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Islamic Studies Study Guide


1. What criterion does the Qur’an set in regard to spending in the way of Allah? Islam encourages generosity and discourages miserliness. One needs to strike a balance in

spending. Neither become too generous to the extent of becoming a destitute nor be miserly!

2. What is the counsel of the Prophet concerning ‘sadaqah’? The Prophet urged Muslims to adopt moderation in spending money in meeting one’s own

needs, and those of one’s dependants. Muslims are enjoined to spend from ‘whatever one can


3. What is the best Sadaqah according to a Hadith? “The best Sadaqah is what comes out of sufficient resources and, in making it, you begin with

your dependants”. The best sadaqah, therefore, is that which starts from one’s own home.

4. The hand of Allah is full. Comment. Allah gives abundantly to those who spend in His Cause. There is no limit in Allah bestowing

His Blessings upon His servants.

5. What evils come out of miserliness?

* Murder

* Greed and jealousy

* Treating unlawful as lawful

6. A Hadith mentions the story of the owner of an orchard. What economic policy had he

adopted? What was its reward? What lesson should we learn from it?

* Assessing the profit from the harvest

* Giving away one-third of the harvest as charity

* Keeping one-third of the harvest for personal and family use

* Reinvest the remaining one-third

The reward was that he got exclusive heavenly blessings in the form of water which is a vital

resource for irrigation.

The moral of the story: ‘enjoy the fruits of the hard work and also don’t deprive the poor of their

share. Use resources wisely and keep the future in focus.’

7. What parable does the Qur’an use to illustrate the reward of those who spend in the way

of Allah? The parable of those who spend in the way of Allah is that of a grain out which grow seven ears,

in every ear a hundred grains.

8. Write a short note on the Prophet’s generosity. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the most generous of all. He never denied anyone


Once he said, “If Mount of Uhud be changed for me into gold, I would never have it that three

days should pass and the money still be lying with me.”

At the beginning of his illness, before his death, the Prophet had in his house seven dinars; he

ordered his relatives to give away even that money to the poor.

THE RIGHTEOUS Wife and Husband

1. Describe the role of marriage as the basis of Islamic society. The institution of marriage plays an important role in Muslim society. Allah has caused love and

mercy to flow from it in order to establish in the home an atmosphere of tenderness and

affection. Marriage is the basis to remain within the limits set forth by Allah. It establishes a

moral society devoid of illicit relationships. One of the main objectives of marriage is to found a

family which will contribute to the strength of Islam and community.

2. What is the responsibility of believing parents towards their children?

* To raise children according to the Islamic principles and beliefs.

* To provide them best education and moral training.

3. How should children be brought up and trained in a Muslim family?

Children are a trust from Allah. Parents must instil love of religion and fear of Allah in the minds

and hearts of their children. There are various ways how a Muslim parent can bring up and train

children, some of which are as follows:

1- Showing the values of good deeds and their effects on the individuals and society; also

showing the effects of bad deeds, all within the child’s capability of understanding.

2- Parents should be a good example in their behavior because children like to imitate their

parents in their sayings and their deeds.

3- Teaching the child the religious principles and tutoring him in worship, taking into account the

child’s capability of understanding. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to

have said: “Order your children to pray at the age of seven.”

4- Treating children nicely and kindly.

5- One of the important things that parents must teach their children is to choose the good

company and to the avoid the bad ones, because children are always influenced by the company

they keep. The bad behavior can be easily transmitted through bad company.

6- Encouraging the child’s sense of belonging to the Muslim Ummah, by teaching him of the

brotherhood between Muslims, teaching him to care for Muslims in any land, and that he is part

of the Muslim body, to feel joy when Muslims are joyous, to feel sad for Muslims’ sadness.

7. Taking children to the masjid.

8. Teaching them the history of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and his

companions and the history of Islam, bearing in mind the child’s capability of understanding.

4. What is the Qur’anic guiding principle in matter of marriage? * ‘Corrupt women for corrupt men and corrupt men for corrupt women;

good women for good men and good men for good women’.

* ‘the fornicator shall marry none but a woman who fornicates’.

5. What criterion does the Hadith, mentioned in this lesson, set for a believer in the choice

of spouse? What is the wisdom in it? Religion and piety must be the criterion while choosing one’s life partner. Piety will lead the

couple to obey the commands of Allah and fulfil their rights and obligations. Consequently peace

and security will prevail in the family.

6. What does the expression ‘may your hand be smeared with dust’ mean? The Arabs use this expression to encourage someone to do the desired action.

7. Marriage to an idolater or an idolatress is forbidden in Islam. Explain.

Marriage means living under one roof in harmony, love and peace. This will happen only when

one’s spouse is of one’s belief system. Marrying someone with conflicting beliefs not only

brings about disaster in the family but also defeats the very purpose of marriage.

8. What are the prohibited degrees of marriage? Prohibited to you for marriage are – Your mothers, daughters, sisters, father’s sisters, mother’s

sisters, brother’s daughters, sister’s daughters, foster-mothers, foster-sisters, your wives’

mothers, your step-daughters, wives of your sons proceeding from your loins, and two sisters in

wedlock at one and the same time; Mushrik men and women until they believe.

9. Seeing the woman to whom one proposes marriage is permissible in Islam. Explain. In order to avoid future regrets, a Muslim boy is allowed to see the girl to whom one proposes

marriage. Here seeing also means knowing about her religious nature. The same is true for a

Muslim girl.

10. What are the benefits of marriage? What part may a religious faith play in building a

happy marriage?

Some of the benefits of marriage are:

A morally clean society

Prevention and elimination of illicit sex

Peace, love and harmony between the couples,

Adding strength to one’s religion and community.

Continuation of human race.

Religious faith and righteousness keeps the family well knitted with peace and harmony

prevailing at home.

11. In Muslim family, what are the rights and the responsibilities of

(a) the husband and (b) the wife?

The Wife’s Rights: The Husband’s Responsibilities:

1. To treat his wife with honesty, kindness, honour, and patience; and not to cause her any harm

or grief.

2. Have full responsibility for providing food, shelter, clothing, general care and wellbeing.

The Husband’s Rights: The wife’s Responsibilities:

1. The wife must be faithful, trustworthy, and honest.

2. To take care of his possessions and children

3. Not to do anything against the wishes of her husband.


1. What is the importance of Zakah in Islam?

Zakah, one of the five pillars of Islam, is a compulsory act of worship and one of the basic

principles of Islamic Economy. Mere verbal belief in Islam has little weight unless accompanied

by Zakah in practice. Not giving Zakah amounts to kufr (disbelief).

2. What is the primary objective of Zakah?

The primary objective of Zakah is religious and spiritual in that it removes man’s greed for

wealth and makes him come closer to Allah. It provides social security and helps bridge the gap

between the rich and the poor.

3. What did Abu Bakr as-Siddiq do when some tribes refused to pay Zakah?

He waged war against them until they agreed to give Zakah.

4. Zakah is a form of social security. Discuss. Zakah is an important means of providing social security. Islam refuses to allow individual

members of society to be denied the basic needs of life, like food, clothing, and shelter. It is

necessary that these things are available to all members of society. It is made available through

the institution of Zakah. The poor, unfortunate and helpless Muslims have a right in the wealth of

the rich.

5. Write a short note on each of the following:

1. People who are entitled to receive Zakah:

Eight categories of Muslim people are entitled to receive Zakah:

1. The poor – The ones who cannot pay for their barest essentials.

2. The needy -The ones who live under great hardships and difficulties but do not beg from


3. Those appointed by an Islamic state to collect and distribute Zakah.

4. These are those people who might enter or who have already entered Islam.

5. For freeing people from slavery and bondage.

6. Those who are in debt. Not to be given to those living in luxury but to those living a normal

life. For eg. Someone who has gone bankrupt because of job loss and is overburdened with debt.

7. Fi Sabeelillah – In the way of Allah. This can be for any good cause. For eg. Building Muslim

clinics and hospitals, to pay for the studies of the poor Muslim students.

8. Traveller. This refers to a traveller, for instance who has lost his wallet and has to get back to

his home.

2. Tips on Spending in the way of Allah:

1. Give only to please Allah.

2. Give only good things.

3. Don’t injure the feelings of the poor and needy by stressing your generosity.

4. Give to the deserving.

5. Guard against misuse. Do not give for evil purposes.

6. Do not delay the payment. Give in time.

6. How does Zakah differ from Sadaqah? Zakah is obligatory while Sadaqah is optional. Zakah must be given once in a year. Sadaqah can

be given as many times. Zakah is due on rich Muslims. Any Muslim can give Sadaqah. Zakah is

one of the five pillars of Islam while Sadaqah is not a pillar of Islam.


1. No sin is more swiftly punished than oppression and the breaking of family ties. a. What is a sin? Sin is a deed the doing of which pricks one’s heart, and one doesn’t want

others to know about it.

b. What do you mean by ‘no sin is more swiftly punished than oppression and the breaking

of family ties’? It means Allah is quicker to punish those sinners who commit oppression, and indulge in

breaking the family ties.

c. What is oppression? Oppression is tyranny. It is to treat people with harshness and cruelty. It

is also to deny and violate the rights of others.

d. What is meant by breaking of family ties? It is the severing of family relationships.

e. The person who breaks the family ties, will he go to Paradise? Why?

No, he won’t because the Prophet صلى هللا عليه وسلم once said, “the one who severs family

relationships will not enter Paradise”.

2. “There are three things which save and three things which destroy: Those which save

are: Fear of Allah in secret and in public, moderation in poverty and in wealth, and

speaking the truth whether angry or calm. Those which destroy are: passion which is

pursued, avarice and self-admiration”.

a. What do you mean by ‘moderation in poverty and in wealth’? It means adopting and

maintaining balance & moderation in spending one’s money, be it in poverty or in plenty.

b. What is avarice?

Avarice is to have an extreme desire for riches and to be greedy of wealth.

c. What is meant by ‘passion, which is pursued’? It is a continuous involvement and showing of interest in the feelings of love, hate or anger. For

example, a person who has great enthusiasm in pursuing a path of lust or sex is said to have a

passion for sex.

d. What is self-admiration and why is it a cause of one’s destruction?

Self-admiration is to take pleasure in talking about oneself or boasting about one’s personality,

achievement or abilities. It is to have pride and satisfaction in oneself. The self-admirer thinks

that he exists on his own and that he can do without the help of Allah. This ungratefulness nature

will lead him to destruction.

3. “On the Day of Judgement no step of a servant of Allah shall slip until he has answered

concerning four things: 1. His body and how he used it 2. His life and how he spent it 3. His

wealth and how he earned it, and 4. His knowledge and what he did with it.”

a. Mention the four things about which every person will have to give account of on the Day

of Judgement? The four things are: 1. His body and how he used it 2. His life and how he spent it 3. His wealth

and how he earned it, and 4. His knowledge and what he did with it.

4. “When a person dies, his deed come to an end except in respect of three matters which he

leaves behind: A continuing charity, knowledge from which benefit could be derived and

righteous children who pray for him”.

a. Explain the above-mentioned hadith. This hadith tells us in clear terms that after a person’s death, his Book of Deeds is closed but for

three things which he leaves behind him in this world. That is, the rewards of these three things

will be credited in one’s Book of Deeds even after one’s death. The three things are i) A

continuing charity ii) beneficial knowledge and iii) righteous children’s supplication for their

deceased father or mother.

b. What is meant by ‘a continuing charity’? It is called ‘sadaqah jaariyah’, that is a charity whose benefits people continue to reap even after

one’s death. For example: A Muslim built a mosque or planted a tree. After building the mosque

or planting a tree he dies. The mosque or the tree is of use and benefit to others. The rewards of

people praying in the mosque or drawing benefit out of the tree will go to that Muslim.

5. “The generous person is near to Allah, near to men, near to Heaven, far from Hell-fire.

The miser is far from Allah, far from men, far from Heaven, near to Hell-fire. And

ignorant person who is generous is better in the sight of Allah than the worshipper who is


a. What is the Prophet trying to emphasize in this hadith?

In this hadith, the Prophet Muhammad وسلم صلى هللا عليه is motivating Muslims to adopt generous

attitude in them and to shun miserliness. He is emphasizing that generosity and kind-heartedness

will lead a person to Paradise and miserliness could take him to Hell-fire.

6. “Whoever desires to become the strongest of men, let him put his trust in Allah”.

a. How can a Muslim who puts his trust in Allah become strongest of men? A Muslim who puts his trust in Allah is relieved of worries, anxiety and pessimism. He is free

from hopelessness. He feels satisfied in what he does because he is confident that his Almighty

Lord will help him in his endeavors. Trust in Allah makes one physically, mentally and

emotionally stronger.


1. What comments does the Qur’an offer on the temperament of the Prophet صلّى هللا عليه

? وسلّممTwo verses can be cited:

a. “He is eager for your happiness, full of concern for the believers, compassionate and kind”.

b. “It was through Allah’s Mercy that you were gentle to them; had you been stern and hard of

heart, they would surely have scattered away from you”.

2. What did Ali ibn Abi Talib صلّى هللا عليه say about the nature of the Prophet رضي هللا عنه

? وسلّمم

He said, “The Prophet صلّى هللا عليه وسلّمم was benevolent, lavishly generous and exceedingly kind-

hearted. It was a pleasure to have his company. Whoever met him for the first time was filled

with awe but with closer contact became attached to him”.

3. What did a man complain against Mu’adh ibn Jabal رضي هللا عنه ? What was the

Prophet’s reaction to it? What does this incident signify?

A man complained that Mu’adh ibn Jabal رضي هللا عنه, while leading Salah, used to recite such

long Surahs of the Qur’an that it had become a hindrance for him to offer Salah.

The Prophet صلّى هللا عليه وسلّمم became very angry at Mu’adh رضي هللا عنهand he said, “He who

happens to lead the Prayers should recite short chapters, for in the congregation of those that

pray there are the weak and the old”. This incident signifies that the Imam should recite short

surahs rather than lengthy ones.

4. Describe two incidents from the life of the Prophet صلّى هللا عليه وسلّمم that illustrate his

mercifulness. a. Being extremely kind- hearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of cruelty.

Once a man threw a goat on its side and began to sharpen his knife to slaughter it. The Prophet

happened to witness it. He said, “Do you want to kill it twice? Why did you not صلّى هللا عليه وسلّمم

sharpen the knife before throwing it down”.

b. The incident of a man complaining to the Prophet صلّى هللا عليه وسلّمم about Mu’adh reciting

long chapters of the Qur’an while leading the prayers and the Prophet’s angry response to it is

sufficient to say that the Prophet صلّى هللا عليه وسلّمم was very kind to people even in matters of




1. He is not of us who shows no respect for our elders, or who has no compassion

for our young, or has no appreciation for the rights of our learned. a. What is meant by ‘He is not of us’? It means that he is neither a true Muslim nor does he belong to the true Muslim community.

b. How can one appreciate the rights of the learned people? By respecting them for the knowledge they possess, honouring them by giving due position and

status they deserve and heeding to their advice.

c. Mention a few points on how to be compassionate towards young. * Being merciful and kind to children and young people;

* Not beating them, not using harsh words while talking to them;

* Appreciating them when they do good things;

* Politely rebuking them when they do bad things;

* Giving them the right to enjoy their childhood, like for example by abolishing child labour.

2. No one among you shall be a true believer unless he likes for his brother what he

likes for himself. a. Explain this hadith. A true believer in Islam is the one who wishes for his fellow believers the same he wishes for

himself. He cares for him like he would for his own brother. There is no envy or jealousy in his

heart against them. He wishes good for his fellow brothers always.

b. What does this hadith encourage among Muslims?

This hadith tells us about the importance of brotherhood in the Muslim Ummah. If our faith in

Allah is strong then nothing can divide us. The brotherhood system is clearly an example of

Islam’s solid commitment to the establishment of a brotherhood based not on color, language,

race, or ethnicity, but purely on faith. Muslims need to conscious of this system and our

community leadership should be proactive to implement the Islamic ideals.

3. Do not think evil of others, nor probe into others’ affairs, nor incite one against

the other. Avoid hatred and jealousy. Do not unnecessarily oppose each other.

Always remain the slave of Allah, and live as brothers to each other. Explain the above-mentioned hadith.

In this hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has highlighted the aspect of maintaining good

relationship among the believers.

The following is learned from the hadith:

1. We should think well of others.

2. We should not unnecessarily interfere in others’ affairs.

3. We should not harm others, nor do anything which may create hatred in others’ hearts.

4. We should not be jealous of one another. Jealousy spoils relationships between people rather

than creating love between them.

5. Having different opinions is not bad. But unnecessarily arguing leads to rifts.

6. Our faith in Allah unites us. Therefore, we should do everything permissible and possible to

maintain brotherhood in our Ummah.

4. By Him in whose Hand is my life, I love that I die in the way of Allah and made

alive, that I die again and again given life only to die again in the way of Allah. a. What do you learn from the above hadith?

The best way to depart from this world is through martyrdom. For that reason our beloved

Prophet (peace be upon him) said he would love to die again and again as a martyr.

Martyrdom is so highly valued that a truly devout Muslim would wish to return to earth many

times in order to repeat the experience.

In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Nobody who dies and finds good from

Allah (in the Hereafter) would wish to come back to this world even if he were given the whole

world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom,

would like to come back to the world and get killed again (in Allah’s Cause).”

5. Allah, the Exalted is He, has decreed: O sons of Adam! If you commit yourselves

and worship Me then I will enrich your hearts and deliver you from poverty. But if

you refuse, I will fill your hearts with concern, and allow you to stagnate in the

poverty of your own souls. a. Does our worshipping Allah benefit Him? Our believing and worshipping Allah benefits us only. It does not benefit Allah in any way as He

is the Self-Sufficient Master Who does not need us, nor our worship.

b. What is Hadith Qudsi?

Hadith Qudsi is a sacred hadith from Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon

him) which is not a part of the Qur’an.

6. He who establishes a good precedent gets the reward for it and the reward of

all who act upon it till the Day of Resurrection without diminishing their reward in

the least. And he who sets a bad precedent bears the guilt of it and the guilt of all

who act upon it till the Day of Resurrection, without in the least diminishing their

guilt. a. Explain the above hadith.

If we set a good example, we will get the reward for it in our life and even after our death. If we

set a bad example, we will get punished for it in our life and even after our death. The Prophet

has also said, “When a man dies his actions come to an end except for three: an ongoing charity; knowledge that benefits others, or pious offspring who prays

for him”.

b. What is the hadith pointing towards? The one who begins or initiates any good act, gets the reward not only for

beginning or initiating that good act but also gets the reward that is due on

all those people who follow his initiation. Likewise, the one who begins or

initiates any bad act, gets the punishment not only for beginning or

initiating that bad act but also gets the punishment that is due on all those

who follow his bad example.


1. What is the importance of Salah in the life of a Muslim? Salah is central to Islam. It is the core of all piety. It is the first and foremost duty of every

Muslim after the declaration of Shahadah. It is the act which distinguishes a Muslim from a Kafir

(an unbeliever).

2. Can an adult Muslim be ever exempted from offering Salah?

No, an adult Muslim can never be exempted from offering Salah. However, a Muslim woman is

exempted from offering Salah under certain specific cases.

3. What is a Muslim commanded to do when he is not able to offer Salah in its prescribed

time? When a Muslim is not able to offer Salah in its prescribed time due to some genuine reasons, he

is commanded to make up for the missed prayers later on promptly.

4. What according to a Hadith is the expiation of a Salah missed due to sleep or

forgetfulness? Its expiation is that the Muslim should offer the missed Salah when he remembers it.

5. What is meant by the expression ‘Qada al-fawait min-as-salawat’? It means rules regarding the missed prayers.

6. What is the command of Shariah concerning the missed Salah? a. It is sinful to miss a Salah deliberately or due to negligence. One must repent sincerely and

refrain from neglecting one’s duty.

b. With the exception of women in confinement or menstruation and the one who remains

unconscious or insane for some time, every adult believer must make up for each of his missed

obligatory Salah.

c. If due to a genuine reason, a Salah is missed, one should try to offer it promptly, and avoid

delaying it unnecessarily. This is an obligation which must be fulfilled.

7. Who is called the Sahib at-Tartib in the terminology of Shariah? Sahib at-Tartib is that Muslim who, after having obtained adulthood, has not missed his prayers

and if at all missed previously, has made up for them promptly, and now has not more than five

missed Prayers to be offered. Such a person may not perform his next Salah at its prescribed time

unless he has first performed the missed Prayers in their proper sequence.