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  • 7/31/2019 Issue 14 (Birthday Special)

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    failed vision, almost wasted vision.The need to reinvigorate and pumpsome life into the magazine makesus bring out the next issue to you.The coming issue takes you along a

    wonderful spin with Apoorva Jainsswing and other uninhabited thingsand how they speak to us with muted

    words. In the poetry section its Ankit

    Biswas take on the permutational gamutof interpretations about peace. Trendingthis week is the meteoric fall in therupee and the GDP with a new columnistAnkit Purohit replacing one of teammembers Aniruddh Agrawal, well tell

    you the reasons as well, dont youworry.

    An assorted mix of handpicked qualitystuff awaits you in the editors pick

    section, we hope you like it. No, wedidnt forget about the guest and tomake it intriguing for you we wonttell you anything about it! Find outin the guest page, what surprise awaits



    ge 2

    About a swing, a park and

    other uninhabited things.

    Page 2

    Rendezvous with a young entrpreneur

    Page 4 Page 3

    Editors Pick

    tured This Week

    rtnigh tly Newsletter Issue # 14 - May 15-31, 2012

    Haaanfff, Hunfff, Haanf Hunnff Theducrats has completed one year, thoughring but a joyous year. From the 1stdition published in the month of Juneast year The Educrats ride has beenesieged by termites. The termites ofgnorance, factions, substancelessrrogance, our own laziness and the mostangerous of all the inertia of the supposed

    arget audience (read students).

    humble beginning, A meteoric rise,substandard issue followed by A super

    tandard issue and then A hiatus aiatus marked by utter laziness - probablyhe air of the city overwhelmed us, Theublishers.

    Needless to say that The Educrats hase-evaluated its vision, a grand but a


    Culture vulture:

    The shower, the deluge and theSalman way

    Its more fun to be a pirate than to join the


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    Pen Route

    -Ankit Biswas

    ome say it comes at the end of pain,easants from summer to rain,

    For some its to feel stronger,Others see it in a lovers kiss,A monk in his holy bliss

    ts there in the end of a war,And at the start to heal a scar,ts there when a revolution wins,t was there when it begins

    The heavens feel itWith the rising of seven suns,While the guarding eagle hears itn chirping of its young ones

    A tree in bearing fruit,

    An owl in its mates hoot,For a runner to win the last mile,ts also there in a simple smile

    find peace in my mothers face,Guarding me with all her grace,One arm caressing me to sleep,The other cutting my enemies into a heap

    eace is not something to be found,t is a treasure to be kept safe and sound,ts the finish and the start,

    To find it, just look inside your heart

    ortnightly Newsletter Issue # 14 - May 15-31, 2012

    see everything from the downside. They areknown to be scary. But they mind their ownbusiness.

    The swing stares at the park and the parkstares back. The vision has no conversation.They do not think enough to converse. Theyjust stare, hoping for a blink. But neitherblinks. The swing gets pushed by a randomstray dog that scratches its back against theswing. It goes up a little and gets a glimpseof the sky. The sky glimpses at her too. Thesky glimpses at it too. The swing comesback. With a sudden jerk, pulled by gravity.It would come down gently, when it couldswing, and gaze lovingly at the ground fromthe height. It falls now and creeks loudly,

    praying it doesnt hit the ground.

    The park is killing the swing. Because itsunkempt and dying. The swing is killingthe park, because its old and rusty. Thepigeons are killing the bats. Because theyhave nothing to shit. The bats are killingthe pigeons. Because they cant shitanything. Its getting dark and park is

    About a swing, a park and

    other uninhabited things.

    swing looks full of possibilities. Full ofreasons to move back and forth, swing to

    newer placer, higher clouds, cooler breezes.It stands there, still, gazing at the moon.Hoping to swing right up to it. But theswing is old. It creeks out to the moon, butdoes not move.

    Some people, who knew of the park, fromthe days when it was a park,stop once in awhile. They gaze at the dead park andsmile. They say the ruin looks beautiful.Like its hiding a story. They do not knowthe story and neither do they care for it.They never wanted to be a part of it. They

    like that the story existed. The park oncehad pigeons that nibbled on the droppedpeanuts and crapped on unknown heads.They have no peanuts to nibble or headsto crap. Theyve turned into bats now.That nibble on wild berries and shit onthemselves. They sleep upside down and

    silent again. And the passers-by smile.Craving to notice a hidden story. Hoping tonever find it. The swing is creaking itsstory, but the dog is gone, after rubbing itsback.


    -Apoorva Jain

    Its a swing. Old and Rusty. In a park

    with overgrown shrubbery and dried trees.It creeks like the childhood of the childrenwho swung high into their faraway landsand happy places. It creaks with amoderate breeze. It creaks to cry out itsboredom. It doesnt swing anymore. Itonly creaks. The park is dead. Like thethoughts of the people sitting on theunkempt grass, beside the dog excreta.

    The swing looks beautiful in moonlitnights. When the rust isnt visible. The

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 14 (Birthday Special)


    Fortnight ly Newsletter Issue # 14 - May 15-31, 2012

    reer Launcher 3

    The shower, the deluge and the Salman way

    Culture Vulture

    - Ankit Purohit

    Two months into the burning hot sun and a cool shower though not a deluge comes as a reliefat the very beginning of the month. It seems nature has more in store for the common man than

    our celebrated UPA government which only managed to cut the petrol cost by Rs 2/litre after theunwelcoming hike of Rs 7.54/litre. This makes me ponder that even Che Guevara would havedropped the idea to tour the Latin Americas had he landed half a century later (given the poor

    condition of his La Poderosa II- The Mighty one). Now the reason behind all of it is said to be thefall of rupee. The moment I heard of it, I had a serious doubtWhere in the hell did it fall from? And why

    the hell it had to affect the only energy drink my sweet little 125cc Glamour takes (rather devours)? I wasbadly hit by boththe hike and the esoteric reasons our government gave. But the answer came from an unexpected

    placeSAB TV, when Mama had the same doubt as I, and Mukundi Babu came to his rescue. That was simplemathematics though.

    SRK finally had his revenge. Being banned from Wankhede was a tragedy for the KKR owner, but IPL-5 really had

    something good in store for him. It took four long years to come, but finallyafter a nail biting match betweenCSK and KKRit was not only a cool shower but a deluge for the actor, especially after the lavish celebrations

    followed by a stampede at Kolkata.

    Be it petrol, or be it IPL, you can never forget West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. After the

    cebook cartoon issue, in which a Jadavpur University professor was sued, she is up against the new dusthu lok who this time seems to be thePA II government. She appeals the beleaguered PM to roll back the petrol price and SRK banprobably in a way similar to that when a kidnapper

    emands ransom in hindi movies. She is also into a new controversy with the lavish celebrationse city of Kolkata hosted for their victorious team, which ironically has no player from the you imagine what the celebrations would have been like if the captain was Dada himself?

    Well, they might have distributed diamond rings too. A deluge again.

    ately, our democratic parliament has banished all political cartoons from the NCERT textooks after an issue over the innocuous cartoon by K Shankar Pillai published way back in 1949.fter all, the cartoon was slashing its leash over the entire Dalit community which presently

    rns out to be the most privileged one in the entire country. Anything that is against this regalommunity should either be checked or banished. Moreover, it was also an attack over theolitical classa black spot on the story of the tainted ones. On the other hand, India Againstorruption movement seems to cool down from its former intensity, in spite of the new scamsopping their heads out of the Pandoras box. But, Arvinda Kejriwal still has some tomatoes

    e rotten ones of courseto smash at the governments face. He moves on to target the PMthe poor, soft spoken, beleaguered soulwho offersresign even if an iota of charges is proved. Having Finance Minister out of the team for a presidential run, and PM for the iota of the charges

    Mrs. Sonia Gandhi would be nothing less than Sholays Thakur; with both of her arms cut she would say: BJP k lie to Sonia hi kaafi hai.nfortunately, the BJP are not her sole enemies. Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare have joined hands, though not with BJP, to fight Sonias corruptovernment. But, as Star News says: Kya saath se hilega haath? is a big question at the moment, which will be answered by Indias response to

    the new allied movementa shower or a deluge?

    After the Tees Maar Khan and Patiala House tragedies, Akshay Kumar finally goes theSalman Way. The killer look that Akshay has in the filmnot to forget the long and strongmoustache and his favorite phrase dont angry meseems to appease the all timeDabangg Salman Khan. Though Im skeptical about it, I have high hopes from the charming

    Sonakshi Sinhaeventually the only reason I am soon going to risk 150 bucks. Now this, isneither a shower nor a deluge, just the Salman way.

    But Ill end with a shower: the best out of the three. We had this guy named Aniruddh Agarwal,the co-founder and former Editor of The Educrats, who used to write this particular column.

    Now, the guy is far off and probably he wont be writing for us as regularly. Yes, he hasconverted the IIFT call and will be joining the institute next month or so. A shower right?

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 14 (Birthday Special)


    S E Q U O I A C L U B

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    ortnightl y Newsletter Issue # 14 - May 15-31, 2012

    Rendezvous with a youngentrepreneur

    - Ankit Purohitell, its the first birthday of Educrats, and on this occasion we have a guest who

    mself is ideologically linked with us. His facebook profile reads: I am a

    lf-motivated first generation entrepreneur with a vision to make India a

    mpletely educated, aware and communicated nation. In 2006, while he was

    st a half cooked engineer like most of us, he co-founded Imaginovations

    ediacorp. He also started a magazine called Living In The City (under

    maginovations Mediacorp) which had a circulation of around 20,000+ in the

    ty of Meerut. After completing his Engineering he worked with Infosys Ltd

    hile also handling his companys affairs. But ultimately, he had his way in July

    011, when he said goodbye to Infosys and went out to be a full time freelance

    trepreneur. Presently, he moderates and contributes to a facebook page called

    MET and Vocab Funlimited which helps students across the country to

    epare for CAT and other MBA entrance exams in an interactive manner. And

    w, he is joining IMT Ghaziabad after acing CAT11. Following are excerpts of a telephonic conversation I had with him

    he idea of being an entrepreneur basically came from the motivation that I used to get in my family. My dadwho has worked

    th The Indian Express and Dainik Bhaskarwas the main source of my motivation to think big. I always wanted to try somethinggger and better than what I did yesterdaysomething which was my own, I wanted to learn as much as possible, which ultimately

    d to the birth of an entrepreneur in me. Further, there is always a satisfaction factor you try to find in everything you do. Doing

    monotonous job was not my cup of tea. I was not satisfied. Entrepreneurship gave me this satisfaction.

    he first trial as an entrepreneur for me was Spectrum which was a coaching institute for students of class XI and XII. Its model

    as inspired by Resonance Kota. Nevertheless, the seeds of Imaginovations Mediacorp were sown when we started off with

    pectrum. Luckily, our next venture, a magazine called Living In The City, turned out to be very successful. We reached a

    rculation of around 20,000+ in the city of Meerut alone, out of which we had more than 8,000 fixed subscribers.

    he key feature of LITC was its concept of direct marketing. At that time, in 2006, cost of advertising was very high in our city

    Meerut). It was very difficult for a normal small scale businessman to advertise his product, and if someone had a new venture, he

    ould really have a hard time. We realized that there was a huge demand and the business model was developed accordingly. We

    erated in three fieldsEducation, Healthcare and Lifestyle. For example, if an educational institute, FIITJEE wanted to

    vertise, it had to go to the local newspaper office and publish its advertisement. But the same newspaper used to come at my place

    here none of the members were IIT aspirants, and hence a good number of ads went unrecognized resulting to a proportional loss

    money for the institute. But, through LITC, we took FIITJEE directly to the studentsby distributing the magazine in schools,

    bookstalls, etc. This resulted in low-cost advertisement system which also checked redundancy and wastage of the copies.

    eah, the content was always subjective to the target audience. For e.g., we wrote an article titled IITs of many things but noterything (in an issue concerning the Engineering students) in which we highlighted that a student should not drop 3-4 years if

    ey dont get into their dream IITs. For an issue concerning healthcare, we published an article comparing the different researches

    d recent developments in medical facilities. Another one offered contact numbers of different doctors with their specializations.

    festyle related issues had information about best marriage halls, restaurants, banquet halls, etc in the city.

    An interview with Ankit Dikshit

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 14 (Birthday Special)


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    Fortnight ly Newsletter Issue # 14 - May 15-31, 2012

    No, the collection model was based only on the advertisers. The magazine was circulated free of cost, but when it was purchased

    rom bookstalls, the customers had to pay some charge (around Rs 10-15/-) which used to be the shopkeepers shareso that he

    eeps circulating our magazine.

    Again, I owe music to my familymy nanaji plays flute, dad is a singer, mom is a tabla player. But I really had to struggle before

    learnt guitar. I have some problem in my left hand fingers; they are abnormally small. So I couldnt hold the fret properly. Even

    my teacher told me that I would never be able to play guitar in my life. But then I thought about playing guitar the other wayound, i.e. I used my right hand to hold the fret and played using my left hand. Have you seen Kurt Cobain of Nirvana perform?

    Well, that is exactly how I do it.

    When I became good in it, I participated in various competitions held at IIT Roorkee. But eventually I found out that people who

    ad their own bands played really well; so we guys joined hands and Tatva came into being. We learnt a lot together. We were even

    elected to perform live on Sahara Samay (on 07-07-2007) for an event which was organized for promotion of Taj Mahal among

    he Seven Wonders of the World.

    The biggest challenge in my life was leaving job at Infosys to become a freelance entrepreneur. There were predictions about my

    ailure and almost everything was at stake. But I tried to be confident about my decision. But, when I realized that I was not

    atisfied with the job, things got easy. I had to choose between two options: satisfaction and playing safe.

    OMET stands for Other Management Entrance Tests. It is a facebook group where people get a platform to prepare for different

    MBA entrance exams including CAT. It was launched last year as the previous group where we used to prepare had very strict rules.

    o, we decided to have our own group from 6th Nov11. By March 2012 we had grown up by 1200 members (including cat 2012

    spirants as well) out of which more than 300 students made it into top 20 b-schools.

    earning is an ever going process. You are never perfect, even at your profession. I always try to be better and better. As far myxpectations from MBA are concerned, I want to improve my networking skills and create a better business system, so that I can

    eplicate my business and run it at n number of places without my requirement at each level. This was the main reason I chose

    Marketing at IMT, even though I had many calls like IRMA, TISS, IIT K, M, XIM B. Nevertheless, I want to work for the rural

    ndia, because it is a part which has remained disconnected from the mainland. We are also planning to launch OMET in rural

    ndia in order to serve the unprivileged and make their CAT journey easier.

    ts all about competition. Even the nature uses the law: Survival of the fittest. But, at the end of the day, it turns out to be You

    s Yourself. I want satisfaction in my work; I want to create value in everyones life. But, the fact that I have not yet lived my

    ream keeps pushing me to work harder and harder.

    would like to end by quoting a line from your facebook profile which caught my attention: I have a dream for the nation... And

    my foot-steps are focused to achieve what I aspire. ......let the time to define my erstwhile with my deeds in present!!

    Hearty Congratulations to THE STAR !

    Aniruddh AgrawalFor converting IIFT, New Delhi

    He was the BHANGI of THE TAPRA


  • 7/31/2019 Issue 14 (Birthday Special)


    S E Q U O I A C L U B

    Editors Pick

    The Wadali Brothers, USTAD PURANCHAND WADALI and USTAD PIYARELAL WADALI, are Sufi singers andmusicians from village GURU KIWADALI in the Amritsar District inPunjab. Born into the fifth generation ofmusicians given to singing the messagesof Sufi saints, the Wadali Brothers dabbledin the most unexpected of professionsbefore they became Sufi singers. WhilePadamshree Ustad Puranchand Wadali,the elder brother, was a regular in anAkhara for 25 years, Pyarelal used to playthe role of Krishna in the village Rasleela.

    Though neither of them went to school forany formal education, the Wadali brothershave come to occupy the position ofmasters in the music world largely due totheir roots in Indian Classical Music.

    The Wadali Brothers sing in the Gurbani,Kaafi, Ghazal and Bhajan genres of music.They live in their ancestral house in GuruKi Wadali, and teach music to those whopromise to preserve it. They do not charge

    their disciples. They have never indulgedcommercially and they have only a handfulof recording to their name (mostly fromlive concerts). They do not feel verycomfortable in using electronic gadgets intheir music, and stress on Alaap andTaans.

    Recently they stepped into the world ofBollywood music, rendering music directorand writer Gulzars soulful lyrics in theirunique style in the film PINJAR,DHOOP, TANU weds MANU,MAUSAM, TEENA KI CHABI andCLASSMATE. Also on the cards is adocumentary which the Discovery Channelis planning to make on them.

    Yaad Piya Ki, Chittyen, Tu Mane Ya NaMane and Aa Mil Yaar are some of theirlive performance which will attractlisteners towards Sufi and Indian ClassicalMusic.

    ortnightl y Newsletter Issue # 14 - May 15-31, 2012

    gry Birds franchise blasts off to newights with Angry Birds Space, whichngs the barreling birds in new spacesuitsd sinister pigs into a new universe withally different physics than the previousgry Birds lineup.

    ace is the fourth Angry Birds title ande the original and Rio, it's designed sou can start without ever having playedgry Birds before. The plot, as usual, is

    mple and silly. The new thrill is in theme's new physics. Your Angry Birds can

    drawn towards planets by theiravitational fields, or float away in zero-G.rious levels daisy-chain or overlapavity fields, too, giving the birds swirly,irly flight paths. A visible trajectoryide helps you work out the geometry. Youve to often use that gravitational pull tork your way around obstacles or even toock asteroids into other things in orderkill the pigs, rather than aiming at themectly.

    yond the new physics, Angry Birds Spaces got new birds with new powers. Theangular "speedy" bird can now be aimed,anging direction when he speeds up. Auare Ice Bird turns objects to ice, makingem easier for other birds to breakrough. The soundtrack is also new, butmiliarthe usual carnival tones, and theual squeaky cheers and sinister pigunts.

    gry Birds Space has just the right leveldifficulty, and just the right amount ofadation between levels. It's easy enoughat you can make progress without being

    dedicated gamer, but difficult enoughat it'll offer at least a few hours ofallenge.

    you still enjoy Angry Birds there isenty here to like. If however, you'vecome a bit jaded by it all and fed up withthen its better to avoid it.

    Cinderella Man is a true story of an athletewho achieved his greatest success againstthe most daunting odds of his life duringthe Great Depression.

    In the 1920s, James Braddock was apromising contender in professionalboxing; he had strength, spirit, andtenacity, but a combination of serious handinjury and a defeat in a bout for light

    heavyweight championship sent his careerinto a serious tailspin.

    By the early 1930s, Braddocks careerappeared to be finished. Braddock wasunable to pay the bills; the only thing thatmattered to him-his family-was in danger.He was forced to go on Public Relief. Hefound himself working at the New Yorkdocks for pitiful wages as he tried tosupport his family.

    In a last-chance bid to turn the things,Braddock returned to the ring. While

    conventional wisdom had it that Braddockwas too old, out of shape, and out ofpractice to have any chance of winning, hewon the first bout arranged by his managercum friend Joe Gould.

    Driven by love, honour and grit and fuelledby something beyond mere competition, hekept winning. In a nation desperate forgood news, Braddock's surprising nstunning comeback became a tonic tostruggling workers and unemployed people.