Download - Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

Page 1: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

Issue 13 9 August 2019

BOOKWEEK Our Book Week Parade was held on Wednesday. What a fabulous array of colours and costumes were on display at the Book Week Parade. This was a wonderful event for the Fairview students. Thank you to the library staff for organizing this annual event. Photos of the Book Week Parade are included in this newsletter.

PHONES Students in the upper year levels are able to bring their mobile phones to school if they are NAMED. The rule is that the mobile phones are to be given to the Office Staff each morning to be placed in the store room until the end of the day, when the students collect them. At no time are students allowed to be accessing their phones during the school day. It has come to my attention that some students in Year 6 were attempting to hide their mobile phones in their bags and use them during the school breaks. As our school rule states, it is not a right for primary

students to bring their mobile phones to school, it is a privilege. There are many consequences that can happen when primary students have access to their phones during the school day. So could parents please have a word to your child/ren about the privilege of bringing their phone to school. Thank you for your co-operation.

PREP ENROLMENTS 2020 Children born 1 JULY 2014—30 JUNE 2015 Parents at Fairview who have younger siblings that are eligible to attend Prep in 2020, please contact the office as soon as possible to enrol your child so we can gauge our future numbers.

FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS SS website address is:

Page 2: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

MUSICAL This week the Musical Practices Bus note was sent home. ALL students need to go to Highfields for these two practices. These two practices will be held on Monday 16 September and Tuesday 17 September. Buses will depart at 9.00am and return by 3.00pm. We are once again holding a morning performance on Thursday 19 September. Our Prep – Year 3 students will be invited to attend this performance. The musical students will travel by bus to Highfields on Thursday 19 September at 9.00am to prepare for this performance and return to school at approximately 1.15pm. The cost of the buses for this week is $22.00. Permission & Payment DUE MONDAY 2 SEPTEMBER TShirts ordered Our main characters have been practising hard already in breaks and after school each Tuesday. Our Chorus have been enjoying their Dance practise with the ‘Footsteps’ Group every Thursday. Mrs Pelcher is busy cre-ating our costumes and Mr Symonds is working hard on our Musical Set.

SWIMMING LESSONS Swimming permission and payments are due next Monday—12 August. Next week you will receive a final Swimming Let-ter which will include the swimming timetable.

P&C MEETING Our next P&C Meeting will be held next Tuesday 13 August, commencing at 7.00p.m. In the Staff Room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

SICKNESS As you would be aware by the messages sent home this week by text/APP/Facebook we have had many cases of Gastro in the school this past week. It is also Flu season! Parents, if your child displays any symptoms associated with these conditions or unwell, please keep your child at home. The Flu and Gastro is highly contagious and we do not want these conditions spread throughout the school. In the Fact Sheets sent out on our APP and Facebook pages this week, the Health Department recommends to keep your child home after these conditions for 24-48 hrs after the last episode of GASTRO. Please help us keep our students healthy!!

NON ATTENDANCE—WITHOUT REASON Good attendance and success at school go hand in hand. Absences from school are notified regularly to Education Queensland. We have a number of students who are regularly away from school without a valid reason. Every day counts and to en-sure that these students who are regularly away, have every opportunity to engage in learning opportunities, our Admin Team will be ringing their parents/carers when the Roll is recorded each day to see if there is valid reasons why their child is away so much.

ROAD RULES Congratulations for the way the majority of parents who fol-low the road rules. Just a reminder to parents that when the children come out of the gate in the afternoons, they need to use the crossings to get to your car. I have noticed, when we are conducting the Look Out Pro-gram in the afternoons, some parents take children across the road. Please use the crossings, it might be a little longer, but your safety is important. Some cars that are reversing might not be able to have a clear view of parents and little children darting across the road. Thank you for your co-operation.


The annual School Opinion Survey is being conducted

from 29 July to 23 August 2019. All families, school

staff and a random sample of students have been invited to

participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to

have your say about what our school does well, and how

we can improve. Access details for the Parent/Caregiver Survey was sent

home with students last week. The survey can be complet-

ed via computers, tablets or smart phones with internet

connection. Parents/caregivers who do not have access to the internet

at home are welcome to complete their survey online at the

school library. The computers in the library will be available

from 8.30-8.50am. Survey queries or requests for translations can be directed

to Gary Pascoe on telephone 07 46592888 or email

[email protected].

2019 - Term 3 Parent/Teacher Interviews

We have scheduled Parent/Teacher Interview afternoons on Monday 9 September and Tuesday 10 September 2019 from 3.20pm to 6pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall to allow Parents &Carers to meet with Classroom and Specialist Teachers. Interview appointment times are 10 minutes duration and need to booked on our online booking system SOBS as per instructions be-low. If you do not have Computer access please ring our Office to make the bookings. NOTE: Information entered into the SOBS booking system is outside of the school's network and therefore under the privacy infor-mation policy of the website – their policy states that they will not disclose this information to any other party, and nor will the information be used for any other purpose than managing these interviews.

Visit the school website Click on Quicklinks (bottom right hand side of screen) Click on SOBS Parent/Teacher Interview Bookings (last icon) Bookings open TODAY 7 August to 30 August 2019 at 3.00pm

Enter your email address or full name

Additional security options (optional)

Parent Information (name and contact details)

Add a Student (full name and year level)

Select appointment date (Monday 9 September or Tuesday 10 September)

Select all the Teachers from list you wish to meet with

Available Appointment times for all selected Teachers will ap-pear (click on time then save)

Select email or print appointment time

Specialist Teachers: Music–Carien Pelcher, Health & Physical Edu-cation–Al Aston, German–Richard Emmerson, Learning Support – Trina Murphy

IF YOU CAN’T MAKE AN ON-LINE BOOKING Contact School Office (46592888) 8.00am – 3.30pm

Leave your Details (Name, Phone No., Student, Preferred Time)

School will text an appointment time back to you

Page 3: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.


Payment & Permission Due Mon August 12

Please mark the following dates on your calendar for Term 3 Swimming Lessons:

Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4

Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is

due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

Have a read of the PBL Expectations that we have covered so far this term and will be looking at next week.


Practising Safety Eat your own food

Overall Respect Put your lunch box and rubbish away

when directed to do so

WEEK 5 Revisiting areas to be reinforced.

We have been busy reading at Fairview Heights and have now read 37 425 700 words! Well done to our readers! The following students earned the most Literacy Pro Points in their classes or Year level (Year 2 and 3) in Term 2.

These students received a book prize! Yr 2 Caleb Bell Yr 3 Bailey Fitzgerald 3/4T Harriett Johansen 4F Leah Bell 4V Tyler Rundmann 5F Patrick Ryan 5H Mikaela Blades 5V Briana-Mae McDonald 6F Dean Mitchell & Thomas Blakeway 6V Riley Becker 6H Hayden Gooderham

Keep reading and be on the lookout for our next exciting reading challenge…it will be beginning very, very soon! Karen Larsen Literacy Pro Administrator

Hall-Thorpe Sports provides fun and educational care for

children outside of school hours. Our program encourages an active and healthy lifestyle with a focus

on the children’s interests.

The service is conveniently located on the school grounds and offers a fun filled Vacation Care program.

To book a spot in our program please call

46 387 965

or visit

Check out some photos on our Hall-Thorpe Sports

Facebook site.

MUSICAL Our musical practices are coming along nicely and we are practising our songs and dances in our music lessons.

We hope to get the T-Shirts in the next three weeks. Please encourage your children to learn the words of the songs. They have each received a song book with all the words.

If there are any parents who would like to help us with make-up please let me know and we will contact you clos-er to the musical. You would need to be available at school from 7.30am in the morning on Thursday 19 Sep-tember (for the morning show). Then in the afternoon from about 4.30pm at Highfields Cultural Centre for the evening show.

GENERAL Congratulations to our Band who performed at the eisteddfod. We are so proud of them and Mr Ryan! Thank you to the par-ents for their support! Students will now keep their uniform until the end of the year. The Band is learning a song “The Four Seasons” that was composed by Vivaldi in the late six-teen hundreds and the theme for “Spring”.

Vivaldi was called “The Red Priest” because of his crop of curly red hair!

We are exploring drama and dance in this semester. Please note that our ”Sing – Along” group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings will start again in Term 4.

Thank you again for supporting our students in so many ways to give them the best education we can!

Phil and Carien

Page 4: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

Fairview Heights SS

2nd Hand Uniform Shop

Tuckshop Days

Mon, Thurs & Fri 9.00am—1.30pm


Tuckshop is now recycling drink containers.

All proceeds go to the P&C.

CAN YOU HELP: Have you considered volunteering in our Tuckshop—even for 1 hour?

Please contact Monica—Many hands make light work!

The next “MONDAY MEAL DEAL” order forms will be sent out next Monday. Orders can be made through flex-ischools or handed in with Cash through the Classroom Tuckshop Box or the School Office by the Thursday be-fore each Monday Meal Deal Day. Meal Deals are $6.00. There will be no other Tuckshop available on these days.

Meal Deal - Monday 19 August

Cheeseburger , Chocolate Treat & Drink

Orders are due back on Thursday 15 August.

Monica—Tuckshop Convenor



29 Jul– 23 Aug Online School Opinion Survey is open to complete

W 7- F 30 Aug SOBS—Parent/Teacher Interview Bookings Open Online

Mon Aug 12 Swimming Payment & Permissions due

Tues Aug 13 P&C Meeting—All Welcome

Wed Aug 14 Amaroo Yr 2/3M & 2V

Thurs Aug 15 Amaroo Yr 2F & 1/2W + 2’s from P4T & 25M

Thurs Aug 15 Meal Deal Order & Payment Due

Fri Aug 16 Disability Track & Field

Mon Aug 19 Tuckshop Monday Meal Deal Day

M/Tu/W Aug 19,20,21 Aug 26,27,28 Sep 2,3,4

Yr 3,5,SEP + PREP Swimming Lessons @ Glennie School

Fri Aug 23 Online School Opinion Survey due to be completed.

Fri Aug 23 Yr 2 Pantomine Permissions Due

Thurs Aug 29 Meal Deal Orders & Payments Due

Mon Sep 2 Musical Cast Bus Permission & Payment Due

Mon Sep 2 Tuckshop Monday Meal Deal Day

Tues Sep 3 Yr 2 Protective Behaviours Pantomine

Sep M 4-6 ICAS—Science Tests

Sep M 9– T 10 Parent/Teacher Interviews in Multipurpose Hall 3.20-6.00pm

Sep 9-10 ICAS—Writing Tests

Sep 11-13 ICAS—Spelling Tests

Thurs Sep 12 Meal Deal Order & Payment Due

Mon Sep 16 Tuckshop Monday Meal Deal Day

Sep 16-18 ICAS—English Tests

Sep 18—20 ICAS—Maths Tests

Mon Sep 16– Tues Sep 17

Musical Practise @ Highfields Cultural Centre 9am-2.45pm

Thurs Sep 19 School Musical Performance


Mon Oct 7 Public Holiday

Mon Oct 21 Student Free Day

Wed Oct 23 Pre-Prep Playgroup @ Prep Precinct 9.00-10.30am

Thurs Oct 31 Pre-Prep Playgroup @ Prep Precinct 9.00-10.30am

Mon Nov 4 Year 5 Camp Payments Due Year 6 Camp Payments Due

Tues Nov 5 Pre-Prep Playgroup @ Prep Precinct 9.00-10.30am

Wed Nov 13 Prep Open Day 9-30-11.00am

Wed Nov 13 2020 Prep Information Evening—School Hall

Mon Nov 25-29 Year 6 Camp @ Tallebudgera

Mon Dec 2-4 Year 5 Camp @ Emu Gully

HAVE YOU LIKED US YET? Check out our

Fairview Heights State School FACEBOOK page!

If not—Search for Fairview Heights State School. If you “follow or like” the FHSS page, you will keep up to date with what’s happening around the School.


Mon/Thurs/Fri Thurs

Tuckshop Yr 1-6 Tuckshop Prep

2nd Tuesday of Month

P&C Meeting – 7.00 pm – Staff Room—All Welcome

Wednesday Chess Group 8.00am in Library

Wednesday Instrumental Band Practice 7.50-8.50am (arrive 7.45) Instrumental Music Classes

Wednesday Breakfast Club @ 8am

Wednesday Woodwork Option—1st Break

Wednesday Assembly (in Hall) 2.20pm. Parents/Carers welcome.

Page 5: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

Congratulations to our Students !!

Students of the Week—Term 3

Week 3

Hayley, Parker, Kamilly, Noah, Harper, Savannah, Zac, Kobe, Emily, Keilyanne, Cooper, Isla, Indiana, Kloe, Tiana, Gabby, Summah, Hudson, Leah, Amy, Lilly, Chris-tian, Savannah, Lilly, Adam, Seth Byron, Shiana, Jett, Nate & Tayler.

Literacy Pro

Jackson, Alliera, Logan, Cody, Bodi, Zayden, Beau, Levi, Eden, Levi & Sam

Page 6: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

The theme for this year was- At Fairview, we aim every day, to make reading our superpower. Why…? Because “Readers are Leaders!” Our students were invited to ‘Dress Up’ as a FAVOURITE BOOK CHARACTER, FAVOURITE SUPERHERO or in a costume to REPRESENT YOUR VERY OWN SUPERPOWER.

Page 7: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.
Page 8: Issue 13 9 August 2019 · Mon/Tues/Wed August 19, 20, 21 Mon/Tues/Wed Aug 26, 27, 28 Mon/Tues/Wed Sep 2, 3, 4 Swimming Payment $75.00 and permission is due next MONDAY 12 AUGUST.

Toowoomba Oztag will be visiting Fair-view Heights school on 13th August

to run our FREE clinics as we lead into

our Junior Summer Oztag Season.

We look forward to seeing you at our information/come and try day on

Wednesday 21st August.