from program based funding to Project

based ,also the successful eradiction of Polio off the face

of the earth by Rotary,DG also was all praise for the Mega

Rotary Swargdham project and its long lasting benefit to

the community and the support of Berhampur municipality

leading to the inauguration of 1st phase.DG appreciated

the gesture of donating tricycles and the conduct of

Acupressure camp by club, he invited all Rotarians to come

and attend with family the last conference of RID 3260 at

Samblapur from 28th to 30th Dec'12.

24. President Rtn E .Sivaprasad Rao o behalf of the club

presented memento's to the DG & First lady.

25. Hony Secretary Rtn.R.Murali Krishna delivered a well

worded vote of thanks.

26. The attendance analysis of the meeting was read by Sgt-

at-arms Rtn.Srinivas Prusty as ;

Total members : 135

Effective Members : 135

Members Present : 74

Rotary Anne's : 15

Visiting Rotarians : 21

Rotractors : 07

Guests : 07

% of Attendance : 55%

27. President adjourned the meeting for dinner.

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